[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

2006-05-24 Thread perwik
I'm running into some mind mazes when thinking about all this portal stuff :-)

In a normal Seam app I would deploy all EJB .jars in the same .ear as the .war. 
As I understand no other apps outside of that .ear would be able to use those 
Seam components.

When using a portal structure I would first deploy a portal and then later on 
hot deploy portlets to that portal while it is running. Each of my protlets 
would probably have their own Seam components that no other protlets would need 
but at the same time all of my portlets would want to access global things, 
like the currently logged in user and settings components.

Is this possible? If so, how?
Have I just totally missed out on how all this works together?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

2006-05-24 Thread perwik
I'm not sure if I understand your answer, or if you understood my question 
(which might have been a little blurry). The thing I'm trying to sort out is 
that Seam components (EJB SFSBs) deployed in one .ear can not be used by things 
deployed in other .ears, right?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam JSR168 Portlet and EJB3 and Facelets

2006-05-24 Thread perwik
That's what I thought, and that's where I get confused. Is a Portal one web 
application or is it supposed to be seen as a bunch of different applications / 
portlets, which in that case can't share Seam components?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Security Framework w/Seam

2006-04-28 Thread perwik
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : anonymous wrote : Actually what I'm interested in 
is the ability to have users in groups and permissions on single objects bound 
to those groups.
  | I don't understand. How is what you are describing different to 
@RolesAllowed in EJB3?

  | @RolesAllowed(ContentAdmin)
  | public void doSomething() {}
would only let you check if the current user belongs to one of the groups 
(roles) that you allow to access that  method (in this case ContentAdmin). This 
would require that you have all roles defined at compile time. I don't want 
that at all. I want

  | @RequiredPermission(name=ContentPermission type=read)
  | public void doSomething() {}
And then I'm free to create groups, put users into them and assign permissions 
to those groups as needed at runtime. This would allso make it possible to do 
something like

  | authz:acl domainObject=${content} hasPermission=read
  | Only show this if the user is authorized to see it.
  | /authz:acl
(This was taken from the Acegi Reference Guide)
All of this is very possible to do with JAAS, but it looks like some things are 
still missing in JBoss Security.

I'm not saying that we should use Acegi instead of JAAS, I didn't even know 
Acegi existed until yesterday when I read this thread.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Security Framework w/Seam

2006-04-28 Thread perwik
I don't really understand if that was a comment to what I wrote or something 
else, but to clarify: I wouldn't ever want to have anything to do with the 
names of roles anywhere in my code or xml-files since those names are not known 
before an admin creates them through the application. The only thing I want to 
define is Permissions. A permission can have a name, like ContentPermission, 
and actions, like read, write, delete, create. The only thing I want to 
specify in the code is what Permission is required. How that Permission then is 
mapped to a User (through a Role or directly) is entirely up to the security 
system, I dont want to have to care about that then.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Security Framework w/Seam

2006-04-27 Thread perwik
I'm very interested in this.
Actually what I'm interested in is the ability to have users in groups and 
permissions on single objects bound to those groups. I know that JAAS handles 
this as well as Acegi, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way as of today to 
do it with JAAS in JBoss. Acegi on the other hand some good examples of doing 
exactly this.
What is needed now is Acegi integration with Seam and a bunch of nice 
annotations for our EJBs.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Redirect to HTTPS

2006-04-25 Thread perwik
Not being the original poster I can't be sure of what he wanted, but what I 
think he wanted (and would like to do myself) is to access the exact same pages 
as before login (plus those that the user now has access to, of course) but 
through https. So there isn't really a specific url-pattern to use here. What I 
want to do is basically just insert an 's' into the URL.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Converting from EJB collections to JSF models -- techniq

2006-04-12 Thread perwik
Would you like to post your functions somewhere for the rest of us to have a 
look at them? I'm sure you could make a page about it in the seam wiki for 

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: JAAS dynamic role-based security with a custom Policy?

2006-04-08 Thread perwik
Well, saving Users, Roles and Permissions in some sort of storage and then 
getting them out of there shouldn't be much of a problem. What I'm thinking 
about is how to say that a certain EJB method requires a certain Permission. 
There is @RolesAllowed but I haven't found anything like @RequiredPermission. 
If I make my own anotations for it, what would I need to hack to check against 

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: JAAS dynamic role-based security with a custom Policy?

