[JOYnet] Subject: Charles Colson on America's Abandoned Babies

2002-01-07 Thread Jase John

Subject:  Charles Colson on America's Abandoned Babies
Source:   BreakPoint with Charles Colson; December 31, 2001

America's Abandoned Babies:
Whatever happened to the preciousness of new life?
by Charles Colson

[Pro-Life Infonet Note:  Charles Colson is the founder of Prison
Fellowship Ministries.]

One cold December night, Jamie, 19, the frightened and unmarried mother of
a two-year-old son, gave birth to a baby boy on her trailer home floor.
Out of fear, she had kept her pregnancy hidden from her parents. She would
have gone to a hospital, she said, but she had no money and no insurance.
Jamie's boyfriend asked a hospital emergency room nurse where they could
leave a baby awaiting adoption. "We do not handle that," the nurse said.
Before midnight, Jamie bundled up the baby and left the trailer. She
returned empty-handed. Police later found the newborn, alive, in a
cardboard box. He had been abandoned in the dark empty hallway of a nearby
apartment complex.

Jamie's baby is just one of America's newborns routinely found abandoned
in trash bins, junk cars, and dark alleyways. Recently, ten abandoned
infants were found dead in New York City. Minnesota officials discovered a
dead newborn in a bathroom stall. Four abandoned babies, three of them
dead, were found in Louisiana.

Spurred by the discovery of thirteen abandoned babies in ten months in
Houston, in September 1999 Texas passed the nation's first Safe Haven Law.
After the death of an abandoned newborn in a hospital parking lot, Indiana
also passed the Safe Haven law. In the past two years, thirty-five other
states have adopted Safe Haven Laws. These laws allow mothers to
anonymously leave a newborn at hospitals, firehouses, and other designated
facilities without fear of prosecution.

But even with widespread promotion, they are having little effect. When
New Jersey spent $500,000 to promote newborn Safe Havens, six babies were
left at Safe Havens, but two others were left at a doorstep and old car.
Florida distributed decals at firehouses proclaiming: "A Safe Baby
Station: Leave a Baby in Safety." Yet, Florida firefighters recently
counted eleven illegal abandonments, with four of the babies dead.

The problem of abandoned babies goes far deeper than lack of finances,
fear of family, or criminal prosecution. It's a reflection, I believe, of
our callous disregard of the sanctity of human life. The abortion lobby
and the pro-choice people wouldn't sanction leaving abandoned babies in
dark alleys, but in helping undercut respect for life, that's exactly the
horror they've helped create.

The truth is, all life is precious in God's sight. The Psalmist David
writes: "For you [God] created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made .
. . All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of
them came to be."

A baby -- born and unborn -- is precious to God. It is not a disposable
commodity. A child's life should not be subject to our finances, our
fears, and our convenience. We somehow have lost the sense of sacredness
that a new life embodies. We are throwing away precious human life -- our
future generations.

And until we regain our respect and reverence for valuable human life --
until we realize that our babies belong to God, not to us -- we will no
doubt continue to find America's newborns crying in cardboard boxes and
abandoned in dark empty hallways.

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[JOYnet] marriage in Ecuador

2002-01-07 Thread rafi kootumkal

Dear friends in Jesus
Greetings from Ecuador!
Due to some log-in problems I could not send mails for
some time. Now I have signed up with a new email
Well,We are very happy here at the beginning of this
New Year, because, last Sunday I blessed the marriage
of Daniel and Diana. I really could not help crying
when I blessed their marriage because it was the first
marriage that I bless after coming to this mission and
staying here for 17 months. Theirs was the only
marriage of 2001.Here it is very rare to get married
in the church, and still more rare it is to get
married young people. Those who marry here usually
have children and grand children. And that too is very
The men fear to get married telling that they will
loose their authority after marriage. The women also
don’t like the bond of marriage, because they will
loose a pension from the government for the unwed
mothers. Moreover, it is very expensive here to get
married. They will have to pay to the government to
register it. And they cannot even think of a marriage
without a grand feast. So the poor people fear it.
When I talked with many on this issue I tried to
convince them that to live together a man and women
without receiving the Sacrament of marriage is
adultery, but they don’t understand and admit it. They
say that it is adultery only when a man has relations
with more than one woman. The Sacrament of marriage is
no matter of concern for them. Only the Holy Spirit
can convince them.
Please pray for our people.
May God bless you all
Fr.Rafi Kootumkal

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[JOYnet] Re: [ParableNet] The Old Fisherman...

