Re: [JOYnet] My comments on Vaastu shastra

2002-11-19 Thread
as a 2nd yr architecture student we have to study Vaastu Shastra as an elective 
subject, as nowadays it is adopted in the construction of houses and buildings. will 
definitely try to get some solid information about Vaastu not merely as something 
superstitious but as a science, (otherwise we wouldn't be learning it in the first 
place.)  will recommend some books to read in my next mail.
love and prayers,
michelle ex3:14 1cor1:25
 Ravi Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Joynetters,
We have all seen the recent debate regarding astrology being a science or not , let us 
assume that they succeed in proving that astrology is a science , does it mean we have 
to accept it and start using it.
You call it whatever u like ,be it Vaastu shastra or Feng Shui, yes the initial roots 
of these practices was scientific at least for those times. 
But not now , throughout the centuries , superstitious practices have crept into these 
practices and they have been converted into religious practices.
The Hindus and the Chinese treat every thing with life and anything stronger than 
human beings as God hence the elements of Vaastu shastra and Feng shui are treated as 
gods or spirits or demons.
Let us realise that there is a very thin line of difference between religion and 
culture especially in our country.
A warning which proponents of inculturisation in the church ignore to their own 
confusion and leading to the confusion of others.
Astrology, vaastu , feng shui are not culture but religious practices because they 
make us slaves of False Gods like nature, stars , moon , sun, planets, constellations 
The reason why Vaastu or for that matter its Chinese counterpart Feng shui were 
invented is the same reason why Aesops fables are so famous among all.
If you tell children that you should do your work slowly and correctly, they may not 
listen to you and forget it perhaps within 5 minutes. Tell me is there anyone among us 
who has not heard of the Hare and the Tortoise, we were told this same story when we 
were small, and we still remember it.
This is Human Psychology, even jesus used a lot of parables or examples pertaining to 
everyday life.
this was why this whole ritual was built around a few scientific truths known in those 
these scientific truths known then need not be valid today, 
As time progressed these rituals were stressed upon and the basic scientific fundas 
were forgotten, Now it is more religious in nature than scientific hence to be avoided.
The First commandment says that we shall have no other Gods, 
We all know that the " Gods" refered here are anything which causes us to put it first 
in our lives.
If our lives are conditioned by the stars and moon and planets then they become God 
for us. Same case if our living methods and activities are conditioned and bound by 
which direction we r facing or sitting in or sleeping in then we are making these 
directions our "Gods" . 
Paul say that Jesus died to make us free from bondage and when jesus makes us free we 
are really free.
Let us realise that it is not the creation but the creator Himself who holds us in the 
palm of his hand and plans our future.
Why look for your future in the palm of your own hands, when it is actuallly written 
in the hands of your Creator( " I have carved you on the Palm of My Hands").
The Wind , The Sea, The Fire , The Earth all obey him shouldnt we then concentrate on 
him who is stronger than all these elements which form the basis of Vaastu shastra and 
Love and Prayers
Your Future is in Gods Hands, If U Dont Believe Just see His Palm

Jerry Panikulam 
wrote:Vastu Shastra" is a relevant topic brought out as we are
more than 1000 in this wonderful net and if we are
convinced, we can make others convince.

I would like to share some of my thoughts as I was trying
to find an answer on this as I was totally disturbed to see
many of Christians going behind superstitions like Vastu
Shastra, astrology, horoscope, etc etc. I was shocked to
read one of our JesusYouth's statement " So you cannot turn
away from Vasthushastra just because it is an Hindu way.Why

not we adopt some of the Good aspects in it."

I have got a Filipino Civil Engineer sitting next to me in
my office. Once I noticed he taking an instrument to find
the direction of north pole with him. When asked he told it
is to find the location of his new flat entrance matching
his & wife's stars. I admit I failed to convince this
Catholic that he was doing a sin, when he wanted me to stop
the conversation saying that we are not priests to live
according to Bible. What I understood from him was he got
this belief from Chinese who were working in construction
of houses in Philippines.

