RE: Problem in portlet action

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hmm this may work :

Change back your input to "submit", remove the onclick from it and add a
onsubmit attribute on the form tag like this :

  thanks for your replying.
>  Yes,I  have been awared of my misunstanding and change
> type="submit"  to type="button".  However, It would not work
> even if I call form.submit() because it could not call the
> "eventSubmit_doAddvalue" action. Then I tranfer two
> parameters  <%= request.getRequestURI()%> and the action
> [eventSubmit_doAddvalue'].name to javascipt and  form an
> action  and then form.submit(). Although It works now, it
> often change the url and and I have to redirect  utl in
> "doAddvalue". This is a very bad method , I think. Do you
> have better ways to resolve this problem?
> sophy

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RE: Question on Portlet right margin - aligns with customize button

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'm sorry I must have missed your first mail D.J.

Indeed, if using 1.4b3 or 1.4b4 and Velocity templates (default one), this
was a bug I noticed too.
First, it is fixed on current CVS with velocity, so hopefully 1.4b5 will be
ok (I'll check this).

Then, if you want a fast fix for 1.4b3/b4, edit this template :

WEB-INF\templates\vm\controls\html\jetspeed.vm, line 51

remove the extra width="100%" which is causing the bug with most portlets :


This will fix your trouble :)


D.S. Johnson a ecrit :

> Robert Keith wrote:
>> Many of my portlets push the right edge of the portlet box over as
>> they grow horizontally, but most seem to align with the customize
>> button instead of the edge of the portlet window.  The
>> DataBaseBrowser portlet spans the entire portlet correctly.
>> Is this a configuration problem of mine or a bug?
>> Robert Keith
> I have raised this issue before without response, I believe this is a
> bug.

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RE: Jetspeed PSML User db - MS SQL SERVER doesn't work

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Did you build jetspeed from src or did you use the war release ?

Sandeep Dixit a écrit :

> I have jetspeed 1.4 b3, MS SQL 2000 on Windows XP Pro. I have tried
> replacing BINARY profile fields to IMAGE and TEXT, both created the
> same error.
> Thanks,
> Sandeep

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RE: Jetspeed PSML User db - MS SQL SERVER doesn't work

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
If you correctly build it and specify the build was for MSSQL in the torque
properties file, then I don't know what's happening.
I remember having something like that when trying to read a blob from

What's the type of the column under MSSQL ? Is it "BLOB" ? (you can
double-check the type with the SQL generated by Torque)

If it is, and if you're sure that the psml stored in the binary is ok, could
you please try replacing the village jar 1.5.3 by the one currently under
CVS (village-2.0-dev-20030625.jar).

This one contains a fix for blob columns under Oracle, maybe blob columns
under MSSQL where buggy too ? Give it a shot... Who knows ?

Another interesting question would be : Did ANYONE ever succesfully deployed
jetspeed dbpsml under MSSQL ?


Sandeep Dixit a écrit :

> I am using it from src.
>> Did you build jetspeed from src or did you use the war release ?
>> Sandeep Dixit a écrit :
>>> I have jetspeed 1.4 b3, MS SQL 2000 on Windows XP Pro. I have tried
>>> replacing BINARY profile fields to IMAGE and TEXT, both created the
>>> same error.

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RE: Jetspeed PSML User db - MS SQL SERVER doesn't work

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Can you give more information on your environment ? Jetspeed version using,

Did you follow the guide for psml in db (build jetspeed from source and
specify it's for MSSQL Server) ?

Sandeep Dixit a écrit :

> I am getting unmarshal exception as the following when trying to use
> Jetspeed PSML database with MS SQL SERVER 2000. Any help would be
> appreciated.

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RE: Show / hide icons

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Have a look at

It describes how to define what actions are available on which portlet,
depending on role or whatever.

Although I'm not sure if this works on 1.4b1, but it should.

Sunil Sheshadri a ecrit :

> Hi,
> I have a requirement that I need to show customize icon of the portlet
> for some portlets and hide for some others.
> I have two roles defined in security.xreg ( user and admin). User role
> will not show pencil icon and it is shown
> ony for admin users.
> Now, even if the user logs in I need to show pencil icon for few
> portlets. How to do this? Can we customize the show/hide Icons for
> each portlets?
> I am using Jetspeed 1.4b1 for our development.
> Pls let me know what conf files needs to be updated and changed.

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RE: Redirecting to custom JSP when we click on Customize icon.

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'm not used to JSP, and I don't see where the template for customize action
is in jsp mode, but if you're using JSP Portlets and Velocity templates (is
it possible ?), then you can change the default portlet customizer (that
will affect every of your portlets) :

If you want to associate a specific template for customization for each of
your portlets, have a look at the WeatherPortlet registry, but it's Velocity


Sunil Sheshadri a ecrit :

> Hi,
> I have a requirement where I should redirect the page to my JSP when
> user clicks on customize icon on the portlet.
> We are using Jetspeed 1.4b1 for our development. Pls let me know what
> we should do to redirect to our custom JSP
> when we click on the customize icon.

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RE: Problem in portlet action

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I would say you should test the propertyValue at server side cause the form
is always submitted the way you wrote it (I think that's what happens).

If you want your form to be submitted only when propertyValue is set to the
good value, then you must change your button type to "button", and not
submit, and in the javascript explicitely call "form.submit()" when you
really want to submit your form.


sophy a écrit :

> I am confused by portlet action. In my jsp, there is a line like this
> :  onclick="javascript:oncheck(document.propertySet.elements['pro
> pertyValue'].value)">
>  In javascript:oncheck(value), I will check if "value" is
> available, if not, return false. In general, this submit
> action should not be performed, but in portlet action,
> "doAddvalue" still runs. This goes against my idea. How to
> disable the action when my javascript returns false.
> thanks a lot.
> sophy

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RE: master detail records displayed in a portlet

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
There is some stuff here :

An idea may be to clean the current properties file, as there are many
obscurs parameters, or even parameters present twice (velocity stuff for


Weaver, Scott a écrit :

> Hi Carlos,
> Would you mind submitting your performance tweaks to be
> committed to the Jetspeed documentation?

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RE: Redirecting to custom JSP when we click on Customize icon.

2003-08-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Sunil Sheshadri a ecrit :

> Yes for velocity we can have
>  hidden="false"/> where weather-customize  is the custom defined.
> But how to do that for JSP.

I won't be able to help you there, as we decided here to go with velocity,
which seemed to be more up to date than jsp...

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RE: does anybody use jetspeed with mysql?

2003-08-10 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Did you directly use jetspeed full war ?

If so could you try to download the src version, to modify both and in "build.torque" directory to use
Mysql instead of hypersonic.

Then build the war, and see if it works better. I know there were issues
with older versions of jetspeed full war to be used with database directly,
maybe it's still a problem (as I never use war release I can't tell).

There's a sample to build jetspeed from src for dbpsml here

Just do the same with and see if that works. Cause Jetspeed
surely works with MySQL, by reading the archives :)


Frank Segieth a ecrit :

> Frank Segieth wrote:
>> hi,
>> i have a problem installing jetspeed on a tomcat 3.? and mysql i get
>> an
>> **
>> Horrible Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> org/apache/jetspeed/om/security/turbine/BaseTurbineUserPeer at
> ement.getUser(
>> at

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RE: Problem in portlet action

2003-08-06 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I see what you mean, maybe some kind of a "isformok" hidden parameter, that
is checked on the onsubmit attribute of form tag.

You use it with a onclick method on buttons that fills this attribute to
true if ok, false otherwise, so if your specific button doesn't fill the
hidden parameter to true, the checkform method will return false, ans the
form won't be submitted ?

sophy a écrit :

> It can work if jsp has only one button or the buttons in jsp
> have the same check rule. But in my jsp, there are several
> buttons  and their check rule are not  similar.
> For example, there is a button in jsp for displaying  in the
> same jsp another part which has a button to be checked. Under
> this case, it is not  proper  to  put javascript:oncheck to
> form tag. Any better   techniques?
> sophy

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RE: ERROR: org.xml.sax.driver not specified

2003-08-03 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Are you by any chance running JDK 1.4.2 ? There are some XML parser issues
with it, as JDK 1.4.2 comes with an integrated parser.
See, I've just added
a comment from a user that may have a solution, please see if it works for


Phadnis, Vivek a écrit :

> I have installed jetspeed-1.4-b4 along with the tutorials.
> I am seeing some strange behavior with some of the portlets e.g BBC
> World News, Some time I can see the portal correctly, some time I see
> error
> BBC World News
> problem in SAX transform: org.xml.sax.SAXException: System
> property org.xml.sax.driver not specified
> I am not sure what exactly is missing, this behavior is not
> consistent.
> any suggestions?
> Vivek

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RE: Problem in some portlet:K@N@!:

2003-08-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Right now I don't know any other solution, as i'm not directly concerned by
this bug (I'm running under JDK 1.3.1 here) as the problem seems to come
with the default integrated xml parser in JDK 1.4.2

There are some possible answers in this bug (directly related to JDK 1.4.2)


Pascal DeMilly a écrit :
> Is it what I am supposed to do or do you know of another solution to
> this problem?

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RE: Problem in some portlet:K@N@!:

2003-08-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Please use the archive (, this question has been
answered many times, it's related to JDK 1.4.x only.

