[JOYnet] Jesus Youth 2001, Report: Day 4

2001-10-28 Thread Jesus Youth 2001

Day 4: 27 October 2001

To the mission fields

Today, Toms Michael from Trivandrum and team led the Morning Prayer session.
We began the praise and worship by wishing each other peace in the name of
the Lord. The session went off beautifully and ended by 8.00am.

From 8.10 to 8.45 we listened to various speakers.

Pradiba from Gujarat related her conversion experience. Her testimony
inspired the whole crowd to pray in a special way for the state of Gujarat.
This was a good introduction to the theme of the day 'To the mission fields'

Mathew Joseph, JOYnet ministry co-ordinator from Bangalore spoke about the
virtual community of JOYneters.

Giju George, the Jesus Youth web-administrator from Chennai spoke about the
Jesus Youth web site. The site is the virtual face of Jesus Youth, he said.

He described the Internet as a very powerful media to reach out to the
younger generation of this world. He gave the JY website address and
illustrated the different features of the JY website.

Babychayan, the animator of JYNT (Jesus Youth National Team) spoke next. He
travels extensively in India and he meets the struggling Jesus Youth in
different parts of India to encourage them and to be with them.

8.45- Breakfast. Simultaneously, the Joynet members participating in the
Conference gathered backstage. It was a lively and very friendly gathering.
We introduced ourselves, shared our e-mail ids, and shared about how the
JOYnet community has helped each one of us to grow in Jesus. Many shared
their future plans to help the community grow.

At 9.30 Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathiyous from Trivandrum .
He spoke for forty-five minutes. He appreciated the efforts of the Jesus
Youth Volunteers and the principal of St. Joseph's College, Sr. Vijaya
without whose efforts the Conference would not have been possible. A short
musical session followed.

At 10.40 Fr.Dheeraj Sabu IMS started the session on Mission, he said that
love is the origin and the reason behind mission work. The motivation behind
the salvific mission of Jesus Christ is also love. The theme of Ecclesia in
Asia is centered on the same topic Jesus Christ the Saviour and His Mission
of Love and Service.  Mission is the essence of Christianity, he said. He
led us through evangelistic history of the Church. He spoke about Neo
Evangelism and its need to be rooted in love. This love means respecting
another person's conscience and beliefs.

11.45 In the Acts of the Apostles we find the Holy Spirit warning them not
to go to Asia, but now through the mouth of the Holy Father the Holy Spirit
is prompting us to evangelise Asia. This is how Alicekutty chechi responded
to the session by Fr. Dheeraj.

11.55 Kairose the Jesus Youth magazine is facing a financial crisis, and we
need to help by subscribing to the magazine, this point was brought out well
by Mr. Chackochan Njavally.

12.15 We celebrated the Holy Eucharist, the main celebrant was Fr. Dheeraj
Sabu. In his sermon he spoke about how symbols are important in
evangelisation, he stressed on the need for Incultration, for evangelisation
to be effective.   We had intercessory prayers in Bengali, Hindi, Marathi,
Assamese, Gujarathi, Kannada and Brahma.  The offertory was very colourful.
Gifts were offered by the representatives of all the  Indian states together
with the representatives of the zones of Kerala.

2.00 Lunch.

2.45 The participants gathered in groups based on their zones or states, to
discuss and chart out the future plans for the zones and states.

At 4.30pm Jomon, the Kerala Youth Co-ordinator summed up the content of the
zonal sessions. He made it clear that it was important to grow in a small
community. Every Jesus Youth has to be a part of a prayer group.

5.00pm We joined the parishioners of St.Thomas Cathedral for a grand
procession in Irinjalakkuda, in honour of Mother Mary. After which Major
Archbishop Mar Jacob Thoonkuzhy gave the concluding message.

After supper we had the 'Grand Finale' animated by the Rex Band. In between
there was an action song by all the children who came for the conference.
Youth from the different parts of India can in their costumes and performed
various artforms.

The program ended with the mass at 11.30PM

For detailed reports and photos visit: http://www.jesusyouth.org/jy_2001.htm

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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2001-10-28 Thread Smiju Joseph

God bless u all.

Pls pray for Str. Gracelin. She is suffering throat
pain, there is swelling behind neck, something growing
in her throat. Pls pray.

with lots of lov  prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi

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[JOYnet] thanks!

2001-10-28 Thread sheril daniel

thank you all for your prayers.  my exam did not
really go very well, but i am trusting God!  
with love,

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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2001-10-28 Thread Kauna Ndakunda

Dear friends,

I will be doing my final project presentation
tomorrow. I am a bit scared, and I need God to
intervene. Please pray that all will go well.


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[JOYnet] Prayer against abortion

2001-10-28 Thread shobith thomas

Hi Friends

 First of all I have to thank my heavenly father for his grace to get me 
a seat at the long awaited Jesus Youth 2001 and all of you for your valuable 
prayers.There i had been to the PROLIFE stall and I found a small sweet 
little prayer against the sin of Abortion.

