[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Jboss on Free non-RedHat/SUSE/Mandrake Distrubutions

2005-06-25 Thread dlmiles
Does the exact distribution make any difference ?

The key factors that affect JBoss'es environment the most:

* The kernel.
* The JVM.

The key factors that affect the JVM the most:

* Glibc version.

Any modern distribution ships with a 2.6.x kernel and 2.3.x glibc.  So from a 
"will it run?" and "will it be stable?" there is little difference if you 
compare at this level.

To say that one distribution should be recommended over another really has to 
reflect on the support contract level you want covering everything installed 
from those disks.  If your level of expertise is such that you will never make 
the call for help then any distro will do you.

If you want to be sure you have no legal concerns then maybe debian is the 
distribution for you, I believe they exclude non GPL packages from their distro.

If you are a corporation who wants to be sure that the necessary skills to 
maintain the system(s) you deploy will be available at the right price for the 
forseeable future then this is where RHEL is pitching.  They have successfully 
created their own eco-system and I see JBoss set to do the same.

As for CentOS I believe they re-built all the GPLed code base from the RHEL 
distribution minus any tools and programs that RH has not donated (or at least 
made available under license) to the community.  They look set to sieze the 
market in areas where RH have now turned their back on because they have bigger 
fish to fry.  Windows is starting to look cheaper to deploy when pitched 
against RHELs current pricing policies, so much for the toy OS of 10 years ago 
:) this is all good.

Exactly which parts of CentOS does RH own the rights to ?  I think you'll find 
as an overall % of data thats its very very small.  All the core components of 
the system RH definatly dont own these are all under GPL.  It would be illegal 
for RH to make modifications to this code and re-distribute without that 
modification also falling under GPL.  This is the primary reason historically 
of why RH are forced release their SRPM disks at the same time.

You have to remember that if it were not for GPL RH as a company would not 
exist, and they must be making plenty of money right so think of this as their 
way of giving back to the community in market areas that _they_ have decided 
not to cater for any longer.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: JBoss Hot Deploy

2005-05-16 Thread dlmiles
If its just WARs you are developing, I've settled on developing my WARs with 
Eclipse + WTP + Tomcat (outside of JBoss) as this integrration works for me.  
This is where Tomcat is started from Eclipse, this gives a certain amount of 
intuative development freedom that on the outside looks like dynamic .class 
reloading you are describing.  I can debug / edit my source and just reload my 
HTML browser for most changes to kick in.

Sometimes (twice a day) Eclipse throws a leg out of bed, but thats what I 
expect right now from 3.1M series.  But its still very productive to work with 

At this time Eclipse 3.1 + WTP + JBoss-IDE + Lomboz is in such a state of flux 
due to the excellent progress being made in all areas of integration.  I can 
see it being a good 6 months more before things start to settle down.

If you want to go back in time a bit (Nov 2004 - Jan 2005) I believe you can 
setup a mix of 3.0, JBossIDE and lomboz but I've not seen any hot class 
reloading in examples I've tried seen deployment assistance.  This whole 
approach is also set to become obsolete with WTP stabalization.

I believe what I'm doing with tomcat is also possible with JBoss somehow (or at 
least is my understanding of the vision of where the tools are going).  I've 
resigned to the fact its just too early to expect things to be working right 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: JBoss Hot Deploy

2005-05-16 Thread dlmiles
"kylewburke" wrote : Can someone point me to a thread that will tell me what I 
need to do to get Hot Deploy to work in JBoss-IDE on an exploded war file?

And me.  How to work with exploded EAR/WAR (maybe even HAR) in order to speed 
up the development/testing cycle.


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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Urgent help needed by a TOMCAT/JSP beginner...