Now as we interact with Hindu's we also started adopting
their ways. This is the main reason St. Paul restricts
believers from interacting with Pagans as we may try to
adopt such things if our belief in Lord Jesus is not firmly

First of all let us come to

[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-11-19 Thread Calvin Johnson
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I request you to pray for my Dad and my brother. They 
are not at all interested in attending charismatic retreats. There is a 
retreat on 24th Nov for which my brother is invited but he is not willing to 
attend. Please pray for him so that he'll attend it, if our LORD wants him 
to. Please pray for my Dad also, so that he will attend a retreat soon.
With Love 'n' Prayers
Calvin Johnson

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[JOYnet] prayer request

2002-11-19 Thread Calvin Johnson
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I request you to pray for my Dad and my brother. They 
are not at all interested in attending charismatic retreats. There is a 
retreat on 24th Nov for which my brother is invited but he is not willing to 
attend. Please pray for him so that he'll attend it, if our LORD wants him 
to. Please pray for my Dad also, so that he will attend a retreat soon.
With Love 'n' Prayers
Calvin Johnson

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[JOYnet] Fr.Dheeraj writes from Rome

2002-11-19 Thread Alexy Pallan
My dear friends,

Regards of love from Nemi, Rome.  It is good to be here on this volcanic 
hill of Nemi to study and mediate the sacred scriptures.  This place is 
about 6 km. awayafrom Albano where Holy Father has his summer residence and 
about 40 km from Rome.  Some how by the grace of God I have succeeded to 
adjust myself to the food and clilmate of this place.  Real cold days are 
yet to come.  Pray that I may have strength to with stand the winter.

Our course began on 29th of August and will conclude on the 14th of 
December. This is an excellent course for those who are involved in Pastoral 
& Biblical ministries and would continue the same.  Total fees of the course 
is $5000.00.  The Dei Verbum institute gives 50% scolarship.  Thanks to the 
SVD Society.  Other 50% of the expence is given by an agency.  I thank the 
Lord for giving me this opportunity to study His Word.  By the end of 
December I'll return to India.  If you wish to know more about this course 
in Nemi plese e-mail me.  the organizers are happy to get many lay personsto 
participate in this course.

Whenever I think of you I pray for you.  You have been a friend to me and a 
supporter for the mission of evangelization.  The grace of God manifested 
through yout loving support has helped Santvana Community to grow in the 
path of success opening way for the Catholic laity to serve as life time 
Evangelisers.  Each member of the community has generously put up with the 
inconveniences of the mission and have been giving a praise worthy service 
to the mission.  Mr. Santhosh J.C. is chosen as tghe Co-ordinator for the 
community and he is successfully carrying out his responsibilities with the 
help of the service team members Bro.Anthony Dass, Ms.Lissy & Mr. Naveen 

Two important tasks ahead of us inorder to establish the community on a firm 
basis are Registration of the community and purchase of plot of land for the 
main center of Santvana in the Delhi Arch diocese.  We need 5 lakhs to buy 
the plot.  Thanks to a few people who came forward to help.  We still need 
Rs.3 lakhs more.  Your contribution what so ever, will be a great support 
for the community.  At least by the end of December we need to register the 
plot.  Perhaps you might not be in a position to help us financially, still 
you can surely help us by your prayers and by encouraging some of your 
friends to help us.

May God bless you.  Hope to here from you.

Your's in Lord
Fr.Dheeraj Sabu IMS

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[JOYnet] A beautiful way to look at life!

2002-11-19 Thread Rubina John
** The Cake: a beautiful way to look at life **

Sometimes, don't we wonder "What did I do to deserve this", or "Why did 
have to do this to me". Here is a God sent explanation!!!

A little boy is telling his Grandma how everything is going wrong. 
family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is 
baking a
cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a snack, which, of course, 
does. "Here, have some cooking oil." "Yuck" says the boy. "How about a
couple of raw eggs?" "Gross, Grandma!" "Would you like some flour then? 
maybe baking soda?" "Grandma, those are all yucky!" To which Grandma
"Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are 
together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!"

God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go 
such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these 
all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him 
eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise
every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He listens. He can live 
in the universe, but He chose your heart.

If you like, send this on to the people you really care about.

I did.

Hope your every day is a "piece of cake!"

God bless !

Ruby / South Africa.
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Re: [JOYnet] imaginary friend

2002-11-19 Thread suma thomas
my   view,, 
when   i  was  a kid  , used  to  play  with  imaginary  friend -(-angels  in  white 
robe).,,,  but  ,,,now   i  think  &feel  its  not  imagination---its  real THE  
GOD,  &ANGELS   r  always  with  us,,one  can  interact  with  them,,,Holy  spirit  is 
 not  an  imaginary  friend ..He  is  a real  friend...(""..He  will give  u  another  
helper,who will  stay  with  u  foreverThe  world  cannot  see him or  know  
Him.But  u  know  Him,because   he  remains  with  u  and  is  in  

i  think   we  ought  to  practice  the  presence  of the  
Lord  seriuosly  ,,,as  we  thirst his  companionship...we  all  heard  of  Brother  
Lawrence,,  a   sventh century  French  monk  who  in  his   monastery  kitchen  
discovered  an  overwhelming  delight  in  God`s  presence...His  "" The  practice of  
the  presence  of  God ,,""--the  spiritual  classic  is  worth  to  read  &learn.. 

