Re: Trying to use a Reactive Reference Parameter, it's not quite working

2019-04-13 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
An AC Reactive Reference formatted as HTML should return valid HTML and an 
element with name="value" Only then the value of the element will be passed 
to the build.
Please, read '*Passing Reactive Reference Values to the build* ' in the AC 
wiki page: 

Hope this helps

On Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 11:48:45 AM UTC-5, Adam von Nieda wrote:
>Hi folks,
>I’ve got two parameters in my job, the first is a simple “Choice 
> parameter” called “Choose", which has the following choices
> dev
> test
>The second is an “Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter” called 
> “Hostname", which uses the following Groovy script to return a hostname. It 
> references the above parameter. 
> if (Choose.equals("dev")) {
>   return "hostname1"
> } else if (Choose.equals("test")) {
>   return "hostname2"
> } 
>If I set the choice type to “Formatted HTML”, I can see the Hostname 
> parameter update on the screen when I switch back and forth from dev to 
> test. So the Groovy script is working. But when I try to reference the 
> ${Hostname} parameter later on, it doesn’t appear to be set. Is there 
> something I’m missing? 
>I’ve attached a couple of screen shots to show my configuration. 
>  Basically I’m trying to do an if / then on a parameter, setting another. 
> If there’s a better way to do it, I’d love to hear it :) 
>Thanks very much!
>   -Adam vonNieda

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Re: Parameter parameter on the basis of other parameter

2019-04-13 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Active Choices should be able to do that. It's all a matter of how you 
setup your logic in the Groovy script that generates the parameters
If you can't get this to work please, provide more details of the issue and 
perhaps file an issue on the Jenkins JIRA.

On Monday, March 18, 2019 at 10:02:17 AM UTC-4, Pratik Jain wrote:
> Need help with Build with Parameter.
> I am having let say 4 features[Features 1,2,3,4]. Each feature is having n 
> number of scenarios. 
> What I want is if user select feature 1 and 2 then display only scenarios 
> of feature1 and 2 of user to selection.
> I know about Active choice parameter but it is not helping me much. let me 
> know if any other plugin can help me in this.
> Thanks

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Re: Kills me that BUILD_ID=dontKillMe

2018-01-19 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Simon your suspicion was correct! Thank you!

After downgrading several plugins, I was able to isolate the issue with the 
Plugin  <>v2.1.5
This version of the plugin seems to inject 'dontKillMe' as the BUILD_ID for 
a build. This behavior is not present in EnvInject Plugin v2.13
So, I have now settled to v2.1.3 as the latest version of the plugin to 

Best regards

On Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 2:07:58 PM UTC-5, Simon Richter wrote:
> Hi, 
> Am 17.01.2018 um 17:25 schrieb Ioannis Moutsatsos: 
> > The BUILD_ID (which up to this point was equal to BUILD_NUMBER) is now 
> > set to 'dontKillMe' 
> I dimly remember that this is a way to tell the cleanup code that kills 
> all processes after the build has finished to ignore certain processes. 
> On Windows with Visual Studio, this is often needed because pdbserv.exe 
> is shared between builds, so if the build that initially started it 
> finishes, all the other builds that are still running will fail. 
> Not sure why this is set now, but I'd suspect a plugin rather than 
> Jenkins core here. 

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Kills me that BUILD_ID=dontKillMe

2018-01-17 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I have recently upgraded to Jenkins v2.100 from v2.93 and all the security 
plugins that came along for the ride.
The *upgrade broke all the jobs* where in Groovy scripts and properties I 
was using the BUILD_ID environment variable to create unique names for 
folders and files. 

The BUILD_ID (which up to this point was equal to BUILD_NUMBER) is now set 
to 'dontKillMe'

Is there an option to disable this? I want BUILD_ID=BUILD_NUMBER

Best regards

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Re: Dynamic Parameter to Build without Active Choices Plugin

2018-01-04 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Note that Active Choices v2.1 is again available from the Jenkins update 
center. It no longer has a mandatory dependency on Scriptler. As a result 
it is secure and functional. Just read the most recent release notes for 
the Jenkins version requirements

On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1:51:36 PM UTC-4, Tim Downey wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some builds that use the Active Choices plugin to call a REST api 
> to build a list of parameter choices at the time the job runs.  Now that 
> Active Choices and Scriptler have been removed from the Update Center, I'm 
> wondering if there are any more secure alternatives?  I've been looking 
> through the Job DSL apis and don't see any other way to produce a dynamic 
> list of parameters, but I hope that I'm missing something.
> Can anyone respond if there's another way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Tim

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Pushing freestyle build artifacts to Bitbucket cloud instance

2017-12-06 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos

I need to push build artifacts to a cloud instance of Atlassian Bitbucket.
I've considered the Pubish-to-Bitbucket 
plugin but it does not seem to handle proxies gracefully and fails to 
connect to the cloud server.

Alternatively, I am considering using a custom groovy build step and the 
Atlassian Bitbucket REST API  using http-builder-ng to accomplish what is 
For example to list my repositories I use:

import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson
import static
import groovy.json.*
def http = JavaHttpBuilder.configure {
execution.proxy '', 20XX, Proxy.Type.HTTP, false
request.uri =''
request.auth.basic 'myusername','mypass'

request.contentType = 'application/json'

However, I'm having issues authenticating with this basic authorization 

I get the following *null *result

"{page=1, pagelen=10, size=0, values=[]}"

Any suggestions or alternate strategies?


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Re: Save the installed plugins as a text

2017-11-17 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Here is the Groovy script that I use to create an install script (using 
Jenkins CLI) of the plugins on the server . 
You can also modify it if you just want to get the list of your plugins 
(and their versions)

I have found this useful for cloning the plugins of one server to another. 
Hope it helps.

* Generates command to install all plugins on this server
* to a remote server whose name is passed in as a variable
* Helpful utility script for cloning the plugin environment of a server
* Author: Ioannis K. Moutsatsos
import jenkins.model.*;
  def destinationServer='jenkinsDestinationServer' //modify this for you 
destination server
  def plugins = 
  def pluginMap=[:]
  def installBuffer=new StringBuffer()
  def url= jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getRootUrl()
plugins.each {
println "${it.getShortName()} \n\tversion ${it.getVersion()} 

 // println "$key \n\t $value"
  installBuffer.append(' ')

println "java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://${destinationServer}:8080/ 
install-plugin ${installBuffer}"

On Friday, November 17, 2017 at 8:13:46 AM UTC-5, masaru tsuchiyama wrote:
> Hi 
> Is there any way to save the information of the installed plugins 
> as a text, and restore the plugins from the information. 
> By saving jpi files, it is possible to save and restore the installed 
> plugins. 
> But I want to add the information to git repository. 
> So the information should be a text file. 
> Regards. 
> Masaru. 

