[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-30 Thread hbaxmann
Uhu. Aha.


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-29 Thread erik777
Thanks, hbaxmann, for the offer to further analyze the issue.  Since the issue is 
resolved, I consider its relevance reduced to being an example of the greater problem. 
 I'd love to spend time using examples to go over the theoretical possibilities, but 
really do have a lot on my plate today.  

For those following this, the current status on the JSR follows.

JSR 220 (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=220) is developing EJB 3.0, which includes 
improvements to EJB-QL.  The JSR is scheduled to release either an EARLY or PUBLIC 
DRAFT in June 2004, so will hopefully be releasing it soon.  Due to the 
confidentiallity agreemant JCP members sign (JSPA para 9), any current discussions and 
draft copy is "hush hush" until they officially release an EARLY or PUBLIC DRAFT.  

Although this spec promises to focus on usability and productivity of developers, the 
spec description does say it is not limitted to that, and even appears to emphasize 
the need to improve EJB-QL: 

anonymous wrote : "Enhancements to container-managed persistence and EJB QL to provide 
greater usability and to facilitate the development of frameworks based on 
container-managed persistence."

I believe their creation of the early draft could use even more public transparancy 
than JCP 2.6 provides (http://jcp.org/en/procedures/jcp2).  

Since JSR 220 was started with JCP 2.5, its not clear if an EARLY DRAFT was already 
completed that might have been public if it began under 2.6.  It's under 2.6 now, 
which is fairly new (http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/jcp26/).  Yet, I 
think for important JSRs like this one, even JCP 2.6 is too restrictive since the 
non-member public at-large cannot review or discuss drafts until they are stamped 
ready for public review.  This is why you don't see anyone from JBoss posting on this 

Let's hope we can publicly discuss it in June.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-29 Thread hbaxmann
Thanks for your kind reply :)))

Mhhhm, i do not see an end here either.

The Java vs. DB NULL problem is an chicken-and-egg problem. The NULL in the DB is not 
the Java NULL, so it must be converted in both directions. That for you have to test 
if it is NULL. Circle closed.

Do you have the full control over the Table and Relation layout?
If you provide more detailed information about what you are modeling, I am sure there 
is a way like the address splitting approach. Not the one-size-fits-it-all, but here 
we have a special case, which should be solved in a general manner. Have done it the 
last 25 years ;-)


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-28 Thread erik777

Thank you for posting the message with kinder English and approaching it technically 
without commenting on a person's skill levels.  I apologize if I was harsh on your 
choice of words, or use of English.  

I'll respond to the technical notions in your post now as best I can.

anonymous wrote : EJBQL: SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(t) FROM TheTable t WHERE t.Zip IS NULL 
OR t.Zip =?1
  | The ?table.col = ?1 OR (table.col IS NULL AND null=?1)? does not work, because 
there will occur a short-circuit to ?table.col = ?1?, because of ?NULL=anything? is 
always false. 

The problem with that EBJ-QL query isn't that ?NULL=anything? is always false, but 
that it will return all nulls (t.Zip IS NULL OR ...) even when ?1 isn't null.  What 
would be ideal is:

  |WHERE (t.Zip IS NULL AND ?1 IS NULL) OR t.Zip =?1

but ?1 IS NULL is not an option in EJB-QL today.  The problem currently with EJB-QL is 
that you cannot test if the parameter itself is null.  

The original question I had is when will it or an equivilant be an option, since 
testing for null parameters has never been an issue with SQL development before?  
Although EJB-QL chose to adhere largely to SQL syntax, I think that to solve the 
problem where it is clearly deficient in contrast to SQL, and particularly dynamic SQL 
where you combine code logic with resulting SQL output, it could improve by doing 
things differently.  In Java, variable=null does return true if the variable is null.  
Why not permit it in EJB-QL?  

The requirements for this entity are:

  - Reusable by all applications
  - Works with all database vendors
  - Works with all J2EE vendors
  - Very high performance
  - Extremely simple

Views are ruled out for two reasons.  One, they are an unacceptable hit on 
performance.  Two, they are not supported by all database vendors.

