Jobs' build history missing or incomplete

2019-11-07 Thread Steve K

Following a restart of the Jenkins server, the build history for several 
jobs disappeared or became quite incomplete.

As an example, I have a job, "JOBDIUT", which, when I view the job from the 
web interface (:8080/job/JOBIUT), it appears that there have been 
no builds.
But, when I logon to the server and look at 
\jobs\JOBIUT\builds, I see over 200 numbered directories.
The symlinks for all the last*Build entries are all set to [-1].

In another example job, "JOBDIEV", from the web interface 
(:8080/job/JOBDIEV), I see an incomplete history; builds; 1303, 
1658, 2183
But, when I logon to the server and look at 
\jobs\JOBDIEV\builds, again, I see over 200 numbered 
directories, ranging from 430 ... 2199 (note that the 2199 is greater than 
the 2183 which appears as the most recent build when viewed from the web 

We are running Jenkins v2.150.3 hosted by a Windows Server 2008 R2 
Standard, machine.
The drive on which Jenkins is installed currently has nearly 100 GB free, 
so I'm not running out of space yet.

Does anyone have an idea of what is going wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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New Jenkins 2.7.3 server on CentOS 7 needed firewall disabled for web access (would like to be more restrictive).

2019-10-16 Thread Steve K
Recently, I installed Jenkins 2.7.3 on a new VM running CentOS 7.  The 
older (2.7.3) version was selected for consistency with an existing server 
that this new server will replace.
The install appeared to be fine.  Full disclosure, there is an 
`/etc/rc.d/init.d/jenkins; bad; vendor preset: disabled` line shown with 
/etc/init.d/jenkins status, but I think that is a different topic.

On the CentOS machine, I did execute `sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public 
--permanent --add-port=8080/tcp` but, apparently, that was not sufficient 
to allow access to the jenkins page from any machine other than the server 
In a "brute-force" approach, I disabled the firewall and now I am able to 
access the jenkins page from other machines on my network.
I don't want to keep the server open like that though.

Could you please suggest what I might need to do to limit access through 
the firewall?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-08-05 Thread Steve K
I suggest that you start a new thread. The issue you are facing is 
different than the topic of this thread.  Thanks.

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 7:46:22 AM UTC-4, Shubham Bansal wrote:
> I launch my Windows agent on Azure using install agent as windows service 
> and running that. But the service keeps restarting very frequently causing 
> the build to break when it is triggered at this time. Can you help me?
> On Wednesday, 31 July 2019 04:07:11 UTC+5:30, Mark Waite wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 4:35 PM Mark Waite  wrote:
>>> I launch my Windows 10 ssh agents using the instructions from the 
>>> ssh-slaves plugin page:
>>> They use the Microsoft OpenSSH server on Windows 10.
>>> I launch JNLP Windows agents with the following batch script:
>> I launch *Windows agents* from the Windows Desktop (calling them JNLP in 
>> that case seems like a misnomer).  They are not using "Java Web Start" to 
>> launch.  They are launched from a batch file.
>>> @ECHO ON
>>> CD %HOME%\bin
>>> CALL clean-temp-dirs
>>> CD %TEMP%
>>> RMDIR /S/Q .
>>> C:
>>> CD C:\J
>>> ROBOCOPY %HOME%\bin . agent.jar
>>> SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Users\MarkE\tools\jdk8u222-b10
>>> set SECRET=the-secret-has-been-removed-for-this-email
>>> java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl 
>>> -secret %SECRET%
>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 11:39 AM Steve K  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks once again Mark.
>>>> May I bug you for some more info?  I was really hoping to answer this 
>>>> on my own, but I feel like I'm chasing my tail.  Whenever I do searches 
>>>> for 
>>>> Jenkins agent launch methods, I'm predominantly directed to a description 
>>>> of JNLP usage or, to a lesser extent, SSH; neither of which I want for the 
>>>> Win 7 machines.
>>>> Could you please provide a sample script that you leverage?
>>>> That would be greatly appreciated! 
>>>> -- 
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>>>> <>
>>>> .
>>> -- 
>>> Thanks!
>>> Mark Waite
>> -- 
>> Thanks!
>> Mark Waite

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Re: Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-07-30 Thread Steve K

Win 7 64 bit.


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Re: Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-07-30 Thread Steve K

Thanks once again Mark.
May I bug you for some more info?  I was really hoping to answer this on my 
own, but I feel like I'm chasing my tail.  Whenever I do searches for 
Jenkins agent launch methods, I'm predominantly directed to a description 
of JNLP usage or, to a lesser extent, SSH; neither of which I want for the 
Win 7 machines.
Could you please provide a sample script that you leverage?
That would be greatly appreciated! 

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Re: Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-07-29 Thread Steve K
Thanks again Mark.

So, what does the master think the launch method is for the slave? 

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Re: Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-07-29 Thread Steve K
Thanks Mark,
Web articles, such as this "Installing OpenSSH on Windows 7 
" gave me hope of 
finding a workable solution.
I had also considered trying to use Cygwin, as described by Kohsuke 
Kawaguci in the Wiki page "SSH slaves and Cygwin 
", but that 
seemed like too much overhead when several slaves/agents need to be 

Launching an agent with a batch file seems like a good alternative. Have 
you been able to auto-start such a script (for example, to run at boot 

Thanks again.

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Windows 7 Agents (slaves) via SSH

2019-07-25 Thread Steve K

Has anyone successfully implemented the use of SSH to launch Windows 7 
agents (slaves)?
I have been attempting to setup OpenSSH, but I'm falling short of getting 
it working.
For one thing, the sshd never shows up as one of my Services, even though I 
believe I've followed the steps necessary to register the service.
If I attempt to launch sshd manually, I get ACCESS DENIED, even though I 
can successfully launch ssh-agent.

We have been happily using JNLP for our Windows agents, but, as we deploy 
Java 11 on our slaves, the JNLP method is no longer available.

Please share any tips and tricks you may have needed to employ to make the 
SSH slaves work as expected.

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Determine "Suspects causing unit tests to fail" when UTs in separate job from the Git pull

2019-07-18 Thread Steve K

We have a fairly typical chain (pipeline) of jobs [ Build (including the 
Git pull)] --> [Unit Tests].
Using "Editable E-Mail Notifications", I'd like to take advantage of the 
calculated recipient list "Suspects causing unit tests to fail".
When I select "Suspects causing unit tests to fail" as one of the groups to 
send notification to, however, the "suspects" are not added to the list.
I am guessing that the E-mail plugin is lacking information from Git. 
The build job is configured to "Pass-through Git Commit That Was Built" to 
the triggered UT job.  That does not appear to be sufficient however.
In the UT job, I can select "UPSTREAM_COMMITTERS" for notification and that 
seems to work (regardless of whether or not the triggering build job is 
configured to "Pass-through Git Commit That Was Built".

Does anyone know how I can make this work?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Build history disappeared. Why? & How to fix?