2002-01-07 Thread Jennifer

Dear Irma,

May God Bless you and your Family.  Your sharing was very enlightening.
It's true that most of us due to our Human weaknesses judge others on the
bases of their physical appearances.  Your story has given a beautiful
insight and yes we have to look into the hearts of the people not their
outward appearance.  Thank you for a wonderful sharing and I pray that all
of us at Joynet will start living the word of God mentioned in Samuel 16:7.

Love & Prayers

- Original Message -
From: "Irma Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: [ParableNet] The Old Fisherman...

Many times when we come in contact with others, we automatically judge
them by their appearance and that should not be. The Bible declares
in 1 Samuel 16:7
"...For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks
at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
I hope you will be challenged by this message that shows the blessings
of not looking at the outward appearance of a person but looking rather
at their heart.


Our house was directly across the street from the clinic entrance of John
Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. We lived downstairs and rented the upstairs
rooms to out patients at the clinic.

One summer evening as I was fixing supper, there was a knock at the door.
I opened it to see a truly awful looking man. "Why, he's hardly taller
than my eight-year-old," I thought as I stared at the stooped, shriveled
body. But the appalling thing was his face-lopsided from swelling, red
and raw.
Yet his voice was pleasant as he said, "Good evening. I've come to see
if you've a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning
from the eastern shore, and there's no bus 'til morning."

He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success;
no one seemed to have a room. "I guess it's my face...I know it looks
terrible, but my doctor says with a few more treatments..."

For a moment I hesitated, but his next words convinced me: "I could
sleep in this rocking chair on the porch. My bus leaves early in the

I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch. I went
inside and finished getting supper. When we were ready, I asked the
old man if he would join us. "No thank you. I have plenty." And he
held up a brown paper bag.

When I had finished the dishes, I went out on the porch to talk with
him a few minutes. It didn't take long to see that this old man had an
oversized heart crowded into that tiny body. He told me he fished for
a living to support his daughter, her five children, and her husband,
who was hopelessly crippled from a back injury.

He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact, every other sentence
was prefaced with a thanks to God for His blessings. He was grateful
that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form
of skin cancer.

He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.

At bedtime, we put a camp cot in the children's room for him. When I
got up in the morning, the bed linens were neatly folded and the little
man was out on the porch. He refused breakfast, but just before he left
 for his bus, haltingly, as if asking a great favor, he said, "Could I
please come back and stay the next time I have a treatment? I won't put
you out a bit. I can sleep fine in a chair."

He paused a moment and then added, "Your children made me feel at home.
Grownups are bothered by my face, but children don't seem to mind."  I
told him he was welcome to come again.

And on his next trip he arrived a little after seven in the morning. As
a gift, he brought a big fish and a quart of the largest oysters I had
ever seen. He said he had shucked them that morning before he left so
that they'd be nice and fresh. I knew his bus left at 4:00 a.m. and I
wondered what time he had to get up in order to do this for us.

In the years he came to stay overnight with us there was never a time
that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden.

Other times we received packages in the mail, always by special delivery;
fish and oysters packed in a box of fresh young spinach or kale, every
leaf carefully washed. Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail
these, and knowing how little money he had made, the gifts were doubly
precious. When I received these little remembrances, I often thought
of a comment our next-door neighbor made after he left that first
morning. "Did you keep that awful looking man last night? I turned
him away! You can lose roomers by putting up such people!"

Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice. But oh! If only they could
have known him, perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bear.
I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him.
We learned what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good
with gratitude to God.

Recently I was visiting a friend who has a greenhouse. As she showed
me her 

[JOYnet] The Source of Peace -II

2002-01-07 Thread biji james

Dear Friends,

"The blood of Jesus whispers peace within." 
The Source of Peace 

Romans 5:1-2 
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom also we have obtained our introduction by
faith into this grace n which we stand; and we exult
in hope of the glory of God.

A favorite American gospel hymn contains the powerful
but unusual lyric, "I’ve got peace like a river in my
soul." When you think of peace, do you imagine a

In the book of Romans we are told that "The love of
God has been poured out within our hearts through the
Holy Spirit." (5:5) Again in John 4:14, the analogy of
water is used when Jesus tells the woman at the well,
"Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him
shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him
will become in him a well of water springing up to
eternal life." 

Just as a clear mountain stream refreshes and
nourishes the wildlife in its midst, the peace of God
fills of our hearts with comfort through the Holy
Spirit. There is no greater peace than that which is
available through Jesus Christ. 

