New build with higher priority

2023-05-26 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a job where a new build should be able to cancel an
already running build of the same job. The cancelling already
works. What I have a problem with now is, when the build
queue is so full (with other jobs) that the new build is not
even looked at before the queue has been worked off. If I
could give the new build a higher priority or lower the priority
of the running build then the cancelling would jump in.

I'm already using the priority sorter plugin but that only
allows to configure a priority, not to change it, and it's also
per job, not per build.

Is there a way to achieve this in Jenkins? If not we'd have
to resort to an external solution that would read the queued
and running jobs and then issue a cancel on the running
build if a new build is in the queue.


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Re: Nested parallel dynamically

2023-05-17 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 18:12 17.05.2023, you wrote:

>We resolved the dynamic matrix support by implementing a matrix step in a 
>shared library,
>the matrix axis are arrays that can come from files if you want 
>pipeline {
>  agent any
>  stages {
>stage('Matrix sample') {
>  steps {
> matrix(
>  agent: 'linux',
>  axes:[
>axis('VAR_NAME_00', [ 1, 2 ]),
> axis('VAR_NAME_01', [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ])
>   ],
>  excludes: [
>axis('VAR_NAME_00', [ 1 ]),
>axis('VAR_NAME_01', [ 'd', 'e' ]),
>  ]
>  ) {
> echo "${VAR_NAME_00} - ${VAR_NAME_01}"
>  }
>  }
>  }

Thanks for your example, I'll take a look at it. Does it show up in the pipeline
stage view just like a regular job? I found that if the stage order is not each 
the same then the stage view will reset with each build, so only the last one is
visible. Maybe the matrix can help me with that.

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Nested parallel dynamically

2023-05-17 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I'm trying to create a pipeline which should have nested parallel
blocks. In detail, I have a number of stages which should run on
a number of agents. However the information where each stage
should run is dynamic as it comes from another job (upstream).
So declarative pipeline is not possible and doesn't support
nested parallels anyway, I believe.
To prevent all stages running on separate executors (and so
blocking the execution of other jobs) I'd like to combine the
stages for one agent into a parallel pipeline and then run all
those agent pipelines in parallel again. It should be the same
as if I had all stages in a single pipeline running on one agent,
using one executor except that now multiple agents are used,
each one running its own parallel pipeline. It's important that
they are really parallel because the job should use as little
time as possible. That's also the reason to use multiple agents
instead of just one.

I looked on the net and found examples for scripted pipelines
or nested parallel stages, but I couldn't find an example that
I could make work. I only used declarative pipelines before so
I'm not that versed in scripted pipelines.

Can someone point me to an example that goes in my direction?

Thanks a lot

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Re: How to get all Jenkins job ran between specific dates?

2023-05-13 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 23:34 12.05.2023, you wrote:

>Hi There, 
>I am looking for a way to gather Jenkins's usage statistics such as builds run 
>every month or day. I came across a script at 
> However, it is not working as expected. 
> is also not working as expected 
>and we don't want to use this plugin for security reasons.
>How can I achieve this? Please advise. 

I was looking for similar information, so I could see when many jobs want
to use the same lockable resource or when an agent could be better used.
As I couldn't find such information I resorted to the API (via web calls) to
poll for running jobs and locked resources. This information is stored in
a file where I can then use a script to create a table of when was running
what and where. You could probably do the same to get the desired
statistics out of this data. I wrote it in python as there's a plugin to access
Jenkins but maybe someone with more internal knowledge could turn this
into a Jenkins plugin.

import jenkins

server = jenkins.Jenkins('http://YOURJENKINS', username='USER', 
password='PASS', timeout=300)
queue = server.get_queue_info()
running = server.get_running_builds()

Maybe that helps. If there is a better way I'd be glad to hear about it as
I don't like my solution too much either.

