[JOYnet] War, Bush and Christianity: Some Musings

2003-03-24 Thread pathrose alphus

The world looks on in agony as the invasion forces of US-British coalition inflict 
heavy damage and destruction on Iraq and uncountable sufferings on  the innocent 
people there. The Coalition has engaged in this unjust conflict in the face of 
strident protests from the vast majority among the community of nations, in particular 
the Holy See. A huge number of their felow countrymen  are oppoed to war as evident 
from Michael Moore's Oscar acceptance speech today ( 03/23/03). President Bush 
constantly asserts that the war is waged to bring about democracy and prosperity to 
Iraq, and bring about an end to the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein.Saddam Hussein, no 
doubt, is a dictator who has committed  many acts of violence. But does the US have 
any  moral mandate to remove him.?

Consider this: The US is the one force, that forms the cornerstone of support to the 
Musharraf regime, which has all the weapons of mass destruction in its arsenal. The 
possibility that terrorists may take over the WMD's is very real. 

The US has tried and keeps on trying to topple the democracy of Venezuela and install 
a puppet regime of its liking there. The only crime of Hugo Chavez  is that he wants a 
fair share of the revenues  oil multinationals extract from his country, to better the 
lot of the poor.

In the past US has destroyed democracies around the world and installed brutal regimes 
supporting US business interests. Pinochet of Chile, Peron of Argentina, Marcos of 
Philippines, Duvalier of Haiti, Batista of Cuba..the list goes on. The US 
committed atrocities of the worst kind and used chemical and biological weapons in 
Vietnam; even today the people suffer from the aftereffects. 

US forces massacared undefended women, children and old people, around 300 in number, 
in the Vietnamese village of My Lai. This was brought to light only because 
journalists were at hand. Many similar incidents went unreported.

Nothing needs be said about the US support to Israel as it violates human rights with 
impunity in contravention to many a resolution of the UN security council.

President Bush often invokes his Christian faith, and publically beseech God to help 
him with his plans. This Christianity has nothing to do with Christ. The faith of Bush 
is nothing but the Gospel of Prosperity, expounded by Benny Hinn and his ilk. A gospel 
which states that the rich are the blessed and the poor are the wretched. To increse 
your blessings, try to grow richer, and despise the accursed wretched. Nothing can be 
further from the truth. See what the scripture says:

Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the 
world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him.( 
Jam 2:5)

1Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon 
you. 2Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3Your gold and silver 
are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. 
You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4Look! The wages you failed to pay the 
workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters 
have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5You have lived on earth in luxury and 
self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[1] 6You have 
condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you .( Jam 5:1-5) ( A very 
apt passage for Bush and his cohorts).

The Church always teaches that the rich ought always be aware that the riches are 
entrusted to them for the common good of all mankind. They should be thankful to  the 
One who gave them the privilage to act as stewards of His bounty, and distribute what 
they have in excess of their needs among their poor brothers.

The Holy See has condemned the invasion unequivocally. Our Holy Father has exhorted 
all to pray for those threatened by war. 

As Christians it is incumbent upon us to oppose this most unjustified and unilateral 
invasion in the most overt manners. Just prayers, in my opinion is not enough. A 
courageous public statement of what we believe in and what we stand for is needed when 
the situation calls for it. Remember St. Maximillian Kolbe and St. Edith Stein, (St. 
Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)two of the greatest martyr saints of the past century? 
May they serve as models to us when we say out loudly that we have no part in 
Mr.Bush's concept of Christianity which is almost akin to Mr.Saddam Hussein's concept 
of democracy.

In Christ,

Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India.

Soli Deo gloria et sanctum nomen eius.

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[JOYnet] Now abideth charity... For JYs who missed it

2002-06-28 Thread pathrose alphus


Some JYs have requested the text of the article whose link I had sent on Tuesday last.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India

Sri Lanka 

Now abideth charity...
Burning with vengeance, Kothalawela once planned to kill Prabhakaran. Now he is ready 
to embrace him as a brother 

By Frances Bulathsinghala/Colombo 

The year was 1996. The day was January 31. Two powerful men, Velupillai Prabhakaran 
and Lalith Kothalawela, had made elaborate plans for the day. The plans would clash in 
screams, blood and the smell of cordite.