Try to imagine His peace washing over you like a cool
stream of water–soothing your heartache, washing away
doubt, and cleansing the wounds of sin and pain. Is
the river of peace becoming clear to you now? 

The peace that comes from God is not a static,
stagnant emotion. Rather, it is a fluid, energetic
wave of confidence in the One who holds the universe
in His hands. 

Open your heart. Receive the satisfying waters of
peace into your soul and give praises to God for His
mercy and love. 

Copyright © 2000, IN TOUCH Magazine. In Touch
Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

Your's in Christ Jesus,
Biji James,
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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-01-07 Thread listadm

Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (January 08).

anjjel d dad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] R-V- Committed ??

2002-01-07 Thread C.C.Joseph

Hai folks,

Hope that life in the new year is going on well, and all have celebrated the
feast of Epiphany well.

Yesterday I was there to attend the meeting of JYNT (Jesus Youth National
Team) at Emmaus, Kerala. It was a very fruitful meeting.

We celebrated the Holy Eucharist at the end of the meeting. During the Holy
Eucharist Fr. P.C.George (pastor-JYNT) shared something  about commitment
which made me think a lot. I would like to share something based on it.

After the parliament attack in India, it seems they were able to arrest some
who aided this attack. During the integrations, one of the arrested said that
their boss or head never sleeps in the night, his head is always filled with
the thought of how to mobilise the youth of Kashmir. This arrested man said
that he sleeps off, but his boss is always thinking about his cause.  How
committed is he to his cause- what about us. We needn't be committed to a
cause, we have to be committed to a person(Jesus), are we?

If we look at the world it would seem that the powers of darkness is more
committed that those in light ! for me this sounds to be true.

Take the case of the three wise men and King Hearod, both were committed to
find Jesus but the basic motive was totally different.

We who have known the Love of Christ, are we committed to him? Should we not
stand for His Kingdom and values?  As some one said  " a dog barks when its
master is attacked,  woo to we Christians when we keep mum when out Master and
His values are attacked"

So pause for a moment and think,  Who are we? Whose are we? and Why are we
hear? Where does our commitment lie?

Nothing more for now.

Love and Prayers,

May God Bless You

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Re: [JOYnet] What the stars foretell ?

2002-01-07 Thread John Wilfred

I fully agree with Jennifer.  Yes, in HIS time, HE makes all things
beautiful, in HIS time.
Today, while sending Isaac to school I met a lame, hindu boy names Renjit
from our neighbourhood.  He is an electrical engineer, not having a proper
job for the past six years.
I asked him, whether he is having a job somewhere.  He replied in the
negative.  And said that it was Vidhi (fate).  I actually get very angry
when people tell like this.  But since he is a poor hindu boy, I tried to
control my temper, because the Lord has given me a chance to correct him and
I utilised that opportunity to the fullest.
So I said,"Every thing that happens in our life is with the Lord's
Knowledge.  Nothing bypasses the Lord.  The Lord sees that every thing that
happens turns out to be for our benefit".  (Jer 29:11).
He said,"I made many mistakes, I didn't try for a proper job and wasted many
I said,"What is gone, don't regret about it, pray to the Lord Jesus and try
your best.  Because it it not by chance that you have become an electrical
engineer.  It is in the Lord's plans.  HE will surely give you a good job".
Then he said,"I am lame, so I have a complex that I cannot do things
I said," The Lord gave you a seat in engineering, since you are lame.  Take
your handicap as a special gift from the Lord, you will get a better job
than the normal people.  You can go well ahead of them in your career".
I thank the HOLY SPIRIT for guiding me throughout the conversation.
Please do pray for him.
Praise God!
Annie John, KOchi, India.

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[JOYnet] Praying incessantly: THE JESUS PRAYER

2002-01-07 Thread Saju Mathew Alex

The Jesus Prayer is a small prayer practised by the fathers of the Church. The
words are "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". This is
a wonderful prayer that helps us to meditate on Jesus.

More about the fruits of this prayer can be found in the book "The way of the
Pilgrim". (The Malayalam translation is published by Sri Ramakrishna Mission
Ashram, Ramanattukara, Thrissur, Kerala. I am not sure wheter the English
version is available in India.)

Do go thru these sites for more info about this prayer






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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-01-07 Thread Joseph Sebastian

dear friends on the JOYnet,

thanks for your prayers. The teacher for whom i had asked prayer request is 
doing better . The problem is that she had a difficult childhood . This is 
all i know. More she has not shared yet. I am letting her take her own time 
not forcing her.

