[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-04 Thread fperedo
Yes... I can see what you mean... but... then... how can we really learn what 
can, and can't be done in Seam on each level? I mean... errors are going to 
happen... and I have always loved tutorials with a troubleshooting are that 
says if you are seeing  error, is because you are trying to do  and 
that is not compatible with setting ZZZ, to fix it do A, or do B
Maybe the tutoria shouldnt teach it wrong... just incomplete, make some 
changes... run again... it fails... why it fails? well, because to do that you 
have to:
1)Enable de microcontainer
2)Modify some XML file
3)Hava a fully J2EE5 compliant container.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-04 Thread petemuir
I really think you are coming from this upside down - Seam is *simplest* to run 
in an EE5 container - and, obviously, JBoss AS is the most tested - using the 
microcontainer or EEJB3 is *more complex*.  Seam was built for EE5 environments 
- elsewhere we provide code to make it more like an EE5 environment!  This is 
why we start with tutorials which run on an EE5 platform.

If you are learning Seam I strongly recommend starting with JBoss AS and 
seam-gen.  Get the basics down, then, if you need to, you can get your app 
working on another server.

We do need to indicate which features aren't available if you don't have an EE5 
environment so that you can do a proper evaluation of Seam at the outset, and 
don't have control over your app server.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-04 Thread fperedo
I agree... Seam is simplest to use in an EE5 container... perhpas my problem is 
that I am used to other frameworks on which you learn the other way around:
1) How to do  it without EE5
2) How to do it with EE5

I guess all this comes from the fact that I would love to use Seam over OC4J... 
but from what I have read over the net, OC4J is kindof a EE4 container with 
full EJB3 support  (so... it is a an... EE4.5 container?) and since I liked 
Seam a lot a would like to use it, even if I have to turn off some of its 
features... but the thing is there is no guide to know what features will I 
miss if I have to do that (maybe I'll endup with a Seam so crippled that I 
would prefer to use some other framework)
I know it is not you fault... I would prefer to use JBoss or Glassfish, but 
OC4J is already deployed at my work, and there is some pressure to use it...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-04 Thread ASavitsky
fperedo wrote : Hi!
  | -First, transient POJOs: show me what can be done in 
  | SEAM without JPA or Hibernate. (a really simple in memory POJOs example 
with 1 page first, and then 2 or three) ¿this part needs the microcontainer?
No, though one does get included in the Seam-PDF example. You can safely drop 
most of MC/JPA/Hibernate stuff in such setup - though Seam does have some 
dependencies I couldn't get rid from: namely ejb3-persistence.jar (doh!) and 
hibernate-validator.jar (expressions, facesMessages and validators Seam 
fperedo wrote : -Second, persistent POJOs: evolve from the first tutorial and 
make some of its POJOs persistent (using just Hibernate, then show how to do it 
with JPA annotations) ¿this part needs the microcontainer?
there are alternatives to using MC - see 
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopict=104525 - though Pete 
is right, MC is the easiest to set up
fperedo wrote : 
  | -Third, full J2EE, add stuff like stateless  statefull POJOS that can only 
be done having a full J2EE5 stack (is there a difference between having a full 
J2EE5 stack and using the microcontainer?)
From top of my head (incomplete list):
Stateful, Stateless and message-driven EJBs (forget about @Stateful and 
@Stateless). Entity beans are in, though.
Persistence Context injection via @PersistenceContext (use @In)
You have to (or, rather, you better to) use Seam-managed transactions and 
Seam-managed persistence contexts if you're outside J2EE container



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread stu2
I was a complete newbie in January, so have recently followed the path you're 
on.  I think seam-gen's main benefit is just providing a project structure and 
correct packaging of a seam app.  The generation stuff was useful for my first 
test page, but I haven't used it since.  It's much better to just create things 
by hand, especially since seam apps tend to be code-light.

I did find the book useful.  I picked up a rough cut from Oreilly's safari, and 
read it straight through.  It's a little dated (seam development is moving 
FAST), but is a much gentler introduction than the docs.  Docs become extremely 
useful once you get the core concepts.  

Beyond that, I've found that the breadth of example apps included to be 
tremendously helpful.  When I'm not sure how to do something, I often grep 
through the example source to see where whatever-it-is is being used.  The wiki 
in particular elegantly implements some non-trivial functionality.  Lots to be 
learned from looking at others' code.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread fperedo
I tried creating a without J2EE5 application directly based in the register 
application... but... just failed... and couldn't find any posts (with answers) 
of problems similar to the ones I had...
I also didn't like the fact that all examples share the same huge ant file 
(makes it hard to understand if you are not an ant expert)
I believe seam-gen is a very good power utility for certain cases... but an 
step by step:
transient POJOs to persistent POJOS to J2EE5 tutorial  is really really 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread petemuir
yeah, seam-gen caters for the majority by providing ee5 ootb.  i'm not quite 
sure *what* a transient POJOs to persistent POJOS to J2EE5 tutorial is... the 
tutorial really builds up from basics!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread fperedo
well a transient POJOs to persistent POJOs to J2EE5 tutorial would be:
-First, transient POJOs: show me what can be done in 
SEAM without JPA or Hibernate. (a really simple in memory POJOs example with 1 
page first, and then 2 or three) ¿this part needs the microcontainer?

-Second, persistent POJOs: evolve from the first tutorial and make some of its 
POJOs persistent (using just Hibernate, then show how to do it with JPA 
annotations) ¿this part needs the microcontainer?

-Third, full J2EE, add stuff like stateless  statefull POJOS that can only be 
done having a full J2EE5 stack (is there a difference between having a full 
J2EE5 stack and using the microcontainer?)

Currently, the documentation starts with a short example, but that doesn't make 
it simple, too much background is needed to understand how all the moving parts 
of SEAM interact to give life to that example... that is why I want a step by 
step example... I understand that once I am an expert in SEAM I will want to 
use the generator to save me from doing repetitive stuff, but, now that I am a 
beginner... I find it a little overwhelming... of course I can just use it, 
but I am worried that after a while I find that I need to customize something 
low level and, if that happens... I am going to feel trapped in a dead end...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread fperedo
Perhaps, between each of the 3 steps of the tutorial, to show, the difference 
between more or less integration with J2EE, the tutorial should try to use SEAM 
wrong (trying to do something that can only be done with SEAM tutorial level 
3, in tutorial level 1, and showing how to do it right)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Is seam-gen really a good idea to learn about seam?

2007-05-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
anonymous wrote : the tutorial should try to use SEAM wrong

As a writer I can tell you that this is a very difficult approach. You should 
not show readers something that doesn't work, the risk that part of it is 
memorized is high. You can use that technique sometimes, but I don't think it's 
a good idea here. The problem is that JavaEE/non-JavaEE deployment options are 
many and complex, adding more wrong combinations doesn't make them easier to 

One of the reasons why I did not yet push for a press this key-style example 
tutorial is because there is still hope that we can somehow simplify the 
deployment options to one or two primary choices. Which, instead of 22 
configuration files for Hello World, would maybe run with 2. 

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