[jQuery] Re: cluetip question

2008-01-08 Thread Shawn

Thanks for the kudo's Karl.  I've always felt obligated (or is that 
obliged) to give back what I myself have received.  In this case is the 
help/mentoring/support the community provides.  So I help out where I can.

I just hope I'm not way off on my postings.. :)  But fully expect to be 
corrected if I am. (and I'm open to being corrected - how else would I 
learn otherwise?)


Karl Swedberg wrote:
 Thanks for answering this question, Shawn! I really appreciate the time 
 you've taken here and on your blog to help others with some of clueTip's 
 Shawn showed you a way to use an element on the same page for the 
 tooltip's contents. If you'd like to use the invoking element's title 
 attribute (or some other attribute as set by the titleAttribute option) 
 for the contents, you need to set the splitTitle option. Something like 
 this, for example:
 $('h4').cluetip({splitTitle: '|'});
 h4 title=Fancy Title!|testingHover over me./h4
 Hope that helps.
 Karl Swedberg
 On Jan 4, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Shawn wrote:

 Yes, you can.

 First, you specify the attribute that contains the ajax page OR the name
 of the local element to show.

 If you are doing local a local element, you then set the local
 property to true, and adjust any other properties as needed.  Using a
 local element is mutually exclusive of any of the Ajax items...


 h4 id=myheadingMy Heading/h4
 div id=clueDiv style=display: none;Here's my extra detail/div

 $(#myheading).attr(rel, #cluediv).cluetip({
   local : true,
   hoverClass : highlight

 That *should* show the clueDiv as your popup/cluetip without any Ajax 

 Options can be found at 

 Samples can be found at http://plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/

 I'm sure others may have responded by now (no mail from the list for a
 while, but that's usual for me for some reason, then I'll get a flood).
  And they probably have more definitive recommendations (i.e. Karl
 monitors the list and he is the Cluetip author...)  But, if not, I hope
 this helps.


 Feijó wrote:
 With *non-link element*, why can't I use without ajax?

 I try that:

 h4 title=Fancy Title!|testingHover over me./h4

 Didnt work, only like this works:

 $('h4').cluetip({attribute: 'id', hoverClass: 'highlight'});
 h4 title=Fancy Title! id=ajax3.htmHover over me./h4

 Can't I just set a tip without ajax? With a the first one runs.




[jQuery] Re: jQuery cycle not working??

2008-01-08 Thread Ash

Sorry I have changed it for the unpacked version now. Could you or
anyone else shed some light on to it for me please?


On Jan 7, 6:07 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The curvycorners plugin is causing cycle to fail.  But I can't see why
 because the code is packed.


 On Jan 7, 2008 9:48 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi I need some help with this I have never used this before and i
  can't seem to be able to get it to work. Now it might be because I
  have a Cold at the moment (no not man flue, I'm just ill), but i can't
  seem to figure it out.

  Please see my example here...


  It seems to see that i have got the images in the page but it does not
  do anything with them.

  Please help!


[jQuery] add changing URL string to address for AJAX a la Gmail 2

2008-01-08 Thread Scott Hulbert
Hi everyone,

I'm working on a simple project and I'm going to use jQuery's .load function
to switch between content pages so that the page does not have to unload and
reload. I'm doing this because my page needs a flash music player on it and
this allows for uninterrupted music. I'd like a way to do something similar
to what Gmail does now.

For example, when I click on a message the address in the address bar
changes to: http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/11757de76c56c762;

I just want something simple, like
domainname.com/home.php?page=about...orsomething more similar to
gmail, a la
domain.com/home.php#about. This isn't necessary but it is nice for the user
and could eventually be used with PHP to redirect a user to a linked page.

Thanks to anyone with any insight on how this would be done. I have a decent
knowledge of jQuery but my javascript is a bit weak.

--Scott Hulbert

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Andre Meyer
Just a thought: could this be expanded into something like dojox.gfx? Would
be awesome!



[jQuery] jQuery Form: document.forms.submit not working :(

2008-01-08 Thread Maik Kennison

I have the simple form like
script type=text/javascript
// wait for the DOM to be loaded
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myform').ajaxForm(function() {
alert(Thank you for your comment!);

and form
form class=myform id=myform name=myform method=post
input name=Imp1 value=22 type=hidden
input name=Imp2 value= type=hidden
input name=Imp3 value=//
input name=Imp4 value= type=hidden
a href=# onClick=document.forms.myform.submit(); return
a href=# onClick=document.forms.myform.submit(); return

but it's not working :( Form submit, but jQuery Form don't catch this :

[jQuery] Re: keyboard sortable list

2008-01-08 Thread MaSTeRMinD

Thanks i already have a keyboard handler. I guess that i will try to
combine it with this
It's the closest to what i need.

[jQuery] Re: Loading animation when waiting JQuery.post() to return

2008-01-08 Thread rics

I will try both. I want to do it from zero at least once, to
learn... :D

On Jan 7, 8:15 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think what you might be after are ajaxStart and ajaxStop:


  That could start and then stop something like an animated gif that
  would overlay the page until the ajax request was finished. Getting
  the animation, styling it, etc. is all just css and usual hide/show,

 There is a plugin called BlockUI that does this very thing quite nicely.

 -- Josh

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Peter Bengtsson

The xhtml validator cries blood because of the xml tag in the middle
of everything. Any nicer way to put that xml tag in and still be
certain it works in IE6?
(I can't test this myself since I don't have easy access to an
emulator or windows computer)

On 07/01/2008, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I'd like to announce my latest jQuery plugin. I hope you'll find it


 # Antialiased
 # Very Fast
 # Support for any size radius and border width with minimal
 performance increase
 # No excanvas
 # Current layout is maintained
 # Works with all tested positions/display/floats
 # Supports fluid layouts
 # Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover/background
 # Script is only 4.0k uncompressed

 # IE6 has some slight problems with the VML in some cases
 # Mac/Safari doesn't work (Windows Safari is fine)

 You can see it in action here :


 Look forward to your comments


Peter Bengtsson,
work www.fry-it.com
home www.peterbe.com
hobby www.issuetrackerproduct.com

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Olaf Bosch

Peter Bengtsson schrieb:

The xhtml validator cries blood because of the xml tag in the
middle of everything. Any nicer way to put that xml tag in and
still be certain it works in IE6?

This is simple:

!--[if IE]
stylev\: * { behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block; }/style
xml:namespace ns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' prefix='v' /xml


Vor what is this DIV??? What hold the Canvas, this is not clear for me?
I have set cornerz on a UL an this is invalid to include in a UL a DIV.

I have replace the DIV with SPAN works also, for wat is this Holder?
This shold working without this holder DIV when the parent is set to

The IE works not perfect :(

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] How to change contextmenu-plugin to trigger on left-click

2008-01-08 Thread Netcrawle


I've tried to solve this myself, and seeked help on the IRC-channel,
but the problem seems to be hard to overcome. I've implementet the
contextmenu-plugin ( 
) on a site, and the client has fallen in love with it and how it
works - but they want to have it trigger on left-click instead of

The problem is that i can't figure out -where- the rightclick is
caught, so that i can change it to left-click. Can anyone think of a
way to solve that?

I'm at a loss here :p

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread weepy

 The IE works not perfect :(

What problems are you having specifically? I know there is a subpixel
rendering problem.

The element itself holds the canvas or VML. It can be whatever you
want - whether it's invalid xml or not.

No plans for expansion. I like to keep things lean and mean : ) -
Though I do have a secret sister plugin coming ...

On Jan 8, 12:12 pm, Olaf Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter Bengtsson schrieb:

  The xhtml validator cries blood because of the xml tag in the
  middle of everything. Any nicer way to put that xml tag in and
  still be certain it works in IE6?

 This is simple:

 !--[if IE]
 stylev\: * { behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block; }/style
 xml:namespace ns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' prefix='v' /xml


 Vor what is this DIV??? What hold the Canvas, this is not clear for me?
 I have set cornerz on a UL an this is invalid to include in a UL a DIV.

 I have replace the DIV with SPAN works also, for wat is this Holder?
 This shold working without this holder DIV when the parent is set to

 Viele Grüße, Olaf

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]://olaf-bosch.dewww.akitafreund.de

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread weepy

  The xhtml validator cries blood because of the xml tag in the
  middle of everything. Any nicer way to put that xml tag in and
  still be certain it works in IE6?

I plan to put this into the plugin itself, which would sidestep this

[jQuery] $('#foo').css() - to return all styles of the element?