Now, let's say that views were acceptable.  Using your example, 16 views would be 
necessary in this case.  The reality is there are 4 optional columns in the business 
key.  Any of them can be null.  The keys are not related to each other.  Any 
conceptual relationships that might occur inthe applications is arbitrary.  Using the 
samle you posted, meaning that views didn't have unions, you would have to have 16 
individual views just for this one query to handle every possible combination of null 
/ not-null values.

Contrast this to my current solution of using dummy null values.  It's working today.  
It doesn't have the high performance cost of views, and works with all database 
vendors.  It is seemless to the applications, since they can still use nulls, and will 
still get back nulls, never knowing that a dummy null value was substituted.  

Thus, this entity became one of a growing list of examples since EJB-QL came out of 
problems with nulls in the queries.  But, using views clearly are not in line with the 
requirements.  The question I originally asked is what was the progress of JBoss or 
J2EE on this issue?  The question was partially answered when someone said you could 
do it today with DynamicSQL.  That last time I check, DynamicSQL couldn't do it, 
ironbird essentially answered my question as to where JBoss has progressed on it 
today.  The only question I still have is where is J2EE and the JSR's on this?  

Thank you hbaxmann for helping.  Your proposal to use views to denormalize certain can 
work and has merit.  It's just not the option for the problem I have.  

And thank you ironbird for the DynamicSQL info.  Although this entity needs to work 
with all J2EE vendors since it's in a foundation class library, I'll probably use 
DynamicSQL until a JSR fixees this for entities that can afford some vendor 
dependency.  Happy JBoss development!

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-28 Thread hbaxmann

Then I apologize for sounding revendicative. Never want to draw upon the objective 
truth, know that this is not existing. My truth is simply my truth, not more - but not 


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-28 Thread ironbird
revendicative means "claiming your truth at the expense of those of others"
This forum is for helping each other to make everyone find its truth (means the way 
where its application works). Blaming J2EE, JBoss, ER designers or ER models got 
nothing to do with this forum.
So, finallly, make a choice between a DynamicSQL statement or adding views, or 
whatever belongs to Erik.
Nothing we can do more than that.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-28 Thread hbaxmann
I apologize.

Let's bring this social NPE to an end:

I apologize too for sounding anything else than helping. I neither know what 
"revendicative" in German is [babelfish and dict.leo.org doesn't help here] nor does I 
know _how_ to write or say something that it is sounding condescending in english - in 
German, you could be very, very sure, i?ll know. I want never ever accusing people - 
IMNSHO I accusing the design of RDBMSes, because I, like many other out here, make 
money with healing this sucking designs by implementing J2EE Apps on top of it, 
instead of repair this crap - but it is definitely no fun. And even I will have fun 
with my day-to-day work, seriously.

So at last I have to apologize to not be an native english speaker. Nice. And, yes, 
here I am still a newbeee. As shown. My fault.

OTOH it makes me wondering, that at most young people are afraid of beeing criticised. 
Often there is no understanding for the difference of saying: "Your ER model sucks" 
and "You sucks". How less could one stand on his own if he feels attacked if one 
attacks his ER model? And how arrogant and ignorant ?

Ok, let's take this case straight:


We have one table in a relational DB with four colums:

ID  NameCity Street Zip

ID is the PK
Name is a NOT NULL column
City is a nullable column
Street is a nullable column
Zip is a nullable column

I understand the problem as follows:

ID  NameCity Street Zip
1   Miller  Frisco
2   Frank   Way 1   
3   PaulFrisco  1
4   Smith   Ave.

Simple case Query: Give me all Name, where the Zip is 1 (Zip is $1) or Zip is not 
existing ($1 is null)

This is a self-outer-join on the table.


The ?table.col = ?1 OR (table.col IS NULL AND null=?1)? does not work, because there 
will occur a short-circuit to ?table.col = ?1?, because of ?NULL=anything? is always 

The ?business key? - a concept which does not exist on DB level - consists now on 
City, Street and Zip. The query should deliver all three columns, regardless if they 
are NULL or not.