Prayer to save a baby from abortion by Bishop Fulton J Sheen

Jesus,Mary,Joseph,I love you very much.I beg you to spare the life of the 
unborn baby, that I have spiritually adopted who is in the danger of 

Please also make a promise that all of us(me and you all)would pray least 
ten times daily and thus spiritually adopt ten babies.

What a sweet prayer.If its possible mail to your friends

It is said that if you say this prayer everyday for 9 months for your 
adopted baby who is in the womb, you will save the life of the baby.When you 
go before god to you will meet the baby you have saved.

With love in christ


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[JOYnet] Br.Thomas Paul's letter

2001-10-28 Thread Abraham Puthenkalam

Dear brother,
I send this mail to turn your attention to one rumour spreading throughout
After one preacher,Br.Thomas Paul baptized in Pentecostal church.
The Pentecostals ran throughout day and night,spreading this and make
confusion among Catholics.
I send a mail to Br.Thomas Paul for clarifying this.
Yesterday we got his reply..
Here we attach that letter.
If it is good please send this mail to all JoyNeters.
We all must pray strongly for all preachers.
Thanking you.


Germany, the 26th of october

Dear Abraham,

 Thank you for your mail. Please be confirmed that i can never think about
going away from my HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. I am proud of my baptism received in
the CATHOLIC CHURCH. It is the power of that baptism i am proclaiming the
WORD all over the World. I don´t need any other baptism.
I am born as a child of MARY and i will die as a child of Mary, I am proud
of being a child of Mary.
Here i am conducting Marian retreat and Eucharistic retreat to germans and
austrians and swiss people.
Thank you , very much, please inform all our friend. I will be in Palla
convention this year from December 19 to 23th. Please meet me there.

With LOVE,
Your brother in Christ
  Forwarded Message ---

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-10-28 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (October 29).

shaji kulanda swamy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mini susan sunil [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Holy Weekend in Gujarat

2001-10-28 Thread Sibi Joseph

Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord!!

“Believe and you will see the glory of God!!” This was the message we got on Friday 
(26th evening). We believed and we have seen the glory of our good Lord!!

As I said, we had three different programmes going on in Ahmedabad till yesterday 
evening.  All of us were deeply grieved by the fact that we could not attend JY 2001. 
Only a few leaders could come for the JY 01 from Ahmedabad. But we now feel that Lord 
had some other purpose for us. As I said earlier, we have organized a Christeen 
retreat and we were totally involved in two other retreats for common people. All the 
three programmes went on really well and especially the Christeen programme.

We have got a lot of promising messages when we prayed on Friday evening and we could 
see Satan’s fortress falling down on Saturday. All the people were really touched.  
Four JYs from Bombay (Dominic, Thomas, Saji and Tijo) were helping us for this 

I at this moment give our heartfelt thanks to all of you and would request you to pray 
for Gujarat specially. We have many renewal programmes coming up from November 14th 
(Diwali holidays) i.e. three Gujarati retreats and one English Growth retreat for 
youth and many other programmes for elders. Please pray specially for a new awakening 
in Gujarat.

Love, Sibi

Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India
Tel: 079 685 7974

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2001-10-28 Thread JASON

Ruben has asked support in his prayers for he is at the loss of his wife who
recently expired fighting cancer at the age of 32. Ruben and Brenda got
married in 1998. In their 3 year bliss of married life they have a 2 1/2 yr
old daughter. This is What he says My baby is always asking me to make a hole
on heaven in order for her to be able to see her mommy. Please do pray for
this family. Ruben Rubi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jamie Ann Rainey has asked prayers for her dear fried, Steve Taff who met with
an accident in January and sustained numerous injuries on my back.

Lou D. Beyl  has asked prayers for himself as he is going through multiple
tests for his health.

Sandi has asked prayers for the drinking problem of her husband.

Donna requests prayers for her mother. She is 75 years old and for the past
few years has been having problems with mini-strokes which have not affected
her in any way except the discomfort and fear that goes along with them.
However, in June she broke her ankle and although the bone has healed, the
pain has not stopped. She went to the Orthopaedist and he gave her an
injection and said hopefully it will heal...five days later she started having
heart palpitations.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 her senior and please praY THAT God will open her heart to see reality of her
need for a Savior.I have given a few books and tapes to her includingFather
Heart of GodFloyd McLung, Unto the Hills by Bily Graham Bondage Breaker Neil
Anderson among others. Would you pray that God would touch this Catholic
family who are my neighbours and bring peace! and harmony to their home by
bringing back their run away daughterJoAnn and unite the family again. These
neighbours have been asking my help for some times.I belive your prayers would
be effective and God would touch this family. God Bless you and your ministry,