Pascal DeMilly a écrit :

> When loading a brand new jetspeed-1.4b5.war (same with b4) I get the
> following error message in my Jetspeed documentation portlet for
> example.
> problem in SAX transform:
> org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException:
> The output format must have a
> '{}content-handler' property!
> Any ideas what I need to do to fix that error?
> Pascal

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RE: Problem in some portlet

2003-08-01 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Right now I don't know any other solution, as i'm not directly concerned by
this bug (I'm running under JDK 1.3.1 here) as the problem seems to come
with the default integrated xml parser in JDK 1.4.2

There are some possible answers in this bug (directly related to JDK 1.4.2)


Pascal DeMilly a écrit :
> Is it what I am supposed to do or do you know of another solution to
> this problem?

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RE: Problem in some portlet

2003-08-01 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Please use the archive (, this question has been
answered many times, it's related to JDK 1.4.x only.

Pascal DeMilly a écrit :

> When loading a brand new jetspeed-1.4b5.war (same with b4) I get the
> following error message in my Jetspeed documentation portlet for
> example.
> problem in SAX transform:
> org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException:
> The output format must have a
> '{}content-handler' property!
> Any ideas what I need to do to fix that error?
> Pascal

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RE: Where can I get the file pluto-0.46.jar

2003-07-31 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

It has been said many times on the mailing-list, the pluto jar isn't YET

Please avoid the double posting

WangXuSheng (???) a écrit :

> When I build jetspeed-2  with maven, It reports that
> pluto-0.46.jar not found, I can't find the file on the web,
> Can anybody tell me where to get the file?
> In addition, where is the jetspeed-2 official site?
> Wang Xusheng

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RE: Oracle DB - cannot add users or groups

2003-07-28 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Jetspeed using a database should be rebuild from source, and in this
directory :


You should replace the default database to oracle in both ""
and "".

I'm using Oracle here for both, works like a charm :) for the psml sample.



> Hi there!
> We're currently setting up jetspeed with oracle, and manage to get it
> up and running except for that we cannot add users/groups. Do I have
> to rebuild from the source to get this working? Where do the admin
> portlets get the settings from? Kind regards, Stefan 

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RE: God, jetspeed from cvs is too slow.

2003-07-24 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I think so too. I've never noticed it here with my protlets and I've used a
fresh cvs one week ago

Also please avoid the double sending (jetspeed-user / jetspeed-dev), as many
of us are on both lists.


Saddest OfAllKeys a ecrit :

> (Sorry for the empty msg, if you see one)
> Zufeng,
> I'm not convinced that it has to be the Jetspeed code that is causing
> delays.
> Are you using the Stock Quote portlet? It can be a
> performance killer.  Perhaps some other portlet is
> taking a long time to render?
> Mike

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RE: JSR-168 Comments

2003-07-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Weaver, Scott a écrit :

>> I think PortletAction should become a real class, and not a subclass
>> anymore, and contains a render() method that would give it renders
>> (javascript, or whatever). A portlet action would be linked to a
>> control action.
> IMOHO, PortletAction should go away entirely and the Portlets
> themselves should act as their own actions.  This is how the JSR
> works.

Why didn't I think of it before... Totally agree on this one.

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RE: JSR-168 Comments

2003-07-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Of course there may be a better way to do it, that's just a way I saw
looking at portletaction...

Aurelien Pernoud a ecrit :

> I first thought that was easy, but in fact the hardcoded part of
> portletactions makes it harder than it seems, and I don't know if
> I've thought of everything...
> Aurelien

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RE: JSR-168 Comments

2003-07-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Gerry Reno a ecrit :

> Scott,
>   My apologies for coming at this a little strongly.  I didn't intend
> to offend anyone.  My comments about the usability of the
> IFramePortlet were actually intended to show that the IFramePortlet
> can be made perfectly usable if we change the view interaction model
> that's all.
> Gerry

I agree on this point, but when moving from a pane to another this won't
work either. The only way to make IFRAMEPORTLET totally ok would be to
prevent *any* client<->portal request, so the client should load the entire
portal once... What about updates :)

Now your idea of making the controls action on the side client can be
properly done I think this way :

Currently the rendering of the link is done in
with a subclass "PortletAction" inside. All portlets actions are hardcoded
there, that may be the time to change this and add a portletaction.xreg that
list the available actions ?

I think PortletAction should become a real class, and not a subclass
anymore, and contains a render() method that would give it renders
(javascript, or whatever). A portlet action would be linked to a control

A nice way to autorize both rendering (javascript or client<->server for an
action) would be to allow it at the portlet level (when adding a portlet,
you decide which rendering you want for actions, or use the default one in
the xreg, or if none present then use the current "standard" one).

Then if one would like to change the rendering of an action button, he'll
have to override the render() method of a portletaction, create a new
portletaction in the xreg, with the same name but the new created
portletaction class, and then link it to a portlet.

I first thought that was easy, but in fact the hardcoded part of
portletactions makes it harder than it seems, and I don't know if I've
thought of everything...


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RE: JSR-168 Comments

2003-07-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Gerry Reno a ecrit :

>   The spec is dictating a server-side UI

This is, I think, the exact kind of mail that will make jetspeed dev not
read any one single more mail from you. At least that's what I would do.

I'm sorry, but devs and specs have taken time, you just come by there and
say "Hey guys, jetspeed su*, portlet api su*, listen to me".

There are many ways to change the current jetspeed (1.4-cvs) to be able to
do what you'd like (user side actions for portlets) and still keep the old
way that many users want (changing the rendering while maximized is simply
great, sorry). It requires time too, you could be the one to make the
changes necessary (yes, that's where open-source begins) and then provide a
Currently the control actions is a little too hard-coded in jetspeed, but
things change you know. The only thing you have to provide to get your patch
applied is :
1. Interest of the patch
2. Backward Compatiblity (I don't want to see my work lost because someone
jsut decided to change the behavior of maximize, minimize... and I'm not
alone in this case)

Devs are watching for good ideas, patchs, whatever, when time allows it. But
just don't come and yell, you won't be listen to.


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RE: IFramePortlet maximize

2003-07-16 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

That's the only default of the IframePortlet, but I don't know any simple
way (even any hard one) to prevent this functionment.

Gerry Reno a ecrit :

>   I am using the IFramePortlet in one of my pages.  Whenever a user
> has clicked their way to a certain page that they want in the IFrame
> portlet and then maximized the portlet, the portlet then reloads the
> default iframe portlet page.  Is it possible to configure this so that
> the iframe portlet can maximize and keep the current page displayed?
> thx,
> Gerry Reno

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RE: connection LDAP

2003-07-15 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Did you use the current implementation of the LDAP (that is hard to plug on
an existing directory), or did you write your own authentification service
to be able to use any existing "standard" LDAP (by standard I mean using the
iNetOrgPerson schema, and whatever may the directory structure be ?).

Cause current LDAP is limited to people under a certain directory

Thx for info,

Can Uenal a ?rit :

> Hi Sylvain,
> we have connected Lotus Domino (Release 6) as a LDAP server with
> Jetspeed..
> -Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Sylvain Padoan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 17:41
> An: Jetspeed Users List
> Betreff: connection LDAP
> hello,
> Is possible to connect a LDAP base with Jetspeed???
> tanks a lot,
> sylvain

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RE: Background Image

2003-07-15 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hi Raphael,

I know this mail is a long time ago (about 2 months) but I just had the time
to test it :)

In fact your method perfectly works (I removed the pageName parameter as it
was unused in the method ?), but it returns the top skin only (the one you
access by the top right cuctomize button icon), not the skin from current
selected Pane for example.
So I can't apply a different background changing on pane change.

If you have any idea... or someone else who is aware of the skin algorithm.


Luta, Raphael (VUN) a écrit :

> To be able to access the page skin from the Turbine layout
> template you'll need to add the JetspeedTool class to return this
> skin object (or subclass it and replace the tool definition in TR.p).
> this new method would look something like (without Exception handling
> to simplify
> code):
> public PortletSkin getPageSkin(String pageName)
> {
>   Profile profile = rundata.getProfile();
>   PortletSkin skinObject = null;
>   if (profile == null)
>   {
> profile = Profiler.getProfile(rundata);
> rundata.setProfile(profile);
>   }
>   PSMLDocument doc = profile.getDocument();
>   if (doc != null)
>   {
> Skin pageSkin = doc.getPortlets().getSkin();
> if (pageSkin == null)
> {
>   skinObject = PortalToolkit.getSkin("");
> }
> else
> {
>   skinObject = PortalToolkit.getSkin(pageSkin); }
>   }
>   return skinObject;
> }
> With this simple method, you can then put in your layout something
> like :
> #set $skin =
> $jetspeed.getPageSkin($request.getParameter("page","default"))

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RE: question about skin define

2003-07-09 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
kylin a ?rit :

>   Metal is so cool.
> but i did not know the means of "skin.css" code
> especially:
> Metal .PTitle  (what's it means ,if some good tutorial about it will
> useful) {
>   height:16px;
>   color:#FF;
>   background:  url(../images/html/skins/Metal/title.gif); }

I'm sorry I didn't documented yet the new skinning process.
I'll try here but in short time :

If you use the new skin process (Metal is a sample), then forget about all
the other stuff. The only thing you have to do in your skins.xreg is adding
an entry this way :

For Metal, MyNewSkinClass=Metal, represents the css style class to use for
the globality of skin.
Then, when such an entry is in your skin, the rendering of a portlet is this
one :

A portlet is a table with 3 columns, 3 rows

(the first row contains 4 columns : left border, title of protlet, action
buttons, right border)
title of portlet and action buttons uses the same css to render

- title   (+ left/right)   |__|_||__|
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |
- content (+ left/right)   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |
- bottom  (+ left/right)   |__|__|__|

The default class then used for the portlet above are :
* PTitleLeft, PTitle (two times, one for title, one for action buttons),
* PContentLeft, PContent, PContentRight
* PBottomLeft , PBottom , PBottomRight

So every part of the portlet is "skinnable". Then, for your new skin, edit
skins.css and add stuff like :

.MyNewSkinClass .PTitleLeft <- Means for the browser, check the PTitleLeft
class of the MyNewSkinClass (that's cascading)
// Here everything that concerns the left title part of the portlet
(typically an image)

.MyNewSkinClass .PTitle
// Here everything that concerns the top title part (title and action

.MyNewSkinClass .PTitleRight
// Here everything that concerns the right title part of the portlet
(typically an image)

... and so on with PContentLeft, Pcontent, PContentRight, PBottomLeft,
PBottom, PBottomRight.

