JNM - How to find .... , A Simple Picture ... SIMPLE ABCS ....

2004-10-01 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: suyento [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to find new birth in Christ
by Art Toalston 

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Many people have ears to hear and hearts willing to ponder all 
that God has for them.

Are you one of them?

If so, the Bible has some dynamic, life-changing words for you. (All of the following 
Scripture verses are from the New Testament Book of Romans, in the New International 
These are some of the Bible passages that the Holy Spirit used to rescue me from a 
life of sin by birthing a supernatural, joyous faith in my heart and then nurturing it 
over the years.

God is evident, Romans 1:20-21
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- his eternal power 
and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, 
so that men are without excuse.

All have sinned, Romans 3:10,23
As it is written: 'There is no one righteous, not even one ...' for all have sinned 
and fall short of the glory of God.

Christ has intervened for us, Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ 
died for us.

We must repent of our sin, Romans 2:4
... do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not 
realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?

We must receive Christ, Romans 10:8-10,13
'The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,' that is, the word of 
faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and 
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is 
with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you 
confess and are saved ... for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be 

Salvation is wondrous, Romans 1:16-17
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of 
everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a 
righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to 
last, just as it is written: 'The righteous will live by faith.'

We are saved by Christ's life, Romans 5:10
For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of 
his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

We are transformed, Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as 
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship. 
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the 
renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- 
his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We find peace with God and perseverance, Romans: 5:1-5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through 
our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in 
which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but 
we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces 
perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not 
disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, 
whom he has given us.

We have assurance, Romans 8:28, 38-39
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have 
been called according to his purpose. ... For I am convinced that neither death nor 
life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate 
us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Salvation is the most wholesome, healthiest experience a person can have this side of 
heaven. There is not a reason in this world to spend a minute longer separated from 

Just pray.

Ask God to forgive your sins.  Ask Jesus to come into your heart.
Trust him with every facet of your life from this day forward. Meditate on these Bible 
verses regularly to grasp more and more of the glory of new birth.

From: suyento [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Simple Picture of Success

Four basic principles for growing a healthy small group.
by Brett Eastman, founder and CEO of Lifetogether 

When I first joined the staff at Saddleback Church. Rick told me he reserved seats for 
over 800 men on 7 different 747s headed to Washington, DC for Promise Keepers. I 
suggested we recruit leaders from some of the existing men's groups to launch a few 
more men's groups from the 800+ men going to the event. Over 300 men said they wanted 
to join a group, and half dozen men agreed to lead them.

We launched 32 groups from those 800 men; almost 300 men got connected. But there was 
only a 50 percent group success rate, which disappointed me. Rick Warren 

JNM - Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2004-10-01 Terurut Topik pttwr

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

It is easy for anyone to murmur and complain about the hardships of life, but we as 
believers are to look at the good in our life and not focus on the bad that is only 
temporary in nature.  We are to give thanks in all things, not for all things.  Our 
attitude of thanks must be consistent in the good times as well as the hard times.  
The Apostle Paul declares in 1 Timothy 6:6-8, But godliness with contentment is great 
gain.  For we 
brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  And 
having food and raiment let us be therewith content.  We are to be heavenly minded and 
have a contented heart not looking at the goods of others, but rather appreciating 
what we have been given and remembering that God is with us at all times and will 
never leave our side. (1 Thes. 5:18)

I hope you are blessed and encouraged by today's message.


I had been working much too long on this job. I guess things could have been worse. I 
certainly wasn't doing hard labor. But going door to door asking questions as a 
representative of the federal government wasn't the most satisfying position either.
It was August. It was hot. I had to wear a tie.

Hello. My name is Bob Perks and we are doing a survey in this neighborhood...
I'm not interested! Good bye!...slam, lock.

You can't imagine how many times I heard that. I finally caught on and began with, 
Before you slam the door, I am not selling anything and I just need to ask a few 
questions about yourself and the community. The young woman inside the doorway, paused 
for a moment, raised her eyebrows as she shrugged her shoulders, confused by my rude 

Sure. Come on in. Don't mind the mess. It's tough keeping up with my kids.

It was an older home in a section of the valley where people with meager income found 
affordable shelter. With the little they had, the home looked comfortable and 

I just need to ask a few questions about yourself and family. Although this may sound 
personal, I won't need to use your names. This information will be used...

She interrupted me. Would you like a glass of cold water? You look like you've had a 
rough day.

Why yes! I said eagerly.