2008-01-08 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

My google search got to be vain; I was searching how to find style
rules for the element like:

$('#foo').css() to return something like:
background: red;
font: Arial

Is there anyway? TIA

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] load method doesn't work with amp; and doesn't validate

2008-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When loading an url containing querystrings with jQuery's load
method I first tried amp; but since that doesn't work, I'm now
using . The problem is, now the page doesn't validate XHTML 1.0
transitional. Any suggestions?

[jQuery] Getting JQuery to work with svg file

2008-01-08 Thread aldur

I have a svg file that is a map viewer for my website. its a php file
that returns a SVG snap shot of the world map

I've gotten zoom in and out and pan working from the control panel but
I want to embed the SVG into a page and have it load the new map as an
AJAX load.  my problem is that it can't find the jquery.js file so $
is not initialised

Any Ideas

Alpha code below
?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?svg width=600px height=480px
version=1.1 xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2000/svg; 
   script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/
   script type=text/javascript

var mode ='zoom';
var mytrace= new Array();
var x = 1135274;
var y = 946538;
var mag = 431.65471197426086;
var halfheight = 240;
var halfwidth = 300;
var traceOn = false;
var multiplier =0.75;
function TestMouse(e){

if (window.event amp;amp; window.event.srcElement) {
evEl = window.event.srcElement;
} else {
evEl = e.target;

if (mode == 'zoom' || mode==unzoom){

mag))) +amp;y=+ parseInt(y+((e.clientY-halfheight)/(1/mag)))
+amp;mode=+mode+amp;m=+(mag*((mode == 'zoom')?0.75:1.25)));
function setzoom(evt){
function setunzoom(evt){

function setMoveUp(evt){CallMove(Up, evt);}
function setMoveDown(evt){CallMove(Down, evt);}
function setMoveLeft(evt){CallMove(Left, evt);}
function setMoveRight(evt){CallMove(Right, evt);}

function CallMove(direction, e){
if (window.event amp;amp; window.event.srcElement) {
evEl = window.event.srcElement;
} else {
evEl = e.target;


g id='map' onclick='TestMouse(evt)' onmousemove='trace(evt)' 
polygon points=0,0 600,0 600,480 0,480
!-- map polygon goes here --
g onclick='setzoom(evt)'
polygon points=20,100, 40,100 40,120, 20,120
line x1=30 y1=105 x2=30 y2=116 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/

line x1=25 y1=110 x2=35 y2=110 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/

g onclick='setunzoom(evt)'
polygon points=20,124, 40,124 40,144, 20,144

line x1=25 y1=134 x2=35 y2=134 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/

g onclick='setMoveDown(evt)'
polygon points=20,75, 40,75 40,95, 20,95
line x1=27 y1=86 x2=30 y2=90 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=33 y1=86 x2=30 y2=90 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=30 y1=90 x2=30 y2=80 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
g onclick='setMoveLeft(evt)'
polygon points=7,50 27,50 27,70 7,70
line x1=9 y1=60 x2=25 y2=60 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=9 y1=60 x2=13 y2=56 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=9 y1=60 x2=13 y2=64 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
g onclick='setMoveRight(evt)'
polygon points=33,50 53,50 53,70 33,70
line x1=35 y1=60 x2=50 y2=60 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/

line x1=50 y1=60 x2=45 y2=56 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=50 y1=60 x2=45 y2=64 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
g onclick='setMoveUp(evt)'
polygon points=20,25, 40,25 40,45, 20,45
line x1=30 y1=30 x2=30 y2=40 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=27 y1=34 x2=30 y2=30 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/
line x1=33 y1=34 x2=30 y2=30 stroke=#000 stroke-width=1/

[jQuery] Trouble with .children in IE

2008-01-08 Thread Jentulman

I've a peice of code that is working fine for me in FF but errors out
in IE 6 and 7.
I'm using the impromptu and corner plugins, although I don't think the
error is related to them.

script type=text/javascript
availpoints = 500;
$(document).ready(function() {
if ( $('.spendlogo').length ){

reward = 
redeemtxt = 
'How many points would you like to redeem?br /
You can redeem a maximum of '+availpoints+' pointsinput
type=hidden name=rewardid id=rewardid value='+reward+' /
input type=text name=qty id=qty /span id=feedback/


 submit: rewardme,

 buttons: {Redeem:'Redeem', cancel:'cancel'}


function rewardme(button, message){
if(button == 'Redeem'){
inp = 
feedback = 
reward = 
qty = 
if(qty  availpoints){

inp.css(border,solid #ff 1px);

feedback.html('br /You do not have enough points.');
return false;
} else if(qty%5  0){

inp.css(border,solid #ff 1px);

feedback.html('br /Please enter a multiple of 5');
return false;
} else {



return true;
} else {
return true;

In IE the line

feedback = message.children('#feedback');

throws a Object doesn't support this property or method.

I'm fairly new to JQuery and I'm stumped as to why this selector

I've tried adding a name=feedback attribute to the span.
I've tried changing the variable name from feedback to something else
in case that was a conflict.
I even tried swapping the 4 lines with .children() in around to check
if maybe I needed to reset the message object before I could
call .children() again but it's only that one line that errors, and
it's position seems irrelevant.

I'm sure it's somethign really simple but I don't know what it is and
help would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Erik Beeson
Your choice of colors aside, this plugin looks fantastic! Very smooth.

If this had gradients and drop shadows, I could replace my photoshop guy
with it :)


On 1/7/08, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I'd like to announce my latest jQuery plugin. I hope you'll find it


 # Antialiased
 # Very Fast
 # Support for any size radius and border width with minimal
 performance increase
 # No excanvas
 # Current layout is maintained
 # Works with all tested positions/display/floats
 # Supports fluid layouts
 # Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover/background
 # Script is only 4.0k uncompressed

 # IE6 has some slight problems with the VML in some cases
 # Mac/Safari doesn't work (Windows Safari is fine)

 You can see it in action here :


 Look forward to your comments


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Olaf Bosch

weepy schrieb:

The IE works not perfect :(

What problems are you having specifically? I know there is a subpixel
rendering problem.

I make a Screen, I work offline:

The element itself holds the canvas or VML. It can be whatever you
want - whether it's invalid xml or not.

Yes i understand this fact. I say it does not need. ;)

Give the parent element position:relative; and the cornerz working true, 


div id=bla style=position:relative;

For what will you make this:

div id=bla style=position:relative;
  div style=display:inherite

I forget, thank you for this fine Plugin :)

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Andy Matthews
You could probably simulate a drop shadow with some creative HTML.


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Erik Beeson
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:19 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using

Your choice of colors aside, this plugin looks fantastic! Very smooth.

If this had gradients and drop shadows, I could replace my photoshop guy
with it :)


On 1/7/08, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Hi I'd like to announce my latest jQuery plugin. I hope you'll find it


# Antialiased
# Very Fast
# Support for any size radius and border width with minimal
performance increase 
# No excanvas
# Current layout is maintained
# Works with all tested positions/display/floats
# Supports fluid layouts
# Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover/background
# Script is only 4.0k uncompressed

# IE6 has some slight problems with the VML in some cases
# Mac/Safari doesn't work (Windows Safari is fine)

You can see it in action here :


Look forward to your comments


[jQuery] jquery remove() not removing

2008-01-08 Thread justinteractive

Hi folks,

I'm using remove() to remove a list, then re-creating a list using the
same id. Remove does not appear to be actually removing the instance.

If I check for the element, it returns true, but if I try to work with
it nothing happens? Firebug shows no evidence of the list either.

Anyone experienced similar?

[jQuery] Min-height fix? Plugin

2008-01-08 Thread Chris J. Lee

I'm having problems trying to get the min-height of 100% to work on
all browsers consistently. Anyone know if theres a jquery plugin for

[jQuery] Re: jQuery API extension for Dreamweaver

2008-01-08 Thread tlphipps

This rocks!  Thanks so much for putting this together!

On Jan 4, 7:08 pm, Chris Charlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Works withDreamweaverMX (6), 7, 8, and CS3 (9). Provides the jQuery
 API via code hints and snippets inDreamweaver'scode view.

 Please send me your thoughts, ideas, notes, etc. to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Can JQuery support iCab 3 (for legacy Mac OS9)

2008-01-08 Thread John Resig

Nope, definitely not. We already don't support anything less than
Safari 2 - or IE 5. The only Mac-based browsers we support are Safari
2 + 3, Firefox 2, and Opera 9.


On Jan 7, 2008 11:49 PM, howa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have some users still running OS9, I would like to know if any OS9
 users here can confirm if JQuery (1.2x) support iCab 3, so we can
 advise them to use this browser.