In fact everything is in css and not anymore in xreg.

Now for your question, in your title you have to specify the height of the
title bar, because it can change from a skin to another and can't be
"hardcoded" in the template. For Metal I had to specify the height of the
image used (title.gif), and that is... 16 px. Then the color attribute is
for the text to be visible on the black image.

And you can do everything that is possible to do using css.

I'm sorry not to be able to develop more right now, but I hope I'll be able
to produce a better tutorial for skinning like "Metal" before 1.4b5 goes out
However, feel free to ask for more precisions if I'm not so clear, that will
help me produce a nice tutorial.


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RE: logout - how to get current user

2003-07-07 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

On logout action there is a difference on the way to get the current user
(it seems turbine handles it differently), try

getRunData().getUserFromSession() and see if that works for you.


Holger Dewes a ecrit :

> Hello,
> I'm trying to do a kind of single sign-on by implementing my own
> authentication class that inherits from
> Login works fine, I get username and password, delegate to the super
> class, perform my own login, and store some information in the user
> session.
> But I have a problem with logout: I need to know the username there as
> well, so I can perform my own logout. But the method gets no
> parameters, and getRunData().getJetspeedUser() returns null.
> How do I get the current user in the logout method? Or should I do my
> logout in a different class? (how?)
> Any help is much appreciated.

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RE: Setting a portlet Title in JSP.

2003-07-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

You're trying to set the title from within the portlet content if I
understand well ? Well that's too late, the title was already generated...
When Jetspeed renders a portlet, it does it this order :

- Top bar : title + action buttons
- Content : call getContent() : too late to change the titlte

Although the second time you show the portlet the title "should" be the new
one, I mean the one before :)

Using a JSPPortlet, you'lle have to change the title using buildcontent()
instead of getcontent(). See doc for more information.


Fletcher, Boyd C. J9C534 a ecrit :

> We have a requirement to manipulate the portlet's title in JSP. The
> jetspeed javadocs
> (
> rtal/portl ets/JspPortlet.html) seem to imply the following should
> work, but it doesn't.  
> <%
>   Portlet portletData = (Portlet)request.getAttribute("portlet");
>   portletData.setTitle("Fiddle Sticks");
> %>
> Any one have any ideas either why this doesn't work or how to set the
> title from within JSP Portlet.
> thanks,
> boyd

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RE: Jetspeed logout probelm

2003-06-30 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Asif Jan a écrit :

> The probelm is that when I log out and then press back button my
> browsers asks for refreshing the page from server , when I do that I
> logged on as the last logged in user.

I'm not sure, but if in your precedent page the user just logged in using
the top form, then you'll have no way to bypass this.
It's a "feature" from web browsers that are able to resend forms when you
click back.
Although if it's not the case, if the user logged out after using the portal
for some time, and then just clicking once "back" get you back logged in,
then there is a bug. That seems weird.

> I have tried to remove username login jsessionid cookies from
> requests in Logout action . But still there is no change in the
> behaviuor .
> What I need is that when a user logs out , his complete information
> shall be destroyed then and there and when ever some one presses the
> browser back button , he shall be treated as a new user .

Maybe adding this in the logout may work : request.getSession().invalidate()

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RE: Obtainig the User Id

2003-06-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

$data.UserId should work in a template

>From java, ((JetspeedRunData) data).getUserId()


D.S. Johnson a ecrit :

> Hello
> Is there a way to get the user id from Jetspeed, I need to link the
> logged in user into my DB. 
> Thanks
> DJ

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RE: Storing PSML in database

2003-06-25 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

You have to build Jetspeed from src and specify what database you're going
to use in the and of torque directory.


Sandeep Dixit a ecrit :

> I am able to store PSML resources such as User, Group,
> Permission, etc. in the database. Is there a way to store
> actual default.psml in the database per user?
> Thanks,
> Sandeep

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RE: clink.external problem

2003-06-17 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I've encountered the same bug as bob (base tag was returning a link to the
logo, and all images got screwed). here's how to reproduce :

Let's say you want toi display a different top logo for a logged in user
than for anon user (any chance that's what bob wanted to do too ?). A
"normal" way would be to modify top.vm "else" case where user isn't logged
in and change this :




First request, it works fine, but very weirdly, after 2 or 3 refresh of the
portal, the base href changes and points to top logo ($logoURI).
I don't know what's behind but found a quick way to fix it (it was for a
demonstration so time was short) : always evaluate $LogoURI in the "else" of
top.vm :


And then it works.

HTH (at least to short fix the bug for Bob, and maybe for dev to look what's
behind this trick...),

Weaver, Scott a écrit :

> I actually still use clink for setting up the base URL, but
> that's it.  After that, I set all other links as relative.
> This works for me.
> *===*
> * Scott T Weaver*
> * Jakarta Jetspeed Portal Project   *
> *===*

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RE: Horrible Exception NPE

2003-06-05 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Dev are currently busy on JS 2.0 ;) You're on the good place to ask for

If I remember well, I've also seen this NPE when I didn't wait for tomcat to
properly close (windows says that tomcat isn't responding, asks if I should
kill it or wait, and here one should NEVER kill it, click wait, it will
work). The story is that when tomcat shutdowns, it shutdowns jetspeed
servlet, and at shutdown, jetspeed registry service rewrites xreg files
(there may be new portlets added via jetspeed web interface that are only in
memory and needs to be saved). If you don't wait for jetspeed to finish its
regitry rewriting, then your xreg files are corrupted and at next startup
you get that exception (again, I *think* it's this exception but I'm not

Check all the xreg files in the WEB-INF/conf directory, and see if one
(portlets.xreg, admin.xreg, whatever.xreg) isn't good (which means it starts
by  tag but suddenly stops, like if tomcat process was killed
during shutdown).


aps ku a ecrit :

>   I have just downloaded version
> and same Horrible Exception
> error.  Is there any resolution to this at all? or
> this is the wrong list to ask or no developers ever
> look in this list to help us new users of jetspeed?
> Where would be the right place to ask this question
> and get some kind of definite resolution?
> --- aps ku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Interesting to know. I did a re-install, got
>> things
>> working and followed your suggestion of logging out,
>> BUT still same error shows when restarting Tomcat. I
>> even had the browser shutdown and closed and start
>> fresh just in case it has something to do with it
>> but
>> same errors.
>>Anyhow, why would a mere a user not logged out
>> would cause such havoc?  Whats behind all these
>> causing such a headache?  What is triggering that
>> at
> org.apache.jetspeed.modules.pages.JetspeedTemplatePage.doBuild
> BeforeAction(
>> aps ku

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RE: encoding problem

2003-06-04 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

There has been a change between b3 and b4 relative to encoding :

Here's how jetspeed looks for the encoding to use now, if you use the right
way to grab parameters (see next) :
   1) the character encoding used in the body of the request.
   2) character-set parameter in media.xreg
   3) content.defaultencoding in
   4) US-ASCII

so check all those parameters to see if one may be wrong for you.
Although there is two ways to "grab" your request parameters in your
portlets :

data.getRequest().getParameter(aParameterName) : WRONG
data.getParameters().getString(aParameterName) : RIGHT

Cause Servlet 2.2 API is known to be buggy when encoding is different from
ISO8859-1, so you should better use the parameterparser provided in jetspeed
(second method).

So check all this parameters and see where your trouble comes from.


PS : if you're using tomcat 3, then you're meeting a specific bug from it,
and right now jetspeed is still buggy with tomcat 3.