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Re: Missing run times

2023-02-05 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 11:32 05.02.2023, you wrote:

>I have a pipeline with several steps. Three of those call a function to do the
>work, working in parallel. The job itself works fine, everything is executed
>as intended. However the display of the stages on the job page has wrong
>run times.
>The first of the three stages has correct run time of "44min 43s", and below
>in small "(paused for 1ms)". However the other two stages look differently.
>Both have a run time of "0ms" and below "(paused for 46min 12s)" and
>"(paused for 49min 2s)". Looking at the logs that's about the real run time,
>just displayed at the wrong place.
>What could be the reason for this wrong display? I'm using the Lockable
>Resource Plugin, sometimes with skipIfLocked: true. Could this throw
>off the run time calculation? Is there a way to debug this?

Replying to myself: The lock really seems to be the culprit. If the resource
is already locked then the stage doesn't need to wait and can continue with
the rest of the code. However Jenkins/the plugin/whoever still thinks that
this stage is waiting, therefore the wrong timing.

I replaced the lock with some other code and now the run times are
shown correctly.

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Missing run times

2023-02-05 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a pipeline with several steps. Three of those call a function to do the
work, working in parallel. The job itself works fine, everything is executed
as intended. However the display of the stages on the job page has wrong
run times.

The first of the three stages has correct run time of "44min 43s", and below
in small "(paused for 1ms)". However the other two stages look differently.
Both have a run time of "0ms" and below "(paused for 46min 12s)" and
"(paused for 49min 2s)". Looking at the logs that's about the real run time,
just displayed at the wrong place.

What could be the reason for this wrong display? I'm using the Lockable
Resource Plugin, sometimes with skipIfLocked: true. Could this throw
off the run time calculation? Is there a way to debug this?


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Prioritize locking of running jobs

2023-01-26 Thread Fabian Cenedese

We use the lockable resources plugin to manage access to
scarce resources (which works fine). When there are several
jobs running, each one locking and unlocking the resource
multiple times then it happens that all the jobs get a slice
of the resource before another job uses it again, probably
in the order of the locking requests.
Is it possible to prioritize jobs in locking based on something
else than the lock order? Is it possible to use the job start
time so the longest running jobs get priority over new jobs,
even if they release the lock intermittently?

If this is not possible then I probably need to adjust the
jobs to not release the lock in between even if it's not used
for some time.


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GUI tests without display

2022-12-09 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I want to test some GUI applications with Jenkins using pyautogui.
The tests work when run manually as then there's a display etc.
However I couldn't get them to work yet with Jenkins. I tried both
the xvnc as well as the xvfb plugin but both still have problems.

Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display

Is this because the test agent (Ubuntu 20/22) uses Wayland
instead of X server? Is anybody using these plugins? Is there
a better solution?


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Re: Unittest xml file not valid

2022-12-07 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 13:16 07.12.2022, Ullrich Hafner wrote:

>The best way would be to clone the xunit plugin and feed your file as a new 
>test case. Then you can directly see what is broken.

I found that pytest generates a JUnit format file. With JUnit as parser
insteap of CppUnit it works. So it was a user error, sorry for that.

Thanks for helping.

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Unittest xml file not valid

2022-12-06 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I'm using pytest for testing and have it generate a unittest
xml file that can be read by Jenkins. This has worked fine
for other jobs but now I have a new job where Jenkins doesn't
like the file:

01:12:52  org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.service.TransformerException: The result 
file 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\applicationtest\applicationtest\unittest.xml' for 
the metric 'CppUnit' is not valid. The result file has been skipped.

However the file exists and XmlLint doesn't see a problem with it.
No un-escaped special chars or < > etc. There's a 
tag and it just looks like other files from other jobs that work.

Is there a way to see what exactly it is that Jenkins doesn't like
about this file?


