Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread nelson abel

   Dear joy netters,
   Edychettan’s article regarding the need of prayer for priests, 
stirred my memories. May be I also felt a little heaviness in my heart same 
as josun. Yes priests are the wonderful gift from god. Whenever I remember 
our dearest palliyachan I used to thank god for his beautiful gift of priest 
hood. There is no doubt that we should pray for them and love them so that 
our prayers and love make them strong.
 In my child hood I had very strong desire to become a priest. But god’s 
plan was different and now I am a married man. I lost my father when I was 5 
years old. So I don’t have too much memories of my father. But my mother 
used to say that my parents had a great desire to make me a priest. One of 
my childhood play was enacting the priest and saying the mass by collecting 
my friends. When I was in second slandered my class teacher asked us that 
what we like to going to become. I said I want to become a priest. Then she 
was happy and she encouraged me. Even all my relatives and neighbors 
believed that I would become a priest one day. But when I entered into 
teenage I found the sexual urge with in me and realized that I am unworthy 
to the holy priesthood. After my 10th std. My mother asked me whether I want 
to join seminary, I said no and give the reason that I want to take the 
responsibility of my mother and younger sister. Yes   these are all my old 
stories. After my marriage
I said to my wife that we must have 4-5 children and let us start the prayer 
that some of our children
May become consecrated for god. God plans everything. We can only hope for. 
Till now we are waiting for a child. We are sure in his time god will give 
us children.
You know regarding the parents of little flower? St.Teresa’s  father 
martin was an ex- seminarian.
Her mother celine was also a convent return. Martin and Celine had a great 
desire for religious life. But god’s decision was deferent. One of their 
children becomes a great saint in the church. Same case is regarding 
St.Francis of Assisi. His mother pica had a strong desire for religious 
life. But her parent’s didn’t allow her for such a life and she happened to 
be married to Bernardine, a merchant. But her son
Francis entered into religious life and still now he is giving inspiration 
to thousands of people in the world. So let us pray that our Jesus youth 
families be grow in holiness, so that not only it produce vocation but also 
offer little saints for our church.
May god bless you all
 Your brother in Jesus
   Nelson Abel
Turaif, Saudi Arabia.

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RE: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread Josh Folks

When I read Eddy chettan's mail it was wake up call for me. Now I make a
point to pray for the priests. Ever since Josun put his feedback on this
issue I wanted to share my vies in this matter. But then I was a little
worried about it as it was a kind of confession I had to make.
But after reading Nelson's mail now I feel I should not keep it back. So
here is what I got to share in this discussion.

I think it was in 1997 when I came to Fujairah that I got a feeling that
Jesus was calling me to serve. By then as Josun and Nelson pointed out from
their lives I had got into the worldly desires and I reasoned myself that I
will not be able to be a good priest. So I ignored it. Then on a Friday this
uncle in the church who gives scripture readings came to me and asked if I
could do the first reading. I had never done it before but still agreed. I
remember the passage I got for reading. It was Isaiah chapter 6 verses 1-8

Isaiah 6
1   In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne,
high andexalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
2   Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered
their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were
3   And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD
Almighty; the   whole earth is full of his glory.
4   At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the
temple was  filled with smoke.
5   Woe to me! I cried. I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and
I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the
LORD Almighty.
6   Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which
he had takenwith tongs from the altar.
7   With it he touched my mouth and said, See, this has touched your lips;
your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.
8   Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who
will go for us? And I said, Here am I. Send me!

As I was reading it out to the congregation and it struck me again that the
Lord is calling me for his service, especially when I read the last line
Here am I. Send me. I ignored it again and ended up finally as a family
man. I am not sad about it but I got to tell you all that family life not
all that what you see from the outside, it is tough to live a good and Godly
married life with its benefits of being loved and raising up children.

I srongly feel that everyone of us should pray also for the youth who are
fighting between the call of the world and that of the Lord along with the
prayers for priests who got to fight the same battle. I still remember
vaguely the lines in some novena of prayer which went  Lord protect your
calls of the young ( yuva janangalude dhaiva vili kaathukollane).

Regards and prayers
Fujairah / UAE.