2005-05-16 Thread dlmiles
"xiaozhide7" wrote : An error occurred at line: 2 in the jsp file: 
  | Generated servlet error:
  | EsosUtil cannot be resolved
  | i put my .jsp files inside ROOT/esos
  | and the .class file put into
  | ROOT/WEB-INF/esos/utility

Lets say your Java class is "com.mydomain.EsosUtil" then you should have your 
class file as:


if you have no package maybe:


will work for you.  But I'd not recommend packageless classes.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - RAD improvments + deployment speedups

2005-05-05 Thread dlmiles
I'm trying to improve the speed of development loop of changing code, 
rebuilding, redeploying, testing.

Pointers to any resources to speed up this process appreciated.

1) Is there a programatic way of sending a message to the major deployers (WAR, 
JAR, HAR, EAR) to deploy, redeploy, undeploy a file URI ?

2) Is there a programtic way to receive back a general status of that request 
and any error message back to an ANT help class that handles the messaging ?  
This would also allow ANT to deploy synchronously so that once ANT exited I can 
be sure I can start testing.  This would also allow deployment status to be 
received into Eclipse.

3) I believe JBoss can work with an exploded WAR/JAR/HAR/EAR directory ?   
Since there is no file to present / remove for the usual hot deployment 
mechanics to work, can JBoss be programatically told to redeploy (and therefore 
flush all classes, etc..) the exploded tree?

4) Can Tomcat work with exploded trees too ?

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: ejbCreate causes pointless UPDATE to be executed

2005-04-28 Thread dlmiles
I dont really know but...

Are you really sure TIMESTAMP is the SQL type you want and not DATETIME.  
TIMESTAMP has sub-second resolution and DATETIME second resolution.  It might 
be possible that Java is tracking sub-seconds and therefore sees these columns 
as needing updating.  The data might not be expressed as subseconds because 
java.lang.Date only has second resolution too, but that might not stop CMP 
tracking the fact and marking the object fields dirty.

I believe there to be other magic properties of the SQL type TIMESTAMP that 
simply dont apply to DATETIME.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: jboss.xml

2005-04-26 Thread dlmiles
Ok I just checked from a working setup...

Create an empty "' inside of your  element.  It doesn't like 
that.  Creating  just inside  it doesn't notice.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: jboss.xml

2005-04-26 Thread dlmiles
I hit that problem too.  Break the file, make up a tag element and re-deploy, 
stand back from the errors, not nice but sheds light on us mushrooms :).

Maybe someone knows how to enable logging (maybe it should be on by default) 
would probably fix many peoples deployment problems if they could see whats 
going on inside the deployer ?

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: jboss.xml

2005-04-26 Thread dlmiles
"dlmiles" wrote : Create an empty "' inside ...

I think the BBCode ate it.

Create an empty  inside of your  element.  
It doesn't like that.
  | Creating  just inside  it doesn't notice.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: application deployment question on Jboss4.0

2005-04-26 Thread dlmiles
"xgj6688" wrote : But when I call the jsp page from web browser(the jsp page 
call the stateless session bean's methods), I was told the bean's remote 
interface and home interface can not be resolved. It seems that when compiling 
the jsp page to servlet class, the container can not find the bean's remote and 
home interface.  what's the problem. I think I only need to provide necessary 
xml descriptors to tell the container  my EAR, JAR and WAR information,right?
  | Maybe you could post the top of your stack trace?

Again all from my limited understanding.

I've only ever heard Home and Remote interfaces being talked about in respect 
to "EJBs" this means your bean "implements javax.ejb.SessionBean' or another 
class in the javax.ejb.* family.

But it looks like you are trying to access them directly from JSP, maybe I've 
not gotten onto understanding that yet but the Beans my JSP access are regular 
Plain Old Java Classes ("public class myJspBean').  Inside this class I have 
code that resolves the JNDI and then executes the EJB Business Method.  Just 
like a test client does.

My understanding is that JSP beans are contained within the Servlet container 
(tomcat), this is not the same container as the EJB container (JBoss).  JSP 
naturally wants to call methods within its own container.

If you can execute EJB business methods directly from inside JSP I would be 
interested to understand that myself.

Maybe your problem is due to lack of the supporting classes for EJB ?