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Re: Exception compiling code ONLY when running through Jenkins

2022-10-27 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 19:10 27.10.2022, you wrote:

>I have what should be a simple project, using msbuild for VS2019 to build a 
>particular configuration of my solution. When I run in Visual Studio it works. 
>When I run via msbuild from the command line it works. When I try to build the 
>project using MSbuild in Jenkins it fails. When I try to run msbuild via a 
>command prompt through Jenkins it fails. It gives me the " error : Exception 
>has been thrown by the target of an invocation." every time. 
>The developers don't have any idea how to fix it because it never fails from 
>Visual Studio, only when the job is sent from Jenkins. FYI, I can rebuild this 
>entire solution for my windows release through Jenkins with no issues. It only 
>fails when trying to compile our VisualGDB platform for my linux 
>configurations. And again, only fails when the compile is started by Jenkins.

Jenkins probably runs as a different user than when you log in
into your build agent yourself. Try to imitate what Jenkins is doing
e.g. ssh as jenkins into the build agent and start the build.
The environment variables might be different, rights, PATH etc

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Distinguish multiple test results

2022-10-19 Thread Fabian Cenedese

We have a declarative pipeline where each step executes several
tests in sequence, each one producing a cppunit report. This works
out fine except that failed tests can't be distinguished.

Jenkins (pseudo code):

  stage('Parallel Execution') {
parallel {
  stage('stage1') {
steps {
  script {
DoTest(...) // e.g. Debug, Release, other compilers etc
  stage('stage2') {
steps {
  script {

If now a test fails in the DoTest routine the report looks like this:

Test Result (3 failures / -1)
Parallel Execution / stage1 / FailedTest
Parallel Execution / stage1 / FailedTest
Parallel Execution / stage1 / FailedTest

This makes it hard to find out which call really failed, especially if the
test only failed once and not each time. I've seen that xUnit has
'checksName', but that is only used for SCM, apparently not internally.
Is there a way to give xUnit a custom name, similar to checksName,
to be used for the results instead of the default stage name? My goal
would be something like (or any other way):

Parallel Execution / stage1-call1 / FailedTest
Parallel Execution / stage1-call2 / FailedTest
Parallel Execution / stage1-call3 / FailedTest


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Overall jobs timeline

2022-07-29 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I want to find out when the Jenkins instance is loaded the most,
in the sense of how many jobs are running in parallel, how long
do they need etc.
There's the build history with timeline in every single job. But I'd
like to have an overview over all jobs, maybe in a gantt diagram
like the jenkins-timeline-plugin does for one job.

Does something like this exist? Would I need to poll all jobs
to get their build times and create my own diagram?


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Re: Jenkins running as a service restarts by itself after upgrade from 2.303.2 to 2.319.3

2022-06-10 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 08:16 10.06.2022, you wrote:

>I upgraded Jenkins (running as a service) from version 2.235.5 to 2.303.2 (by 
>just replacing .war file and restarting the service), which seemed to work 
>pretty stable. Before doing it, I upgraded Java from OpenJDK 8 to OpenJDK 11, 
>which was the prerequisite for Jenkins upgrade. I tried to upgrade even to 
>2.319.3 or to 2.332.3 and I was able to log in to GUI with my AD credentials 
>after upgrade, however there are some issues which cause Jenkins to restart by 
>itself from time to time when using these 2 releases, so for now I downgraded 
>it back to 2.303.2.
>The question is why is this happening ?

I can't offer an explanation or even a solution but we too had that
problem of Jenkins restarting. As consequence I downgraded from
Jenkins 2.332.3. It may have been rather a problem with Java 11
but I don't remember exactly. Currently we're using Jenkins
version 2.319.3 (on Ubuntu) with openJDK 8 and that is stable.
Of course we'd welcome a solution to this problem as well.


