Re: [JBoss-user] Http Clustering: No store ?!?

2003-01-17 Thread João Clemente
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:36:57 +
Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> João Clemente wrote:
> > As I've reported some days ago, when using 3.0.5RC2, I am getting these strange 
>lines in my log file. This time I'm using 3.0.5 binaries available in sourceforge.
> > 
> > 01:16:45,502 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributable true
> > 01:16:46,062 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext#/webmail] using Distributable 
>HttpSession Manager: or
> > g.mortbay.j2ee.session.Manager@779959
> > 01:16:46,102 WARN  [Manager] No Store. Falling back to a local session 
>implementation - NO HTTPSESSI
> > 
> > As anyone seen this before? 
> If you set the  tag in your web.xml you should:
> 1. be doing so intentionally - it is a costly thing to do.

Yes, I am, since I'll need to support failover. My app keeps references in http layer 
(httpsession) to ejb layer objects. If I do not support http session replication the 
whole thing goes down.

> 2. uncomment the JGStore block in 
> deploy/jbossweb.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml

Hey! Is this new? I haven't done this step with the previous jboss versions, and I had 
some small test applications working correctly (with http replication enabled) then! 
Was this some jetty change introduced in the last days?

> 3. run the 'all' configuration, which contains JavaGroups which is 
> needed for session distribution.

Yep, I'm doing that.

Ok, let me try out and I'll post my new findings.

Once again, thank you Jules.

  João Pedro Clemente   -   jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] Http Clustering: No store ?!?

2003-01-16 Thread João Clemente
As I've reported some days ago, when using 3.0.5RC2, I am getting these strange lines 
in my log file. This time I'm using 3.0.5 binaries available in sourceforge.

01:16:45,502 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext] setDistributable true
01:16:46,062 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext#/webmail] using Distributable 
HttpSession Manager: or
01:16:46,102 WARN  [Manager] No Store. Falling back to a local session implementation 

As anyone seen this before? 
  João Pedro Clemente   -   jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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Re: [JBoss-user] Nature of Tomcat / JBoss integration

2003-01-16 Thread João Clemente
I did not completely undertood the scenario you described. Let me put some question 
that maybe will clear things up:

We can have tomcat+Jboss in one VM, or separated (just like jetty+jboss, as far as I 

If separated, you said they communicate over JRMP (is this some sort of RMI?).
If in the same VM, how do they communicate? Shared memory? Pipes? What?

  João Pedro Clemente   -   jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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Re: [JBoss-user] http session status = broken?

2002-12-30 Thread João Clemente
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'm a new user to jboss and am trying to figure out how to setup jboss
> > clustering, with http session replication.  I've scanned the mail archive
> > for this list and it appears to be broken?
> > Can I get a confirmation from people if it's really broken or if a
> > particular setup is?  However, if there is a way to get anything to work,
> > I'd like to try it.  I'm using jboss 3.0.4 and tried 3.0.5 rc2 from cvs
> > Branch_3_0.

Http session replication with jetty (standart jboss) has some problems, in particular 
about getting failover to work properly.
Besides the failover problem (some locking or being unable to syncronize) http session 
replication worked without a problem for me. 
Jules is working on this problem with Jetty. 

Dunno how good JBoss + Tomcat works regarding http session replication.
One other thing that crossed my mind was that maybe it's possible to use the ejb 
clustering framework with the http session aswell, instead of using the standart jetty 
implementation. I remember seeing refered in the clustering manual some option that 
would do this, but never tried it.

Sacha, as you're more use to this ejb clustering framework, maybe you know something 
about this possibility. Is it worth a try? 

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt

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Re: [JBoss-user] Using Apache web server - yes or no?

2002-12-17 Thread João Clemente
On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:26:20 -0600
Dan Christopherson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another thing to remember is that JBoss must run as root to listen on 
> port 80 or 443. That would be something that security conscious people 
> might not want to do on a public server.

About that particular issue, what's the problem with setting port forwarding (or 
whatever it's named)
from 80 -> 8080 and from 443 -> whatever ?!?

