[JOYnet] God's Wierd Sense of Humour

2003-03-04 Thread Jason :)
Okies this Mail has been a Ravi prompted mail since he has been after me so
long to share this across. Sorry if its a wee bit long :)

Around four years ago when I didnt feel I was in need of a job the lord
presented to me this job which I am currently working for. I never knew why I
had to work. I was just in college completing my B.Sc. Then after I joined
this small place of work my father who was on his way recovering from Cancer,
his health started deteriorating. We started entering into a phase of
Financial Debt and if I didnt have this job which I am working for at present
I dont know what I or my family would have done.

After my Dad expired the job which I had was all that I had to cling onto for
stability for myself, my education and my home. Not to forget the huge loans
which we had incurred on account of Dad's sickness. My job in the meanwhile
started getting more demanding and I started getting more exposure. We
basically deal with Company Law as my boss is a reputed CS. As my boss also
had his own financial company I was asked to handle all the accounts of the
Company and its branch in Calcutta. [I wasnt an Accounts student then].
However, the cliche was when last year my boss asked me to handle all
correspondence work for an Organisation known as Bharat Vikas Parishad which
is affiliated to the R.S.S. [u know dem anti-who rite ???].

Let me tell you that the computer [the lord's blessing to me] in my office has
been my only medium for me being on Joynet and also has been the main source
in enabling me to be there for many of my new found spiritual friends. Since I
handle three types of work, my salary comes in three parts. So as Ravi always
tells me (infact keeps telling everyone.)
"Here is Jason... who does the work of Christ and gets paid by those who are
against Christ. The very resources provided by those who are against Christ is
being used to spread the word of Christ" ;)

God really works in funny ways. This January I was facing a tough task of
leaving my job. I prayed ... and prayed, I felt as though I had to leave..
there was one part of me that was telling me to quit and another telling me to
stay. While on the outside I wanted to leave on the inside I wanted to stay.
So oneday after dedicating the day to the lord for his will I told my
boss that I decided to quit as my B.Com exams are near. My boss not only
granted me paid leave for my exams, but now he also decided to raise my
salary. Praise the Lord.

Anyways I got my exams on the 20th of this month. So do pray for me. I wont be
able to catch up for Joynet for over a month.

Take care

urs in faith

Mumbai, India.

Each of us can change the world
ONE person at a time

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Thanks : RE: [JOYnet] Help reqd from JY Chennai

2003-03-04 Thread Anil Thomas
Thanks a lot Jomon, Joseph John and all, 

Infact my friend was sent to chennai HQ on a 1 month trng from
After the training they wanted him to stay back in channai. thats why he
asked me about a JY accomodation. But he wanted to be in bangalore. One
reason because of the less distance to his house and also because most
of his close friends are here. 
Finally Yesterday night he called me up to say, His transfer to chennail
was cancelled by the VP of his company  
He will have to work in some other place near to mangalore, which is
even more closer to his house 
Glory be to the Lord forever.
God Bless.

Anil Thomas Chalarakkal \ Bangalore \ India
ph : +91-9448014535
-Original Message-
From: dr.jomon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Help reqd from JY Chennai

praying for the same
Our God shall supply all your needs 
according to His riches in glory
he will sent an angel in your charge
in right time

- Original Message - 
From: Anil Thomas 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Help reqd from JY Chennai

One JY is looking for an accomodation with JY near Guindy in
chennai. Anyone from chennai please respond either to me or to

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[JOYnet] Power of Intercession

2003-03-04 Thread Joseph Tharayil
In Christ Dear friends,
I am Joseph Tharayil from Indore.
Intercession is a very powerful instrument. It is sure that if we intercede for 
someone Our Lord will grand it, because
-   All are the beloved ones of Our Lord, specially the needy ones.
-   When we intercede for some one, Our Lord will not see our merits, because we 
are interceding for His beloved ones, so he will grand it.
-   When we intercede for some one, Our Lord will bless us too, because we are 
interceding for His beloved ones and so we will become dearer to Him. 
-   When we intercede, we are bringing blessing to the one for whom we are 
praying, we are bringing blessings to ourselves, and we are bringing blessings to the 
community in which we are living like the boy who shared his five bread and two fish, 
with which more than 5000 people were satisfied.  Intercession paves way for miracles 
to happen-.

