[jQuery] Re: Google Maps Marker to infoBubble to Image to Thickbox

2008-01-12 Thread Jack Killpatrick

It looks like thickbox is not getting bound to the link that you're 
dynamically creating in the popup.

In function createMarker, try adding a call to tb_init(), so that 
thickbox gets bound to the link in the HTML that you're putting into 

GEvent.addListener(marker, click, function() {

You might want to put an id in the link tag that you create and pass 
that into tb_init('#yourID') instead, since the code above will bind to 
all links with the thickbox class (I'm not sure if you might run into 
issues with double binding).

- Jack

Robin Rowell wrote:

I am trying to create a situation where the user clicks on a marker
within google maps, gets the info bubble flyout that contains a
linkable image.  Once the mini-sized photo is clicked on, it would
show a large version of the photo via thickbox.

I have gotten as far as getting the linkable images in there, the
thickbox class, the rel attribute, all the parts in place, but I can't
instantiate thickbox from within google maps.  I have created a test
link above the div element containing the map, and that instantiates
thickbox just fine.

Here is a link to what I am working on:


[jQuery] iframes and event firing

2008-01-12 Thread pere roca

someone knows how to execute events from the main page but when something in
the iframe happens?
I have an iframe made by jqModal, and I can access divs, forms... by
something like this;

//iframe and the 'name' of the iframe

  But trying to fire an acion when a form in the iframe is clicke, from main

  it fails. I would like to work like this because I have lot of js code in
the main (not the iframe page).
  Maybe Is not compatible find() with event firing? 

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Countdown - my first plugin

2008-01-12 Thread Feijó
Check it out!


Still has some improvment to do

I would love some suggestions, tips, changes, even in the comments on the code  

Didnt made the help nor demo yet, will probably this weekend

This component countdown a value in seconds, i.e. 200 will show 03:20 and 
decrease it every second (or configurabled with another inverval).  Naturaly 
can work with several different values in the same page, thats why I created 

that configurability is not working properly, who has time to look at it, 
please tell me how to improve


[jQuery] Re: Opposite of .contains() ?

2008-01-12 Thread Loren Pipes
My pleasure.  jQuery selectors have changed my life (I kid you not),
definitely worth a weekend poking around!


[jQuery] Re: [ANOUNNCE] Comet

2008-01-12 Thread Morgan Allen
For those who where interested in where interested in seeing comet in PHP, I
just wrote a small class for publishing messages in PHP. Check it out.

On Jan 10, 2008 2:50 PM, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Couple updates. Batch control, start of transport management, working out
 better event handling. I think everything is in place for the chat demo to
 completely work, but I have not had time yet to rewrite the whole thing.
 Feed back appreciated as usual.

 On Jan 9, 2008 10:17 AM, Morgan Allen  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks. Peter, I agree with your suspicions for transport issues. That
  is the second major goal for me after I am sure the protocol portions are
  working. I will then start implementing cross domain calls.
  On Jan 8, 2008 9:11 PM, Peter E Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Tuesday 08 January 2008, Morgan Allen wrote:
I have been working on implementing the Bayeux protocol in jQuery
   and with
the recent talk on the list about LIVE ajax and server pushing I
now would be a good time to release the early work and start getting
feedback. It will work on Jettys Cometd Echo Demo. To get it to
remove all the dojo scripts, and jquery and this plugin. In your on
add $.comet.init('/cometd'). Bind a listener to an element listening
'/service/echo' and publish ($.comet.publish) a message to the echo
$.comet.publish('/service/echo', {msg: 'what ever message'}). The
param of the event trigger will be that data return from the Cometd
Subscriptions are a bit shaky at the moment, I am rewriting the
demo to ensure it is working. Check out the code at
and the project page at
   Thats great!  I'm anxious to see this evolve, so please keep us/me
   The first limitation I suspect is the single transport forcing
   same-domain/same-port xhr-limitations ... i'd also suggest
   implementing an
   unsubsribe method, because you won't always want to be be polling on
   channels.  Awesome stuff though.  Looking forward to seeing where you
   take it. I am a big fan of comet.
   Peter Higgins
  Lets make up more accronyms!
  Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation
  of bike nerdity.

 Lets make up more accronyms!

 Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
 bike nerdity.

Lets make up more accronyms!