Right so far ?

Problem Query: Give me all Name where Zip is 1 or not existent and give me all 
Name where City is Frisco or not existent.

So expected result should show:


What I would suggest in this case is to build a Frisco_view and Zip1_view:

Beforehand: This is a workaround for not changing the underlying DB-model, otherwise 
there should be a ID_CityTable and a ID_ZipTable - there should than performed outer 
joins with the TheTable, but this is DB and DB-version (oracle I know here) dependend, 
because the outer joins (left, right, full) are implemented differently in syntax and 
function by the vendors.

Now the ugly workaround:

Create View Frisco_view as
Select ID, City from TheTable where City=Frisco or City IS NULL;

Create View Zip1_view as
Select ID, Zip from TheTable where Zip=1 or Zip IS NULL;

Create View MultipleSelfOuterJoin_Frisco_1_Query as 
Select tt.ID, tt.Name, zv.Zip, fv.City from
TheTable tt, Frisco_view fv, Zip1_view zv where
(tt.ID = fv.ID) and (tt.ID = zv) and (fv.ID = zv.ID)

Select Name from MultipleSelfOuterJoin_Frisco_1_Query;

Depending on the RDBMS, it might happen that the views beeing materialized by the 

... and, yes, there have DDL statements dynamically, at runtime, to be performed. It 
is a workaround.

Ref: Joe Celko?s SQL Puzzles & Answers, Morgan Kaufmann 1997, ISBN1-55860-453-7; 
Puzzle 14: Telephone

BTW: the Subject itself is a oxymoron: CMR should provide results where something is 
existent _and_ not existent according to SQL. Most OR tools are struggling with this 
structural weakness of the relational world. 


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread erik777

You're right.  And I do apologize for coming off as condescening.  

Believe me, though, it has nothing to do with his being a newbie.  I am normally very 
supportive of people learning something new.  

His tone was condescending, so I felt he needed to hear himself in context.  There's a 
difference between someone that is new, and someone that just learned something in a 
class and think they know it all and can log onto a forum to insult everyone that 
think exactly like he thinks.  I figured a gentle correction on a JBoss forum was a 
better place for him to learn than on a job.  Unfortunately, I didn't know how to do 
that without coming off as condescending.  

I would have probably dismissed what he said outright, if it wasn't for his display of 
lack of ettiquette:

  - "your ER model sucks"
  - "because in this kind of usage your Entity design simply lacks"
  - "dont blame the J2EE for not resolving bad RDBMS design"

This is in addition to outright illogical statements he made, his assumption that he's 
completely right without even understanding the problem, his inability to listen to 
why I chose certain options, like avoiding dynamic SQL or direct JDBC, and the lack of 
inquiry into the actual table design and purpose.  

By the way, the table which he thinks needs to be normalized with views only consists 
of a primary key (generated sequence number), a composite business key, and a single 
column for data.  It's ok if his logic is incomplete, but he should try not to 
condescendingly insult people when he displays his lack of understanding of other 
people's problems.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread ironbird
You are too much revendicative to exchange with both of you. When you want to justify 
yourself so much, it's suspect for me. Continue to consider everyone as newbie while 
you seems to stand yourself on some cloud, nobody's care.
Nice to meet you too, but not too much !

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread hbaxmann
nice to meet you, too


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread erik777

You are clearly learning relational theory in an academic setting.  What school are 
you attending?  What is your major?

For one, no one completely normalizes data in the real world, and by real world, I 
mean business applications.  When someone does, it's clear it's a college student or 
grad that hasn't had the experience beyond what he learned in school.  

Null columns exist because the user is not always required to provide them.  Like you 
said, it gives us the ability to detect that there is no data for it.  It's a very 
nice concept and works really well in relational databases.  There's no normalization 
problem because you have optional columns.  If I wasn't using EJB-QL, but DynamicSQL, 
as someone suggested, or direct JDBC, I wouldn't have a problem at all.  

