[JOYnet] Are we willing to forgive

2001-09-05 Thread Jennifer

Dear Friends,

I really agree with what the following parable is trying to convey us.
Infact Jesus himself has taught us to Love and Forgive and we can see =
that mostly in His actions.  He loved all his disciples even those who =
betrayed him.  He had forgiven Peter and as a sign of His Love for him, =
He made him the Rock of the Church.  He not only forgived Peter but =
bestowed upon Him a very important Responsiblity - the Rsponsibility of =
his own Church. =20

We need to Forgive those who hurt us though it seems difficult in the =
beginning but also here we need to remember that when Christ could =
Forgive, we as Christians, followers of Christ can do it also. =20

Most of the times even if we decide to forgive it is difficult to forget =
the incidence of hurt.  Let me give an example here.  If we are walking =
in a forest and as we are walking if a thorn pricks our feet,  what =
shall we immediately do, ofcourse we will cry because of pain but for =
how long. After sometime we will try to remove that thorn =
from our feet though that period of removing the thorn will be painful.  =
But after the thorn is removed we shall experience healing.  But if in =
order to avoid the brief period of hurt we decide not to remove that =
thorn then what will happen?  The wound will become severe and probably =
develop into puss.  So you see this is what happens when we are =
unwilling to forgive. =20

God is interested in our Decision and not our Feelings.  Let's make a =
decision to forgive all those who have hurt us at some point of time and =
leave the rest to God.  When we forgive we shall receive God's grace and =
through His grace all our Hurtful memories will be washed away.

Are we Ready to Forgive then and trust God to do the rest...

Love  Prayers


One fine Summer two friends were walking through the desert. In a =
point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the =
one in the face. The one, who got slapped, was hurt,but not taking it
seriously, he wrote in the sand: TODAY, MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME ON MY
FACE.They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they =
decided to
take bath. The guy who got slapped and hurt started drowning and the =
friend saved him. After he recovered from the mishap, he wrote on a
stone:TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE The friend who saved and =
his best friend, asked him, Why, after I  hurt you, you wrote in the =
and now you write on a stone? The other friend, smiling replied: When =
friend hurt us, we should write it down in the sand, where the wind of
forgiveness take charge of erasing it away, and when something great
happens, we should engrave it in a stone of memory in the heart, where =
wind can erase it =20
1. Learn to write in the sand, when u have difference and hurted =
with ur friend. =20
2. Learn to write in stone when ur friend has something done really good =
you. =20

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of Jennifer 

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Re: [JOYnet] The difference between sand and the stone

2001-09-05 Thread Jennifer

Dear Joynetters,

I really agree with what George has tried to convey through this parable.
We need to Forgive those who hurt us though it seems difficult in the
beginning.  Most of the times even if we decide to forgive it is difficult
to forget the incidence of hurt.  However God is interested in our Decision
and not our Feelings.  Let's make a decision to forgive all those who have
hurt us at some point of time and leave the rest to God.  When we forgive we
shall receive God's grace and through His grace all our Hurtful memories
will be washed away.

Are we Ready to Forgive then and trust God to do the rest...

Love  Prayers

- Original Message -
From: George Joseph Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:40 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] The difference between sand and the stone


 One fine Summer two friends were walking through the desert. In a Specific
 point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the
 one in the face. The one, who got slapped, was hurt,but not taking it
 seriously, he wrote in the sand: TODAY, MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME ON MY
 FACE.They kept on walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided
 take bath. The guy who got slapped and hurt started drowning and the other
 friend saved him. After he recovered from the mishap, he wrote on a
 stone:TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE The friend who saved and
 his best friend, asked him, Why, after I  hurt you, you wrote in the
 and now you write on a stone? The other friend, smiling replied: When a
 friend hurt us, we should write it down in the sand, where the wind of
 forgiveness take charge of erasing it away, and when something great
 happens, we should engrave it in a stone of memory in the heart, where no
 wind can erase it

 1. Learn to write in the sand, when u have difference and hurted feelings
 with ur friend.

 2. Learn to write in stone when ur friend has something done really good

 This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
 To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact
 To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

[JOYnet] My comments on Saji's Reply

2001-09-05 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

Just wrote this mail to show my appreciation for
Saji's comments..

