[JOYnet] St. Joseph of Leonissa (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the Day  February 4, 2003 
St. Joseph of Leonissa 

Joseph avoided the safe compromises by which people
sometimes undercut the gospel. Born at Leonissa in the
Kingdom of Naples, Joseph joined the Capuchins in his
hometown in 1573. Denying himself hearty meals and
comfortable quarters, he prepared for ordination and a
life of preaching. 

In 1587 he went to Constantinople to take care of the
Christian galley slaves working under Turkish masters.
Imprisoned for this work, he was warned not to resume
it on his release. He did and was again imprisoned and
then condemned to death. Miraculously freed, he
returned to Italy where he preached to the poor and
reconciled feuding families as well as warring cities
which had been at odds for years. He was canonized in

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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RE: [JOYnet] Why am I in Joynet?

2003-02-03 Thread Primeson James
Dear Friends

I find here in Biju's mail, a very good narration about JOYnet, Don't you
feel ?


-Original Message-
From: Biju Antony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 11:06 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Why am I in Joynet?

Why am I in Joynet?

I am in joynet to share my god experience
I am in joynet to share my prayer group's god experience
I am in joynet to hear others god experience
I am in joynet to keep my fellowship with Jesus Youth community
I am in joynet to support others to grow in Jesus
I am in joynet to join with others in their happiness and sorrows 
I am in joynet to know all the activities of JY around the globe
I am in joynet to pray for the needy
I am in joynet to study holy bible
I am in joynet to clear my vision and mission as a Jesus youth
I am in joynet to clear my spiritual doubts
I am in joynet to support evangelization activities
In short, I am in joynet to grow in Jesus and make others to grow in Jesus
and experience god's love through my fellow Christians 

I am in joynet not to hurt others
I am in joynet not to discourage others
I am in joynet not to impose my own ideas
I am in joynet not to argue with others 
I am in joynet not to receive those mail which are not supporting my
spiritual growth


Biju Antony,
JY - Kuwait.

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[no subject]

2003-02-03 Thread Primeson James
"Have faith in God. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken
up and thrown into the sea', and if you do not doubt in your heart, but
believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you. So I
tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours".

Mark 11 : 22 - 24

May God Bless You This Day and Forever

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2003-02-03 Thread josunjose
con'd from previous mail.

Sr. Selmi Paul, FCC, is the younger sister of the late Sr. Rani Maria.
Both belong to the same congregation. Sr. Selmi started her sharing by
saying, her chechi frequently used to reiterate, “I’ll work for the poor
till the end. I’ll live for them till the end. Why should I be afraid of
anyone?” in her death, Sr. Rani’s desire was fulfilled.

Ever since she learnt of the incident, Sr. Selmi used to pray everyday for
the three accused in the case, Samendar Singh, Jeevan Singh, Dharmendar
Singh. And she had a petition she made to Jesus, “Lord I want to express
my forgiveness to the three of them. I want them to know they are forgiven
and that you love them and forgive them. I want to express my forgiveness
in a tangible way to them” This was Sisters prayer everyday for quite

Meanwhile, one day a person, with long greyish hair and flowing beard,
bare footed and clad in the attire of a swami came to their convent. He
introduced himself as Swami Sachidanand, a CMI priest who has an ashram in
Narshimapur in Madhya Pradesh. By profession he is a water diviner. During
dinner that day at the convent Sr. Selmi was introduced as the younger
sister of Sr. Rani Maria. They spoke about many things that happened that
day. After dinner Swami Sachidanand bade good night to the sisters and
proceeded towards his room for a good nights rest.

The sleep he had come for seemed to elude him. A burden crept up in his
heart. He suddenly could feel the pain and guilt that Samendar Singh must
be going thru. That night his sleep was troubled, he slept little.

The next day the first thing in the morning, he asked the Sisters at the
convent where Samendar Singh is right now? the sisters said they had no
idea. Swami later got in touch with one of the local Jail Superintendents
who is a very close friend of his, and asked him if he could trace out
this person ‘Samendar Singh’ he gave a bit of the background so he could
be traced faster. The superintendent assured him that he’d do his best.

Two days later swami received a call from the Jail Superintendent telling
him that Samendar Singh was cooling his heels in Indore Jail. Swami asked
if the superintendent could give him a letter of introduction so that he
could meet Samendar Singh in Indore Jail.