While interceding we are keeping aside our selfishness, this will cause for spiritual 
growth and maturity. It is a small but powerful weapon to come across huge obstacles, 
like the one which David used to Goliath. Let this be our weapon in this Lent to 
prepare us for Easter.

Please keep the following persons in your prayers.
-Fr. Aikara, Ex director of Prarthanalaya  Indore Diocesan Charismatic Renewal 
center. He met with a car accident and is suffering from multiple fractures in right 
leg. He is a gift of Our Lord for many.
-Jancy and Biju, good and active Jesus Youth. Jancy is expecting and the date is so 
close, she had some complications, so she is badly in need of prayer. Biju is looking 
for a job, as they are preparing to receiver the new comer, you can imagin thir 
-Beena, wish to grow in spirit. She is married to the person who is now a days an 
active Pentecost activist. There are severe clash among them in the name of belief. 
She is trying to cope with her in-laws. She is a nurse in Gulf , and will be coming 
for leave soon. At home there is ban for Mass and Communion. Please pray that the Holy 
Spirit guide her.
Please keep them in your
 good is the Lord in His Promises When you have done for these little ones, you have 
done it for me


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[JOYnet] hello friends

2003-03-04 Thread Selma Joseph
Hello friends,

Greetiungs in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ !

I have a prayer request to make.

I have got  ajob recently by the grace of our Lord God
Jesus Christ. I am finding it very dificult to adjust
to the new ways and very tough. I have never felt it
this way all thru. I want u all to pray for me. This
makes it all the more difficult as I stay at a place
far away from my home for work and my room-mate is an
ungodly girl into all kinds of ungodly things.

Please pray for me .

With prayers,

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[JOYnet] ASHES ARE WE]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

2003-03-04 Thread FR. THOMAS THARAYIL
Dear Friends,
 Today is Ash Wednesday; one of the beautiful ceremonial days of the 
liturgical year. This day the holy mother Church reminds us the basic truth about our 
life, "YOU ARE DUST AND UNTO DUST SHALL YOU RETURN" How powerful are those words, 
and how meaningful. However we try to hide from it or manipulate it, the truth remains.
   Whoever we are, how ever great we are, ultimately we all will have to 
turn into dust or ashes. Whether wealthy or poor, educated or illiterate, healthy or 
sick, beautiful or ugly, white or black, tall or short, man or women, young or old, 
the president or the pope, everybody is bound to this unavoidable end]]] This truth 
calls us to be humble, sincere and truthful before the Lord. In fact this is not a 
threatening reality, instead a comforting and encouraging fact. As a loving mother the 
Church is trying to teach us to be good, looking forward to the eternal glory - the 
glory of resurrection.
   So as we begin this holy season of Lent, let us pray that the Lord 
grant us His humility and Simplicity. May God bless you all during this Lent.
Fr. Thomas Tharayil

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2003-03-04 Thread rose maria
MARCH 4TH  2003