Using the example of customer registration, here are columns I might make optional 
because I wanted customers to register even if they didn't have or want to provide the 

- All address information.  Definately second address line if I chose to require 
address information.
- Second email address.
- Additional phone numbers.

Now, all this info could be normalized, but with an OO front-end, the benefits are 
near nill.  Take the phone number, for instance.  Phone numbers can be handled in a 
standard way via application objects.  This mutes the benefits of normalization.

However, even if I normalized it, I would still have optional foreign keys... and thus 
nulls.  This would not resolve the problem EJB-QL has, as it applies to relationships 
as well as regular columns.  Optional is optional, whether they are regular columns or 
relationships.  Optionality is defined by the business requirements.  If the phone 
number is not required information, then either a column for phone number data or a 
foreign key can be null.  

As for ER modeling, I've been developing relational applications since the early 80s 
prior to SQL's definition in 89.  I've read quite a few books over those years, 
including the adademic books you're reading now, as I have a degree in IS.  I've used 
ERwin, Oracle Designer, Rational Rose and other tools for ER modeling.  Last year, I 
lead the effort to create a 150+ table data model for a large commercial payroll 
company for DB2.  We used Rational Rose to create an ER model.  When that was 
complete, we generated the data model, and then revamped it some more.  Then we 
generated it in DB2 migrated an entire commercial payroll system to use it.  It was 
successful.  We did a lot of normalization of the data coming in, which came from the 
mainframe in over 100 formats.  Creating a practical normalized model was one of our 
goals.  But knowing when to normalize and when not to normalize isn't something you 
can learn in an academic book on relational theory.  It's something you learn by 
repeatedly doing it in the real world for many years.  Building data models for large 
businesses over and over again is the real world.  Learning relational theory in a 
class is not.  

Using views to try to normalize a single table is rediculous in this case, both in 
terms of practability and the end result's ability to actually solve the EJB-QL issue. 
 Even if it did somehow miraculously help, it would run completely counter to why I'm 
using CMP, and the database vendor independence required by the application.  Please 
read comments I made earlier on why I am using CMP.

It's exciting to see you learn relational theory.  Clearly, you are grasping the 
concepts your class is teaching you.  However, I highly recommend you try to learn 
from others who have applied it in business environments, and give them the benefit of 
the doubt until you have a chance to learn the practicality of some of the academic 
ideas when developing large business applications.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread hbaxmann
anonymous wrote : This isn't a relational issue.

Right, because in this kind of usage your Entity design simply lacks. This solution is 
a workaround. In most cases one is not able to tidy up, normalize an already 
implemented ER model. 
The one and only solution is to have a 3rd NF ER model - most times impractical. Here 
comes the  DB views for select statements on _denormalized_entities_ (ER entities, not 
EJB ;) in the mind. 
In the case of your NULL columns, your ER model is not even in the 1st NF. NULL means 
'column does not exist here'. NULL is is a 'workaround' in RDBMSes for not to force to 
normalize till the 5th NF everywhere. Ok, 3rd NF ;)

anonymous wrote : Huh?!? More than half a table's columns are often optional.

Reading may be of help: I wrote '_significant_ '.

anonymous wrote : Any column can be filtered via a parameterized where clause in the 
real world. 

I know, but you are not working in a real world, you are talking about a RDBMS. 
Exactly the fields in a where clause are kind of keys, if you are happy with this or 
not. Even in a single table query.

anonymous wrote : How is having multiple optional columns a bad model? 

See above regarding _significant_.
This is not what I am trying to explain: Building relations, (if clauses like where 
statements) even between the same table based on unnormalized data is not possible. 
Real world: ... in most cases.

What i suggest is to normalize your model for your queries via DB views and than use 
EJB. Dont blame the J2EE for not resolving bad RDBMS design _and_usage_.

Buy a book about ER modelling and implementing this model in RDBMS and a pump gun for 
the DB designer (most often the noise is sufficient).


