[JOYnet] Can you be really happy today?-Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul

How can you be happy today?-Achayan

August15th-Indias Independence Day from the British.
50+ years on, look at our country.

Hi guys, can you be really, truly be happy, and
celebrate this day with joy?

Look at the state of affairs in our motherland now, 

1.Total, carnal, blatant corruption of the nation
starting from the political leaders, beurocrats,
govt.employees, military men, police, church leaders,
doctors- you name it. Without bribery can you gat
anything done today?

2.Violence, cruelty-abounding lawlessness. 
(Let me quote the market rate of Cochin gundas-mafia
charges-Chopping one leg cost Rs750, two legs Rs1250,
Chopping one hand Rs1000, Two hands Rs 1500, Chopping
head Rs 3-5000- Police protection, political
protection and bottles of liquor included in the

3. Widespread Immoral activities-prostitution.

4.selfishness, hatred, love of self, love of money,
love of pleasure.

5.Apostasy, blasphemy, false Gods-Deceiving many
faithful believers

6.Poverty, misery all around

7.Persecution of Christians by the RSS, VHP and others

And many more
And do you feel pride in this? I dont.
What a degeneration of Human character!
(Anti Christ may not be a person, but all the evil and
moral defects against Christ, is Anti Christ)
Hi young guys, Achayan doesnt want to depress you
today, but want you to open your eyes and dont get
carried away.
What we can do today is PRAY FOR INDIA.

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2001-08-14 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

Let's celebrate the birthday (August 15) of VINISH SCARIA MANGARATHIL.
Please send your greetings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

God Bless
JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Any one in Muscat ?

2001-08-14 Thread Manoj Sunny

One of our active JY from Ahmedbad is coming to Muscat to work there.. Any
Jesus Youth there ?
Love, Manoj

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[JOYnet] Happy...

2001-08-14 Thread Cuckoo Susan James

Peace to you

 ... Independence Day!!

Let us celebrate tomorrow with true pride and joy in the uniqueness of our country.

Love in Jesus,

Cuckoo/ Cochin.


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Fwd: Re: [JOYnet] Wives of Alcoholics?

2001-08-14 Thread Cuckoo Susan James


 I am forwarding this mail I received. Hope it will help you.

 Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 09:32:08 +0400
From: Densil Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Wives of Alcoholics?
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (32)

Hi Cuckoo,
The partner is gifted by God. Whatever state he is in , still he is the
husband. God has given that person to be taken care physically, mentally
and spiritually by his wife.Acceptance of the state,true love ,genuine
prayers, tender care and patience will defenitely change a person.
If the wife and kids move away  isolating him, who can bring him back. He
is Gods own child. It is evrybody's responsibility to take care of him. The
initiaveness should come from his own folks.
If there is true love, I am confident any person can be won.

Love & Prayers


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[JOYnet] Back from home.

2001-08-14 Thread Alfred Samji

Hi netters. I'm back in Dubai after my vacation. Back with a lot of 
homesickness and feeling very sad due to missing my wife and parents. Please 
pray for me and my wife as it is very difficult living apart.
Praise the Lord. I see a big load of mail and am going through it. Have a 
big work load as well.

Regards in Christ Jesus,


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[JOYnet] Thank You...

2001-08-14 Thread jose joseph

Dear Family,

Thank you for your wishes & prayers on this day. Being
an achayan in the family I am more happy to see the
notes from my brothers / sisters and 'kochumakkals'. 

A few of you asked me of my age. Achayan is very old
and just stepping to "Shashiapoorthi".  So 
Valliachayan's age is not a big concern.

Once again thanks a lot for your care.

love n prayers,
Josachayan / Saudi Arabia

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2001-08-14 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

Sorry guys, that was just the start earlier, here's the full thing.

Dear All,

It was the night of 14th August 1997, Indians all over were celebrating 50
years of Indian Independance. I was working in Kuwait then, but happened to
be on vacation that time. I was all set to make a grand celebration,
starting late in the evg. Started out with friends and went to a bar.
Finished at one place and then went to another bar. We were boozing, even as
it was midnight and there was shouting and dancing all around. India
completes 50 years of freedom. Finally when I reached my building I was
drunk, but not enough to go home and sleep. So I stood on the road and began
acting like a 'bhai' - that's the Mumbai word for a gangster. I stopped and
confronted a cab driver and then a car driver. The car driver was about to
charge on me, but I managed to keep things restricted to words and not
action. The night finally ended and it was the morning of 15th August.

