[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
now :)

On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


 Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep it
 as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of the
 last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
 enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to $(this)
 from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

 On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a checkbox
  is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you mouseup the
  value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to keep
  the value in there...

  On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the mousedown
   is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container element (the
   table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a checkbox the
   mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this handler.

   As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see it fixed/
   working here:


   I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, that way
   you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided all
   checkboxes are used by default.

   - ricardo

   On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and I have a
few questions:
-- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
-- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? Yet, if
you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is built into
the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
-- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is being bound
to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I suppose a
plugin or defined function would be even better because it's much more
flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the mousedown was
being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and I was
determining that through the class I had given them
mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes included,
since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an inactive
checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's way of
listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the checkbox rather
than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag thing a lot
more user-friendly.

On 10 Apr, 20:36, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

 Just curious.. What is the difference between mouseover.dc and

 On Apr 10, 1:44 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  This (untested) is how I envision the code for that:

  $.fn.dragCheck = function(){
    //this == the current jQuery element
    return this.each(function(){

      //this == current element in the loop (table etc)
      $(this).bind('mousedown', function(e){

          //don't do anything if you didn't click a checkbox
          if ( !$(e.target).is(':checkbox') )
               return true;

          //get the clicked checkbox state
          isChecked = e.target.checked;
          //apply it to all other checkboxes on mouseover
          $boxes.bind('mouseover.dc', function(){
              this.checked = isChecked;

      }).bind('mouseup', function(e){
          //cancel the mouseover action



  - ricardo

  On 9 abr, 17:15, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok I resolved the cannot assign to a function result problem by
   putting the value assignment into a function(){}:

   48  $(td.mychkbox).each(
   49    function(){
   50      $(this).bind(
   51        mouseover,
   52        function(){
   53          if (gCheckedValue != null){
   54            var eccomi = this;
   55            var eccoti = $(eccomi).find(input:checkbox);
   56*           function(){$(eccoti).attr(checked) = 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery SL - jQuery Silverlight Plugin Feedback

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

The Vividas technology seems great, it can play HD fullscreen with
zero hiccups, and has great quality using low bandwith: http://vividas.com/

On Apr 11, 5:42 am, Jordon Bedwell jor...@envygeeks.com wrote:
 You confuse the Silverlight project completely. It's not just a player.
 It's really actually truly a server. Kind of like Flash Media Server but way
 more advanced, they are 10 different leagues apart.  Check 
 outhttp://www.streamflashhd.com/which is an Adobe/Akamai project demonstrating
 using Silverlight with Flash. I don't know who in their right mind would
 even consider using Java for Video.  If you are going to do that, you might
 as well download the HD video to your computer...  Silverlight is really a
 server, it's capabilities include downgrading live streams based on your
 bandwidth.  It's used by some of the biggest companies, and word around is
 Hulu will soon switch to a Flash/Silverlight setup.

 Example: If you are at 10MBPS when you first tap the video and then all of a
 sudden you drop to 1MBPS bandwidth, it will downgrade the video, and upgrade
 the video if you gain more available bandwidth, creating a constant smooth
 stream.  Flash alone does not have this capability because it is downloading
 the video just as if you were downloading it yourself.  Flash with
 silverlight though, it gains this ability.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On

 Behalf Of Thomas Creutz
 Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 3:11 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery SL - jQuery Silverlight Plugin Feedback

 Thomas Creutz schrieb:
  Jordon Bedwell schrieb:
  I suggest you check outhttp://www.smoothhd.com/before you start
  dogging Silverlight.  Learn a little about things before you dogg them

  haha, its not possible, I use Linux ... and Moonlight is not the right

 because: I have Moonlight installed and also cannot open the side - why ppl
 not use java or flash? Its OFFICIAL supported on Win, Mac and Linux too.

 Moonlight is not official, so u will have every time problems!


[jQuery] Re: Problems using JRC corner or curvycorner

2009-04-12 Thread weepy

you could try this plugin


works for me

On Mar 26, 9:18 pm, banacan banaca...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the link.  Unfortunately CornerZ won't work on this project
 because the parent div background is a gradient and the background
 color must be specified in the call.  I'm sure it will work great for
 a different project.

