[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2005-12-11 Thread vichandoko
i am using JBOSS 3.2.3 
(please dont rush me to upgrade, we are using this in operational mode, so huge 
testing to be done for migration)

Am confused by the same issue. Would the following code do in order for the 
publish of message to Topic to be part of transaction.

TopicConnectionFactory qcf = (TopicConnectionFactory) 
(new InitialContext().lookup("java:/JmsXA"));
TopicConnection conn;
conn = qcf.createTopicConnection();
Topic queue = (Topic) (new 
TopicSession session = (TopicSession)

TopicPublisher send = session.createPublisher(queue);
MapMessage message = session.createMapMessage();
message.setString("action", action);

Enumeration keys = param.keys();
String key = (String) keys.nextElement();
message.setObject(key, param.get(key));

}catch(JMSException e1){
StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
log.append("Error during publishing of message to Topic: ");
log.append(", for action: ");
logger.error(log.toString(), e1);   
} catch (NamingException e) {
StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
log.append("Error during publishing of message to Topic: ");
log.append(", for action: ");
logger.error(log.toString(), e);   

The whole process i would like to achieve is as follows:
1. Servlet to Call on SessionBean to perform operations including database 
2. SessionBean call on utility class to publish Message to a Topic. Utility 
class is normal bean. And the above contain in utility class.
3. MDB used as listener to the Topic. MDB will perform operations including 
retrieval of data written in Step 1.

I've initially use 'ConnectionFactory' instead of 'java:/JmsXA'. It caused 
problem because occasionally, during Step 3, the data retrieved wasnt the most 
up-to-date that has been commited in Step 1.

After much ploughing through the forum, i've change the codes to the above.

Would anyone mind to shed some light whether the above would solve my problem? 
It's a little hard to replicate the problem due to the random nature. Thus am 
not completely sure whether i've fixed the error.

Thanks much.


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-08-16 Thread penguine
the jvm-il donÂt use the global namespace.
to use jvm-il "java:/ConnectionFactory" not "ConnectionFactory"

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-07-05 Thread jardia
Anyone? Adrian?

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-29 Thread jardia
So the question was asked wrong?

Assumption: All the ConnectionFactories we are talking about are dishing out 
javax.jms.Connection objects. 

Perhaps my confusion is related to the fact that we have Connections and Connection 
factories in both JCA and JMS worlds?

ok, so you are saying (trying to answer the questions in the original post)

A1) If you want the benefits that come from using a ResourceAdaptor (xa, security, 
pooling) use java:/JmsXA to obtain a jms connection object.

If not, use java:/XAConnectionFactory (defined in jvm-il-service.xml) to obtain a 
"plain" jms connection object. Q3) This won't do xa because we're not using the 
A2) The differences between the connection factories defined/declared in jms-ds.xml 
and jvm-il-service.xml still remain unclear. For example they both contain the JNDI 
name java:/XAConnectionFactory. Q4) Who is binding what into JNDI?

docu p359 "The JNDI name under which the provider javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
will be bound."

  | [JMSProviderLoader]  java:/XAConnectionFactory

docu p337 "The JNDI location that this IL will bind a ConnectionFactory setup to use 
this IL."

  | [JVMServerILService]
  |   |
  |   +---ConnectionFactoryJNDIRef> java:/ConnectionFactory
  |   |
  |   +---XAConnectionFactoryJNDIRef> java:/XAConnectionFactory

They can't both bind something to the same name, so one of them must be referencing 
the other. My guess is that the [JMSProviderLoader] is referencing the 
ConnectionFactory defined by the 
[JVMServerILService] who is responsible for binding it into JNDI. Q5)Is this correct?

If the relationship between the RA and IL is perfectly clear then it should be pretty 
simple to explain. Please.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your question is should you use the resource adaptor or a plain connection:


JMS like databases are "legacy" systems.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-29 Thread jardia
Thanks for the response.
I assume it is only refering to my very last question relating to the type 
of connections the  dishes out. I found the reference
in the faq. That question should not have slipped out.

However, the original questions (Q1 & Q2) and the followup question regarding the use
of java:/XAConnectionFactory still remain unanswered. 
I would be very grateful if you could shed some light on them.

I've tried to be as clear as possible about where i've looked and what i understand
and what my question is...i have no stack trace. I'm trying to understand.
 I'll happily contribute to the wiki/faq once i do.

I went through the faq & wikis again. Here is what i found: 

Main FAQ (http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossFrequentlyAskedQuestions)
-nothing related

FAQJBossMQ (http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=FAQJBossMQ)

- http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=HowDoIMakeJMSWorkInJTATransaction
- just says use java:/JmsXA

- I assume this is what you were referring to :
  (link between  and 
  | java:/WhateverJMSProvider
  This only answers my question "the  (in jms-ds.xml)
  does not seem to define what type of connections it is handing out?"
Wiki - JBossMQ (http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossMQ)  

- http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossMQXA
- ?

- http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossJMSRA
- referenced in original post

 - http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossMQIL
 - just tells me what the docu says
 - http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ConfigJBossMQIL
 - referenced in original post

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The jms-ds.xml shipped with 3.2.4+ 
makes the relationship explicit as does the FAQ and WIKI.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-28 Thread jardia
Thanks for the tips.

I'm also aware of Adrian suggesting "java:/JmsXA". I just can't seem to find any 

anonymous wrote : 
  | java:/XAConnectionFactory might also work... 
I really am trying to find out if it is:
 - meant to work
 - does actually work 
 - how and when it should be used

anonymous wrote : java:/JmsXA I believe you get java:/XAConnectionFactory connections
That would mean there is a link between the files:
 - jms-ds.xml and
 - jvm-il-service.xml


  | ...
  | java:/ConnectionFactory
  | java:/XAConnectionFactory
  | ...


  | ...
  | java:/XAConnectionFactory
  | java:/XAConnectionFactory

Is this how they are related?
the "" (in jms-ds.xml) does not seem to define what type of 
connections it is handing out?

I would be very grateful for any insights into these and the original questions. 
Should i reformulate my questions? I am still searching FAQ, Wiki, Docu


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Use JCA or IL? (java:/JmsXA or java:/XAConnectionFactory

2004-06-25 Thread genman

Adrian always suggests using "java:/JmsXA" which is the pooled connection factory 
provider.  java:/XAConnectionFactory might also work, but I think the JmsXA is 
definitely going to work with your transaction.

JCA is a connection interface and IL is the invocation layer, the transport mechanism. 
 With java:/JmsXA I believe you get java:/XAConnectionFactory connections, but they 
are going to be pooled for you.

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