Re: [JOYnet] Zeal for my father

2003-01-30 Thread Wilson Thomas
Let me share one of my experiences with you. Few months before I was talking
to a friend a mine who was very upset with lots of illness in his house. After
talking to him for some time God made it clear that he is not sharing his
wealth with the poor, although he has good faith.

After prayers I advised him to start a new 'account' for God today itself and
transfer 3% of his monthly income (to start with) to God's account every
month. Don't worry about spending it because God will send his people to you
whenever He needs His money.

By the grace of God he started practicing it! He called me a couple of months
before saying that a lot of his problems are solved and he is very happy with
family now. Another good news what he told me is that now he is transferring
5% of his monthly income to God's account. Praise the Lord!

Let me share with you some of the points I shared with my friends from Bible:

Jacob made an oath at Bethel ... Of all that you will give me I will surely
give the tenth to you. (Genesis 28:22). Here Jacob acknowledged that whatever
he received is from God and he was faithful to the giver that he kept aside
10% for his Giver. St. Paul asks us ... what do you have that you didn't
receive? (1 Cor 4:7) If it is received free then why we are not sharing?

One of my friend in our core group always say that God will only invest (like
in share market) wherever he gets good return. Do you want to invest in God's
share market? Here is the law (Luke 6:38). Give, and it will be given to you:
good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be given
to you. For with the same measure you measure it will be measured back to

One preacher from Kerala told me, 10% of your income is God's money. Anything
what you do from your 90% is called charity!! It sounds bit hard, yet it is
promising if you look at these quotes:

Tobit 4:10-11 Almsgiving frees one from death, and keeps one from going into
the dark abode. Alms are a worthy offering in the sight of the Most High for
all who give them.

Sirach 29:12-13 Store up almsgiving in your treasure house, and it will save
you from every evil; better than a stout shield and a sturdy spear it will
fight for you against the foe

Tobit 12:8 Prayer and fasting are good, but better than either is almsgiving
accompanied by righteousness.

Friends, let us invest heavily in God's share market. Before deciding about
how much to invest,  remember what Jesus told us If you have two, give away
one (50% share). If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give
to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me. (100%

With lots of love and prayers

Wilson Thomas

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[JOYnet] Don't Let Me Cry

2003-01-30 Thread Biji Thomas
Dear Friends...

it is a nice story... and like the boy in this story i also pray to the
Lord to give me strength to face all trials and tribulations in my
life... and really God is giving me the strength.. first i use to get
disappoint if any small thing goes wrong.. now i don't take much
tensions..coz i know Lord is there to take care of everything

Biji Thomas

Dont Let Me Cry

My son Gilbert was eight years old and had been in Cub Scouts only a
short time. During one of his
meetings he was handed a sheet of paper, a block of wood and four tires
and told to return home and
give all to dad.

That was not an easy task for Gilbert to do. Dad was not receptive to
doing things with his son. But Gilbert tried. Dad read the paper and
scoffed at the idea of making a pine wood derby car with his
young, eager son. The block of wood remained untouched as the weeks

Finally, mom stepped in to see if I could figure this all out. The
project began. Having no carpentry skills, she decided it would be best
if she simply read the directions and let Gilbert do the work. And he
did. She read aloud the measurements, the rules of what they could do and
what we couldn't do.

Within days his block of wood was turning into a pinewood derby car. A
little lopsided, but looking great (at least through the eyes of mom).
Gilbert had not seen any of the other kids cars and was feeling pretty
proud of his Blue Lightning, the pride that comes with knowing you did
something on your own.

Then the big night came. With his blue pinewood derby in his hand and
pride in his heart they headed
to the big race. Once there Gilbert's pride turned to humility. His car
was obviously the only car made
entirely on his own. All the other cars were a father-son partnership,
with cool paint jobs and sleek body styles made for speed.

A few of the boys giggled as they looked at Gilbert's lopsided, wobbly,
unattractive vehicle. To add to the humility Gilbert was the only boy
without a man at his side. A couple of the boys who were from single
parent homes at least had an uncle or grandfather by their side, Gilbert
had Mom.

As the race began it was done in elimination fashion. You kept racing as
long as you were the winner. One by one the cars raced down the finely
sanded ramp. Finally it was between Gilbert and the sleekest, fastest
looking car there. As the last race was about to begin, my wide eyed, shy
eight year old ask if they could stop the race f! or a minute, because he
wanted to pray. The race stopped.

Gilbert hit his knees clutching his funny looking block of wood between
his hands. With a wrinkled brow he set to converse with his Father. He
prayed in earnest for a very long minute and a half. Then he stood, smile
on his face and announced, 'Okay, I am ready.