Lord has to work --  and i am suer he will. the parents of this teacher are 
into renewal and commited christians..

Keep praying.

One more thing there is some difficulties in our college at SAtara about 
shortage of staff - do pray.


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Re: [JOYnet] A humbling experience

2002-01-07 Thread dexon john netto

Dear Friends in Christ,,

Really nice Josun..

for sharing the experience that taught you wisdom.

 "He`s still working on us
  To make us what we ought to be."

Keep in touch,

Love from Jesus & Dexon.

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[JOYnet] He is a wonder working God

2002-01-07 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi all

My call to mumbai went cool
Praise the lord and thanku for the prayers

with love and prayers in Jesus mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] He is a wonder working God

2002-01-07 Thread Shobith Thomas

Hi all

My call went cool
Praise the lord and thanku for the prayers

with love and prayers in Jesus mary and Joseph


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[JOYnet] Prayer request

2002-01-07 Thread JY Ahmedabad

Dear Friends,

Please prayer my friends Seaton who has a lot of trouble now. He has lost his job and 
is suffering from various physical problems. He is not able to eat well.. Please pray 
for him specially.

Love and regards

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[JOYnet] Re:what the stars foretell !!!

2002-01-07 Thread Welchy Fatima Fernandes

I remember those days in college when I bought Midday
just to read my stars for the day
When some once asked me ,y do u  believe in
..I used to say just for fun not knowing this was 
Funny thing kept ringing in my mind all the time  &
making me a slave of the same .
I freaked out on Birthstones in  those days too
...Being a gemology student ..I loved playing around
with Gemstones .
I kept my birthday stone with me so that  it could
bring me Good luck  & on my moms  birthday ,I gifted 
her a cute pendant with her birth stone engrafted on

(Little did I know at that time that stones don't
really bring good things.)

Once a Hindu Friend  also printed a computerized
horoscope depending on my birth timings etc & i
treasured that too .
Any way, the first thing I did after the retreat was
to dispose away all these so called lucky things .
& Yes today the  CROSS & the Word Of GOD  has replaced
Stars & Stones in my life .
Praise God I dont need these so called Luck 
Bearers anymore .I am doing much  better  without them

In Jesus  & His Glorious Cross 

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[JOYnet] ' Scripture Quote No.16 '

2002-01-07 Thread Thomas George

7-1-2002 (Monday)

Dear friends in Christ,   


 "  Seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness,
and everything shall be added unto you. " - Mt. 6/33

 In HIS grip and grace,

 Bangalore, India 

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[JOYnet] Replies to the Prayer Request sent here.

2002-01-07 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs.. two days ago... I had posted some Prayer Requests which I
had received last week. I had also informed the ones who sent the Prayer
Requests that we at JY was praying for them. These are some of the

1. Thank you for your prayers.  SanDee

2. thnak you very much. That was for a friend who was bitten by a dog and the
dog died so she was so anxious about her life. Can I ask you to please pray
for my family as well and for financial healing and emotional healing for all
of us! thank you and may God bless you always... IGTobais

3. Thank you, God has been merciful to us and we can't praise Him enough. My
husband is coming home today, is doing much better. I'm so thankful for prayer
partners . Love in Christ.Barb. Oma&Opa,

4. Thankyou for your prayer for s---. would it be ok to mail you for prayers
for others in the future? Alex

5. Thank you for praying and agreeing with me. I feel the holy spirit working
miracles already I am at peace a little more than before May God almighty
bless you for taking out time to pray on my behalf. Lily

6. Just want to thank you for your prayers. Natalie

7. Dear ---, good to hear that you are praying - thanks! The LORD has given me
quite a few E-Friends in India - it has been great - I had no idea there were
so many wonderful Christians there before! I have been richly blessed by all
those I have heard from - very blessed! Do you have any idea which prayer
request this was, because I sent about three lately 1) for my E-friend Sandy
who needs help their finances; 2) for a man named Jim who just lost his wife
Darlene {I had asked for healing -but God took her home}; 3) for the sister
{Mary} of our friend Bennie who is battling cancer! These all still need your
prayers in Jesus name! Please keep it up! In His Boundless love,Carolyn


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[JOYnet] 7 and 666

2002-01-07 Thread Abraham Rajan Thengil \( Lijo \)