With the letter of intro in hand. Swami proceeded to Indore Jail. There he
introduced himself as Swami Sachidanand. He said he wanted to meet
Samendar Singh.

The superintendent there led Swami to where Samendar Singh was. When swami
saw him he didn’t say anything, he only removed a photograph of Sr. Rani
Maria from his bag and just showed it to him.

On seeing the photo, Samendar Singh broke down and started weeping
uncontrollably. Swami went up to him gave him a warm embrace and whispered
into his ear. “Samendar, you are forgiven. God has forgiven you”

On hearing those words, Samendar was shocked, he replied “No! just leave
me alone. I am a criminal and have done a terrible crime. I don’t deserve
forgiveness, No, not even God can forgive me" Swami went on embracing and
uttering words of hope into his hopeless state.

On hearing the noise, convicts from other cells started coming. A crowd
started gathering. The jail superintendent led them both into a private
room where the crowd would not intrude.

There in the room, Swami took out from his bag some fruits. He took a
banana, peeled it and gave it to Samendar. He would not eat it. The guilt
of his sin seemed to be eating away at him. Swami assured him to take it
as from the hands of God as a sign of his forgiveness. After sometime
Samendar took the banana and ate it. Swami kept on instilling hope into
his Spirit.

The jail superintendent told swami that his time was up. Swami got up,
again embraced Samendar, gave him his address and contact and enquired of
him, “is there anything you need?” he went on, “Incase you need anything,
please do not hesitate to ask me ok. You are my younger brother.” Swami
waved goodbye and left the prison.

The same desire that Sr. Selmi had, to express forgiveness in a tangible
way to Samendar, gripped Swami Sachidanand also.

With this intention in mind, he went into a fast and prayer. One day while
in prayer an inspiration flashed through his mind. He saw the word ‘Rakhi’
in his mind’s eye.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind, “why not Sr. Selmi go and tie ‘Rakhi’
on the hand of Samendar during the festival of ‘rakshabandhan’ that year.

‘rakshabandhan’ is a hindu festival where the sisters tie  ‘rakhi’, a sort
of string bangle on the hand of their brothers. This is to show that she
trusts him to protect her as his sister.

Swami got intouch with Sr. Selmi and put forward his proposal to her.
Sister was overjoyed. She too confessed that that was a desire of her
heart, to express her forgiveness in a tangible way to Samendar. She was
waiting for an opportunity to do that.

Swami got intouch with the superiors and they were very supportive. He
told the local bishop of his pl

MY comments on [JOYnet] Unpaid Dept

2003-02-03 Thread Ravi Vaz
Hi Joynetters,
Again i am stating the fact " A text out of Context is a Pretext".
Please dont use the bible as a history book or fortune-tellers 
Where u read one or two lines and then interpret ur own meanings to it 
and then state it as gospel truth.
The Role of the Word of God in christian life is mentioned in 2 Tim 
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for 
refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that 
one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work
and in 2 Peter 1:20-21
Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is 
a matter of personal interpretation, 
for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings 
moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God. 
If we are using the bible for any other purpose than that mentioned in 
2 timothy then we are committing a big mistake.
The Lord says my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your 
So are by this mail trying to say that we know what the thoughts of god 
We are also conviniently forgetting that the same God Who created the 
Jews also created us who are non-jews..
So how can God who is the father and creator of all , kill some of his 
own children for the benefit of others...
"With God there is no favoritism"...
The Jews thought that they were the chosen people especially made by 
God with his own hands, whereas the others were made by gods commands.. 
(let there be.. and there was ..) 
i.e mass production
hence we have that classic promise " I have carved you on the palm of 
my hand".
Hence the Old Testament is colored by this bias which the jews had 
against the non-jews.
If you have ever read the story of Jonah properly, you will see one 
author who is trying to be different..
he is one  of the first jews to show that God cares for the Ninevehites
who are non-jews yet a beloved creation of god.
If you thought Jonah's actions  was the main theme in this story, u are wrong.
The main theme of this story is god caring for a non-jewish race of Assyrians (Nineveh 
was the capital of Assyria) who were at one point of time conquerors and destroyers of 