Upcoming alley cats, reviews, touring logs, and a general congregation of
bike nerdity.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery + call PHP function

2008-01-12 Thread 6epcepk

I think better way is:
url: 'index.php?load=modules/users/ajax/login.phpfunction=users_login',
type: 'post'
if (!empty($_GET['load'])) {

require_once ROOT . '/' . $_GET['load'];
call_user_func_array($_GET['function'], $_POST);

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] traditional query string format vs mcv format

2008-01-12 Thread dynegara

hi guys,

I'm using php mcv framework incorporate with jquery.
Is there any plug-ins or a way to make jquery understand natively mcv
format in ajax's url ?

what i mean is, if i have kind of like this script:

data: {c: 'controller', m:'methods', p1:'param1', p2:'param2'}

jquery will interprete this to:

instead of:

so my php script will understand it.

I hope this feature will be supported in the next 1.2.2 version or
it's already been there and i just missed it ?

any enlightenment will be helpful

dian yudha negara

[jQuery] ClueTip Absolute Position Relative to Screen

2008-01-12 Thread Bill

Is there a way to position the cluetip relative to the same position
on the screen?


[jQuery] ajax php selecting problem

2008-01-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi, i am trying to select a objects that is generated with PHP through
jQuery AJAX. but its not working

any one please help me.
thank you

JQuery ::



   type: POST,
   url: demo_cal.php,

   data: fnum=2snum=4,

   success: function(msg){


 $('#hide').click(function(){ // this is not selecting the #hide div
genarated from php


html body ::

div class=result/div

in demo_cal.php ::

if(isset($_POST['fnum'])  isset($_POST['snum'])){

echo div id=\hide\ . $_POST['fnum'] + $_POST['snum'] ./div;

[jQuery] Re: Superfish menu extremely slow/clunky in IE6 with wordpress

2008-01-12 Thread jbadger

Hi Joel,

Thanks for your response.  This is indeed a wierd one!  In fact, my
code is already doing what you suggest... the absolute path was
expanded by php from Wordpress's bloginfo - I was showing you the code
I saved from the page, not my original source code which already uses

I'm stumped... I simply can't imagine why this is only happening in IE
and why a CSS path being relative vs absolute would make such a
pronounced difference.

I'm actually trying to figure out how to use a relative path to
reference the CSS as a hack to resolve this, but whatever I do,
Wordpress doesn't seem to be able to find my CSS unless I use the
bloginfo thing, which seems to be causing the problem.  I'm a total
rookie in WordPress, so I'm way outta my league here... I've posted a
question on the Wordpress blog without much luck.

I'll keep trying...  Let me know if you think of something.

- John

[jQuery] Is it possible to do something based on reponseLength?

2008-01-12 Thread Lionel Martelly

Is it possible to disable target based on responseText.length?

$(document).ready(function() { 
var options = { 
 target : '#mydiv' 
beforeSubmit:  showRequest,  

something like

var options = { 
if (responseText.length 1000) { 
target : '#mydiv' 
beforeSubmit:  showRequest,  

[jQuery] Can you please check why it's not working?

2008-01-12 Thread DeaR

First of all, I'm a very very newbie here, I'm learning now, 

I always have some problems when using jQuery for Ajax and for other things.
Maybe I'm not used to it yet, I'm always missing something.

Let's see this one, I can't figure out why this one doesn't work. When I
write script, I try to write everything and put them together in one file,
but its doesn't work. see below

function disappear() {
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(#message_me).click(function() {
  $(#send).click(function() {
var str = $(#input_form).serialize()
$.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
  $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7)
  setTimeout(disappear(), 3000)
  $.get(counter.php, function(data) {

I saved the above script in a separate file, let's say myscript.js. Then I
imported it in my html file like this

Then, when I run this, it's not working. I've been trying to find the error.
It says missing } in XML expression at $(#send) but then I switched
places between $(#send)... and $.get(..., then the error comes out like
missing } XML expression at $.get(... instead. So I don't know what's
wrong, Is there any function that needs to be put in between somehow?

Again, now I delete everything except for $.get( in myscript.js. And I
put them in the html file manually like

function disappear() {
$(document).ready(function() {
  $(#message_me).click(function() {
  $(#send).click(function() {
var str = $(#input_form).serialize()
$.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
  $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7)
  setTimeout(disappear(), 3000)

Now then, it works fine.

Can you tell me why it's not working in the uppermost one. cuz I want to put
everything in one script file, and not to show any script in the html file.

Besides, if I add ; afterwards, it doesn't work as wellT_T...Am I
missing something? or am I just to noob here?

Thank you very much for any responses, really appreciate your time.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Space gallery

2008-01-12 Thread WR

I think this is awesome, but I can't for the life of me understand why
you make it so large?

For example, it runs just fine without the ENTIRE file called
utils.js, where did you use that?

