Portlet configuration events (with default customizer?)

2005-01-24 Thread OlsonE
I have created a Jetspeed 1.5 portlet action that takes some portlet 
config. parameters, caches some data from an external source (based on the 
config parm.'s,) and displays the results in the portlet.  I am using the 
default customizer to handle all of the portlet config. parameters, and my 
action class extends GenericMVCAction.  I want to be able to invalidate 
the cached data when the user changes some of the configuration parameters 
so that the data is retrieved on the next build* request... is there any 
way to do this while still using the default customizer?  Is the action 
class ever notified during the actual saving of the config. data (i.e. 
could I override a method on GenericMVCAction to know when the user is 
saving changed data?)  Otherwise, is there some way to tell when my build* 
method is called that the user has just saved their portlet configuration?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Eric Olson

Fw: Handling errors in customize mode

2004-10-15 Thread OlsonE
Has anyone done this?

Hello -

We are writing a portlet in Jetspeed 1.5 for which we are providing our 
own customizer (provides.customization=true.)  The customizer has a 
of data entry fields, which the user could fill in incorrectly.  We would 

like to validate the entered data in an action method (doUpdate() for 
example,) and return them to the customize screen if there is an error. 
there a way to return the user to the customize view from your doX() 
methods?  I have tried a number of things... none of which seemed to 
 This is pretty much a show-stopper for us at the moment... any help 
be greatly appreciated!


Eric Olson

Handling errors in customize mode

2004-10-12 Thread OlsonE
Hello -

We are writing a portlet in Jetspeed 1.5 for which we are providing our 
own customizer (provides.customization=true.)  The customizer has a number 
of data entry fields, which the user could fill in incorrectly.  We would 
like to validate the entered data in an action method (doUpdate() for 
example,) and return them to the customize screen if there is an error. Is 
there a way to return the user to the customize view from your doX() 
methods?  I have tried a number of things... none of which seemed to work. 
 This is pretty much a show-stopper for us at the moment... any help would 
be greatly appreciated!


Eric Olson

Jetspeed 1.5 and JBoss 4

2004-09-23 Thread OlsonE
Has anyone successfully deployed Jetspeed 1.5 in a JBoss 4 container? 
Originally, Jetspeed would hang on startup, but I found the following blog 
which demystified things a bit:


I was able to get things working by deleting JBoss's versions of the 
castor jar files... although (as stated in the blog,) this broke the SNMP 
acceptor services in JBoss - which we need as a part of our application.

I then tried replacing the castor jar files in JBoss with the Jetspeed 
versions, and vice-versa, with no luck.  I also deleted the castor jar 
files from Jetspeed (thinking they may be picked up in the JBoss 
classpath,) which again failed.  Is there any way to get Jetspeed and 
JBoss to play together nicely without breaking any neccessary services?

I am using:
Jetspeed 1.5
JBoss 4.0.0RC1 (which uses Tomcat 5.0.27.)

Eric Olson

RE: problems with the base tag

2004-08-10 Thread OlsonE
Jay - 

I have seen this as well - it normally occurred after I had a template 
blow up, or I was replacing templates on the fly.  I changed the base line 
in /WEB-INF/templates/vm/layouts/default.vm (normally about the 3rd line) 

base href=$clink


base href=$clink.setURI().external

I haven't seen the problem again.  I believe the problem occurs because 
the $clink URI is changed somewhere down the line, but in some error 
cases, it does not get set back correctly.  Then (in the base tag) the uri 
is something other than what we want?  Just a guess...

Eric Olson

08/10/2004 01:10 PM
Please respond to
Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]


RE: problems with the base tag

This has been reported in the past, but I have been unable to replicate 

Jeremy Ford

From: Jay Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: problems with the base tag
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:15:12 -0400

Im having problems with the base tag in Jetspeed 1.5

it should be
base href=https://localhost:8443/jportal/;

but randomly seems to change to.

base href=https://localhost:8443/jportal/images/jportal.gif;

has any one else seen something like this or know what could cause it?