I generate Home and Remote interfaces with XDoclet from a base Bean, so around 
6 classes are generated from my EJB.  I wrote SiteLookStateBean all the other 
classes are generated, both my JAR and WAR have these classes:

   611 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |   3145 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |451 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |167 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |446 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |937 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 
  |   4774 Mon Apr 25 22:52:50 BST 2005 

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: application deployment question on Jboss4.0

2005-04-25 Thread dlmiles
>From my (limited) understanding of these things.

The WAR (Web Archive) contains HTML, JSP pages and Servlets, and its 
acompanying descriptor files web.xml and jboss-web.xml link it into the system 
and setup Tomcat.  This file is deployed as a 

The JAR containts EJB (incld statelss session beans) and its acompanying 
descriptor files applicataion.xml, ejb-jar.xml, jboss.wml to link it into the 
system and setup the bean containers.  This file is deployed as a 

If you want to combine both WAR and JAR then this is done into an EAR, but this 
would be recommened for your production version.

So you if you have put your stateless session EJB inside your WAR file, my 
limited understanding tells me it will not be deployed as you want.  Since the 
TomcatDeployer will pick it up and not the EJBDeployer.

Each of your beans when deployed should emit a line, this is a redeploy :

04:09:06,587 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/myManager, 
  | 04:09:06,897 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/myManager, 
  | 04:16:33,439 INFO  [EJBDeployer] Undeploying: 
  | 04:16:33,530 INFO  [EjbModule] Undeployed myState
  | 04:16:33,535 INFO  [EjbModule] Undeployed myTest
  | 04:16:34,024 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying myTest
  | 04:16:34,071 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying myState
  | 04:16:34,529 INFO  [EJBDeployer] Deployed: 

The insides of my MyManager.war:

 0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 META-INF/
  |268 Mon Apr 25 04:16:12 BST 2005 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/co/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/co/uk/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/co/uk/mydomain/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/co/uk/mydomain/test/
  |238 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |456 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |170 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |451 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |948 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |   4814 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |334 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/co/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/co/dlmc/
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/co/dlmc/util/
  |345 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/co/mydomain/
  |875 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |   1342 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |570 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |546 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |780 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |538 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |881 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |538 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |525 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |   2666 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |451 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |167 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |446 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |937 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |   4774 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |  0 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 WEB-INF/classes/uk/co/mydomain/dao/
  |523 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 
  |   2234 Mon Apr 25 04:16:14 BST 2005 

[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Stop Jboss from deploying and Undeploying beans on start

2005-04-24 Thread dlmiles
"ravanih" wrote : The reason for the need to restart the server is because as i 
mentioned earlier , the system is still under development and hence most of the 
time there are bugs which causes the EAR file to not deploy properly. Without 
restarting the server if you try to redeploy the EAR file by fixing the bug , 
Jboss would still complain that there is already an instance registered (Jboss 
seems to have this problem when there is an incomplete deployment) and would 
not deploy, unless you restart it. 
  | Regards,
  | Hiten

I've seen this problem too with the JBossDukesBank.ear, this was when I was 
using the incorrect version of jbossj2ee-src.zip for the startguide40.pdf and 
down to me trying to manufacturer ejb-jar.xml files that worked (or rather that 
appeared to work, it shut the build process up but my files were clearly wrong) 

When I corrected the versions of example source and this time the build process 
generated its own ejb-jar.xml files that problem no longer exists.

I can delete my EAR, or simply overwrite it and JBoss correctly runs a complete 
undeploy before redeploying again no signs of any already bound name exceptions.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: JBoss 4 on RH Linux 7 Locking up in EJB deployer?

2005-04-24 Thread dlmiles
"javatopia" wrote : That's it! changing:
  | The problem seemed to be that the security provider used /dev/random as an
  | entropy generator, and it somehow wasn't working.

Its not that it wasn't working, but one of the two device files is a real 
BLOCKING entropy gatherer and it does not report data if there is insufficient 
entropy to report.  It has a limited buffer (in the kernel) to maintian the 
last X bits of entropy.  Once you ehaust it by reading it all into your 
application it will block (unless you open the OS file desc non-blocking, then 
it will report kernel error EAGAIN but no data).

