[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Closing hibernate sessions

2005-11-02 Thread martingi
Hello, I have a question concerning hibernate with the portal. For my 
application I followed 
 and deploy the mappings inside a *.har, which is inside an *.ear - no problem.

To get the Session I'm using JBP code from 
 SessionFactory sf = (SessionFactory)new 
  |  Session session = sf.getCurrentSession();
  |  return session;
  |   }
  |   catch (NamingException e)
  |   {
  |  throw new RuntimeException(e);
  |   }

For the queries I looked at other methods from ForumsModuleImpl and I saw that 
the sessions are never closed here. However in the above linked docs they are 
closed in a finally block. Is this not necessary because the container somewhat 
takes care about this?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: UTF-8 form support not working Jboss portal?

2005-09-15 Thread martingi
I am sending UTF-8 / German chars through a form and it works for me. However 
it was a longer way for me to get there:

The solution for me was not to modify anything in the portal, but to change ... 
the default encoding of my linux system to UTF-8. So if I am doing a
# echo $LANG
I get

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: User Portlet and Page Menu portlet on all pages

2005-08-24 Thread martingi
yantriki wrote : ... and when I access the forum, I want to still have access 
to the user and menu portlets.
I think I found the problem and this is not possible with the ForumsPortlet at 
the moment.

To see user and menu portlet with the forums, you need to call the forums in 
'normal' windowstate - which works for the default OP_MAIN. But for the further 
request to show the forums index, the ForumsPortlet sets the windowstate to 

   protected void doView([...] {
  | [...]
  |   if (req.getWindowState() != WindowState.MAXIMIZED)
  |   {
  |  writer.write(table width=\100%\ cellpadding=\2\ 
cellspacing=\2\tr class=\portlet-section-body\);
  |  // Window is is normal mode
  |  // Check if the user is an administrator
  |  boolean isAdmin = req.hasPermission(Admin);
  |  if (isAdmin)
  |  {
  | [...] }
  |  else
  |  {
  | writer.write(td align=\center\ 
  |  }
  |  //Create a link to the forum index
  |  PortletURL showForumsURL = resp.createRenderURL();
  |  showForumsURL.setWindowState(WindowState.MAXIMIZED);
  | [...]
The code fragement marked red always puts the further requests to the forums 
from normal into maximised state and no user portlet etc will be rendered.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Problems in installing Jboss portal 2.0

2005-08-22 Thread martingi
Maybe your mysql driver is too new? Although i can't it no more there was a 
similar post here answered by Roy Russo; but it was not confirmed that changing 
the driver solved the problem. 

I am using an older mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar with the mysql 4.1 
db - works very well.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How to deploy?

2005-08-22 Thread martingi
svaret wrote : I mean where I don't see the JBoss Portal at top.
Do you mean the JBoss Portal Logo? You want to see your own design?

In this case you could check the Reference Manual

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Deleting users

2005-08-11 Thread martingi
I'm doing some tests with the forums and one scenario is actually to see what 
happens with a forum, if a user who has posted to that forum gets deleted by 
the admin.

But I can't find the possibility to delete a user or to disable the account. Is 
this possibile with the UserPortlet?

I tried to work around by unchecking the 'user role' of a user  in the 
UserPortlet. But this user is still able to login. If I verify as an admin this 
user's roles again, I can see that he is still assigned to the user's role.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: User Portlet and Page Menu portlet on all pages

2005-08-11 Thread martingi
The reason for this is, that the link to the forums calls the Forumsportlet in 
maximised mode - no other portlets can be displayed

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Changing the context path

2005-07-12 Thread martingi
Hi, it is not possible for me to change the context path, as described in the 
user guide. I tried various portal path names, changing 
$PORTAL_HOME/build/local.properties (and including rebuild and jboss restart) - 
with the same effect that I can access JBP only at /portal. 

I tried modifying the context-root/portal/context-root element in 
portal-server.war / jboss-web.xml, but this did not help as well.

I'm using the portal 2.0 final sources, java 1.4.2_08 and fedora core 2. Please 
tell me what's going wrong.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Changing the context path

2005-07-12 Thread martingi
Yes, but it didn't help. My first guess that it was just a problem to let JBP 
run with ROOT context, but it does not work with other context names for me as 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Problems deploying sample portlets

2005-07-04 Thread martingi
This sounds like a similar problem I had. The correct url should be this 
one:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
If you followed the Reference Manual, chap. 2.6 your helloworld-pages.xml looks 
about like this
  | ...
  | page
  | page-namehelloworld/page-name
  | window
  | /window
  | /page
  | /pages
I think that the description of the instance-ref element in chap 2.6 is not 
correct, because I worked for me after I referred with helloworld to the 
jboss-app.xml (and not to jboss-portlet.xml). 