The  continous  practice  of  the  presence  of  the  Lord  is a  sound,effective  way 
 to  achieve  perfection...its   overwhelming  go  through   the  talks  of  
St.Josemaria  in the  book  *JESUS  AS  FRIEND**,He  says  purity  of  intention  is  
nothing  other  than presence  of  God.,,,  you will  be  a  friend  of  God; and  in  
ur  recollection,in  ur  intimacy,u  will love  to  consider  those  words  of  
scripture:""God  went  to  speak  to  Moses  face  to  face  ,as  aman  speak  to  his 
 friend*(Ex.33:11)  he  says,,, 

we  shall  ask  the  Blesed  virgin,  Mother  of  God  and  our  mother  to  help  
to make  a  resolution--the  firm,  generous  resolution  to  walk  from  now  on  in  
the  presence  of  God  ,all  the  time... 
 Milan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello everyone, i was just thinking... 
some children have imaginary
friends,maybe we should also try having imaginary friends,like the Holy
Spirit,i Think thats the whole point behind 'Good Morning Holy Spirit'I've
seen kids ask their imaginary friends if they want tea or if they want to
go and playetcMaybe we should do the same,only that our imaginary friend
is really there,let us try to bleive that my imagianry friend is with me
ALL  the time,an you should tell him everything,play with him,laugh with
him... byeLots of Love in jesusMilanChennai/India 


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[JOYnet] Some interesting one-liners to ponder on

2002-11-19 Thread Francis Felix Coutinho
Hello Everyone.
 Some interesting one-liners to ponder on.

1. Give God what’s right – not what’s left.
2. Man’s ways lead to hopeless end – God’s way leads to an endless hope.
3. A lot of kneeling will help you in good standing.
4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.
5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma – but never let him be the stop.
6. Don’t put a question mark where God puts a stop.
7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the church for a face-lift.
8. When praying, don’t give God instructions – just report for duty. 
9. Don’t wait for six strong men to take you to church.
10. We don’t change God’s message – His changes us.
11. The church is prayer-conditioned.
12. When God ordains, He sustains.
13. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.
14. Plan ahead – It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.
15. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.
16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Bible.
17. Exercise daily – walk with the Lord.
18. Never give the devil a ride – he will always want to ride.
19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.
20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.
21. He who angers you controls you.
22. Worry is the dark room in which negatives can develop.
23. Give Satan an inch & he’ll be a ruler.
24. Be ye fishers of men – you catch them and He’ll clean them.
25. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
26. Read the Bible – It will scare the hell out of you.

BEST MATHEMATICAL EQUATION For those who instruct in Mathematics
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given (forgiven) 

yours in Christ always,


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2002-11-19 Thread suma thomas
November 19, 2002 
St. Gregory  the  wonder  -workerConfessor,Father  of  the  Church.(c.213-c.270) 
LIFE:   Born in  c.213  at  Pontus,Asia Minor,(Turkey) to a wealthy and 
distinguished pagan family. Trained in law and rhetoric in his youth. Brother-in-law 
to the Roman governor of Palestine. Father died when Theodore was age 14. Originally 
planned to study at the law school Beirut, but when he arrived at Caesarea with his 
brother-in-law's entourage, Palestine he encountered Origen, head of the catechetical 
school in Alexandria. He and his brother Athenodorus each gave up the idea of law 
school, became students of Origen, and converted to Christianity; Theodore changed his 
name to Gregory. Studied philosophy and theology for seven years under Origen. 
Returned to Pontus c.238. 

Bishop of Caesarea, a diocese with only 17 Christians at the time. Converted most of 
his bishopric; tradition says there were only 17 pagans left at the time of his death. 
Instituted the celebration of martyrs, teachings about the saints, and celebration of 
saint feast days as a way to interest pagans in the Church. During the Decian 
persecutions c.250, he and his flock fled into the desert. Worked among the sick when 
the plague struck soon after, and with refugees during the invasion of Pontus by the 
Goths in 252-254. Attended the First Council of Antioch in 264-265. Opposed the 
heresies of sabellianism and Tritheism. Used his legal training to help his 
parishioners, and settle disputes between them without taking their problems to the 
civil courts controlled by pagans. Oversaw the council that chose Saint Alexander the 
Charcoal Burner as the first bishop of Comana. Saint Macrina the Elder heard Gregory 
preach many times in her youth, and passed his wisdom onto her grandson!
s Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory of Nyssa. Noted theological writer. 
  As you might expect from some one surnamed the Wonder Worker, there were 
many miraculous events in Gregory's life. 