As I recollected, I couldn't believe what had happened last night and
thought that it should have been a bad dream. But it wasn't and it was a
fact. I was terribly ashamed of myself and also knew that God had protected
me that night inspite of my acts. That was the time I decided to quit
drinking. I knew I couldn't do it and so I stepped down from whisky to beer
before I quit. It was around a year later in July '98 that I accepted Jesus
as my Lord and Saviour and committed myself to him. I was under the bondage
of booze and God set me free. 4 years back was the beginning of my
independence from alcohol. God has given me freedom from a sinful life and I
praise His name by the following verses:

But thanks be to God! For though at one time you were slaves to sin, you
have obeyed with all your heart the truths found in the teaching you
received. You were SET FREE FROM SIN and became the slaves of righteousness.
At one time you surrendered yourselves entirely as slaves to impurity and
wickedness for wicked purposes. In the same way you must now surrender
yourselves enitrely as slaves of righteousness for holy purposes. When you
were slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness. What did you  gain
from doing the things you are now ashamed of? The result of those things is
death. But now you have been set free from sin and are slaves of God. Your
gain is a life fully dedicated to Him and the result is eternal life.
(Romans 5:17-22)

Praise Jesus that He has given us freedom from the slavery of sin. Even as
we celebrate the Indian Independence day, may God give us victory over the
evil one so that we will be true overcomers through Christ alone.

God Bless

George Fernandes.

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[JOYnet] Liza & Anil

2001-08-14 Thread gracedcr

Dear  JY friends,

Liza from Abudhabi & Anil from Dubai are to tie the Knot AUGUST 15th
in Lourdhes Church, Plamoodu Trivandrum.
Let's pray during the day that all the blessings are showered from

Happy Independence day, Happy Assumption day

Luv Jesus Luv
Abu Dhabi

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 

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2001-08-14 Thread fatima sharmila

Dear Friends,


During one of the retreats which I attended  I heard the preacher saying if 
any one of you had a good job in the past and right now has no job.  Thank 
God the days when He blessed you with a good job and also the blessings you 
received when you had this job and also thank God that right now you are 
suffering without a job and then tell all your sufferings to God and pray to 
God to fill you with His Holy Spirit.  You will see the power of God when 
you praise and thank Him all the more.

These sentences touched me and I felt like thanking God in this way for my 
problems and I felt the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I would like to 
share few of my experiences.

I was one of them who had no job at that time and unemployment brought many 
other problems in my life.  My relationship with my relatives was getting 
affected.   There was need for money for family expenses.  So I thanked God 
for the good days when I had  a good job and all the problems I did not 
suffer which I was suffering at that moment. I thought of all blessings I 
received from Abba Father when I had this job and  I also thanked God for 
the unemployment problem and all pains I was going through at that moment  
and telling and giving it to Lord Jesus all my sufferings, hurts and 
sadness.   Very soon I got a job and all the blessings which I received when 
I was working in the past I got back the same blessing back.  Praise you 
Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit Lord.

Last Christmas I just could not think of buying new clothes because the 
income we get is just sufficient for all our expenses.  I thought of the 
good days just four years back I received bonus before Christmas and my mom 
forced me to buy a saree which costed Rs.3000.  I thought of those days and 
thanked God for his mighty blessings which I never thanked Him at that time 
and I also thought of the present situation where I could not buy new 
clothes and thanked God.  One good thing I learnt was that I should never 
waste so much of money only on myself and think of the others who cannot 
afford to buy clothes and I also thanked God for this revelation.   I kept 
on praising and thanking God that this Christmas my concentration will not 
be clothes and other odds things.  One side the evil one was making me feel 
sad that I could not buy new clothes for Christmas and I was giving this 
sadness to Lord Jesus and telling Him Lord I love you and thank for allowing 
all this in my life to prune me and make a better person.  Just one day 
before Christmas I found a grand saree on the bed and when I asked my mom 
she said Lord Jesus has given you new clothes for Christmas and gave it 
through your aunt.  I found the price tag and checked and found the price of 
the saree to be Rs.3000.  Praise and thank you Abba Father, Lord Jesus and 
Holy Spirit Lord.