 I'm back to square one on this issue, whether to use strictly CSS.

 Thanks for your help.

 On Mar 26, 3:43 pm, Nikola nik.cod...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here you go..  it hasn't been refactored for IE8 yet though.


  On Mar 26, 2:54 pm, banacan banaca...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm not familiar with CornerZ.  I searched the plugin repository and
   found nothing.  Can you supply a link?


   On Mar 26, 1:59 pm, Nikola nik.cod...@gmail.com wrote:

I've found JRC and the Bullet Proof CornerZ PlugIns to be foolproof...
except in IE8 thus far.

On Mar 26, 11:44 am, banacan banaca...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm creating a page with many divs that I would like to have rounded
 corners, and several problems keep coming up.

 When using JRC for rounding, not all elements will round even though
 they have the correct class.  Reloading the page will, after several
 attempts, create the rounded corners, though sometimes some elements
 will never round.  This is even more problematic when the div has a
 border; I can see the rounded bg but the border is still square.
 Again, after repeated reloadings (3 or 4 times) it will usually work,
 though in some browsers it might not.  Also, when using a gradient
 background on the parent div, the corner does not pick up the
 underlying color.

 When using curvycorner, the underlying color does come through, but
 again the div is not always rounded on the first load.  It too needs
 refreshing multiple times before displaying correctly.  Also, with
 curvycorners IE (6 anyway) does not produce rounded corners at all.

 So my questions are:

 Is this a common failing of these scripts?
 Is having the CSS in an external file the problem?
 Could these problems be caused by my local testing server?
  MAC OSX10.4.9, Apache 1.3.1, PHP 5.2, MySQL 5.0
 Is a traditional CSS approach more reliable - though not easier?

 I don't want to spend much more time on this and I was hoping to hear
 from others whether or not they have experienced similar problems.  If
 this is just not reliable, I need to take a different approach.

 TIA- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Form Validation

2009-04-12 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Just remove the required-rule. All other methods include a check to
make a field optional when empty.


On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:16 PM, NobitaNobi79 frankcheun...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, I am new to jQuery. I follow the example on
 http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/email to add rules
 to a form validator. When I modified the rules to email: true
 (required: false), the script seems to stall there, no error message
 nor a check. Can someone tell me if I am doing anything wrong here?
 What I want is to let the validation pass if the optional fields are
 valid when they are filled or they are left out empty.

 I can, of course add an extra script like...
 if (($(#field).val() == ) || $(#field).valid()) {
                        optionalValid = true;
 But it seems very redundant considering the rules: { field: {email:
 true, required: false}}, with or without the default required: false


[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin remote problem

2009-04-12 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
You need to echo true for a valid value.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Victorr victor.ry...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using CakePHP, jQuery and the validation plugin. I'm having some
 problems. I'm trying to check if a email is already in use but I can't
 seem to get it too work.

 I'm just trying to get a error message to see that it works but I
 can't seem to get it right.


 $(document).ready(function() {
                rules: {
                        data[User][email]: {
                                required: true,
                                email: true,
                                remote: /
                        data[User][passwrd]: {
                                required: true,
                                minlength: 5
                messages: {
                        data[User][email]: {
                                required: Du måste ange en e-post adress.,
                                email: Du måste ange en giltig e-post 
                                remote: E-post adressen du angav är upptagen.
                        data[User][passwrd]: {
                                required: Du måste ange ett lösenord.,
                                minlength: Ditt lösenord måste vara minst 5 

 And the controller:

                if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()  !empty($_REQUEST['data']
 ['User']['email'])) {
                        $valid = 'false';
                        echo $valid;


[jQuery] Re: JSON , PHP, MySQL, and jQuery

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

Nope. There are no associative arrays in JS, and you can't have an
object without property names (that would be the case in your
example). The way he posted is correct, an array of objects.