2019-05-08 Thread Steve K

We are running Jenkins ver 2.150.3 served by a Windows 2008 R2 machine.
Normally, and for the majority of our jobs, when someone browses to a job's 
page, we see multiple builds under "Build History" on the left-hand side of 
the page. Normal stuff.
Recently, a few jobs have nothing under Build History.
The jobs are configured to keep 25 builds.
When I look at the Jenkins tree, on the server machine, under 
jobs\\builds, I see plenty of ## (build number) directories.
For the jobs that are experiencing this problem, however, there is no 
"build.xml" file under the ## directories.

How could that have happened?  To my knowledge, no one deliberately set out 
to remove build history.
Is there a reasonable way to fix this?  (Manually re-creating each 
build.xml is not, what I'd consider to be, a reasonable approach).

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

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Managed scripts are missing after upgrade to 2.131.3

2018-09-13 Thread Steve K
Just upgraded from 2.89.2 to 2.131.3

I copied over the org.jenkinsci.plugins.configfiles.GlobalConfigFiles.xml  
and reloaded the configuration from disk, but that didn't help.

Any clues?

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Upgrade installation problem; missing .msi from previous install.

2018-09-12 Thread Steve K

I attempted to install Jenkins server software v2.121.3 onto my server that 
is currently running v2.89.2
The install paused because it couldn't find the v1.625.3 .msi file.  The 
installer gave me the option of browsing to the v1.625.3 .msi file, but I 
did not have it available.
Before I attempt the install again, is there a way for me to predetermine 
all of the .msi files that I may need, so I can have them on hand?

Thanks in advance.

Steve Kerxhalli

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Re: Shutting down a Jenkins instance that was still starting up

2018-08-16 Thread Steve K
Thanks again John,
re 1) my Path to exe in Service props is: D:\Jenkins\jenkins.exe
[confirmed as valid]
 I included the non-comment content of my Jenkins.xml file in my 
initial post. There is only one arguments line.
 I believe that the path to Java 
(%BASE%\jre\bin\java) is the "out-of-the-box" 
value that points to the java included in the install [confirmed as 
re 2) I don't see a conflict on 8080 

D:\Jenkins>netstat -aon | findstr 8080 | findstr LISTENING
  TCP0.0.0.0:8080  LISTENING   236
  TCP[::]:8080  [::]:0 LISTENING   236

D:\Jenkins>tasklist | findstr 236
java.exe   236 Services   0  1,260,892 K

I do appreciate the help.  Any other ideas?

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 11:21:04 AM UTC-4, Burrows, John wrote:
> A couple more things to check:
> ...

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Re: Shutting down a Jenkins instance that was still starting up

2018-08-16 Thread Steve K

Thanks for your ideas John.
I have attempted what you suggested multiple times, but it does not go 

   - I shut down Jenkins if necessary (often, it is already down).
   - Via task manager, I see that Java is running.
   - I attempt to kill the Java process, but, even though I am an 
   administrator, I get "Access Denied".
   - I attempt to start Jenkins, but that fails (I believe that's when the 
   subject of this thread is generated "Shutting down a Jenkins instance that 
   was still starting up".
   - I resort to -- Disabling the Jenkins service.
   - Reboot the machine (seems to be the only way to get rid of the Java 
   - After the machine completes the reboot, I enable the service and start 
   - Again, I'll see two two "Starting D:\Jenkins\jre\bin\java..." commands 
   in the jenkins.wrapper.log  I don't know where the second command comes 

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 6:55:59 AM UTC-4, Burrows, John wrote:
> Steve, 
> Shut down Jenkins, then using Task Manager, check for any rogue Jenkins or 
> Java processes running on that machine and if any found, kill those 
> processes.

> Start Jenkins back up.
> You should only have one Jenkins and one Java process running on the 
> Jenkins Master, unless you are also running jobs on that server.
> See if that helps.
> John
> On Aug 15, 2018, at 12:02 PM, Steve K  > wrote:
> *Hello,*
> *We have been experiencing periodic crashes of the Jenkins server (almost 
> one per week).*
> *It's bad enough that the system goes down, but bringing it back up has 
> been problematic as well.*
> *We are running Jenkins version 2.89.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. 
> *
> *Here's a look at my jenkins.err.log:*
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:20 AM Main deleteWinstoneTempContents
> WARNING: Failed to delete the temporary Winstone file 
> C:\Users\lx00057\AppData\Local\Temp\winstone\jenkins.war
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:20 AM org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log initialized
> INFO: Logging initialized @669ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.JavaUtilLog
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:20 AM winstone.Logger logInternal
> INFO: Beginning extraction from war file
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:20 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler 
> setContextPath
> WARNING: Empty contextPath
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:20 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server doStart
> INFO: jetty-9.4.z-SNAPSHOT
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.StandardDescriptorProcessor visitServlet
> INFO: NO JSP Support for /, did not find 
> org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.DefaultSessionIdManager doStart
> INFO: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.DefaultSessionIdManager doStart
> INFO: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HouseKeeper 
> startScavenging
> INFO: Scavenging every 60ms
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler 
> doStart
> INFO: Started w.@3cbe{/,file:///D:/Jenkins/war/,AVAILABLE}{D:\Jenkins\war}
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector doStop
> INFO: Stopped ServerConnector@172e513{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.HouseKeeper 
> stopScavenging
> INFO: Stopped scavenging
> Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM hudson.WebAppMain contextDestroyed
> *INFO: Shutting down a Jenkins instance that was still starting up*
> java.lang.Throwable: reason
> at hudson.WebAppMain.contextDestroyed(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.callContextDestroyed(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler.callContextDestroyed(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.stopContext(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler.stopContext(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.stopWebapp(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.stopContext(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doStop(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler.doStop(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStop(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.stop(
> at 
> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.Cont

Shutting down a Jenkins instance that was still starting up

2018-08-15 Thread Steve K
at winstone.Launcher.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at Main._main(
at Main.main(
*Caused by: Address already in use: bind*
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(
at winstone.Launcher.(
... 7 more
Aug 15, 2018 9:20:21 AM winstone.Logger logInternal
SEVERE: Container startup failed Failed to start Jetty
at winstone.Launcher.(
at winstone.Launcher.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at Main._main(
at Main.main(
Caused by: Address already in use: bind
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(
at winstone.Launcher.(
... 7 more

*Interesting info from the jenkins.wrapper.log*
2018-08-15 09:19:15,056 INFO  - Starting ServiceWrapper in the service mode
2018-08-15 09:19:15,572 INFO  - Starting D:\Jenkins\jre\bin\java -Xrs 
-Xmx1024m   -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
-Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar 
"D:\Jenkins\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080
2018-08-15 09:19:15,588 INFO  - Starting D:\Jenkins\jre\bin\java -Xrs 
-Xmx1024m   -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
-Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -jar 
"D:\Jenkins\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080
2018-08-15 09:19:15,603 INFO  - Started process 3716
2018-08-15 09:19:15,619 DEBUG - Forwarding logs of the process 
System.Diagnostics.Process (java) to winsw.SizeBasedRollingLogAppender

*I don't understand why there are two "Starting D:\Jenkins\jre\bin\java..." 