As the crowd cheered, a boy named Tommy stood with his father as their
car sped down the ramp. Gilbert stood with his Father within his heart
and watched his block of wood wobble down the ramp
with surprisingly great speed and rushed over the finish line a fraction
of a second before Tommy's car.

Gilbert leaped into the air with a loud Thank you as the crowd roared
in approval. The Scout Master came up to Gilbert with microphone in hand
and asked the obvious question, So you prayed to win, huh, Gilbert?

To which the young boy answered, Oh, no sir. That wouldn't be fair to
ask God to help you beat someone else. I just asked Him to make it so I
don't cry when I lose.

Children seem to have a wisdom far beyond us. Gilbert didn't ask God to
win the race, he didn't ask God to fix the out come, Gilbert asked God to
give him strength in the outcome. When Gilbert first saw the other cars
he didn't cry out to God, No fair, they had a fathers help.

No, he went to his Father for strength. Perhaps we spend too much of our
prayer time asking God to rig the race, to make us number one, or too
much time asking God to remove us from the struggle, when we should be
seeking God's strength to get through the struggle. Gilbert didn't pray
to win, thus hurt someone else, he prayed that God supply the grace to
lose with dignity. Gilbert, by his stopping the race to speak to his
Father also showed the crowd that he wasn't there without a dad, but
His Father was most definite! ly there with him. Yes, Gilbert walked away
a winner that night, with his Father at his side


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[JOYnet] prayer request

2003-01-30 Thread Anil Philip
Dear Friends in Christ,

I have a job interview with a reputed company next Tuesday or Wednesday
at Delhi.

Please pray for me.

Anil Philip Varghese


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[JOYnet] Zeal for My Father

2003-01-30 Thread Leese
Dear friends 
Another way of giving to the Church in addition to your money, is your time and 
talent.  Our parish took on a Stewardship mission where they actively promoted the 
3T's for 2 years in a row:  Time, Talent,  Treasure.  It is so important that we give 
back to the Church, and the world, what the Lord has given us.  So try not to just 
dish out the cash if possible... give of yourself as well.  :)  Sometimes the time we 
put in to spend with others, and the abilities we have that we decide to offer as help 
to the community is appreciated ten times more than money.   
So remember... the 3 T's!  It will make you and others more joyful and will teach us 
all to give in many ways. 
I will try to share more about zeal for the Lord soon. 
Love  Prayers, 
Leese (Lisa Jose/Philadelphia/PA/USA) 
 Binu Augustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear Joynetters,

I think it is a very valid point pointed out by Berly. I am sure many of us
will be regulary spending even more than 10 % of their income for others as
well as for building the body of Christ . Even I know that one Joynet couple
spends 10 % for evagelization and another 10 % for charity work regularly.
Manoj Sunny used to encourage us to develop a habit of offering 10 % for
supporting evagelisation( church) and another 10 % for Charity.

Anyway this will be the choice of the individuals.May be some of the
Joynetters could enlighten us more about this particular area.

It is true that we encourage each other regarding our spiritual growth,
constants etc.. However ,are we encouraging others to develop the habit of
offering our thithe ? What Alice chechi did is a valid example. Often we
may not feel very difficult to share our money for others, but we find it
really difficult to collect money for others if we do not have enough with
us. Moreover ,we also may be little hesitant to encourage others to share
their income with others, as we do have a fear within us , since money is
a very delicate area where we could be easily misunderstood and criticized
by others.

But in any case, I believe as we regulary share our thithe , we do have the
responsibility to encourage others to do so.

Binu Augustin

Souly for the Son,
Leese (Lisa Jose)
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[JOYnet] Praise the Lord! (One more time)

2003-01-30 Thread Leena Philip
I have no idea why the e-mail was empty. Sorry about that.This is an e-mail 
I got from my sister yesterday:
Hey everyone just wanted to share and keep you all up to date, I had an 
ultra sound done here yesterday, and it is showing no such thing as a 
Placenta Previa (PRAISE THE LORD).nbsp; The doctor tells me all are well, 
and that I can go back to work. I will be going back to work tom. thank you 
one and all for all your prayers, please do keep praying for us. All the 
glory and praise to our good lord. lol and prayers Geena and Sony and a 
little angel\

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.nbsp; Please also pray that 
Sony might get a jobnbsp; in the field that he studied in.nbsp; May GOD 
bless you all.

Love and Prayers in Jesus, Mary and Joseph


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Re: [JOYnet] Praise the Lord!