2006-04-05 Thread perwik
Now, about two years later I found this thread and I'm wondering what this 
looks like today? I'd like to implement something that works almost exactly 
like what the original poster describes, but I've got a hard time finding info 
about how to do this, if it is possible with Jboss today.

ikarpov wrote : Hi,
  | There are Users, Roles, and Rights. Each user has one or more Roles and 
each Role has zero or more Rights. Speaking in terms of JAAS, these are 
Subjects, Principals and Permissions respectively. Rights are static and 
designed into our application code. Users, Roles, Users-Role and Role-Right 
mappings are all dynamic, i.e. can be changed while the application is running.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: beginner question - seam and MVC

2006-03-14 Thread perwik
Seam uses (can use) EJB session beans implementing a local interface for its 
action components. You could just as well have a separate session bean that 
is just a standard EJB3 thing with all your business methods and without any 
seam anotations and then have your action beans look up the session bean and 
call its methods. This all depends on what you need. If you want to use your 
session beans from the outside world (desktop app) you'll have to implement a 
remote interface and it's not always sure that you want to have the same 
interfaces for local and remote anyway. I think the lack of strict layers in 
the examples is as you say for brevity. There's nothing in Seam that forces you 
to do it as it's done in the examples. And at the same time there is no law 
that says you need strict layers to acomplish the tasks that the example apps 
are there to solve.

For your other question I'd say you just have to get used top it, you'll love 
it :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-13 Thread perwik
*Oh*, so components in my jar overrides the core ones if they have the same 
name? I guess I should've known that :-) By the way, what about anotations in 
the superclass? Are they inherited now? I remember reading something about it 
not being implemented yet.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-12 Thread perwik
Well, you could just get rid of messages.properties and only have the other 
files, IF the localeSelector cared about the supported locales settings in 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-12 Thread perwik
To quote myself:
perwik wrote : ...IF the localeSelector cared about the supported locales 
settings in faces-config.xml.

And it looks like it actually does, in the latest CVS. Thanks Gavin!

I guess I should learn to

  | 1. Read forum
  | 2. Update from CVS
  | 3. Post if still needed

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-12 Thread perwik
To be able to do this

  | h:selectOneMenu value=#{localeSelector.localeString}
  | f:selectItems value=#{localeSelector.supportedLocales} /
  | /h:selectOneMenu
  | h:commandButton action=#{localeSelector.select} 

I added this to LocaleSelector, and it looks like it's working as it should. 
The only flaw is that the list is not sorted and perhaps all language names 
should begin with an uppercase letter to be consistent within the list. My list 
(based on supported locales sv and en) now says svenska, English since 
Swedish spelling rules says it should be written with a lowercase s).

  | private ArrayListSelectItem supportedLocales;
  | public String getLocaleString()
  | {
  | return getLocale().toString();
  | }
  | public void setLocaleString(String localeString)
  | {
  | String[] localeParts = localeString.split(_);
  | if (localeParts.length  0)
  | {
  | this.language = localeParts[0];
  | }
  | if (localeParts.length  1)
  | {
  | this.country = localeParts[1];
  | }
  | if (localeParts.length  2)
  | {
  | this.variant = localeParts[2];
  | }
  | }
  | @Create
  | public void setSupportedLocales()
  | {
  | this.supportedLocales = new ArrayListSelectItem();
  | Locale supportedLocale;
  | SelectItem selectItem;
  | FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  | for (Iterator it = 
facesContext.getApplication().getSupportedLocales(); it.hasNext();)
  | {
  | supportedLocale = (Locale) it.next();
  | selectItem = new SelectItem(supportedLocale.toString(), 
  | this.supportedLocales.add(selectItem);
  | }
  | }
  | public ArrayListSelectItem getSupportedLocales()
  | {
  | return this.supportedLocales;
  | }

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-11 Thread perwik
  | THat's the way Java's lookup algorithm works, not ours.