Truly looking forward to later versions, but this one will need some
serious editing before being put into production.

// Tamm @ Webradiation

On Jan 9, 9:59 pm, Stefan Petre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Image gallery with perspective



[jQuery] validation + niceforms - missing styles

2008-01-12 Thread 6epcepk

I'm try to user  http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation#Form_submit
validation plugin  with  http://www.lexcat.ro/nicejforms/ niceforms plugin .
This is errors with styles:
Thanks for suggestion!
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: iframes and event firing

2008-01-12 Thread pere roca

   it works (for the moment not in IE but in Firefox; others still not
tested); we have to fire a load event for the iframe.

   main page:

$().ready(function() { 

function local_alert()
alert(calling from main page);
   var iframe=$('iframe#id_iframe');  //the id of the iframe
   iframe.load (function() 
   var submit=iframe.contents().find(#submit);  //submit is the id of the
submit button in the iframe
   local_alert(); //it calls now a script from the main page

pere roca wrote:
 someone knows how to execute events from the main page but when something
 in the iframe happens?
 I have an iframe made by jqModal, and I can access divs, forms... by
 something like this;
 //iframe and the 'name' of the iframe
   But trying to fire an acion when a form in the iframe is clicke, from
 main page:
 $('iframe#info').contents().find('#contactForm').submit(function() {
   it fails. I would like to work like this because I have lot of js code
 in the main (not the iframe page).
   Maybe Is not compatible find() with event firing? 

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Trying to show a div on mouseover of menu item...

2008-01-12 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, all.

I'm trying to cause a div to slide down when a menu item is
moused-over, but so far I get no response when the mouse-over occurs.

The HTML is a regular ullia href=.. structure.
(I can give more details if it'll help)

The jquery is:

$(document).ready(function() {

var answer = $('a').next();
if (answer.is(':visible')) {
} else {

I tried changing the var answer = $('a').next(); part
to var answer = $('div.menu-details').next(); but that didn't help.

I haven't uploaded the development site to my production server so it can be 
but no one can see a problem from the code above, I'll go ahead and upload it.

But like I said, the menu mouse-over is causing any reaction from the jQuery 

Thanks for any help.


[jQuery] :not and :headers

2008-01-12 Thread Jon Atkinson


I'm trying to apply a font style to all elements on a page apart from
headers. This is the code I'm using:

$('*:not(:header)').css('font-family', '\'Trebuchet MS\', Arial,

This seems to apply the new CSS to all elements on the page. What am I
doing wrong?



[jQuery] Re: Sever Push - live site

2008-01-12 Thread coughlinsmyalias

Hey Morgan, any ideas on what i can do with mine? To have my page
updated as live as possible, at the link I gave on the original post,
I am trying to keep the word boxes you see updated, show them being
added, dragged. Thats what i am trying to push.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

On Jan 7, 6:35 pm, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Opps, meant to add more here. Hope this helps you, please ask more detail
 questions if not, I am doing a lot of work right now with Comet. Server Push
 methods, and Bayuex, and am currently working to bring Comet to jQuery. So
 any ideas for usage will help me make my plugin useful to the jQuery masses.

 On Jan 7, 2008 3:33 PM, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am not sure. It is dependent on how your PHP backend works. Looking at
  your demo I see that when I move a word, it is POSTed to store.php, is
  that then entered into a database? stored in a flat file? held in memory
  with magic? Regardless, the idea is that in words.php (say, 
  would loop until either your database; flatfile; or magic storage is
  updated, then return the results and start a new waiting connection.

  On Jan 7, 2008 2:10 PM, coughlinsmyalias  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thank you! After going through your code when I go to:


   I get:


   And when i load  the HTML page, I get no input and no errors, with my
   code below:

   script src=js/jquery- 1.2.1.pack.js type=text/javascript/script
  url: 'keepLive.php?wait=' + $('#in').val(),
  success: function(sReturn)

  What time is it in#160;input id=in/
   type=button value=? id=hurumph/
  ?:#160;span id=time/

   Here is my new code:http://pastie.caboo.se/136398that is the code
   that i am trying to implement it with. To see other peoples action on
   the site, in that case what would be my PHP be? I have been at many
   many articles on this and just need some one on one for explanation.
   Thanks for that demo!