The traditions we speak of are not Cultural traditions
, but actually teachings of the church and the beliefs
of christians across 2000 years.
the word tradition means handed down.
From the teachings of the early church and the belief
of the early christians was born the New Testament.So
we can say that the New Testament is a selection of
specific information done keeping a lot of criteria
reagrding the authenticity and veracity of the texts .
This process took almost 350 to 400 years.
The Traditions include Oral teachings of the Apostles
and evangelists and fathers of the church,and also the
same and much more in written form.From all this the
27 books of the NT were chosen and approved.

Let us please keep this bit of history in mind..
Mail the joynet for further info.

Love and Prayers



--- Saji Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 :) Dear brothers and sisters,
 We don't need to defend the authority of Word of
 Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
 However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
 put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is
 of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
 people through all generations. (I am not telling
 He is not going to contradict His written word some
 point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
 (church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells
 Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
 and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible
 one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
 world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did
 many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
 that any books cant contain.  What was written were
 written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
 of God.  So those were not the only things he said.
 The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
 available to all the peoples; she exists with all
 Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
 would do greater things than He did while he was in
 the Middle East 2000 years back.
 The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of
 life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
 accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
 against the church and its traditions (which the way
 of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
 joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious
 Those who cant love his church (that makes Him
 visible) cant love him.
 With lots of love and prayers
 Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA
 --- Nicolas Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its so encouraging to see how all have brought
  facts to prove that Jehovah Witnesses are a cult
  for sure they r not Christians. 
  However so far I had not seen someone challenging
  authority of Bible to do so. The first point of
  seems to question the Bible and speaks that  Bible
  asks us to follow traditions. Excuse me but both
  references given don't speak about traditions.
  Traditions are not God made, but human made. We
  Indians might have a different traditional way of
  worshipping God, some others may have other
  traditions. The way to worship God is in John
  We all are supposed to worship GOD the FATHER
  God the Son JESUS by means of God the HOLY SPIRIT.
  That's TRINITY.
  Please note that I'm not defending the JW's. I'm
  defending the authority of the Holy Bible coz 
  is the Word of  God. I firmly agree that JW's are
  Aamchi Mumbai. 
  Joseph C.C wrote:
  Hai Joynetters, 
  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
  There was a discussion about Jehovah's Witnesses,
  I read the replies also. It is great to know that
  know the truth.  I thought that I should put in
  of the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding
  of the points raised in the male.
  1) Bible is more reliable than tradition Matt.
  Col. 2:8 :As most of us know that our
  brethren believe in Sola Scripture, in other words
  only the Bible. But they forge the face that Sola
  Scripture is Anti Scripture.  In the Bible we see
  we must follow traditions  2 Thes 2:15 and 2 Thes
  2) Christ is God's Son and is inferior to Him
  3:17 :  But in the Bible we see in many places
  Jesus identifies Himself with the Father and calls
  great I am Jn 8:58.   So He is not inferior to the
  3) Christ was first of God's creations Col. 1:15;
  3:14: If we look into the Catechism of the
  Church article 465 tells that Christ is Begotten
  not made.
  4) Images should not be used in worship Ex. 20:4,
  Lev.:  When the Scripture says images it does not
  mean making things, because we see in Numbers 21:4

[JOYnet] My comments on Saji's Reply

2001-09-05 Thread Ravi Vaz

Hi Joynetters,

Just wrote this mail to show my appreciation for
Saji's comments..

The traditions we speak of are not Cultural traditions
, but actually teachings of the church and the beliefs
of christians across 2000 years.
the word tradition means handed down.
From the teachings of the early church and the belief
of the early christians was born the New Testament.So
we can say that the New Testament is a selection of
specific information done keeping a lot of criteria
reagrding the authenticity and veracity of the texts .
This process took almost 350 to 400 years.
The Traditions include Oral teachings of the Apostles
and evangelists and fathers of the church,and also the
same and much more in written form.From all this the
27 books of the NT were chosen and approved.

Let us please keep this bit of history in mind..
Mail the joynet for further info.