That would enable to use jboss as a normal user.

(Think as this as a generic administration/security question, and not JBoss specific. 
I'm wondering what is the problem of this solution for the issue of running whatever 
software as root.)

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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Re: [JBoss-user] Clustered Http Session Locks

2002-12-16 Thread João Clemente
> This is all my stuff,
> I'm busy until the weekend. I will look at it then.

Any news on this? 
I've runned the example some more times. One of two things happen: If it does not 
lock, it'll usually fail/throw exception to sync the sessions and the container will 
start with new sessions.

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] Same .war that I deploy perfectly in "default" throws exceptions in"all" ?!?

2002-12-14 Thread João Clemente

Hi. I have an web application (a .war) that I can deploy in "default" configuration 
under JBoss's CVS.
(This application will eventually get deployed as clustered.)

BEFORE I do any changes to the .war, I tryed to deploy it in "all" configuration.
The result is that sometimes it throws exception right there in deployment. If I 
undepploy and redeploy, if it goes through the deployment without complaints (and 
states "sucessfully deployed") it throws exceptions during usage.

But... nothing like this happens with "default" ?!?  I can't understand the difference 
between the 2 configurations that will make this happen, not the unknown behavior 
(sometimes throws exceptions during deploymnent, others not)

Any info on this?
Thank you

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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Re: [JBoss-user] Re: jboss and vi ( Re: [JBoss-dev] NEED YOUR HELP!

2002-12-13 Thread João Clemente
> Code completion is over rated, but there is a faq somewhere on the net 
> somewhere that shows how to set it up with vim.

Maybe, but is surely usefull when you just reminded yourself of the beguinning of the 
package tree you wanted, but forgot what was in the middle...

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] Clustered Http Session Locks

2002-12-11 Thread João Clemente

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 10:41:27 +0100
"Sacha Labourey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then a CTRL+BREAK (or signal -3) for a thread stack dump would be really
> helpful. Jules, maybe you have a bug when the session has timeout on of the
> node that is in a specific state. Just an idea.

I've done some tests and I'll post the dumps of both machines used. This is gonna be 
quite big so I'll attach the log files to this description, ok? 
I'll attach 4 log files, that represent 2 diferent runs.

So this is the scenario: 2 servers (video/compaq) + 1 client

+---+ ++
| video |--+--| Compaq |
+---+  |  ++
   | client |

1rst run:

1 - Start Video. Deploy servlet "counter", to /counter
   - Send request to video/counter. OK
2 - Start Compaq. 
   - Send request to video/counter. OK
3 - Deploy servlet "counter" in compaq. It gets the session from video.
   ( about the time warning in the log: I've sinched the clocks at this point)
   - Send request to video/counter. OK
   - Send request to compaq/counter. OK
   - Send request to video/counter. OK

4 - Unplug video. Shutdown Jboss. Plug Video. Startup Jboss ("counter" already 
   - Compaq sees video going down & up again.
   - Video locks after "GMS" lines (related to "counter" deployment)

   - Send request to compaq/counter. locked
   - Send request to compaq/jmx-console. OK
   - Send request to video/counter. not deployed
   - Send request to video/jmx-console. OK

2nd run
 1,2 and 3 same as before.

After 4:
  - video got up OK but no cluster was formed. No new machine seen, no nothing, as if 
it was alone in a cluster.
  - I repeated 4. Shuting down the machine.
  - Video got up, got through those "GMS" lines and deployed everything. Even got 1 
session (shouldn't it be 2 sessions?!?)
  - Send request to compaq/counter. locked
  - Send request to compaq/jmx-console. OK
  - Send request to video/counter. locked
  - Send request to video/jmx-console. OK

Environment info:
Both run j2sdk 1.4.0_01, jboss 3.0.5RC1 (cvs from 10 Dec 2002).
Video is Win2K, Compaq is WinXPPro.

The machines I was using yesterday and where I've also seen locks where a Win2k and a 
Linux running the same thing except the jdk that was j2sdk1.4.1_01.