[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread weepy

 div id=bla style=position:relative;

Good point. The only reason i was doing this was because I wanted to
pass the corners back as a return value. I'm not sure you can do with
without a parent container. The problem with IE goes away if u change
the width or height by 1px - not sure what is causing this !

 If this had gradients and drop shadows
Watch this space

Regarding 'square' corners - do you mean 45 degrees ?

On Jan 8, 2:14 pm, Olaf Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 weepy schrieb:

  The IE works not perfect :(

  What problems are you having specifically? I know there is a subpixel
  rendering problem.

 I make a Screen, I work offline:http://olaf-bosch.de/bugs/jquery/cornerz.gif

  The element itself holds the canvas or VML. It can be whatever you
  want - whether it's invalid xml or not.

 Yes i understand this fact. I say it does not need. ;)

 Give the parent element position:relative; and the cornerz working true,


 div id=bla style=position:relative;

 For what will you make this:

 div id=bla style=position:relative;
div style=display:inherite

 I forget, thank you for this fine Plugin :)

 Viele Grüße, Olaf

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]://olaf-bosch.dehttp://ohorn.infowww.akitafreund.de

[jQuery] Re: jQuery API extension for Dreamweaver

2008-01-08 Thread Leandro Vieira Pinho

Great Man,

I have downloaded in testing it.


On Jan 4, 11:08 pm, Chris Charlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Works with Dreamweaver MX (6), 7, 8, and CS3 (9). Provides the jQuery
 API via code hints and snippets in Dreamweaver's code view.

 Please send me your thoughts, ideas, notes, etc. to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - thanks!

[jQuery] Re: MooFlow: Carousel of sorts

2008-01-08 Thread Ty

Turns out there is a jquery deal-i-o already, it's sort of just the
raw version compared to this mooflow:
Of course everyone's heard of these guy's:

Thread to discussion of the 3d carousel:
It's not exactly 3d, more like 2d with perspective :)

On Jan 7, 2:53 pm, Sean O [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is seriously cool!  Kind of a Cover Flow-style effect...

 I wouldn't be surprised if Mike Alsup, the reigning jQuery slideshow master
 -- see:http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/
 has a Cycle plugin option for this soon ;)

 is also nice.

 I don't know of any with quite the layout of MooFlow, however.


 {js}sTyler wrote:

  Has anyone seen the MooFlow image gallery:
  It even allows the pictures to be rotated using the mouse wheel.
  Very cool stuff, I suppose anything could be ported to jquery, or not?
  Don't have an immediate use for this, but it's cool, I've seen similar
  things done in flash.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Andy Matthews


I was kidding. You get square corners if you don't do anything. That's the
default display. I was just messing around with you.


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of weepy
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 9:45 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using

 div id=bla style=position:relative;

Good point. The only reason i was doing this was because I wanted to pass
the corners back as a return value. I'm not sure you can do with without a
parent container. The problem with IE goes away if u change the width or
height by 1px - not sure what is causing this !

 If this had gradients and drop shadows
Watch this space

Regarding 'square' corners - do you mean 45 degrees ?

On Jan 8, 2:14 pm, Olaf Bosch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 weepy schrieb:

  The IE works not perfect :(

  What problems are you having specifically? I know there is a 
  subpixel rendering problem.

 I make a Screen, I work 

  The element itself holds the canvas or VML. It can be whatever you 
  want - whether it's invalid xml or not.

 Yes i understand this fact. I say it does not need. ;)

 Give the parent element position:relative; and the cornerz working 


 div id=bla style=position:relative;

 For what will you make this:

 div id=bla style=position:relative;
div style=display:inherite

 I forget, thank you for this fine Plugin :)

 Viele Grüße, Olaf

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]://olaf-bosch.dehttp://ohorn.infowww.akitafr

[jQuery] Re: add changing URL string to address for AJAX a la Gmail 2

2008-01-08 Thread Sam Collett

You may find the history plugin to be of use (not sure if there is a
newer version as that page hasn't been updated for a while):

On Jan 8, 6:19 am, Scott Hulbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I'm working on a simple project and I'm going to use jQuery's .load function
 to switch between content pages so that the page does not have to unload and
 reload. I'm doing this because my page needs a flash music player on it and
 this allows for uninterrupted music. I'd like a way to do something similar
 to what Gmail does now.

 For example, when I click on a message the address in the address bar
 changes to: http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/11757de76c56c762;

 I just want something simple, like
 domainname.com/home.php?page=about...orsomething more similar to
 gmail, a la
 domain.com/home.php#about. This isn't necessary but it is nice for the user
 and could eventually be used with PHP to redirect a user to a linked page.

 Thanks to anyone with any insight on how this would be done. I have a decent
 knowledge of jQuery but my javascript is a bit weak.

 --Scott Hulbert

[jQuery] Re: Sever Push - live site

2008-01-08 Thread coughlinsmyalias

Thank you Morgan for your reply, You are correct, the site:

You can add a word via the form, it calls, add.php
You can drag to the delete box to delete from the database, it calls,
When you drag a word, on the STOP event it will send the, ID, word
name, x, y coods to the database, via store.php

It is all MySQL/PHP drive, no flat files. Its the looping, I think i
need help with. I have read so many articles to try to understand
it :p


Thank you for your help,


Just read your post after, that is neat, how you want to bring Comet
to jQuery :) Let me know of your progress. I am curious! Or if you
want any input. Just throwing it out there

On Jan 7, 6:33 pm, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not sure. It is dependent on how your PHP backend works. Looking at
 your demo I see that when I move a word, it is POSTed to store.php, is that
 then entered into a database? stored in a flat file? held in memory with
 magic? Regardless, the idea is that in words.php (say,
 would loop until either your database; flatfile; or magic storage is
 updated, then return the results and start a new waiting connection.

 On Jan 7, 2008 2:10 PM, coughlinsmyalias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thank you! After going through your code when I go to:


  I get:


  And when i load  the HTML page, I get no input and no errors, with my
  code below:

  script src=js/jquery-1.2.1.pack.js type=text/javascript/script
 url: 'keepLive.php?wait=' + $('#in').val(),
 success: function(sReturn)

 What time is it in#160;input id=in/
  type=button value=? id=hurumph/
 ?:#160;span id=time/

  Here is my new code:http://pastie.caboo.se/136398that is the code
  that i am trying to implement it with. To see other peoples action on
  the site, in that case what would be my PHP be? I have been at many
  many articles on this and just need some one on one for explanation.
  Thanks for that demo!

  On Jan 6, 10:01 pm, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   A simple way to do this in PHP is using a loop to wait for an event, and
   return if and when it does. Otherwise the connection times out, and the
   client (web browser using XMLHttpRequest) reconnects. A really simple
   demonstration can be seen by just doing an ajax request to a php script
   sleep()'s. Here is an example.

   echo time();
   script src=/js/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
   url: 'index.php?wait=' + $('#in').val(),
   success: function(sReturn)

   What time is it in#160;input
   type=button value=? id=hurumph/
   ?:#160;span id=time/

   Just takes a simple input and wait the given amount of time. You can see
   from this that you could easily wait for any other sort of event. Like
   another user making and update. At that the point the connection get
   and the client just restarts it.

   On Jan 6, 2008 3:56 PM, coughlinsmyalias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey all, i have been researching googling and many other ways to try
to find out how to make my site as close to live as I can.

I read this by John:http://ejohn.org/blog/streaming-http-server-push/
but am still kind of confused. My site is:


- Drag a word
- Add a word
- Delete

And many features to come, etc. I want to make it like you can seeo
ther changes being made..stuff being dragged, any idea how to do this?
I have been STUMPED on this.


   Lets make up more accronyms!

   Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery cycle not working??

2008-01-08 Thread Ash

What do you mean? Sorry Javascript is not a strong point of mine.

On Jan 8, 1:42 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure where the conflict is, but if you call cycle after you
 call corner (instead of before) then it seems to work fine.


 On Jan 8, 2008 4:43 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry I have changed it for the unpacked version now. Could you or
  anyone else shed some light on to it for me please?


  On Jan 7, 6:07 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The curvycorners plugin is causing cycle to fail.  But I can't see why
   because the code is packed.


   On Jan 7, 2008 9:48 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi I need some help with this I have never used this before and i
can't seem to be able to get it to work. Now it might be because I
have a Cold at the moment (no not man flue, I'm just ill), but i can't
seem to figure it out.

Please see my example here...


It seems to see that i have got the images in the page but it does not
do anything with them.

Please help!


[jQuery] Re: add changing URL string to address for AJAX a la Gmail 2

2008-01-08 Thread Morgan Allen
Give the history plugin a look, this will also allow you to get an ajaxish
back button.