Love and Prayers



--- Saji Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 :) Dear brothers and sisters,
 We don't need to defend the authority of Word of
 Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
 However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
 put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is
 of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
 people through all generations. (I am not telling
 He is not going to contradict His written word some
 point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
 (church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells
 Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
 and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible
 one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
 world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did
 many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
 that any books cant contain.  What was written were
 written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
 of God.  So those were not the only things he said.
 The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
 available to all the peoples; she exists with all
 Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
 would do greater things than He did while he was in
 the Middle East 2000 years back.
 The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of
 life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
 accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
 against the church and its traditions (which the way
 of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
 joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious
 Those who cant love his church (that makes Him
 visible) cant love him.
 With lots of love and prayers
 Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA
 --- Nicolas Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Its so encouraging to see how all have brought
  facts to prove that Jehovah Witnesses are a cult
  for sure they r not Christians. 
  However so far I had not seen someone challenging
  authority of Bible to do so. The first point of
  seems to question the Bible and speaks that  Bible
  asks us to follow traditions. Excuse me but both
  references given don't speak about traditions.
  Traditions are not God made, but human made. We
  Indians might have a different traditional way of
  worshipping God, some others may have other
  traditions. The way to worship God is in John
  We all are supposed to worship GOD the FATHER
  God the Son JESUS by means of God the HOLY SPIRIT.
  That's TRINITY.
  Please note that I'm not defending the JW's. I'm
  defending the authority of the Holy Bible coz 
  is the Word of  God. I firmly agree that JW's are
  Aamchi Mumbai. 
  Joseph C.C wrote:
  Hai Joynetters, 
  Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
  There was a discussion about Jehovah's Witnesses,
  I read the replies also. It is great to know that
  know the truth.  I thought that I should put in
  of the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding
  of the points raised in the male.
  1) Bible is more reliable than tradition Matt.
  Col. 2:8 :As most of us know that our
  brethren believe in Sola Scripture, in other words
  only the Bible. But they forge the face that Sola
  Scripture is Anti Scripture.  In the Bible we see
  we must follow traditions  2 Thes 2:15 and 2 Thes
  2) Christ is God's Son and is inferior to Him
  3:17 :  But in the Bible we see in many places
  Jesus identifies Himself with the Father and calls
  great I am Jn 8:58.   So He is not inferior to the
  3) Christ was first of God's creations Col. 1:15;
  3:14: If we look into the Catechism of the
  Church article 465 tells that Christ is Begotten
  not made.
  4) Images should not be used in worship Ex. 20:4,
  Lev.:  When the Scripture says images it does not
  mean making things, because we see in Numbers 21:4

[JOYnet] Traditions

2001-09-05 Thread Nicolas Johnson


Firstly I thank God for this oppurtunity to discuss by
email. I thank God for Joynet and this mailing list. I
thank God for our friend from New Jersey who has
criticised me. I Thess.5:18(In everything give

I started off writing that the Bible is the word of
God, Bible doesn't ask us to follow traditions and
traditions are human made. Nowhere in my mail I spoke
about Church.:

Now  Saji wrote :- ).  'The Bible took its shape in
her (church's) lap. And the church the one who is
tells us Bible is the word of God. If any of us take
the book and renounce the church that is foolishness.'

Well my friends always try to refer to the Bible as
'Bible' and not book. I don't renounce the Church and
so I call the above accusation (foolish) as a mistake.
Let me write about Church here. The word 'Church'
comes from the Greek word 'Ecclesia' meaning 'to call
out from'. Christians are called out from the world
system to be 'in Christ'.

The word Church can refer to a local group of
believers. Philemon 2; Col.4:15. This visible Church
consists of those whose names are on local Church
rolls, all earthly Church denominations and sects.

The invisible Church is made up of those whose names
are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev.21:27. 

God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him to
the Church as supreme Lord over all things. The Church
is Christ's body, the completion of him who himself
completes all things everywhere. Eph.1:22-23.

Hey today is Teacher's day in India. I wish all
teachers out there a blessed day. So praise Jesus who
is the teacher of all teachers. 'One night he
(Nicodemus) went to Jesus and said to Him, Rabbi we
know that you are a teacher sent by God. ... John3:2 

Dear friends you may or may not agree with me, but I
only say that following tradition is not important.
Following Christ and His teaching is however very
important. Even as its teacher's day today, reflect on
the teachings of Christ (Matt.7:21-23).

If we keep on hanging to 'handed down' traditions
Christians will continue to be divided, with each
Church/sect/denomination having their own say. Go
ahead and sling mud on me if you want. Whatever I
wrote above is to give God glory. Amen.

Jesus Reigns. 


Saji wrote: 
Dear brothers and sisters, 
We don't need to defend the authority of Word of God. 
Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is Word
of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
people through all generations. (I am not telling that
He is not going to contradict His written word some
point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
(church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells us
Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible is
one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did so
many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
that any books can_t contain.  What was written were
written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
of God.  So those were not the only things he said.