*My jenkins.xml*

  This service runs Jenkins continuous integration 
  -Xrs -Xmx1024m   -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 
e -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war" --httpPort=8080

*I'd appreciate any helpful information you may be able to provide.  If 
there is additional information that I could provide to help determine a 
cause/fix for the problems I'm experiencing, please let me know.*

*Thanks in advance.*

*Steve K.*

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Who do I contact to recover my Jira login to report a Jenkins bug?

2018-02-07 Thread Steve K
I think that my account is associated with my previous employer's E-mail 
address, so I am unable to receive a password reset.
When attempting to reset my account, it says "If you can't figure this out, 
contact us to get your account recovered", but it doesn't tell me who to 


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Re: Env Inject failure "Couldn't find the right download for WINDOWS and i386 combination"

2017-12-04 Thread Steve K
Oh Yeah!

Thanks @Daniel Beck & @Devin Nusbaum (sorry for referring to you as "David" 
in my previous post).
For the JDK configuration, I just had to de-select  "Install Automatically".
I don't think we use the JDK anywhere, but, if someone comes screaming to 
me "Hey, where's my JDK", I'll deal with it at that time.
But now, I'm a happy guy.  

Thanks again!

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Re: Env Inject failure "Couldn't find the right download for WINDOWS and i386 combination"

2017-12-04 Thread Steve K
Thanks @David Nusbaum
Here's a trace from a test job that does nothing more than execute a `date 
/t` on the slave:

Building remotely on ROCDVMSDK2x  
(SLAVE FTP_CLIENT) in workspace C:\Jenkins\workspace\z_date
Installing JDK jdk-9.0.1-oth-JPR
FATAL: Unable to produce a script filehudson.AbortException 
: Couldn't 
find the right download for WINDOWS and i386 combination





at hudson.model.JDK.forNode( 


at hudson.model.Run.getEnvironment( 

at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getEnvironment( 



at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun( 


at hudson.model.Run.execute( 


at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute( 


We're not using a JDK tool in our builds.

This has become a huge pain.  I can see from your link that Oracle is 
probably to blame, but I don't see where I can change Jenkins' mind about 
what JDK to look for.

Thanks again.

On Friday, December 1, 2017 at 1:58:11 PM UTC-5, Devin Nusbaum wrote:
> I suspect the error is being thrown by the JDK installer tool and is 
> unrelated to EnvInject. Do you have a full stack trace, and are you using a 
> JDK tool in your build configured with the “Install from” 
> method to install JDK 9? if so, it looks like Oracle has removed the 
> 32-bit JDK 9 downloads , so I guess 
> you could use JDK 8 instead.

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Env Inject failure "Couldn't find the right download for WINDOWS and i386 combination"

2017-12-01 Thread Steve K

Has anyone else been plagued with these fatal errors recently?
Environment Inject bombs at the beginning of jobs running on i386 based 
In the stack dump, the message "Couldn't find the right download for 
WINDOWS and i386 combination" is seen.
My Windows Jenkins server is v 2.46.2.
I just upgraded to "EnvInject API Plugin" v 1.4 and "Environment Injector 
Plugin" v2.1.5

Thanks in advance.

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Re: "Jenkins is going to shut down" ad infinitum

2017-11-27 Thread Steve K

Thank you Victor Martinez and for your great 
ideas.  I apologize for my late response.  We were on a Thanksgiving 

We managed to work past the problem. No Groovy scripts were to blame.
As a guess, we de-selected "Wait until Jenkins/Hudson is idle to perform a 
backup" in our thinBackup settings.
That fixed the problem.
As I originally noted, however, it is very odd that we just experienced 
this issue.  The configuration for thinBackup had not been changed in 
several months.

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"Jenkins is going to shut down" ad infinitum

2017-11-22 Thread Steve K

We do have the ThinBackup and PeriodicBackup plugins in use, but there is 
nothing odd about either of their configurations.
Moreover, the settings for ThinBackup and PeriodicBackup have not changed 
in several months.
The "Jenkins is going to shut down. No further builds will be performed." 
message (and associated blockage of any new jobs starting) just began 
happening yesterday.

So, either I'm overlooking something with the backup plugins (they are 
suspect since ThinBackup settings have been sited as a problem by others) 
or I need to look somewhere else for the culprit.
BTW. Jenkins server version is 
Do you have a suggestion?
I'm growing tired of clicking "(cancel)" every few seconds.

Thanks in advance for any help, advisement, or words of encouragement that 
you would like to share.

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Re: 'Parameters from properties file' not working in 2.7.3

2016-10-07 Thread Steve K
Well Daniel, you definitely asked the right question.
When I boiled the test case down, I had omitted the '-Encoding ASCII' when 
I created the parameter file.
Now that it is an ASCII file (vs. the default Unicode) it appears to be 
working (in my test case at least).

Thanks a ton!

Steve K.

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 9:58:08 AM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:
> I wonder what the '??' before the variable name are. Copy + paste 
> accident? 

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Re: 'Parameters from properties file' not working in 2.7.3

2016-10-07 Thread Steve K

Correct Daniel.

I just boiled an example down to one parameter of interest.
In job 1, I defined a variable named VALUE_FROM_JOB_1
In the job, via Powershell, I created a parameters file, with the following 


In Job 2, I defined the parameter VALUE_FROM_JOB_1 and set its value to 
When I run Job 1--which triggers Job 2--, Here's what I get from Job 2:

 $ cmd /c call 
ERROR: Build step failed with exceptionjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException 
 Invalid environment variable name: "??VALUE_FROM_JOB_1"
at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.validateName(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.put(Unknown Source)

In some of the test jobs I've set up, the variable(s) being passed simple 
retain the default value I gave them in job 2
(i.e., there are no complaints from Java, but the value passed from Job#1 
was not taken on in job 2).

I hope you have some ideas.

Thanks for your help.

Steve K.

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 5:28:54 AM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:
> To clarify, all the parameters you intend to pass are defined on the 
> downstream job's configuration but it still doesn't work? 

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Re: 'Parameters from properties file' not working in 2.7.3

2016-10-06 Thread Steve K

Well, HECK! The parameters from parameter file are NOT getting passed.
The parameters were getting passed from 'Current build parameters'.
It did not pick up the values from 'Use properties from file'.
That is NOT good.

So, I'm back to the original question.  How do I successfully "Use 
properties from file"?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: 'Parameters from properties file' not working in 2.7.3

2016-10-03 Thread Steve K

Thanks for noticing the typo Eric.  
I *think *I had it correct when I added it to the Jenkins startup script.  
I can't verify, because I have since removed it.
There was another thread on this topic (see: 
where, basically, Mark Wait said all he had to do was change the downstream 
job to a parameterized job.  In the downstream job he also declared the 
parameters he wanted from the upstream job.
That appears to be working.  I haven't run through all of my parameterized 
jobs yet, but so far so good.

I appreciate your help.

Best Regards.

Steve K.


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Re: 'Parameters from properties file' not working in 2.7.3

2016-10-03 Thread Steve K

Eric, I think you're right. My problem is caused by the new security 
I have not found the right combination of settings to make things work as 
I tried starting Jenkins with 
-Dhudson.model.ParametersActon.keepUndefinedParameters=true, but that did 
not solve the problem.
Have you needed to make similar adjustments? 