Prabhakaran, a man from the north, knew what impact his deadly plans would have. But 
he probably didn't know how much it would affect Kothalawela, a millionaire 
industrialist of the south. He could not have guessed that for years his persona would 
be etched in Kothalawela's mind, in the beginning as a dreaded enemy to be killed and 
later as a possible friend, whose trust had to be won.

Six years ago, Kothalawela, one of the richest men in the country, lay in hospital at 
Moorfields, recovering from an injury that damaged one eye. The raw wound in his mind 
was more painful.

His business empire Ceylinco had been all but destroyed in a few seconds. Many of his 
employees had been killed or maimed. The deafening blast, the screams, splintered 
glass, bodies strewn around... images flashed in his mind as he lay on the hospital 
bed. They fiercely nursed in him a mad urge to destroy the man responsible, LTTE 
leader Prabhakaran.

The suicide bomb attack on the Central Bank by four Tamil Tigers also destroyed the 
Ceylinco building opposite the bank. Ceylinco, headed by Kothalawela, was a sprawling 
business empire, which dabbled in real estate, finance, banking, hotels, and insurance 
and had a turnover of 30 billion (Sri Lankan) rupees.
I vowed that I would retire from the chairmanship of the company and use all my 
resources to kill the man who had destroyed me, my business and the Sinhala people, 
Kothalawela remembered. I would have done this if I did not have a statue of Virgin 
Mary by the side of my hospital bed.

Kothalawela did not rise from the sick bed like a vengeful angel. Somehow, the serene 
kindness emanating from the statue of the Virgin transformed him. He became a 
Christian. The love that poured out from the heart of the gospels quelled the fires in 
his mind. He became a warrior of peace.

Love thine enemy. Easy to say, but difficult to practise. The virtue makes a severe 
demand on human volition, which instinctively wants to hit back. But for Kothalawela 
this has become an eminently practical doctrine.

Spectre of terror: The January 1996 suicide bombing destroyed the Central Bank 
building in Colombo (File pic). Prabhakaran (below right) masterminded it

This is no woolly-headed dream. Kothalawela has broken down the shining principle to 
the nitty-gritty and is practising it. And he is not talking about Prabhakaran alone, 
though the explosion he masterminded changed the tenor of the businessman's life.

In pragmatic terms, Kothalawela's mission of reconciliation is focused on bridging the 
gap between the north and south of the country, and cleansing the enmity churned out 
by the war which tore apart the country for 19 years.

His latest in a series of charitable acts was the donation of ten wheelchairs and six 
pairs of crutches to the LTTE disabled, on June 3, three months after the memorandum 
of understanding was signed between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE.

When I was informed that a few disabled soldiers were planning to meet the disabled 
cadre of the LTTE, I merely followed the principles of the Society for Love and 
Understanding which I began in November last year, he said.

My values have changed. I used to live in cuckoo land, he said. By getting involved 
in the peace process, he stepped into 'the real world' and saw 'all that was wrong 
with the system.'

The poverty. The whole irony of having the poor man's children fight an unwanted war. 
Everything is wrong, said Kothalawela. The prisons are full of innocent women whose 
only fault was lying about their age in order to get jobs as housemaids in other parts 
of the world. They have done this to feed their children. Slowly but surely, 
Kothalawela discovered that lasting peace cannot come without eradication of poverty.

War and poverty are linked, he said. The children of the rich do not go to war. I 
have been branded a traitor for saying this. I have been insulted at elite 
gatherings. Kothalawela, who is in his sixties, does not resemble a tycoon when he 
says, any fool can hate. He sounds more like Marx and Gandhi rolled into one.

Once he decided to embark on the path of peace, there was no looking back. His 
commitment was deep. Last September, he was strongly criticised by Sinhala extremist 
groups for his support to the 'holding hand for peace' campaign organised by the 
Ceylon chamber of commerce. Many other business leaders were involved in the programme 

[JOYnet] Now abideth charity...

2002-06-26 Thread pathrose alphus


I read an article in The Week about a really modern day Christian witness in the 
modern world torn asunder by hatred.

See the link http://www.the-week.com/22jun30/events4.htm for this wonderful story. I 
am sure you all wil like it.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India.

Soli Deo gloria et sanctum nomen eius.
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[JOYnet] Feast of Bl.John XXIII

2002-05-28 Thread pathrose alphus

Dear Friends, 

The Feast of  Bl.John XXIII   is on 3rd June. It was he, as Vicar of Christ and 
Supreme Pastor, invoked a special outpouring of Holy Spirit over the church. The most 
direct result, of course was the Vatican council. Over the years, the Spirit worked 
wonderful signs in the Church, paving the way for the Catholic Charismatic Movement.