The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
available to all the peoples; she exists with all
Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
would do greater things than He did while he was in
the Middle East 2000 years back.

The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of Christian
life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
against the church and its traditions (which the way
of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious

Those who can_t love his church (that makes Him
visible) can_t love him. 
With lots of love and prayers 
Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA 

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To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

Fwd: [JOYnet] My comments on Saji's Reply

2001-09-05 Thread Sebastian Kakkasseri

congrats to Saji and Ravi,you have done a very good work.

i just add my comments on the same.
seb / Kuwait

Hi Nick, both those references are talking about traditions only. ( 2 Thes 
2:15, 3:6 )

Why traditions are important in our faith?

Certainly Bible is the source of our faith.  But there are many things not 
found in the Bible is also part of our faith. And there are also many other 
things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that 
even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written ( 
John 21-25 ).

All the experiences of the disciples of Jesus need not be written in the 
Bible. All their inspirations also need not be in the written form. Bible is 
the written form of the Word of God. But Word of God was also found in the 
oral form. The church was established before the formation of the Bible in 
the 4th Century. Until that time the Word of God was passed through 
generations in oral form. That is what we call tradition. Tradition means 
the experiences and inspirations of our ancestors, Apostles, church fathers 
etc passed through generations in different ways including oral form. All 
the apostles are not found in writing the Bible. But they were also carrying 
the Word of God. They exchanged it in oral form.

Bible was available to everybody only very recently after the invention of 
printing press. Until that time our ancestors were depending on tradition 

Even after the formation of the Bible, God could speak to the Church through 
His people by private revelations. The Church will discern them and would 
encourage the believers if they support our faith.

Even those who believe in sola scriptura ( Bible alone) believe many things 
not found in the Bible but from tradition. Take the case of the Holy 
Trinity, or the Holy Spirit as God, is there any word explicitly stating 
that in the Bible?

CC: Saji Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JOYnet] My comments on Saji's Reply
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 00:01:40 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Joynetters,

Just wrote this mail to show my appreciation for
Saji's comments..

The traditions we speak of are not Cultural traditions
, but actually teachings of the church and the beliefs
of christians across 2000 years.
the word tradition means handed down.
From the teachings of the early church and the belief
of the early christians was born the New Testament.So
we can say that the New Testament is a selection of
specific information done keeping a lot of criteria
reagrding the authenticity and veracity of the texts .
This process took almost 350 to 400 years.
The Traditions include Oral teachings of the Apostles
and evangelists and fathers of the church,and also the
same and much more in written form.From all this the
27 books of the NT were chosen and approved.

Let us please keep this bit of history in mind..
Mail the joynet for further info.

Love and Prayers



--- Saji Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  :) Dear brothers and sisters,
  We don't need to defend the authority of Word of
  Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him).
  However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
  put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is
  of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
  people through all generations. (I am not telling
  He is not going to contradict His written word some
  point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
  (church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells
  Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
  and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible
  one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
  world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did
  many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
  that any books cant contain.  What was written were
  written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
  of God.  So those were not the only things he said.
  The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
  available to all the peoples; she exists with all
  Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
  would do greater things than He did while he was in
  the Middle East 2000 years back.
  The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of
  life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
  accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
  against the church and its traditions (which the way
  of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
  joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious
  Those who cant love his church (that makes Him
  visible) cant love him.
  With lots of love and prayers
  Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA
  --- Nicolas Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Its so encouraging to see how all have brought
   facts to prove that Jehovah Witnesses are a cult
   for sure they r not Christians.
   However so far I had not seen someone 

[JOYnet] Why go to Church ?

2001-09-05 Thread tom sheen

Why go to church?

A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper and
complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. I've
gone for 30 years now, he wrote, and in that time I have heard
something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a
single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are
wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.

This started a real controversy in the Letters to the Editor column,
much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone
wrote this clincher:

I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has
cooked some 32,000 meals. But for the life of me, I cannot recall the
entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They
all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my
wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today.
Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be
spiritually dead today!

When you are DOWN to nothing God is UP to something!
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the
impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!

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[JOYnet] Hi Eveybody

2001-09-05 Thread Isaac clementine

Dear Friends, 

I have been a silent member of our joynet family, I have been receiving a lot of mails 
and most of them really touching my heart. Its been and ongoing enriching experience, 
I have learnt a lot from joynet and yet learning this is something I think and I guess 
all of us would have realized by now. JOYnet will live for a long long time. 