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Re: Git commands succeed within a build step but fail when the plugin executes them.

2016-09-20 Thread Steve K
Thanks Mark.
That's interesting, because I did modify the agent's configuration to add 
the Git executable's directory to the %PATH% environment variable.
Prior to that, the Git commands did not work from within a build step 
It would seem that, with Git's bin directory in the PATH, the plugin should 
be able to execute it.
Steve K.

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Re: Git commands succeed within a build step but fail when the plugin executes them.

2016-09-20 Thread Steve K

Thanks Mark.  That does seem to have done the trick.
I had added the Git location on a Global basis (via. Manage Jenkins --> 
Configure System) but that didn't help.
I'm a little disappointed that I have to deal with this on a per-agent 
basis (we didn't need to do that when using a v1.625.3 Windows master),
but, if it works, it works.

Thanks again.

Steve K.

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Git commands succeed within a build step but fail when the plugin executes them.

2016-09-20 Thread Steve K

I'm running Jenkins 2.7.3 from a CentOS master invoking Git commands on a 
Windows 8.1 machine.

git commands, such as the following, succeed when run within a "Windows 
batch command" step.

*git clone --verbose --recursive --branch fs02 
But, when the plugin tried to execute the command, I got:

Cloning the remote Git repositoryCloning repository 
ssh:// > git init 
C:\home\Evo # timeout=10ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 
 Could not init C:\home\Evo  at 




   at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( 

 at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform( 

  at hudson.remoting.Request$ 


at Source)  at 
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)at 
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)   at 
hudson.remoting.Engine$1$   at Source) at ..remote call to 
nextgencibuild(Native Method)   at 
hudson.remoting.Channel.attachCallSiteStackTrace(  at 
hudson.remoting.UserResponse.retrieve(  at   at 
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor267.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at 
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy53.execute(Unknown Source)   at 
hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.retrieveChanges(  at 
hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.checkout( at 
hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout( at 
at jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy.checkout(
 at hudson.model.Run.execute(  at  at 
hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(  at by: 
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Error performing command: git init C:\home\Evo 

Re: Slaves not connecting after recent plugin upgrades (None of the protocols were accepted)

2016-07-18 Thread Steve K

Update:  After reverting the Windows Slaves Plugin back to v1.0 and SSH 
Slave plugin back to v1.9, I was able to re-connect
my slaves.
I have a residual problem that, on one of the slaves, I am not able to 
install it as a service.  I'm able to run it from the command line with
`java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://*  `
I suspect that my Java upgrade affected my ability to install as a 
service.  I don't know yet what the complaint is, because, when I click on 
the slave-agent.jnlp, the command window pops up for a moment, and then 
Any ideas?

On Friday, July 15, 2016 at 4:40:26 PM UTC-4, Steve K wrote:
> Hello,
> etc...
> Steve K.

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Slaves not connecting after recent plugin upgrades (None of the protocols were accepted)

2016-07-15 Thread Steve K

The Jenkins server is Win 8.1 and one of the slaves having problems is Win 
Jenkins version is 1.625.3 
I just upgraded a bunch of plugins, including Windows Slaves Plugin 1.1 
(previous 1.0) and SSH Slave plugin 1.11 (previous 1.9).
I upgraded others as well, but those are slave-specific, so they are 

One of the errors we see is "java.lang.Exception: The server rejected the 
connection: None of the protocols were accepted".

I've tried deleting and re-adding the slave.
I've upgraded Java on the slave to 1.8.0_91 (server uses the jre in the 
Jenkins dir which is 1.8.0_20-b26).

Does anyone have any ideas?  I don't want to resort to backup quite yet.

Thank you.

Steve K.

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Re: Build date / time showing December 31, 1969 after upgrading from 1.596.2 LTS to 1.625.3

2015-12-22 Thread Steve K


Did you ever resolve your problem?  I have a feeling that my current 
upgrade HELL (just posted a plea for help on that) is related to changes in 
If you haven't resolved it, sorry if I got your hopes up when you saw a 
reply :-(


Steve K.

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I'm in upgrade HELL (upgrading to 1.625.3). Need help.

2015-12-22 Thread Steve K
I keep getting the red devil from hell.
I tried upgrading from 1.580.1 to 1.625.3 (LTS release).  Now, every time I 
click on a job, I get the red devil.
I tried a full install of 1.625.3 (vs an upgrade) and still I have the 

Pardon the verbosity, but, in the past people have wanted to see the whole 
stack dump.

Thanks in advance:

Dec 22, 2015 2:41:39 PM hudson.ExtensionFinder$Sezpoz _find
WARNING: Failed to load 
java.lang.InstantiationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
at hudson.ExtensionFinder$Sezpoz._find(
at hudson.ExtensionFinder$Sezpoz.find(
at hudson.ExtensionList.load(
at hudson.ExtensionList.ensureLoaded(
at hudson.ExtensionList.iterator(
at hudson.ExtensionList.load(
at hudson.ExtensionList.ensureLoaded(
at hudson.ExtensionList.size(
at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList.(Unknown Source)
at hudson.model.User.get(
at hudson.model.User.get(
at jenkins.model.Jenkins.getUser(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseNext(

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid object ID

2015-10-09 Thread Steve K


Recently, I've been seeing a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid object 
ID" error at the end of one of my builds.
I think the error occurs while the NUnit plugin is parsing the *.xml

Others have seen this error and there is a problem ticket for it ( );
The ticket has not been resolved and none of the examples associated with the 
problem ticket reference NUnit. 

Here is a part of my console output that shows the stack trace:

Recording NUnit tests resultsERROR: Publisher 
hudson.plugins.nunit.NUnitPublisher aborted due to 
 Invalid object ID 51 iota=196at 
 at hudson.remoting.ExportTable.get( 
 at hudson.remoting.Channel.getExportedObject( 
  at Source)   at Source)  at Source) at Source)at Source) at 
hudson.remoting.UserResponse.retrieve(  at   at 
hudson.FilePath.act(   at 
hudson.FilePath.act(   at 
hudson.plugins.nunit.NUnitPublisher.getTestResult(   at 
 at hudson.plugins.nunit.NUnitPublisher.perform( at 
   at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(  at 
 at hudson.model.Run.execute(  at  at 
hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(  at by: java.lang.Exception: 
Object was recently deallocated#51 (ref.0) : 
[hudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader$IClassLoader]  Created at Thu Oct 08 
13:04:17 EDT 2015

I'm running Jenkins 1.580.1 
NUnit plugin version 0.17

Does anyone have a solution or a suggestion for dealing with this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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How to keep strict odering of pipeline jobs / per node?

2015-08-21 Thread Steve K

I am chaining jobs together to implement automated tests.  Two of the jobs 
require rebooting the slave.
To illustrate what I'm talking about, I have these jobs:

J1 does some setup and reboots
J2 runs some tests
J3 does some cleanup and reboots

J2 has a configured quiet period to allow the slave to come back on-line 
following J1's reboot
J1 has a configured quiet period, because we can't start the pipeline again 
until the slave is back on-line following J3's reboot.