Ivan a ecrit :

> Hello everybody,
> I got a problem and I'm not sure if it's a bug or a
> misconfiguration of my system.
> I had a 1.4b3 portal working ok, and after the upgrade
> to 1.4b4 some portlets are not sending the form post info well.
> this is where It sent "Ivan" now it sends "IvC!n", it
> looks like some ascii to hex change...
> Anyone knows what can it happen???
> Many thanks in advance.
> Ivan

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RE: adding own portlet

2003-06-03 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Couldn't it just be that you're missing a quote here :
encoding=UTF-8" instead of encoding="UTF-8"

Gokul Poduval a écrit :
> sample.xreg

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RE: Cant access to mail archive

2003-06-03 Thread Aurelien Pernoud :

June 2, 2003

Mail-Archive is experiencing technical problems, all archives are
temporarily offline and are being actively restored from backup. Because of
the very large volume of data, this process takes a long time - multiple
days so far, and possible a few more are required. Thank you for your

S.T.How a écrit :

> Hi,
> Is the url for mail archive has been changed?? Pls tell me
> the new url for the jetspeed user and developer as well. Thanks.. ^_^

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RE: 1.4b3 and oracle sequence names problem

2003-04-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
I didn't want either at first, but the documentation is pretty clear, you
just have to put two entries in the two properties file I said before, run
build.bat, and a new jar is here :)

Then it's easier to grab a nightly and do it again, if you see something
you'd like to test...

Danny a écrit :

> Sure, but I use the binary dirstribution...
> So we had lots of trouble with it, because we didn't want to build
> from source. :-(

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RE: 1.4b3 and oracle sequence names problem

2003-04-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

To use jetspeed with Oracle, you need to build from the src, otherwise such
exceptions are commons :)

Cause when you build from src saying you want oracle, it regenerates those
classes, with the good stuff in it

Danny a écrit :

> I experienced the same error, and I can only tell you a workaround. I
> think this can alse be avoided by building jetspeed from source
> properly.
> But here is my fix:
> for Turbine_user, there is a class named
> Enter the sources, and change
> tMap.setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo("TURBINE_USER");
> to
> tMap.setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo("TURBINE_USER_SEQ");
> This should help. Note that there are similar classes for each table
> out there.
> By the way, I'd like to know why there are the wrong entries in the
> source distributation?
> Hope I could help you.
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. April 2003 08:53
>> An: 'Jetspeed Users List'
>> Betreff: RE: 1.4b3 and oracle sequence names problem
>> This is weird, I got 1.4b3 working with Oracle 8i / 9i without any
>> trouble, and the sequence name is indeed TURBINE_USER_SEQ...
>> Have you build Jetspeed from src, and declared you wanted it to use
>> a Oracle DB (under src/build/torque, I have two properties referring
>> to oracle database : and ?
>> You're not the first one with this trouble, but I don't know how
>> other people got it working... All I can say is I got it working,
>> under WIN2K and AIX 4/5 :(
>> Try looking the archive on ?
>> Marco Parmigiani a écrit :
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> While using Jetspeed 1.4b3 with Oracle (both 8i and 9i),
>>> everything works fine but this error occurs when I try to add a new
>>> user:
>>> [DEBUG] - select TURBINE_USER.nextval from dual
>>> [ERROR] - Turbine.handleException: null
>>> [ERROR] - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:
>>> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
>>> This happens because the actual name of the sequence, created
>>> by turbine-oracle.sql, is TURBINE_USER_SEQ and not
>>> TURBINE_USER, which is the name of the table.
>>> I'm not sure about how to set up Torque to solve this problem since
>>> I never used it. How can I configure and build the portal in order
>>> to make it use the correct sequence name?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Marco
> -
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RE: 1.4b3 and oracle sequence names problem

2003-04-02 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

This is weird, I got 1.4b3 working with Oracle 8i / 9i without any trouble,
and the sequence name is indeed TURBINE_USER_SEQ...

Have you build Jetspeed from src, and declared you wanted it to use a Oracle
DB (under src/build/torque, I have two properties referring to oracle
database : and ?

You're not the first one with this trouble, but I don't know how other
people got it working... All I can say is I got it working, under WIN2K and
AIX 4/5 :(

Try looking the archive on ?

Marco Parmigiani a écrit :

> Hi everybody,
> While using Jetspeed 1.4b3 with Oracle (both 8i and 9i),
> everything works fine but this error occurs when I try to add a new
> user:
> [DEBUG] - select TURBINE_USER.nextval from dual
> [ERROR] - Turbine.handleException: null
> [ERROR] - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:
> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
> This happens because the actual name of the sequence, created
> by turbine-oracle.sql, is TURBINE_USER_SEQ and not
> TURBINE_USER, which is the name of the table.
> I'm not sure about how to set up Torque to solve this problem since I
> never used it. How can I configure and build the portal in order to
> make it use the correct sequence name?
> Thanks in advance,
> Marco

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RE: Jespeed Skins Alternatives

2003-04-01 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Don't know if you attached something, but it got ripped. To get it go, the
only working way I found is to zip it...

As for the control.vm not containnint any tables, that is a good point
(faster rendering), but are you sure it doesn't break anything, cause
Jetspeed is essentially based on tables to be sure of the rendering under


Weaver, Scott a écrit :

> Hi John,
> Here is an working example I put together yesterday.  I'm using very
> minimal style sheet with a customized control template.  The nice
> thing is the control template does not have one single table in it,
> only  (layer) tags.  The control template is used in place of
>   the essential.vm control. The style.css gives a nice, clean example
> of how a combination of contextual selectors and the css cascade work
> very well.  IMOHO, it is straight forawrd and easy to understand. And
> now for the coup de gras, this is all that I have in the registry for
> the skin:   name="image.paths" value="rk/icons-3D1,rk/dark-blue-outline-tab"
> hidden="false"/> 
> *===*
> * Scott T Weaver*
> * Jakarta Jetspeed Portal Project   *
> *===*

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Re[2]: Removing the Jakarta JetspeedPortalinformationfromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

By saying "your is from 1.4b1, not from
1.4b3" in my last answer, I wanted to inform you you're not using the
latest release of jetspeed but the 1.4b1, and ONLY the 1.4b3 has this

The tutorial clearly states it's for 1.4b3, and when I first asked you
if you were using 1.4b3, you answered yes, but I really think you aren't.

So my suggestion is... Move to 1.4b3.

Wilson, Allen a écrit :

> I do not mean to sound upset about this...but I guess it is better than
> sounding dumb...

> What is difficult to understand

> The entry you have indicated is not in the file (see attached). I have
> tried adding the entry in the file just like this 

> portalpage.title_prefix=Jakarta Jetspeed Portal:

> And it has not worked.

> Is there another place I can check..

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RE: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed PortalinformationfromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

The you sent is from 1.4b1 release, not from

Wilson, Allen a écrit :

> The question is
> I am trying to remove the content: "Jakarta Jetspeed Page" from
> showing in the browser title bar next to the title I have established
> for the different pages. I have not be able to locate where the
> setting is to change or remove the text. Several people have
> indicated what the setting is (portalpage.title_prefix) and where it
> is located (JetspeedResources.props file). When I look in th file for
> the setting
> - I cannot locate it.
> I have attached the JetspeedResources.props file. Please let me know
> if I am missing something...
> Thanks...Allen

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RE: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal information fromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I don't understand the question...

The file "" is under /WEB-INF/conf, if that's
the question ?

Wilson, Allen a ecrit :

> That is the version I am using.Is it another location...
> From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What version are you using ?
> I've checked for 1.4b3 official release war, the
> does have this line... at line 580

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RE: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal information from the Browsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
What version are you using ?

I've checked for 1.4b3 official release war, the does have this line... at line 580

Wilson, Allen a ecrit :

> I've checked that file for that entry...and it is not there
> From: Weaver, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> You can change the value:
> portalpage.title_prefix=Jakarta Jetspeed Portal:
> in JetspeedResources.props

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RE: about weblogic jar reading bug

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I couldn't get jetspeed to work in a war file, cause webloggic didn't deploy
properties file... I didn't have much time so I took the other way, expand
it myself.

Deploying an app using weblogic, using the console, seems very easy, but it
doesn't work as I expected.

Moabi Nyokong a écrit :

> Hi,
> Has anybody working with weblogic run across the
> context.getRealPath("/")
> issue when using jetspeed as a .war file? I know most people just
> ignore it and use an expanded deployment, but if there's someone else
> who needs to use the War format, maybe we can do some collaborative
> re-programming?

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RE: about weblogic jar reading bug

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Well thx for pointing this out, cause on I just tried it again, and
it works fine.

Kaan Erdemir a écrit :

> Yes,
> When I changed names (turbine-2.2.jar, common-configure
> etc...) to no-dots versions, I received error about reading
> manifests... Like this;
> (this is not real output of weblogic, I dont remember because I
> unisntall it :) ) 
> StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions
> -1
> weblogic application readermanifests
> Kaan Erdemir

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RE: about weblogic jar reading bug

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Hmmm, didn't meet this problem... I simply renamed the jar files and all
worked fine (at least the few I tested)

Did the rename not work for you ?