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777

anonymous wrote : solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will 
vanish, not the denormalized table 

This isn't a relational issue.  The query I mentioned with 4 columns ironically has no 
relationships whatsoever.  However, it does have 4 optional columns I need to filter 
on.  They happen to be parts of a business key, but that's arbitrary.  They could be 
any optional column that I need to filter on.  Remember, this issue is I'm passing a 
parameter and pulling values that match that paramter.  This isn't complext, and has 
nothing to do with normalization because it has nothing to do with joins or 

anonymous wrote : if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - 
your ER model sucks 

Huh?!?  More than half a table's columns are often optional.  Any column can be 
filtered via a parameterized where clause in the real world.  These are common 
business requirements.  Just because a customer table does require an email address 
doesn't mean the user shouldn't be able to query based on the email address.  Just 
because an email address is optional doesn't mean that every other piece of customer 
information has to be mandatory.  How is having multiple optional columns a bad model?


I think you understand where I'm coming from.  J2EE has some great enterprise quality 
standards.  But other standards, such as JAAS, don't fit the bill for "enterprise" 
readiness, IMHO.  

While I know CMP has is a bit short on some critical areas, such as its support for 
optional columns in a query where the parameter can be null, I'm investing in CMP for 
the long run vision.  Thus, I'm taking the time to try to find the best-of-breed 
solutions that others are using to deal with the bump along the way; and, in the 
absense of such, trying to sense the priorities of others and how it's driving the 
improvement of the standard.  In other words, I need to understand the priorities the 
CMP developers are sensing so I can bet on likely improvements.  

anonymous wrote : And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% compatible with all 
the databases because SQL address the database compatibility before java and J2EE. 

Wouldn't that be nice if it were true.  To name a few differences:  the formatting of 
a date in the where clause, unique identifier generators and the syntax of outter 
joins.  I wrote one system that ran in both SQL Server and Oracle.  Last year, I lead 
the migration of a J2EE application to use a new DB2 data model with 150+ tables while 
still working 100% with its Oracle 90+ table predecessor.  To complicate things, we 
had to use stored procedures for all data communication for DB2 (dumb corporate 
"security" standard.)  The calculation code (business logic,) which never stopped 
being fully functional during the migration, was 100% independent of the database 
vendor, but it wasn't SQL that made it possible.  We used a Data Accessor pattern.

There are two problems with SQL:  The ANSI 89 and 92 standards that became popular did 
not address all the needs (e.g., dates in the WHERE clause).  The second problem is 
that it is relational, making it difficult to migrate to object database technologies. 
 Thus...  CMP, and the current trend of using object-relational to implement it.  CMP 
offers a migration path if you believe it will one day support object database 

If Sun's Java certification has anything that requires CMP to use a relational 
database, then they are not testing the standard, because nothing in the standard 
requires a relational database for implementation.  If the relational database 
requirements have drifted into it, then it's probably just because every vendor out 
there implemented it with a relational model.  Thus, when vendors start to implement 
it with object databases, Sun will be obligated to remove any relational specific 
requirements that slipped into their test suite.  However, this is all conjecture.  Do 
we even know that Sun's test suite has relational database requirements unwittingly 
embedded into it?
It's Sun's own website that states that CMP does not need to be implemented using a 
relational database.  Here's one instance:  

anonymous wrote : "It is unlikely that the EJB expert group will accept any form of 
Java transparent persistence as an EJB requirement; however, some J2EE vendors may 
well use JDO as the underlying implementation of CMP."