I've throttled the three jobs so that only one of them at a time can be 
building on a given slave.
They are also configured such that J2 must run on the same slave that J1 
was run on and J3 must run on the same slave as J2.

My first problem is that, often times, an instance of J1 gets queued up 
(due to source code change) before a running instance of J1 has completed.
So, the queued J1 runs before J2.  That's not good!
Is there a way to tell Jenkins If any of the jobs in the pipeline are 
already running or queued, don't queue another job on that slave?

To make things even more interesting/challenging, if another slave becomes 
available, it is OK to start a new pipeline on a different slave.

So, for any given slave, J1 must be followed by J2 and J2 must be followed 
by J3.

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

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Re: Debug 'Trigger a remote parameterized job'

2015-07-01 Thread Steve K
Thanks @rginga
I can't get away with using 'no authentication'.
Otherwise, my configuration of the trigger looks pretty similar to yours.

I'm still looking for some sort of trail to information that will help me 
determine why it's not working for me.

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Re: Debug 'Trigger a remote parameterized job'

2015-06-30 Thread Steve K
Is anyone successfully using this plugin?  If so, what are the values you 
use in the trigger's setup?

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Debug 'Trigger a remote parameterized job'

2015-06-29 Thread Steve K


In my system configuration, I setup the plugin to use the Credentials plugin.
I provided the username and password of a user on the remote system with plenty 
of rights to run the job.

The job, however, is not launching.
I see the following in the console output from the job that attempts to launch 
the remote job:

Connection to remote server failed, waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until 
next attempt.

Retry attempt #5 out of 5
ERROR: Remote build failed for the following reason, but the build will 
continue:ERROR Max 
number of connection retries have been exeeded.ERROR Remote build failed for 
the following reason, but the build will continue:ERROR Got a blank response 
from Remote Jenkins Server [http://the RemoteJenkinsServer:8080 
http://rocwp0589:8080], cannot continue.FATAL 
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform($1.performentity=method
at hudson.model.Build$$BuildExecution.buildentity=method

Do you have an idea of what the problem might be?
How do I go about debugging this problem?
Is there a log somewhere that might contain more helpful information?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Can I Migrate a Windows Jenkins Master to a Linux Jenkins Master?

2015-06-03 Thread Steve K
I successfully went the other way (Linux -- Windows), so I see no reason 
why you can't go from Windows to Linux (you're going the right way IMHO :-).
You may want to have a look at my thread, 'Move a job from a Linux master 
to a Windows master',

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How to test a machine that gets rebuilt as part of the test?

2015-06-03 Thread Steve K

In my case, the machines that are being tested are Windows.  
A rough skeleton of the test process is:
 *) Tell the slave machine that it is time to start the test.
 *) Tell the slave machine the location of the .ISO file(s) it will use to 
re-install its OS.
 *) Slave machine installs a brand new OS from the .ISO(s).
 *) By now, the slave has broken communication with the Jenkins master.
 *) Slave machine reboots as part of the OS rebuild.
 *) At this point, we want the master to be able to tell the slave what 
tests to run, but the slave knows nothing about Jenkins.

So, how do we get that slave to talk with the Jenkins master again?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Re: How to test a machine that gets rebuilt as part of the test?

2015-06-03 Thread Steve K

Thanks Eric. No, the ISO image would not include Jenkins slave 
installation.  Where could I look for pointers on scripting the 
removal/addition of a slave?

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Re: Jenkins burning devil w/Stack trace--how to recover???

2015-03-27 Thread Steve K
Since Jenkins was operational--just not usable for most users--I decided to 
try downgrading the plugins that I upgraded.
The first plugin I downgraded was Build Pipeline Plugin.  I took that 
from 1.4.7 back down to 1.4.4

That did the trick!  Can't believe it.  I feel lucky.  I might even go buy 
a lottery ticket!
Actually, since it was the presentation of the web pages that was most 
affected, the Build Pipeline Plugin seemed to be the most closely 

BTW.  The server is Jenkins ver 1.580.1

I'd still be interested in hearing what you would have done if downgrading 
the plugin had not worked.
If something like this happens again, I'll take James Nord's advice and 
include the stack trace.


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Jenkins burning devil w/Stack trace--how to recover???

2015-03-27 Thread Steve K
I just installed a large number of plugins and something has sent my 
Jenkins server into HE!!

Any suggestions on how I can become operational again?

I have a fairly recent backup .zip file backup (created by the Backup 
plugin).  Do you think it would be worth copying the content of that backup 
onto the real directory and see if Jenkins will start?  Or is there a 
better way?

OMG.  I should know better than to try upgrading anything just before the 

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Re: Jenkins burning devil w/Stack trace--how to recover???

2015-03-27 Thread Steve K
It looks like Jenkins is working, but attempting to access its pages has 
gone to the devil.
I can log in and select My Views to see the jobs (they are running).
But, if I attempt to go to the main page, I get the devil.

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Re: Is it OK to link config.xml files?

2015-03-25 Thread Steve K

Thanks for the replies.
There have been four replies and four different approaches.
I will look into using either the Template Project or the Job DSL plugins.
I'm not as concerned about deploying similar jobs, rather I'm more 
concerned with keeping similar jobs in synch as changes need to be made.
Is that a job better suited for the Template Project or the Job DSL plugin?

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Is it OK to link config.xml files?

2015-03-24 Thread Steve K

I have a set of jobs that are identical, except for their names.
For example, I might have a job named Downstream-Post-Build-Process-Dev 
and Downstream-Post-Build-Process-Release.
The upstream jobs that trigger these jobs tell the downstream job what 
directory to use for the processing.
I could have the upstream jobs call the same downstream job, for example 
but that is likely to confuse the casual observer of the job's results.

So, to ease maintenance, I would like to link 
Downstream-Post-Build-Process-Dev\config.xml to 
Are there any known gotcha's with respect to linking config.xml files?
FWIW; the Jenkins server is on Windows.

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Re: Only one Administrator with Jenkins 1.580.1 server on Win 8.1

2015-02-10 Thread Steve K
Daniel is on to something regarding matching case.  When it comes to case 
[in]sensitivity, however, the behavior of Jenkins is a bit of a mystery.

When I was using a Linux machine as the Jenkins server, there was no 
mystery.  A mixed case login ID was always treated with case sensitivity.

Now that I have been moved to a Windows based server, the rules seem to 
have changed.

My Security Realm is set to Jenkins' own database and I allow users to 
sign up.
As an example, I can have a user signup as JamesYoung.
I can then go to the Matrix-based security under Authorization and add the 
user JamesYoung (note the mixed case).
I can give JamesYoung Overall Adminstrator rights.
For a while, JamesYoung will have Adminstrator rights and things seem to 
be going as expected.
At some point, however, JamesYoung no longer has Administrator rights.

When I look at the Users list, I see that JamesYoung was added as 
jamesyoung, even though the user specified mixed case when he signed up.

These are the aspects of Jenkins' behavior that I think are odd:
(1) Jenkins down-cases the User ID's of users who sign up.
(2) Even though Jenkins has down-cased the ID, the ID can be entered into 
the Matrix-based security in mixed case.
(3) The mixed-case ID that was added to the matrix and granted 
Administrator rights actually has Administrator rights for a while, then 
he/she no longer has those rights.