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
" Why can't women put the toilet seat back up? "
Description: Zip archive

Re: [JBoss-user] yet HttpSession problems (Was:Anyone succesfullyusing session clusters?)

2002-12-10 Thread João Clemente

> Apart from this fix, ar you experiencing any other problems ?

well, yes, but still haven't understood it correctly, and I'm not sure if it's Jetty 
or cluster related. For instance:

During the afternoon, after applying the fix, I tested like this:
(server A and server B) 
Did some requets to A. 
Shutdown A. 
(B kept the sessions).
Started A. B send sessions to A correctly
invoked the servlet in A again, the session was ok!
(now, I took a break to eat some thing. Then got back and...)
Invoked servlet in A. No reply (endless loop in request). Other things (jmx-manager) 
worked ok!

I'll try to understand other cenarios and post it to you tomorrow. 
Joao Clemente

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[JBoss-user] Setting distributable tag on web.xml fails to deploy

2002-12-03 Thread João Clemente

I've tried to get http session replication woking by placing the distributable tag in 
my web.xml file, running with JBoss 3.0.3.

Well, the clustering manual says something like "place a clustering tag as true in 
web.xml" so I placed

and the deployment failed saying that the tag should be an empty one.
I checked the DTD for web.xml and in fact it says the tag does not carry a value.

Do I tried to add simply

and this one failed stating that there should be a closing tag.

So I placed

redeployed, and now Jetty itself reports an error. I don't have the logs here, but I 
think it failed in the replication manager (?)

Anyone had such an isse with 3.0.3? I could try with 3.0.4, but strangly a app 
(web+ejb) that my team is developing works fine with 3.0.3 and fails with 3.0.4 so I'm 
stuck with it...

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] How to use JBoss and rmiregistry simultaneously? (Ecperf related)

2002-12-01 Thread João Clemente

I'm trying to get around this problem for a couple of days now and I've still found no 

For what I've read, either for the instructions on JBoss's ECPerf CVS, the CSIRO kit 
instructions or the original ECPErf readme, the driver app need to run "rmiregistry" 
in order to launch the client workload application (what is called the driver apps).
However I'm not able to launch rmiregistry in a machine already running JBoss because 
JBoss opens the ports used by the rmiregistry to place the jndi naming service.
The instruction say the driver can be run in the same machine that hosts the 
"emulator" , that is a "emulator.ear" package, what means JBoss must be running to 
deploy the emulator. 
The only way I've found to get the rmi regostry working was to first start the 
rmiregistru and only then start JBOss, but that implies that some package in JBoss 
fail to deploy, so... there must be a better way to do this...

I'm getting quite clueless on what to try next...

Any toughts would be very welcome.. Thank you

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
" Why can't women put the toilet seat back up? "

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[JBoss-user] Re: Running ECPerf: "non-JRMP server at remote endpoint" !?!

2002-11-28 Thread João Clemente
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 15:12:09 +
João Clemente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can it be something related to rmiregistry? I think I've started it correctly since 
>I cannot bind it again
> (java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1099; nested exception is:
> Address already in use: JVM_Bind)

Strange, very strange: I found out that rmiregistry command fails it I have JBoss 
running, and it works if JBoss is not running.
So, something is wrong here, or my setup or the instructions:

Maybe the test driver MUST be on a different machine than JBoss? Does JBoss runs it 
own version of rmiregistry?
If so, why is it not compatiblw with the standart rmiregistry?
I'm still not sure if this is the error, but it is certainly strange

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] Running ECPerf: "non-JRMP server at remote endpoint" !?!

2002-11-28 Thread João Clemente

I'm trying to run ECPerf and when I get to the benchmark starting point
(start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java 
and at every command after that, I get this error messages:

java.rmi.ConnectIOException: non-JRMP server at remote endpoint
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(
at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.newCall(
at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.bind(Unknown Source)
at java.rmi.Naming.bind(
at com.sun.ecperf.driver.ControllerImpl.main(

I haven't found anything helpfull in google serch. JRMP should be something like RMI, 
I think. 
I haven't got a clue of what's causing this. I can browse ecperf application by hand 
so it is correctly deployed, as far as I can tell.