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Re: Convert groovy script to pipeline

2022-04-21 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 15:12 21.04.2022, you wrote:

>We have an old-style job where under "Inject environment variables to the 
>build process"
>a groovy script from "Evaluated Groovy script" is executed. It runs on the 
>master but
>creates a file to be placed in the workspace on the agent where the main work 
>is done.
>It runs on the master as we use several plugins installed in Jenkins.
>I've now made a stage in my pipeline that runs on agent 'master'. However I 
>now have
>problems with starting the script itself:
>def sharedData = new Binding()
>def shell = new GroovyShell(this.class.getClassLoader(), sharedData)
>sharedData.setProperty('out', out)
>sharedData.setProperty('currentBuild', currentBuild)
>// read script file from node (executing on master)
>shell.evaluate(new InputStreamReader(new 
> hudson.FilePath(currentBuild.getWorkspace(), 'script.groovy').read()))
>But that gives an error that 'out' is not known. I replaced it with (might be 
>wrong too):
>sharedData.setProperty("out", new StringWriter());
>Now the script content is a problem as functions seem unknown or different:
>thefile = new PrintWriter(new 
> hudson.FilePath(currentBuild.getWorkspace(), file.txt').write())
>thefile.println(currentBuild.getProject().getDisplayName() + ' build ' 
> + currentBuild.getDisplayName())
>hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No 
>signature of method: 
>is applicable for argument types: () values: []
>Do I have to give a different parameter than 'currentBuild' that implements 
>functions? Do I have to change the groovy script?

I found out that the groovy script execution under "Inject environment 
is done using the "Environment Injector Plugin" which prepares these missing
variables like this:

Current hudson.model.Job instance.
Current hudson.model.Run instance.
Current hudson.model.TaskListener instance, which can be used for logging 
Another logging instance as It is recommended to use 
currentListener instead of this variable when possible. 

As I'm now executing my script directly I need to prepare these variables 
Can anybody help me to get to them? I tried to find this in the envinject plugin
source but I wasn't able to. I guess it should be pretty simple.


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Convert groovy script to pipeline

2022-04-21 Thread Fabian Cenedese

We have an old-style job where under "Inject environment variables to the build 
a groovy script from "Evaluated Groovy script" is executed. It runs on the 
master but
creates a file to be placed in the workspace on the agent where the main work 
is done.
It runs on the master as we use several plugins installed in Jenkins.

I've now made a stage in my pipeline that runs on agent 'master'. However I now 
problems with starting the script itself:

def sharedData = new Binding()
def shell = new GroovyShell(this.class.getClassLoader(), sharedData)
sharedData.setProperty('out', out)
sharedData.setProperty('currentBuild', currentBuild)
// read script file from node (executing on master)
shell.evaluate(new InputStreamReader(new 
hudson.FilePath(currentBuild.getWorkspace(), 'script.groovy').read()))

But that gives an error that 'out' is not known. I replaced it with (might be 
wrong too):
sharedData.setProperty("out", new StringWriter());

Now the script content is a problem as functions seem unknown or different:
thefile = new PrintWriter(new 
hudson.FilePath(currentBuild.getWorkspace(), file.txt').write())
thefile.println(currentBuild.getProject().getDisplayName() + ' build ' 
+ currentBuild.getDisplayName())

hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No 
signature of method: is 
applicable for argument types: () values: []

Do I have to give a different parameter than 'currentBuild' that implements 
functions? Do I have to change the groovy script?

Thanks for any help.

bye   Fabi

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Re: Reasons for workspace cleanup

2022-04-11 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>>Workspaces Jenkins considers "unused" are wiped periodically. While this is 
>>intended to be safe, i.e., never delete the last workspace, or workspaces of 
>>running builds, it's not impossible that "active" workspaces are caught in 
>>rare circumstances. Check the workspace cleanup log in your Jenkins home to 
>>see whether this happens to you, or enable detailed (FINE) logging for the 
>>logger "hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread".
>Thanks for the info, that's what seems to be happening. I'll see if I can
>check this in case it happens again. Is this something that can be
>influenced in the settings or is it completely automatic? Would I need
>to run a job more often to prevent this? Or I could put all my files in
>a different directory outside the workspace and change into it in
>the job. That way there's nothing to delete in the configured workspace.
>This is completely automated and invisible beyond log entries (probably not 
>great). While there are some possible approaches to stop Jenkins from doing 
>that when it occurs with regular Jenkins jobs, your situation is different. In 
>your particular case, you're using what amounts to a Jenkins-managed resource 
>outside Jenkins. The cleanest solution is what you suggest: to stop doing 
>that, run your cron job somewhere else, and limit Jenkins workspace use to 
>actual Jenkins jobs.