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Re: Only one Administrator with Jenkins 1.580.1 server on Win 8.1

2015-02-04 Thread Steve K
Update:  The user that I re-added had Administrator capability for a while, 
but now that user no longer has Administrator rights.  The check-boxes in 
Matrix Based Security have not been changed.

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Re: Only one Administrator with Jenkins 1.580.1 server on Win 8.1

2015-01-28 Thread Steve K
As a workaround, I removed one of the users who was supposed to have 
Administrator rights but did not (i.e., The Administrator checkbox was 
checked in the Matrix-based security form, but the user had no 
Administrator capabilities).
I then re-added the user and added the user to the Matrix-based security 
form.  I checked the Administrator checkbox and now the user does have 
Administrator capabilities.
That's a pretty drastic workaround for, what appears to be, a bug.
So, I'm still wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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Only one Administrator with Jenkins 1.580.1 server on Win 8.1

2015-01-27 Thread Steve K

I am experiencing very odd access behavior on two different Jenkins 
servers.  Both servers are Win. 8.1 and both use Jenkins 1.580.1

Both servers use Jenkins own User Database and Matrix based security.

I selected Administrator rights for 3 different users.
Now, only one of those three users has Administrator privilege

I have set up very similar configurations in the past, but have never been 
faced with this

Thank you!

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Re: Git based builds; one commit at a time

2014-12-31 Thread Steve K
Jason, Yes. True. Development wants to ensure no commits are received 
(added to the repo) unless they pass all the tests

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Git based builds; one commit at a time

2014-12-30 Thread Steve K
Let's say that, since my most recent build, there have been three (3) new 
Rather than having one build that includes all three commits, I would like 
to have three separate builds; one for each of the three in sequence.

Is anyone doing something like that?  If so, how are you doing it?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Missing grid lines after upgrade from 1.554.3 to 1.580.1

2014-12-02 Thread Steve K
Well, I don't like the new theme very much at all.  I'd like to be able 
to change it.
Thanks for your reply slide.

On Monday, December 1, 2014 3:29:38 PM UTC-5, slide wrote:

 That's part of the new theme. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just 
 how it is now I believe.

 On Mon Dec 01 2014 at 12:49:02 PM Steve K 
 javascript: wrote:

 After upgrading, there are no dividing lines between the jobs nor are 
 there any dividing lines between the list of my slaves on the left hand 
 side of the page.
 It looks like I configured a spreadsheet to have no lines between cells.

 I only swapped out my .war file on the server, should I have done more?

 Thanks in advance.

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Best way to distribute 100 test cases over 4 servers?

2014-09-25 Thread Steve K

Given a list that may change on a daily basis, I want to spread the load 
over 4 servers.  Order is not important (i.e., test #5 can start before 
test #3 completes).

What would you suggest?


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FATAL: No author in changeset (using Git plugins)

2014-07-09 Thread Steve K

Have any other 'Git' users seen this problem?
We are at Jenkins v1.554.3 with Git Plugin v 2.2.2, Git Parameter Plugin v 
0.3.2, and Git Client Plugin v 1.9.1

The problem occurs at the very end of the job, when it is attempting to 
send job success notices to the developers who committed code included in 
the build.
Even though the real work of the build was error free, when Jenkins was 
unable to identify the author of a commit, it caused a general, fatal, 
error for the job.

Here is a snippet of the Console Output:

Archiving artifacts
Recording NUnit tests results
FATAL: No author in changeset c81c92cc02ab4535fada09e1dbc49d78a889fb9a
java.lang.RuntimeException: No author in changeset 
at hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSet.getAuthor(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getCulprits(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getCulprits(

 We have verified that there is no problem with any of the commits in the 
Git repository.

Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions.

Steve K.

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Re: FATAL: No author in changeset (using Git plugins)

2014-07-09 Thread Steve K
Thanks Mark,

Just curious. Are you on a Windows server?  We recently moved from a Linux 
to a Windows server. We never saw the problem when we were on the Linux 


Steve K.


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Re: FATAL: No author in changeset (using Git plugins)

2014-07-09 Thread Steve K

To be clear, are you saying you see it with both Windows and Linux *servers 
*(vs. slaves)?

Thanks for the link to the reported issue. There is some comfort in knowing 
you're not alone and that, maybe, someone is looking into the problem.


Steve K.

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Ability to read job config without changing it (re: matrix security)

2014-05-19 Thread Steve K

How can I grant a user the ability to see a job configuration without also 
granting the ability to modify that configuration?
This question has come up in the past and I'd just like to find out what 
the current status is.
Apparently there is a plugin that will help, but then I read that more 
recent releases of Jenkins provide this ability.  I don't see it though.

What is the current situation?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Re: Move a job from a Linux master to a Windows master

2014-04-01 Thread Steve K
Thanks again Daniel.  Getting rid of the sym-links prior to copying over to 
Windows does seem to make the target system happier. Cheers!

On Monday, March 31, 2014 5:34:29 PM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:

 On 31.03.2014, at 22:13, Steve K wrote: 

  As shown below, the job attempts to create a sym-link--even though it is 
 now running on Windows (from the Console text): 

 Actually, Windows/NTFS have symbolic links (run 'mklink /?' in cmd). 
 AFAIK, Jenkins uses them if possible. 

 I'd try to copy the job dir still on Linux, run `find 
 path/to/copied/jobdir -type l -delete` to delete them, and copy only the 
 actual files/folders over to Windows afterwards to see what happens. 

  The job appears to be preserved though--except for the Job Config 
 History.  That's probably a separate copy. 

 Probably in $JENKINS_HOME/config-history or similar. It's again only a 
 matter of copying the files over, might even be possible while Jenkins is 

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Move a job from a Linux master to a Windows master

2014-03-31 Thread Steve K

I'd like to bring along all of the job's history.
Is there any way I can move a job from a Linux master to a Windows master?
The Linux master is being decommissioned.

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Re: Move a job from a Linux master to a Windows master

2014-03-31 Thread Steve K
Thanks Daniel,

I was concerned about how Windows was going to handle the Linux sym-links.
When I copied a job from the Linux disk (shared via Samba) to Windows, 
Windows turned those sym-links into real files and directories.
That probably means I'll have a lot of redundant data.
The job appears to be preserved though--except for the Job Config 
History.  That's probably a separate copy.

I'm wondering if there are any other gotchas.


Steve K.

On Monday, March 31, 2014 2:53:43 PM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:

 It should suffice to just copy the files over to another Jenkins instance, 
 and restart it. Make sure all plugins used in the job are available in 
 compatible versions. 

 Since you're switching OSes, you might need to delete the symbolic links, 
 e.g. build number - build ID links in the 'builds' directory, or the last* 
 links in the job directory, and have Jenkins recreate them. 