2003-01-30 Thread william adam
you have a call remember ,?do not forget your brothers who aresuffering on this earth 
coz Jesus said :remewmber that even you you are in flesh
 Leena Philip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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[JOYnet] On Family prayer day for unity

2003-01-30 Thread sindhu
Hello family,

Hope you all had nice time praying for our family intention last week.I didn;t
see any body sharing any thing on that,what happened?

For us in Chicago it was a great experience. Some of us in our service team
used to pray in the morning over phone for some time (Siju, Jose, Georgee,
Manoj and Sunil) before they start their personel prayer. We wives also join
them . This is just to get a boost for our personel prayer..and to see to it
that nobody misses their Prayer time.
Siju will be on his way to church (before going to  work),driving the car...So
he starts the chain from his cell phone at around 6.15 am EST by calling Jose
and the chain ends with Dr. Manoj Neriamparambil. This comes often as a wake
up call for myself  who still would very much like to curl under my comforter
,in this bone chilling weather which reached even -23 C last week!!!.
We could pray for 15 minutes or so that day especially for the intention
around 6.30 am(6.00 pm in India)
After that while i went on with my personel prayer ,i was  thanking God with
great joy for this great opportunity to pray with thousands around the world
same time.

And about us who were born in India , had we ever thought that we'll be doing
such things years later together in another part of the world  ! ??? .
Praise the Lord and Thanks to the technology.

..and to Him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or
imagine, by the power at work within us,to Him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus to all generations,forever and ever. Amen.

   -Ephes 3:20.

Any suggestions for our next prayer day?

In joyful communion,

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[JOYnet] Prayer request from Singapore

2003-01-30 Thread Wilson Thomas
Dear Friends of Christ,

By the grace of God for the last 3 years we were conducting retreats in
Singapore during Chinese New year holidays. The same is happening this year
from Feb 1st to 9th. Following are the schedules and its details. Please
keep us in your prayers.

PreachersFr. Abraham Kaiyakuzhiyil
   Br. George Gloria
   Sr. Tessin Andrews
   Sr. Jose Mary

ScheduleFeb 1st, 2nd and 3rd- Open for all Malayalees
  Feb 5th and 6th- Only for Nurses Ministry
  Feb 7th, 8th and 9th - For Team leaders from all

You strong intercession is required for the success.

Thanks and Praise to our Lord for all his blessings

with Lots of love and prayers

Wilson Thomas

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[JOYnet] tithe...

2003-01-30 Thread Manoj Sunny

I just want to support What Wilson wrote :

Our tithe - 10% of the income is not our money. That belongs to the Lord. We
have to share from the rest 90% with our brothers and sisters..
How can we spend from this 10% when it doesn't belong to us at all ? That is
the money to be used/given for the ministry/evangelisation work only..
The rest 90% is ours and we have to share it with the less privileged/needy.

Wishing you a joyful year of GIVING ahead,

Manoj Sunny, India.

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Re: [JOYnet] tithe...

2003-01-30 Thread John Jacob
Hi I am John from Malaysia. As i read what manoj was sharing I realize how
important Tithes is as I was lacking in giving tithes  I really admire u guys
cos u have learn and enjoy giving, just a request Please pray for me that I
will start giving tithes.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/01/03 12:29AM 

I just want to support What Wilson wrote :

Our tithe - 10% of the income is not our money. That belongs to the Lord. We
have to share from the rest 90% with our brothers and sisters..
How can we spend from this 10% when it doesn't belong to us at all ? That is
the money to be used/given for the ministry/evangelisation work only..
The rest 90% is ours and we have to share it with the less privileged/needy.

Wishing you a joyful year of GIVING ahead,

Manoj Sunny, India.

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[JOYnet] Re:Sex Before Marriage

2003-01-30 Thread dolly
Dear All,

Before i go on to the topic, let me introduce myself. I have been a member
of this group since a friend of mine subscribed me around 4 months back .
Thank you Meena for it, otherwise i wouldn't have had the oppertunity to
meet all these wonderful people. I'm also a member of Atheists group which
is this groups opposite. Although i don't feel at home with both the groups,
since i'm a Rationalist ( Who unlike the atheist doesn't say there is no
god. but says give  me enough proof there is a god, then i'm ready to
believe. )  i've participated  a lot in the atheist group discussions b'cos
there you have freedom of expression ( a fundamental right of an Indian
citizen or for all democracies). There no one tells you  say only those
things which will promote the belief that there is no god . The point is
what good is your faith if it can be wavered by what some one else says and
you have to give up your fundamental rights to uphold it !

Now coming to the topic, Before i start let me tell you this is not written
with any intention of hurting anyone's religious sentiments, if i do it
without knowing , i'm sorry.