Well, I do use Jenkins to collect the results of my otherwise started script,
keep the history, send emails and so on. But I understand that it knows
nothing of it until the job is started to get the results.
I'll rearrange my layout to have s separate directory for Jenkins.

Thanks for your help.

bye  Fabi

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Re: Reasons for workspace cleanup

2022-04-11 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 13:53 11.04.2022, you wrote:

>Workspaces Jenkins considers "unused" are wiped periodically. While this is 
>intended to be safe, i.e., never delete the last workspace, or workspaces of 
>running builds, it's not impossible that "active" workspaces are caught in 
>rare circumstances. Check the workspace cleanup log in your Jenkins home to 
>see whether this happens to you, or enable detailed (FINE) logging for the 
>logger "hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread".

Thanks for the info, that's what seems to be happening. I'll see if I can
check this in case it happens again. Is this something that can be
influenced in the settings or is it completely automatic? Would I need
to run a job more often to prevent this? Or I could put all my files in
a different directory outside the workspace and change into it in
the job. That way there's nothing to delete in the configured workspace.


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Re: Reasons for workspace cleanup

2022-04-05 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 08:55 05.04.2022, you wrote:

>Am Dienstag, dem 05.04.2022 um 08:35 +0200 schrieb Fabian Cenedese:
>>My problem is now that sometimes the workspace on the node
>>is completely wiped, sometimes even while the task is running
>>which of course then makes it fail. But I couldn't find a reason
>>why this would happen.
>There are various places in a job's configuration where workspace cleanup can 
>be enabled, partly depending on installed plugins, for example:
>* The SCM section 
>* Under "Build environment": Delete workspace before build starts 
>* Under "Post-build Actions": Delete workspace when build is done 
>* Might also be something in your build steps 
>* Workspaces can also be wiped manually from the job's page 
>* We have special cleanup jobs in place that periodically remove all 
> workspaces
Thanks for the ideas. However I think none of it applies here.
- I've removed all references to git and svn as I also assumed this to be the 
- It happens even when no job is running/has been running so the config
  shouldn't matter here. But I have nothing of that sort anyway.
- I don't have anything deleting in my script
- As it also happened in the middle of the night where nobody is working
  I rule manual out as well (and Jenkins is not accessible from outside)
- Are you talking about your own self-made cleanup jobs or is that
  something builtin into Jenkins?

I checked Jenkins logfiles, system logs, virus scanners, job history...
but I still can't find a reason. It's also arbitrary, I couldn't see a pattern 


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Reasons for workspace cleanup

2022-04-04 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a task that needs a lot of time. To not occupy Jenkins for
days I made it like this that the task is started via cron on the
agent, without Jenkins. In the end a Jenkins job is started to
just get the results which is a matter of seconds.
My problem is now that sometimes the workspace on the node
is completely wiped, sometimes even while the task is running
which of course then makes it fail. But I couldn't find a reason
why this would happen. It's exactly the workspace as defined
in the Jenkins job that is cleared, not just the (sub)directory
where my task is running.
What are the reasons that Jenkins might do that? I've seen it
happen before checking out from a version control system if
the workspace was not yet a checkout. But there's no checking
out in the job anymore. Could it be that if the connection to the
node is lost and reestablished that some cleaning or setting
up is done? Are there any other reasons that Jenkins (agent)
might clean the workspace, completely out of sync with any
running job?