The other device is kernel random number generator that is fed from the kernel 
entropy gatherer, this will consistancy emit random data never blocking.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Jboss crashing linux box on shutdown

2005-04-24 Thread dlmiles
Are you sure you want to use JBoss with Java5 (aka 1.5.x).  Check out:

About JBoss installation :


About version / naming :


I notice on the Sun site there is no such thing as J2EE Java5, like there is 
under J2SE sections.  

Maybe I misunderstand but the JBoss install page can be read in one of two ways:

 * Written just as 1.5.0beta's were out, means that going beyond 1.4.2 is not 
recommended yet.  (This is the meaning I accepted)

 * Written after 1.5.x final release was out, means that using 1.5.x betas is 
not wise, but if you use 1.5.x final thats ok.

But I would be confused as to why anyone would still be using a Beta when the 
final thing is released, and further confused why anyone writing that comment 
wouild not have added "but 1.5.x final is ok" unless of course they did not 
know that information at the time.

I can report I've had no problems (yet) with operating system interactions with 
JBoss 4.0.2RC1, Blackdown 1.4.2.   Plenty of Java related problems tho, but all 
part of the struggle up the learning hill :).

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[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - Re: Unable to start the Jboss service over init scripts.

2005-04-24 Thread dlmiles
First of all confirm that JBoss works with Java5 (1.5) I am using Blakedown 
1.4.2 as I believe thsi is the correct version of VM to use JBoss reliably.


As for shell substitutions check out:

anonymous wrote : JAVAPATH=${JAVAPTH:-"/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_01/bin"}

to read:


that make more sense to me.

FYI I use Fedora Code 3 and use the following to start JBoss as a script 

  | #
  | JAVA_HOME="/opt/j2sdk1.4.2/"
  | export JAVA_HOME
  | PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH"
  | export PATH
  | JAVA_OPTS="-client -Djboss.bind.address= -Dprogram.name=jboss"
  | # -server
  | # -Dprogram.name=
  | # -Djboss.bind.address=jboss.home.darrylmiles.org
  | #
  | # -Xmx100M
  | # -Dhttp.port=8080 -Djndi.port=1700 -Duil2.port=1000"
  | # openCRX says:
  | JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Xms128m -Xmx512m"
  | #JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
  | #JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -b"
  | export JAVA_OPTS
  | cd /opt/jboss-4.0.2RC1 || exit 1
  | JBOSS_USER="jboss"
  | export JBOSS_USER
  | unset DISPLAY
  | DISPLAY="odin:0"
  | export DISPLAY
  | cd bin
  | exec ./run.sh -b >../LOG.txt 2>&1

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - NullPointerException during Duke's Bank login.

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
If I login with incorrect details I get back a error HTML page, when using the 
correct details 200/j2ee I get the following.

There is no mention of "ejb/customerControllerCould" in the source, maybe 
something in the source is appending the "Could" to the name ?

JNDI view shows that it does not exist in the Global JNDI namespace.

18:54:07,124 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: hack - Creating bean manager.
  | 18:54:12,138 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: Unable to lookup home: 
java:comp/env/ejb/customerControllerCould not dereference object
  | 18:54:17,145 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: Unable to lookup home: 
java:comp/env/ejb/accountControllerCould not dereference object
  | 18:54:22,152 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: Unable to lookup home: 
java:comp/env/ejb/txControllerCould not dereference object
  | 18:54:22,156 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: hack - added customerBean to request
  | 18:54:22,157 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: /main
  | 18:54:22,157 INFO  [STDOUT] Debug: Forwarding to template.
  | 18:54:22,242 ERROR [StandardWrapper[/bank:jsp]] Servlet.service() for 
servlet jsp threw exception
  | java.lang.NullPointerException
  | at com.sun.ebank.web.CustomerBean.getAccounts(CustomerBean.java:107)
  | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
  | at org.apache.commons.el.ArraySuffix.evaluate(ArraySuffix.java:314)