 On 31.03.2014, at 20:24, Steve K wrote: 

  I'd like to bring along all of the job's history. 
  Is there any way I can move a job from a Linux master to a Windows 
  The Linux master is being decommissioned. 
  Thanks in advance. 
  Steve K. 
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 Groups Jenkins Users group. 
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Re: Move a job from a Linux master to a Windows master

2014-03-31 Thread Steve K

Another problem is that certain aspects of the job continue to behave as if it 
is still running on Linux.
As shown below, the job attempts to create a sym-link--even though it is now 
running on Windows (from the Console text):
Started by user anonymous
ln builds\lastSuccessfulBuild D:\Jenkins\jobs\testjob\lastSuccessful failed
hudson.util.jna.WinIOException: Failed to create a symlink 
D:\Jenkins\jobs\testjob\lastSuccessful to builds\lastSuccessfulBuild 
error=183:Cannot create a file when that file already exists
at hudson.Util.createSymlink(
at hudson.model.Run.createSymlink(
at hudson.model.Run.updateSymlinks(
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
ln builds\lastStableBuild D:\Jenkins\jobs\testjob\lastStable failed

On Monday, March 31, 2014 3:53:16 PM UTC-4, Steve K wrote:

 Thanks Daniel,

 I was concerned about how Windows was going to handle the Linux sym-links.
 When I copied a job from the Linux disk (shared via Samba) to Windows, 
 Windows turned those sym-links into real files and directories.
 That probably means I'll have a lot of redundant data.
 The job appears to be preserved though--except for the Job Config 
 History.  That's probably a separate copy.

 I'm wondering if there are any other gotchas.


 Steve K.

 On Monday, March 31, 2014 2:53:43 PM UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:

 It should suffice to just copy the files over to another Jenkins 
 instance, and restart it. Make sure all plugins used in the job are 
 available in compatible versions. 

 Since you're switching OSes, you might need to delete the symbolic links, 
 e.g. build number - build ID links in the 'builds' directory, or the last* 
 links in the job directory, and have Jenkins recreate them. 

 On 31.03.2014, at 20:24, Steve K wrote: 

  I'd like to bring along all of the job's history. 
  Is there any way I can move a job from a Linux master to a Windows 
  The Linux master is being decommissioned. 
  Thanks in advance. 
  Steve K. 
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 Groups Jenkins Users group. 
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Re: git polling is broken for me (ugh!)

2013-11-05 Thread Steve K
This is odd.
Yesterday, there were several replies to this post. Now, I don't see them.

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git polling is broken for me (ugh!)

2013-11-04 Thread Steve K

I just upgraded several of my plugins including git (2.0), ssh-credentials 
(1.5.1), scm-api (0.2), and git-client (1.4.6).  I'm on Jenkins 1.509.3
Now, polling fails as shown below:

FATAL: Error performing command: ls-remote -h 
fs01hudson.util.IOException2 Error 
performing command: ls-remote -h 
ssh:// fs01
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.compareRemoteRevisionWith(
at hudson.scm.SCM._compareRemoteRevisionWith(
at hudson.scm.SCM.poll(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject._poll(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.poll(
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner.runPolling($Runner.runPollingentity=method
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$$Runner.runentity=method
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun($Sync.innerRunentity=method
Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException
 Error performing command: ls-remote -h 
ssh:// fs01
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.compareRemoteRevisionWith(
... 13 more
Caused by: *Cannot 
run program \Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe: 
error=2, No such file or directory*

I suspect that the polling mechanism is now attempting to run on the 
server--whereas, before, it ran on the slave.
The Git commands are going to fail if they run on the server, because it 
doesn't have Git installed.

Does anyone have an idea of how I can get past this problem?

Thank you.

Steve K.

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Re: git polling is broken for me (ugh!)

2013-11-04 Thread Steve K
Where would I set Force polling using workspace?
I don't see that option in the job config nor in the server config.

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Re: git polling is broken for me (ugh!)

2013-11-04 Thread Steve K

Oh. OK. That section has changed. I'm accustomed to seeing an Advanced 
options button.

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Re: No longer provided a means to add Jenkins slave as a service. What to do now?

2013-09-27 Thread Steve K

I'm still struggling with a couple of my XP boxes. As Curtis Kline 
recommended, I now attempt to add the slave and the service by browsing to 
the node from the slave, then File|Install as service.
I suspected that my Java JRE was too old (6.x), so I upgraded to v7 on the 
XP machines. 
That did not work. After I Click on FIle | Install as service, the 
process still does not terminate and I don't get the jenkins-slave.exe nor 
do I get an entry for a service.

Should I try creating my own service?  If so, how would I create my own 

Thanks in advance.

Steve K

On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 4:59:41 PM UTC-4, Steve K wrote:

 Things are not completely settled yet.
 I'm having trouble with my older, Windows XP, machines.
 On the XP machines, after I Click on FIle | Install as service, the 
 process never completes and I don't get the jenkins-slave.exe in my 
 C:\Jenkins directory.

 I'm guessing that something(s) on the XP boxes are not as up-to-date as 
 needed.  Do you have any idea of what that might be?

 Thanks in advance.

 Steve K.

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Re: No longer provided a means to add Jenkins slave as a service. What to do now?

2013-09-27 Thread Steve K


Thank you very much.  I've successfully used your method on one of the XP 
machines that was previously failing.
It's important to note that, at first, I kept the -secret 
big-identifier but that did not work.
After editing the jenkins-slave.xml as you recommended to contain 
file:///C:/Jenkins/slave-agent.jnlp, it worked.

I am curious.  Why does http://server/computer/node/slave-agent.jnlp 
-secret big-identifier  work on newer versions of Windows, but not on XP?

Thank you very much for your solution.  I appreciate it greatly.

Steve K.

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Re: No longer provided a means to add Jenkins slave as a service. What to do now?

2013-09-25 Thread Steve K
Things are not completely settled yet.
I'm having trouble with my older, Windows XP, machines.
On the XP machines, after I Click on FIle | Install as service, the 
process never completes and I don't get the jenkins-slave.exe in my 
C:\Jenkins directory.

I'm guessing that something(s) on the XP boxes are not as up-to-date as 
needed.  Do you have any idea of what that might be?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Git plugin; how to keep modifed files? what options are used on checkout?

2013-06-07 Thread Steve K

The Git plugin updates my local repository.  My local branch is updated 
from a remote.
For debug purposes, there are times when I would like to keep 
modified/tracked files, but the plugin always removes my modified files and 
replaces them with the version from the remote repository.
Is there a way to change that behavior?
What are the commands and options that the plugin is sending to Git?

Thanks in advance.

Steve K.

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Anyone written a config file parser/script generator?

2013-02-12 Thread Steve K

We invest so much time and effort into maintaining Jenkins jobs, I fear 
that my organization would be dead in the water if Jenkins went down.
I'd like a way to extract the build steps from the config files--tuning 
them into an executable script.
It seems possible to translate the config file into a shell script or batch 
Has anyone already done this?


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Re: All my added build descriptions and keep build forever annotations gone!

2013-02-04 Thread Steve K

Hello Sami,

Jenkins has not been upgraded or downgraded recently.
Jenkins has not been restarted recently.
There is a lot of information in the log file.  When looking for 
information specific to the affected job, all I see is the normal 
information, like SCM changes detected ...etc
I did not have the config history plugin installed.  We are running 
backups of the jenkins directory.
Yes, Jenkins is configured to require login.

