[JOYnet] Reach out Unreached Places

2001-10-03 Thread SonyDelhi

Dear Friends,

Thanks for all your payers. We reached here, today very early morning after
completing here 3 wonderful days. We experience and felt your prayer support
very much these days.

1st of day of outreach

Sunday morning we [26 people] reached here at Kathakodam - a beautiful hill
station of Uttaranchal. Fr. Rudolff was waiting for us to receive. From there
we started another 1 1/2 hour journey to reach our mission area. Traveling
between hills, forest and paddy is so nice.. we enjoyed with singing and
Praise & worship in Bus. At last near about 8.45 we reach a beautiful parish
called Bazirpur, Hai!! A Church surrendered with paddy and sugarcane fields,
Parish Priest arranged accodamation at church building.

Some of us get ready immed. because Parish Priest arranged a youth prog. at
9.30 after Mass. So we forget our hard journey i.e 26 people have only one
reservation. Spirit help us to lead nice prog. for youth and they never heard
about JY, but interested our style and experience worship. Some of them really
wish to do something there so... please pray for them.

Same time other people started another prog. for non Christians. Near around
300-400 people non-christan believers coming to church to receive God
blessings every Sunday at there. It was a God giving experience in our
life all Sardars and other people really experiencing our Lord Jesus love.
After WOG sharing we started healing service... we went into the crowed and
pray for each of them separately. I and my friends never experienced like
this we noticed one girl, she disturbed us to pray for others, she will
come and try to pull our hands or do some other things. some of us stated to
pray over her... same time i noticed some odd face expression in her mother's
face... I given my Hindi bible to her hand.. she fell down within seconds and
started to crawl on floor..  then some started to  cry, some fall down, some
get physical healing .. Thanks.. Jesus, he  touched every one.  and he give 10
days retreat experience to us.

Evening we have second youth prog. at another parish. 7 people went to youth
prog. others went near by villages, mainly for Jericho prayer. Pray for that
parish youth also, they really interested in our family style.

Thanks for our Lord Jesus and all of U

with love

Sony Delh

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[JOYnet] Battle belongs to the Lord.

2001-09-29 Thread SonyDelhi

Dear Friends,

Yes, Every thing has a time... Friends, Today we are leaving Delhi at 10.30 Pm
to Barely ( UP) for final outreach of Samaria Net Prog. ( Out reach Formation

Thanks for u r prayer support ... and we are experiencing Lord's guidance all
through the prog. By your prayers lord preparing us to reap the harvest of
North India.

Next three days we [ 24 people] need much more support from our family. Main
problems of that village are poverty, illiteracy and devil's worship. We are
willing to do house to house visiting, Street Plays,Open programes and

So... Next three days pray and celebrate our Lord Jesus victory with us.

Maranatha !


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[JOYnet] Our Prayers needed for world peace

2001-09-12 Thread SonyDelhi

"Dear Father Almighty,

As we mourn for all the people who died in the attack, many of whom woke up
with no prayer or thought of You on their hearts, we ask You to extend the
full portion of Your Mercy on their souls, even upon the souls of the
perpetrators of this horrible crime. We also beg of you to send the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, into the lives of their surviving relatives and
friends. You, Father, and You alone, have the power to bring good out of

We humbly implore you to guide the hands, feet, and minds of all rescue
workers, police and fire workers, and members of the military who are
responding to this crisis at this very moment. Protect them. Enlighten them.
Help them save lives.

We ask, too, Almighty One, that You extend a blanket of divine protection on
the United States at this critical time. Guide our leaders, especially
President Bush, and all sovereign nations who are our friends, and place them
under the special mantle of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady, who is the
patroness of our country.

We ask all of this in the Holy Name that is Above All Other Names in Power and
Glory and Love and Mercy; in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our brother,
and Our Savior.

(A  prayer from Catholiccity)

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[JOYnet] Reachout- Uneached Places

2001-08-30 Thread SonyDelhi


A Dream

They are 20-25 in number . they are walking towards a beautiful village. . See
how wonderful it is These narrow paths leading to a dreamed land. God
created and arranged it with fields, small huts etc. life started very early

Their simple dress and loving presence give the first impression to the
innocent people. They have selected some places to learn and share the Good
News in village. They started to share about Jesus love and decided to stay
with them. Prepare simple food and eat with them. Every evening they have a
nice prayer time with the villagers

They are binding with some unknown power because they have one-month
preparation time before reaching there to attend this 3 days programme. Yes .
one month long formation time includes gatherings, intercession, fellowship
and homework.


Dear Friends,

Now our dream is going to be fulfilled. Out reach Ministry ( JY Delhi) planned
to start Village outreaches, outside Delhi.

Now it is God chosen time to fulfill our life mission in North India. Harvest
is plenty but the lab ours are very few so pray for the God to give Good

Venue - A north Indian Village

Date: -

- First Preparation Gathering - I Sept [ 7 PM ] at Okhala

- Outreach - 30th September [ 5PM] - 2nd October [ 5 Pm]

No. of participants - 20-25

Registration Fees - Total Expenses/ No. of Participants.

Dear friends kindly pray for this, first outreach prog. to North Indian

with Love


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