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Hypersonic localDB -> server mode migration

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
Maybe the startguide.pdf would do with updating section to add the 
following info:

I found the problem in that there is code in the default hssql-db.xml:

I replace with:

I commented out the section, so there was only one  :

  |  localDB
  |  true

Back to the task of deploying Duke's Bank Application, for each EJB (around 7 
in all) I received a similar stack trace like this:

18:37:16,988 WARN  [ServiceController] Problem starting service 
  | javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out [Root exception is 
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out]
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.rebind(NamingContext.java:469)
  | at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.rebind(NamingContext.java:462)
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.rebind(InitialContext.java:363)
  | at org.jboss.naming.Util.rebind(Util.java:109)

Then eventually I get:

18:37:42,219 INFO  [EJBDeployer] Deployed: 
  | 18:37:42,302 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/bank, 
  | 18:37:42,604 INFO  [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application: 

That to me means it all working now. :)

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Hypersonic localDB -> server mode migration

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
I have been running the default configuration of JBoss for a while and am now 
looking at the startguide40.zip with Duke's Bank Application.

This states I must use HSSQL in TCP (server) mode, it was original setup and 
running in localDB (memory) mode.

Now JBoss does not start correctly, as-if the tables are missing, its like 
HSSQL has setup a brand new instance of itself.  My understanding was I was 
simply changing the allowable access methods to the same data not creating a 
new database instance.  There are now both localDB.* and default.* files in the 
data/hypersonic directory.

What should I do ?  shutdown the other instance ?

Migrate the data from one to the other ?  (The .script files are text SQL 
command, and there is no data to really migrate, the localDB.script and 
default.script look similar all but the extra table created in default.script 
for the Duke Bank App).

Keep both instances and change the naming or order the are defined in the file ?



  |  localDB
  |  true

  |  1701
  |  true
  |  default
  |  false
  |  true
  |  localDB
  |  true

The first error:

anonymous wrote : 17:49:43,970 ERROR [GeneralPurposeDatabasePersistencePlugin] 
Cannot create timer table
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error while checking if table 
aleady exists TIMERS; - nested throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: Table not 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Classic log4j /log/boot.log java.io.FileNotFoundExceptio

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 

Thanks for the reply. I really dont understand how .properties files work, but 
here is what I did to correct the problem.

I obviously dont want to edit run.jar as that will affect everything (not just 
my TestClient) and its only my test client with a problem.

I extracted the log4j.properties edited to how I wanted, changing just the 
following line:


Then created a JAR from it called $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run-client-test.jar

Then I have created an execution (Run/Debug) context within Eclipse (Run->Run) 
that allows me to add as the first library my newly created JAR (just above 
run.jar).  So that its in the classpath when my TestClient gets run.

Now I get a useful log file and no error :).

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: When to use Apache as a Primary Web Server

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
It completely depends upon:
 * The resources you have available (hardware, management of infrastructure)
 * The distribution of work (a huge website with tiny J2EE involvement, huge 
J2EE operation with a tiny management website)

If you were to looking at how to best handle the available work completely 
within software within a single host with the option of scaling up later the 
breakdown is:

1) HTTP Accelerator / content cache (www.squid-cache.org in http_accel mode)
2) HTTPD Apache (general purpose webserver doing SSL)
3) Tomcat (connected to apache with mod_jk)
4) JBoss

I've never used SSL from Tomcat, I believe the SSL cipher routines are not in 
native machine code and OpenSSL+mod_ssl goes to great lengths in providing 
performance in this area.  If my beliefs are correct I wouldn't entertain the 
idea of the JVM being taxed with the trivial work of volume encryption.

However if your website was serving 95% static content, 4% dynamic amd 1% SSL 
and during the peak of your day the machine wasn't really heavily loaded then 
maybe Tomcat/SSL would work for you.