Today I open my mail to just get a number of emails saying Happy Birthday this is the 
first time I think in my entire life I have got so much of wishes from people whom I 
have not seen, Its wonderful to have you as my friends, I thank each and everyone for 
your wishes.

I have earlier missed a night vigil program held in Bangalore which I really regret, 
due to some reason. I guess I should not miss an opportunity the next time to meet our 

Its a privilege to be part of Joynet all of us realize that, I would like to share 
with you just one thing that has brought me closer to joynet. I have got a mail Fatima 
Sharmila that says GOD LOVES YOU THE WAY YOU ARE so be happy today and always these 
words are just unforgettable. I have been searching for somebody just to make friends 
somebody to like me the way that I am I have been doing this for the past 5 years now, 
I realized it only Yesterday that I had already had someone a long time back. 

Praise god 

Love and wishes 


Jy Bangalore
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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-09-05 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (September 06).


Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

Re: [JOYnet] Traditions

2001-09-05 Thread Saji Sebastian

Dear brother Nick,
What made you think that I criticized you?
I was not criticizing you. Sorry if you misunderstood.
I know I responded to one thing that you mentioned
about defending Word of God.
He (Word of God is nothing but Jesus) doesn't need our
protection. Remember what he told the women of
Jerusalem on His way to Calvary. He is not helpless
and standing in need of our defense. He is a
victorious King. The entire humanity is in need of His

Rest everything I wrote was my understanding about
word of God and His Church. My dear Nick please don't
take anything personally. I have no idea about who you
are or anything about your life then how can I judge
you or accuse you? Just by reading a mail? No way dear

With lots of love and prayers
Saji, New Jersey, USA

--- Nicolas Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Firstly I thank God for this oppurtunity to discuss
 email. I thank God for Joynet and this mailing list.
 thank God for our friend from New Jersey who has
 criticised me. I Thess.5:18(In everything give
 I started off writing that the Bible is the word of
 God, Bible doesn't ask us to follow traditions and
 traditions are human made. Nowhere in my mail I
 about Church.:
 Now  Saji wrote :- ).  'The Bible took its shape in
 her (church's) lap. And the church the one who is
 tells us Bible is the word of God. If any of us take
 the book and renounce the church that is
 Well my friends always try to refer to the Bible as
 'Bible' and not book. I don't renounce the Church
 so I call the above accusation (foolish) as a
 Let me write about Church here. The word 'Church'
 comes from the Greek word 'Ecclesia' meaning 'to
 out from'. Christians are called out from the world
 system to be 'in Christ'.
 The word Church can refer to a local group of
 believers. Philemon 2; Col.4:15. This visible Church
 consists of those whose names are on local Church
 rolls, all earthly Church denominations and sects.
 The invisible Church is made up of those whose names
 are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev.21:27. 
 God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him
 the Church as supreme Lord over all things. The
 is Christ's body, the completion of him who himself
 completes all things everywhere. Eph.1:22-23.
 Hey today is Teacher's day in India. I wish all
 teachers out there a blessed day. So praise Jesus
 is the teacher of all teachers. 'One night he
 (Nicodemus) went to Jesus and said to Him, Rabbi we
 know that you are a teacher sent by God. ...
 Dear friends you may or may not agree with me, but I
 only say that following tradition is not important.
 Following Christ and His teaching is however very
 important. Even as its teacher's day today, reflect
 the teachings of Christ (Matt.7:21-23).
 If we keep on hanging to 'handed down' traditions
 Christians will continue to be divided, with each
 Church/sect/denomination having their own say. Go
 ahead and sling mud on me if you want. Whatever I
 wrote above is to give God glory. Amen.
 Jesus Reigns. 
 Saji wrote: 
 Dear brothers and sisters, 
 We don't need to defend the authority of Word of
 Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
 However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
 put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is
 of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
 people through all generations. (I am not telling
 He is not going to contradict His written word some
 point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
 (church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells
 Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
 and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible
 one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
 world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did
 many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
 that any books can_t contain.  What was written were
 written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
 of God.  So those were not the only things he said.
 The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
 available to all the peoples; she exists with all
 Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
 would do greater things than He did while he was in
 the Middle East 2000 years back.
 The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of
 life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
 accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
 against the church and its traditions (which the way
 of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
 joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious
 Those who can_t love his church (that makes Him
 visible) can_t love him. 
 With lots of love and prayers 
 Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA 

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