   St.Casimir  was  the  second  son  of  King Casimir IV  of  Poland   and  the  
virtuousElizabeth  of  Austria  ,  recieved  his  early  educationfrom  the  
deeply  religious  Canon John  Dugosz, the  polish  historian,  who  later  become  
Archbishop  of  Lemberg.At  the  age  of  9  he  was  already  a  remarkable  for  his 
 piety  ,  and  a  young   Prince  he  would  often  spend  long night  hours  
kneeling  before  locked  doors  of  churches  ,  oblivious  to   the  inclemency  of  
the  weather.His  charity  towards  the poor   knew  no  bounds,  which  earned  him  
the  title of  *The  father  and  Defender  of  the  poor  and  wretched**
 Casimir  had  a  particularly  ardent  devotion  to  our  Lady, whom  
he  addressed  as  his  "Good Mother",  and  he  would  daily   recite  on  his  knees 
 St.Anselm  of  Canterbury`s  tender  hymn " Daily  daily  sing  to  Mary ..."  
 During  his  Father`s  prolonged   absence  in  Luthiania,  the  saintly  young  
prince   administered  the  State  of  Poland   from  1481  to  1483  with  pronounced 
   Returned to prayer and study, maintained his decision to remain celibate even under 
pressure to marry the emperor's daughter. He  died   at  the  age  of  26 at  the  
very  hour  which  had  been   revealed  to  him.He  was  canonized  by  Pope Adrean 
VI  in  1522.
   One  hundred  and  twenty  -two  years  after  his  death   his  body  
was  found   to be  still  incurrupt.

   bachelors, kings, Lithuania, Poland, princes , invoked  against  plague

 ** As  a  stout  staff  supports  the  trembling  limbs  of  a  feeble   old  
man,  so  does  faith   sustain  our   vacillating   mind,  lest  it  be  tossed  
about  by  sinful hesitation  and  perplexity***( St.John  Chrysostom)

   What is there on earth which can engage the affections of a 
Christian, or be the object of his ambition, in whose soul God 
desires to establish his kingdom? Whoever has conceived a just 
idea of this immense happiness and dignity must look upon all the 
glittering bubbles of this world as empty and vain, and consider 
every thing in this life barely as it can advance or hinder the 
great object of all his desires. Few arrive at this happy and 
glorious state, because scarce any one seeks it with his whole 
heart, and has the courage sincerely to renounce all things and 
die to himself: and this precious jewel cannot be purchased upon 
any other terms. The kingdom of God can only be planted in a soul 
upon the ruins of self-love: so

we   adoreThee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world!

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2003-03-04 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (March 05).

George Kuriakose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
joseph raj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tennyson chacko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
shinu varghese vallayil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] The fast which i ask of u........

2003-03-04 Thread rose maria
reminding  Mum`s  messege for lent.

*** Walk  along  the  road  of  penance  and  mortification.

(1)  I`m   asking  bodily  fasting  of  u  as  a means  of  mortifying  ur  senses, 
for  making  reparation for  the  widespread  deciet  by  which  so  many  of  my  
children  are  seduced  today,  driven  as  they   r  to  seek   happiness only  in 
the  complete  satisfaction  of  material  pleasures  and  those  of the  senses...

(2).i`m  also  asking for  spiritual  fasting  from ufrom every  evil,  so  that  
u  may be  nourished  only  by  what  is  good  ,  by  Grace  and  by  love.the  food  
of  the  word  of  God   nourishes  u spiritually &  strengthens  ur  existance  in  
the life  of  Grace..

(3)..i`m   asking  u  for  fasting  of  mind,  preserving it  from  all  error  as u  
welcome   the  truth which Jesus  has  revealed  to  u.

(4)..i`m  asking  u  for  the fasting  of  heart,, closing  it  to  all disordered 
attachment  to  urself  ,  to  goods  and  creatures..

(5) ..i`m  asking  u  for  fasting  of  the soul,  by  holding  it at  a  distance  
from  any  sin  , even little  ones,  in  such way that  it  can  be  nourished  by  
the light  of  Grace..

   let  the  custom  ,  which  is  so useful,  of  frequent  confessions,  return.

if  u  carry  out  this  fast  u  will  build  around  urselves  a  strong  barrier  
to  the  spread  of  evil & sin,  and  u  will  offer the  Lord  a  holocaust of  
immolation  and  reparation  ,  to  obtain  the  return  of  many  of  my  poor  
sinful children  to  Him.

in  this  way   u  will  become  instrument  of my  peace,  u  will  spread  peace  of 
 hearts  around  u,  walking  along  the  road  which  ur  heavenly  Mother  is  
tracing  out  for  u..