God is sending a Jew to ask them to repent, which he refuses ..
since he cannot understand how God can care for the " goyim" (Hebrew 

for nations) which is a term for describing the non-jews.  
Yet God forces Jonah to go and preach repentance to these Non-jews who 
actually believe and repent..
God sees their repentance and forgives them and tragedy is averted..
The words of Jonah after that are the core message of the book..
he kind of says.." see god, i always knew it.. u r kind and merciful.. 
and you would avoid this punishment at the first excuse you would get.
That is why i was running away from u."
Then god does this whole plant episode to teach jonah a lesson.
To teach him  that he has done nothing to claim special privilege from god.
If you read the end of the book  you will see that there is no end to this book..
we dont know whether jonah accepted gods logic or no..
Now comes the controversial part..
The Book of Jonah is a story..it was written by someone who wanted to teach the jews 
that god is the god of all..
If he had said that openly he would have been stoned to death for blasphemy.. hence he 
has used this story to convey the basic message of the universality of Gods love.
We are not Jews , we are Christians, all those prophecies mentioned in the mail are 
from the past history and were relevant in those times.. not today..
Please dont quote them word to word and expect that to happen today..
Keep your imagination and your explanations to yourself..dont be the cause of the 
downfall of even one of the little ones in faith...
Pray that the Lord may bring the much needed peace in this world.. dont try to justify 
the wrong actions of the US and the other countries..
The Holy father and the whole catholic church is taking a stand that this war which is 
planned is wrong, many global leaders are also taking a stand against the war...
This is the first time the US is facing such a stiff opposition to its war plans..
Perhaps this is the way god wants the US to know that he is the all powerful and not 
An example of Gods Humour and comic timing was recently reported in the newspapers, 
how many of u noticed i wonder..
Do you know who the Chairman of the UN Council for Dis-armament for this year is..
 NO it is not the US but IRAQ itself..
Isnt that funny.. Such an Irony.. this whole war is planned to "Dis-arm" IRAQ.. as per 
the propoganda of the US and allies and here they are as chair-man of the disarmament 
I am Leaving you on this note.. Pray for wisdom for all leaders that they may see and 
accept the fact that war is not a solution to this problem.
 Sorry for the length of the mail.. Hope to write shorter ones from next time.
Love and Prayers
 Georly Sebastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote


2003-02-03 Thread josunjose
Dear friends,

Yesterday evening 3rd February was truly a moment of truth for me. I was
privileged to attend a lecture on the Christian Virtue of forgiveness. The
meeting took place at the Diocesan community center in the Cathedral

The key speakers for the occasion were Mrs. Gladys Staines, the wife of
the Late Rev. Graham Staines and mother of Timothy and Philip all three of
whom were burnt up in a jeep by miscreants in Mayurbanj, Orrisa about 4
years ago. The other speakers were Sr. Selmi Paul FCC, the sister of the
Late Sr. Rani Maria who was brutally stabbed to death in Madhya Pradesh
some years ago and Swami (Fr.) Sachidanand, CMI.

As the speakers were sharing their experiences I made a few notes so that
I could share with all of you, my beloved joynetters some of the pearls I
managed to pick up.

His grace Archbishop Vincent Concessao in his short message quoted from
one of the encyclicals of Pope Paul the sixth on Evangelization. “These
days what the world needs is not teachers. It needs witnesses, people tend
to follow witnesses, not teachers, and if they do follow teachers, it is
because they are witnesses” I don’t know the exact phraseology but that’s
the essence. He went on and honored all three for living out their
Christian faith. He shared something he had read recently in a book “we
are not anxious about setbacks and failures, about tragedies, hurts and
apparent defeat, because we that know that the ultimate victory is ours in
Jesus.” That is what gives us hope to keep running with perseverance the
race set out before us.

Mrs. Staines began her talk by sharing with us how she was interviewed
earlier that day by a journalist, what he wanted to know was, “how is it
that she was able to forgive? To forgive when your husband and two
children are brutally killed is virtually ‘beyond human capability’ he
said. Mrs. Staines said she agreed with him that it is difficult. But she
went on to explain what God’s grace did in her life. It is Jesus who gave
her the grace to forgive.

She was sharing how God was preparing her for this happening in her life
thru many preceding incidents. She used to ponder a lot on Abraham of the
Old Testament, how when the lord asked him to sacrifice his only son, he
willingly agreed. Today if God tells us he wants our dearest ones will we
be able to willingly give like Abraham did?