You could give it a try and simply make your jboss-app.xml like this
  | /jboss-app

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Forums Navigation

2005-06-28 Thread martingi
This doesn't work with my Portal 2.0 final installation. What I did was to post 
more than 11 messages, which puts the 11th message on a second page. A link 
Goto page 1, 2  Next  is generated, but it does not work:

Did this one survive from the old Nukes?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: how to write a JSP only portlet

2005-06-12 Thread martingi
It shouldn't be possible to use JSP or servlets, because the starting point of 
a portlet application needs to implement the Portlet interface. But maybe it 
would be interesting to specify something like Java Portal Pages to offer some 
scripting possibilities.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: how to write a JSP only portlet

2005-06-12 Thread martingi
I didn't get that much into this ;-(
But couldn't you use/extend the portlet tag lib for actionrequests?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: how to write a JSP only portlet

2005-06-12 Thread martingi
This is getting difficult for me... I tried to do some analogical reasoning 
between JSP (get/ post requests) and portal pages (render/ action requests). 
But this doesn't seem to work, because get/ post requests of a JSP are not 
compiled into a servlet's doGet/ doPost methods, but rather into a single 
_jspService method. 

But wouldn't it be possible to compile a java portal page (jpp) into some 
Portlet type with a _jppService method? If you would mark a scriptlet in the 
jpp with an element which includes attributes like the method name and request 
type you could compile a portlet which dispatches the request to the 
corresponding methods.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Window decorations and controls

2005-06-11 Thread martingi
Actually I'm using my custom theme, but the decorations and controls are still 
being displayed. This is because the
org.jboss.portal.core.theme.render.impl.DivDecorationRenderer is instantiated, 
which generates a table e.g. with the portlet title and I do not how to avoid 

This is what my portal-themes.xml looks like
  | theme
  | namemyportal/name
  | link href=/myportal.css title= rel=stylesheet 
type=text/css media=screen /
  | /theme
  | /themes
Am I missing an element here to prevent decorations  controls rendering?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Window decorations and controls

2005-06-11 Thread martingi
Thanks, this works for me with the emptyRenderer. I changed the element in 
default-portal.xml now to 
  |  nameorg.jboss.portal.property.renderSet/name
  |  valueemptyRenderer/value
  |   /property 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Initial Portal config problems with MySQL

2005-06-11 Thread martingi
Maybe it's just that your portal-ds.xml is not valid. Try putting the password 
into the corresponding element:
  | user-nameportal/user-name
  | passwordpassword/password
  | ...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Window decorations and controls

2005-06-10 Thread martingi
Is it possible not to show the decorations and controls (portlet title, window 
states, ...) of a window by specifying this simply with a descriptor/ not in 
the portlet code? Or maybe to override these settings with some custom values 
in the descriptor, regardless if the values are coded into the portlet? 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Theme not visible under Linux Debian, 2.0RC2

2005-06-02 Thread martingi
jkester wrote : I have an apache mod_jk installed with a workers.properties 
that redirects all traffic to jboss. The setting for this is:
  | [uri:/portal/*]
I think this is really just related to the jk connector. To see all the design 
stuff try adding 

Furthermore your portal is titled ...2.0 Release Candidate,
whereas your cms fragment is labelled ...v2.0 Alpha Release. With my 
installation both titles refer to the same portal version - maybe this is 
another reason for some problems.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Target to another portlet from a portlet

2005-06-01 Thread martingi

Do you mean something like this?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Problem with portlet parameters

2005-05-31 Thread martingi
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : To view the admin page in its default setting, just 
click the Roleportlet NormalMode icon.
Ok my example of the RolePortlet was a bad one. But take the ForumsPortlet as 
another example which will require much more of my users to navigate through 
it. In my opinion I can't expect them simply not to use their browser's 
back-button and to click always on my portal links instead. Or at least this 
would require a lot of educational effort from my side ;-(

From my understanding of the portlet spec, the behaviour I would expect in 
this case is addressed on p. 44. anonymous wrote : If the request does not 
have any parameter, the getParameterMap must return an empty Map object.