   Saint Gregory of Nyssa writes that the Wonder-Worker was the first person known to 
receive a vision of the Theotokus. The Virgin and Saint John the Baptist appeared to 
him in a vision, and gave him what became a statement of doctrine on the Trinity. 

   Gregory had the power of healing by laying on of his hands. Often the healing was 
so powerful that the patient was cured of his illness, and became a fervent convert on 
the spot. 

   During the construction of a church for his growing flock, the builders ran into a 
problem with a huge buried boulder. Gregory ordered the rock to move out of the way of 
his church; it did. 

   In order to stop the River Lycus from its frequent and damaging floods, Gregory 
planted his staff at a safe point near the river bank. He then prayed that the river 
would never rise past the staff. The staff took root, grew into a large tree, and the 
river never flooded past it again. This act led to his patronage against floods and 

  against earthquakes, desperate causes, floods, forgotten causes, impossible 
causes, lost causes 
  **There is one God, the Father of the living Word, who is His subsistent Wisdom 
and Power and Eternal Image: perfect Begetter of the perfect Begotten, Father of the 
only-begotten Son. 

There is one Lord, Only of the Only, God of God, Image and Likeness of Deity, 
Efficient Word, Wisdom comprehensive of the constitution of all things, and Power 
formative of the whole creation, true Son of true Father, Invisible of Invisible, and 
Incorruptible of Incorruptible, and Immortal of Immortal and Eternal of Eternal. 

And there is One Holy Spirit, having His subsistence from God, and being made manifest 
by the Son, to wit to men: Image of the Son, Perfect Image of the Perfect; Life, the 
Cause of the living; Holy Fount; Sanctity, the Supplier, or Leader, of Sanctification; 
in whom is manifested God the Father, who is above all and in all, and God the Son, 
who is through all. 

There is a perfect Trinity, in glory and eternity and sovereignty, neither divided nor 
estranged. Wherefore there is nothing either created or in servitude in the Trinity; 
nor anything superinduced, as if at some former period it was non-existent, and at 
some later period it was introduced. And thus neither was the Son ever wanting to the 
Father, nor the Spirit to the Son; but without variation and without change, the same 
Trinity abideth ever. ***

-a declaration of faith by Saint Gregory 

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[JOYnet] JY, Science and Kingdom of God

2002-11-19 Thread Saji Sebastian
Dear JYs,
What we need is lot of prayers that the Lord may
reveal his Mysteries all the people. People may
question our convictions.. but none can change that
because it came to us by grace from God. Nobody will
ever be able to prove any of the Lord's mysteries
because they are mysteries. However by faith we can
enjoy the wealth of it. Pray and pray that the Lord
may lead many people into this conviction. If people
were not called by the Father they wouldn't be able to
reach the Son to Learn from Him.

I know Sheril send this mail out of love for Christ
and all of us Jesus Youth. God will bless you my dear
sister. His standards are different from those of the
world. However, it is important that we keep this one
thing in mind that God doesn't need any defenders. It
is good that we try to understand the Historical
Factors of the Bible. 

About Science and JY…
My understanding about Science is that it is a pool of
information gathered and categorized and made easy to
learn and understand and help people to search for
more of it and that information is about the universe
and things of this universe. This can be used for the
greater good of this universe. We are living a time of
specialization and super specialization and no one
knows anything to the complete extend. Most of the
research done in the world now, I think, is done
ultimately for money. They get it. Nations and
Corporations and all those who are funding do so for
their dominance. Think about.

Knowledge is good when it is to practice for the
service of mankind (or the entire creation of God).
This very same knowledge, when clouded with greed for
money and hunger for power, can be very evil. We see
many examples in this day and age. 

See when some one doing a research on ‘life on Mars’
come talk to you about Human Psychology and tell you
whatever the Psychologist says is wrong, what will be
your response? Let whoever is specializing on
something talk about their area of Specialization.
Those who are seeking the Kingdom of God, let them
talk about God.

As long as we are human beings there will always be
room for improvement. Nothing is perfect or complete.
If we do not concentrate on the incompleteness, then
we can help others. Even if what we have is
incomplete, if we share with others with love, then
God, who is always with us, will complete it. He is
the one who works in all things for the good of those
who love him and  who have been called according to
his purpose.

My dear fellow JY, please continue your search for
knowledge, let Kingdom of God be your ultimate goal.
In your search for the Mysteries of God whatever you
find share that for the good of the people… no matter
if it is of this universe or the other.