On Apr 12, 2:23 am, Jean jnascime...@gmail.com wrote:

  {'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
  'weight': '120'},
  {'name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
  'weight': '121'},
  {'name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
  'weight': '122'} ]

 i think is

  [name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
  'weight': '120'],
 ['name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
  'weight': '121'],
  ['name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
  'weight': '122']}


 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Renato Untalan phis...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm having trouble parsing JSON in Javascript.

  The response i'm getting from PHP when making a request is:
  {'name': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'25', 'height': '170',
  'weight': '120'},
  {'name': 'Jane', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'26', 'height': '175',
  'weight': '121'},
  {'name': 'Jack', 'lastName': 'Doe','age':'27', 'height': '180',
  'weight': '122'} ]

  How would I go about parsing this in Javascript?  Am I not encoding it
  correctly on the PHP Side?

  Here's my JAVASCRIPT:
         $.get(includes/functions_inside.php, {function : getAppList},
                 function(data, textStatus){
                         alert( data[0] );

  Here's my PHP:

         $AppListQuery = $insideDB-customQuery($query);
         $rows = array();
         while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($AppListQuery)) {
             $rows[] = $r;
         print json_encode($rows);

  Thanks in advance!

 []´s Jean a.k.a Suissa

 Tecnólogo em Análise de Sistemas - 

[jQuery] Re: jquery toggle class, I needed to switch class....

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

didnt you forget jQuery.fn.switchClass=function ???

On Mar 23, 7:47 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 jQuery.fn.switchClass( a, b ){
    var t = this.hasClass(a);
    this.addClass( t ? b : a ).removeClass( t ? a : b );


 On Mar 23, 12:35 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  You're creating (or worse, overwriting) global variables 'remove' and
  'add' there (because you haven't given the 'var' keyword, and thus are
  creating implicit globals[1]).  The temporaries don't really buy you
  anything anyway, perhaps simply:

  jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
      if (this.hasClass(class1)) {
      } else {



  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Mar 23, 1:33 pm, Artistan artis...@gmail.com wrote:

   ///   Switch Between Classes    ///
   jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
           remove = class1;
           add = class2;
       } else {
           remove = class2;
           add = class1;


   Hope this helps someone out.

[jQuery] ajax post data json - php receives only post data, no json

2009-04-12 Thread mcologne


i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some

at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
validation messages or ok messages...

therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?

in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when

best regards
m, cologne

  type: POST,
  url: /mail/process.php5,
  data: {name:name, email:email, message:message, n:textmail,
  dataType: json,
  success: function(res) {
  if(res.result == 1) {
 $('#dialog').html(pWE SEND THE EMAIL +
res.message + /p);
 else if(res.result == 0) {
   $('#dialog').html(pERROR + res.message + /p);

[jQuery] Re: ajax post data json - php receives only post data, no json

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

learn to make a simple ajax query before playing with jquery, to use
json data is completely senseless here

On Apr 12, 1:32 pm, mcologne blueameri...@web.de wrote:

 i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some

 at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
 was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
 validation messages or ok messages...

 therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
 better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
 single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
 nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?

 in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when

 best regards
 m, cologne

           type: POST,
           url: /mail/process.php5,
           data: {name:name, email:email, message:message, n:textmail,
           dataType: json,
           success: function(res) {
                   if(res.result == 1) {
                          $('#dialog').html(pWE SEND THE EMAIL +
 res.message + /p);
                  else if(res.result == 0) {
                        $('#dialog').html(pERROR + res.message + /p);

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Lwangaman

Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
clicked.checked = isChecked:


On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
 not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
 clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
 to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


 Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
 now :)

 On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


  Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep it
  as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of the
  last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
  enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to $(this)
  from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

  On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a checkbox
   is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you mouseup the
   value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to keep
   the value in there...

   On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the mousedown
is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container element (the
table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a checkbox the
mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this handler.

As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see it fixed/
working here:


I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, that way
you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided all
checkboxes are used by default.

- ricardo

On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
 Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and I have a
 few questions:
 -- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
 -- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
 checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? Yet, if
 you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
 checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is built into
 the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
 -- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is being bound
 to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I suppose a
 plugin or defined function would be even better because it's much more
 flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the mousedown was
 being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and I was
 determining that through the class I had given them
 mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes included,
 since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
 addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an inactive
 checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's way of
 listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the checkbox rather
 than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag thing a lot
 more user-friendly.