  (  from  HER, on  march  16, 1985  --Don  Stefano  Gobbi)

we   adoreThee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world!

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Re: [JOYnet] Notes on Ignatian discernment

2003-03-04 Thread
dear anil,
   wouldn't kow how old u are, but never the less
would like to share with u some information on an
Ignatian retreat. i'm presently doing my 2nd week
under my spiritual director Fr. James Thamburaj
S.J.if u know any jesuit pls do meet with him
and believe me it is really a beautiful retreat
especially for ppl who have grown in the Lord. i've
visited the site u mentioned a long time ago and it is
very good indeed. i've got two books on Ignatian
spirituality and Discernment but they are very
difficult to understand on first reading, it'll be
nice to have a jesuit as a spiritual director. books
-a- must -read are "The spiritual exercises of St.
Ignatius" by LOUIS PUHL S.J and "DISCERNMENT" by Rex
is an autobiography of the life of St. Ignatius. 
   ok then,
love and prayers,

-- Anil Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
>   Visit www.jesuit.org.sg/html/prayer_direct.htm to
> get Notes on
> the Ignatian discernment from the talk by Fr.Philip
> Heng S.J. He is the
> Novice Master of Malaysia-Singapore, East-Timor,
> Cambodia Region. Two
> out of the three parts are already uploaded. Third
> part will be uploaded
> as soon as the talk is over.
>   If you can afford 1 mail a day in your inbox. Mail
> Fr. Philip
> Heng  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . You'll just get
> one brief thought
> provoking mail, which contains one point for
> reflection based on the
> reading of the Holy Bible for the Day. It has really
> edified my
> spiritual life.  Try it if you feel. You can
> unsubscribe anytime, if you
> feel its not helping you. Do not forget to mention
> Your name, Sex , and
> place in your request mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Please Note the
> mentioned list is not a discussion forum. You can
> only receive mails(1
> short mail a day).
> Luv n prayers,
> Anil Thomas Chalarakkal \ Bangalore \ India
> ___
>  A n i l   T h o m a s
>  Ph : +91-9448014535
> ___
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam !
ex 3:14 1cor 1:25
Love and prayers
Michelle Satur

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[JOYnet] jesusyouth.org

2003-03-04 Thread listadm
 There was some problem with our web server.
 It is rectified and the server is up and running now.
 Everything is working normal.
 List admin

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[JOYnet] joynet monthly prayer Day Today

2003-03-04 Thread sindhu
Hello family,

Hope everybody remebers that today is the Joynet prayer day. Details has been
posted in the website.
There was some problem with the web site itself ,and at one point it even went
offline! Praise God and thanks to the efforts of the webteam,we could revive
Have a blessed time of prayer today with our dear pope and millions of
faithful all around the world.And may HIS peace rule the  hearts and minds of
all in the world.

In joyful communion,
Chicago, USA.

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2003-03-04 Thread Joykutty Alby Pereira
My dear friends,
Please pray for the following world leaders today at any time to obtain 
spiritual discernment to get a decision regarding the approaching War 
1. Mr. George Bush - President of USA
2. Mr. Tony Blair - British Prime minister
3. Mr. Saddam Hussain - President of Iraq
4. Mr. Hans Blix - Chief of weapon inspection Team
and the NATO Union leaders, Leaders among United Nations and other 
important world leaders and GCC leaders.Only our God can touch their mind 
and twist from the wrong direction which has to be lead the world in to 
verse condition.

" O My Lord don't allow any body to destroy our pretty world, the gift by 
U, touch their mind right now"

We should ask in the name of Jesus to clear -out all the darkness spread 
over the gulf area. We should tell Him to protect everybody by means of 
angels. I am sure, after the prayer u should get an answer about this. If 
possible please  share in the network.
Thanks & Regards in prayers

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2003-03-04 Thread christoleenan cl
 JAMES SIMON http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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