Oh! For me it was a shock! My dear parents, my precious siblings, Oh!
Honestly as of now I find it very tough to say yes to that!

She went on to elaborate, “If we want to follow God, we have to say a
wholehearted YES! Regardless of what it will cost us”

She said forgiveness is a decision, not an emotion. “I choose to forgive
regardless of whether I’m pained or hurt”. The choice to forgive is what
starts the healing and grace of God to flow into our lives.

She told us that we must learn to forgive in small things. That’s where we
all tend to fail. To forgive the people who are not at all close to us may
be easy. But to forgive those who are very dear and near and close to us
could sometimes be a Himalayan task.

She shared how a few months before the incident she read an article about
how when the communists took over in China they persecuted the Christians
a great deal. But the major factor that contributed to the growth of
Christianity in China was because the persecuted Christians chose to
forgive their persecutors. Persecution will not have its desired effect
(conversion of hearts) if we do not forgive those who harm us. Retaliation
only shows that there’s no difference between them and us. They persecute
us because they do not know Jesus. The only way they can know Jesus is
when we love them in return. Jesus never asks us to do anything that he
himself has first not done. Dying on the cross he said “Father forgive
them for they know not what they do”

Mrs. Staines shared about how when she broke the news to her daughter
Esther (then 13 Y.O.), between sobs she said “mummy we’ll forgive them. In
Jesus name we’ll forgive them”. She said they both continue to pray for
the perpetrators of the act that they may one day know the love of God and
the person of Jesus and that they are forgiven, because Jesus has already
forgiven them.

She told us a small story of a young girl who was losing her eyesight and
was admitted in a hospital. She was visited by a pastor and lying on the
bed, she told the pastor. “pastor, the Lord is taking my eyesight away”
and the pastor replied, “Don’t let him take it away! Give it to him!” She
urged us to give our ALL to the Lord.

She asked us to reflect on what we say when praying the Lord’s prayer.
“forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” do
we really mean what we say or are we just spewing out some verbal garbage.
(that’s my way of putting it)

She ended her talk with a beautiful poem that I requested her to give me a
copy of, after the seminar. The title of the poem is “He Giveth More
Grace” I forgot the name of the poet

[JOYnet] Good one.........read this.......

2003-02-03 Thread Regina D'silva
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged
us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look
around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.

I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me
with  a smile that lit up her entire being.
She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm 87 years old. Can I give
you a  hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded, "Of course you
may!" and  she  gave me a giant squeeze.

"Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked.
 She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married,
 have a couple of children, and then retire and travel."

"No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to
be taking on this challenge at her age.
"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting
one!" she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a
 chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends.
Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and
talk non-stop. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine"
as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.

Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily
made  friends wherever she went.
She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her
from the other students. She was living it up.

 At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football
 banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and
stepped up to the podium.  As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she
dropped her three by  five  cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little
embarrassed she leaned into  the microphone and simply said "I'm sorry I'm so
 I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my
speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know."
 As we laughed she cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop
playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving
success. "You have to laugh and find humor every day."

"You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We
have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!"
"There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you
are  nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one
 productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven
years  old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn
eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or
ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in
change." "Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we
did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death
are those with regrets."

She concluded her speech by courageously singing "The Rose." She
challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily
lives. At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all
those  years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her
sleep.Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to
the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all
you can possibly be.


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[JOYnet] Ignoring facts

2003-02-03 Thread Sebastian
Please pray for all those who are standing in borders
on behalf of us. Its just an forward and its worth

I am not against Indian cricketers or Cricket...but
thought that this mail is worth fwding
 After loss against Nu Zealand, India is back to
normal with people still  hoping for  a miracle. In a
way it was good that we lost and people now have come
out of their craze for arguably most overrated, 
overpromoted and overpaid team and are paying
attention to real issue.
There is a war on in kashmir and india has lost 51
soldiers and officers. They are fighting at a height
of 17000 ft. It is -5 to -30C in inclement weather
there.  The intruders, 80% of whom are pak army
soldiers, are at the top of  mountain and our brave
soldiers are actually climbing those mountains with
rope against the fire.