 On 10 Apr, 20:36, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

  Just curious.. What is the difference between mouseover.dc and

  On Apr 10, 1:44 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   This (untested) is how I envision the code for that:

   $.fn.dragCheck = function(){
     //this == the current jQuery element
     return this.each(function(){

       //this == current element in the loop (table etc)
       $(this).bind('mousedown', function(e){

           //don't do anything if you didn't click a checkbox
           if ( !$(e.target).is(':checkbox') )
                return true;

           //get the clicked checkbox state
           isChecked = e.target.checked;
           //apply it to all other checkboxes on mouseover
           $boxes.bind('mouseover.dc', function(){
               this.checked = isChecked;

       }).bind('mouseup', function(e){
           //cancel the mouseover action



   - ricardo

   On 9 abr, 17:15, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok I resolved the cannot assign to a function result problem 
putting the value assignment into a function(){}:

48  $(td.mychkbox).each(
49    function(){
50      $(this).bind(

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Lwangaman

Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
you did all the big work!

On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
 clicked.checked = isChecked:


 On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
  not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
  clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
  to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


  Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
  now :)

  On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


   Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep it
   as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of the
   last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
   enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to $(this)
   from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

   On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a checkbox
is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you mouseup the
value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to keep
the value in there...

On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the mousedown
 is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container element (the
 table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a checkbox the
 mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this handler.

 As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see it 
 working here:


 I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, that way
 you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided all
 checkboxes are used by default.

 - ricardo

 On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
  Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and I 
  have a
  few questions:
  -- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
  -- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
  checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? Yet, if
  you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
  checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is built into
  the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
  -- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is being bound
  to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I suppose a
  plugin or defined function would be even better because it's much 
  flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the mousedown was
  being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and I was
  determining that through the class I had given them
  mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes included,
  since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
  addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an 
  checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's way of
  listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the checkbox 
  than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag thing a lot
  more user-friendly.

  On 10 Apr, 20:36, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

   Just curious.. What is the difference between mouseover.dc and

   On Apr 10, 1:44 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

This (untested) is how I envision the code for that:

$.fn.dragCheck = function(){
  //this == the current jQuery element
  return this.each(function(){

    //this == current element in the loop (table etc)
    $(this).bind('mousedown', function(e){

        //don't do anything if you didn't click a checkbox
        if ( !$(e.target).is(':checkbox') )
             return true;

        //get the clicked checkbox state
        isChecked = e.target.checked;
        //apply it to all other checkboxes on mouseover
        $boxes.bind('mouseover.dc', function(){
            this.checked = isChecked;

    }).bind('mouseup', function(e){
        //cancel the mouseover action


[jQuery] Re: ajax post data json - php receives only post data, no json

2009-04-12 Thread mcologne

@donb: thanks... i thought it was in both directions...

On 12 Apr., 16:46, donb falconwatc...@comcast.net wrote:
 $_post sends the data which 'arrives' at your PHP page as $_POST array
 elements.  That's the nature of an HTTP post action.  By indicating a
 'json' datatype, the data your script returns will be expected to be
 in JSON form.

 On Apr 12, 7:32 am, mcologne blueameri...@web.de wrote:


  i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some

  at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
  was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
  validation messages or ok messages...

  therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
  better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
  single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
  nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?

  in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when

  best regards
  m, cologne

            type: POST,
            url: /mail/process.php5,
            data: {name:name, email:email, message:message, 
            dataType: json,
            success: function(res) {
                    if(res.result == 1) {
                           $('#dialog').html(pWE SEND THE EMAIL +
  res.message + /p);
                   else if(res.result == 0) {
                         $('#dialog').html(pERROR + res.message + /p);

[jQuery] Re: How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread webguy...@yahoo.com

Thanks! That did it!

Can you take a look at where I ultimately need to go with this?

This page...


...has two forms.

