[JOYnet] A wave of fresh enthusiasm

2003-01-25 Thread dilbet
Dear Enthusiastic Joynetters,

Please read this news given below and became more enthusiastic..

--From zenit.org--
Last week 116 archbishops and bishops, members of the Conference of
Catholic Bishops of India, gathered at St. Paul's Seminary, in
Tiruchirapalli, to deliberate on the theme Sharing the Good News.

In its final statement, the bishops' conference stated: Evangelization is
to bring the Good News of Jesus into all areas of humanity and through its
impact to transform society from within, making it new, according to SAR
Catholic News agency.

The bishops' statement continues: Certain positive developments encourage
the Church in her task of evangelization: the emergence, for example, of a
new kind of 'discipleship' in the form of khrist-bhaktas; a wave of fresh
enthusiasm, especially among young people, to carry out the Lord's command
of preaching the Gospel to all nations -- evidenced by movements like
Jesus-Youth and others.

This enthusiasm has been fueled by Charismatic Renewal, by the steady
growth of Basic Christian Communities and Basic Human Communities and by
liturgical and biblical movements, the bishops observed.
(Zenit.org Jan 22)

Congratulation  all you 

It is wonderful that during this time according to JY Bible calendar the
theme is Enthusiasm. The same word is used in the above statement to
mention about Jesus  Youth a wave of fresh enthusiasm

Let us Thank God for this wonderful enthusiastic community of  Jesus Youth
and pray for all Jesus Youth to carry out this mission more powerful way.

Be Jesus Live Jesus ..And Proclaim Jesus

With love and Prayer

Dilbet John /New Delhi / India


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[JOYnet] Christmas Sharing

2002-12-31 Thread dilbet
Hello Dear Friends,
Hope all of you are celebrated Christmas in a wonderful way..In Delhi also
we celebrated Christmas  .
During Christmas days lot of non Christians visiting cathedral Church ,so
past 4 years Jesus Youth make this season a great event .

So this year also we conducted an Exhibition(24th-26th) to share Jesus ,
we prepared three stalls in the Cathedral Compound ,

 1st stall is . Kerigma stall: (Basic Gospel message stall )In this stall
mainly presenting -Kerigma Today-Many people experienced God’s love and
accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.

2nd stall is  Pro-life Stall :-through this stall we presented importance
of Life ,many people convinced that abortion is a sin .

3rd stall is Jesus Film- In this stall a continuous Jesus film show  in
Hindi –every 15 minutes (we edited it for  15 minutes show), all shows are
houseful (more than 300 people watched every 15 minutes) ,On 25th evening
Jesus Youth Music Ministry presented a Music Program also

 I like to share my personal experience also , I am staying  near a
village- Border of Delhi and Haryana. My working place is near this area.
My Mother and sister is also with me ,they reached here 5 months ago,
this is one of my dream that to live in a  village and to share Jesus. We
are the only Christian family in this place , Every day we intercede for
this people during our family prayer.
So this Christmas season we planned to celebrate Christmas in this village
, we prepared some sweat items and distributed neighboring houses , We
distributed some leaflets   also.
 I visited the house of a head of that area , he welcomed me and I give
him sweats and leaflets . We talk some general things of Christmas and it
leads us to the topic of spirituality
,then I started to share Kerigma , He said to me –Aap mere sath bytea  -ye
bath muje bahuth maja agya.(sit beside me-this matter is enjoying
me.)--because this is the Good News of great Joy for all people…(Lk. 2:10)
Holly spirit starts to working in him and I explained salvation through
Jesus and importance of accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.
He accepted this invitation. He become more Happy. (Please pray for him to
became a good Disciple of Christ because he can evangelize the whole
village very easily.)

God Bless You all …Wish you a Happy New Year…..

With  lot of  love  Prayer

Dilbet John / New Delhi

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[JOYnet] A Dream comes true

2002-12-05 Thread dilbet
Hello Dear friends,
Yes ..Now is the right time to step in to the Global evangelization. I
think this Christmas season is a good time for this …to share our
experiences and dreams

Lord will bless our dreams, Five years ago in Delhi we were also had a
dream to celebrate Christmas in a new way, so some us gathered and prayed
for it. We planned to reach out a slum on the Christmas day.

By the grace of our Lord we entered the slum on that Christmas Day, and we
divided us into small groups and visited each houses and gathered all of
them. We shared about Christmas and salvation through Jesus…people joined
with us singing. . clapping their hands and praising ..Yesu ki stuthi
ho…Yesu ko dhanyavad..(Praise You Jesus ..Thank You Jesus)..We also
enjoyed the true happiness and Joy on that Christmas day .
This small step led to form a Jesus Youth outreach ministry in Delhi.

Lord has a Greater plan for each one of us ….He is waiting to hear our….
Let us respond …yes Lord…Yes Lord….Yes ..Yes Lord….

Let us also share about our experiences and dreams about to celebrate
Christmas in a New way (in our house, parish..,  working place….Etc)

With Lot of Love and Prayers
Dilbet John , Delhi

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[JOYnet] Thank You

2002-11-25 Thread dilbet
Be Jesus….Live Jesus …and Proclaim  Jesus

Hello Dear friends,

Thank you for all your Prayers, Two weeks ago I posted a mail to Pray for
NET programme.
I got many mails offering prayer support. During this programe every one
experienced it.

On the last day (24th) we went for outreach in Safderjung Hospital New
Delhi, Participants got a good experience during outreach , they prayed
for sick people, shared Jesus is the only  saviour
Some of them shared that they have some language problem and fear to share
but started to sharing about Jesus , they got courage and speak fluently.
We came back to our venue after outreach in a DTC Bus (Govt Bus of Delhi)
..one wonderful experience is that in front of that DTC Bus two stickers -
mentioning about- Jesus Is Only Savior, and a Photo of Jesus, on seeing
this all of us were happy because in Delhi never saw a DTC Bus like This.
Lord arranged this Bus for us.
We started to singing some Hindi Songs in the Bus ‘ Rajavong ka Raja Yesu
Halleluiah, Prabhuvong ka Prabhu Yesu halleluiah”(King of Kings  Jesus
Halleluiah, Lord of Lords Jesus Halleluiah) Conductor and passengers
enjoyed the song  . Moreover we got a chance to celebrate Day of ‘Christ
the King’.

Thank you for your prayers. Continue to remember Delhi Jesus Youth and
Outreach ministry in your prayers, Saji Mathew is Co-coordinating out
reach ministry, every Sunday we were going for Out reach in different
areas (Slums ,Railway stations ,  nearby villages etc.) of  Delhi. Let us
pray for evangelization of North India.

With Lot Of Love and Prayer
Dilbet John, New Delhi

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[JOYnet] NET

2002-11-11 Thread dilbet
“Cast your NET deep into the sea”
Dear friends,
Greetings from Delhi Jesus Youth,
We invite your special prayer support to a wonderful programe ‘NET ‘(North
Indian Evangelization Training) is going to be held on Nov.22-24.   This
programe includes one-day retreat, classes for different methods of
evangelization  outreach.
Let us pray for this programe be a boost up in North Indian Evangelization.

With lot of Love Prayer
Dilbet John

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