Just few months back I had few hundred rupees notes in my purse and after 
the prayer service I went to leave my grandmother in her house.  Since she 
is 80 years old trying to hold her with all caution that she should not fall 
I missed my pursue and only when I came back home I realized that I had lost 
my pursue.  I went back and searched on the road and could not find it.  The 
money I had in my pursue was to run the house hold expenses for one week.  
Though I felt so miserable and sad I just started thanking God the time when 
this money was safe with me and also thanked God that I had lost it and it 
was no more with me and asked Lord Jesus if it was His will to get back the 
purse or provide me for the week.  All the miserable feeling I gave that 
night to Lord Jesus and I kept on thanking and praising God for a long time. 
  The very next morning my servant maid who works in my house and my 
grandmothers house said that the purse was found by the neighbour and gave 
it to my grand mother this morning.  Not a rupee was lost.  Praise and 
thanks to Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit Lord.

Recently past two months my mom and myself had been planning to go to 
Vellankanni Our Ladys Church at Nagapatinam but each month some expense 
would fall and we could never think of making the trip.  I just thanked God 
the days when we had no problem  going to this church and the number of 
trips we made and right now also thanked God the blocks that were coming 
each month not allowing us to go for the trip.  We gave our plans and 
desires to Lord Jesus and to Mother Mary and could not believe that last 
week we went to Vellankanni the trip which was arranged by our parish priest 
and my aunt who meet all our expenses.  It was a free trip for us with no 
expense.  Praise and thanks to Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy 
Spirit Lord.





[JOYnet] Recall: Happy Independence Day

2001-08-14 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

George Joseph Fernandes would like to recall the message, "Happy
Independence Day".

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[JOYnet] Happy Independence Day

2001-08-14 Thread George Joseph Fernandes

Dear All,

It was the night of 14th August 1997, Indians all over were celebrating 50
years of Indian Independance. I was working in Kuwait then, but happened to
be on vacation that time. I was all set to make a grand celebration,
starting late in the evg. Started out with friends and went to a bar.
Finished at one place and then went to another bar. We were boozing, even as
it was midnight and there was shouting and dancing all around. India
completes 50 years of freedom. Finally when I reached my building I was
drunk, but not enough to go home and sleep. So I stood on the road and began
acting like a 'bhai' - that's the Mumbai word for a gangster. I stopped and
confronted a cab driver and then a car driver. The car driver was about to
charge on me, but I managed to keep things restricted to words and not

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[JOYnet] Confession-Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul

Unlike most of you guys, Achayan, is very shy to make
confession to the priest you know well. So I was
looking for a chance to make a clean, good, honest
I was visiting a college hostel where there was a
retreat going on. The retreat priest announced, there
are two priests available for confession. So I decided
to do my confession.
When I reached the confession room, one side there was
a big queue, and the other side, hardly any one. So i
asked one of the students, why not we join  the other
He replied, Achayao, join our queue, priest sitting
here is tooo old. and he is hard of hearing, where as
the other side, its our warden.
I must admit; I also joined the long que, and made a
real good confession.
Your last confession, was it complete and honest

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[JOYnet] Wedding Bells IRMA & MICHAEL

2001-08-14 Thread welchy fernandes

Dear all

Just a reminder to keep Irma & Michael in your prayers
as they celebrate their nuptials at HOLY FAMILY CHURCH
at Andheri at 4:30 pm tomorrow with  Mass & praise &
worship .
They then will have their reception for the Shelter
Home Street children at Don Boscos .Isn't that so very
nice of both of them???

& also Wishing all  a very happy Independence Day.  
and Mother Mary's Assumption Day of too...



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[JOYnet] Todays prayer request

2001-08-14 Thread Jason R. Herbert

Todays Prayer Request

Please pray for me, as my husband has left.  Pray for
reconciliation please.  Thanks Laura

Knowing about God and
Knowing God are very different things.