First one generates a part number via ajax.

The next form sends us the part number with name, phone, email, etc.

I'm trying to get the same part number that appears via ajax, to
populate the value of the id=partnum element in the second form.

I can get it to work in FF by taking the ajax code:

 if (http_request.status == 200) {
result = http_request.responseText;
document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

...and adding this:

   document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

You can see that version here:


Unfortunately, that does not work in IE.

Hence, I'm hoping jQuery can solve the problem.

Or that someone can tell how to get the non-jQuery version that
works in FF to work in IE.

Thanks again for your help so far, and for any further help you can
give me!

On Apr 12, 9:52 am, victorg vr.gerrit...@gmail.com wrote:
 script language=text/javascript   -- script type=text/

 On Apr 12, 3:29 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

  Please, can someone view the source of this page...


  ...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

  ricardobeat wrote:

   $('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );

   On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
   I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

   One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a series
   selection boxes.

   The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

   Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

   Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to copy
   paste their part number into the email form instead of having it entered
   there automatically.

   To display the part number to the user, I'm using this in the JS...

   document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

   ...and this in the html...

   To get the variable in the email form, I'm using this in the JS...

   document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

   ...and this in the html...

   input type=text name=partnum id=partnum readonly

   As I said, this works everywhere but not in IE.

   How can I use Jquery to make it work across the board?

   View this message in
   Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread victorg

script language=text/javascript   -- script type=text/

On Apr 12, 3:29 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

 Please, can someone view the source of this page...


 ...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

 ricardobeat wrote:

  $('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );

  On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
  I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

  One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a series
  selection boxes.

  The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

  Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

  Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to copy
  paste their part number into the email form instead of having it entered
  there automatically.

  To display the part number to the user, I'm using this in the JS...

  document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

  ...and this in the html...

  To get the variable in the email form, I'm using this in the JS...

  document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

  ...and this in the html...

  input type=text name=partnum id=partnum readonly

  As I said, this works everywhere but not in IE.

  How can I use Jquery to make it work across the board?

  View this message in
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Block UI and Safari search plug-in

2009-04-12 Thread Claudio Poli

hi everyone,
I'm using Block UI plugin and I'm happy with it.
I discovered Safari search plug-in and wanted to give it a try, while
it works well in Safari, in Firefox and IE the search box is really
messed up; I tried to hunt down the problem and it is somewhat related
not to css per se but in Block UI plugin.

I tried to look at the code but I cannot find any valid point where it
messes up a text input field.

Does anybody that uses Block UI with http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/SafariSearch
experienced issues?
This is how the box looks like: http://yfrog.com/07testut


[jQuery] Re: ajax post data json - php receives only post data, no json

2009-04-12 Thread donb

$_post sends the data which 'arrives' at your PHP page as $_POST array
elements.  That's the nature of an HTTP post action.  By indicating a
'json' datatype, the data your script returns will be expected to be
in JSON form.

On Apr 12, 7:32 am, mcologne blueameri...@web.de wrote:

 i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some

 at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
 was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
 validation messages or ok messages...

 therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
 better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
 single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
 nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?

 in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when

 best regards
 m, cologne

           type: POST,
           url: /mail/process.php5,
           data: {name:name, email:email, message:message, n:textmail,
           dataType: json,
           success: function(res) {
                   if(res.result == 1) {
                          $('#dialog').html(pWE SEND THE EMAIL +
 res.message + /p);
                  else if(res.result == 0) {
                        $('#dialog').html(pERROR + res.message + /p);

[jQuery] How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread webguy262

I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

Please, can someone view the source of this page...


...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

ricardobeat wrote:
 $('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );
 On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

 One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a series
 selection boxes.

 The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

 Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

 Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to copy
 paste their part number into the email form instead of having it entered
 there automatically.

 To display the part number to the user, I'm using this in the JS...

 document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

 ...and this in the html...

 To get the variable in the email form, I'm using this in the JS...

 document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

 ...and this in the html...

 input type=text name=partnum id=partnum readonly

 As I said, this works everywhere but not in IE.

 How can I use Jquery to make it work across the board?