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PowerShell (plugin) and Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Cmdlets -Anyone successful?

2017-11-16 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
One of the most powerful features of PowerShell is the ability to handle *big 
*data* copies/transfers/downloads* using the Background Intelligent 
Transfer Service (BITS) 
>From the PoweShell console this is extremely fast compared toa ll other 
copy operations across the network

However, I have not been able to use BITS with the Jenkins PowerShell 

No matter how many tricks I dug up from Google searches I always seem to be 
running into an issue like

Start-BitsTransfer : The operation being requested was not performed because 
the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not 

(Exception from HRESULT: 0x800704DD)
My Jenkins is running under an account that can access remote shares, but 
when these paths are used as Source paths to Start-BitsTransfer they error 
as shown.

Has anyone used this PowerShell command successfully to copy/transfer files 
using Jenkins?

Thanks for any feedback!

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Re: Backup "Managed Scripts"

2017-11-16 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
In most recent versions of the plugin v2.16+ the scripts seem to be stored 
in JENKINS_HOME\org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.*GlobalConfigFiles.xml*
I agree that the XML file storage seems unfortunate and probably not 
sustainable for a variety of reasons.

BioUno has published the R statistical language plugin 
 and I was hoping that we 
would be able to maintain the R-scripts in a similar manner.
So the managed files plugin idea seems good but I think the implementation 
needs a new strategy.

On Monday, November 18, 2013 at 7:31:42 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been searching everywhere, but what's the location of all the managed 
> script files store onto the master node of Jenkins?  I would like to back 
> it up.
> I know I can backup everything under the default directory 
> "/var/lib/jenkins", but it's not efficient because it contains build data 
> which we don't want to store every one of them.
> Does anyone know the exact default location of where this plugin store the 
> scripts?

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Re: How to template HTML to create custom report?

2017-04-18 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
The simplest option is to use a Groovy build step with a few lines of code 
to parametrize your html template with the yaml file. See here the options 
that Groovy offers for template engines 

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 2:23:46 PM UTC-4, Trever wrote:
> I want to be able to have an HTML template of some sort the I can populate 
> with values from another source (in my case, a yaml file).  Then I would 
> use HTML publish plugin to add the HTML to my job result.  I've googled 
> around to see what kind of options I may have to do this but nothing stands 
> out.  
> I'm looking for suggestions.
> Thanks

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Re: Active Choices plugin - not found referenced parameter

2017-04-18 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
The error message is unfortunately irrelevant here. It is part of the 
logger info that fires at some point before the parameter is defined.
The real issue is that you are expected to return a list or map from the 
groovy script of an Actice Choice Reactive parameter, and not text as you 
are currently doing. 

Other than that it looks good

On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 7:59:21 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Active Choices plugin to get branch list by repo using 
> github api, but it gives me an error that there is no repo - which is a 
> referenced parameter, which is already defined.
> In case, I'm using Ubuntu 16.0.4, Jenkins 2.32.2 and Active choices plugin 
> 1.5.3.
> if (REPO.equals("REPOA")){
> def proc = "curl 
> | 
> jq -r '[.[] | .name ]'".execute()
> return proc.text
> }
> else if (REPO.equals("REPOB")){
> def proc = "curl 
> | 
> jq -r '[.[] | .name ]' ".execute()
> return proc.text
> }
> Am I doing something wrong?
> (I also tried to use buffer/stream way since I found some answers about 
> not using 'text' from stackoverflow, but same result. the code part to get 
> branch name is working fine on scriptler edit mode.)
> def proc ="curl"
> def outputStream = new StringBuffer()
> proc.waitForProcessOutput(outputStream, System.err)
> return outputStream.toString())
> referenced parameter reactive part
> The error is as follow:
> Fallback to default script...
> groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: REPO for class:  
> Script1
> at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
> at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoGetPropertySite.getProperty(
> at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.
> callGroovyObjectGetProperty(
> at

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Re: Is there a jenkins parameter plugin that can show parameter options base on current login user?

2017-04-03 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
You could use the Active Choices plugin 
have your Groovy script determine the options based on the current user.
It should be pretty easy I think.

On Friday, March 31, 2017 at 11:36:18 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> For example, assume there is a choice parameter *project* and 7 
> options(opt1,2..7), userA have the 3 options(opt1, opt2, opt3) to 
> pick, userB have 5 options(opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5, opt7) and userC have 
> all 7 options.
> And the options can be configure in a matrix like below:
> option\user userA userB userC
> opt1 ✅
> ✅
> opt2 ✅ ✅
> ✅
> opt3
> ✅
> ✅
> ✅
> opt4
> ✅
> ✅
> opt5
> ✅
> ✅
> opt6
> ✅
> opt7
> ✅
> ✅
> Are there any plugins can support this scenario? Or any alternatives?
> I am looking forward your reply and appreciate for that, thanks.
> Shawyeok

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Re: Using extended choice parameter in Jenkins

2017-03-10 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Active Choices requires that the returned value from the script is a list
or a map. Each element then becomes a selectable option.
Assuming that each line of your text file contains an option you want to
display, try something along these lines for the Active Choices groovy
def choices=[]
textFile= new File("C:/temp/applicationlist.txt")
return choices

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 12:40 AM VikS <> wrote:

> Thank you, I never scripted using Groovy and tried this *String
> fileContents = new File("C:/temp/applicationlist.txt").text* which did
> not work...
> On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 11:04:10 AM UTC+8, Ioannis Moutsatsos wrote:
> Take a look at the Active Choices plugin
> <>
> instead. A simple Groovy script can be used to read the text file and
> return a list of the choices.
> On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 6:31:36 AM UTC-5, VikS wrote:
> -3 down vote favorite
> <>
> I would like to create an Extended Choice Parameter option and for the
> choices to be listed from a text file? Would it be possible and if yes, how
> can i achieve that?
> [image: Image]
> --
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Re: Groovy generator bug with parameterized properties

2017-03-09 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Hmm.. The Active choices plugin has not been tested in this context and 
neither currently supports Scripted or Declarative pipelines. I would 
suggest that you add an issue to the Active Choices JIRA issues 
 for future consideration. 
Thank you!