Ok, I think I can live with that until I actually develop something that needs 
two different locales depending on country. I don't think it's that often. 
Although it should be easy enough to have a setLocaleString() like this

  | public void setLocaleString(String localeString)
  | {
  | String[] localeParts = localeString.split(_);
  | if (localeParts.length()  0) 
  | {
  | this.language = localeParts[0];
  | }
  | if (localeParts.length()  1) 
  | {
  | this.country = localeParts[1];
  | }
  | if (localeParts.length()  2) 
  | {
  | this.variant = localeParts[2];
  | }
  | }

and a

  | public String getLocaleString()
  | {
  | return this.locale.toString()
  | }
and then

  | h:selectOneMenu value=#{localeSelector.localeString}
  | f:selectItem itemLabel=English itemValue=en_US/
  | f:selectItem itemLabel=Deutsch itemValue=de/
  | f:selectItem itemLabel=French itemValue=fr_CH/
  | f:selectItem itemLabel=French itemValue=fr_FR/
  | /h:selectOneMenu
  | h:commandButton action=#{localeSelector.select} 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-11 Thread perwik
It never ends ;-)

in LocaleSelector.setLocale() you do this

  | ...
  | set locale based on language and so on...
  | ...
  | else
  |   {
  |  locale = java.util.Locale.getDefault();
  |  FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  |  if (facesContext!=null)
  |  {
  | java.util.Locale defaultLocale = 
  | if (defaultLocale!=null) locale = defaultLocale;
  | java.util.Locale requestLocale = 
  | if (requestLocale!=null) locale = requestLocale;
  |  }
  |   }

this has the effect that the browser locale overrides the default application 
locale from faces-config.xml even though it is not listed in supported 

with these bundles

  | messages.properties (happens to be in en_US)
  | messages_sv_SE.properties
  | messages_de_DE.properties

and this in faces-config.xml

  |  locale-config
  |   /locale-config

If someone now comes along with a browser with the locale set to es_MX (mexican 
spanish) setLocale() (as of now) would be perfectly happy with the 
requestLocale but when java tries to find a resource bundle matching it, it 
would fall back on messages.properties (english) although the person who 
deployed the app said it should be messages_de_DE.properties (german). So 
setLocale() should only be happy with the requestLocale if it is in the list of 
supported locales.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-11 Thread perwik
Sure, that would solve the problem, once. But you wouldn't want to have the 
deployer changing the filenames when he could change a setting in 
faces-config.xml. In my imaginary company the developers have a standard that 
says they should always have messages.properties in english :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - @ApplicationException generates javax.transaction.NotSupport

2006-03-10 Thread perwik
Hi, I don't know if this is the correct forum or if I should should post in 
EJB3, but this is my problem:

I submit to #{login.login} from a form. login is a stateless seam component. 
The method named login calls an other method on a stateful bean in the SESSION 
scope. That method looks like this:

  | SessionManagerBean.java
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(SESSION)
  | @Intercept(NEVER)
  | @Name(sessionManager)
  | public class SessionManagerBean extends BaseBean implements SessionManager, 
  | {
  | ...
  | public String startAuthenticatedSession(String username, String 
password, String ip, boolean useAutologin)
  | throws UnknownUserException, IncorrectPasswordException
  | {
  | ...

And these are the exceptions it throws

  | UnknownUserException.java
  | @ApplicationException(rollback = true)
  | public class UnknownUserException extends Exception
  | {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 3502720135200940182L;
  | }

  | IncorrectPasswordException.java
  | @ApplicationException(rollback = true)
  | public class IncorrectPasswordException extends Exception
  | {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 3502720135200940182L;
  | }

Removing the @ApplicationException anotation from both exceptions stops the 
following from happening, but why does it happen? I have a strong feeling that 
noting went wrong a couple of days ago (always trying to use latest CVS)

I think the interresting part is

  | Caused by: javax.transaction.NotSupportedException: Transaction already 
active, cannot nest transactions.

  | 19:40:36,041 ERROR [SeamExceptionFilter] uncaught exception handled by Seam
  | javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not start transaction
  | at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:121)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
  | 19:40:36,042 INFO  [SeamExceptionFilter] killing transaction
  | 19:40:36,044 ERROR [[Faces Servlet]] Servlet.service() for servlet Faces 
Servlet threw exception
  | java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not start transaction
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 

[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-10 Thread perwik
Thanks, this works great. Just as my own version, that I wrote before I saw 
that there was a reply to the thread :-) well, I guess it's always good to use 
the thinking cap, or something.