On Jan 7, 2008 10:19 PM, Scott Hulbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I'm working on a simple project and I'm going to use jQuery's .load
 function to switch between content pages so that the page does not have to
 unload and reload. I'm doing this because my page needs a flash music player
 on it and this allows for uninterrupted music. I'd like a way to do
 something similar to what Gmail does now.

 For example, when I click on a message the address in the address bar
 changes to: http://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/11757de76c56c762;

 I just want something simple, like 
 domainname.com/home.php?page=about...orsomething more similar to gmail, a la
 domain.com/home.php#about. This isn't necessary but it is nice for the
 user and could eventually be used with PHP to redirect a user to a linked

 Thanks to anyone with any insight on how this would be done. I have a
 decent knowledge of jQuery but my javascript is a bit weak.

 --Scott Hulbert

Lets make up more accronyms!

Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
bike nerdity.

[jQuery] JQuery UI Dialog not working

2008-01-08 Thread Jason Levine

I'm working on a new website that's going to heavily rely on JQuery, but I
can't get the UI Dialog code to work.  To simplify matters, I took the HTML
code from the documentation's example and modified it to work with local
scripts.  It winds up failing with my local copy of JQuery.

Here's the URL:


Here's the URL using the latest copy of JQuery right from the servers:


Any ideas why it won't work?

Thanks in advance,

-Jason Levine
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: How to change contextmenu-plugin to trigger on left-click

2008-01-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

I've tried to solve this myself, and seeked help on the IRC-channel,
but the problem seems to be hard to overcome. I've implementet the
contextmenu-plugin (
) on a site, and the client has fallen in love with it and how it
works - but they want to have it trigger on left-click instead of

The problem is that i can't figure out -where- the rightclick is
caught, so that i can change it to left-click. Can anyone think of a
way to solve that?

I'm at a loss here :p

Look for the line starting with:


The contextmenu is what is binding this to the right-click. Change
contextmenu to click and it should work with a left click.


[jQuery] Re: Clone dont work. Why?

2008-01-08 Thread yabado


I am trying something similar. I copied your code but it does not
work. Is there something missing from the post?

On Dec 16 2007, 9:44 am, Antonio Jozzolino
 Everything works fine now. Thanks a lot!


         div class=add-more
                 label for=empresas_coligadas_ou_filiais class=label-
 ecfEmpresas Coligadas ou Filiais/label
                 input name=empresas_coligadas_ou_filiais type=text
 maxlength=255 /
                 span class=bt-more/span
             span class=bt-less/span


         $('span.bt-more').bind('click', function(){cloneDiv($(this))});
         $('span.bt-less').bind('click', function(){removeDiv($(this))});

 function cloneDiv(e)
         var ee = e.parent();
         var cc = ee.clone();
         $('span.bt-more').bind('click', function(){cloneDiv($(this))});
         $('span.bt-less').bind('click', function(){removeDiv($(this))});
         $($(cc[0]).children()[0]).css('visibility', 'hidden');
         $($(cc[0]).children()[3]).css('visibility', 'visible');}

 function removeDiv(e)
         var ee = e.parent();


[jQuery] Re: jQuery cycle not working??

2008-01-08 Thread Mike Alsup

I mean the order in which the two plugins are invoked.  This is what
you have and does not work:


but calling them in the opposite order does work:


I'm not familiar with the curvycorner code and it's larger than I have
time to digest right now so I can't tell you why this is happening.

Hope that helps.


On Jan 8, 2008 10:24 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do you mean? Sorry Javascript is not a strong point of mine.

 On Jan 8, 1:42 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure where the conflict is, but if you call cycle after you
  call corner (instead of before) then it seems to work fine.

  On Jan 8, 2008 4:43 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sorry I have changed it for the unpacked version now. Could you or
   anyone else shed some light on to it for me please?
   On Jan 7, 6:07 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The curvycorners plugin is causing cycle to fail.  But I can't see why
because the code is packed.
On Jan 7, 2008 9:48 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I need some help with this I have never used this before and i
 can't seem to be able to get it to work. Now it might be because I
 have a Cold at the moment (no not man flue, I'm just ill), but i can't
 seem to figure it out.
 Please see my example here...
 It seems to see that i have got the images in the page but it does not
 do anything with them.
 Please help!

[jQuery] Watch plugin?

2008-01-08 Thread traunic

This blog post http://www.neilmix.com/2008/01/06/beyond-dom/ was
linked from Ajaxian today

I posted a comment about using the javascript watch method without
being wise enough to verify it's rather limited implementation.  Is
there a way to work around this?  I can see where $
(#foo).watch(myVar) would be very handy.

[jQuery] thickbox question

2008-01-08 Thread Eridius

is there a way to trigger thickbox to popup without any clicking.  I tried

$(#id').trigger('click') but that did not work.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] File upload with AJAX

2008-01-08 Thread Jimmy Neph

Hello people.

I want to know if is possible to send a file using the Ajax method.
If it is possible, how I do this?


[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread timothytoe

What problems are you having specifically? I know there is a subpixel 
rendering problem.

I'm assuming the subpixel rendering is what is causing the ugly black
lines on the left and right side of the border:1 display: inline

I'd probably use this if the IE problem gets fixed. Very pretty in the
other browsers.

[jQuery] toggle function on checkbox

2008-01-08 Thread Jeff

I'm having a problem with toggle() and was hoping someone could help
me. Using the toggle function on a checkbox seems to have disabled the
checkbox's ability to check on and off.

a href=http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz;http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz/a

My code:

  function () {
  function () {

[jQuery] Re: jQuery cycle not working??

2008-01-08 Thread Ash

That's fine. It works. Thanks for your help

On Jan 8, 5:22 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mean the order in which the two plugins are invoked.  This is what
 you have and does not work:


 but calling them in the opposite order does work:


 I'm not familiar with the curvycorner code and it's larger than I have
 time to digest right now so I can't tell you why this is happening.

 Hope that helps.


 On Jan 8, 2008 10:24 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What do you mean? Sorry Javascript is not a strong point of mine.

  On Jan 8, 1:42 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm not sure where the conflict is, but if you call cycle after you
   call corner (instead of before) then it seems to work fine.


   On Jan 8, 2008 4:43 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry I have changed it for the unpacked version now. Could you or
anyone else shed some light on to it for me please?


On Jan 7, 6:07 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The curvycorners plugin is causing cycle to fail.  But I can't see why
 because the code is packed.


 On Jan 7, 2008 9:48 AM, Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi I need some help with this I have never used this before and i
  can't seem to be able to get it to work. Now it might be because I
  have a Cold at the moment (no not man flue, I'm just ill), but i 
  seem to figure it out.

  Please see my example here...


  It seems to see that i have got the images in the page but it does 
  do anything with them.

  Please help!


[jQuery] toggle function on checkbox

2008-01-08 Thread jpl80

I'm having a problem with toggle() and was hoping someone could help
me. Using the toggle function on a checkbox seems to have disabled the
checkbox's ability to check on and off.

http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz 

My code:

 function () {
 function () {
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread Aaron Barker

Very cool.

One thing I noticed is that you can not select text where it overlaps
the canvas.  This is easily seen in the bottom left corner of the
page, but can be seen at the top if you make the window narrow
enough.  It does this in FF and Saf on OSX.

I have no idea how canvas works, so this may not be fixable.  But an
observation that may be worthy of noting in the documentation.
Although I would think it to be rare that people are doing that big of
corners that would overlap with context, but you never know.

On Jan 7, 9:01 am, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I'd like to announce my latest jQuery plugin. I hope you'll find it


 # Antialiased
 # Very Fast
 # Support for any size radius and border width with minimal
 performance increase
 # No excanvas
 # Current layout is maintained
 # Works with all tested positions/display/floats
 # Supports fluid layouts
 # Original div still shows through, so can easily do hover/background
 # Script is only 4.0k uncompressed

 # IE6 has some slight problems with the VML in some cases
 # Mac/Safari doesn't work (Windows Safari is fine)

 You can see it in action here :


 Look forward to your comments


[jQuery] checkbox and toggle function

2008-01-08 Thread jpl80

Using toggle() with a checkbox disables the checkbox's ability to check
itself on and off.

http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz 

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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: how to write my own jquery plugin ?

2008-01-08 Thread Eric Martin

This is a good place to start:


On Jan 8, 8:04 am, TiGeRWooD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anybody knows where can I find a doc about my title ?

 Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] How to set up a callback on a function I've made?

2008-01-08 Thread rics

Hello people,

How can I force some code to run only when the execution of other
function finish? Look my code:

function loading() {
$(#ajaxContent).slideToggle(normal, function() {

$(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
$.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){

In the second block of code I want the $.get to execute only when the
function loading(), that was coded by me, finish to execute. I mean,
when the #ajaxLoader is show up.