On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 11:20:12 PM UTC-5, kgodoy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that when I try to use the Groovy Generator for properties and 
> Active Choices plugin, I don't see the option to check off the Script box 
> and therefore don't know where to add my Groovy code to populate the 
> multicheckbox. 
> Also, I noticed that it adds SlackNotifier object type for some reason. 
> This is the venerated code.  
> properties [pipelineTriggers([]),  jenkins.plugins.slack.SlackNotifier.SlackJobProperty>, parameters([[$class: 
> 'ChoiceParameter', choiceType: 'PT_CHECKBOX', description: 'This is the 
> description', filterable: true, name: 'MYPARAM']])]
> What's missing is the 'script' property so that I can add the Groovy code 
> to generate the options for the multi-select checkboxes. 
> Thanks!
> Ken

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Re: Entering Commands into a program

2017-02-22 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Why not capture your Java command line parameters using a Jenkins freestyle 
build and a form for the required parameters?
These parameters are available in the build and can be passed to your java 

On Monday, February 13, 2017 at 3:02:14 AM UTC-5, Akiva Lane wrote:
> We have written a Java program that accepts command line input. 
> I can start the program withe Jenkins, and then the program expects a 
> command with parameters
> to be entered.  But when I put the command on the next Jenkins line, 
> Jenkins says 'command not found'.
> For example, I run a script called startPgm that starts my program, and 
> then need to enter the command
> to the program "file javatest".
> My Jenkins lines are:
> + cd /users/akiva
> + ./startPgm
> + file javatest
> Jenkins starts the program, and then says:
> Command> + file javatest
> /tmp/hudson7645987865sh line 3:  file: command not found
> How do I enter the command into the program?
> Thanks.

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Re: $JENKINS_HOME vs. $WORKSPACE on a slave (agent) node vs master node

2017-02-02 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I believe that you can define a JENKINS_HOME environment variable on the 
slave node. Jobs running there will use that instead of the JAVA_HOME of 
the master.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 4:48:52 PM UTC-5, Bruce Epstein wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> I have one master and one slave node.
> I am trying to move some Jenkins jobs that currently run on the master to 
> instead run on the slave.
> For various reasons, I need (or at least want) to use the $JENKINS_HOME 
> env variable in my scripts, but it returns the value of the master jenkins 
> localtion, even when running a job on the slave.
> On the master node, $JENKINS_HOME  is 
> /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/webapps/jenkins
> On the slave node, $JENKINS_HOME should be /opt/jenkins, but is being 
> returned as the master's value ( /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.54/webapps/jenkins)
> For now, the best I have been able to do is climb up the directory 
> hierarchy, using something like:
> $WORKSPACE/../../../..
> So $WORKSPACE is returning the workspace location correctly on the slave, 
> but $JENKINS_HOME is returning the jenkins installation folder on the 
> master.
> Is this the expected behavior?
> Is there another env variable I should be using?
> Regardless, I have hundreds of Jenkins jobs, and tweaking them all will be 
> painful if I can't simply modify $JENKINS_HOME on which they currently rely.
> I think it is an IT configuration issue, because they say that when they 
> echo $JENKINS_HOME it gives the expected value on the slave node, as 
> follows:
> [jenkins@builder01-slave01 ~]$ echo $JENKINS_HOME
> /opt/jenkins
> Maybe the Jenkins process was started as "root" and not as the "jenkins" 
> user, and they've defined $JENKINS_HOME for the wrong user?
> If it is an IT-related configuration and not a Jenkins thing, please give 
> advice and I'll rely it onto the IT dept, who control the server config.
> Thanks in advance 
> Cheers
> Bruce

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Re: Start up Jenkins from another Windows User Account

2016-11-22 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Indeed. JENKINS_HOME is the key. If Jenkins does not find this env variable 
on startup, it will create a new home in the startup user account.

On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 9:31:08 AM UTC-5, Andreas Hetz wrote:
> Dear Jerome,
> thank you so much. 
> Finally i was able to solve the problem. I followed you instruction and to 
> set the JENKINS_HOME env made it. 
> Feel free to contact me any time  if you 
> have questions about your Jenkins issues.
> Best,
> Andreas
> 2016-11-16 17:51 GMT+01:00 :
>> my Jenkins managed part is as follow:
>> Home Directory: c:\Jenkins
>> Workspace RootDirectory: d:/JenkinsWorkspace/${ITEM_FULL_NAME}
>> Build Record Root Directory: ${ITEM_ROOTDIR}/builds
>> Assuming the above:
>> Your jobs info should be locate into C:/Jenkins/jobs
>> The system no matter what should them from this emplacement, make sure 
>> this folder is accessible by both user. This is THE folder with the jobs 
>> configuration and settings. It also contain the jobs results. I 
>> successfully exported those and restore them into another Jenkins.
>> You may want to check the log just to make sure that nothing went wrong 
>> with plugin version, etc...
>> jenkins.err.log
>> jenkins.out.log
>> I always use the service, I changed the user of the service. So I always 
>> use the jenkins.xml to start the wars, your args seem to be right, the only 
>> thing I see into the file that may change something is the env setting:
>> My guess is that you need to do the equivalent into your batch file. 
>> maybe make sure the env is set properly. Try to print both user environment 
>> to see the difference. But make sure to set this variables into the 
>> environment before launching:
>> set JENKINS_HOME="c:\Jenkins"
>> "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_102\bin\java" -Xmx3048m -mx1024m -jar 
>> ${JENKINS_HOME}\jenkins.war
>> Not sure it will change anythiong but worth the try.
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Best,
> Andreas 

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Re: Getting build scripts into workspace. Which is best?

2016-11-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
If a script is shared among multiple projects and can be used as a build 
step I usually manage it through the Scriptler 
( library.

If a script is unique to a project I place it in a 'buildScripts' 
sub-folder of the specific Jenkins project and manage it as part of the 
project configuration.

I'm sure others have come with alternate variations

On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 3:47:51 PM UTC-4, Trever wrote:
> We have our build scripts in a git repository.  Currently we have every 
> one of our pipeline jobs check out the build scripts into the workspace 
> directory in order to run the scripts.  This works fine.  
> While reading through some other Jenkins posts, I see that we could 
> optionally have a job that creates an archive out of the build scripts and 
> our pipeline jobs could copy those scripts from the archived artifacts.  
> Is one method better than the other?  Would there be any benefits to doing 
> it one way over another?

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[NEW] The Jenkins Job Configuration Analyzer

2016-11-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Greetings to all;

Check out the new git repository containing a Jenkins utility project that 
allows you to create a deep report of project configuration.

Especially useful for freestyle projects with many dynamic parameters. The 
README should give you enough information to get started!

Feedback and contributions welcomed!!

Best regards

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Re: Jenkins-LSCI (Life Sciences Continuous Integration) name trademark and usage question

2016-09-02 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Excellent information! thank you!