Just as she returned with the water, a man came walking in the front door.
It was her husband. Joe, this man is here to do a survey. I stood and politely 
introduced myself.

Joe was tall and lean. His face was rough and aged looking although I figured he was 
in his early twenties. His hands were like leather. The kind of hands you get from 
working hard, not pushing pencils. She leaned toward him and kissed him gently on the 
cheek. As they looked at each other you could see the love that held them together. 
She smiled and titled her head, laying it on his shoulder. He touched her face with 
his hands and softly said, I love you!

They may not have had material wealth, but these two were richer than most people I 
know. They had a powerful love. The kind of love that keeps your head up when things 
are looking down.

Joe works for the borough, she said.
What do you do? I asked.

She jumped right in not letting him answer.

Joe collects garbage. You know I'm so proud of him.

Honey, I'm sure the man doesn't want to hear this, said Joe.

No, really I do, I said.

You see Bob, Joe is the best garbage man in the borough. He can stack more garbage on 
the truck than anyone else. He gets so much in one truck that they don't have to make 
as many runs, she said with such passion.

In the long run, Joe continues, I save the borough money. Man hours are down and the 
cost per truck is less. There was silence. I didn't know what to say. I shook my head 
searching for the right words.

That's incredible! Most people would gripe about a job like that. It certainly is a 
difficult one. But your attitude about it is amazing, I said.

She walked over to the shelf next to the couch. As she turned she held in her hand a 
small framed paper.

When we had our third child Joe lost his job. We were on unemployment for a time and 
then eventually welfare. He couldn't find work anywhere. Then one day he was sent on 
an interview here in this community. They offered him the job he now holds. He came 
home depressed and ashamed, telling me this was the best he could do. It actually paid 
less than we got on welfare.
She paused for a moment and walked toward Joe.

I have always been proud of him and always will be. You see I don't think the job 
makes the man. I believe the man makes the job!

We needed to live in the borough in order to work here. So we rented this home, Joe 
said. When we moved in, this quote was hanging on the wall just inside the front door. 
It has made all the difference to us, Bob. I knew that Joe was doing the right thing, 
she said as she handed me the frame.

It said: If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep the 

JNM - Dalam naungan Tuhan, Surat Kasih Sayang .. Yuk, kita posting ...

2004-10-01 Terurut Topik pttwr

Dalam naungan Tuhan 
by EsterSimamora

...sebab kepada-Mu lah jiwaku berlindung; dalam naungan sayap-Mu aku akan berlindung, 
sampai berlalu penghancuran itu. (Maz 57:2)

Ketika hidup tak seperti biasanya, dimana begitu banyak masalah dan pencobaan yang 
datang, sehingga iman dan damai sejahtera kita mulai terusik, disaat seperti itu kita 
harus banyak berdoa!  Karena salah satu ciri orang yang mengasihi Tuhan adalah 
mengutarakan segala rencana dan persoalannya kepada Tuhan melalui doa.  Doa adalah 
langkah pertama yang harus kita lakukan dalam memulai hari, usaha, pelayanan, juga 
ketika mencari solusi atas suatu persoalan.

Jika kita berlindung dalam 'naungan sayap Tuhan, maka Tuhan tidak akan pernah 
membiarkan kita jatuh sampai tergeletak, bahkan di masa masa sukar sekalipun.  Tuhan 
tahu waktu yang tepat untuk menopang kita dengan tanganNya yang kuat.  Tuhan tidak 
pernah membiarkan patah 'buluh yang terkulai dan Dia tidak akan membiarkan padam 
'cahaya sumbu yang telah memudar. Yesata 42:3.

Keadaan sukar mengajar kita untuk hidup bergantung kepadaNya.  
Karena itu ketika kita mengalami masa - masa sukar, kita HARUS TETAP MAJU, TETAP TAAT 
kepada firman Tuhan, dan TETAP YAKIN bahwa Tuhan turut bekerja untuk mendatangkan 
kebaikan bagi kita lewat keadaan sukar itu.