Thanks for any ideas you may have.

Steve K.

On Saturday, February 2, 2013 5:51:41 PM UTC-5, sti wrote:

 Did you upgrade or downgrade Jenkins? Has it restarted? What is in the log 
 file? Did you have job config history plugin installed? And if not, why? Is 
 your Jenkins configured to require login allowing changes?

 -- Sami

 Steve K javascript: kirjoitti 2.2.2013 
 kello 0.13:

 Has anyone else encountered this?

 I actually spent a fair amount of time adding my own build descriptions 
 and, for a long time, they were visible in my project's build history.
 I also designated several of the builds as Keep Forever.

 Now, they are all gone.  I know I didn't delete them and no one with the 
 required privileges admits to removing them.  There were LOTS of them, so 
 it is unlikely that they were removed by mistake.

 Could this be a bug or do I have a determined and diabolical saboteur in 
 the ranks?

 I'm running Jenkins version  1.480.1

 I'd appreciate any clues you may be able to provide.

 Thank you.

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Not a problem; Re: All my added build descriptions and keep build forever annotations gone!

2013-02-04 Thread Steve K
Solved this issue.  This was not a bug. It was pilot error. Doh!

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All my added build descriptions and keep build forever annotations gone!

2013-02-01 Thread Steve K
Has anyone else encountered this?

I actually spent a fair amount of time adding my own build descriptions 
and, for a long time, they were visible in my project's build history.
I also designated several of the builds as Keep Forever.

Now, they are all gone.  I know I didn't delete them and no one with the 
required privileges admits to removing them.  There were LOTS of them, so 
it is unlikely that they were removed by mistake.

Could this be a bug or do I have a determined and diabolical saboteur in 
the ranks?

I'm running Jenkins version  1.480.1

I'd appreciate any clues you may be able to provide.

Thank you.

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Re: FTP publisher plugin appears to succeed, but files are not on the destination machine???

2012-12-04 Thread Steve K

How do I set the Verbose output in console option for the Publish Over 
FTP Plugin?

Certainly, the primary objective is to successfully use ftp to copy the 
files to the desired location. When the ftp fails, however, do you agree 
that the Publish Over FTP Plugin should throw an error?

Thank you.

Steve K.

Re: FTP publisher plugin appears to succeed, but files are not on the destination machine???

2012-11-30 Thread Steve K

Hello Scott,

Thanks for your reply.

Now that you mention it, I'm NOT sure my ftp session has write permissions 
on the target directory.
I'll need to double-check with the person who provided the username/login 
to me.
I can tell you, however, that I receive a different message if I attempt to 
write to a directory I know I don't have write access to (as shown below):
ftp pwd
257 / is the current directory
ftp put Hello.txt
200 PORT command successful
550 Hello.txt: Forbidden filename

I know I need to find out how to authenticate so that I will be able to 
successfully send my files,  but, since the process fails, I think that the 
FTP Publisher plugin should also cause the job to terminate with a FAILURE 

I did check from the point of view of the target machine and verified that 
the file I was attempting to send was not on the target directory.

I'll need to verify that I have been given proper access to the target 
machine.  I'll post again after I know more, but, would you agree that the 
plugin should cause a job FAILURE when the ftp put fails?

Thank you.


Steve K.

On Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:43:39 PM UTC-5, SA Evans wrote:


 Are you sure your ftp session has write permissions on the target 
 directory?  Can you put files elsewhere on the target server (i.e. initial 
 directory when you first initiate the ftp session)?  Can you list other 
 files in the target directory (either with an ls or dir command)?  

 One other question... I assume you have direct access privs to the target 
 box - is the file there, just with incorrect permissions that prevent it 
 from being seen by the ftp session?

 When I do a test of trying to put a non-existent file to a remote server I 
 don't even get the 200 PORT Command successful, but rather an immediate 
 File not found error.  So, that would seem to indicate to me that the ftp 
 session is finding the source file, it just can't write it.


 On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Steve K 

 I'll add to my own question-in case it might help someone see what I'm 

 :: NOTE: This is the file I'm attempting to ftp:
 C:\Jenkins\workspace\z_Try_FTP\Artifactsdir /b BuildDependency.txt

 :: Here's my interactive ftp session:
 C:\Jenkins\workspace\z_Try_FTP\Artifactsftp ##.###.##.###
 Connected to ##.###.##.###.
 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 2.x 1.3.1rc2 Server (ProFTPD) [##.###.##.###]
 User ( x
 331 Password required for x
 230 User x logged in
 ftp cd /A/Dir/On/Remote/Machine
 250 CWD command successful
 ftp put BuildDependency.txt
 200 PORT command successful
 550 BuildDependency.txt: No such file or directory
 ftp bye
 221 Goodbye.

 :: Please note:  My put failed.   I'm not sure why, but it did.
Interactively, ftp lets me know that the 'put' failed.
The FTP Publish plugin, however,  led me to believe that it had 
 succeeded when, in fact, it failed--probably as a result of the same error 
 experienced in the interactive session.

 My wishes are:
 (1)  When the FTP Plugin fails to copy a file, it should detect the 
 failure and cause the job status to be FAILURE.
 (2)  I'd like to know why my FTP is failing.  I connect to the remote 
 machine OK, but, when I attempt to ftp put the file, I'm slapped with a 
 No such file or directory error. 

 Any ideas?


 On Thursday, November 1, 2012 4:27:56 PM UTC-4, Steve K wrote:


 The console output leads me to believe that the file was successfully 
 FTP'd, but the file does not actually show up on the destination machine.
 Here is the relevant portion of my console output:

 Connecting to 10.555.55.555
 current root dir /TOP
 current root dir /TOP/subdir1/subdir2
 transferred 1 files to subdir1/subdir2
 Transfered 1 files.
 Finished: SUCCESS

 Do you have an idea of what is going wrong?

 Thank you.

FTP publisher plugin appears to succeed, but files are not on the destination machine???

2012-11-01 Thread Steve K

The console output leads me to believe that the file was successfully 
FTP'd, but the file does not actually show up on the destination machine.
Here is the relevant portion of my console output:

Connecting to 10.555.55.555
current root dir /TOP
current root dir /TOP/subdir1/subdir2
transferred 1 files to subdir1/subdir2
Transfered 1 files.
Finished: SUCCESS

Do you have an idea of what is going wrong?

Thank you.

Unable to exec Powershell on one slave.

2012-06-29 Thread Steve K


I have a job that uses Powershell to exec one of the build's build steps.
The job can run, without problem, on either of two Windows XP slaves.
If I attempt to run the job on a Windows 7 slave, I get the following error:
File C:\Users\lx00057\AppData\Local\Temp\hudson9076101655905735463.ps1 cannot 
be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.

I set the ExecutionPolicy on the problematic Windows 7 machine and am able to 
login directly to the machine and successfully execute Powershell scripts.
I have tried setting the ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned, Unrestricted, and 
I have tried; restarting the slave service, restarting the Jenkins server, and 
rebooting the Windows 7 machine.

Thanks in advance for your ideas.