How can I do something like that?

[jQuery] Re: Trouble with .children in IE

2008-01-08 Thread Jentulman

I've solved this one. The problem was that I was assigning javascript
variables with the same names as element ID's which it turns out IE
really doesn't like.
Cheers to anyone that had started looking at the problem.

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin Question

2008-01-08 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm working on a before callback function and I'd like to access the
 current slide index. I'd like to know what slide number is coming
 up. As the new slide is called, I want to add a class to the
 corresponding pager element so it appears active. Make sense?

The Cycle Plugin does this for you.  The active pager element will
have an activeSlide class assigned to it.  If you want to roll your
own then you can get the index like this:

function onBefore() {
var index = $(this).index();
// update controls...


[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.2.2? btw...

2008-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LOL! jQuery 1.2.2 FTW!!! XD

On Jan 8, 12:53 am, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 7, 8:27 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'm using the beta and it's much more performant than the 1.2.1 and I
  got no bugs so far...

  some intensive js scripts have decreased my cpu load to even half in
  some cases,

 There are typos in your subject line, it should read:

 jQuery 1.2.2, ftw!!!




[jQuery] Re: Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread weepy

 I'm assuming the subpixel rendering the ugly black lines on the left

Yes exactly. But its only really an issue with fluid layouts as it
only occurs when the width is an odd number.
So it's fine to use otherwise.


[jQuery] Re: thickbox question

2008-01-08 Thread Eridius

nvm, trigger seems to work now, must has had a type of some sort

Eridius wrote:
 is there a way to trigger thickbox to popup without any clicking.  I tried
 $(#id').trigger('click') but that did not work.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery UI Dialog not working

2008-01-08 Thread Richard D. Worth

script type=type/javascript src=JavaScript/jquery-1.2.2b2.js/script


script type=text/javascript src=JavaScript/jquery-1.2.2b2.js/script

Also, you'll want to put the flora (theme) class on the containing element,
in this case the body.

- Richard

On Jan 8, 2008 10:54 AM, Jason Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm working on a new website that's going to heavily rely on JQuery, but I
 can't get the UI Dialog code to work.  To simplify matters, I took the
 code from the documentation's example and modified it to work with local
 scripts.  It winds up failing with my local copy of JQuery.

 Here's the URL:


 Here's the URL using the latest copy of JQuery right from the servers:


 Any ideas why it won't work?

 Thanks in advance,

 -Jason Levine
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com

[jQuery] Re: How to set up a callback on a function I've made?

2008-01-08 Thread Cesar Iduarte
On Jan 8, 2008 12:38 PM, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello people,

 How can I force some code to run only when the execution of other
 function finish? Look my code:

function loading() {
$(#ajaxContent).slideToggle(normal, function() {

$(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
$.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){

 In the second block of code I want the $.get to execute only when the
 function loading(), that was coded by me, finish to execute. I mean,
 when the #ajaxLoader is show up.

 How can I do something like that?

If I'm getting right... ur results display before ur loading image even
If that so... you could use a timer with a constant delay 'cuse u really
don't know how long it takes to the browsers shows ur loading display...

Innovation the most beautiful Imagination's result

[jQuery] Re: File upload with AJAX

2008-01-08 Thread Mike Alsup

Technically, no, you can not upload files using ajax.  But the Form
Plugin supports this in a manner that appears to use ajax.



On Jan 8, 2008 11:35 AM, Jimmy Neph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello people.

 I want to know if is possible to send a file using the Ajax method.
 If it is possible, how I do this?


[jQuery] Re: Cornerz - Bullet Proof Curved Corners using Canvas/VML

2008-01-08 Thread weepy

acutally i have a fix for this - will upload tomorrow

On Jan 8, 7:15 pm, weepy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm assuming the subpixel rendering the ugly black lines on the left

 Yes exactly. But its only really an issue with fluid layouts as it
 only occurs when the width is an odd number.
 So it's fine to use otherwise.


[jQuery] Re: jquery remove() not removing

2008-01-08 Thread Cesar Iduarte
Still having the problem ?

On Jan 8, 2008 9:58 AM, David McFarland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 8, 2008, at 7:07 AM, justinteractive wrote:

  Hi folks,
  I'm using remove() to remove a list, then re-creating a list using the
  same id. Remove does not appear to be actually removing the instance.
  If I check for the element, it returns true, but if I try to work with
  it nothing happens? Firebug shows no evidence of the list either.

 can you show us your JavaScript code?


Innovation the most beautiful Imagination's result

[jQuery] Re: toggle function on checkbox

2008-01-08 Thread Alessandro Feijó
Why dont you use .click trigger?

Something like

  function () {

On Jan 8, 2008 4:05 PM, jpl80 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a problem with toggle() and was hoping someone could help
 me. Using the toggle function on a checkbox seems to have disabled the
 checkbox's ability to check on and off.

 http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz http://tinyurl.com/yo9onz

 My code:

 function () {
 function () {
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com


baita abraço

[jQuery] Synchronous JSONP

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Lipka
Right now in 1.2.1 the JSONP method uses an asynchronous call to do it's
This sometimes causes a problem when we are sending a call about a click
event on a link.  The page unloads before the JSONP is finished.

Changing it to be optional (async or synchronous) helps fix that problem.

Code we used inside jQuery (with a param call to .ajax)

/* If the request is not async, we need to wait for the script to load
before returning. */
else if (!s.async) {
  var done = false;
  // Attach handlers for all browsers
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){
  if ( !done  (!this.readyState ||
this.readyState == loaded || this.readyState == complete) ) {

QUESTION:  Putting this directly into our copy of jQuery is probably a bad
idea.  *How can this be turned into a plugin?*

Thanks much,


[jQuery] Re: toggle function on checkbox

2008-01-08 Thread David McFarland

 function () {
 function () {

I've had that problem too and switched to this structure:

$('input#precheck').click(function() {
 if($(this).attr(checked)) {
 } else {
   // hide


[jQuery] Re: How to set up a callback on a function I've made?

2008-01-08 Thread rics

I did it using ajaxStart() and ajaxStop(), but I still want to know if
I can set a callback to a custom function, for learning reasons. If
you can help, thanks.


Here is the final code...


$(this).slideToggle(normal, function(){

$(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
$.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){

On Jan 8, 1:38 pm, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello people,

 How can I force some code to run only when the execution of other
 function finish? Look my code:

 function loading() {
 $(#ajaxContent).slideToggle(normal, function() {

 $(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
 $.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){

 In the second block of code I want the $.get to execute only when the
 function loading(), that was coded by me, finish to execute. I mean,
 when the #ajaxLoader is show up.

 How can I do something like that?

[jQuery] Re: How to set up a callback on a function I've made?

2008-01-08 Thread Hamish Campbell

To clarify what Cesar said, the loading function _has_ finished
executing (ie, modifying the DOM). You need to preload any images
first so they don't have download it when the function fires.

eg: http://www.ilovejackdaniels.com/css/preloading-images-with-css/

On Jan 9, 8:40 am, Cesar Iduarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 8, 2008 12:38 PM, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello people,

  How can I force some code to run only when the execution of other
  function finish? Look my code:

         function loading() {
                 $(#ajaxContent).slideToggle(normal, function() {

         $(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
                 $.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){

  In the second block of code I want the $.get to execute only when the
  function loading(), that was coded by me, finish to execute. I mean,
  when the #ajaxLoader is show up.

  How can I do something like that?

 If I'm getting right... ur results display before ur loading image even
 If that so... you could use a timer with a constant delay 'cuse u really
 don't know how long it takes to the browsers shows ur loading display...

 Innovation the most beautiful Imagination's result- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin Question

2008-01-08 Thread kwsath

 The Cycle Plugin does this for you.  The active pager element will
 have an activeSlide class assigned to it.  If you want to roll your
 own then you can get the index like this:

 function onBefore() {
     var index = $(this).index();
     // update controls...



Thanks for the reply Mike. The activeSlide class is great to know.

I'm still having trouble accessing the index in my own function. I
tried the above code before posting here and get -1 indicating there
is no match.

If I look at the contents of this it appears to be the current
slide. Yet if I try to get the contents of a div with class label
which is found in the current slide it doesn't work. Such as: var
labelText = $(this).filter(.label).text(); I'm just a little
confused as to what I'm actually dealing with when I use this. For
instance if I check $(#feature-player).index(this); I get nothing
(feature-player being the id of the wrapper for the whole slideshow).
But if I check $(*).index(this) I do get numbers returned. But the
numbers aren't useful unless I know what the context of the indexing
is. Maybe I'm missing something simple here. Any help would be

What I'm trying to do is access a label for each slide. I currently
have the label inside each slide div. So however I can access this
would be great. But as I've described above - both solutions I can
think of don't seem to be working.