Kaan Erdemir a écrit :

> Hi,
> As you show, to change filenames for dot bug is easy way but
> there will be an extra problem with jar manifets.
> Because, some jar manifests refers other jars by their names.
> So, if you change the names of jar files, I think,
> you must change the manifets of some jars. And, there are 29 jars for
> jetspeed project :) 
> Kaan Erdemir
> -----Original Message-
> From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:11 AM
> To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> Subject: RE: about weblogic jar reading bug
> Same on weblogic, it doesn't support filenames with dot
> inside... That's a nice one.
> Don't know about 7.0SP1 though.
> If it interests someone, I have here a ant task that renames all the
> jar files from /lib, replacing dots by underscores. This way no
> troubles, usint tomcat or whatever.
> Kaan Erdemir a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I want to give a bug report about WebLogic 6.1 (sp2).
>> When I create a new web application (jetspeed) on WebLogic, path as
>> d:\jetspeed\ WebLogic could not able to read jar libraries under
>> d:\jetspeed\WEB-INF\lib\ directory because of naming bug with jars.
>> For example; turbine jar named as turbine-2.2.jar and
>> WebLogic can not read the jar file.
>> If I change the name to turbine-2-2.jar (there are no dots in name),
>> problem resolved. 
>> If you use WebLogic6.1 with ServicePack 4, there is no problem like
>> that. 
>> Kaan Erdemir
> **
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RE: about weblogic jar reading bug

2003-03-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Same on weblogic, it doesn't support filenames with dot inside...
That's a nice one.

Don't know about 7.0SP1 though.

If it interests someone, I have here a ant task that renames all the jar
files from /lib, replacing dots by underscores. This way no troubles, usint
tomcat or whatever.

Kaan Erdemir a écrit :

> Hi,
> I want to give a bug report about WebLogic 6.1 (sp2).
> When I create a new web application (jetspeed) on WebLogic, path as
> d:\jetspeed\ WebLogic could not able to read jar libraries under
> d:\jetspeed\WEB-INF\lib\ directory because of naming bug with jars.
> For example; turbine jar named as turbine-2.2.jar and
> WebLogic can not read the jar file.
> If I change the name to turbine-2-2.jar (there are no dots in name),
> problem resolved. 
> If you use WebLogic6.1 with ServicePack 4, there is no problem like
> that. 
> Kaan Erdemir

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RE: CVS Broken : missing jetspeedparameterparser

2003-03-19 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Ok I did something bad using cvs it seems, cause parser package is under cvs
using my browser...

Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

> I found what's wrong, cvs is missing the new jetspeed parameterparser.
> I now remember having troubles compiling cvs, and removed a few stuff
> I thought where only tests :)
> package org.apache.jetspeed.util.parser.* is empty
> Aurelien Pernoud

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CVS Broken : missing jetspeedparameterparser

2003-03-19 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I found what's wrong, cvs is missing the new jetspeed parameterparser.

I now remember having troubles compiling cvs, and removed a few stuff I
thought where only tests :)

package org.apache.jetspeed.util.parser.* is empty

Aurelien Pernoud

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TR: Can't get cvs to work... PortalPersistenceService fails on init ?

2003-03-19 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Anyone succesfully got cvs to work ? I have a fail on
PortalPersistenceService, without making any change to .pr

Here's the post I made yesterday on dev-list, but I'm still stuck. Any idea

Original Post :

> ?
> Hi there,
> I wanted to try the cvs branch, so I just checked it out today, and
> build it succesfully.
> I add the missing jars (activation and javax.sql), didn't make any
> change to .properties file under conf, and when I try to access the
> portal I have an exception :
> Horrible Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException:
> at
> org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.TemplateSessionValidator.d
> oPerform(Templ
> at ...
> In log file I have this during init:
> [18 mars 2003 11:32:21  INFO] - Finish Initializing service (early):
> StockQuoteService [18 mars 2003 11:32:21  INFO] - Start Initializing
> service (early): PortalPersistenceService [18 mars 2003 11:32:21
> ERROR] - [PortalPersistenceService] The current RunData implenetation
> does not implement the JetspeedRunData interface. [18 mars 2003
> 11:32:21 ERROR] -
> The current
> RunData implenetation does not implement the JetspeedRunData
> it( at
> 112) at
> nitableBroker. java:149)
>   at
> seServiceBroke
>   at
> eServiceBroker .java:193)
>   at
> eServiceBroker .j
>   at ...
> Do I still miss a lib ??? I don't understand the above message...
> Thx for any help,
> Aurélien Pernoud
> -
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RE: Oracle DB + Jetspeed 1.4 b3

2003-03-05 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
I think I had this one too.

When using 1.4b1, did you use the following script instead of using the one
generated by ANT :
jetspeed-1.4b1-release-src\src\sql\external\turbine-oracle.sql ?

Cause if you did, this one created a ID_TABLE in your database, and it was a
mistake. Instead of using a proper sequence to increase ids, it used the

If you want to keep your datas, David Sean Taylor point me to a solution :


^ set higher
than your highest id, which you can find by SELECT MAX(USER_ID) FORM

You'll have to do the same I think for Profile, if you stored them in DB

For more details :[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06936.html

Danny a écrit :

> Hello folks, (please try to help me)
> I still have problems with DB after uptading jetspeed from
> 1.4 b1 to 1.4 b3.
> After adding the missing column in the TURBINE_USER table, i thought
> everything works fin, but now I tried to create a new user, and get
> the following:
> There has been an Error!
> Reason:
> ...
> So here comes the question:
> Are there any other changes, I have to pay attention to?
> I noticed that the DB scripts changed, but I'm no DB expert. We want
> to keep the information in our DB ( I assume that cleanig DB and
> re-populate would fix the problem), is there any way to do so?
> Thanks Danny
> ==
> T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
> Danny Gehl
> Authorized Java Center (AJC)
> Hausanschrift: Riesaer Straße 5, 01029 Dresden
> Tel.: (0351) 8505 845
> Fax.: (in Arbeit)
> E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: erratic performance

2003-02-27 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Werner Bredenkamp a écrit :

> On Thursday 27 February 2003 11:52, Werner Bredenkamp wrote:
>> I have done some more investigating and it seems that a particular
>> session is slow.
> As a last note, I have noticed that an 'admin' session is never slow.
> Could the performance bottleneck that I seem to be hitting have
> anything to do with PSML?

What portlets do you have on your pane ? If you have portlets getting their
content from external sources (WebPagePortlet, Stockquote... RSS...) then it
may come from that

I've never noticed any lack of performance in my case, once those kind of
portlets removed

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RE: Using Frame in JetSpeed with a jsp

2003-02-24 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

It's not Jetspeed. When using a IFramePortlet, it's your browser that makes
the request.
And you can't request a resource that is in WEB-INF directory directly.

Tho a écrit :

> In fact Jetspeed don't look at the rigth
> place.
> I want hilm to found it in the Jsp
> directory:
> web-inf/templates/jsp/portlets/html
> but even when i put the the right Url i
> got a "HTTP 404 not found",
> If the jsp is in the jestspeedhome/  it
> look working !
> Thierry Unimon
> Groupe Cgbi
> 69 Bvd galliéni
> poste :0155955422

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RE: Using Frame in JetSpeed with a jsp

2003-02-24 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

You xreg creates an IFrame wich src is /yourjetspeedhome/logsun.jsp (ex :

Is your jsp there ? Cause if you've got an error "HTTP 404 not found", then
this is your trouble, it's not looking in the right place.

Th€o a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I'd like to use a Iframe portlet to view a jsp create by me. the
> source is not found why ? Can someone expalin me why ?
> The same jsp , with a jsp portlet work  fine !
>  parent="IFramePortlet" application="false">
> FRAME Sun cote dev
> FRAME Sun cote dev en passant par
> localhost  puis redirec
> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.IFramePortlet classname>  hidden="false" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>  cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>  cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>  cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>  cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
> frames
> jsp
> Thanks you !

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RE: Getting NoClassDefFoundError on restart of tomcat

2003-02-10 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

It doesn't come from existing process, I've seen it once installing jetspeed
on a new freshed installed tomcat too, the first access to jetspeed did that

Using 1.3a2 and 1.4b1, I never saw it. Started with 1.4b2/3

Also I never saw it on tomcat 3.3.1, only on tomcat 4 (4.1.9, 4.1.12 and
4.1.18) but I don't know if it might be related, since it seems to happen
"randomly" ! Weird stuff :)

John Wubbel a écrit :

> After you do a ./ have you checked to see if the shut down
> was clean? Are there any process id(s) left over? Do a before and
> after. ps -ax if there anything left over, try doing a kill on it,
> then restart tomcat. Seems to me I saw this back when I first started
> using Jetspeed 1.3a1 days but I attributed it to my own inexperience
> to installation and configuration.
> John Wubbel

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RE: Getting NoClassDefFoundError on restart of tomcat

2003-02-10 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I noticed it too, David Sean Taylor too, but it doesn't seem to come from
jetspeed as far as he looked...

May be related to new Turbine...

see the discussion :

If CVS still does it, it might really come from Turbine ? David did you go a
little further into this one ?


> What are the odds!  Robert and I seem to be getting the same issue!
> Does Jetspeed do some sort of serailization of user
> information/sessions or something?
> Robert, I am using tomcat 4.1.18 with Jetspeed from CVS head.
> Eric Pugh

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RE: Determination of the language

2003-01-27 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'd say that the servlet identifies the language sent by the client browser
in the header of the request :

"Accept-Language: fr" for example set language to french.

There are many ways to find it :

or even data.getRequest().getLocale() should work

Matthieu DELAHAIS a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I would like to know how jetspeed determines the
> language of the user. I found a class to change the
> language. But my question is, when jetspeed starts, it
> find the language of the user. Where does it find the
> language? in the OS's user? and with which method?
> Thanks a lot
> Matthieu

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RE: Problem with PSML Impoter

2003-01-22 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

The feature you're talking about (import via tomcat) worked with 1.4b1, but
not anymore in 1.4b3.