I'm using Jboss 3.0.4 with ecperf from last week's CVS, running with J2sdk 1.4.1_01.
Everything running in localhost, mysql as the database.

Can it be something related to rmiregistry? I think I've started it correctly since I 
cannot bind it again
(java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1099; nested exception is: Address already in use: JVM_Bind)

Any tip would be appreciated. Thank you!

João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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Re: [JBoss-user] run JBoss 3.0.3 with MySQL

2002-11-24 Thread João Clemente
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 22:42:09 -0700
"Rod Cope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just posted this link, but it seems to be called for again.
> Step-by-step JBoss + MySQL configuration: 
> Rod

First of all, Rod, thank you for this link.
However, this is a step-by-step on how to set JBoss to use mysql instead of 
I followed the steps trying to extrapolate whatever was needed to be done to use mysql 
without touching hypersonic or the defaultds, and I got is almost right:

I've deployed a mysql-service.xml mapping jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jbossdb with a 
JNDI name of "MySqlDS"
and a mysql-ecperf-service.xml mapping 
jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecperfdb with a JNDI name of "ECPerfDS"

No problem 'till now and I can deploy this and see they register and everything. 
However, as you state in the last section of the page you point out, to use mysql with 
CMP you need to configure something like this:

  Hypersonic SQL

So I think I need the following lines somewhere:

The question is ... where?? I think I cant put this in the place we find the defaultDS 
as that one is inside a  tag.

Any tip? 
João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
" Why can't women put the toilet seat back up? "

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Re: [JBoss-user] run JBoss 3.0.3 with MySQL

2002-11-20 Thread João Clemente
> > What do i need to do to run JBoss 3.0.3 with MySQL ?
> To begin with, you need to read this  
>  JBoss.3.0QuickStart.Draft3.pdf>.

I'm reading the quick start and I'm still confused... I've looked the example files 
under docs/examples/jca and found the mysql-service.xml.
What I'm still not sure is: Do we really need to configure the Security Domain? I got 
messed up when reading the comments on that mysql-service.xml file.
What I'm trying to do is to run ECPerf with the files from JBoss's CVS, and I found a 
file that I think it needs to be deployed:

But, in that file, we see a datasource definition, a jndi name, a connection-url, 
username, passwd, ...
The info included seems similar to the one inside the mbeans that are deployed through 
I think that this ecperfdb-ds should somehow refer to the mysql mbean, but I'm somehow 
lost in the middle:

a) If mysql-service mbean already define a connection string, why is it needed here 
b) If mysql-service needs a JAAS security domain (where you define the user/pass) why 
do you have it here again? 

Maybe I only need to get mysql-service and use it naming the "jndi" and "name" values 
to ECPerfDB ? 
João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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[JBoss-user] ECPerf from cvs (stupid error:I think I lack a environment variablesomewhere)

2002-11-18 Thread João Clemente
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 17:23:18 -0500
"Bill Burke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I did ran ECPerf tests and the RICE study on both linux and win2k. 

Hi. Sometime ago I asked you about this and you adviced to try ECPerf from JBoss's cvs.
I checked it out and I tryed to run it (after setting up the config file). "ant 
deploy" failed miserably and I think this is certainly a stupid error from not having 
something setup correctly:

 [echo] The classpath for compilation is 
[javac] Compiling 248 source files to D:\JavaSoft\jboss-3.0.4\ecperf\classes
[javac] D:\JavaSoft\jboss-3.0.4\ecperf\src\com\sun\ecperf\common\ 
package javax.ejb does not exist
[javac] import javax.ejb.EJBException;
[javac]  ^

So... "javax.ejb" does not exists I am almost sure I am missing something in 
Classpath or something else...
Sorry for this stupid question but... can you help me on this one? 

Thank you
João Pedro Clemente  -  jpcl (at) rnl ist utl pt
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