I have heard many of you say, you have to try to understand the verses in
the context of the age and purpose it was written. According to the bible
even god want you to do it read  Isaiah 43:16,18,19

Sex is the name you give to the act whose only purpose is procreation. It is
a bodily need but unlike the other basic needs you can survive without it.
You can survive without a car , You can survive without the internet ... etc
 But man with his desires for more gets addicted to everything and he finds
it difficult to survive without these things. In the same way an act which
was designed for procreation was taken to give pleasure . According to the
design a women feels the urge only for a few days a month when her uterus is
ready to receive the sperm. When man didn't stick to the design the ancient
people had to make laws so that fightings and killings wouldn't take place
in the name of sex. People then wasn't as sophisticated as us and women were
more or less instruments in the hands of men .( Even today much hasn't
changed) As a result all these laws and sins were created if you tell a
person  this is a sin, you will go to hell if you do it.
Most people will think twice before doing it . Sex between 2 consenting
adults before or after marriage is a personal matter up to them to decide
the outcome after taking the pro's and con's into consideration ( b'cos life
is very complicated now , the fling you take can affect many people and you.
Usually the few moments of pleasure won't be worth the outcome ) There is no
sin connected. But it would be very unwise to try unsafe sex.



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[JOYnet] Please pray.

2003-01-30 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

  May I request your prayer support for my
cousin(Mom's elder sisters son) Abby Lawrence who is
getting married today on Jan 31st 2003 to Pam in
Malaysia. Pam is of Portugese origin. Please pray that
God may bless them with a happy married life. 

In Christ


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[JOYnet] Tith

2003-01-30 Thread Jose Antony Elengical
Hi everyone 

I  totally agree to all the mails posted with regard to ' Tithing '.
I have heard many experiences with regard to the same. It's easy to
Tith when you are financially comfortable.

I know a person who was without a job for a long time even after he
finished his studies. and this guy used to get really frustrated
abt it.

But one thing which he used to do faithfully was to give tith from
the little pocket money (30 Rs) which he used to get from his dad.   (
This person is not in the renewalbut a strong believer of the

Today Lord has blessed him with a wonderfull job and he's earning
more than a lakh of ruppes a month.(and still he give tith) The poor
widow gave from the little she had . and the Lord was pleased 

I used to feel  satisfied for the fact  that I give 10% of my
earnings to the Lordtill I heard someone  giving 50 % of his
earnings to the Lord.

One thing is for sureThe more we give the more we'll be
blessed...The word says ... Those who give to the poor is giving to
the Lord and Lord will give it back..not in the same fold but in

Another thing is that.. most of us tith our earnings(money) to
Lord..TRY  if you can tith your TIME alsoout of 24 hrs that
we have each day. a min of 2.4 hrs to be in the presence of the
Lordthanking Himpraising Him...hearing Him 

wowit'll be awesome

God Bless...
Jose Antony
Bangalore, India

Jose Antony Elengical
Sr. Manager- International Business
Content Management Services
Cyber India Online Ltd.
(A Cyber Media Company)
Bangalore , India
Office Phone - 2861511 ext 228
Hand Phone - 98454 12127

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Re: [JOYnet] tithe...

2003-01-30 Thread Joseph lonth
Dear friends

I would like to add just one point to the discussion started by Wilson and 
supported by Manoj.

The tithe (one-tenth of your income or wealth) is given to God as a mark of 
reverence and honour because He is the creator and provider of all things. 
While giving the tithe we are acknowledging God's sovereignty and blessings.

In fact, the other 90 per cent also belongs to Him and we are only stewards 
of His time, money, wealth and health. As stewards we are expected to 
handle all these judiciously and wisely.

God bless you

With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth

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[JOYnet] JY's in Missouri

2003-01-30 Thread Jennifer

If they are any JY's in Missouri, please let me know.

Love  Prayers
Jennifer Fernandes

Contentment comes not from great wealth but from few wants.

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[JOYnet] 10%

2003-01-30 Thread JoseKurian
Dear all,
It was a long waiting for me to see the discussion topic of titing come in
to us. My personal experience is a lot on this. there were months when no
money was available by the 15th and i had strived to pul till the next
salary. and when i look back, I always find that I had 4gotn the Lord's
money. The ensuing month with the same salary after giving HIS money..lot
This is an oppurtunity for us to be aware that there are 1000's of people
smarter than us capable of doing the jobs what we are doing,But HE gave us
the job..
Let us give back to HIM what belongs to HIM..
In christ
Thanks  Regards
Jose Kurian
Manager Sales
Max New York Life Insurance

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