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Exception in Log

2022-02-23 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a pipeline job with multiple steps. In the status view I
can look at the job log output divided into the single steps.
However I can't look at the output of the last step. When I
try I get an exception in the Jenkins log. Is this a known


bye  Fabi

Caught unhandled exception with ID 49740250-4b9b-4b98-94e1-f1d8224f0863
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.nodes.StepAtomNode cannot be cast to 
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function$MethodFunction.invoke(
Caused: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function$MethodFunction.invoke(
Caused: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected exception while serving JSON
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.bindAndInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$11.doDispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$9.dispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$2.doDispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$9.dispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: Unable to Run jenkins job on zos slave

2021-10-25 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 14:21 21.10.2021, you wrote:

>Can you please help me for this issue
>On Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 18:53 Adharsha sri, 
><> wrote:
>Hi Team,
>I am unable to run a jenkins job ( shell command : date) on zos slave . The 
>slave is active and online but getting some gibberish values in console 
>output. Please help.

Please post the "gibberish".

bye  Fabi

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Re: Even distribution of jobs

2021-07-10 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>It may have been with your version but it isn't offered anymore with the
>current jenkins. Either it's not compatible anymore and was therefore
>removed or there's a problem with the list of available plugins.
>Or there's a problem locally for you.  I see that plugin as available to 
>download with Jenkins 2.289.2 in my local installation.  I see that plugin as 
>available to download with Jenkins 2.289.2 on 
> as well.

I would never rule out an error on my site. However searching in the
whole "Available" list with the browser didn't turn it up. So I didn't
find it. Only after entering "sco" in the filter did it finally show up
(smaller strings didn't work).
Is the "Available" list not the complete list (minus the installed
plugins)? I always assumed it is as there is no "page 2, 3, 4"
at the bottom or whatever. If it's not I find it somehow counter
intuitive to use the filter to produce more instead of less results.
That's usually not how a filter works.
I could install it and will see if this now changes the node load.

Thanks for your help.

bye  Fabi

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Re: Even distribution of jobs

2021-07-10 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 20:23 07.07.2021, Jonathan Mackenzie wrote:

>I am running 2.192 and I can see it in the plugin manager. Clicked the 
>'Available' tab then typed 'scoring' in the filter box and it showed right up.

It may have been with your version but it isn't offered anymore with the
current jenkins. Either it's not compatible anymore and was therefore
removed or there's a problem with the list of available plugins.

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Re: Even distribution of jobs

2021-07-06 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 17:16 06.07.2021, you wrote:

>You can use the ScoringLoadBalabcer plugin:  

Unfortunately this isn't offered in the plugin manager. Do I have to install
it on the command line? Is it still available for Jenkins 2.x?


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Re: Even distribution of jobs

2021-07-06 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 17:16 06.07.2021, you wrote:

>You can use the ScoringLoadBalabcer plugin:  

That sounds good, I'll try that out, thanks. Makes me wonder
why this isn't part of Jenkins itself.

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Even distribution of jobs

2021-07-06 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have two nodes that are configured exactly the same.
The second one was added to get more throughput. But it
is not used if not necessary.
Example: Node 1 is running a job. Then I start another job.
Jenkins will also run it on Node 1 (with 2 executors). Only
if I run more than two jobs will Jenkins run them on Node 2.
However even with just two jobs they could be evenly
distributed over the available nodes to make use of the
CPU power. Both nodes are configured "use as much as

How can I configure the nodes or jobs so they make use
of as many nodes as possible, balancing the load over
all nodes?


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Re: jenkins status page checkmark instrad of green balls

2021-06-17 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 14:41 17.06.2021, you wrote:
>a) Downgrade your Jenkins version (not recommended). 
>b) Write a Jenkins theme that uses the old and ugly ball images 
>>Am 15.06.2021 um 08:36 schrieb sabsac123 
>>My jenkins project status page is showing a green checkmark for successful 
>>buld instead of green balls. how to bring back the balls icon to the staus 

Just to add to the original poster's comment. We too were surprised to
see the new icons. The problem is not whether the new or the old ones
were ugly or not. It's a simple case of clarity. The old icons (ugly or not)
were a lot clearer to grasp. The new weather icons are all the same color.
It's harder to see at one glance what the state of the dozens of jobs is.
Obviously we eventually will get used to the new theme. But I still don't
understand why all people think that flat and abstract is more modern.
Modern is not necessarily also practical.
Just my 1 cent.