I am very interested in the no.7 and its mysteries. EVen though the most we
get about this number is from the book of revelation, the other books also
have some information.
The first thing is that the highest class of angels (holy angels - mukya
doothanmar) consists of 7 angels . They are the only ones who are able to
stand before the trinity always. In our holy bible, the names of only 3 are
given - Michael the archangel (warrior), Gabriel (messenger) and Raphael
(healer). From the apocryphas we see the rest as Uriel, Raguel, Ramiel and
Sariett. I am not sure about the last one. They are always blaming because of
their love of God. We could take it physically and spiritually. We do not need
to argue that there is no oxygen to burn and so on. There are things beyond
our knowledge. But let me come to the point - the mystery of the number 7 that
Jannet mentioned that the number 8 is considered as the number of God. I
disagree with that. The perfect no, for man and God is 7 since man was created
in his won image and because God became man and lived among men. Also, I do
not think that the no. 6 is evil in anyway. It has no connection with the
devil. It is usally thought so because of the number 666 mentioned in the book
of revelation. But we have to know what St. John meant by that.
In the semetic languages Hebrew, Aramaic or its modern version Syriac, every
letter has a corresponding number. So what did St. John mean?
We have to know that he didn't find any pleasure in writing things that others
couldn't possibly understand. He wrote in these mysterious ways (revelation)
because he knew that the people there could understand these secrets, and he
had to hide these from the hands of emperor Dometian ( 85-86 AD). He killed
more than 4 christians within this short period. In the reighn of Nero
Caesar, John was imprisoned and transferred to Patmos. He got the revelation
from Patmos and when he returned to Ephesus after Dometian's death, he wrote
it as a book and sent it to the 7 churches. The time is 86 AD.
I hope I haven't gone too far from our subject, I think it is necessary to
understand the background too.
So, here comes the 7 churches -
1. Ephesus
2. Smirnae
3. Pergamosy
4. Thuetheira
5. Sadrdisi
6. Philadelphia
7. Levudikae
(I am not using the english words here - I type the names as they are usually
So let us go back to the no. 7 and see the significance of 666 later.
Actually, 54 times the no. 7 is repeated in this book.
In this book it is written about 7 blessings.
1. To those who hear the word of God, read the word of God, obey the word of
God - 1:3
2. To those who die in God - 14:13
3. To those who wake up and who keeps his clothes - 16:15
4. To those who are invited to the feast of the lamb - 19:9
5. To those who take part in the 1st ressurection - 20:6
6. To those who keep the phrophesies of this book - 22:7
7. To those who wash their clothes to get to eat from the tree of life and to
enter the city - 22:14

Then we see
7 letters written to 7 churches - 1-3
7 seals and 7 trumphets ( Kaahalam in malayalam :) ) 4-11
7 glasses (chashakangal :) ) - 15,16
7 vilakkukaalukal (don't know the english word :) ) 1: 12, 20
7 stars - 1:16, 20
7 angels - 1:20
7 churches - 1:4
A lamb with 7 eyes and 7 horns - 5:6
7 torches - 4:5
7 thunders - 10: 3, 4
A dragon with 7 heads and 7 crowns - 12:3
A leopard with 7 heads - 13:1
An animal with red colour and 7 heads - 17: 3,7
7 mountains - 17:9
7 kings - 17:10

Whew, seems like John really liked that no.
In the old testament also wee see the no. 7 many times. For example, creation
and rest, Sabbath on the 7th day, year of the Sabbath on the 7th year, Jubilee
when 7 Sabbath years come, difference between 7 weeks between Pesaha and
Pentecoste. The feast of Pesaha for 7 days, Koodarapperunnal ( don't know the
english word - is it feast of the tent?  :)  ) for 7 days, 14 (7+7) lambs are
to be sacrificed for pesaha and the same for koodaraperunnal and an addition
of 70 cows ( or bulls? :) ), 7 lambs are sacrificed for pentecoste.
And there is another thing - the fall of great Jericho. 7 preists waled for 7
days outside. Each had a trumphet with them - total = 7. When they blew the
trumphet  7 times
in the 7th day and Jericho was gone.
Naman the Syrian washed himself in teh river Jordan 7 times.
The bible begins with the creation in 7 days and ends with the book of 7
What else? 7 days a week, 7 coulours for the rainbow etc - the perfect number

Now let us return to the no. 666. Earlier I wrote that Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac
etc have a speciality - each letter beginning with alaph and ending in Tau has
a corresponding no. I forgot all the numbers. In those days (after the death
of Nero and Dometian), there was a saying among the people that the cruel
emperor Nero would return again to kill the christians.
In 13:16,17 we see "the mark was either the name of the beast or its number".
The Jews used to carry their laws in a small bag which t