- http://java.sun.com/products/jdo/JDOCMPFAQ.html

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777

anonymous wrote : solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will 
vanish, not the denormalized table 

This isn't a relational issue.  The query I mentioned with 4 columns ironically has no 
relationships whatsoever.  However, it does have 4 optional columns I need to filter 
on.  They happen to be parts of a business key, but that's arbitrary.  They could be 
any optional column that I need to filter on.  Remember, this issue is I'm passing a 
parameter and pulling values that match that paramter.  This isn't complext, and has 
nothing to do with normalization because it has nothing to do with joins or 

anonymous wrote : if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - 
your ER model sucks 

Huh?!?  More than half a table's columns are often optional.  Any column can be 
filtered via a parameterized where clause in the real world.  These are common 
business requirements.  Just because a customer table does require an email address 
doesn't mean the user shouldn't be able to query based on the email address.  Just 
because an email address is optional doesn't mean that every other piece of customer 
information has to be mandatory.  How is having multiple optional columns a bad model?

anonymous wrote : And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% compatible with all 
the databases because SQL address the database compatibility before java and J2EE. 

Wouldn't that be nice if it were true.  To name a few differences:  the formatting of 
a date in the where clause, unique identifier generators and the syntax of outter 
joins.  I wrote one system that ran in both SQL Server and Oracle.  Last year, I lead 
the migration of a J2EE application to use a new DB2 data model with 150+ tables while 
still working 100% with its Oracle 90+ table predecessor.  To complicate things, we 
had to use stored procedures for all data communication for DB2 (dumb "security" 
standard .)  The calculation code, which never stopped being fully functional during 
the entire migration, was 100% independent of the database vendor, but it it wasn't 
SQL that made it possible.  We used a Data Accessor pattern.

There are two two problems with SQL:  The ANSI 89 and 92 standards that became popular 
did not address all the needs (e.g., dates in the WHERE clause).  The second problem 
is that it is relational, making it difficult to migrate to object database 
technologies.  Thus...  CMP, and the current trend of using object-relational to 
implement it.

If Sun's Java certification has anything that requires CMP to use a relational 
database, then they are not testing the standard, because nothing in the standard 
requires a relational database for implementation.  If they relational database 
requirements have drifted into it, then it's probably just because every vendor out 
there implemented it with a relational model.  Thus, when vendors start to implement 
it with object databases as well, Sun will be obligated to remove any relational 
specific requirements that slipped into their test suite.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread hbaxmann
IMHO there is no big, but fundamental problem:

- if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - your ER model sucks
- NULL compared to anything gives false, even NULL=NULL

solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will vanish, not the 
denormalized table

what you are trying to accomplish is a case clause in SQL, as we know: every case 
statement could be outfactored better by working on your model 



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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread ironbird
anonymous wrote : 
  | Because I am using container managed persistence (CMP) and EJB-QL is a the Query 
EJB-QL query is for persistence with additional features, not complex queries. I agree 
with you that the spec is not adapted with professional applications. I work in 
industry and many times I cannot rely on the spec OR THE CONTAINER to satisfy my 

anonymous wrote : 
  | To obtain database vendor indepedence. The application is 100% compatible today 
with MySQL, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and any other database that provides a compliant 
JDBC driver and a configuration in the J2EE server. The differences between them that 
that JDBC doesn't handle, JBoss handles through CMP configurations. 
Just for persistence, you means. And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% 
compatible with all the databases because SQL address the database compatibility 
before java and J2EE.

anonymous wrote : 
  | To develop using a Java database interface that's independent of the underying 
database technology. JBoss and other vendors just happened to be using JDBC/relational 
to implement CMP today because relational databases are still popular. But there's 
nothing in the spec to prevent them from adding an object database engine for CMP down 
the road. I won't have to change a single line of code to be able to use object 
databases when this happens, since I never use SQL in the application. 
No its false, because SUN impose its certification and any vendor must comply if he 
want to keep its customers. But do you experiment vendor compatibility ? I do. 
Normally, the "Container Managed" means that you can migrate from one vendor to 
another. And it's often difficult, and I can tell you that you spend more time to be 
100% vendor compatible that 100% database compatible, even if the containers and 
EJB-QL are limited.
You have always to separate the system level (the container) from the business level 
(you). The frontier is not always where you want !

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : 
  | Why do you want the container do the job for you ? 