Again - thanks so much for your response. I appreciate you sharing
your knowledge.

[jQuery] Re: href attribute in ajax generated pages on IE

2008-01-08 Thread x0nix

Exactly the same problem here ... any workarounds found?

On Jan 8, 1:11 pm, alexanmtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Im defeat a great problem to read the href attribute on IE.

 If I had something like this:


   var path = $(this).attr(href);


 With this link: a href=/test/some test/a

 The both browsers return /test/, but when the page is loaded via
 ajax with the load method, on ie the result becomes 

 Anyone know how to retrieve the same result even in a dom generated
 page on ie?


[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin Question

2008-01-08 Thread Mike Alsup

Oops, sorry about that.  Try this inside the 'before' callback:

var index = $(this).parent().children().index(this);


On Jan 8, 2008 2:49 PM, kwsath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The Cycle Plugin does this for you. The active pager element will
  have an activeSlide class assigned to it. If you want to roll your
  own then you can get the index like this:
  function onBefore() {
  var index = $(this).index();
  // update controls...

 Thanks for the reply Mike. The activeSlide class is great to know.

 I'm still having trouble accessing the index in my own function. I
 tried the above code before posting here and get -1 indicating there
 is no match.

 If I look at the contents of this it appears to be the current
 slide. Yet if I try to get the contents of a div with class label
 which is found in the current slide it doesn't work. Such as: var
 labelText = $(this).filter(.label).text(); I'm just a little
 confused as to what I'm actually dealing with when I use this. For
 instance if I check $(#feature-player).index(this); I get nothing
 (feature-player being the id of the wrapper for the whole slideshow).
 But if I check $(*).index(this) I do get numbers returned. But the
 numbers aren't useful unless I know what the context of the indexing
 is. Maybe I'm missing something simple here. Any help would be

 What I'm trying to do is access a label for each slide. I currently
 have the label inside each slide div. So however I can access this
 would be great. But as I've described above - both solutions I can
 think of don't seem to be working.

 Again - thanks so much for your response. I appreciate you sharing
 your knowledge.

[jQuery] Re: href attribute in ajax generated pages on IE

2008-01-08 Thread Karl Swedberg

Have you tried var path = this.pathname; ? That should do it. However,  
I think either FF or IE includes the beginning slash while the other  
doesn't, so you'll probably have to use a replace() in there too. Try  

var path = this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'')

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 8, 2008, at 1:51 PM, x0nix wrote:

Exactly the same problem here ... any workarounds found?

On Jan 8, 1:11 pm, alexanmtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

Im defeat a great problem to read the href attribute on IE.

If I had something like this:


 var path = $(this).attr(href);


With this link: a href=/test/some test/a

The both browsers return /test/, but when the page is loaded via
ajax with the load method, on ie the result becomes http://www.domain.com/test/ 

Anyone know how to retrieve the same result even in a dom generated
page on ie?


[jQuery] Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Trans


I'm pulling my hair out trying to make this work. I want to change an
image to an animated gif to indicate progress while I pull down some
files via synchronous ajax, and then switch the image back to a static
one when finished. Everything I try fails, invariably the animated gif
doesn't become visible until all the ajax loads complete, and then of
course it gone. HEre the basic code I have at them moment:

  $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show('fast', function() {

Any help will is greatly appreciated. I can;t tell you how sick I am
of reading tutorials saying how easy AJAX is when the simple things
like seem impossible to figure out.


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

You will want to put the line where you show the meter_off image, in the 
success callback from the ajax request.  This will ensure the proper order 
of execution.  Pseudo code:

var myAjaxCall = function() {
   $.ajax({ success: function() {
   // other ajax parameters here

$(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show('fast', function() { 
myAjaxCall(); });

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 1:20 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Progress image swap


I'm pulling my hair out trying to make this work. I want to change an
image to an animated gif to indicate progress while I pull down some
files via synchronous ajax, and then switch the image back to a static
one when finished. Everything I try fails, invariably the animated gif
doesn't become visible until all the ajax loads complete, and then of
course it gone. HEre the basic code I have at them moment:

 $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show('fast', function() {

Any help will is greatly appreciated. I can;t tell you how sick I am
of reading tutorials saying how easy AJAX is when the simple things
like seem impossible to figure out.


[jQuery] Re: Synchronous JSONP

2008-01-08 Thread Benjamin Sterling
I have never done it, but I say a while back that you can use the
jQuery.extend method to overwrite a default method.  I will see if I can dig
that up, but that may point you in the right direction in the mean time.

On 1/8/08, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Right now in 1.2.1 the JSONP method uses an asynchronous call to do it's
 This sometimes causes a problem when we are sending a call about a click
 event on a link.  The page unloads before the JSONP is finished.

 Changing it to be optional (async or synchronous) helps fix that problem.

 Code we used inside jQuery (with a param call to .ajax)

 /* If the request is not async, we need to wait for the script to l oad
 before returning. */
 else if (!s.async) {
   var done = false;
   // Attach handlers for all browsers
 script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){
   if ( !done  (!this.readyState ||
 this.readyState == loaded || this.readyState == complete) ) {

 QUESTION:  Putting this directly into our copy of jQuery is probably a bad
 idea.  *How can this be turned into a plugin?*

 Thanks much,


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin Question

2008-01-08 Thread kwsath


I figured out a solution. I just needed to create the proper scope to
index in.

index = $(.spot div).index(this); where .spot is a container for
the slides and each slide is in a div.


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Andy Matthews
Also, consider that your image might be taking a while to load. Consider
preloading the image.


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Benjamin Sterling
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:34 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

Keep you head up, we have all felt that way.

What I normally do is something like:

  $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif) // change the src tag to the
animate gif

url: 'myurl',
success : function(){//do processing},
error: function(){/process error},
complete : function(){$(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_off.gif)} // this
gets called after success and error callbacks are executed 

Let me know if that makes sense?

On 1/8/08, Trans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 


I'm pulling my hair out trying to make this work. I want to change an
image to an animated gif to indicate progress while I pull down some
files via synchronous ajax, and then switch the image back to a static 
one when finished. Everything I try fails, invariably the animated gif
doesn't become visible until all the ajax loads complete, and then of
course it gone. HEre the basic code I have at them moment:

  $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show('fast', function() {

Any help will is greatly appreciated. I can;t tell you how sick I am
of reading tutorials saying how easy AJAX is when the simple things
like seem impossible to figure out.


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: How to change contextmenu-plugin to trigger on left-click

2008-01-08 Thread Netcrawle

On Jan 8, 5:42 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Look for the line starting with:

 The contextmenu is what is binding this to the right-click. Change
 contextmenu to click and it should work with a left click.


Oh holy crap! I've been over that line so many times you have no idea,
I simply thought 'contextmenu' stood for the name of the plugin there,
haha. You just made my week Dan, thanks a million :) :)


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Benjamin Sterling
This is untested but something like:

var ajaxCalles = 16;
  $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif) // change the src tag to the
animate gif
url: 'myurl',
success : function(){//do processing},
error: function(){/process error},
complete : function(){
if(ajaxCalles == 0){
} // this gets called after success and error callbacks are executed

Make your group of ajax call like above and that should get you going.

On 1/8/08, Trans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 8, 4:34 pm, Benjamin Sterling
  Keep you head up, we have all felt that way.

 Thanks Benjamin and Josh. I'm frustrated but I'm determined too! :-)

 What you both suggest makes sense enough, but I don't just have a
 single file to pull down. I'm loading 16 files. It seems silly to turn
 the image on and off for each one. And I tried ajaxStart and ajaxStop
 and that didn't work either, it gives the same result.

 How would I aplly your suggestion to loading multiple files?


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: jquery remove() not removing

2008-01-08 Thread McLars

Remove() does not delete elements. It only removes them from the DOM.
I don't know where they go, but they do hang around somewhere. It's
rather annoying, IMO. I have heard this may change in the next
release, so removed elements are actually deleted.

Does anyone know if this is true?


On Jan 8, 8:07 am, justinteractive [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi folks,

 I'm using remove() to remove a list, then re-creating a list using the
 same id. Remove does not appear to be actually removing the instance.

 If I check for the element, it returns true, but if I try to work with
 it nothing happens? Firebug shows no evidence of the list either.

 Anyone experienced similar?

[jQuery] clone item, then remove it?

2008-01-08 Thread yabado

I have seen examples of cloning items, but not how to remove them.