On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 10:48:22 AM UTC-4, nigelm wrote:
> Yes, there are restrictions.
> See - the 
> section on Trademark should give you a guide as to next steps.
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Ioannis Moutsatsos < 
> > wrote:
>> Greetings to all;
>> We have developed a number of scientific applications based on 
>> Jenkins-CI. Essentially we are able to deliver scientific workflows and 
>> data pipelining using the Jenkin-CI framework and selected ecosystem 
>> plugins. Much of the philosophy and strategy has been presented as part of 
>> the BioUno <>open source project. 
>> Now, I would like to open source the know how, Jenkins jobs and utilities 
>> that support high performance scientific imaging that I have developed for 
>> the company I work for. The public Git project will accompany a manuscript 
>> we have submitted for publication.
>> My question (as a non lawyer and scientist) is whether there are any 
>> restrictions or preferences on the use of the 'Jenkins' name. Internally we 
>> refer to our project as *Jenkins for Life Sciences Continuous 
>> Integration* or Jenkins-LSCI. Would this be an acceptable name to 
>> publish the project on GitHub or are we running into legal issues and 
>> objections here.
>> Any feedback or previous experiences is welcomed.
>> Thank you
>> Ioanns
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Re: Setting a new property from Groovy Script to pass to the next job

2016-09-01 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I would write the parameters out to a properties file and have an EnvInject 
plugin step 
re-inject them as build properties before your Step 2 script uses them.

On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 6:29:22 PM UTC-4, Mathew Joseph wrote:
> Hi All,
>My job involves 2 build steps 
> Step 1 : Groovy script to retrieve a list of files and populate a 
> parameter or environment variable say TEST_FILES
> Step 2 : VSTEST job that can read TEST_FILES and use that a parameter
> I have obtained the list of files, but what are the options available for 
> setting parameters 
> I tried using
> def pa = new ParametersAction([new StringParameterValue('TEST_FILE', 
> dllFiles)]);  
> and then try something like
> // Add variable to current jobs environment variables.
> Thread.currentThread().executable.addAction(pa) 
> build.addAction(pa) 
> But ParametersAction is not available for a script running on the Node.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mathew

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Jenkins-LSCI (Life Sciences Continuous Integration) name trademark and usage question

2016-09-01 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Greetings to all;

We have developed a number of scientific applications based on Jenkins-CI. 
Essentially we are able to deliver scientific workflows and data pipelining 
using the Jenkin-CI framework and selected ecosystem plugins. Much of the 
philosophy and strategy has been presented as part of the BioUno 
open source project. 

Now, I would like to open source the know how, Jenkins jobs and utilities 
that support high performance scientific imaging that I have developed for 
the company I work for. The public Git project will accompany a manuscript 
we have submitted for publication.

My question (as a non lawyer and scientist) is whether there are any 
restrictions or preferences on the use of the 'Jenkins' name. Internally we 
refer to our project as *Jenkins for Life Sciences Continuous Integration* 
or Jenkins-LSCI. Would this be an acceptable name to publish the project on 
GitHub or are we running into legal issues and objections here.

Any feedback or previous experiences is welcomed.

Thank you

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Permission in Scriptlet scripts-Can they be scripted?

2016-08-22 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Placing scriptler scripts (with the appropriate META header) in the 
JENKINS_HOME/scriptler/scripts folder allows their autodiscovery and 
loading once the server is re-started.
However, these scripts are still not usable for builds until the permission 
is set to 'Allow execution by user with RunScript permission' Is there any 
way that this permission can be set programmatically?

In my use case, I want to assist users not very familiar with Jenkins to 
mirror a working instance of Jenkins with jobs that depend on Groovy 
scriptlets. Job configuration and scripts will be chekced out from SCM but 
it would be useful if the script permissions can be set through a simple 
installation script.

Thanks for your feedback

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Re: setting build name while job is running using build-name-setter plugin

2016-08-05 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Have a look here:

This should get you started

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 2:09:16 AM UTC-4, sivarajesh jarugula wrote:
> I have a jenkins page with  multiple users running jobs simultaneously
> the jenkins page can be logged in using LDAP user accounts.
> while jobs are running from multiple users, I would like to see the 
> username in each build number
> this helps users does not kill the job IDs of other users (is there any 
> other way to restrict LDSP users see only  their jobs, but not others jobs?)
> But I am able to see the username in build history, only after job is 
> finished but not while the job is running as shown in below snapshot:
> Following are the settings that I am using for build-name-setting plugin:
> If I set the "Set build name before build starts", jenkins gives error 
> saying BUILD_USER_ID is not available.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Siva Rajesh

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Re: Query regarding rebuild & its parameters

2016-08-04 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
You should check out 
It allows you to change the previous parameters when you are setting up a 
job to be rebuild

On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 6:37:12 AM UTC-4, Prasad Gutti wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Jenkins through LDAP login.
> I have implemented one GUI, and tested it by giving some parameters to the 
> GUI. It is failed due to some error.
> I would like to rebuild the same by changing some parameters. But Jenkins 
> is not allowing me to modify any parameter to rebuild the same test case.
> Do we have any provide to modify parameters. could you please let me know 
> how to modify and rebuild?
> regards,
> Prasad 

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Re: setting build name while job is running using build-name-setter plugin

2016-08-04 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I would assign the user ID to a build parameter. Then it would be available 
before the build starts

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 2:09:16 AM UTC-4, sivarajesh jarugula wrote:
> I have a jenkins page with  multiple users running jobs simultaneously
> the jenkins page can be logged in using LDAP user accounts.
> while jobs are running from multiple users, I would like to see the 
> username in each build number
> this helps users does not kill the job IDs of other users (is there any 
> other way to restrict LDSP users see only  their jobs, but not others jobs?)
> But I am able to see the username in build history, only after job is 
> finished but not while the job is running as shown in below snapshot:
> Following are the settings that I am using for build-name-setting plugin:
> If I set the "Set build name before build starts", jenkins gives error 
> saying BUILD_USER_ID is not available.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Siva Rajesh

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Updating scriptler scripts from SVN before a build. Can a build step do it?

2016-08-03 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Greetings to all;

I use several scriptler scripts as build steps. 

I manage scriptler/scripts using SVN. 
I usually test new scriptler scripts on a development Jenkins server, 
commit changes to SVN and then go back to each production Jenkins server 
and update the scripts from SVN.

This is getting cumbersome as I have several production Jenkins servers 
that I need to keep in sync.

Is there a simple way that the scriptler/scripts folder can be update from 
the job itself, presumably from an SCM or build step before the relevant 
scriptler build step.
Unfortunately the SCM checkout is of little help as it always checks in a 
subfolder of the job workspace.

Thanks for any feedback

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Re: Advanced help for Active Choice plugin

2016-06-17 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
You should be able to pass multiple build parameters into an AC Reactive 
parameter. Just include a  comma separated list of the parameter names in 
the referenced parameters text box.