Back to previous post - I reckon that I would not get into what I regard as a 
problem for my application, if the Parameters map after step 4 would be really 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Problem with portlet parameters

2005-05-27 Thread martingi
I am experiencing a bigger problem navigating through my portlet, and this 
problem seems to be quite similar to this post

This does not seem to be an issue only with my custom portlet, because it can 
be replicated e.g. taking JBP's RolePortlet. Here's what I did

1) logged in as an admin, then on
2) homepage /portal: clicked on ? admin? in the ?Page Menu? (helloworld, 
default, admin, ...)
3) then on the overview page.default.admin clicked on ?Edit role members?
4) I get to the page titled ?Edit role members?... did not do anything here but 
navigated with my browsers back button to /portal
5) clicked on ?admin? just like in step 2
6) Problem: I get the ?Edit role members? page from step 4, although I should 
see the overview page from step 3

So actually I never get back to the overview page from step 3. I did some 
debugging and I don't get  why 
org.jboss.portlet.JBossRenderRequest#getParameters() returns a Parameters Map 
with values from the previous request although the current request does not 
contain any parameters. I could imagine that this could lead to the behaviour I 

My system is fedora core 2, java 1.4.2_08, JBoss AS 4.0.2 and I got the portal 
sources from cvs head last Friday. 

Any ideas are highly appreciated.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Bridge Interceptor

2005-05-26 Thread martingi
THANKS! I wasn't aware of the jboss-app.xml, was just wondering why my own 
portlet suddenly did not show up any more with the portal sources from cvs head.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Display of German characters

2005-05-26 Thread martingi
Is it possible for you to render your character set from a servlet on the same 
JBoss AS you're using for your portlet? I am asking because I reckon that your 
problem is not directly related to jboss portal. If you posted your question to 
a more general forum about JBoss AS and servlets you could find a much bigger 
community for your problem - just an idea.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Display of German characters

2005-05-23 Thread martingi
What I did besides setting the encoding in the JSP was changing the default 
encoding of my linux system to UTF-8. So if I am doing a 
# echo $LANG
I get

Maybe it would help if you did a similar change. Actually my guess is that my 
problem was not related to JBP, but more generally to JBoss because I 
experienced the same problem with characters in servlets on JBoss. But the 
strange thing is that I never had a problem with the same servlets deployed in 
tomcat standalone.

If you're serving your content from a database another thing you could do is to 
check if the character problem is not on that side.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Display of German characters

2005-05-20 Thread martingi
The problem was to display german characters in the rendered html output of a 
portlet. But it seems to be ok, after I set the encoding in the portlet jsp 
explicitly to 

%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 pageEncoding=UTF-8 %

Furthermore I set the $LANG in fedora with similar values, and it works if my 
dev environment has a good day - which is not always the case unfortunately. 
But it seems always to be working on the redhat server, so no problem.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: JBoss Portal won't work after deployment

2005-05-14 Thread martingi
The recommended JBoss version is 4.0.1 - did you try this one as well?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Display of German characters

2005-05-13 Thread martingi
Hello, I have a problem to display German umlauts in a portlet running on JBP 
Beta 1 (sources from the zip-file),  JBoss 4.01sp1 and Fedora Core 2. 

I tried to fix it by setting the JBossRenderResponse ContentType to UTF-8 and 
after that to ISO-8859-1 - with little success.

I could imagine that I need to edit some descriptor, but I really have no idea 
which one. Any help would be highly appreciated.


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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Cannot deploy nukes 1.1

2004-09-29 Thread martingi
Hi, I might have found a bug in the forum module (see my last post), but my message 
was probably just too long. Sorry for posting it again, but it is really important for 

I have tried it for a while now but it is not possible for me to deploy nukes. Maybe 
someone could give me some directions what to do? I am using the following 
 - windows xp
 - java 1.4.1_02
 - jboss 3.2.3
 - nukes-1.1.0-RC3-mysql

I followed the installation instructions, which come with the 
nukes-1.1.0-RC3-mysql.zip. JBoss setup seems to be ok, at least I can see the services 
in the jmx console. Database setup on mysql is ok as well.

I copied the nukes.ear directory (should it really be a directory, I thought  *.ear is 
an archive file?) into jboss-3.2.3/server/default/deploy and nukes directory into 

When I try to use nukes I get a http error 500 at http://localhost:8080/ and 

I would be glad if someone could give me a hint what is going wrong. You can find a 
part of my server.log here:

Hopefully someone is able to understand it.

Many thanks

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Cannot deploy nukes 1.1

2004-09-29 Thread martingi
Thanks a lot for your help.  I built nukes from cvs, but still got the exceptions 
related to bcel.jar.  I found the solution for this problem in the wiki 
(NukesDeploymentErrors). It's looking very well now.

Best Regards

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Newsletter module for Nukes?

2004-09-08 Thread martingi
Hi all,

we are currently looking for alternatives to our existing java cms and jboss nukes 
really looks very promising.  But I would like to know is if there exists a module for 
a newsletter, e.g. with subscription management or newsletter generation? Maybe even 
from existing news items which were written with the news module?

I could not find anything about this in the documentation. But on the jboss homepage 
there is the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter. And the jboss homepage is based 
on Nukes for JBoss...?

Many Thanks,

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