You did it the right way (and the only way).

BARDE, CEDRIC a écrit :

> OK, it works now. I just ran the PSML Importer manually ("build.bat
> import") and it populated my database properly.
> But I guess this still means that the import function does not seem
> to work automatically, even when setup in the props files.
> Have a nice day!
> Ced

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RE: Debugging Portlets

2003-01-21 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Tomcat 3 :
main class : org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main
parameters JVM : nothing
parameters application : run

Tomcat 4 :
main class : org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
ex : -Dcatalina.home="C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.17"
application : start


Shorney, Rob a écrit :

> Hi,
> Does anybody know how to debug portlets using JBuilder and remote
> debugging
> - I am guessing that some JVM parameters need to be set in Tomcat -
> but I don't know.

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RE: Databse conversion tool for making the b1->b3 upgrade

2003-01-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

First check that you don't have any ID_TABLE column in your database.

If not, just try this :

If it's present, then it's a little bit more tricky, see this discussion for
more information :


Michael McLawhorn a écrit :

> Sorry if this has already been addressed in a FAQ, but I couldn't
> find it. I'm looking to see if there is a preexisting SQL script
> somewhere to convert from a jetspeed 1.4b1 database to 1.4b3?
> Thanks.

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RE: Conversion from b1->b3

2003-01-09 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

The file has changed since 1.4b1, be sure to keep the new
"keys" to define your database...

I don't know what you're doing exactly, but you can't put an old
from 1.4b1 to 1.4b3, you have to use the new one and replace the default

Michael McLawhorn a écrit :

> Correction, the line should be
> at org.apache.torque.Torque.initAdapters(

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RE: Newbie Question

2003-01-08 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
You don't need to recompile, but you have to stop/start tomcat if you want
the new file to be loaded.

Properties file are loaded are startup, once.

jarnold4 a écrit :

> Hello,
> Hopefully, this isn't too stupid a question - Do I need to recompile
> my war file each time I modify a *.properties or can I simply replace
> the existing file in the webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf dir with the
> new file?
> I'm running Tomcat 4.1.12 on Windows 2000 with Jetspeed 1.4b3.
> Thanks.

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RE: Problem while configuring Oracle 8.1.7 as the Jetspeed database

2003-01-08 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

First, please avoid using HTML mails on mailing-list.

I've seen your trouble too sometimes, when I was missing activation.jar I

If you're using tomcat 3, you must rename to classes12.jar so
that it can be correctly loaded.


Shashidhar Bhattaram a ecrit :

> Now I seem to get a different exception .. It says..
> Horrible Exception: java.lang.Error: Error in
> BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): There was no
> DataSourceFactory configured for the connection default
> at
> any clues?

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RE: Newsgroup available for Jakarta ?

2003-01-07 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Hmm, I can't access external news server directly, but I like Gname, and
I'll try to get it installed at work, as it can interest a lot of users here

Thanks (again),

Luta, Raphael (VUN) a écrit :

> You can use Gmane as a bi-directional gateway to NNTP.
> I know Pier is working on setting up an Gmane gateway but I don't
> know if it's already completed or not.
> In any case, you can already use any Gmane setup currently configured
> to access the Jakarta mailing-lists (like
> --
> Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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Newsgroup available for Jakarta ?

2003-01-07 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hi there (happy new year !),
first sorry, I know this question has nothing to do with Jetspeed directly,
except it's on Jakarta project...

I'd like to know if there are newsgroup available for the jakarta project
(or apache project directly), that would keep the messages from

Cause one I saw a message from "" that contained this in
the headers :
X-Newsgroups: apache.jakarta.jetspeed-user
The message was named "Re: Where are the nightly" on 2002/11/23, on the
js-user list.

Now that I can access a news server at work I'd love to subscribe to
newsgroup without subscribing to all the mailing list from jakarta :)
I've searched the web and didn't find anything about those...

Do they really exist ? Because before asking our ISP here at work to add
them, I'd like to be sure...

Thanks for any advice,
Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: Skin behaviour question

2002-12-20 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Thanks, I'll try it when I'm back on skins !
Here I also decided to use CSS instead of hard coded styles, it's easier to
modify and to maintain and you can do a lot more than with proposed styles
(background, police type...)

I'll have a look at this code and try to do what I want, thanks.


Glen Carl a écrit :

> Hi Aurélien,
> I have been able to get the skin name from the PSML and JR.prop with
> the following.
> #if ($!{} != "null")
> #set ($skinName = "$!{}")
>#else #set ($skinName =
> $config.getString("")) #end
> I then use the skinName reference a CSS
> ("css/$skinName/default.css").
> You can modify the default.css for your needs. This was our approach,
> but I would be interested in hearing of something different.
> Glen

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TR: minimal psml for empty anon user page

2002-12-19 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I saw it too... It happens when you manually remove everything for a user,
and in my case I too did remove everything for anon user, and I got my
jetspeed.log increasing more and more !

I did a bug report when I finally discovered where the exception came from

Eric White a écrit :

> this works perfectly (got rid of the stack trace in the log).
> thanks

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RE: minimal psml for empty anon user page

2002-12-19 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I saw it too... It happens when you manually remove everything for a user.

I did a bug report when I finally discovered where the exception came from

Eric White a écrit :

> this works perfectly (got rid of the stack trace in the log).
> thanks

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RE: PSML to Oracle DB (Jetspeed 1.4b3 )

2002-12-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

It did the same to me with 1.4b3, but it went ok with 1.4b2-src. SO I did it
with 1.4b2 !

I'll try the new src-zip that was uploaded yesterday by David, maybe it
fixes this trouble (some files were corrupted in the first one). I thought I
did something wrong, but now that we're two ;)


Shan Gopalakrishnan a ecrit :

> Hi
> I ran the PSML Importer using the
> ant  import  command
> but got the below information.  I have configured everything right in
> the Torque properties including the DataSourceFactory.
> appreciate any pointers
> thanks a lot
> - Shan
> import:
>   [java] * PSML Importer *
>   [java] [Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.
>   [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Error in
> BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): There was no DataSourceFactory
> configured for the connection default
>   [java] at
> itClass(
>   [java] at
> linit>(
>   [java] at
> ement.getUser(
>   [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] at
> mported(
>   [java] at
> [java] at
> [java] Java Result:

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RE: Error happens sometimes when stopping/restarting Tomcat...

2002-12-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

David Sean Taylor a écrit :

>> That's what I said here too : But they don't really like it...
>> (really, why ? ;)) I'm not on turbine lists, do you know if other
>> projects using turbine have encountered it too ?
> No, I haven't heard anything about it.
> I've done a quick check on the turbine mailing list and couldn't find
> anything.
> We do have a class in the stacktrace. We should look into that first.
> I've also upgrading my Tomcat version around that time. Which version
> of Tomcat are you on now?
> The latest I believe is 4.1.17 now

I've downloaded it but didn't try yet.
I've seen this error on tomcat 4.1.9, never on 3.3.1

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RE: Error happens sometimes when stopping/restarting Tomcat...

2002-12-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

David Sean Taylor a écrit :

> Yup, i've seen that occasionally. It occurs at the first request to
> Jetspeed.

Exact, I forgot to mention it...

> It may have started when upgrading to the latest Turbine in October.
> The short term fix for now is to shutdown Tomcat and restart.

That's what I said here too : But they don't really like it... (really,
why ? ;)) I'm not on turbine lists, do you know if other projects using
turbine have encountered it too ?

Aurelien Pernoud

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Error happens sometimes when stopping/restarting Tomcat...

2002-12-18 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I've seen this error 2 or 3 times since the new release of jetspeed
(1.4b3)... Did someone already see it too ? Once I have it, I need to
restart Tomcat and then it goes ok.
Any idea ?

Aurelien Pernoud.

Turbine - A Servlet Framework for building Secure Dynamic Websites.

There has been an error! Please review the exception below for more
Get/Post Data:
template= ShowError
The exception is:
at org.apache.turbine.modules.Action.perform(
at org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader.exec(
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(

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RE: trying to modify the Login screen

2002-12-17 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

In, change this :
topnav.user_creation.enable=true to false

Aurelien Pernoud

Eric White a écrit :

> I'm using 1.4b3 on Linux, with MySQL backing the security and PSML
> databases.  Also, I've set the default TemplateService to JSP.
> I'm trying to remove the "Create a New Account" link from the login
> page.
> I've modified Login.jsp and renamed it to TestLogin.jsp and made a
> corresponding change to
> template.login=TestLogin
> in
> No change.
> OK, so I made an identical change to Login.vm and renamed it
> TestLogin.vm, thinking that this part of Jetspeed didn't support JSP.
> still no change.
> Any pointers?

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Skin behaviour question

2002-12-17 Thread Aurelien Pernoud


I'm currently extending skins capabilities, and I'd like to access skin from
layout\default.vm, but there the skin object is null, it is not yet

The aim is to set a class style for the body of the page ()
so that changing skin can change background too...
I thought it could take the skin from the current pane / controller... So
that changing pane will change background dynamically.
Any idea on how to do this, does it need many changes ?

Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: Background image

2002-12-16 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

There's a bug I found today with skins, if it can help you Cédric :

Be sure that NONE of your skins have a backgroundcolor attribute or stuff
like that :

Cause even if the skin you are using doesn't have any of those, it seems
that the template is getting this attribute from another skin ! I was
getting crazy :

I'll report the bug to dev when I'll be sure it comes from that, but in my
case removing all this lines from every of my skins worked. I'm working on
skins for a few days, and I added some cool features I'll share soon, when
validated ;)

Aurelien Pernoud

Raffaele Ragni a écrit :

> It is still in the vm files.
> Under templates/vm/controllers|controls/html you can see the items
> where html is builded
> if you look on tables there should be some class or style thing that
> sets the color, probably it's that.
> - Original Message -
> To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 5:44 PM
> Subject: RE: Background image
> It looks like it works. Thanx a lot!
> But the portlets are not transparent, are they? If not, do you know a
> way to make them transparent?
> Thanx!
> Ced
> __
> Cédric BARDE
> Disneyland Resort Paris - Information Services
> Bâtiment Robin Hood - BP 100
> 7 Marne-La-Vallée
> Tél : 01 64 74 65 49
> Fax : 01 64 74 65 65
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Raffaele Ragni [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 5:40 PM
>> To: Jetspeed Users List
>> Subject: Re: Background image
>> I think that can be done editing the default.vm or the template it
>> uses (templates/vm|jsp/layouts/html)
>> I don't know any other methods.
>> - Original Message -
>> To: "'Jetspeed Users'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 5:38 PM
>> Subject: Background image
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering whether it was possible to put a background image on
>> Jetspeed's main page? It looks possible to change the background
>> color, but how about an image?
>> I am using Jetspeed 1.4b2.
>> Thanx in advance!
>> Ced
>> __
>> Cédric BARDE
>> Disneyland Resort Paris - Information Services
>> Bâtiment Robin Hood - BP 100
>> 7 Marne-La-Vallée
>> Tél : 01 64 74 65 49
>> Fax : 01 64 74 65 65
>> --
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>> --
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>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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> --
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RE: Export a blob to sql ?

2002-12-12 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Ok I found a way to do it, thanks to Hypersonic and PSMLImporter... But
Oracle doesn't like strings bigger than 2499 characters to be inserted
directly :)

But it works, if it interests someone I can describe the way to insert psml
less than 2499 bytes via sql directly, and this time using sequence (Now I
understand what I've done wrong with 1.4b1, thanks David).

Aurelien Pernoud.

> Is it possible to get the binary content of a blob in a sql file, or
> is the only solution a dump ?
> Cause I don't want users here to do the import with src, I just want
> them to get the war, expand, insert sql files (or dump), and go :)
> Thanx,
> Aurélien Pernoud

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Export a blob to sql ?

2002-12-12 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Is it possible to get the binary content of a blob in a sql file, or is the
only solution a dump ?

Cause I don't want users here to do the import with src, I just want them to
get the war, expand, insert sql files (or dump), and go :)

Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: Migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2 : if you have trouble with old database (users/profiles)

2002-12-12 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

David Sean Taylor a écrit :

> With 1.4b2, Oracle uses sequences. I looked at the 1.4b1 release, and
> it appears to me that it was using sequences too, so I don't know why
> you have it configured for the ID_TABLE with Oracle.

In 1.4b1, the default turbine-oracle.sql (in src/sql/external) is using
ID_TABLE (at the end of the file), and I used this one :
My fault, I didn't look enough in what I generated and used what was in

> If you are using the ID_TABLE, I suggest switching to sequences since
> obviously this is much more robust.
> To convert your system, its simple, just reseed the Oracle sequence:
> ^ set
> higher than your highest id, which you can find by SELECT
> You will then need to alter the table to use the sequence and the new
> column added in 1.4b2

Ok I'll have a look at this, thanx !


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RE: using my own property-files

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

No you're right, it seems the tutorial use the merge functionnality...
Don't know which one is the best, I didn't try the merge, but the one from
jetspeed site doesn't need to run ant and co ;)


> Curiously, the BlueSunrise tutorial does not use the method outlined
> in the Jetspeed docs (as far as I can tell).  Am I wrong?
>   - Jasen.
>> -----Original Message-
>> From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:16 AM
>> To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
>> Subject: RE: using my own property-files
>> I did it, reading the doc... It's pretty clear I think.
>> Did you read
>> ?

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PSML Importer : always need ant and build ?

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud


I just moved to 1.4b2 and I see that now I can't launch the PSMLImporter
device via Tomcat, a thing we used to do here cause that way you don't have
to download the full src release to import psml, but only the war...

Any chance for this feature to come back ? (or any idea on the changes to do
to make it work within tomcat)

On the other hand I though I could make a clean import (anon, turbine,
admin) once, and then for all others install use SQL to populate the psml...
Will that work ?

Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: using my own property-files

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I did it, reading the doc... It's pretty clear I think.

Did you read ?

Weßling, Achim a écrit :

> Hallo,
> how can I use my own property-files? I didn't like to overwrite the
> default values in The documentation
> says this works, but didn't explain how!
> Thanks!
> Achim Weßling

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RE: Migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2 : if you have trouble with old database (users/profiles)

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Ok forget it, the new 1.4b2 is not using the create_id table anymore, and I
can't create users from my old database, I always get a constraint violation
on USER_ID...

Does anyone know a simple way to migrate a db from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2, and keep
users, profiles... ?


Aurelien Pernoud a écrit :

> Hi there,
> When migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2, I noticed I had an exception when
> using my old DB for users and profiles.
> The only thing that has changed is TURBINE_USER, now it has a column
> I simply added this column to my existing db, and everything seems to
> work fine (including dbpsml).
> So when migrating, if you have an error "Failed to retrieve anonymous
> user: (...) with a db exception saying : Invalid column name", just
> do the same.
> Can a dev confirm me that this is the only change (on db) ? Cause I
> HAVE to migrate my old user/profiles... By looking the date of sql
> scripts, seems to be ok, but I'd like an advice from the ones that
> know ;)
> Thanx,
> Aurélien Pernoud
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How to set Velocity Log to error only ?

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I've looked for this, didn't find. I've set the jetspeed log to error with
this line in my own

I let the default service to be logforfj. This works fine for jetspeed, but
velocity is still logging everything in velocity.log...
Any idea ?

Aurélien Pernoud

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Migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2 : if you have trouble with old database (users/profiles)

2002-12-11 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hi there,

When migrating from 1.4b1 to 1.4b2, I noticed I had an exception when using
my old DB for users and profiles.

The only thing that has changed is TURBINE_USER, now it has a column named

I simply added this column to my existing db, and everything seems to work
fine (including dbpsml).

So when migrating, if you have an error "Failed to retrieve anonymous user:
(...) with a db exception saying : Invalid column name", just do the same.

Can a dev confirm me that this is the only change (on db) ? Cause I HAVE to
migrate my old user/profiles... By looking the date of sql scripts, seems to
be ok, but I'd like an advice from the ones that know ;)


Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: About encoding UTF, Portuguese- Já - > já ...

2002-12-01 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I guess you're using Jetspeed 1.4b1, and this is a bug from this version...
Try downloading a nightly (or CVS) version, or wait for version 1.4b2 that
should come next and that resolves thi bug.


> Hi everybody,
> Portuguese my language, I have problem with enconding, sample :
> HelloVelocity If you want to change this text, please enter
> it below :
> Já - > já
> How solve this problem?
> Excuse me my english.
> Carlos FG

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RE: Login Portlet

2002-11-29 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

A LoginPortlet should'nt be hard, I think you only have to render this in
the GetContent of your LoginPortlet :

+ ""
+ ""
+ ""

Get rid of the login isn't a good idea at all, how will you know who is
connected, and what psml to associate ? Don't think that would work... You
could try to enable the cookie user detection maybe.


> De : Harmaldeep Atwal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hey Everyone,
>   I would like to disable the login.  In,
> it says that I will need a login portlet if get rid of it from the top
> navigation bar.  Is there one available anywhere or do I have to write
> one of my own?
> Also, can I get rid of the login completely?
> Thanks,
> harm.

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RE: Joining mailing list

2002-11-28 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Did you receive and reply to the unsubscribe confirmation ticket ?

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Jan Agermose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyé : jeudi 28 novembre 2002 14:03
> À : Jetspeed Users List
> Objet : Re: Joining mailing list
> Im acutally tring to unsubscribe... cannot make it work.
> Could some please
> unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
> Jan Agermose

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RE: Creation of PSMLs files

2002-11-27 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

First sorry david, I send it to you only at first so you'll have it twice !

> De : David Sean Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I think that perhaps you have found a new feature to add to the core.
> That is, if the user doesn't have a profile, create one or
> direct them to the customizer.

I (for my project needs) will implement a fully working one, cause we
already have an application that creates user, but we don't want to
completely modify it so that it creates psml, roles... so I said I'll do it
at the login, all that our other app will have to do is create a
turbine_user (or equivalent).
I saw Pierre has completed my first draw and is not so far from the solution
too, so when I'll get back to user creation in jetspeed I may have not much
to do !