It is most fitting that we must remember this holy man on the occassion of his feast 
and pray to the Lord for his canonization.

See the link http://themissionchurch.com/blessedjxxiii.htm. to learn more about him.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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[JOYnet] Wanderlust of the Soul

2002-04-25 Thread pathrose alphus


A book about God and spirituality going into three reprints within six months of 
publication! That  too in Malayalam! ( The third reprint , March 2002,  is 
sold out).  

One will not be astounded by the commercial sucess, or the rave reviews  once he goes 
through  Sanchariyude Daivam by Fr. Bobby Jose Kattikatt OFM. Cap. ( Sorry 
non-Mallus, this treat is not for you, that is not yet). Instead he will be forced to 
introspect his  own spiritual moorings. 

The book is a collection of 49 essays published over the last few years. Eventhough 
the author treats virtually every subject under the sun, a common thread of deep  
spiritual insights focusing everything into the divine runs through them.  Such a 
focusing brings out the ultimate and uniqe unity of the mankind as the family of God.

What more  can I say! As Bobby himself puts it, can one desribe in a mere handful 
of words, such an enduring vision of beauty. Get a copy and read it ( Copies 
available at Current Books, leading Catholic bookstalls in Kerala, and Dharmaram 
Publications, B'lore)


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi
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[JOYnet] Why jesus had to Die?

2002-03-25 Thread pathrose alphus


The question raised by Joseph CC is regarding the fundamental basis of Christianity. 
My favourite explanation is the one offered by Karl Rahner, eminent theologian and 
peritus to Vatican II. Since it is rather longwinded, please go through the links 




Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
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[JOYnet] Alternate explanation for Mark 6:3

2002-02-20 Thread pathrose alphus

6:3 Isn’t this the carpenter, the son5 of Mary6 and brother of James, Joses, Judas, 
and Simon? And aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.


This verse is subject to much debate among biblical scholars and lay people alike.  
Besides the explanation offered by Joynetters on the doubt raised by Jannet, there is 
an alternate explanation, which is based on the tradition of some Eastern Churches.

St.Joseph, foster father of our Lord, and his legal father, was a widower when he 
became engaged to the Blessed Virgin. The brothers and sisters mentioned in the 
scipture are his children by the previous marriage. St. Joseph led a celebate life 
after the death of his first spouse.

This explanation, I think,  is easier than the cousin theory. Jesus was considered 
as the son of St. Joseph during His ministry. He was acclaimed as the Son of David, 
because of his legal status as the son of St. Joseph. So the other children of 
St.Joseph will naturally be called His siblings.

I am not very sure about the official position of the Church on this topic. Thomas 
Acchan and other ordained members of the Joynet may clarify on this. But I think that 
since no dogmatic statement Ex-Cathedra is there on this topic, a Catholic is free to 
take recourse in the alternate explanation offered.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
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[JOYnet] Bookbank

2002-01-31 Thread pathrose alphus

Hi all, 

Since many Joynetter are recommending good books let me add my favourites,

St.Francis - God's Pauper-by Kazantzakis

Tao te Ching by Lao Tze

Autobigraphies of St. Augustine, St. Teresa of Avila  St.Therese of Lisieux

Journal of a Soul by Bl. John  XXIII

Tales and Parables by Sri Ramakrishnaparamahamsa

Hope you enjoy reading them

Alphus Pathrose, Kochi India.
Yahoo! Auctions Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now!

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[JOYnet] Velvety Cake: A story of faith

2002-01-27 Thread pathrose alphus

Hello All,

Here is an inspiring story I got from a friend.