Some figures that may shock you:
An Indian air force flight leiutanant is paid Rs.
1200 flying allowance per month and he is supposed to
make 40 sorties in aging Migs. That is about Rs. 25
per sortie after taxes. If he dies his family gets
paid Rs. 2 lakh.
The man of the match in any World Cup team gets
3000 pounds, about Rs. 2.1lakhs.
When flying over Kargil at 18000 ft he is just 1000 ft
above intruders armed with american stringer missiles
and can easily be shot down.Yet, they do it. Nachiketa
who returned from Pakistan captivity will be back for
action this week. And they do this for whom?
 A person in Bihar has offered 111 coconuts and
intends to offer 10001, yes ten thousand one more. A
large corporate and BJP local unit offered prayer at
Sidhivinayak temple and distributed prasad.A youth in
Gujarat is on fast. No, none of the above is for
Indian soldiers, its for India's win in World Cup.

You I am sure are aware as to how important is life of
a US marine. If 5 of them lose lives, all newspapers
in US cry as if world war has started. There are
stories of their families and how they curse US
government. Fl. Lt. Ahuja was killed in cold blood and
 he was cremated by his four year old son.The head
line in times was about India's win over England.

And our team can not make 4 runs in 7 balls against
Zimbabwe. And people in India or Indian people across
the world still worry about their performance.

We, the intelligent educated elite have failed this
country. The least Indian cricket team can do is win
the game against pakistan  and send all the reward and
match fee to army relief fund.

Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

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Re: [JOYnet] St. Blase (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread
-hi all,
i went for mass on the 3rd which was the feast day
of St. Blase. at the end of the mass, after final
blessing, the priests made us assemble in two lines
for the blessing of our throats. in their hand they
had two candles, tied such that they form an "X" and
placed them at each ones throat and said a prayer of
healing, "By the intercession of St. Blase may God
banish all throat ailments, IN the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".this is
the first time i've this happen and that too in
  God Bless,
michelle, chennai

-- jose joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saint of the DayFebruary 3, 2003 
>  St. Blase 
> We know more about the devotion to St. Blase by
> Christians around the world than we know about the
> saint himself. His feast is observed as a holy day
> in
> the Eastern Church.
> The Council of Oxford, in 1222, prohibited servile
> labor in England on Blase’s feast day. The Germans
> and
> Slavs hold him in special honor and for decades many
> United States Catholics have sought the annual St.
> Blase blessing for their throats.
> We know that Bishop Blase was martyred in his
> episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. The
> legendary Acts of St. Blase were written 400 years
> later. According to them Blase was a good bishop,
> working hard to encourage the spiritual and physical
> health of his people. Although the Edict of
> Toleration
> (311), granting freedom of worship in the Roman
> Empire, was already five years old, persecution
> still
> raged in Armenia. Blase was apparently forced to
> flee
> to the back country. There he lived as a hermit in
> solitude and prayer, but made friends with the wild
> animals. One day a group of hunters seeking wild
> animals for the amphitheater stumbled upon Blase’s
> cave. They were first surprised and then frightened.
> The bishop was kneeling in prayer surrounded by
> patiently waiting wolves, lions and bears. 
> As the hunters hauled Blase off to prison, the
> legend
> has it, a mother came with her young son who had a
> fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blase’s command
> the
> child was able to cough up the bone. 
> Agricolaus, governor of Cappadocia, tried to
> persuade
> Blase to sacrifice to pagan idols. The first time
> Blase refused, he was beaten. The next time he was
> suspended from a tree and his flesh torn with iron
> combs or rakes. (English wool combers, who used
> similar iron combs, took Blase as their patron. They
> could easily appreciate the agony the saint
> underwent.) Finally he was beheaded. 
> love + prayers,
> Joseachayan / Jeddah
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Re: [JOYnet] St. Blase (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread Sanju Joseph
Dear Bros and Sis,

St. Blase is a very powerful intercessor to God
for all suffering from sore throats or throat
infections. So all joynetters having a throat problem
do not forget to call up on his intercession on his
feast day. God bless us! St. Blase pray for us!

In Christ

Sanju Joseph


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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-02-03 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (February 04).

Suresh Thomas Geroge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Why am I in Joynet?

2003-02-03 Thread Biju Antony
Why am I in Joynet?