Is this possible with jQuery?

I like this example, but it is not built on JQ...


Has anyone done this using JQ?

[jQuery] Re: jquery and safari

2008-01-08 Thread yabado

I think I did this to enable it...


On Jan 2, 10:31 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 can you tell me more about it? i found the script console log in
 safari, but it doesn't show any error. but i do not see the inspect
 element command . Where is it to be found?
 thanks a lot


 On Jan 2, 2008 12:21 PM,yabado[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Have you tried the new Inspect Element contextual command?

  It will show any errors in the console for you.

  On Dec 31 2007, 7:09am, pixeline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i'm having issues to have my project work in safari. No problem with
   Firefox, IE6+ or Opera, just Safari, both the mac and windows

   The symptom is: the page is empty! only the background image shows,
   and nothing on top!

   My code is quite long so instead of burdening you under it, i would
   rather ask an open question about any known issues with Safari and

   thanks for your help!


 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

Any chance you can post a test page somewhere?  It's a little hard to 
picture what's going on.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 2:13 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

On Jan 8, 4:46 pm, Benjamin Sterling

This is untested but something like:

var ajaxCalles = 16;
  $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif) // change the src tag to the
animate gif
url: 'myurl',
success : function(){//do processing},
error: function(){/process error},
complete : function(){
if(ajaxCalles == 0){

} // this gets called after success and error callbacks are executed

Make your group of ajax call like above and that should get you going.

Thanks again. I implemented exactly what you suggested and
unfortunately it does the exact same thing. All rendering of the page
seems to occur only after all the javascript completes execution. It's
like one made flurry of page rendering just at the end. Why would that
be? Do I have to flush a change queue or something?


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Trans

On Jan 8, 4:46 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 This is untested but something like:

 var ajaxCalles = 16;
   $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif) // change the src tag to the
 animate gif
 url: 'myurl',
 success : function(){//do processing},
 error: function(){/process error},
 complete : function(){
 if(ajaxCalles == 0){

 } // this gets called after success and error callbacks are executed

 Make your group of ajax call like above and that should get you going.

Thanks again. I implemented exactly what you suggested and
unfortunately it does the exact same thing. All rendering of the page
seems to occur only after all the javascript completes execution. It's
like one made flurry of page rendering just at the end. Why would that
be? Do I have to flush a change queue or something?


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Trans: async: false means that the browser will lock up each request will
not do it asynchronously, which means the code we provide will not work.  Is
there a reason you are doing it with async: false?

On 1/8/08, Trans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 8, 5:23 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Any chance you can post a test page somewhere?  It's a little hard to
  picture what's going on.

 Here's a strip down rendition of exactly what I'm doing:

   function Mica() {
 this.tally = 18;
 this.types = ['htm', 'txt', 'xml', 'gif', 'jpg', 'png'];
 this.sizes = ['sm', 'md', 'lg'];

   Mica.prototype.start = function() {
 var mica = this;
 $(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show(fast, function()

   Mica.prototype.load_files = function() {
 for(var i=0; i  this.types.length; i++) {
   ftype = this.types[i];
   for(var j=0; j  this.sizes.length; j++) {
 fsize = this.sizes[j]
 fname = data/ + ftype + / + fsize + . + ftype;
 this.load_up(fname, ftype, fsize);

   Mica.prototype.load_up = function(fname, ftype, fsize) {
 var mica = this;
   url: fname,
   cache: false,
   async: false,
   complete: function() {
 if (mica.tally == 0) {


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Trans

On Jan 8, 5:23 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any chance you can post a test page somewhere?  It's a little hard to
 picture what's going on.

Here's a strip down rendition of exactly what I'm doing:

  function Mica() {
this.tally = 18;
this.types = ['htm', 'txt', 'xml', 'gif', 'jpg', 'png'];
this.sizes = ['sm', 'md', 'lg'];

  Mica.prototype.start = function() {
var mica = this;
$(#meter).attr(src,img/meter_on.gif).show(fast, function()

  Mica.prototype.load_files = function() {
for(var i=0; i  this.types.length; i++) {
  ftype = this.types[i];
  for(var j=0; j  this.sizes.length; j++) {
fsize = this.sizes[j]
fname = data/ + ftype + / + fsize + . + ftype;
this.load_up(fname, ftype, fsize);

  Mica.prototype.load_up = function(fname, ftype, fsize) {
var mica = this;
  url: fname,
  cache: false,
  async: false,
  complete: function() {
if (mica.tally == 0) {


[jQuery] Re: Progress image swap

2008-01-08 Thread Trans

On Jan 8, 5:36 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 Trans: async: false means that the browser will lock up each request will
 not do it asynchronously, which means the code we provide will not work.  Is
 there a reason you are doing it with async: false?

Ah, so it's not refreshing the screen _before_ it starts into the
synchronous load. The reason I'm using async: false is b/c I'm also
timing how long it take to load _each_   file.


[jQuery] How to determine radio button state?

2008-01-08 Thread jarrod

I'd like to show or hide a table row depending on whether a certain radio
button is checked.

I can not use a $(theRadioButton).click( ... ) handler for several reasons.
One of them is that I need to check the state when the page loads and show
or hide the element accordingly.

I'm selecting the radio button like this:

$('input', 'div#hide3aButton')

That code does seem to successfully select the button. Now I need to find
out if it's checked I tried this:

if ($('input', 'div#hide3aButton').checked) { ... }

but it seem to always be false regardless of the state of the radio button.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: How to set up a callback on a function I've made?

2008-01-08 Thread Cesar Iduarte
That could make it too :)

And your code should work... just as I said before, It seems that urs
callbacks are not working but it is 'cuse the latency of ur ajax request is
too low (which is good) so ur loading appear and dissappear  in a instant
if the loading of the images have already finished. If not then it doesn't
have the time to even loaded.

Hope that help

On Jan 8, 2008 1:56 PM, Hamish Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To clarify what Cesar said, the loading function _has_ finished
 executing (ie, modifying the DOM). You need to preload any images
 first so they don't have download it when the function fires.

 eg: http://www.ilovejackdaniels.com/css/preloading-images-with-css/

 On Jan 9, 8:40am, Cesar Iduarte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Jan 8, 2008 12:38 PM, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello people,
   How can I force some code to run only when the execution of other
   function finish? Look my code:
   function loading() {
   $(#ajaxContent).slideToggle(normal, function() {
   $(#searchBar  button).click(function() {
   $.get(ajax/list.php, function(data){
   In the second block of code I want the $.get to execute only when the
   function loading(), that was coded by me, finish to execute. I mean,
   when the #ajaxLoader is show up.
   How can I do something like that?
  If I'm getting right... ur results display before ur loading image
  If that so... you could use a timer with a constant delay 'cuse u really
  don't know how long it takes to the browsers shows ur loading
  Innovation the most beautiful Imagination's result- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

Innovation the most beautiful Imagination's result

[jQuery] jquery ui tabs (tabs 3) in conjunction with the new coda slider (1.1.1) troubles.

2008-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

I am using the jquery ui tabs (tabs 3) in conjunction with the new
coda slider (1.1.1), and for some reason the coda slider only works on
the first tab.

Here's the demo:

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it.

[jQuery] Re: How to determine radio button state?

2008-01-08 Thread Shawn

Or you can do

if ($(input:checked, div#hide3aButton).length) {
   //do something

If the input/radio is checked, then it will be selected (length greater 
than zero) and you can do further things with it.  If it's not, then 
nothing happens (empty selection set - length of zero).


jarrod wrote:
 I'd like to show or hide a table row depending on whether a certain radio
 button is checked.
 I can not use a $(theRadioButton).click( ... ) handler for several reasons.
 One of them is that I need to check the state when the page loads and show
 or hide the element accordingly.
 I'm selecting the radio button like this:
 $('input', 'div#hide3aButton')
 That code does seem to successfully select the button. Now I need to find
 out if it's checked I tried this:
 if ($('input', 'div#hide3aButton').checked) { ... }
 but it seem to always be false regardless of the state of the radio button.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: jquery remove() not removing

2008-01-08 Thread Walter E. Zegarra Sánchez
You can remove anything using:

p is the tag you can remove from form.



it works, so if you want, you can put this into a for command

Walter E. Zegarra.

2008/1/8, McLars [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Remove() does not delete elements. It only removes them from the DOM.
 I don't know where they go, but they do hang around somewhere. It's
 rather annoying, IMO. I have heard this may change in the next
 release, so removed elements are actually deleted.

 Does anyone know if this is true?