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Re: Portlets execution flow

2004-08-06 Thread OlsonE
Bjorn, Oscar -

I have never seen the problems you are mentioning below - my action 
handler methods ALWAYS execute before the build*() methods on the active 
portlets.  We are currently using Velocity-based portlets.  When we 
specify the action parameter in a form, we use the following code 

form method=post action=$jslink 
form method=post action=$jslink.setAction(portlets.FooAction)

The first version uses the default action as specified in the xreg for 
the portlet - this is what we use in most cases.  The second version uses 
any action you specify - as long as the action package you are using is 
declared to Turbine using the module.packages key (see 
TurbineResources.properties, and look for that key.)

For an example of the first version, look at the source in 
(directly from cvs) as well as the related xreg files.  An example of the 
second version is at: 

Good luck,

Bjorn Vidar Remme [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
08/06/2004 04:10 AM
Please respond to
Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Portlets execution flow

Hi Oscar, 

Note: This answer does not solve your problem, it only confirms it. Read 
on if you are interested.

We are using Jetspeed 1.6-dev and we struggle with the same problem 
(Velocity portlets in our case). The idea was to have multiple portlets on 

the page share information stored in rundata. The BuildNormalContext() 
method builds the context based entirely on data stored in rundata. We use 

a system to store data in the rundata based on portlet id / portlet group 
(parameter) and global for all. 
We then write action handlers that performs all the logic and updates the 

Of course this relies on the fact that the action event is executed BEFORE 

the buildNormaContext() methods are executed.

Specifying the action for a specific portlet like this:
form action=$jslink.getPortletById($portlet.ID) name=RundataTest 
or this:
$portlet) name=RundataTest method=GET

executes the action specifically for that particular portlet. Exactly what 

we wanted.

But, then we noticed that the some of the portlets displayed old data!
The pattern for the problem was top-bottom-left-right as you describe. 

Lets say we have two portlets A  B (AE=Action Event, 
1. Clicking on portlet A executes: AE for A - BNC for A - BNC for B 
2. Clicking on portlet B executes: BNC for A - AE for B - BNC for B 

In case 2 portlet A is diplayed using old values from the rundata object. 
Oh dear...

The only answer I have received on this problem is that in JSR168 
(Jetspeed-2 implements this) the action event should always be executed 
before the portlets are rendered in an undefined order. 
Very cute, but migrating to Jetspeed-2 is not an option for the moment.

It would be nice to get an opinion from an experienced Jetspeed developer 
on how much work it would be to modifiy Jetspeed-1 to behave in this way 
Right now we have to be really careful when planning the actions/flow in 
the portal and this is quite a limitation for the moment.

Kind regards,
Bjorn Vidar Remme

05.08.2004 13:33
Please respond to Jetspeed Users List
To: 'Jetspeed Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Portlets execution flow

Hi all,

can anyone clarify me how multiple MVC portlets (JSP for instance) are
executed and output displayed?

There is obviously an order in which portlet controllers are called,
apparently from top to bottom and left to right.

*apparently* the View component (JSP) is executed right after the
Controller, hence if portlets are sharing a Model the whole thing results 
a disaster.

Is there a way of rendering the page (i.e. execute the View components)
after all controllers have completed?

Many thanks.


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Re: J2 documentation material

2004-07-30 Thread OlsonE
Any ideas when the Manning book might be published?

Eric Olson

Scott T. Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
07/29/2004 12:54 PM
Please respond to
Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: J2 documentation material

I have attached my presentation to the Jetspeed 2 wiki, 
http://wiki.apache.org/portals/Jetspeed2.  It's a .ppt however I gave 
the presentation using OO1.1 Impress on Linux and it looked just fine.

Joachim Müller wrote:

 I did a presnetation at my local java users group on JSR-168 in 
 general, if you would like, I can send that to you. 

 yes that would be great. since the presentation is not commercial I 
 can give it to the folks, only if it is good enough, of course ;-).