 View this message in
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: replacing entire html node having jquery trigger document.ready again for new content

2009-04-12 Thread e.sand

So far I've been able to get this piece of code to do almost all of
what I want - only problem is that the browser is able to track this
in it's cache, so back/forward buttons iterate through each new
document.write() call:

var html = data.responseText.match(/html?[\s\S]+\/html/im);

Doing it this way actually triggers the document.ready event so
everything runs just fine (except the caching issue).

I've tried doing:

document.documentElement.innerHTML = html;

instead of the open/write/close calls, but it doesn't trigger the
document.ready event (if I recall), and also it causes some odd css
formatting problems (css attached to the html node seems to not get
applied or something).

[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin remote problem

2009-04-12 Thread Victorr

Ok. But what do i need too echo to get a false value and an error


On 12 Apr, 10:37, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You need to echo true for a valid value.


 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 1:02 AM, Victorr victor.ry...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm using CakePHP, jQuery and the validation plugin. I'm having some
  problems. I'm trying to check if a email is already in use but I can't
  seem to get it too work.

  I'm just trying to get a error message to see that it works but I
  can't seem to get it right.


  $(document).ready(function() {
                 rules: {
                         data[User][email]: {
                                 required: true,
                                 email: true,
                                 remote: /
                         data[User][passwrd]: {
                                 required: true,
                                 minlength: 5
                 messages: {
                         data[User][email]: {
                                 required: Du måste ange en e-post adress.,
                                 email: Du måste ange en giltig e-post 
                                 remote: E-post adressen du angav är 
                         data[User][passwrd]: {
                                 required: Du måste ange ett lösenord.,
                                 minlength: Ditt lösenord måste vara minst 5 

  And the controller:

                 if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()  
  ['User']['email'])) {
                         $valid = 'false';
                         echo $valid;


[jQuery] Re: Block UI and Safari search plug-in

2009-04-12 Thread Claudio Poli

whops, actually the page is 

currently I'm still investigating, not quite 100% sure itìs block ui  
behaving like this.

Il giorno 12/apr/09, alle ore 17:25, Claudio Poli ha scritto:

hi everyone,
I'm using Block UI plugin and I'm happy with it.
I discovered Safari search plug-in and wanted to give it a try, while
it works well in Safari, in Firefox and IE the search box is really
messed up; I tried to hunt down the problem and it is somewhat related
not to css per se but in Block UI plugin.

I tried to look at the code but I cannot find any valid point where it
messes up a text input field.

Does anybody that uses Block UI with http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/SafariSearch
experienced issues?
This is how the box looks like: http://yfrog.com/07testut


[jQuery] Re: Block UI and Safari search plug-in

2009-04-12 Thread Claudio Poli

I found the problem, markup was missing a class.

On 12 Apr, 17:40, Claudio Poli masterk...@gmail.com wrote:
 whops, actually the page 

 currently I'm still investigating, not quite 100% sure itìs block ui  
 behaving like this.

 Il giorno 12/apr/09, alle ore 17:25, Claudio Poli ha scritto:

  hi everyone,
  I'm using Block UI plugin and I'm happy with it.
  I discovered Safari search plug-in and wanted to give it a try, while
  it works well in Safari, in Firefox and IE the search box is really
  messed up; I tried to hunt down the problem and it is somewhat related
  not to css per se but in Block UI plugin.

  I tried to look at the code but I cannot find any valid point where it
  messes up a text input field.

  Does anybody that uses Block UI 
  experienced issues?
  This is how the box looks like:http://yfrog.com/07testut


[jQuery] Re: replacing entire html node having jquery trigger document.ready again for new content

2009-04-12 Thread jay

Is the document not ready after innerHTML is set? I'd imagine there
would be circumstances where different browsers would behave
differently with styling of certain DOM elements, but I imagine you
could special case those situations.

On Apr 12, 10:31 am, e.sand elisand@gmail.com wrote:
 So far I've been able to get this piece of code to do almost all of
 what I want - only problem is that the browser is able to track this
 in it's cache, so back/forward buttons iterate through each new
 document.write() call:

 var html = data.responseText.match(/html?[\s\S]+\/html/im);

 Doing it this way actually triggers the document.ready event so
 everything runs just fine (except the caching issue).