One problem though:
When setting the language to sv using this component (no country or variant 
selected) java will choose messages.properties before 
messages_sv_SE.properties. Changing the filename to messages_sv.properties 
gets the job done, but that's not the way I want it.

An other thing:
It would be nice if setLocale() updated the country, language, and variant 
properties when it sets the default locale, so the correct language is selected 
in the list.

  | private void setLocale()
  | {
  | ...
  |this.language = locale.getLanguage;
  |this.country = locale.getCountry();
  |this.variant = locale.getVariant
  | }

Thing number three:
I think localeSelector could have a

  | public void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
  | {
  | this.locale = locale;
  | }

This would make it easier to change to a locale when you have an instance of 

Thing number four (I hope someone's still reading :-)
The ultimate localeSelector would be if the list automagically displayed the 
supported locales listed in faces-config.xml and used 
Locale.getDisplayLanguage() for the itemLabel. When doing this I would vote for 
using locale.getDisplayLanguage(locale) so that the language is displayed in 
the language of the locale. Someone wanting to change the language of a site 
should have an easier time locating his preferred language if it is displayed 
in, you guessed it, his preferred language.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: RessourceBundle for all Locals in APP-Scope

2006-03-09 Thread perwik

Using the browser locale is of course better than just using a default value, 
but what if the user wants to change the locale? I don't speak a word of french 
but when I'm on holiday and sit in front of a computer with a french version of 
Firefox I would at least want to be able to click a button on the site and 
change the language to English. This would be a lot easier to do if the Seam 
ResourceBundle could handle that. I posted a patch in 
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-149. This does not include your new 
additions but I think some kind of merge of the current version and mine should 
give a result.

Just adding a

  | public void setBundle(Locale locale) {
  |bundle = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( bundleName, locale, 
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
  | }
would do the trick I guess, but it would perhaps be nice to be able to just 
input a language or country code as well.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - FacesMessages.add()

2006-03-09 Thread perwik
I was taking a look at the new FacesMessages component. Section 3.3 in the 
latest (from CVS as of this post) documentation says

anonymous wrote :  You can even include JSF EL expressions in a faces message 
  | facesMessages.add(Document #{document.title} was updated);
  | Or, use an internationalized message:
  | facesMessages.addFromResourceBundle(success.DocumentUpdated); 

Im missing a method that takes this input:
add(success.DocumentUpdated, #{document.title})
so that my message Document {0} was updated works.
This method should have a variable number of strings as arguments where the 
frist string is a resource key and and the rest are replacement strings (with 
EL support).

I guess I should post a JIRA, but I'd like to know if there's something I've 
overlooked first.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: FacesMessages.add()

2006-03-09 Thread perwik
I think I can live with that ;-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Tools Documentation

2006-03-01 Thread perwik
What version of the jBPM tool do I need in order to use the page flow editor? 
If the answer is the latest one in CVS then please direct me to some info on 
how to get it installed.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: CVS version against jboss HEAD

2006-01-16 Thread perwik
I found the answer in an other thread:

  | * get the JBoss AS sources from CVS
  | * build it by typing ant in the build directory (you will want to increase 
your heap size by doing a set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m before so you don't get an 
  | Once the build will start, it will fetch the thirdparty directory from the 

My problem was that I was trying to build it with eclipse, which complained 
about the missing third party stuff.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: CVS Seam against which version of JBOSS

2006-01-16 Thread perwik
See this sticky: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopict=75453

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Booking Example

2006-01-15 Thread perwik
You don't have to do anything else than what you see in the demo. The project 
you check out from the CVS server includes all necessary files.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: CVS version against jboss HEAD

2006-01-15 Thread perwik
Uhm... how do I build the latest JBoss from CVS? Or are there nightly builds of 
JBoss as well?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Booking Example

2006-01-15 Thread perwik
Ok, I'm not an expert on JBoss IDE but afaik the current version doesn't have 
any special support for Seam at all.

As the last frame of the flash demo says:
Now you can duplicate the booking directory and use the build system to create 
your own JBoss Seam applications!

For more information on how to actually make something with Seam take a look at 

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