With lots of love and prayers
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[JOYnet] Re: Picture of Jesus & even Mother Mary on chapathi - Bangalore

2002-11-19 Thread Thomas George
Dear Joynetters,

 This is in continuation to Suma's mail.

 The picture of Jesus & Mother Mary on chappathi
has appeared in today's edition of Deccan Herald,

 Please visit the following link to see the
picture alongwith details.

 In HIS grip and grace,

   Bangalore, India

--- Suma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A report from Hindusthan times . Many would have
> heard about it . Its on display at Renewal center
> Bangalore .  God is dead", or so said Nietzsche, the
> famous German philosopher. He probably didn't visit
> India before saying so Nietzsche's theory was proved
> incorrect when thousands of devotees thronged a
> small suburb in Bangalore to catch the glimpse of
> their venerable deity, Jesus Christ, on - believe it
> or not - a chapati Strange, but true. A hazy image
> of Jesus appeared on a chapati that was partly
> burnt, a demonstration that faith is rewarded by
> miracles Sheela Anthony, a staunch Christian, came
> home after offering prayers at a church and prepared
> chapatis for her kids. The children refused to eat
> one of them as it was burnt. After looking at it
> carefully, she found an emblem of Jesus on the burnt
> part Overflowing with spiritual emotions at
> Bangalore's Renewal Retreat Centre, a place of
> prayer for Christians, she said, "For a moment the
> burnt part of the chapati looked li!
> ke Christ. I couldn't believe my eyes and kept
> looking at it. With a lot of hesitation, I showed it
> to my daughters and neighbours, who also said that
> it was Jesus." Thereafter Sheela Authony took it to
> Father George Jacob of Renewal Retreat Center, who
> confirmed that the image was indeed that of Jesus.
> He firmly believes that it is a miracle Being a
> staunch devotee of Jesus, it was Sheela's great gift
> to the other followers. From morning till late in
> the evening, around 20,000 people come in to catch
> the glimpse of Lord Jesus on the chapati," said
> Father Jacob The "holy chapati" has been placed at
> the central shrine for public viewing. Followers who
> came from distant places to witness it felt that it
> was a huge miracle.
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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-11-19 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 20).

Joseph Milan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
jerrin jacob jacob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
chrisnita gade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Milan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] The NASA problem

2002-11-19 Thread elizabeth smitha
Dear friends in Jesus,
Hi, I am a new member.I just happened to go through
the Joy net maillist and I found a topic on NASA and
the truthfulness of the Bible.While I was browsing
through the links ,first I went to

There I learnt that they had confirmed this story to
be false by verifying with a site magazine of christian
unrest(that's how they have named it) 

So I visited this site.I felt that this site was
actually meant to make fun of Christians and
especially the Church.To clarify,I browsed further
trhough their links and 
reached a site

As you can see in this site,it is actually meant to
make fun of Jesus.
I feel this is a cult or somebody who really is an
anti-christian made this site.Before giving a link,we
should actually find out what a website is really all
about.There are lots of sites against Jesus.What I
personally feel is that when we read a book,visit a
site,watch a film or hear a song,we should make sure
it is not against Christ.We can know this by praying
to the Holy Spirit and asking His help,and also see
whether they propogate anything like Jesus is not Son
of God,He did not rise from dead etc.These mediums are
severely used nowadays against Jesus that even the
faithful will fall(Vassula Ryden).So beware my
friends,of the tricks of Satan.
May God bless all of us.

Ps:meanwhile I have no idea about those NASA
stories.Let God reveal the truth in His time.
with prayers
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[JOYnet] Daily Bread

2002-11-19 Thread Primeson James
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Jesus said to him, "Stand up, take your mat and walk"
At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk.

Later Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,
"See, you have been made well !
Do not sin more, so that nothing worse happens to you".

John 5 : 8 - 9, 14
(please read the full chapter)

May God Bless You this Day and Forever

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[JOYnet] God has done great things

2002-11-19 Thread twinkle joy cheradil
hello friends,
   Thankyou very much for your prayers.My jesus has given me job as 
a CSR in Banglore..
  "If God is at our side who can be against us"

Yes God was at my lets all thank him and praise him.
  thanking you all for your prayers,
   with lots of love and prayers
 Twinkle joy

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[JOYnet] Pray for a family

2002-11-19 Thread JY Ahmedabad
Dear Friends,

I request your prayer support for a family here who are under 
various problems and bondages. They are requesting your prayer 
support as they fear it is a satanic influence. One of their 
children has committed suicide recently. Please pray and if 
possible fast for this family of uncle, aunty and two children.

Praise the Lord
Jose Fernandes

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