[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-10-28 Thread olle
Another raving customer/user

We have been using JBoss for some 3 years, this helped to gradually adopt a lot of 
OpenSource products [and buy some support as well :)]

Please move on with JBoss mail. Our company is on the search for a replacement for 
Notes mail. We tried Apache James, JBoss Mail M1 and the later seems to be viable 
alternative, except for the fact that:
- it does not have IMAP
- it's been in M1 mode for quite some time - this one kills all my efforts to present 
this to a wider public.

Where else can we whine to be heard?

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try doing some work on it then. A mail service support IMAP is not a priority task.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-05 Thread ptyork
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Try doing some work on it then. A mail service support 
IMAP is not a priority task.
Scott, first off Andrew asked for the "whining" requests from "pain in the ass users." 
Your seemingly snippy reply to a legitimate request from a real or potential customer 
seems counter-productive to your goals of attracting both customers and (perhaps more 
importantly at this stage of the project) developers.

It seems to me that there is a significant chicken-and-egg problem here. I have to 
imagine that there is real demand out there for an open-source alternative to 
Exchange. A real alternative, including IMAP support (how can this not be a 
priority??), but also calendaring, Outlook (i.e., MAPI) support, mobile device 
support, etc. If a true F/OSS alternative to exchange existed, especially one that had 
a strong support infrastructure and a viable company behind it (like JBoss, of 
course), then I can't imagine that a significant corporate user base would not 
develop--one that would be more than willing to pay for support and training. The M1 
release, while a great start, cannot possibly go into any semblance of production in a 
real organization. Thus, there won't be any real customers to create the feedback and 
demands that seems to be required to stimulate support for continued development of 
the project from within JBoss. Thus, the project may well be dead, which would be a tr!
 ue shame.

I had the pleasure of speaking pretty extensively with Marc yesterday. One of the 
things I walked away with from this conversation was that for the Professional Open 
Source model to work, especially if you are targeting enterprise customers with 
infrastructure services, you have to have relatively mature products before you can 
expect any real return on investment (to be "zero cash-flow" or "cash-flow positive" 
or whatever term he used). Mail Services is simply not there yet. This is a classic 
R&D investment conundrum. Are you willing to invest the time and capital necessary to 
get the product to a point that it can get past the "try it out" phase to the "roll it 
out" phase?

It seems the big problem here is lack of developer support, especially from the 
outside community. James seems to have much the same problem. Perhaps the project 
isn't sexy enough or developers don't see personal (or intrinsic) value in 
contributing to this particular project. It would seem necessary to do one or both of 
the following: a) invest in the necessary "professional developer" time to get this 
thing ready for prime-time, or b) put forth a significant marketing effort to 
attract/incent outside (amateur) developers to participate. Lacking either of these, 
it seems unlikely that this project can succeed. Andrew indicates that (a) is not 
happening at present. Assuming this is the case and things won't change internally at 
JBoss (I would argue perhaps that they should, but won't here), it seems like some 
effort towards (b) would be a relatively easy and cost-effective solution.

I might suggest a couple of things. First, you might consider posting a request for 
developers on the home page--a "hot project" box or something to entice potential 
contributors towards this project. Figure out some way to make this project seem sexy 
and worth a hackers investment. Second, I would suggest taking the time to put 
together some form of architectural overview at a low enough level that it is fairly 
simple for a good developer to get started quickly (reducing barriers to entry in 
economic terms). For my part, I downloaded the source and have been trying to figure 
out how things are glued together. I've had little luck, thus far. I have no doubt 
that given enough time, I could figure out how it all works, but that would require a 
major investment of my time. For a relatively minor investment of Andrew's time, I 
(and other potential contributors) could get quickly up to speed and contribute 
meaningfully to the effort.

Hope this helps, or at least sparks some more debate on the subject.

Paul York, Ph.D. Student
Management Information Systems
University of Georgia

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-05 Thread ptyork
Just one more quick note on IMAP support. Implementing IMAP is probably the most 
logical way of getting a usable WebMail interface up and running quickly. Most WebMail 
interfaces I've played with (most natably SquirrelMail and Horde, but I'm sure there 
are similar Java/JSP based alternatives) simply use IMAP to connect directly to the 
mail store. Easy and clean. I would assume that eventually you'd want a more full 
featured and integrated WebMail interface to support more of the advanced features of 
Mail Services, but simply recommending/modifying one of these IMAP-based projects 
certainly seems the quickest and easiest path to a good WebMail interface.

Paul York, Ph.D. Student 
Management Information Systems 
University of Georgia 

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
And your discussion with Marc should have touched on the JBoss Labs effort which is a 
proving ground for open source projects. The Mail effort needs to be moved into the 
JBoss Labs stage 1 effort where it will need to prove that a developer community can 
be built up to the point where JBoss will provide seed funding to take it to the next 
level. Professional Open Source is not throwing darts at potential projects and 
sinking money into them in the hopes that they succeed. Its taking projects that have 
a proven viability ala the voluteer approach to the next level.