I am in joynet to share my god experience
I am in joynet to share my prayer group’s god experience
I am in joynet to hear others god experience
I am in joynet to keep my fellowship with Jesus Youth community
I am in joynet to support others to grow in Jesus
I am in joynet to join with others in their happiness and sorrows 
I am in joynet to know all the activities of JY around the globe
I am in joynet to pray for the needy
I am in joynet to study holy bible
I am in joynet to clear my vision and mission as a Jesus youth
I am in joynet to clear my spiritual doubts
I am in joynet to support evangelization activities
In short, I am in joynet to grow in Jesus and make others to grow in Jesus and 
experience god’s love through my fellow Christians 

I am in joynet not to hurt others
I am in joynet not to discourage others
I am in joynet not to impose my own ideas
I am in joynet not to argue with others 
I am in joynet not to receive those mail which are not supporting my spiritual growth


Biju Antony,
JY – Kuwait.

Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

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[JOYnet] God Bless

2003-02-03 Thread pannu
Hello Friends,

Its a great feeling to be a part of Joynet. My name is Pragnya and 
I work in an Christian NGO in Mumbai as a Web Designer cum 
Computer Trainer. Thanks to Ravi for introducing me to Joynet.

Met the Lord 3 years back after a loong search. Believe me the 
choice I made tho was a difficult one was  the best one, tho at 
times I do wonder on the Lords ways for my life.

I request you all to pray for me and my family. Thankyou

God Bless you all

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Re: [JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-02-03 Thread Leese
Yestoday is my daddy's birthday...!  And it is his 60th!!  
Do join me in praying for his well being for all the years to come (he is alive and 
kicking, and will personally do some damage to those who don't call him a youth)
=D  BTW, my dad is Jose Joseph from the U.S., not the one from the Gulf region. :)
Love & Prayers,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (February 03).

Jose Joseph 

"Souly" for the Son,
Leese (Lisa Jose)
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[JOYnet] contact - Ayurveda colleges

2003-02-03 Thread Suma
HI All, 

I am looking for Jesus Youth from the Ayurveda colleges of Kottakal and Trissur . If 
you know someone, please inform me . 

Thank you, 


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[JOYnet] Prayer request don't ignore

2003-02-03 Thread philipose joseph
Dear Friends,

I am sure if all of us pray it will reach to our
Savior , who is all in all. when you read this mail
please say one hail mary for a young lady who is
suffering from cancer who has two samll kinds.

I am sure miracle will take place.



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[no subject]

2003-02-03 Thread jomon joseph
praise the lord,
i'm jomon .i'm studying in rit engg. college KTM.my family consist 
of two members .I &my mother.plz pray for my mother&also for my 
studies.also pray for our college prayer group.
with love in christ

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[JOYnet] Fire !

2003-02-03 Thread Jason :)

by Nancy Merical, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The chicken house was on fire! A gusting wind drove the flames against the
little nearby farmhouse. A young man stood in the front yard of his home, two
empty buckets hanging from his limp hands. His shoulders sagged and sweat
soaked his clothing, dripped from his black hair, and rolled down his face.
Exhausted, his breathing ragged, he gasped, "It's no use, Louise. I can't
fight it."

His wife, barely out of her teens, stood near him, two small children crying
and clutching the hem of her skirt. She stood protecting her babies while
watching her husband rush back and forth from the dug well to their endangered
home... useless trips . . . fighting a battle he couldn't win. The water
thrown on the front of the blistering house hissed into steam before it hardly
left the buckets. "You'd better get the baby," the discouraged man said. "The
house is going to burn."

Disengaging herself from the toddlers' grip, the frightened woman tore out
around the house toward the back door. How could she forget the baby? Fear
over the fire must have addled her. The temperature inside the house, an
inferno, shocked her. Her newborn child lay on its face in the crib, wails
covered by the roar of the wind and the raging fire.

Snatching up the infant, the woman rushed back outside to her husband and her
little ones. Her heart ached with despair. What would they do without their
home? These were depression years. There was no money, nowhere to go, except
to crowd in with her parents who still had four children at home in a two
bedroom house. This house they now lived in belonged to her husband's widowed

"If only the wind would stop," her husband said. "Maybe, then I'd have a
chance." But the wind wasn't letting up. It's force drove the flames
horizontally and mercilessly against the front of their little home. Paint
oozed from the singed siding.

