[JOYnet] Happy Birthday _ Ronce

2001-10-30 Thread mahesh peter

Hai friends,

Today is the Birthday of our one of the Jesus Youth Friend Ronce ( she 
recently got married and will be back to Kuwait on tommorrow), please keep 
her in your prayers.

With love,

Mahesh Peter
JY, Kuwait

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[JOYnet] The face of ur pilot

2001-10-30 Thread JASON

You might be tossing about in a sea of despair, of failing hope and in the
waves of broken hearts. You might even feel as if your life may crash about
you and you will never again be healed, whole or happy. They say Robert Louis
Stevenson told the story first. It's worth retelling:

It seems a storm caught a sea-faring vessel off a rocky coast. The wind and
waves threatened to drive the boat to its destruction. In the midst of the
terror, one daring passenger, contrary to orders, made his way across the
ship. Groping along a passageway, he found the pilot house. There he beheld an
intriguing sight; the ship's pilot was lashed to his post. Secure against the
raging elements, he held the wheel fast, turning the ship, inch by inch, once
more out to sea. The pilot saw the watcher and smiled.

The daring passenger found his way below deck where other passengers huddled.
Encouragingly, he said, "I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All
is well."

There are times we need to hear that. Especially when we feel tossed about by
a raging storm, it helps to remember that the pilot of our life smiles. He
wont lets us down. Can you imagine the pilot smiling now?

Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many;
Not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

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No Subject

2001-10-30 Thread lyann dandge

my dearest family members,
iam really very confused re; communion in hand or in tongue.just today my 
friend sent me this, please if someone could guide me about it.

please pray for me
thank you
love lyannRe-thinking
Communion in the hand

"Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven. 
This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be 
continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the 
ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal Father." - Our 
Lady, June 30, 1984

In year 700 a priest in Lanciano, Italy doubted the Real Presence of Jesus 
in the Eucharist.  One day at his Mass at the words of consecration the Host 
turned into Flesh and the wine turned into Blood.  Millions of people from 
then until now, come from all over the world come to see this Miraculous 
Host and Blood.

In 1970, the Vatican ordered a thorough investigation with the latest 
scientific medical equipment and the most illustrious professors in the 
medical field.

The investigation showed the Host had turned into living flesh, into a 
very fine slice through the center of a human heart, as though it had just 
been expertly cut by a surgeon’s scalpel.  It tested as living Heart tissue 
and living Blood even though this miracle happened 1270 years ago.

Jesus truly gives His Love, His Body, His Most Sacred Heart to us in 
Holy Communion.

Father Aloysius Ellacuria, the founder of the Missionaries of Perpetual 
Adoration, had a young mother come to him in the early 1970’s, her eyes 
filled with tears, an aching body filled with cancer, and little time to 

He took her into the chapel asking her, “Have you ever asked Jesus to 
cure you?”  “No,” she replied.  “Well,” he said, “Let us kneel down right 
here in front of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and let us ask Our Lord to cure 

“You know Jesus is really present in the Most Blessed Sacrament; do you 
really believe that?”  “Yes,” she promptly replied.  Father continued, “Our 
Lord is the same as He Who walked on this earth 2000 years ago; and He 
blessed the sick and healed the sick.  Do you really believe that He is the 
same Lord Who is living here in the Most Blessed Sacrament?”  “Yes, I do,” 
was her pain-filled response.  “Well, He cured them and He can cure you.”

Together they prayed a series of “Our Fathers, Hail Mary’s and Glory 
Be’s.”  After three of each the startled woman said: “Father, I don’t think 
it is necessary for us to go on – I feel healed!”

The next day X-rays were taken by an astonished doctor who said: “All 
the cells that were attacked by the cancer are now like the cells of a 
new-born baby.”

The practice of Communion in the hand was first introduced in Belgium by 
Cardinal Suenens in disobedience to the rubrics of the Holy See. Not wishing 
to publicly rebuke a brother bishop, Pope Paul VI decided to lift the ban 
prohibiting Communion in the hand, leaving the decision to individual 
bishops. The late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, then president of the United 
States NCCB, initiated two unsuccessful attempts to introduce Communion in 
the hand in 1975 and 1976. In the spring of 1977, the bishops’ vote again 
fell short of the required two-thirds majority. Nevertheless, for the first 
time ever bishops in absentia were polled by mail after the conference 
meeting; subsequently the necessary votes materialized and the measure was 
declared passed. Several canon lawyers have stated categorically that this 
procedure was illegal. An interview with Bishop Blanchette in the National 
Catholic Register (June 12, 1977) confirms that Communion in the hand was 
unlawfully introduced into the United States. Fr. John Hardon likewise has 
affirmed the fact that retired and dying bishops were polled to make sure 
the measure for Communion in the hand would be passed.