 Also, we are now using Spring Framework to power J2, so you could 
 also talk about that. David Taylor also has some preliminary stuff 
 put together for the J2 book we are working on for Manning, but I 
 don't now if we are allowed to give it out :(  Also check out the 
 Jetspeed 2 wiki, http://wiki.apache.org/portals/Jetspeed2, for the 
 most up to date info.

 The J2 book script would be perfect, but I understand it maybe too 
 much to ask.

 Thanks in advance,

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*   Scott T. Weaver  *
* http://www.einnovation.com   *
* -- *
*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal*
* Apache Pluto Portlet Container *
* OpenEditPro, Website Content Mangement *
* http://www.openeditpro.com   *

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Action methods obtaining references to the Portlet

2004-07-26 Thread OlsonE
Hello - 

We have a situation in some of our portlets (using Jetspeed 1.5) where we 
wish to place values in the portlet's session within some of our action 
methods.  We have been using the PortletSessionState helper class to do 
this (PortletSessionState.setAttribute(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata, 
String attrName, Object attrValue).  Since the action methods get 
references to only the RunData and Context variables, we need to get the 
reference to the Portlet ourselves (via the 
PortletAction.getPortlet(Context) method.)  Originally, the getPortlet() 
method always returned null - which meant we were not able to reliably use 
the session in this way.  We then changed the form declaration in our 
templates from:

form method=post action=$jslink.setAction(portlets.FooAction) (as 
described at: http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/tutorial/7/events.html)


form method=post action=$jslink (as used in some of the samples)

Then this problem went away since we already had the action defined in our 
XREG for the portlet (i.e. the getPortlet() method properly returned our 
Portlet reference.)  My question is, is there any way to get the Portlet 
reference with a non-default Action (our original solution?)  We currently 
have portlets that call off to actions other than those listed as the 
default in our XREG files... and we may eventually want to place things in 
the portlet's session - can we do this reliably?

Interestingly, I found a very similar thread in the FAQ, but I can't 
determine what it really means in terms of explicity setting actions 
within the template: 

Eric Olson

Is it possible to create custom portlet modes?

2004-06-22 Thread OlsonE
We would like to create a new portlet mode to display a help page on a 
per-portlet basis (similar to other modes, like info, configure, etc.)  Is 
there an easy way to do this with Jetspeed 1.5?  Also, will there be 
direct support for this sort of thing in Jetspeed 2? 

Thanks in advance,
Eric Olson

Maximized Views in XSL/Velocity Portlets?

2004-06-01 Thread OlsonE
I am writing an XSL document to transform an existing XML document to 
XHTML, but I cannot find a way to specify a different view when the 
portlet is maximized.  For example, in normal mode, I only want the 
portlet to show summary information.  When maximized, I want to show much 
more detailed info (i.e. point to a different XSL document for the 
transformation.)  Is there a simple way to do this (ideally without 
writing any code?)  I have looked around for the answer to this, but 
haven't found anything.  I know I could write a new XSL ViewProcessor 
which may also take a maximized init parameter - and point to a 
different XSL document, but I am trying to avoid writing code if this 
logic has already been done somewhere.

While I'm at it, I have the same question for Velocity-based portlets.  Is 
there an easy way to specify a different view of a maximized portlet here 
(i.e. a maximized template which shows much more detailed information 
than the normal template?)

BTW, I am using the binary distribution of Jetspeed 1.5.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Olson

import/include with XSL portlet

2004-06-01 Thread OlsonE
When using the XSLPortlet, is it possible to import/include another XSL 
document with a relative file reference?  I have two XSL documents in my 
WEB-INF/xsl directory (alongside the RSS XSL documents,) one of which 
includes the other with the xsl:import element.  The only way I can get 
the import to work correctly is to fully qualify the file name of the 
included XSL document.