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-16 Thread Edward A. Edezhath

Hello friends,

I am following with great interest all your thoughts about 'Pray for Priests'.
A few of you wrote to me presonally and others to Joynet. Many of them are
really touching. Abraham mentions Nelson's mail but I did not see it. My
connection was down for a couple of days and may be I missed it.

I am also seeking the Lords will to see if we should do something in a more
organised way, and if so in what concrete ways. Share your thoughts in that
line also.

My diocese got into nasty trap early this week. Those of you who watch the
media in this area will remember the furore over the 'rain dance' and the TV
image of a priest walking around at the tourism promotion fete with a glass.
Afterwards I got invoved a little bit to help them sort out the mess, and I
said once again we have to PRAY FOR PRIESTS and that too very earnestly.

Eddy/Cochin/S. India

  - Original Message -
  From: Josh Folks
  To: JOYnet
  Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 5:45 PM
  Subject: RE: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

  When I read Eddy chettan's mail it was wake up call for me. Now I make a
  point to pray for the priests. Ever since Josun put his feedback on this
  issue I wanted to share my vies in this matter. But then I was a little
  worried about it as it was a kind of confession I had to make.
  But after reading Nelson's mail now I feel I should not keep it back. So
  here is what I got to share in this discussion.

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-14 Thread James Abraham

Dear brotherssisters in Christ,

I was really glad to read the message from Mr. Edward.In the past few months 
I had also this strong call to Pray for the Priests.especially for our 
Popehis intentions we should pray daily.We should love, respectpray for 
all the priest all over the world.It would be a good idea if we choose a 
particular day of the week so that we can form an intercessory group to pray 
for this intention.I usually choose Saturday as my  special day to pray for 
this intention coz along with Mother Mary(Whoelse  is the best intercessor?.
I would strongly advice all out there to read the book Merciful Love to 
Little Souls by Marguerrete.This contains beautiful messages by OUR LORD to 
all of us regarding how our attitude should  be to all our
dear priests
Dr.Jayanthi James,Sihat,Saudi Arabia.

From: Edward A. Edezhath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 03:37:01 +0530

Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' 
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long 
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, 
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need 
urgent prayer for priests. The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord 
the harvest . .  (Mt.  9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful 
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in 
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building 
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word (Jn. 

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have 
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have 
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we 
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the 
and earnestly pray for them. If two of you agree on earth about anything 
ask . . . (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work 
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of 
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of 
by loving and praying for priests. He who receives a prophet because he is 
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . .  even a cup of cold water  . 
shall not lose his reward. (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network to specifically 
FOR PRIESTS. There has to be certain things that (i) each one in this 
should do and (ii) certain things they do together as a body of 

(i) Individually,

- Daily take time to remember priests with love and pray for them. = I
remember priests in general and then specifically think of the priests I 
and life them to the Eternal Priest. And then I say a decade of the rosary 

- Love and respect priest. = I greatly value my relationship with priests. 
is a great thing to know a priest. There is an age-old custom of kissing 
hand of a priest. At times it is a little embarrassing, but I take great 
in kissing the hand of some of them.

- Try not to spread bad news about priesthood rather spread inspirational

- Collaborate in whatever way possible with the good things that priests 

and more . .

(ii) as a network called PRAY FOR PRIESTS,

would some of you like to give some ideas for me.

So, do pray for priests,

Eddy/Cochin/ India

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-14 Thread Biji Thomas

Dear Friends,

Yes we should pray for the priests. It is our prayers that gives them strength
in their works. I would like to share something with my dear
joynetters.when i was studying for my first holy communion, Sr. Maggie who
taught us used to say that we should always pray for our Pope, Bishops,
Priests and Sisters and believe me knowinlgy or unknowingly i used to include
them in prayers after my communion till today. In my childhood days i
never knew much importance of this pray for the Priests.. but now i know the
importance of it.. how much valuable is this one small prayer for them. This
is a small prayer for priests from my prayer book which i would like to share

Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord,
Keep them, for they are Thine -
Thy priest whose lives burn out before
Thy consecrated shrine.
Keep them for they are in the world
Though from the world apart,
When earthly pleasures tempt, allure -
Shelter them in Thy heart.
Keep them, confort them in hours
Of loneliness and pain
When all their life of sacrifice
For souls seem but in vain.
Keep them, and O remember Lord
They have no one but Thee
Yet they have only human hearts,
With human frailty.
Keep them spotless as the Host,
That daily, they caress -
Their every though and word and deed,
Deign, dearest Lord, to bless.