The greater a person’s charity is, the more he is compelled to speak what he 
knows to be true. If someone truly loves his neighbor, it is painful for him 
to see him deprived of truth. And so it is with our heavenly Mother, the 
Blessed Virgin Mary. Her love for us exceeds all mortals and even our own 
parents, for Her love is supernatural and without equal, save that of God 
Himself. Therefore, She would have Her children “walking in truth” (3 John 
4), in the path of the Church and the Commandments, and Our Lady will not 
fail to warn Her children when their means of salvation, the Catholic faith, 
is under attack. Right now, the summit of our Catholic faith, Our Lord Jesus 
Christ present in the Sacrament of Love, the Holy Eucharist, is under daily 
attack. The indult of Communion in the hand has opened a major door to 
numerous acts of irreverence and sacrilege. Years ago, when Communion in the 
hand was beginning to rear its ugly head in the United States, a group of 
concerned Ca

[JOYnet] Christian: a Pumpkin

2001-10-30 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

Hi all,
A lady recently being baptized was asked by a coworker what it was  like
to be Christian. She replied, "It's like being a pumpkin: God picks you
from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off you may have
gotten from the other pumpkins. Then he cuts the top off and scoops out
all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.,
then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you
to shine for all the world to see."
Passed on to me from another pumpkin!
Yours in Jesus Mary and Joseph,

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[JOYnet] Selvin the 12 year old boy with brain tumor.

2001-10-30 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

We first met Selvin, a 12 year old boy, during KAIROS 2001 at St.
Joseph's Retreat Center in Malvern, Pennsylvania. KAIROS is the annual
gathering of the families in the renewal in the United States. He
belongs to a family of five, father, mother, a teenage sister, himself
and a younger brother about six years old. Marina Pulickal's (our music
ministry coordinator) family had introduced them to us. Selvin did not
look any different from the other young boys of his age group.
Two weeks ago, we heard that Selvin was diagnosed with brain tumor
and Jevelson (our intercessory group coordinator) had sent out a request
in the Jesus Youth of America network. The tumor was removed by surgery
and they are now waiting for the doctors to start the treatment for the
cancer. Last week, Molly (Annie Mary, my wife), my children George and
John and myself went to visit him in the children's ward in Morristown
Medical Center in New Jersey. He was sort of reclining in his hospital
bed propped up a bit, for him to be able to watch the TV, which was
mounted on the ceiling. Back of his head, which was shaven clean, was
bandaged where the operation was performed. There was no complaint or
moaning heard from him during the 45 minutes we were with him. Molly
asked him if it hurt and the answer was, "a bit". As a matter of fact,
he looked a bit shy and bored with all the attention he was being given.

He shared a room with another boy and the beds were separated by a
curtain. He occupied the bed by the entrance door. His corner above the
table was full of expensive fruit baskets and bouquets of flowers. While
we were there, others also came in with more of the same. He did not
seem to pay any attention to those gifts. We had taken a Bible, a
rosary, a Box of the Word of God (Vachana petty), a scapular, a
miraculous medal and a couple of small religious pictures as gifts for
him. He did not  seem to mind when Molly put the scapular and the
miraculous medal around his neck. She had put the rosary in his hand and
the Bible on the bed. He was holding on to the rosary all the time we
were there. Molly tried to move the bible to the table from the bed,
thinking that it would be in a better place there, but the boy wanted it
on the bed where he can reach for it. I am mentioning all this just to
show his attitude towards things.
The family is really suffering. His parents and the older sister
were heart broken, when the doctors informed them that the tumor, 4 cm
in size, that was removed from his brain, was malignant.  Selvin also is
aware of this fact and knows that he has to go through further treatment
for the cancer. I could not see any despair in his eyes, but strong
faith in the Lord. His mother told us that it was he who was supporting
his parents and his sister in times of troubles and tribulations. They
have had problems with the younger child who has not developed
adequately for his age. Selvin tells his family that it is to those who
can take suffering that Jesus gives it. He also says that Jesus will not
give him any suffering he will not be able to bear. He is home now
waiting for the treatment to start.
I would like to ask your prayers for Selvin, who is a chosen
disciple of Jesus, and also for the family, so that whatever may be the
plan of our Father for him and his family, they be given enough grace to
accomplish it with obedience to His divine will and with perfect peace.
Yours in Jesus and Mary,
Kurian Nellikunnel, New Jersey, USA