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Re: How to publish cppcheck results in a pipeline?

2021-03-25 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>>Thanks for replying, I have opened and it has 2000 lines of code but I do not 
>>know if it is valid or not as I have never used cppcheck before, and if it is 
>>not valid is it because I am not using the right parameters when calling 
>>cppcheck or how?
>>bat'cppcheck "E:/Source" --force — enable=all — 
>> inconclusive — xml âxml — xml-version=2 . 2 > cppcheck.xml'

You need the output of channel 2 so you need to write 2> , leave out the space.

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Re: Job Pipeline Jenkins 1.x -> 2.x

2020-12-11 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 14:30 11.12.2020, Slide wrote:

>You need to give more information about what version you are upgrading from 
>and upgrading to. Be aware that moving from Jenkins 1.x to a recent 2.x is NOT 
>a drop-in replacement, can you tell me where you saw this?

Well, it doesn't mention a specific version unless it's really only 2.0[00]

>The last Jenkins 1.x release was over 4 years ago, there have been lots of 
>changes in that time, so expecting things to work perfect after that amount of 
>time is not really reasonable. You'll need to give more information about what 
>plugin you are using and check the logs for error messages. It is possible you 
>will need to rework stuff since you are moving from 1.x to 2.x.

Thanks for the information. I first updated to the last 1.658 and wanted to
continue from there. I checked 2.0 or so and everything still looked fine.
As the underlying linux was also ancient I decided to make a completely
new Jenkins Master with a current Ubuntu 20, install whatever Jenkins
it has in its repositories (using now 2.269) and copy the whole Jenkins
home folder from the old master over to the new.
Of course the plugins were now all old and I had to update them as
well. Apart from that it was quite effortless.

I checked the log and found messages like this:

Skipped parameter `FW_VERSION` as it is undefined on `FW_GENERIC_Copy2Desktop`. 
Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow 
undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or 
`-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to 
whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach 
or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer 
show this message.

I'm not sure if one of these arguments would help in my case or if it
would rather mask the problem. If the problem is easily solvable
then I can apply it to the current system. If not then I can also start
over again as I still have the old one and if you can tell me the best
way to go about.


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Job Pipeline Jenkins 1.x -> 2.x

2020-12-11 Thread Fabian Cenedese

We have used Jenkins 1.x for a number of build jobs because
of some old system requirements. Now that some of those systems
were retired we could finally upgrade Jenkins to a 2.x version,
including plugins of course.
Most jobs look fine and seem to work like before. However we have
one case that doesn't and I don't know how to fix it.

We have two jobs that are meant to run after another, combined
in a job pipeline. The first job is parametrized, so the user first
has to enter some information before the job is run. That part
still works.
If the first job is successful then the user can start the second job
in the pipeline view if he wants to. The second job also uses these
parametrized variables from the first job. That used to work fine
with Jenkins 1.x but not with 2.x. The variables are not resolved
and therefore the build fails, like checking out with svn:

>Location 'https://.../tags/${FW_SVN_PATH}/${FW_VERSION}/bin' does not exist
>Cleaning local Directory .
>Checking out https://.../tags/$%7BFW_SVN_PATH%7D/$%7BFW_VERSION%7D/bin at 
>revision '2020-12-11T11:06:44.042 +0100'

What do I need to do to resolve the parametrized variables in the
second job with the values from the first job?

Remember I'm not talking about the new pipeline scripts from 2.x,
this is a job pipeline that already existed in 1.x, and I don't want to
rewrite it. After all Jenkins 2.x is advertised as a drop-in replacement.


bye  Fabi

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Re: How to trigger a job at a certain time in Jenkins pipeline?

2020-09-15 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 17:07 15.09.2020, wrote:

>Hi Fabi,
>Great idea. How can JobA set a flag for JobB that persists when JobB runs at 
>9:00pm ET?