On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 1:02:09 PM UTC-5, Matthew Hamilton wrote:
> I have recently upgraded our Jenkins install to 1.643 and am attempting to 
> make use of the Active Choices plugin to consolidate a few of our jobs into 
> a few multipurpose ones.
> One of the jobs that I am looking to make some modifications to is our 
> deployment job of build artifacts into JBoss.
> We have several (approximately 24) web application build tasks and I have 
> a few separate deployment jobs and I was looking to make use of the Active 
> Choices plugin to utilize Groovy/Scriptler to set up the deployment task 
> such that the user doesn't have to input a whole lot of details.
> I have already created a Groovy script that will query all the build jobs 
> with a specific naming convention and populate a drop-down menu list of 
> those jobs for which there exists a valid web artifact for deployment.
> What I would like to do with Active Choices is to use the Active Choice 
> Reactive Reference Parameter to execute a second Groovy/Scriptler script 
> based on the build job that was selected.  I already have a script that 
> will populate a list of only those builds which meet a certain criteria. 
>  For example if deployment to test has been selected only list those builds 
> that have been deployed to dev and no other environment, and only the first 
> 5 jobs that match.
> What I am not sure if it is possible to do is pass the build job name that 
> was selected, as well as the target environment to the Groovy script for 
> the Reactive Reference Parameter.
> Is this something that just isn't currently possible with Active Choices?
> Thanks
> Matthew

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How do I delete job chains

2016-04-20 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I have a pipeline of jobs each triggering downstream projects using 
Lets say A->B->C

I would like to remove a job A build and automatically cascade the delete 
to the corresponding B and C builds
Is this possible. Any known plugins that can help with this?

Thank you!

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Re: Removing build associated files on Linux from Windows Jenkins

2016-03-19 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Good question! If we were using the intermediate files (on Linux) just for 
that build, we could certainly do what you are suggesting.
In our use patterns the intermediate results can be reused by several 
downstream jobs. As a result we don't want to delete them at the end of the 
first build that uses them.

Thank you for the feedback!

On Friday, March 18, 2016 at 3:41:51 AM UTC-4, Baptiste Mathus wrote:
> Must be missing something. Why can't you just:
> * upload files
> * process them
> * download resulting files
> * clean up everything
> In the same go?
> Cheers
> Le 14 mars 2016 6:09 PM, "Ioannis Moutsatsos" < 
> > a écrit :
>> I have a job that uploads user data on a Linux server where it gets 
>> processed (ssh remote execution build step). Results (artifacts) are 
>> subsequently downloaded and archived on the windows Jenkins server.
>> How can I delete the user data on the Linux server when  their associated 
>> Jenkins build is deleted?
>> Jenkins obviously deletes the archived artifacts, but I can't think of a 
>> good way to also trigger the cleanup of the remote data on Linux.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks
>> Ioannis
>> -- 
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Re: Capturing Data From a Script File and Setting Environment Variables

2016-03-14 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I would start with 
if your perl scripts write a simple key-value properties file, this plugin 
can read it to create environment variables that you can use in subsequent 
tasks or builds. 
hope this helps

On Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 2:13:41 PM UTC-5, John Bobinyec wrote:
> I have several perl scripts which develop information which is to be used 
> as environmental variables in subsequent parts of the build.  
> How do I:
>1. Pass the information back from the perl script to the main build 
>2. Once the main program has the information, set up environment 
>variables with these values so subsequent script files can use them?
> Thanks,
> jb

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Removing build associated files on Linux from Windows Jenkins

2016-03-14 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I have a job that uploads user data on a Linux server where it gets 
processed (ssh remote execution build step). Results (artifacts) are 
subsequently downloaded and archived on the windows Jenkins server.

How can I delete the user data on the Linux server when  their associated 
Jenkins build is deleted?
Jenkins obviously deletes the archived artifacts, but I can't think of a 
good way to also trigger the cleanup of the remote data on Linux.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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Re: Rebuild bug with jenkins dynamic choice parameter

2016-02-22 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Have you tried using the Active Choices[1] plugin instead? It generates 
dynamic parameters from goorvy scriptlets (or scripts and much more)  and 
re-build works fine for me.

Hope it helps!

On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 7:46:39 AM UTC-5, Divya Sethi wrote:
> Hi *Jenkins team and users*,
> This is wrt Jenkins bug JENKINS-32833- I used Jenkins dynamic choice 
> parameter scriptler to get dynamic drop down list on the basis of a script 
> output.
> When I attempt to rebuild the job using dynamic choice parameter, it does 
> fetch the right parameters from the original job but throws a stack trace 
> on rebuild action. If I copy-paste the same params in the BUILD job, they 
> work absolutely fine.
> This is causing a lot of pain to a lot of folks as we heavily use Jenkins. 
> Can 
> anyone please provide a quick workaround while people take time to fix the 
> bug?
> Thanks
> Divya
> NetApp
> Stack : 
> *Status Code: 500*
> *Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal choice: 
> vsim_64_bit*
> *Stacktrace:*
> *javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
> Illegal choice: vsim_64_bit*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$12.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$12.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$6.doDispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.NameBasedDispatcher.dispatch(*
> *at 
> org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(*
> *at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.service(*
> *at 
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(*
> *at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(*
> *at 
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(*
> *at 
> hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(*
> *at 
> *at 
> hudson.util.PluginServletFilter$1.doFilter(*
> *at 

Re: How to pass build.xml from one Jenkins to another Jenkins

2016-02-18 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Can you please clarify. Do you want to pass information from one Jenkins 
job to another or one Jenkins instance to another Jenkins instance?

On Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 1:40:21 AM UTC-5, Jenkins wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking for a solution how to to pass the build.xml file from one 
> Jenkins to another Jenkins.
> The build.xml has specific information for the project where the one 
> jenkins needs that information how to go about?
> Please help me on this.
> Thanks,
> Naveen

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Re: Json and dynamic variables

2016-02-18 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I see. In that case the 'groovy' way to do this is the SimpleTemplateEngine 

Hope it helps!

On Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 9:47:11 AM UTC-5, Niksan wrote:
> Thanks for that, I'm only interested in reading though, I came up with a 
>> solution although I'm rusty with Groovy but it will make do until a better 
>> approach appears.
> This method enables me to write test json in the console for test purposes.
> def token1 = 'Replaced-Token1'
> def token2 = 'Replaced-Token2'
> def tokenMapper = [
>   '${token1}' : token1,
>   '${token2}' : token2,
> ]
> def jsonFile = new File('d:\\test.json').text
> def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonFile)
> json = json*.collectAll{
>   element ->
>   if(element instanceof String) {
> if(element.startsWith('${')) {
>   element = tokenMapper[element] ?: element
> }
>   }
>   element
> }
> println(json)

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Re: Json and dynamic variables

2016-02-18 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I have been experimenting with the groovy JsonBuilder[1] and I find it 
quite capable in generating dynamic JSON. I'm not aware of any Jenkins 
plugin for what you are looking for though.


On Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 5:04:45 AM UTC-5, Niksan wrote:
> I have a job which has a groovy script and inside there I have a JSON like 
> array which I parse, I'd like to offload this array to a JSON file on disk 
> but it contains some elements that are gathered from parameters for the job.
> What's the best way of injecting / replacing tokens in a JSON file that 
> was loaded up in to a groovy script, are there any helpers already in 
> Jenkins land to assist with this or would it be a case of traversing the 
> whole array and manually replacing tokens with variables?

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Re: Build With Parameters link and the flow after that......

2016-02-16 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
If I understand this correctly, you want to have one parameter widget 
updated based on input from the other before it.
We call this cascading parameters

Take a look at the Jenkins Active Choices[1] plugin. It has many options 
for supporting this use case


Hope this helps

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 9:38:16 AM UTC-5, Narahari 'n' Savitha 
> Friends
> Thank You for your time.
> I am trying to get some help on
> what happens when the build with parameter  link is clicked for a given 
> job.
> when the build with params is clicked I want to put a screen with some 
> widgets
> but the contents of the widgets are populated based on the previous widget.
> -Narahari

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Re: Using a custom workspace located on a windows share drive on a windows slave

2016-02-16 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Good info. Thanks for sharing!
Were you logged into RDP using the same Jenkins user account that runs the 
Best regards

On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 7:28:55 AM UTC-5, Gary Bell wrote:
> Hi Everyone, posting this in case it helps someone else in the same 
> situation as I was. 
> Problem: 
> I was using Jenkins to run a windows job that used to run on the task 
> scheduler on a server 2008 machine. The executable code for that job 
> resides on a shared drive and has a directory structure that I cannot 
> change. 
> I set up the windows machine as a slave on my linux Jenkins master, set up 
> a new project and added an "execute windows batch job" build step. I then 
> set it to trigger on a schedule. This all worked and the job ran 
> successfully. 
> I now wanted to let the Jenkins Users see the log files that were produced 
> in the "logs" directory located on that shared drive. I modified the 
> project to add a custom workspace, and set it to X:\jobs\foo\logs which is 
> what it is available as on the slave. When I ran it, it failed with the 
> error: 
> Failed to mkdirs: X:\jobs\foo\logs 
> at hudson.FilePath.mkdirs( 
> at 
> hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout( 
> at 
> hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.defaultCheckout(
> at 
> jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy.checkout( 
> There was no SCM system configured, and the paths definitely existed and 
> were available on the slave when I remoted on to it using RDP. 
> Solution: 
> = 
> The problem was caused by the fact that the X:\ share was "Unavailable" to 
> the Jenkins user service process, but available when remotely logged in 
> using RDP or something. This is related to Windows UAC and is explained 
> here: 
> You can confirm this by temporarily adding a build step to the project 
> that does a "net use" command and then viewing the Jenkins console output 
> for the build. The shared drives are shown, but listed as "Unavailable". To 
> get around this, I did the following: 
> 1. Checked the option to "Prepare an environment for the run" in my 
> project configuration. 
> 2. In the "Script content" text box, I added the net use commands to map 
> the share (even though it was already mapped), and to show me the status. 
> 3. Ran the job and confirmed that all the drives were shown as "Available" 
> and that the job completed successfully. 
> The commands I used in step 2 were: 
> net use X: \\\shared 
> net use 
> At this point the log files all showed up in the workspace as required. 
> Best Regards, 
> Gary. 

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Re: Global environmental variables

2015-10-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Have you considered the metadata plugin 
? You can 
define key value metadata and can expose them as environment 
variables.These definitions are done at the project configuration level and 
will apply to all the builds of the project.

Just a thought.

On Friday, October 16, 2015 at 2:57:13 PM UTC-4, Peter Berghold wrote:
> Riddle me this Batman.
> Is there a way in Jenkins to set a global value that build jobs can access 
> in a shell? 
> Reason I ask is I'm about to create a build job that sets up files for 
> release by gathering a host of modules, staging them and then creating not 
> one but two tarballs for distribution.   I need to designate what the build 
> tag is to help name the tarballs.
> modules-{TAG}-{SEMANTIC VERSION}-release.tar.gz
> I'd like the to set the TAG and SEMANTIC VERSION in one place and have it 
> carry everywhere

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Re: Proposal: revisiting JUC in 2016

2015-10-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Perhaps a global event on the East Coast (NY, Boston?) would be more 
accessible to both US and European audiences.
Travel to and from these hubs is usually less expensive especially flying 
from/to Europe.

Best regards

On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 10:51:43 PM UTC-4, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Putting my CloudBees hat on, I'd like to discuss the following proposed 
> changes to the events in 2016, where we are moving away from JUC into a new 
> model.
> I put this up for the project meeting agenda in 1.5 week, but I hope to 
> get discussions going well before that.
> -- 
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi

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Re: parallel aggregation of downstream artifacts

2015-10-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
That's an interesting use case.

Can you add a last step to your tests a copy operation back to the master 
node workspace? This way each slave is responsible for copying it's test 
results back to the master node. In essence you are extending your parallel 
jobs one step further.

Do share what best works for you in the end. The parallel groovy script 
idea also sounds interesting.


On Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 6:30:44 AM UTC-4, Azul Inho wrote:
> Hey there,
> I have a master job which runs all the different tests of a particular 
> project. Let me call it 'masterjob'
> This masterjob has a multijob parallel phase which fans-out roughly 60-80 
> test jobs, these are run in parallel and spread out across different AWS 
> regions.
> The parallelism is there in order to achieve quick feedback and making 
> sure the feedback loop times don't increase as the number of tests 
> increases.
> It also gives me a quick point to check in how long it took to run all the 
> tests as the total time is the time the masterjob took to complete.
> The problem I have is after the parallel job phase, where I need to 
> aggregate all the downstream artifacts from all the jobs across every AWS 
> region.
> This step is done sequencially and is currently taking 20% of the total 
> duration of the masterjob.
> I am looking to run the aggregation of artifacts in parallel, and mantain 
> the feedback for the total duration of all the jobs mapped to the main 
> masterjob as I have today.
> I am thinking the best approach might be to build a piece of groovy code 
> that retrieves the artifacts from the current jobs in parallel and discard 
> the aggregate downstream artifacts plugins.
> Or as an alternative pushing those artifacts to a proper repository as 
> part of the job execution, and aggregate them again in the main masterjob 
> but in parallel through some shell/python/groovy step.
> Who else has this problem?
> Anyone 

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Re: Execute system Groovy script plugin (Build step)

2015-10-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
You can set the classpath for the groovy under advanced options

On Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:51:45 AM UTC-4, Alex Brodov wrote:
> Hi i'm trying to execute a groovy script inside the system Groovy script, 
> i'm trying to import "", unfortunately i'm 
> getting an error - *unable to resolve class 
>  *
> Is there any way to use this package ?