Someone needs to step up to the plate and get this project going.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-05 Thread ptyork
Scott, yes our conversation did include the proposed "incubator" model, which I think 
is a probably (and reservedly) a good idea. I also agree that Mail Services should 
perhaps be moved there. But I guess there is a bit of a strategic question here. Does 
JBoss identify a strategic set of software that it wants to provide to meet customer 
demand and work to generate developer traction (demand-side economics), or does it 
look for projects that already have developer traction and try and generate customer 
demand (supply-side economics). Marc didn't discuss this directly, but I walked away 
with a bit of a mixed strategic message, here (perhaps you respond to customer demand 
for existing projects but rely on developers to dictate future projects). I can 
see merits on both sides, though I personally would argue that the demand-side option 
might be more of a positive differentiator for JBoss. Every other open source 
organization seems to be supply driven. JBoss seems uniquely positioned to provide a 
demand driven approach, and further seems to have the most to gain from such an 
approach. Certainly not "throwing darts," but trying to identify the most salient 
complementary products to your core and investing strategically to get traction.

Having a generic incubator would seem to be a bit counter to this. The "sexier" 
projects would get the most developer support at the expense of the potentially more 
lucrative and strategically beneficial projects. Again, though, it shouldn't take much 
to steer developers towards the more strategic projects, even if you don't directly 
support it monetarily. Front page marketing, contests, spotlighting, etc. are all 
cheap and easy ways of incenting developers towards working more concertedly for the 
betterment of JBoss, rather than JBoss being entirely at the whim of the developers.

Just some thoughts...

Paul York, Ph.D. Student 
Management Information Systems 
University of Georgia

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jBPM is an example of a project we are immeadiately promoting to a supported status 
because its a strategic build out of the middleware stack.

A mail server is a prove it to me type of project given there are a plethora of 
solutions from open source to commerical.

Both types of projects will be introduced into the JBoss Labs effort. At the end of 
the day every project has to prove it can pull its own weight.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-18 Thread iwadasn

I would like to point out a few things. We are a medium sized company that uses 
exchange and JBoss. All our really important (business critical) work is done 
on JBoss, and we're very good at managing these appservers. If someone walked 
in today with a solution (open source or not) to run our mail servers off of a 
clone of one of our JBoss appservers, we'd sign up in a heartbeat if it had 
even a minimum of exchange like support. 

We already basically killed off our old issue tracking system with iTracker, 
because iTracker runs on a standard JBoss appserver using standard EJB. That 
means we can connect it to our DBs just like we connect all the rest of our 
appservers and it just works. No problem. For this very same reason, bugzilla 
won't even get in the door. We don't use MySQL, and we're not about to rollout 
apache and MySQL on some random box just for issue tracking. Our issues can 
reside in the DBs where everything else lives, and it can all be backed up and 
maintained together. 

This is why James is a non-starter for us. It uses some sort of messed up 
Turbine based framework that (in my experience) doesn't work at all, and they 
want to demand MySQL as well, which once again leaves their project dead in the 

Basically, what I'm saying is this. Any project that can use EJBs in JBoss to 
interact with our databases will almost certainly replace any product that 
cannot, for us. This goes pretty much across the board. Issue trackers (like 
iTracker), mail servers, bulletin boards, web-mail, calendaring, scehduling, 

I have no idea if we are current customers of JBoss inc., but I bet if someone 
offered to replace our exchange servers with a JBoss based alternative we'd pay 
a king's ransom to get some guys in here to perform the migration. That sort of 
thing should be JBoss's bread and butter. 

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-22 Thread mutpup
I'm not sure how many people realize the need for a good enterprise class mail 

Either for corperate mail, or ISP type hosting if the solution is right, people 
will pay for support.

This is one of those types of projects that isn't going to get moving in the 
community until people have something they can uselike Asterisk.

So, is this project dead on the table, or is Jboss planning on updating the 
roadmap dates?

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Its in stasis until someone steps up to lead the project.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-12-08 Thread komone
Here's my negative opinions (Andrew, apologies in advance, but it's a genuine 
set of opinions):

- This project has no planned architecture (let alone design). It desperately 
needs one.
- This project does not have genuine selling point other than that it is "the 
same old mail services only this time on JBoss" (yes, I have read "the case for 
mail services")
- This project is too unfocused in deployment of effort and feature delivery 
(for instance, the integration with Nukes bit - that's way too early to be a 
- If I see another custom, application-specific user/group management 
implementation I am seriously going to scream!
- It's dangerous (even suicidal) to tie an enterprise application to tiger just 
yet. For most big enterprises 1.3.1 is still a "standard" JVM.
- No lessons seem to have been learned from the experience of Apache James (the 
big draw for me in James was the ability to write Mailets, but it failed 
evaluation for much the same reasons as mentioned above and that have been 
previously posted in this thread).