   On Jan 6, 10:01 pm, Morgan Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A simple way to do this in PHP is using a loop to wait for an event,
return if and when it does. Otherwise the connection times out, and
client (web browser using XMLHttpRequest) reconnects. A really simple
demonstration can be seen by just doing an ajax request to a php
   script that
sleep()'s. Here is an example.

echo time();
script src=/js/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
url: ' index.php?wait=' + $('#in').val(),
success: function(sReturn)

What time is it in#160;input
type=button value=? id=hurumph/
?:#160;span id=time/

Just takes a simple input and wait the given amount of time. You can
from this that you could easily wait for any other sort of event. Like
another user making and update. At that the point the connection get
and the client just restarts it.

On Jan 6, 2008 3:56 PM, coughlinsmyalias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all, i have been researching googling and many other ways to try
 to find out how to make my site as close to live as I can.

 I read this by John:
 but am still kind of confused. My site is:


 - Drag a word
 - Add a word
 - Delete

 And many features to come, etc. I want to make it like you can seeo
 ther changes being made..stuff being dragged, any idea how to do
 I have been STUMPED on this.


Lets make up more accronyms!


[jQuery] Re: Attribute selector (^=) problem with multiple values

2008-01-12 Thread truent

Appears fixed as of 1.1.3

On Jan 10, 2:54 pm, truent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im seeing this too.

 This Works.


 function() {





 This does not:


 function() {





 php webpage snippit

 fieldset class= collapsiblelegendCategories/legenddiv
  label for=edit-taxonomy-8Aid Year: span class=form-required
 title=This field is required.*/span/label
  select name=taxonomy[8][] multiple=multiple  class=form-select
 required id=edit-taxonomy-8  size=4option value=23
 selected=selected2006-07/optionoption value=202007-08/
 optionoption value=212008-09/optionoption value=222009-10/

  div class=descriptionSelect one or more aid years (hold down
 [Ctrl] to select more than one year)./div
 div class=form-item
  label for=edit-taxonomy-5Product: /label
  select name=taxonomy[5] class=form-select id=edit-taxonomy-5option 
 value=0lt;nonegt;/optionoption value=25Batch

 Program/optionoption value=24Desktop Application/optionoption
 value=26Electronic Data Interchange/optionoption
 value=13PeopleSoft/optionoption value=15-Modules/
 optionoption value=16-Reports/optionoption value=14Web

 div class=form-item
  label for=edit-taxonomy-9Eqiupment Request: /label
  select name=taxonomy[9] class=form-select id=edit-taxonomy-9option 
 value=0lt;nonegt;/optionoption value=32Laptop/

 optionoption value=34Projector/optionoption
 value=33Videoconference Setup/option/select

 Im trying to grab those taxonomy selects...

 On Dec 20 2007, 2:22 am, Nicolas Le Thierry d'Ennequin

  Hi jQuery group,

  The simple piece of code below is designed to highlight table cells
  whose class name is that of the currently hovered one (to visually
  group them). In my example the class name itself is film + id (film1,
  film2, etc) so I use the [attribute^=value] selector. OK to that
  point, but if the class attribute happens to have whitespace-separated
  extra content for css purposes (eg class=film1 small ), the
  selector doesn't capture the element. More generally it seems to dodge
  any attribute value ending with a white-space + another char. Any idea

  $(document).ready(function() {
$([class^='film']).bind(mouseover,function() {
$([class^='film']).bind(mouseout,function() {


[jQuery] .animate({width:'show'},2500) misbehaviour in FF,IE7 (width scales up to 1000)

2008-01-12 Thread paul7685


on the breadcrumb-element (bottom right) on 
.animate({width:'show'},2500) seems not to be able to read the
correct width of the li elements in FF2 and IE7 - IE6 works just fine.

What happens is that it scales the width of the elements up to about
1000 and then gets back to the actual width.

div id=brdcrmb
li class=li-frsta href=index.phpStartseite/a/li
lia href=Konferenzräume und Veranstaltungen  /a/li
lispanTagungsräume  /span/li

the problematic jQuery (1.2.1-min)  function:

Intentionally, I wanted to use SlideOutLeft() but as the library to
get that working is a bit too heavy I decided for animate()

Someone sees the reason for that behaviour or even a solution? :)

Its my first own try on jQuery...

[jQuery] preventing open element from being closed and reopened in accordion menu (not using accordion plugin)

2008-01-12 Thread Brad Hile

 I have a simple accordion menu and would like to prevent the already
open dd from being closed and reopened when clicked on.


$(#menu dt a).click(function(){
// only activate if  dd is hidden so currently active block is not
if(hidden???) { $(#menu dd:visible).slideUp(slow); }
return false;

Can anyone suggest how to test the state of the current element
I'm guessing  $(this).parent().next().something? but don't know how to
get its current state


[jQuery] Re: Superfish menu extremely slow/clunky in IE6 with wordpress

2008-01-12 Thread jbadger

Well, I fixed it by doing an ugly hack - but it works.