 I've tried doing:

 document.documentElement.innerHTML = html;

 instead of the open/write/close calls, but it doesn't trigger the
 document.ready event (if I recall), and also it causes some odd css
 formatting problems (css attached to the html node seems to not get
 applied or something).

[jQuery] Re: addClass (et al) malfunctioning in IE7

2009-04-12 Thread Randell
It would be nice if you can post your code here so we can easily debug it.



[jQuery] Superfish v1.4.8 – jQuery menu

2009-04-12 Thread clonez

Hi, I having some problems with the css inside the superfish as I want
the menu to change the text and selected menu to another color when
rollover it. May I know which part of the code that needs to be

[jQuery] Slider Range

2009-04-12 Thread LESSTERM


Im trying the Slider range and set min and max values. How do I set on
load the max value to be 'No Limit' like www.century21.com ?


[jQuery] jQuery on a generic registration form

2009-04-12 Thread Randell

Hi guys, I recently wrote a simple script for registration forms.  It
includes AJAX checking if a username and/or email already exists,
checking if passwords match, loading and reloading of captcha.

I know the code can still be improved with respect to the use of
jQuery and other programming practices (including documentation).  I'd
like to know what you think.  Is it good enough?  Which part would you
take off?  What would you like to add to it? And yeah, feel free to
bash me if you have to. =D




[jQuery] Re: sidebar menu

2009-04-12 Thread Randell
You can try googling 'suckerfish'.  It might be the answer you're looking



[jQuery] [validate]Submit button needing to be clicked twice.

2009-04-12 Thread Willeus Acuna

I'm using the validation plugin from http://bassistance.de/jquery-
plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ and I'm encountering a problem when
submitting CORRECT data.

When the data being inputted is all correct, I end up having to click
the submit button TWICE before the data is sent to the server. What
could be causing this?

Here's my code:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
headmeta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1 /title
Post a classified advertisement for Apartment in the Philippines.
link href=/Styles/pilipinoy.css rel=stylesheet type=text/
css /
script src=/Scripts/MicrosoftAjax.debug.js type=text/
script src=/Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.debug.js type=text/
script src=/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/
script src=/Scripts/scroller.js type=text/javascript/

style type=text/css

div.flash {
width: 375px;
margin: 10px 5px;
border-color: #D9E4FF;
-moz-border-radius-topleft : 5px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius : 5px;
-moz-border-radius-topright : 5px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius : 5px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft : 5px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius : 5px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright : 5px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius : 5px;

#btnSubmit { margin: 0 0 0 155px ; }

.progressWrapper {
width: 357px;
overflow: hidden;

.progressContainer {
margin: 5px;
padding: 4px;
border: solid 1px #E8E8E8;
background-color: #F7F7F7;
overflow: hidden;
/* Message */
.message {
margin: 1em 0;
padding: 10px 20px;
border: solid 1px #FFDD99;
background-color: #CC;
overflow: hidden;
/* Error */
.red {
border: solid 1px #B5;
background-color: #FFEBEB;

/* Current */
.green {
border: solid 1px #DDF0DD;
background-color: #EBFFEB;

/* Complete */
.blue {
border: solid 1px #CEE2F2;
background-color: #F0F5FF;

.progressName {
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: 700;
color: #555;
width: 323px;
height: 14px;
text-align: left;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;

.progressBarError {
font-size: 0;
width: 0%;
height: 2px;
background-color: blue;
margin-top: 2px;

.progressBarComplete {
width: 100%;
background-color: green;
visibility: hidden;

.progressBarError {
width: 100%;
background-color: red;
visibility: hidden;

.progressBarStatus {
margin-top: 2px;
width: 337px;
font-size: 7pt;
font-family: Arial;
text-align: left;
white-space: nowrap;

a.progressCancel {
font-size: 0;
display: block;
height: 14px;
width: 14px;
background-image: url(/Content/images/cancelbutton.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: -14px 0px;
float: right;

a.progressCancel:hover {
background-position: 0px 0px;

.swfupload {
vertical-align: top;
link href=/Styles/jquery.autocomplete.css rel=stylesheet
type=text/css /
link href=/Styles/jqmodal.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/jquery.autocomplete.js/
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/jquery.metadata.js/
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js/
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/jqModal.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/Scripts/swfupload.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=/Other/FileUploadHandler/
script type=text/javascript
// General options
mode: exact,
elements: description,
theme: advanced,
skin: o2k7,

// Theme options

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin - background color in IE?