There was a young woman who had been diagnosed with a
terminal illness and had been given three months to
live. So as she was getting her things 'in order', she
contacted her Rabbi and had him come to her house to
discuss certain aspects of her final wishes. She told
him which songs she wanted sung at the service, which
scripture passages read, and what outfit she wanted to
be buried in. 
Everything was in order and the Rabbi was preparing to
leave when the young woman suddenly remembered
something very important to her. 
'There is one more thing,' she said excitedly. 
'What's that?' came the Rabbi's reply. 
'This is very important,' the young woman continued.
'I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand. 
The Rabbi stood looking at the young woman, not
knowing quite what to say. 
'That surprises you, doesn't it?' the young woman
'Well, to be honest, I'm puzzled by the request,' said
the Rabbi. 
The young woman explained :  'My grandmother once told
me this story, and from that time on I have always
tried to pass along its message to those I love and
those who are in need of encouragement. In all my
years of attending socials and dinners, I always
remember that when the dishes of the main course were
being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and
say, Keep your fork. It was my favorite part because
I knew that something better was cominglike
velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie.
Something wonderful, and with substance! 
So, I just want people to see me there in that casket
with a fork in my hand, and I want them to wonder,
What's with the fork? Then I want you to tell them:
Keep your fork ... the best is yet to come. 
The Rabbi's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he
hugged the young woman good-bye. He knew this would be
one of the last times he would see her before her
death. But he also knew that the young woman had a
better grasp of heaven than he did. She had a better
grasp of what heaven would be like than many people
twice her age, with twice as much experience and
She KNEW that something better was coming. 
At the funeral people were walking by the young
woman's casket and they saw the cloak she was wearing
and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over,
the Rabbi heard the question What's with the fork?
And over and over he smiled. 
During his message, the Rabbi told people of the
conversation he had with the young woman shortly
before she died. He also told them about the fork and
about what it symbolized to her. He told the people
how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told
them that they probably would not be able to stop
thinking about it either. 
He was right 
So the next time you reach down for your fork let it
remind you, ever so gently, that the best is yet to
come. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make
you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an
ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want
to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much
you care. Remember to always be there for them, even
when you need them more. For you never know when it
may be their time to Keep your fork. 
Cherish the time you have, and the memories you
share... being friends with someone is not an
opportunity but a sweet responsibility. 
And keep your fork. 


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
Yahoo! Auctions Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now!

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[JOYnet] Fwd: A sense of history: Parliament attack

2001-12-17 Thread pathrose alphus

--- alphus pathrose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 02:12:19 -0800 (PST)
 From: alphus pathrose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: A sense of history: Parliament attack
 In the end of this mail you will find a small write
 up. For more, read up the history of Germany, in the
 When I heard that the parliament was attacked,
 somehow this piece of history came into my mind. The
 similarities are chilling. Both Parliaments were led
 by Rightist forces who had scant regard for civil
 liberties and were trying to curb constitutional
 freedoms. The attack came in exteremely convenient
 for the BJP to press for the passage of POTO. Many
 have their reasonable doubts.
 Let all thinking people learn a lesson from the
 annals of history and prevent the Fascist forces(
 That's why they are so bent upon distorting history,
 so that people do not see through their evil
 designs) from taking over India. 

  Reichstag Fire 
 They who will not learn from history are doomed to
 repeat it. Recent events raise ghosts of the past. 
  January 30, 1933 
 Weimar Republic President Paul von Hindenburg
 appoints Adolph Hitler Chancellor. February 27, 1933
 The German Parliament (Reichstag) burns down. A
 dazed Dutch Communist named Marinus van der Lubbe is
 found at the scene and charged with arson. [He is
 later found guilty and executed]. February 28, 1933 
 President Hindenburg and Chancellor Hitler invoke
 Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which permits
 the suspension of civil liberties in time of
 national emergency. This Decree of the Reich
 President for the Protection of the People and State
 abrogates the following constitutional protections: 
Free expression of opinion 
Freedom of the press 
Right of assembly and association 
Right to privacy of postal and electronic
Protection against unlawful searches and seizures
Individual property rights 
States' right of self-government 
 A supplemental decree creates the SA (Storm Troops)
 and SS (Special Security) Federal police agencies.
 Who Did It? 
 Historians do not agree on who is actually
 responsible for the Reichstag Fire: van der Lubbe
 acting alone -- a Communist plot -- or the Nazis
 themselves in order to create an incident. Writers
 such as Klaus P. Fischer feel that most likely the
 Nazis were involved. 
 But regardless of who actually planned and executed
 the fire, it is clear that the Nazis immediately
 took advantage of the situation in order to advance
 their cause at the expense of civil rights. The
 Decree enabled the Nazis to ruthlessly suppress
 opposition in the upcoming election. March 5, 1933 
 National elections give Nazis 44% plurality in the
 Reichstag. Herman Göring [who later played a central
 role in the Nazi government and war effort] declares
 that there is no further need for State governments.
 Over the next few weeks, each of the lawful Weimar
 State governments falls to the same ruse: 
Local Nazi organizations instigate disorder; 
The disorder is quelled by replacing the elected
 state government by appointed Nazi Reich
 March 24, 1933 
 The Reichstag passes the Law for Terminating the
 Suffering of People and Nation , also known as the
 Enabling Law , essentially granting Adolph Hitler
 dictatorial power. ANALYSIS 
 The events in 1933 can be summarized as follows: 
While it is not clear whether the Nazis
 intentionally set the Reichstag fire in order to
 create a national crisis, or whether the Nazis
 simply were opportunistic, the event was used as
 justification for a sharp curtailment in
 constitutionally guaranteed civil liberties. 
The Nazis took advantage of the additional
 Federal police powers to suppress opponents. 
It is clear that in other situations, the Nazis
 did use the tactic of creating a law and order
 crisis so that they could provide a solution which
 further eroded civil liberties and entrenched their
The right-wing Nazis and the left-wing communists
 were cut from the same cloth -- the point is not
 that the far right destroyed civil rights. Rather,
 the point is that a democracy can be destroyed by
 creating a law-and-order crisis and offering as a
 'solution' the abdication of civil liberties and
 state's rights to a powerful but unaccountable
 central authority. 

 Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctionsfor all
 of your holiday gifts!
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[JOYnet] Prayer request for CAT

2001-12-03 Thread pathrose alphus

Dear friends,

I, (along with many other JY, I think) am appearing
for CAT examination for admission to MBA programmes in
Indian Institutes of Management, and other institutes.

The exam is between 10.AM to 12.30 PM IST on Sunday
9th December 2001. Please pray that all JYs who take
it do well. 

If you are attending Mass at the time of exam, please
dedicate this intention to the Lord.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.

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[JOYnet] Some points regarding Church's position on contraception

2001-11-21 Thread pathrose alphus

Dear friends,

I did some homework about Church's position on
contraception. From the time artificial methods were
invented, there were schools of moral theology
opposing and supporting them. Popes Pius XII, Paul VI,
and John Paul II were on the opposing side but John
XXII and Cardinal Albino Luciani ( who had a brief
reign as John Paul I ) maintained a considered silence
on the subject. Vatican II left the question open
eventhough Council Fathers such as Cardinals Suenens
and Alfrink wanted the endorsement of artificial
methods in the constitution  Gaudiem et Spes.

The present day view about these methods are centered
on Paul VI's Encyclical Humane Vitae. The recent
Catechism of the Catholic Church too takes it's line
of arguement. It must be kept in mind that Archbishop
Carol Wyojtilla, later John Paul II collaborated in an
extensive manner in the preparation of the Encyclical.

Immediately after the encyclical was issued, there was
a wave of petitions from a number of leading Catholic
moral theologians and Pastors to review its contents.
Unlike the teachings of Ecumenical Councils, and Papal
pronouncements ex cathedra, Encyclicals are not
doctrinally infallible,  they argued. 

The opinions for artificial methods for birth control,
are held by a number of Catholics, eventhough the
official line is against it.

Of late, the Pastoral teachings from Vatican, tends to
be taking only the European situation into
consideration. Europe is facing a population crunch,
and hence the postion taken by Rome is pastorally
appropriate there. The Asian, African and Latin
American situation is unfortunately not considered by
the Holy See while preparing pastoral norms. These
areas represent nations facing population explosion

I pointed out these facts for the benefit of
joynetters only. Kindly do not share the contents of
this mail with non Catholic friends. A bit in house
criticism is in order, but not supplying mud to
outsiders to sling at our House.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India

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[JOYnet] Fwd: Information for St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic Diocese

2001-11-04 Thread pathrose alphus

--- alphus pathrose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 21:29:42 -0800 (PST)
 From: alphus pathrose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Fwd: Information for St. Thomas Syro
 Malabar Catholic Diocese
 You might have known that the Holy See has erected a
 new eparchy for Syro-Malabar Catholics of US. The
 Bishop, Mar Jacob Angadiath, is also the permanent
 apstolic visitor to the Syro- Malabar Catholics of
 The erection of the diocese, is a recognition of the
 rich spiritual heritage, and unique cultural
 identity of the Syro Malabar Church. 
 The diocese is in its infancy, and because of the
 vast area under its jurisdiction the information
 about the members is still incomplete.
 It will be a significant assistance if you can send
 the details of Syro-Malabar Catholics  of your
 aquaintance temporarily/permanently residing in the
 US or Canada. Kindly include 
 1. Address
 2. Phone/fax
 3. e-mail
 Send  your reply to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Mailing Address is:
 Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath,
 St Thomas Syro-Malabar  Diocese of Chicago,
 Permanent Apostolic Visitor to Canada.
 5000 St Charles Road
 Bellwood, Illinois 60104, USA.
 Tel: 708.544.7250,  708.544.7099
 Fax: 708.544.5890,  708.544.0339
 Kindly forward this mail to your friends/ relatives
 who can help in this regard.
 Find a job, post your resume on Yahoo! Careers.
Find a job, post your resume.