Ingatlah! bahwa dalam keadaan bagaimanapun, Tuhan Yesus tetap beserta dengan kita, 
karena Dia adalah Allah Immanuel.
From: Yollie Wauran [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Surat Kasih Sayang Dari Hati Bapa Surgawi 
Alamilah Kasih yang engkau cari sepanjang hidupmu 
- Engkau mungkin tidak mengenal Aku, tetapi Aku mengenal segala sesuatu tentang 
  dirimu...(Maz. 139:1) 
- Aku tahu kalau engkau duduk atau berdiri ... (Maz. 139:2) 
-  Aku mengerti segala jalanmu ... (Maz. 139:3) 
-  Setiap helai rambut kepalamu, terhitung semuanya ... (Mat. 10:29-31)
- Karena engkau diciptakan dalam gambar dan rupa-Ku ... (Kej. 1:26-27) 
- Di dalam-Ku engkau hidup, engkau bergerak dan engkau ada ... (Kis. 17:28) 
- Sebab engkau ini adalah keturunan-Ku ... (Kis. 17:28) 
-  Aku mengenal engkau sejak sebelum engkau ada dalam kandungan.. (Yer 1:4-5)
-  Aku memilih engkau dari semula sebelum Aku menciptakan segalanya. (Ef. 1:11-12)  
-  Engkau ada bukan karena suatu kesalahan, karena hari-harimu ada tertulis dalam 
   kitab-Ku ... (Maz. 139:15-16) 
- Aku telah menentukan waktu yang tepat untuk kelahiran dan di mana engkau akan 
   hidup... (Kis. 17:26) 
- Kejadianmu dahsyat dan ajaib ... (Kis. 139:14) 
-  Karena Aku menenun engkau dalam kandungan ibumu ... (Maz. 139:13) 
-  Dan mengeluarkan engkau pada hari engkau dilahirkan ... (Maz. 71:6) 
-  Seringkali Aku tidak dipahami oleh mereka yang tidak mengenal Aku 
   ... (Yoh. 8:41-44) 
-  Aku tidak berada di tempat jauh dan murka, tetapi Aku adalah kasih yang 
   sempurna ... (1 Yoh. 4:16) 
-  Dan adalah kerinduan-Ku untuk mengaruniakan Kasih-Ku untukmu... (1 Yoh. 3:1) 
-  Semua itu karena engkau adalah anak-Ku dan Aku adalah Bapamu ... (1 Yoh. 3:1) 
-  Aku memberikan lebih dari yang dapat diberikan bapamu yang di dunia .. (Mat. 7:11)
- Karena Akulah Bapamu di Surga yang adalah sempurna ... (Mat. 5:48) 
- Setiap pemberian yang baik dan setiap anugerah yang sempurna engkau terima dari 
  tangan-Ku... (Yak. 1:17) 
- Karena Akulah pemeliharamu dan Aku memberi semua yang engkau perlukan ... (Mat. 
- Rancangan-Ku yang diberikan kepadamu adalah hari depan yang penuh harapan ... 
   (Yer. 29:11)  
- Karena Aku mengasihi engkau dengan Kasih yang kekal... (Yer. 31:3) 
- Pikiran-Ku terhadap engkau tidak terhitung seperti pasir di tepi pantai... (Maz. 
- Dan Aku bergirang karena engkau dengan sukacita dan sorak-sorai ... (Zef. 3:17) 
- Aku tidak pernah berhenti berbuat baik kepadamu ... (Yer. 32:40) 
- Karena engkaulah harta kesayangan-Ku ... (Kel. 19:5) 
-  Aku merindukan untuk mengokohkan engkau dengan segenap hati-Ku dan jiwa-Ku ...  
  (Yer. 32:41) 
- Aku akan menunjukkan kepadamu hal-hal yang besar dan yang ajaib.. (Yer. 33:3) 
- Jika engkau mencari Aku dengan segenap hatimu, engkau akan menemukan Aku ... 
  (Ul. 4:29) 
- Bergembiralah karena Aku, maka Aku akan memberikan kepadamu apa yang 
  diinginkan hatimu... (Maz. 37:4) 
- Karena Akulah yang mengerjakan di dalammu kemauan itu ... (Fil. 2:13) 
- Aku dapat melakukan jauh lebih banyak dari pada yang engkau pikirkan ... (Ef. 3:20) 
- Karena Akulah yang menganugrahkan penghiburan abadi kepadamu ... (2 Tes. 2:16-
- Akulah juga Bapa yang menghiburmu dalam segala penderitaanmu... (2 Kor. 1:3-4)  
- Ketika engkau patah hati, Aku berada dekat kepadamu ... (Maz. 34:19) 
- Seperti seorang gembala menggembalakan dombanya, Aku membawa engkau dekat 
   ke hati-Ku... (Yes. 40:11) 
- Suatu hari Aku akan menghapus semua air mata dari matamu ... (Wah. 21:3-4) 
- Dan Aku akan mengangkat semua kesusahan yang engkau derita di atas bumi 
   ... (Wah. 21:3-4) 
- Akulah