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Re: How do I get a custom Build Record Root Directory during a build?

2015-08-06 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Thanks Daniel! Yes, I agree in principle about the anti-pattern!

In our case however, builds from a variety of jobs write new metadata in a 
common properties file residing in one of a particular job build folder. 
Although reading and sharing data is well supported through the Jenkins 
API/REST, appending/updating is easier done using the local path to the 
file. A major improvement will come when we migrate to a database for 
maintaining these shared metadata files.

I ended up configuring a new global Jenkins property with the Build Record 
Root Directory that I can access through the build environment to 
dynamically create a local path. In the future, any changes to the Build 
Record Root Directory will be handled by a relatively simple update to this 
global property.

Best regards

On Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 5:05:43 PM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:

 There is no such environment variable. Accessing build records from file 
 system during the build is essentially an anti-pattern, and will fail as 
 soon as you use plugins like Compress Artifacts Plugin (or change the Build 
 Record Root Directory option, as you're seeing). Try instead to use e.g. 
 Copy Artifacts plugin, or the (REST) API of Jenkins -- it allows 
 downloading archived artifacts. 

 If you're tied to your current approach, since you built the variable 
 data.path from JENKINS_HOME, JOB_NAME etc. for you current setup, you could 
 use the same variables to get to the new path -- you'll just have to adapt 
 it to what you configured for Build Record Root Directory. 

 On 05.08.2015, at 22:52, Ioannis Moutsatsos 
 javascript: wrote: 

  Due to space limitation I have assigned a custom Build Record Root 
 Directory for my Jenkins server. 
  Now I need to create a data.path property assigned to the value of the 
 archive folder of a particular JOB_NAME. 
  Before I assigned the custom Build Record Root Directory, I used to 
 construct this property from the following components and environment 
  This generated the default Jenkins data.path for build archives 
  After the change to the Build Record Root Directory, I do not seem to 
 find any environment variable that exposes the custom Build Record Root 
  Is there a way to get the Build Record Root Directory value during the 
 build execution, so I can construct the data.path property correctly? 
  Thanks and best regards 
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Re: Parametrized build with conditional parameters

2015-08-05 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Yes, active-choices v1.2 
will do that for you.
You need to configure an AC Reactive Reference that will generate 
conditional HTML to display the required controls. This Reacive Reference 
will need to reference your 'classic/advance' option and create dynamic 
HTML conditionally.

As of v1.2 these Active Choices values can now be propagated to the build

Best regards

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 10:58:42 AM UTC-4, alok kumar wrote:

 Hi All,
 I have an urgent requirement in which I need to use dynamic loading of 
 parameters based on the value of another parameter.
 I require something like e.g. a parameter which has value like classic and 
 Only if someone chooses advanced, the next set of parameters should get 
 displayed. These next set of parameters could be anything like radio 
 buttons, check boxes, string, text parameters.

 I looked at a lot of plugins like extended chioce, dynamic choice, active 
 choice, etc plugins, but, none of them seem to be addressing my requirement 

 Can someone please help me with the above?


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How do I get a custom Build Record Root Directory during a build?

2015-08-05 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Due to space limitation I have assigned a *custom **Build Record Root 
Directory* for my Jenkins server.

Now I need to create a data.path property assigned to the value of the 
archive folder of a particular JOB_NAME.

Before I assigned the custom Build Record Root Directory, I used to 
construct this property from the following components and environment 


This generated the default Jenkins data.path for build archives

After the change to the Build Record Root Directory, I do not seem to find 
any environment variable that exposes the custom Build Record Root 

Is there a way to get the Build Record Root Directory value during the 
build execution, so I can construct the data.path property correctly?

Thanks and best regards

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Re: jenkins with groovy postbuild .Not able to execute anything in groovy script field

2015-06-11 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Check out the Jenkins log since you are writing via a logger. You can find 
the log recorders under http://JenkinsServer:8080/log

On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 2:21:27 AM UTC-4, apoorva s wrote:
 i need to run set of code after the build is completed. I use groovy 
 postbuild plugin(version2.2). I am new to jenkins and groovy. I tried 
 simple println but it is not working. I tried something like this also and 
 its not working. 

 i see the above (second image) as output for first image. What might be 
 the problem?

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Re: How to plot graph using Jenkins Plugins with having my own X and Y axis values and labels?

2015-06-11 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
No, the Plot plugin is rather inflexible. 

I use R and the R-plugin to plot my data 
anyway I want.
Then it is very easy to display the generated graphics from R either in a 
custom report (using either the HTML Publishe or Summary 
plugins) or by just archiving the png or pdf files generated from R.

See also: Using the Jenkins R-Plugin

Hope this helps

On Friday, May 22, 2015 at 1:17:05 AM UTC-4, ashok alluri wrote:

 I have Jenkins job running which reads the data from external DB (not 
 local to Jenkins server), I want to plot this data (both X and Y axis 
 values are read from DB) using Jenkins Plugins. I am finding difficulty 
 with Plot plugin as it's X-axis value is always build number, is there 
 anyway that I can plot my data against my own x-axis values?

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Re: Can we store output of some script in some variable in jenkins ?

2015-05-12 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
You may want to check out the Active Choices plugin for 
script generated dynamic build parameters.
Active Choices though uses Groovy

Active Choices parameters are used as build parameters in a variety of ways.

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 1:48:06 PM UTC-4, Krishna Kumar Tiwari wrote:


 Suppose i have a script( which outputs one variable in Build_id 
 . and in Execute Shell section of the job config. Following is the commands 
 i have specified in Execute Shell section.



 I want to use that variable in the job .

 How can i do that ?

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Re: Jenkins support for uploading multiple files

2015-02-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Thanks Daniel;

I'm assuming that by multiple file parameters you mean adding more than one
file parameters on the form. The issue is that the number of image files is
not always the same, and this number could be in the hundreds!

The zip/tar archive upload makes a lot of sense but it could take a long
time on both ends to zip and then unzip. My users would be responsible for
archiving on laptops that may not be up to the task, but at the end it may
be the idea I will go with.

Best regards

On Sat Feb 21 2015 at 7:03:51 AM Daniel Beck wrote:

 Multiple file parameters should work, as should archiving them and
 uploading the zip/tar/... file.

 On 21.02.2015, at 12:54, Ioannis Moutsatsos wrote:

  Greetings to all;
  By having a 'file type' parameter in the build submission form you can
 choose a single file to be uploaded to Jenkins so that it can participate
 in the build.
  I have a requirement to upload multiple (large) image files coming from
 an automated microscope, so that they can be processed on the Jenkins
 server (as part of a build). I researched but can't find a Jenkins
 supported way or plugin that allows the upload of multiple files.
  Any suggestions on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
  Thank you!
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Re: Modify custom properties file

2015-02-21 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
If this file is in standard key-value format then it's a standard Java 
properties file.
You can write a small groovy script that you can execute from the Jenkins 
script console to read, modify it and re-save it.