Daniel (a member of a prayer ministry) has requested prayers for a family
which he is counselling. Apparently their daughter JoAnn has ran away with her
infant son (her husband deserted her). Please pray for the mother Mrs. Carmen
Santa Maria, she is very depressed as her husband passed away a few years ago
of a heart attack and her two daughters JoAnn and Maricar keep fighting.
Please also pray for Maricar who is a head strong girl who is dating a married
man who is 20 years. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ann has asked prayers for Brian(a seminary student at risk of losing an eye),
Regina(God knows her needs) and Seth(for peace). [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pat has asked prayers for for tom who has many legal battles to fight and
needs God's hand on him desperately. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coonie has asked prayers for her 20 year old son. Apparently she says that he
is making some wrong turns in his life. He lives with his father right now and
that is a strained relationship. His father has no rules and doesn't think
it's necessary to go to church. She wants her son to be closer to christ. Let
us remember the youth of the world and many of them who are in similar
condition. Let us also pray for the parent of these youth. May they not give
up hope and persevere in their prayer as St. Augustine's mother.

Laurie has asked prayers for his former boss and his wife. They were both laid
off last week. He worked for a telecom company, and she worked with the
airlines. Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry has asked prayers for emotional healin for Bob and Zora... who had an
accident on the 95 freeway on their way to Las Vegas. They are both shook up
but otherwise fine. Larry n Gwen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Charlie has asked prayers for Claire's family. Apparently Claire has recently
expired, she had cancer and was only 2 years old. Please pray for her parents,
Randy and Ginger, as they are accepting her passing and that God will give
them strength during this very difficult time. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Refilwe Monageng has praised God but ask continous prayers for a friend who
was on a life support system and has just woken up. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kip  Brenda has asked prayers for shameka davis so that she may not give into
the temptations of the world. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Penny has requested prayers for the health of her 16 year old daughter. Penny

Melanie has undergone minor surgery and needs prayers. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Carol has again asked prayers for her financial needs. she also seeks prayers
for her boyfriend who is very sick right now and is in constant pain and for
her very dear friend, alvin, who is being wrongfully accused of a crime. Carol

Beth has asked prayer for her father. the docs have found two ulcers on his
stomach. Beth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Christine mother - in - law has recently had a total hysterectomy on Oct. and
she is not doing well. Her oxygen level is low. Christine

Sylvia has asked prayers for the job prospect of her son, Scott. Sylvia

Michelle has asked prayers for her 

[JOYnet] Why Did Jesus Die ??

2001-10-28 Thread JASON

A Gospelcom Sharing.

It was 4:30 in the morning when I received the phone call. A man on the other
end of the wire told me a house was on fire-the house of people I loved. I
struggled to put on some clothing and made my way to the house. When I got
there, the smoke was heavy, the smell was horrible and the cries were even
worse. Every member of the family had escaped the burning house except the
father. I will never forget standing before that burning house, holding the
hand of the teenager watching as they carried her father's body out of the
house, draped over by a sheet so that the family wouldn't have to look at the
stark reality of death. I will never forget her looking into my eyes and
asking, Pastor, why? Why did he have to die?

Years later, another teenager had another question. She was a member of the
church I then served and, like many teenagers, refused to accept cliches. She
came to me and asked, Pastor, why did Jesus have to die? I didn't have an

I don't remember the names of either teenage girl. Years have a way of erasing
some things that are very important. I wish I could remember because I now
have the answers to both of their questions. Wouldn't it have been better had
Jesus lived to a ripe, old age? To have more time to teach us so that we might
grow? Why did Jesus have to die? Jesus had to die because evil cannot stand in
the face of good. 'Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man
attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through
Him in your midst . . . you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and
put to death' (Acts 2:22-23). Absolute goodness and absolute purity met evil;
had to be destroyed.

A woman once told me that hated her sister. In an outburst of anger, she cried
out, I wish she was dead! I asked the woman why and she answered, Because
my sister is beautiful and good. Christ's absolute purity was an absolute
threat to the evil, ugliness and hatred in the world. At the crucifixion, Evil
prepared a cross. Evil drove the nails. Evil plaited the crown of thorns and
pressed it on His forehead and watched Him die. And, as He died, Evil laughed,
laughed and laughed. Jesus Christ, as absolute good: could not be allowed to

Jesus had to die because a lie cannot stand in the face of truth. He was in
the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know
Him For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through
Jesus Christ. (John 1:10,17). Jesus said, I am the Truth.

God is holy and righteous. For that reason, He is also frightening. God said,
The wages of sin is death. Who dies? Christ dies with your sin. Every time
the Father looks at you, He looks to see if YOU have accepted it through His
Son. Your penalty was paid on the cross. Are you forgiven, perfect, loving and
kind? No way! But in God's eyes, you are . . . forever. If I could go back to
those two teenage girls, what would I tell them? I would tell the first girl,
whose father had died in the fire, Your father had to die in order to really
live. I would tell the second girl, who wouldn't accept cliches, Jesus had
to die so that another teenager's father wouldn't have to stay that way.

Why did Jesus have to die? For you. Thanks to Daily Wisdom

No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road.
Turn back

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