With the mod_jk connector (ApacheHTTPD<>Tomcat) that all of the SSL attributes 
that are available to your servlet (when Tomcat does SSL itself) are retained 
across the connector (even when the Apache/HTTPD is on a different machiine).  
So from a scalabiliy point of view if you have a lot of SSL processing you can 
comission a fleet of ApacheHTTPD+mod_ssl+mod_jk machines at the frontend of a 
single JBoss/Tomcat system to offload the SSL processing.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Classic log4j /log/boot.log java.io.FileNotFoundException tr

2005-04-23 Thread dlmiles
I must have read 100 people like me, who cant work out how to override log4j's 
configuration in my Test Clients execution context.

$JBOSS_HOME/log/boot.log exists and JBoss logs its output there as well as 
STDOUT, this is what I want.  But my Client applications I develop under 
eclipse and lomboz have this annoying stack trace (from the client side 
attempting to use log4j too).

I can not even find where the initial configuraton that sets it to boot.log 
comes from, I would guess its a property file inside the client side jars 
($JBOSS_HOME/client/lib) so not easy to find get at and change.

I suspect the reason why its an absolute path is because some property 
$(jboss.something.dir) variable is not defined or setup from the client site.

Any new ideas, references or pointers would be appreciated.


The strack track:

log4j:ERROR Failed to create directory structure: /log
log4j:ERROR setFile(null,false) call failed.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /log/boot.log (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.(FileOutputStream.java:179)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.(FileOutputStream.java:102)
at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(FileAppender.java:272)
at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.activateOptions(FileAppender.java:151)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Getting Started Documentation] - Re: jboss.bind.address where do I set it ? running JBOSS as

2005-04-11 Thread dlmiles
Ok that works.  Thanks.

After a "chown jboss:jboss -R $JBOSS_HOME" I have started JBoss with :

exec /bin/su -s /bin/bash jboss -c "/opt/jboss-4.0.2RC1/mystart.sh"

mystart.sh is nothing special it sets up JAVA_HOME / PATH and JAVA_OPTS.

To shutdown I now use:

$JBOSS_HOME/shutdown.sh -s -S

Maybe this information could be put into the "Getting Started Documentation" to 
help others.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Getting Started Documentation] - jboss.bind.address where do I set it ? running JBOSS as non

2005-04-11 Thread dlmiles
My development box already has jakarta-tomcat (hooked up to apache, running 
standalone tomcat) I've managed to configure this to bind itself to one of the 
boxes aliased IPs and run as a non-root user to mimic how I expect a production 
environment to be running.


Now trying to get JBOSS to do ths same thing, I can see the 
"jboss.bind.address" property in just the right place all over the 
configuration files but seem unable to set it, nor find where jboss keeps its 
default (current) value hidden.

I have tried adding -Djboss.bind.address= to my $JAVA_OPTS and can 
confirm its there in the "ps uax" listing.  But nothing at all gets bound to 
that IP address and the log entry will says

Can I create a $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/jboss.system.properties or 
something ?


I have not found any concrete reference to running JBOSS as a non-root user, 
I've tried setting $JBOSS_USER.  Is there any simple configuration that allows 
me as 'root' to boot up JBOSS and have it do anything it wants to do as root 
(like bind to privileged port numbers) and then drop those privileges and run 
as a non-root user id ?

Otherwise is there any reason:

su jboss "/opt/my_jboss/bin/my_startup_script.sh" &

will have problems ?

What files does jboss/JVM directly try and access ? 
Will 'chown jboss:jboss -R $JBOSS+HOME" get me most of the way there ?


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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: JBoss AS - Tomcat & httpd versions

2005-04-11 Thread dlmiles

for 4.0.2-RC1 from my bootup logs:

08:58:23,868 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.2RC1 (build: 
CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_2_RC1 date=200503140913)
08:58:41,419 INFO  [StandardEngine] Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.8

Sorry cant help with any other version.

If my understanding of all this Java stuff is correct, there is no apache 
shipped, since a component of Tomcat called "Coyote" is the HTTP server, this 
is a pure Java HTTP server that runs within the JVM that JBoss sets up.

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