Yours in Jesus Christ
Biji Thomas

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-13 Thread Smiju Joseph

We should listen to the call of eddy sir. He did it in the right time. 
Always in time... That's Holy Spirit, its HIS nature.
We must pray for priests.

with lots of lov  prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi

From: Edward A. Edezhath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 03:37:01 +0530

Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' 
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long 
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, 
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need 
urgent prayer for priests. The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord 
the harvest . .  (Mt.  9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful 
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in 
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building 
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word (Jn. 

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have 
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have 
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we 
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the 
and earnestly pray for them. If two of you agree on earth about anything 
ask . . . (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work 
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of 
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of 
by loving and praying for priests. He who receives a prophet because he is 
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . .  even a cup of cold water  . 
shall not lose his reward. (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network to specifically 
FOR PRIESTS. There has to be certain things that (i) each one in this 
should do and (ii) certain things they do together as a body of 

(i) Individually,

- Daily take time to remember priests with love and pray for them. = I
remember priests in general and then specifically think of the priests I 
and life them to the Eternal Priest. And then I say a decade of the rosary 

- Love and respect priest. = I greatly value my relationship with priests. 
is a great thing to know a priest. There is an age-old custom of kissing 
hand of a priest. At times it is a little embarrassing, but I take great 
in kissing the hand of some of them.

- Try not to spread bad news about priesthood rather spread inspirational

- Collaborate in whatever way possible with the good things that priests 

and more . .

(ii) as a network called PRAY FOR PRIESTS,

would some of you like to give some ideas for me.

So, do pray for priests,

Eddy/Cochin/ India

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Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-13 Thread Josun Jose

Dear friends,

I read eddy chettans mail and there's a heaviness I feel in my heart. I don'
t know why. I too share the same sentiments with regard to priests.

As I've mentioned umpteen times, I'm the eldest of 6 children. My family has
been thru a number of good struggles and tough times. We as a family have
been very close to priests, infact I remember when I was a kid, the Jesuits,
consolata fathers, and salesians we knew, used to vie  telling me that I
would become a priest!. Even now, our priest friends bring saints stories,
rosaries, chocolates, little sacramentals here and there and give it to my
brothers and sisters.

I've got a large circle of priest friends too. I just love to hang around
with them. I spent a lot of time with them. I borrow infinite number of
books from them. I Just love talking to them and learning from them. When I
need guidance the first people I run to, after my parents are priests.

Even to this day people mistake me to be a seminarian. Many sisters, and
priests have inadvertently asked me Josun, are u a brother? and my reply
would be yes, I'm a brother of 5 mavericks and a potential father also!!.

Both my parents have a great love for priests and religious. I remember once
back my mother sharing with all of us:

 After my parents got married, they planned to have a big family. Daddin and
mummy love children a lot. And from the time of their marriage both my
parents have been praying for a vocation to priest hood from our family. My
parents now have 4 sons and 2 daughters God only knows if any of the sons
will become priests.

I remember after my first holy communion my parents used to specially take
me for mass after my school, and with me in the middle of them both, my mom
used to whisper . my child, pray that God calls you to be a holy priest ok

Speaking from the human point of view, I don't think this dream of my
parents will be fulfilled in me. I'm still praying over my vocation, but now
my inclination is toward family life. I told this to my parents and I
noticed my moms face fall a bit. Then I told her, mummy please allow me to
live my life. please don't thrust your dreams into my life, just becoz u
want me to be a priest I won't become one ok

I told my parents about the very powerful sex drive that I've got and with
that, I don't think its possible to live an entire lifetime of celibacy. My
parents still hope that one of their sons will be called by the Lord to
Priesthood. Whatever it is, do pray that we do only the will of God ok.