Example, the following entries don't work for me:
xsl:import href=junit.xsl/
xsl:import href=xsl/junit.xsl/
xsl:import href=/xsl/junit.xsl/
xsl:import href=/WEB-INF/xsl/junit.xsl/

The following works fine:


Eric Olson

Re: Jetspeed 2 build failure -- jars not found at ibiblio or bluesunrise

2004-05-21 Thread OlsonE
I am seeing the same problems Dan is when trying to run the instructions 
from http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-2/getting-started.html - early in 
the build, I get the following warnings:

Attempting to download content-server-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download content-server-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-prefs-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-prefs-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-security-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-security-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-registry-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-registry-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-id-generator-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-id-generator-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-file-cache-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-file-cache-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-api-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-api-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download jetspeed-locator-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-locator-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download pluto-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.

Then the build continues to run a bit, then finally fails with this 

| Build and Install the Misc. Components jar Jetspeed-2 File Cache
| Memory: 34M/55M
Attempting to download jetspeed-api-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
WARNING: Failed to download jetspeed-api-2.0-a1-dev.jar.
Attempting to download picocontainer-1.0-RC-1-SNAPSHOT.jar.

File.. file:/C:/cvs-dev/jakarta-jetspeed-2/maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line.. 93
Column 40
The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependency:

jetspeed-api-2.0-a1-dev.jar (no download url specified)

What am I missing?  I checked Ate's theory, but I only have a 
'build.properties.sample' file in JS2 root (I haven't changed anything 
within JS2 root.)  I am getting the other jar dependencies, just not the 
ones listed above.

Eric Olson

05/21/2004 04:24 AM
Please respond to
Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jetspeed Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Jetspeed 2 build failure -- jars not found at ibiblio or bluesunrise

Jetspeed wrote:

 Hello -
 I've just downloaded via cvsgrab the HEAD-tagged sources for Jetspeed 2.
 Maven is configured to use ibiblio and bluesunrise as remote 
 It appears to be working, but when I attempt to run the indicated
 build command maven allClean allBuild, I get a number of warnings 
 that various jars have not been downloaded (some are), then the build
 fails with
 Class Not Found: JDBC driver com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver could not 

 be loaded
You must be using the sample build.properties provided in the J2 root. 
For initial building/testing you don't need it. It is an example 
configuration for using Oracle database (default hsqldb is used). If you 
do need Oracle (or MySql) please read:

The p6spy driver is enabled by default in the build.properties.sample. 
For plain Oracle usage comment p6spy out (line 8) and remove the comment 
  on line 9.

 The missing jars are:
 I cannot locate these on ibiblio/maven nor on bluesunrise/maven
 Any idea where these jars should be coming from?
Maven will try to resolve its dependencies with allClean also (but not 
fail). These jars are created when you do an allBuild. Because of your 
driver problems above allBuild failed. It should be resolved if you just 
remove build.properties or rename it back to build.properties.sample



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Jetspeed - WSRP

2004-05-21 Thread OlsonE
Are there plans for Jetspeed 2 to support the WSRP standard?  If so, is 
there a general timeline for this to be implemented (or is it already in?)

Eric Olson

Jetspeed 1 - Jetspeed 2 Migration Questions

2004-05-19 Thread OlsonE
Does anyone have any idea how painful a migration will be from Jetspeed 1 
(1.5 in our case) to Jetspeed 2?  We have not begun any portlet 
development yet - are there any major issues (differences between JS 1  
2) that we should be aware of, and could possibly work around so migration 
issues would be minimized?  We obviously want to be JSR 168 and WSRP 
compliant at some point - which Jetspeed 2 will give us (whenever it is 

Secondly, is the Jetspeed 1 line still being actively developed (i.e. 1.6 
is in the works?)

Also, does anyone know when Jetspeed 2 will be ready for general use? 
Beta?  GA?

Apologies in advance if these topics have been covered somewhere already, 
just looking for some direction...

Eric Olson
Lakeview Technologies