Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

It is easy for anyone to murmur and complain about the hardships of life, but we as 
believers are to look at the good in our life and not focus on the bad that is only 
temporary in nature.  We are to give thanks in all things, not for all things.  Our 
attitude of thanks must be consistent in the good times as well as the hard times.  
The Apostle Paul declares in 1 Timothy 6:6-8, But godliness with contentment is great 
gain.  For we 
brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.  And 
having food and raiment let us be therewith content.  We are to be heavenly minded and 
have a contented heart not looking at the goods of others, but rather appreciating 
what we have been given and remembering that God is with us at all times and will 
never leave our side. (1 Thes. 5:18)

I hope you are blessed and encouraged by today's message.


I had been working much too long on this job. I guess things could have been worse. I 
certainly wasn't doing hard labor. But going door to door asking questions as a 
representative of the federal government wasn't the most satisfying position either.
It was August. It was hot. I had to wear a tie.

Hello. My name is Bob Perks and we are doing a survey in this neighborhood...
I'm not interested! Good bye!...slam, lock.

You can't imagine how many times I heard that. I finally caught on and began with, 
Before you slam the door, I am not selling anything and I just need to ask a few 
questions about yourself and the community. The young woman inside the doorway, paused 
for a moment, raised her eyebrows as she shrugged her shoulders, confused by my rude 

Sure. Come on in. Don't mind the mess. It's tough keeping up with my kids.

It was an older home in a section of the valley where people with meager income found 
affordable shelter. With the little they had, the home looked comfortable and 

I just need to ask a few questions about yourself and family. Although this may sound 
personal, I won't need to use your names. This information will be used...

She interrupted me. Would you like a glass of cold water? You look like you've had a 
rough day.

Why yes! I said eagerly.

Just as she returned with the water, a man came walking in the front door.
It was her husband. Joe, this man is here to do a survey. I stood and politely 
introduced myself.

Joe was tall and lean. His face was rough and aged looking although I figured he was 
in his early twenties. His hands were like leather. The kind of hands you get from 
working hard, not pushing pencils. She leaned toward him and kissed him gently on the 
cheek. As they looked at each other you could see the love that held them together. 
She smiled and titled her head, laying it on his shoulder. He touched her face with 
his hands and softly said, I love you!

They may not have had material wealth, but these two were richer than most people I 
know. They had a powerful love. The kind of love that keeps your head up when things 
are looking down.

Joe works for the borough, she said.
What do you do? I asked.

She jumped right in not letting him answer.

Joe collects garbage. You know I'm so proud of him.

Honey, I'm sure the man doesn't want to hear this, said Joe.

No, really I do, I said.

You see Bob, Joe is the best garbage man in the borough. He can stack more garbage on 
the truck than anyone else. He gets so much in one truck that they don't have to make 
as many runs, she said with such passion.

In the long run, Joe continues, I save the borough money. Man hours are down and the 
cost per truck is less. There was silence. I didn't know what to say. I shook my head 
searching for the right words.

That's incredible! Most people would gripe about a job like that. It certainly is a 
difficult one. But your attitude about it is amazing, I said.

She walked over to the shelf next to the couch. As she turned she held in her hand a 
small framed paper.

When we had our third child Joe lost his job. We were on unemployment for a time and 
then eventually welfare. He couldn't find work anywhere. Then one day he was sent on 
an interview here in this community. They offered him the job he now holds. He came 
home depressed and ashamed, telling me this was the best he could do. It actually paid 
less than we got on welfare.
She paused for a moment and walked toward Joe.

I have always been proud of him and always will be. You see I don't think the job 
makes the man. I believe the man makes the job!

We needed to live in the borough in order to work here. So we rented this home, Joe 
said. When we moved in, this quote was hanging on the wall just inside the front door. 
It has made all the difference to us, Bob. I knew that Joe was doing the right thing, 
she said as she handed me the frame.

It said: If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep the streets even 
as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He 
should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 
Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well. Martin Luther King

I love him for who he is.  But what he does he does the best.  I love my garbage man!
By Bob Perks

So how was your day?  Did you give it your best?  Or did your attitude get the best of 

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such 
things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  So 
that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do 
unto me.

Psalm 34:17-19 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all 
their troubles. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such 
as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD 
delivereth him out of them all.

Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are 
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are 
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be 
any praise, think on these things.  Those things, which ye have both learned, and 
received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

All of these scriptures can be found in the King James Version Bible.

Today's Selected Poem:  I MET MY MASTER
Click here to read ---

Today's Selected Testimony:  JESUS STILL HEALS TODAY
Click here to read ---

In Christ's Service, 
Dwayne Savaya 
Gods Work Ministry 

Please feel free to visit the Website to read more Encouraging and
Inspirational stories, poems and testimonies.  Our E-mail Archives are
available as well to read the messages that have been sent in the past.

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