"Stop the wind, God!" Frank heard his wife yell. He looked up, startled. She
stood, the baby tucked under one arm and the arms of the two little ones
wrapped around her knees. Her other arm pointed straight toward the burning
chicken house. Strong and erect, she placed her confidence in a God who had
never failed them yet. Hadn't He brought their little family through these
destitute years?

"Do we really serve a God who can do that?" Frank wondered. He didn't wonder
long. No sooner had the words left his wife's lips than the wind ceased,
changed directions and blew the opposite way, the force strong enough to shoot
the flames horizontally across the ground, never veering right nor left.

The wind didn't let up until the chicken house was in ashes. During that time,
not once again did it blow toward the farm house, but kept its reversed
direction, sweeping the hazardous flames away from the humble little home.

I was that baby tucked under my mother's arms while she called on a God who
had already proved himself. He didn't fail her, nor has he ever failed me. I
don't always stand erect and certain, like my mother stood that long ago day.
Sometimes I fall on my face in fear as the searing heat of affliction
surrounds me, crying as I did when an infant in my crib. God does not forget
me. As my mother ran to my aid, He hears and runs to rescue me from the fiery
heat of tribulation. In the fourth chapter of Saint Mark, the fearful
disciples during the storm at sea called on the Master. He heard them. At His
command, the wind ceased. God sees beyond our fears and honors our infant cry
of faith.

I am not always secure in my prayers, as my mother that day. A few years ago,
I experienced the most severe trial of my life. Mistakenly thinking God had
failed me, flames of doubt blew my way, threatening to incinerate my faith.
But I kept praying. I cried and clutched the hem of my Father's garment as the
woman with the issue of blood in Mark Four. He heard, picked me up, held me
close, comforted and healed.

Sometimes, like my father, I fail while trying to douse fires of affliction on
my own. Sometimes, like him, when the solution comes, I ask amazed, "Do we
really serve a God who can do that?" And the answer is always yes. He can, He
will, and He does. In spite of numerous trials in the sixty years of my life,
my spiritual house stands, unbeaten by flames of adversity, merciless tongues
of destruction doused by prayer . . . prayer offered up from a deep well of
trust inherited from my praying mother.

God's Word assures, in Jeremiah 33:3 KJV, "Call unto me, and I will answer
thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Like my
mother, I have called. Like His Word promises, God has answered. And like my
father, I stand amazed.

Nancy Merical, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mother of four and grandmother of ten,
lives with her husband Jack in Ripley, West Virginia. A HOLY GHOSTwriter,
Nancy has written inspirational materials for multiple markets for over twelve
years. Lillenas markets her children's drama book, Just for Kids. Her

[JOYnet] St. Blase (Saint of the Day)

2003-02-03 Thread jose joseph
Saint of the DayFebruary 3, 2003 
 St. Blase 

We know more about the devotion to St. Blase by
Christians around the world than we know about the
saint himself. His feast is observed as a holy day in
the Eastern Church.

The Council of Oxford, in 1222, prohibited servile
labor in England on Blase’s feast day. The Germans and
Slavs hold him in special honor and for decades many
United States Catholics have sought the annual St.
Blase blessing for their throats.
We know that Bishop Blase was martyred in his
episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. The
legendary Acts of St. Blase were written 400 years
later. According to them Blase was a good bishop,
working hard to encourage the spiritual and physical
health of his people. Although the Edict of Toleration
(311), granting freedom of worship in the Roman
Empire, was already five years old, persecution still
raged in Armenia. Blase was apparently forced to flee
to the back country. There he lived as a hermit in
solitude and prayer, but made friends with the wild
animals. One day a group of hunters seeking wild
animals for the amphitheater stumbled upon Blase’s
cave. They were first surprised and then frightened. 

The bishop was kneeling in prayer surrounded by
patiently waiting wolves, lions and bears. 
As the hunters hauled Blase off to prison, the legend
has it, a mother came with her young son who had a
fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blase’s command the
child was able to cough up the bone. 

Agricolaus, governor of Cappadocia, tried to persuade
Blase to sacrifice to pagan idols. The first time
Blase refused, he was beaten. The next time he was
suspended from a tree and his flesh torn with iron
combs or rakes. (English wool combers, who used
similar iron combs, took Blase as their patron. They
could easily appreciate the agony the saint
underwent.) Finally he was beheaded. 

love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah
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