Another feature that I'd like to have : CHECK that the psml retrieved is
still good... Else you have a "Unable to fetch pane" error (it happens when
tomcat is not properly shut down, and recently I had this error on the
anonymous pane... and noone here do log as anonymous so I don't understand
how it happened ).

This "bug" is clearly awful, you have to rebuild the psml "at the end" in
db... So I wanted something that checked if the psml was good, and if not
replace it by the default one... Or better, I'll take a look at the part
where Tomcat writes those psml (in my case I'm using dbpsml, nice work)
cause I think it should commit after checking that the psml is good or
something like that.

> However, if one were extending JLoginUser and wanted to still get the
> default logon behavior, wouldn't you call its doPerform first
> like this:
> public class MyLogin extends JLoginUser
> {
> public void doPerform(RunData data) throws Exception
> {
> super.doPerform(data);
> }

Sure, that's what my own login does (also I do it at the end if there was no
trouble in my part ...), this was only a try to understand the working of
classes :)

> Also take a look at the JetspeedAccessController. It is
> responsible for
> getting the profile.

Didn't know that one, I'll take a look.

Thx for comments,

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RE: Creation of PSMLs files

2002-11-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Pierre Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Aurelien, that's just what I want to do.
> I see from the TurbieUM.addDefaultPSML how to create a new
> PSML for a user,
> but how would you suggest that I test if PSML exists for this user ?

I wanted to try that later, but I tried it now then :)

Here's something that seems to work not so bad, if you have a TURBINE_USER
but no profile associated.
I didn't had group or role to this user, so the test may be incomplete but
not far from solution... :

I made my own login (change the JS.PR default one), attached with this mail

Here's what it does correctly :

user does not exist : Prints "User unknown"
user exists and has a PSML : Prints "Everything is ok, let's login" (tried
it with admin, turbine, anon)
user exists in TURBINE_USER but has no PSML : Prints "No Profile Found"
(had it manually in database, only in table turbine_user)

Although here i didn't test the password supply (JetspeedSecurity has other
methods, I took the shortest !), and I'm not sure it's the right way to do
this, but it seems to work... If any dev have comments I'll take them ;)

Hope this helps,

PS : If you manage to do something working with only a turbine_user (or
maybe turbine_user created and its roles associated in
turbine_user_group_role), I'd be very interested for the future :)
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RE: Creation of PSMLs files

2002-11-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

I'd say at the creation of user :

When addUser() method is called, at the end it calls addDefaultPSML(), so
I'm pretty sure of what I'm saying.

But I think you'd be able to create it at login, if you added the user
directly in database (via another app for example), then you just have to
test that the user exists, and if it hasn't a psml associated, then do the
same that addDefaultPSML... for the user that has just logged in !


> -Message d'origine-
> De : Jefferson Anselmo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyé : lundi 25 novembre 2002 18:32
> À : Jetspeed Users List
> Objet : Creation of PSMLs files
>Hi all,
>Does anybody know when the PSML file for a given user is 
> created ? At the first user´s logon, at account´s creation or 
> none of these ?
>Thanks in advance,

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RE: what is up with this source code!!!....

2002-11-26 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Many files are generated when you build jetspeed using ant... Get the rlz
src, build jetspeed (/build/build.bat) and then you'll have all the sources.
The one you said are generated this way, but there are others.

Those files depends on the kind of security you decid to implement.


> -Message d'origine-
> De : James Moliere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoye : mardi 26 novembre 2002 05:02
> A : Jetspeed Users List
> Objet : Re: what is up with this source code!!!
> Greetings,
> I can't find the following java files in from the source in
> release 1.4b1
> of jetspeed.  Where are these?  If these are not part of the
> source, what
> jar file or class directory do these file reside in?

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RE: Where are the nightly ?

2002-11-22 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Ok, tahnks !

> De : Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Aurelien ,
> The nightly build is performed by Gump, which rebuild many of 
> the Apache 
> projects.  Many of the projects have dependencies on other projects, 
> which determines the build order or if a build is attempted.  Since 
> Jetspeed relies on other projects, frequently it is not built.
> See
> Paul Spencer

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RE: What's in Turbine_User Objectdata ?

2002-11-22 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hmmm, might have found... Is it for perm storage ?

Sorry, just found out after sending the mail.

> De : Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi,
> I've looked into the sql that inserts users in db
> (populate.sql), and I
> don't understand what's the OBJECTDATA that is inserted with
> a user... and I
> don't understand why it's NULL for anon user, and not for
> defaults others
> ones (turbine, admin).
> Could someone explain me what it's for please ?
> Aurélien Pernoud

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What's in Turbine_User Objectdata ?

2002-11-22 Thread Aurelien Pernoud


I've looked into the sql that inserts users in db (populate.sql), and I
don't understand what's the OBJECTDATA that is inserted with a user... and I
don't understand why it's NULL for anon user, and not for defaults others
ones (turbine, admin).

Could someone explain me what it's for please ?

Aurélien Pernoud

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Where are the nightly ?

2002-11-22 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Hi there,

I was looking for a recent nightly (to see where was the LDAP user
Management going), and there's nothing ??? has only one
directory : 2002-10-27/, and this one is empty...

Any idea ? :)

Aurélien Pernoud

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RE: Test a role inside a template ?

2002-11-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud

Forgot to mention that my portlet is not visible (hidden=true in xreg) so I
can't use the JetspeedTool ... (it uses the user psml).

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:apernoud@;]
> Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2002 10:40
> À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
> Objet : RE: Test a role inside a template ?
> Like this idea, thanks a lot !
> This way if I understand I simply put one tool in and
> this tools is a
> global access to whatever I want (in my case I already use
> portletfactory
> ...)
> BTW I'd like to be sure I'm using the portletfactoryservice
> the right way (I
> saw it was yours ;)) :
> $portletfactory is in this
> sample
> (next I'll try the use of one global tool)
> I'm in a template, and if the user is not an admin, then I
> want to get the
> content of one specific portlet. here's what I did :
> $portletfactory.getPortlet("Portlet_Role","1").getContent($data)
> I put "1" as portlet id cause didn't know what to put
> there... I don't want
> the user to be able to delete this portlet (I only get its
> content, not the
> looking around).
> It seems to work, but don't know why there's no getPortlet(String
> portletName) only ?
> Thanks again,
> Aurelien
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De : Luta, Raphael (VUN) [mailto:Raphael.Luta@;groupvu.Com]
> > Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2002 10:29
> > À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > Objet : RE: Test a role inside a template ?
> >
> >
> > Create a concrete SecurityTool class implementing the
> > ApplicationTool interface and that wraps the calls to the
> > JetspeedSecurity system.
> >
> > > -Message d'origine-
> > > De : Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:apernoud@;]
> > > Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2002 10:17
> > > À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > > Objet : Test a role inside a template ?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'd like to test if a user has a defined role, in a template.
> > > In a class I used the jetspeedSecurity class
> > > (, and it
> works fine.
> > >
> > > So i simply put this in :
> > >
> > > curity and
> > > tried to use it inside velocity...
> > >
> > > But this class is abstract (every method are static and call the
> > > "getservice"), so it seems velocity can't use it ?
> > >
> > > What's in my template :
> > > $jsecurity.hasRole($data.User.UserName,"admin")
> > >
> > > To see if the current user is an admin... It doesn't work.
> > >
> > > Any idea ?
> > >
> > > Aurélien Pernoud
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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RE: Test a role inside a template ?

2002-11-14 Thread Aurelien Pernoud
Like this idea, thanks a lot !
This way if I understand I simply put one tool in and this tools is a
global access to whatever I want (in my case I already use portletfactory

BTW I'd like to be sure I'm using the portletfactoryservice the right way (I
saw it was yours ;)) :

$portletfactory is in this
(next I'll try the use of one global tool)

I'm in a template, and if the user is not an admin, then I want to get the
content of one specific portlet. here's what I did :

I put "1" as portlet id cause didn't know what to put there... I don't want
the user to be able to delete this portlet (I only get its content, not the
looking around).
It seems to work, but don't know why there's no getPortlet(String
portletName) only ?

Thanks again,

> -Message d'origine-
> De : Luta, Raphael (VUN) [mailto:Raphael.Luta@;groupvu.Com]
> Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2002 10:29
> À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
> Objet : RE: Test a role inside a template ?
> Create a concrete SecurityTool class implementing the
> ApplicationTool interface and that wraps the calls to the
> JetspeedSecurity system.
> > -Message d'origine-
> > De : Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:apernoud@;]
> > Envoyé : jeudi 14 novembre 2002 10:17
> > À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > Objet : Test a role inside a template ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to test if a user has a defined role, in a template.
> > In a class I used the jetspeedSecurity class
> > (, and it works fine.
> >
> > So i simply put this in :
> >
> > curity and
> > tried to use it inside velocity...
> >
> > But this class is abstract (every method are static and call the
> > "getservice"), so it seems velocity can't use it ?
> >
> > What's in my template :
> > $jsecurity.hasRole($data.User.UserName,"admin")
> >
> > To see if the current user is an admin... It doesn't work.
> >
> > Any idea ?
> >
> > Aurélien Pernoud
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> <mailto:jetspeed-user-unsubscribe@;>
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> <mailto:jetspeed-user-help@;>
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> <mailto:jetspeed-user-unsubscribe@;>
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