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[JOYnet] Wishes

2001-08-14 Thread jose joseph


"You will know the Truth and the Truth will 
 set you free".  (John 8:32)

   Wishing all Indians a very happy Independence Day. 


  Mother Mary's Assumption Day of too...

love n prayers,
Josachayan / Saudi Arabia

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[JOYnet] Is charisatic renewal loosing heat?Achayan

2001-08-14 Thread joshua paul

Is charismatic renewal loosing its heat? -Achayan

Achayan is attending the charismatic prayer meetings
for the last 10 years, regularly.
In the last year or so we find the numbers of faithful
declining in our prayer meetings. We dont know is it
the trend all over? or just where we are.
As in any prayer meeting we too have little problems,
which are trivial. mostly at the core group level.
Now, we find the faithful lay people are more
interested in the Eucharistic centered prayer
meetings. When there is Holy Mass the church is full.

We find the priests in our area are least interested
or even discourage the prayer group activities. In its
peak time, in early 90s, the parish priest once made
an announcement, that you attend only one prayer
meeting a week, not all the meetings!!  He was afraid.

Even the Bishop was once annoyed with the Loud sound
of the praising going on in the church, when he was
visiting this parish- which is only once a year, and
was not getting a good sleep after a drunken dinner
party with the parish priests

Achayan feel that these Shepards are interested to run
the churches (Christ-less) as a corporate management,
make a good profit, least bothered about the spiritual
well beings of the poor flocks. Achayan is not
generalizing everyone, but when one sees unjust, one
has to speak up. I pray, that Lord forgive me, if by
writing this, hurt anyones feelings
Please pray for the Prayer group in Manama, Bahrain.

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[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001

2001-08-14 Thread berly

I thought I will add something more about the preparations going on for the program.

 *100 days prior to the program there was a gathering at the venue of the program
and representatives from almost all the zones(except 3 or 4) were there - Bishop
had come and after prayers 21 candles were blessed and these candles were sent
out to all the 21 zones in kerala(Zones - kerala State has been divided into
21 zones ,each zone has a service team and a co-ordinator).
* In each zone these candles are taken to all the JY homes, After praying for
the program it is passed on to the next jy home. At many places even the neighbours
join in for prayer.
* Also there is a house at chalakudy(near the program venue) where there is
full time Intercession going on for the program.
- With so many praying - I'm sure Great things are going to happen at this JY
2001 gathering. Come and See.


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[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001

2001-08-14 Thread berly

I thought I will add something more about the preparations going on for the program.

 *100 days prior to the program there was a gathering at the venue of the program
and representatives from almost all the zones(except 3 or 4) were there - Bishop
had come and after prayers 21 candles were blessed and these candles were sent
out to all the 21 zones in kerala(Zones - kerala State has been divided into
21 zones ,each zone has a service team and a co-ordinator).
* In each zone these candles are taken to all the JY homes, After praying for
the program it is passed on to the next jy home. At many places even the neighbours
join in for prayer.
* Also there is a house at chalakudy(near the program venue) where there is
full time Intercession going on for the program.
- With so many praying - I'm sure Great things are going to happen at this JY
2001 gathering. Come and See.


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[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001- 3

2001-08-14 Thread Manoj Sunny

As Jesus Youth arrive with their families and kids,
( we are expecting around 300 families and 600 JYkids; 300 homes in
Irinjalakkuda are getting ready to welcome the JY families !)
this will be a meeting place of the old and new generations...
A forestate of heaven itself...
A beginning of a journey to the heart of the early Christian communities..

  (a Jesus Youth family gathering)
   Oct 24, 6pm - 27, 11pm
  St. Joseph's Indoor stadium, Iringalakkuda
  Total Fee : Rs. 275/- ( Register by paying Rs.100)
  For Family: Rs. 500/-( Register by paying Rs.200 )
  (No fee for Children)

As Jose Paul Martin wrote, "If you're not at Jesus Youth 2001, You're missing

  For Jesus Youth, a missionary movement, always at the service of the church

Manoj Sunny,
Programme Co-ordinator.

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