 On Jan 8, 8:07am, justinteractive [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi folks,
  I'm using remove() to remove a list, then re-creating a list using the
  same id. Remove does not appear to be actually removing the instance.
  If I check for the element, it returns true, but if I try to work with
  it nothing happens? Firebug shows no evidence of the list either.
  Anyone experienced similar?

Don´t Worry Be Walter  Alexita!!!

[jQuery] Why does this jquery operation still bind to the submit button?

2008-01-08 Thread rickcr

I'm confused why the bind to the submit button still takes place with:

jQuery(:[EMAIL PROTECTED] != 'submit'],
document.preAssessmentForm ).change( function()
{ setConfirmUnload(true); } );

this selector works fine (the 'submit' isn't selected which I can tell
by iterating over the selection and printing out everything ) but yet
the bind to the submit button is still occurring.

[jQuery] Re: href attribute in ajax generated pages on IE

2008-01-08 Thread alexanmtz

Hi Karl,

I never heard about the pathname property, but yeah, it works great.

Very thanx for the solution, I accomplished it making a regular
expression to extract the pathname, but this way works great and

Alexandre Magno
Web developer
(brazilian blog of jQuery and another stuffs)

On Jan 8, 6:57 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried var path = this.pathname; ? That should do it. However,
 I think either FF or IE includes the beginning slash while the other
 doesn't, so you'll probably have to use a replace() in there too. Try

 var path = this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'')

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Jan 8, 2008, at 1:51 PM, x0nix wrote:

  Exactly the same problem here ... any workarounds found?

  On Jan 8, 1:11 pm, alexanmtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone,

  Im defeat a great problem to read the href attribute on IE.

  If I had something like this:


   var path = $(this).attr(href);


  With this link: a href=/test/some test/a

  The both browsers return /test/, but when the page is loaded via
  ajax with the load method, on ie the result becomes 

  Anyone know how to retrieve the same result even in a dom generated
  page on ie?


[jQuery] Re: jquery ui tabs (tabs 3) in conjunction with the new coda slider (1.1.1) troubles.

2008-01-08 Thread Josh Nathanson

Without looking at the code, my guess would be ye olde must rebind event 
handlers when loading content via ajax issue.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 

To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:09 PM
Subject: [jQuery] jquery ui tabs (tabs 3) in conjunction with the new coda 
slider (1.1.1) troubles.

Hi there,

I am using the jquery ui tabs (tabs 3) in conjunction with the new
coda slider (1.1.1), and for some reason the coda slider only works on
the first tab.

Here's the demo:

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. 

[jQuery] Re: Synchronous JSONP

2008-01-08 Thread Glen Lipka
I think my thought process on this was messed up anyway.
Here is the use situation.  We are using JSONP to send activity on pages to
avoid cross-site scripting problems.  One of those activities is clicking on
a link.

The problem is that the JSONP is asynchronous so that when the link is
clicked, the page unloads before the JSONP has a chance to do it's thing.

What is the best way of allowing the JSONP to do it's thing and pause the
unload of the page long enough for it to work?


On Jan 8, 2008 1:37 PM, Benjamin Sterling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have never done it, but I say a while back that you can use the
 jQuery.extend method to overwrite a default method.  I will see if I can
 dig that up, but that may point you in the right direction in the mean time.

 On 1/8/08, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Right now in 1.2.1 the JSONP method uses an asynchronous call to do it's
  This sometimes causes a problem when we are sending a call about a
  click event on a link.  The page unloads before the JSONP is finished.
  Changing it to be optional (async or synchronous) helps fix that
  Code we used inside jQuery (with a param call to .ajax)
  /* If the request is not async, we need to wait for the script to l oad
  before returning. */
  else if (!s.async) {
var done = false;
// Attach handlers for all browsers
  script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if ( !done  (!this.readyState ||
  this.readyState == loaded || this.readyState == complete) )
  QUESTION:  Putting this directly into our copy of jQuery is probably a
  bad idea.  *How can this be turned into a plugin?*
  Thanks much,

 Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] [ANOUNNCE] Comet

2008-01-08 Thread Morgan Allen
I have been working on implementing the Bayeux protocol in jQuery and with
the recent talk on the list about LIVE ajax and server pushing I thought now
would be a good time to release the early work and start getting some
feedback. It will work on Jettys Cometd Echo Demo. To get it to work, remove
all the dojo scripts, and jquery and this plugin. In your on ready add
$.comet.init('/cometd'). Bind a listener to an element listening for
'/service/echo' and publish ($.comet.publish) a message to the echo service
$.comet.publish('/service/echo', {msg: 'what ever message'}). The second
param of the event trigger will be that data return from the Cometd server.
Subscriptions are a bit shaky at the moment, I am rewriting the chatroom
demo to ensure it is working. Check out the code at
and the project page at

Lets make up more accronyms!

Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
bike nerdity.

[jQuery] Re: How to determine radio button state?

2008-01-08 Thread Shawn

Shoulda mentioned, some of this is covered here:


jarrod wrote:
 I'd like to show or hide a table row depending on whether a certain radio
 button is checked.
 I can not use a $(theRadioButton).click( ... ) handler for several reasons.
 One of them is that I need to check the state when the page loads and show
 or hide the element accordingly.
 I'm selecting the radio button like this:
 $('input', 'div#hide3aButton')
 That code does seem to successfully select the button. Now I need to find
 out if it's checked I tried this:
 if ($('input', 'div#hide3aButton').checked) { ... }
 but it seem to always be false regardless of the state of the radio button.
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] $('element').fn(); not working after adding html to DOM... wonder if anybody can help :O

2008-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I call an ajax function, get the data and translate it into html
markup and then add it to the DOM,

i.e. div id=myDiv/div

if I call $('#myDiv').nameOfFunction(); it will just not recognize the
added markup :|

I don't know if anybody is capable of helping, but hopefully somebody
can! Would be really awesome!!! :D

[jQuery] jScrollPane.. maintaining position after expanding content

2008-01-08 Thread DingoNV

I am relatively new to jQuery and wasn't a javascript guru before i
started it, so forgive me if the solution i am looking for is
blindingly obvious in the end.

i have a block of content that contains a bunch of collapsed divs. on
clicking an icon, the related div expands to show more information.

I managed to get figure out to reinitialize the scrollpane so that i
could actually see all of the content, but even if i pass
maintainPosition: true as a parameter, the content tends to scroll
back to the top most of the time, or sometimes it puts the header
entry (that contains the icon) at the bottom of the list.

what i am trying to figure out is how to get the item i clicked on
positioned at the top of the container.

I haven't quite got my brain wrapped around all the selectors and

for some really ugly code, have a look here

use a zip code of 95133 in the top search area to get the results list
that i am trying to clean up.

once it works, clean up comes
thanks for looking, and for your patience

[jQuery] Re: JQuery UI Dialog not working

2008-01-08 Thread Jason Levine

Thanks.  It always seems to be the simple stuff that gives me the most

As a side note, I found myself needing a feature that the UI Dialog script
didn't support, so I added it.  It's the ability to specify a function to be
run when the dialog closes.  To accomplish this, I changed the following
lines in ui.dialog.js:

line 37:   resize: true,
resize: true,
onClose: function() { },

line 78: self.close();

and line 132:  $.data(el, ui-dialog).close();
$.data(el, ui-dialog).close();

With these changes I can call:

onClose: function() {
// some code


And have the some code function run after the dialog is closed.
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Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: can only modify DOM via debugger

2008-01-08 Thread Jeffrey Kretz

It might be worth a shot to try jQuery functions rather than native
functions.  Something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(a).click(function() {
var coursename = $(this).attr('coursename');
var mydata = $.get(http://localhost:8080/course/; + coursename +
/, {}, function(mydata) {
   return mydata;
var str1 = mydata.responseText.substring(5,7);
var textAreaNode=$('#test');
textAreaNode.val(textAreaNode.val + str1);
return false;
-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of knairb01
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 7:03 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] can only modify DOM via debugger


I've got a problem. I'm running Firefox, Firebug 1.0, jQuery
1.2.1. I have the following code in a Genshi template for a toy
TurboGears 2.0 app:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(a).click(function() {
var coursename = $(this)[0].attributes['coursename'].nodeValue;
var mydata = $.get(http://localhost:8080/course/; + coursename +
/, {}, function(mydata) {
   return mydata;
var str1 = mydata.responseText.substring(5,7);
var textAreaNode=document.getElementById('test');
textAreaNode.value += str1;
return false;

When the user clicks a link, the code above attempts to put text in
the textarea. When I step through the code with Firebug, it works, but
it doesn't when I run it without the debugger. Also, the code will
work when I run it straight through if str1 is a hard-coded string;
such as if the line is var str1 = my string;.

Thank you for any help you can give.