Over the past 1 and a half years God has brought a holy priest across my
life, and with his guidance I've been able to direct my sex urge to more
productive and creative ways. These days by the grace of God, I don't lust
after every wayfaring girl I happen to see. I'm not aroused by the posters
and dirt that's out there in the world. These days God is helping me to live
a holy life. but even still there are times I gratify my lower passions..
But even at those times, I don't lust after any woman in particular.its only
out of that terrible feeling of loneliness.

I love to have a big family with a bunch of Kids around me and a woman by my
side to love and embrace and share my life with.  I love to see children
grow and mature. I love to see myself maturing as a parent like my parents
still continue to do.

After reading eddy chettans mail I don't know my heart is feeling heavy. It
still is. Please pray for me.

I remember during one of Fr. George Kumblumootils retreat some years back
here in Delhi he told us about an incident that took place in kerala. Once
there was a certain meeting in which one of the bishops in Kerala was
attending. Little by little people started mud slinging and muck smearing on
the priests, saying see what this priest is doing, see what that priest is
doing etc. and the bishop just asked them.  do you want holy priests? and
they all echoed in unison YES and the bishop continued coolly Live holy
lives and bring up holy children

Eddy chetta, count me in this initiative. I do pray for priests, now I'll do
it in a more organized manner.

I love priests a lot but i don't think i've got what it takes to become one.

Jesus Loves you all,

Josun Jose/New Delhi/India

- Original Message -
From: Edward A. Edezhath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 3:37 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

 Hello Joynet Friends,

 I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents'
 in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long
 in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
 quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over,
 those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
 remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
 conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

 But one intention comes back to my mind 

Re: [JOYnet] Pray for Priests

2002-05-13 Thread sheril daniel

 yes i think it is necessary that we should spend some time praying for christian 
priests because they are meant to be the spiritual leaders for lay people and very 
often the layman doesn't realise that they are also ordinary human beings. they are 
ordinary ppl just like all of us, who have recieved the calling to lead different 
lives with sometimes more responsibility than others. the power that is invested in 
their lives makes them more accountable and gives them greater responsibility. so it 
is up to us to pray for our leaders.

but i don't think that wrong doings of a priest should be covered up just to save 
the image of a church or a particular denomination. action should be taken. i am not 
condemning anyone and i am not saying that if a priest does wrong he should be 
condemned. but it shold be made known. in the past this was not done so that is why 
such incidences continued. i'm talking here, mainly about the child abuse that many 
priests have been acused of. sexual child abuse. if this is covered up, who suffers? 
maybe the church retains its image, but who suffers? the children. innocent children. 
if such things are made public, and priests are punished in the same way as any human 
being would be punished if they were caught of the same crime, such incidences would 
definitely be curbed. like i said earlier, when saying this, i am not condemning 
anyone. we are all human beings and capable of sin. but when david sinned, even though 
he was so beloved in God's eyes and even though he was forgiven!
, he sufferd teh consequence did'nt he? his child born of sin died. God has given us 
power but with it, responsiblity too. so if we don't act as responsible children, we 
will suffer for it. 

hence just as we pray for our families, friends etc, we should pray sincerely for the 
leaders that God has chosen for his flock that they will be responsible leaders and 
lead their lives according tot hte vocation they have chosen and the calling htey have 
recieved. we should also be responsible toward ourselves and our children, and when 
such incidences are knon, we should not try and hide it for the sake of our church. 
the church should not be based on lies. 

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa

Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' house
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long dip
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, especially
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need for
urgent prayer for priests. The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord of
the harvest . .  (Mt. 9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful invention
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in this
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building up
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word (Jn. 17:

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have to
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have responded.
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we are
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the priests
and earnestly pray for them. If two of you agree on earth about anything they
ask . . . (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work that
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of us
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of priesthood
by loving and praying for priests. He who receives a prophet because he is a
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . . even a cup of cold water . .
shall not lose his reward. (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network to specifically PRAY
FOR PRIESTS. There has to be certain things that (i) each one in this network
should do and (ii) certain things they