Because I am using container managed persistence (CMP) and EJB-QL is a the Query 

Are you asking why I'm using container managed persistence?  

  | - To obtain database vendor indepedence.  The application is 100% compatible today 
with MySQL, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and any other database that provides a compliant 
JDBC driver and a configuration in the J2EE server.  The differences between them that 
that JDBC doesn't handle, JBoss handles through CMP configurations.  
  | - To develop using a Java database interface that's independent of the underying 
database technology.  JBoss and other vendors just happened to be using 
JDBC/relational to implement CMP today because relational databases are still popular. 
 But there's nothing in the spec to prevent them from adding an object database engine 
for CMP down the road.  I won't have to change a single line of code to be able to use 
object databases when this happens, since I never use SQL in the application.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread ironbird
You can do what you want with DynamicSQL, which is specific to JBoss. But the J2EE 
spec do not address your needs.
Even in any language (PL-SQL, T-SQL, C++ or whatever), you need to build dynamically 
your SQL string to do what you want. 
Why do you want the container do the job for you ?

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : Path expression navigability is composed using ?inner join? 
semantics. That is, if the value of a non-terminal cmr-field in the path expression is 
null, the path is considered to have no value, and does not participate in the 
determination of the result.
If that's the standard, then that is just assinine.  Why should I have to choose 
between 16 EJB-QL queries or "fake" nulls?!?  Imagine 8 optional parameters.  That 
would require 256 EJB-QL queries, rendering "fake" nulls virtually inevitable!

If I were generating the SQL myself, I would do this to generate the component of the 
WHERE clause for one comparison (in psuedo code):

  | if ({the parameter is null})
  |   whereComponent = field + " IS NULL ";
  | else
  |   whereComponent = field + " = " + parameter;

If this violates the standard, then the standard is overdue for a change.  I heard 
that UNIONS were coming out in a future release.  That's a cheesy solution to me.  
There's no reason why it can't be a simple and fast query.  UNIONS are slow.

I'm not blaming JBoss at all for this.  I blaim the JCP.  I love J2EE.  It has a lot 
of good well thought out standards.  But this is not one of them.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
The problem with that query is that it will return rows where c.customer IS NULL but 
the parameter ?1 is not null.  You only want rows where c.customer is null and ?1 is 
also null.  The equals doesn't work, and IS NULL only tests one side of the equation.  
You can't apply it to the parameter to be sure both the parameter and c.customer are 
null at the same time.

I've worked around this by creating multiple queries to test for the various 
scenarios, and then aggregating the results.  That's extremely inefficient, but the 
runtime inefficiency is not the biggest problem.

The problem is that the number of queries you need is the number of optional 
parameters you have to the power of 2.  For instance, if you have two optional 
parameters, then you need 4 queries to cover all possible combinantions of null and 
not null values.  However, I'm asking this question today because I now had a case 
where the business key has 4 optional columns.  This would require 16 queries, and I'm 
not going there.

To get around this for now, I created a "dummy null" value, and have a lot at points 
to convert it back and forth between a real null.  This was at least better than 
creating 16 EJB-QL queries and creating a lot of Java code to tie them together.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread ironbird
??? What do you say ?
You can get null values rows in EJB-QL testing by IS NULL.

For example the EJB-QL query

  |  * @ejb.finder 
  |  * view-type="remote" 
  |  * signature="java.util.Collection 
findCustomers(Pharma_EJB.interfaces.Pharma_Customer customer)" 
  |  * query="SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(c) FROM Pharma_User c WHERE c.customer IS NULL OR 
generates the following SQL

t1_c_customer WHERE (t0_c.CLI_ID IS NULL) OR ((t1_c_customer.CLI_ID=?) AND 
Where is the problem ?

The spec says explicitly that the null values do not participate in the relation, so 
you must test it with IS NULL explicitly (snippet from the spec):
anonymous wrote : 
  | Path expression navigability is composed using ?inner join? semantics. That is, if 
the value of a non-terminal
  | cmr-field in the path expression is null, the path is considered to have no value, 
and does not participate
  | in the determination of the result.

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