That depends on your system. I don't know if there's a Jenkins internal
way to do this. But if the jobs run on the same machine then maybe
you could set an environment variable, or create a file at a specific
location. Maybe leave a file on a network share. Use anything that
will persist and is accessible from both jobs.

bye  Fabi

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Re: How to trigger a job at a certain time in Jenkins pipeline?

2020-09-15 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>...but I wish I can do this (for illustration only, the cron option does not 
>exist of course)
>Step in JobA to trigger JobB to run around 9:00pm ET
>build job: JobB,
>  cron: "H 21 * * 1",
>  wait: true

How about JobB always runs at 9 (started from cron)
and always checks first, whether it should be executed
or not. JobA would set a "flag" or variable or whatever
to let JobB know that it should go on, once it's been

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Re: ExcludedRegions for SVN not working in Pipeline

2020-08-24 Thread Fabian Cenedese

>I have a pipeline which is configured for the SVN path in Jenkins pipeline. 
>Within Src, I have a Build folder and there are some projects inside that as 
>well. So, I want to exclude some projects within the Build folder. So I put 
>the ExcludedRegions like /Build/ProjectFolder1/.* and so on. But this is not 
>working. Any help will be appreciated.

Depending on the number of projects to include/exclude you could create
a new svn "repository" which just consists of external links to the stuff
you want and checkout that. However depending on your structure
this might not be feasible.

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Re: Jenkins Plugin for custom email notification

2020-07-19 Thread Fabian Cenedese
At 15:42 18.07.2020, Slide wrote:

>There are two email plugins available for Jenkins, Mailer 
>( and 
>the Extended Email Plugin 
> You can look at those two and see if one meets your needs.

If you can capture your output into a file then the Extended Mail
can read the file and add it to the mail body like this:

${FILE, path="yourfile.log"}

I don't know about catching the output without a file but check the
Extended Mail docs.

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Reasons for job termination

2020-07-03 Thread Fabian Cenedese

We've been using Jenkins for years now. Recently a problem has
come up that I can't explain. Jobs started to get terminated with
no apparent reason. With a signal handler I found that it's
apparently the Jenkins user that is sending the SIGTERM to
the running process.

What are reasons for Jenkins to stop a job?

There is no second build being started and it's throttled anyway.
The build timeout plugin is installed but this is a pipeline job
where it doesn't work. And I don't use the timeout options in
the pipeline.
I don't see anything in the jenkins log at that time.

How can I find out why the job is killed?


bye  Fabi

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CppCheck plugin fails on Ubuntu 18.04

2018-09-20 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a job that among other things uses cppcheck to examine the code.
This has worked on several systems (Ubuntu, Debian, Windows). However
I have a problem using the same job on the last Ubuntu 18.04. Here's a
snippet from a working build:

(Ubuntu 16.04, CppCheck 1.72)
[Cppcheck] Starting the cppcheck analysis.
[Cppcheck] Processing 1 files with the pattern 'cppcheck.xml'.
[Cppcheck] Not changing build status, since no threshold has been exceeded.
[Cppcheck] Ending the cppcheck analysis.

And this is what happens on Ubuntu 18.04

(Ubuntu 18.04, CppCheck 1.82)
[Cppcheck] Starting the cppcheck analysis.
[Cppcheck] Processing 1 files with the pattern 'cppcheck.xml'.
[Cppcheck] Error on cppcheck analysis: remote file 
operation failed: 
Linux/OPT/Debug/OS/linux/label/inos_desktop at 
hudson.remoting.Channel@282557ba:Ub18-04-64: Remote call 
on Ub18-04-64 failed
Build step 'Publish Cppcheck results' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Publish Cppcheck results' marked build as failure

The cppcheck logfile looks the same, xml with version 2. So what else
could be the reason for this exception? Is there a log file on the slave
that has more information? Or can I tell the slave to output more information
to the master?


bye  Fabi

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