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[JOYnet] Let us empty ourselves

2001-08-25 Thread pathrose alphus

Hi all,

I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about the
humiliation of the Cross. This topic has never ceased
to wonder me.

He, who was in the form of God, didn't think it
something to be coveted, but emptied himself to take
up the form of a slave, and  humbled himself even unto
the death on the Cross. We observe the rememberence of
this every time we celebrate Eucharist.
But do we reflect upon this? HE gave us an example of
love by washing the feet of the disciples, a slave's
job. He commanded us to do the same and said that the
love which one offer by emptying oneself will be the
sign by which others will recognise HIS disciples.

Does we pay heed to this great command? Only if one
empties himself more as one grows, Holy Spirit can
pour Himself more into that person.

Are we vessels who grow by thickening our walls? Only
if we throw out more of our selves by carving away the
 walls of our selves, the Spirit can pour Himself more
into us. Remeber, a vessel can hold only as much as
the emptiness in it.

Love to All

In Christ

Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India

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[JOYnet] Syrian or Latin-Is Christ divided?

2001-08-24 Thread pathrose alphus

Hi All,
 I was forwarded a mail from a member of your group
Are you Syrian or Latin. written by a person named
Achayan. I signed up as a member of JOYNET, to say
something in this regard.
 The Church is called Catholic. Why? She is the
 universal Sacrament of salvation of our Lord Jesus.
 The Universality expresses itself in welcoming to
 Church's bosom all who ask for salvation. This
 transcends all that distinguishes one man from
 As St. Paul says, she unifies all in her beloved
 spouse, Christ, regardless of their background.
 Whether a person is  Jew or Greek, Freeman or
 Male or female the Church unites him/her with the
 But this unity does not in any way imply uniformity.
 The Church is Catholic in the sense  that it
 all. Christ manifests Himself through the Church
 all people, and this manifestation take the
 socio-cultural background into account. Each people
 will try to grasp the mystery of salvation through
 their own background. Insofar as this attempt to
 depict the mystery of salvation through a particular
 cultural background conforms with the unity of faith
 confessed by the Universal Church, She encourages
 attempts to identify with and preserve the unique
 cultural identities of that background.
 Achayan says there is only one Eucharist. True,but
 that the Eucharist according to the Latin Rite? Why
 can't the Syrian rite re-present the Lord's banquet?
 Will Achayan say that The Syrian Rite, approved and
 promulgated by the Holy See is not inspired by the
 Spirit to the degree that of the  Latin Mass ?
 This anonymous person who hides behind the psuedonym
 of Achayan, speaks the language of liturgical
 colonialists, when he says that the Satan divided
 prayer group through people who wanted to celebrate
 the Lord's mystery according to the rite in which
 mystery was revealed to them.
 True, Satan acted - through the diehard people who
 propounded that uniformity is synonymous with unity.
 Their proud selves prevented them from according the
 same dignity to the Lord's Table, when it was
 celebrated in a different format. Whether the table
 squre or round or what not,(JOKE), it is the Lord's
 table as long as HIS Body and Blood are present on
 Prayer groups, Charismatic movements, Rites, and
 people will pass away, but The Lord's Word and His
 Church will endure forever. The one who prides in
 himself that he knows the will of the Spirit better
 than the Church is in grave error and he commits the
 serious offence of sacrilage, when he imputes
 work to the Annointed Pastors of the Church. We have
 nothing to pride ourselves in. Our only pride is in
 humiliation of the Cross. It is folly in the eyes of
 the world, yet this folly elevates us from the world
 to His presence who has given us the great gift of
 being the Children of God.
  Kindly forward this mail to the  group to which
 Achayan belongs. I am not afraid of revealing my
 for if it means to be a Christian, the first thing
 means is to be courageous while bearing witness to
 Love and prayers
 Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, india

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