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[JOYnet] [Fwd: New version of Nimda worm - attachment "sample.exe"]

2001-10-30 Thread Kurian Nellikunnel

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Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 14:48:18 -0500
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I regret to inform you that a new version of the Nimbda worm is at work.
The Symantec document is at:


This version, W32.Nimbda.E@mm, has an attachment called sample.exe.  The
..dll file is called Httpodbc.dll.  And it copies itself to the Windows
system folder as Csrss.exe instead of Mmc.exe.

Apart from that, its function is like the original and its subsequent

The OIT Help Desk has seen two mailings apparently generated by this version
of Nimda.  Please be alert--and if there are Windows users you know or
assist who do manual updates of their anti-virus software, encourage them to
update today and continue to update often.

Thanks for your attention.


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2001-10-30 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (October 31).


Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Something to ponder on

2001-10-30 Thread Potti27

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
There has been something that has really been bothering me for awhile.  I always 
see people end their e-mails with in the love of Jesus and Mary, but what about Saint 
Joseph?  Did he not have an important role in the life of Jesus too?  Mary would have 
probably been stoned to death if Joseph hadn't agreed to take her as his wife!  Please 
don't think that I think that Mother Mary is not important.  I think she plays a great 
role in our Catholic Faith.  I guess all I am saying is don't forget Saint Jospeh.  He 
too had a great impact on Jesus as he was growing up. There is no HOLY FAMILY, without 

Please forgive me if this does not make any sense to any of you.  I am sorry.  It is 
something I always wanted to say.

ok well please keep me in your prayers

In the love of Jesus, Mary and Jospeh
University Park, PA  USA
=) God loves You very much

PS. To lift you up, please read IS 41: 8-13 

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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2001-10-30 Thread Abraham Puthenkalam

We request your valuable prayer 'for a suitable marriage of a deaf & dump
Malayalee-aged 25-B.Com.Typewriting(lower)-Computer(M.S.Office,D.T.P,Tally).
Please pray for it.

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[JOYnet] simpletons... kingdom of GOD.

2001-10-30 Thread diana vincent

Dear all..
Check this from priya, before u get to read the little that i have to say.

"After all this we had nice gathering around 25 of us came together. 
(josh gang) John Praksah (Abu Dabhi), Mathew Joseph, Giju, Shobith, 
Diana,Linda, Cuckoo, Jiju, Joby Michel, Jose Antony, our Eddy chettan and 
many..We all introduced ourselves, shared how net
helped us to grow, open up our dreams for JOYnet, and we all prayed
together. Finally Giju invited all us for his wedding.

Later we many had opportunity to meet personally and deepen the relations.
Diana a pretty gal from Bangalore was telling me that she wants to write in
JOYnet but fear struck her to address 600 netters.
Haiii gal we all are simple people. Come forward and inspire us, 

Dear netters in this Ocean of JOY.
That small cut-paste from priya's mail does seem to be a neat little intro 
about me.shift focusand Kindly pay heed to that last sentence. It 
seems to be more of priya's punch line for the JOY NETTERS.
""we r simple people, come fwd and inspire us""
yes! there is abosoultely no denial to the fact,  all i met out 
there in the family gathering were beautiful... "simpltons for the Kingdom 
of GOD"
its been over three years since i have been with the JY, and every time i 
meet one of them its more than inspiring,to top it all was this august 
gathering of JY from all possible walks of life, each one a marvellous 
example of GODs constant and never ending way to tell "He is at constant 
work in all of us".
so... here i go... making an effort to tell this fellowship of netters 
that i will also do my little to tell u people HE IS AT WORK CONSTANT 
WORK IN me and the world i live in.

love di.

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