So what to do?

Scott says "step up to the wire". The question is - what's the reward for what 
would be a major time investment.  That should be made clear first.

In the meantime, my initial feedback on the "overall vision" side would be:

ABOVE SENDMAIL etc or EXCHANGE? Find the single line answer to that question 
that is sufficient to convince anyone whether commercial or technical.
- Focus first on user/group management and figure out how to reduce 
dependencies to the point where it is NOT destined to be an inextricable module 
of the mail services.
- Deliver the IMAP so that a webmail interface could be built.
- Steal the mailets idea from james - yes, even the source as a start point.
- Look forward a bit and realise that you must ditch ejb2 entity beans and 
build on ORM (hibernate) - later provide an ejb3 implementation for java 5 when 
people actually want it
- Drop any other integration effort for the time being

Well, that's my 20 cents.


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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-12-08 Thread komone
Oh, and another thing (just to put the last nail my coffin of negativity), has 
anyone actually spoken with the James team or thought about a collaboration?


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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-09-28 Thread acoliver
Right now resources are tight because we don't get the kind of customer feedback we 
need.  Shout for it.  Demand it.  Say "We want it now!"  (this is a good start!)

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-09-28 Thread mutpup

See I was being a coward and taking a wait and see stance. Since I can't help with the 
coding I figured I we wouldn't try and rush you guys.

Everyone who is monitoring this project, and are eagerly awaiting a M2,M3, etc 

Lets generate some feedback, and get this thing moving forward. 

If you guys need specific feedback on the project let us know, and would be glad to 



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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-09-28 Thread acoliver
More than anything we need "I'm a JBoss customer or potential customer with use case 
XYZ we need JBossMail for TUV".  The scare us with threats to use big pieces of crap 
like Domino (okay I'm in hyperbole) haha.  Basically for the project to become a 
priority, like with any company, we have to demonstrate more demand (or better yet 
revenue).  Unfortunately to demonstrate more demand we need it to be maturewhich 
requires the project to be more of a priorityetc.  Secondly, we need more 
developers of course.  Tell us what features from M2 you most want, etc.

We need pain in the ass users :-)  (Though not ones who ask "what is email?" ;-) )

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-09-30 Thread mutpup
Well currently my company (ISP) is using a  CommuniGate Pro as it's email server. 
About 3500 accts. It works fine, but I'm intrigued as to how this system could scale 
cheaply..clustering and all. 

I have installed the M1 release,  and I'm close to making the next release my personal 
server. Friends and Family accts.

Priorities for me would be.

Multiple domain support
Clamav, spamassassin support.
Web configuration/administration
Exchange Server replacement.

I don't know where these fit into your plans, but I think  a basic functioning 
smtp/pop3 server that is easy to configure would get the install base growing rapidly. 
Then come back to the more advanced features.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-10-01 Thread triathlon98
How about IMAP support. Very hard to find an OSS IMAP mail server.


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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-10-03 Thread kabkhan
The plan is here:

(The times are wildly off for the reasons mentioned above.)

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2

2004-10-18 Thread iwadasn

Here's my official whine

Please finish Milestone 2 promptly.

At work I'm trying to use jboss mail services with itracker to make an email-enabled 
issue tracker, it would help greatly if your mail services worked well. If they did, 
then we could bundle jboss mail services along with itracker to assist others who have 
similar problems. 

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2 imminent

2004-11-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
With Kabir's help I proved that the bug is actually somehow in Entourage.  It 
doesn't happen on his side, and doesn't happen with Thunderbird.  So we should 
be go for M2 shortly.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2 imminent

2004-11-24 Thread iwadasn

Good to hear. Once a stable release is out, I'll try it on my server and give 
some feedback at least. I plan to try it with HSQL and Cloudbase (now Derby), 
hardly a production ready rig, but it should do for what I need. 

If you get out a stable release and have a nice list of things that need to be 
done, I'll at least check out the list and see if there's anything I think I 
can tackle without needing to spend two weeks reading the code.  

At work, our Exchange servers just went down in flames, and I'm sure the IT 
guys are very upset, so there's certainly an opportunity here, though not until 
 the system is more advanced than it currently is, but all in good time. 

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Milestone 2 imminent

2004-11-30 Thread mutpup
Awesome to see that this didn't die on the table.

Currently there are great opportunites for JBoss. Our currentl mailserver just 
jacked up their support costs to 4,000 per year. I would much rather have that 
running on JBoss and have the support pay for my webapps as well.

Keep it coming...

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