The trick was to use an absolute path on the local machine (a path
that starts with / instead of http://;).  Unfortunately it means
that my pathname is very long and if I ever move things around I'll
have to remember to update that.  It would be much better if bloginfo
could return this kind of absolute path.

If you ever figure this out, let me know so I can clean up the code.

Thanks again,


[jQuery] Going thrue all form elements

2008-01-12 Thread Abdul-Rahman

Hey guys,

I am trying to use the plugin of 
to set the tabindexes for my form. I am going through it by querying
it as following but it gives me back inputs, then the textareas, en
then the selects (and I would like the elements based on the
occurrence in stead as a collection of inputs, and then textareas, and
then selects.

This is the code I am using

$(form input, form textarea, form select).each(function(i){

does someone have a other solution?

[jQuery] jQuery.browser.version doesn't recognise IE7 anymore

2008-01-12 Thread NetHawk

Don't know, if this has been observed by anybody else. Just wanted to
let everybody know, that jQuery.browser.version returns 6 as version
in IE7. This might have to do with a changed appVersion or user agent
string. Mine are (in IE7):


4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)


Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET
CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)

See the MSIE 6.0 in both strings.

[jQuery] Re: Ajax links not working

2008-01-12 Thread 700lbGorilla

Thank you, that fixed it.

[jQuery] Re: Can you please check why it's not working?

2008-01-12 Thread Michael Geary

Your code is missing all the semicolons. That can lead to all sorts of
problems, because it causes the code to be parsed in a way that you don't
expect. For example, you may think you are just defining a function for
later use, when in fact the function gets executed immediately!

The code with proper semicolons would read:

function disappear() {

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(#message_me).click(function() {
  $(#send).click(function() {
var str = $(#input_form).serialize();
$.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
  $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7);
  setTimeout(disappear(), 3000);
  $.get(counter.php, function(data) {

Does that help?

If not, can you provide a link to an actual web page with your code in it?
That would make it a lot easier to troubleshoot.

Also, this line:

  setTimeout(disappear(), 3000);

would be better written as:

  setTimeout(disappear, 3000);

And one last thing... What code is in the JavaScript file preceding this
code? Is it missing a semicolon at the end? That could mess things up too.


 From: DeaR
 First of all, I'm a very very newbie here, I'm learning now, 
 I always have some problems when using jQuery for Ajax and 
 for other things.
 Maybe I'm not used to it yet, I'm always missing something.
 Let's see this one, I can't figure out why this one doesn't 
 work. When I write script, I try to write everything and put 
 them together in one file, but its doesn't work. see below
 function disappear() {
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(#message_me).click(function() {
   $(#send).click(function() {
 var str = $(#input_form).serialize()
 $.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
   $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7)
   setTimeout(disappear(), 3000)
   $.get(counter.php, function(data) {
 I saved the above script in a separate file, let's say 
 myscript.js. Then I imported it in my html file like this
 Then, when I run this, it's not working. I've been trying to 
 find the error.
 It says missing } in XML expression at $(#send) but 
 then I switched places between $(#send)... and $.get(..., 
 then the error comes out like missing } XML expression at 
 $.get(... instead. So I don't know what's wrong, Is there any 
 function that needs to be put in between somehow?
 Again, now I delete everything except for $.get( in 
 myscript.js. And I put them in the html file manually like
 function disappear() {
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(#message_me).click(function() {
   $(#send).click(function() {
 var str = $(#input_form).serialize()
 $.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
   $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7)
   setTimeout(disappear(), 3000)
 Now then, it works fine.
 Can you tell me why it's not working in the uppermost one. 
 cuz I want to put everything in one script file, and not to 
 show any script in the html file.
 Besides, if I add ; afterwards, it doesn't work as 
 wellT_T...Am I missing something? or am I just to noob here?
 Thank you very much for any responses, really appreciate your time.
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive 
 at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Can you please check why it's not working?

2008-01-12 Thread Michael Geary

Oops, I missed one in the disappear function, which should read:

function disappear() {

 The code with proper semicolons would read:
 function disappear() {
 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(#message_me).click(function() {
   $(#send).click(function() {
 var str = $(#input_form).serialize();
 $.post(send-mail.php,str,function(data) {
   $(#response).html(data).fadeTo(slow, 0.7);
   setTimeout(disappear(), 3000);
   $.get(counter.php, function(data) {