I have a groovy scriptlet that reads a particular property key from a 
properties file on the Jenkins server. Maybe you can modify it to do what 
you want.
Find it here:

Hope this helps

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 12:10:41 PM UTC-5, 


 I have a custom properties file where i have some variables, now i need 
 change it but i don't know how to modify this file. I tried some shell 
 script and jenkins plugins but it doesn't work to me. Any idea how to do 

 I am working with a Windows Server 2008 R2 and the file is at 
 *C:\jenkins\* and the content is just *browser = 


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Re: Disabling/enabling parameters basing on value from the other parameter

2015-02-12 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I have been able to generate the required behavior using the 'uno-choice' 

Please, download this plugin from the BioUno Developers forum, since we 
have not yet released it to Jenkins

You can get the latest version in this thread:!topic/biouno-developers/REx4-sk_xSs

The uno-choice plugin provide a new parameter type that can be refreshed 
when other UI parameters change. In addition, the parameter can be rendered 
as any well formed HTML using the Dynamic Reference Parameter type.

To recreate the behavior that you want, you'll need two parameters. Lets 
say PARAM_A (provides the value for the conditional logic) and PARAM_B 
(conditionally hidden)

PARAM_B will be an uno-choice dynamic reference parameter and it will 
reference PARAM_A

All you need is to write a groovy script, that returns well formatted HTML 
to render PARAM_B when PARAM_A takes different values.

Personally, when I want to hide something I simply return a horizontal line 
HTML element . To return a visible value dynRefParam your groovy script 
should return something like:

return input name=\value\ value=\${dynRefParam}\ 
class=\setting-input\ type=\text\

Hope this helps you.
Best regards

On Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 2:53:38 AM UTC-5, Wojciech Korzenny 


 I'm trying to configure job in Jenkins with some list of parameters. 
 I'd like have some PARAMETER_X which turns to read-only (or disappeared at 
 all) when PARAMETER_Y (simple choice parameter or choice parameter supplied 
 by Scriptler) has value XYZ, otherwise PARAMETER_X is read-write 
 (string/choice parameter). 

 Is it possible? 


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Re: Jenkins user shows with 'Red Stop Sign' in security configuration

2014-05-19 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Thanks Steve;

Although I'm running Jenkins on Windows and I'm not using LDAP for 
authentication, I think your observation was in fact *correct!*

After adding the user name in *all lower case in the security matrix and 
asking the user to re-register with an lower case username* the 'Red Stop 
Sign' disappeared and the user is now able to build Jenkins jobs
Originally, the user had used a mixed case user name which was probably not 
preserved in a similar way across the entire Jenkins system and the Windows 
file system

Thanks for the helpful points!

Best regards

On Sunday, May 18, 2014 4:58:31 AM UTC-4, Stephen Connolly wrote:

 Are you sure you have matched the username case exactly?

 The great fun is that people have assumed:

 * that usernames are case insensitive - WRONG: try *any* unix OS

 * that email addresses are case insensitive - WRONG: read the RFC, the DNS 
 name is case insensitive, but the bit *before* the @ _may_or_may_not_ be 
 case sensitive, only the server that holds the mailbox knows the answer.

 Now sane system admins on unix systems only use lowercase usernames 
 because it creates less problems.

 Since this is the typical policy, most mailbox servers are configured to 
 match ignoring case.

 Similarly, LDAP directory servers default schema relies on an email 
 attribute that is specified as case insensitive.

 Thus in 99% of cases usernames are case insensitive in the real world... 
 However with over 7 Jenkins installations you could expect perhaps 700 
 +/- sqrt(700)*2 of them to be facing case sensitivity issues.

 Yet there is an army of devs for Jenkins that have been submitting bugs 
 and fixes to make Jenkins case insensitive.

 I gave an open pull request to make case sensitivity configurable, but 
 until then you are in a limbo-land with regards to case sensitivity.

 The biggest source of issues is Active Directory servers in larger 
 organisations where there was a consolidation of different directory 
 servers due to mergers and acquisitions... You have some users with email 
 address reported as javascript:, others as javascript:, and others as john...@acme.comjavascript:. 
 The users normally just type in their username in lowercase so may not be 
 aware of how their username is being reported from AD (unless they go to 
 the JENKINS_URL/whoAmI page).

 On Saturday, 17 May 2014, Ioannis Moutsatsos 

 We are using matrix security configuration (Jenkins  v 1.532 LTS on 
 Recently a user 'self-signed' for an account, and when I tried to setup 
 his security configuration he is the only one in the user list appearing 
 with a red stop sign before his user name. 

 What does that mean? Is there something I'm missing? I've setup several 
 other users in the past with no issues.

 I have reloaded the Jenkins configuration from disk but did not make any 

 Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have.

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Jenkins user shows with 'Red Stop Sign' in security configuration

2014-05-16 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
We are using matrix security configuration (Jenkins  v 1.532 LTS on Windows)
Recently a user 'self-signed' for an account, and when I tried to setup his 
security configuration he is the only one in the user list appearing with a 
red stop sign before his user name. 

What does that mean? Is there something I'm missing? I've setup several 
other users in the past with no issues.

I have reloaded the Jenkins configuration from disk but did not make any 

Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have.

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Re: Dynamic Parameter question

2014-05-09 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
I think that all the capability that you need is available to theuno-choice 
plugin by the 
BioUno project.

This plugin generates *dynamic choice selections* from a groovy script. You 
can use *one or more parameters* from the current Jenkins job form to 
parameterize the groovy script and it will update the list when on eof them 
changes (before submitting the build).
Finally, you can display the choices as a single or multi-select drop down 
list or as a checkbox or radio button options.

The plug-ins developed for BioUno are too niche-specific and thus aren’t 
released to Jenkins update center. In order to install the plug-ins you 
have to add the BioUno update center.
See here instructions

Hope it helps.
Best regards

On Monday, May 5, 2014 11:05:32 AM UTC-4, alok kumar wrote:

 Hi All,
 We have a requirement in one of our Jenkins parameterized build project 
 where we need to populate a selection of options in one parameter  based on 
 the selection that was made before in another parameter i.e. dynamically 
 populating the second parameter based on the first one.

 What is the best way to do this? I need to have check boxes as options in 
 the second parameter based on the selection of a single choice parameter in 
 the first one.

 E.g. say that we select car in the first parameter, I should get to choose 
 from Ford, Toyota, Honda, Subaru, etc in the next parameter and that should 
 be check boxes.

 Is there a way to achieve this requirement? Also, how do we access the 
 value of a parameter in a groovy script in another parameter?

 Any help would be deeply appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,

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