2009-04-12 Thread bhon

Thanks. you save me today.

[jQuery] .each - how to write in my code?

2009-04-12 Thread adesign


I am very new to jQuery and don´t know how to write my code for every

Here is my code for a list with hover functions, I would like for
every item to be processed separately. I know about a functio that is
written .each, but can´t seem to get it to work.


script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
// set opacity to nill on page load
$(ul#menu span).css(opacity,0);

$(ul#menu li).each(function () {

// on mouse over
$(ul#menu a).hover(function () {
// animate opacity to full
$('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
opacity: 1
}, 'slow');

// on mouse out
function () {
// animate opacity to nill
$('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
opacity: 0
}, 'slow');




hope someone has some answers or a book to recommend for a newbie.


[jQuery] jQuery on a generic registration form

2009-04-12 Thread Randell
Hi guys,

I recently wrote a simple script for registration forms.  It basically
includes AJAX checking if a username/email exists, checking if the passwords
match, loading and reloading of captcha.  I feel like there's a lot to
improve in this simple script.  It would be great if you can bash my code
and point out the parts that can be improved.

Here it is:


[jQuery] Help, friends!

2009-04-12 Thread rusllangashik

Hi all

I need realize a tag cloud in style, how it done here - 4dle.ru
(russian site). I khow it jQuery! Can some give me script to realize
it? Please!

[jQuery] Re: .each - how to write in my code?

2009-04-12 Thread jay

inside the each you need to reference this or $(this) instead of
referencing all of the elements again.

On Apr 12, 11:38 am, adesign andersek...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am very new to jQuery and don´t know how to write my code for every

 Here is my code for a list with hover functions, I would like for
 every item to be processed separately. I know about a functio that is
 written .each, but can´t seem to get it to work.


 script type=text/javascript
         $(function() {
                 // set opacity to nill on page load
                 $(ul#menu span).css(opacity,0);

                 $(ul#menu li).each(function () {

                         // on mouse over
                         $(ul#menu a).hover(function () {
                                 // animate opacity to full
                                 $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
                                         opacity: 1
                                 }, 'slow');

                         // on mouse out
                         function () {
                                 // animate opacity to nill
                                 $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
                                         opacity: 0
                                 }, 'slow');




 hope someone has some answers or a book to recommend for a newbie.


[jQuery] Re: IE8 will not perform Fade animation properly

2009-04-12 Thread Jared A. D. Radtke

Here is the HTML:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
titleUntitled Document/title
script type=text/javascript src=javascript/jquery_1-3-2.js/
script type=text/javascript src=testJava.js/script


br /
br /
span id=FadeThisGuyThis Fades on loadup/span


And here is the JavaScript:


It's an incredibly simple test which works fine it Firefox, yet in IE
it performs a cut rather than a fade where after the set duration of
the effect, the object just disappears.  I thought I recall reading
somewhere than you had to apply a certain attribute to HTML/CSS in
order to activate alpha/opacity in IE but I don't have any concept of

Thanks again.

[jQuery] Re: How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread webguy...@yahoo.com

I have some more detail on this issue.

Again, I'm trying to use jquery to grab the value generated by an an
ajax call (done in form 1) and then assign that ajax-generated value
to a field in another form (form2).

You can see the page and view the source here:

In this verion of the page, I'm using the click function and
attaching it to the form 1 submit button.

If I hard code the value I want placed in form2, like this...

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#partnum').val ( 'this works' );

... jquery assigns it to the field correctly.

But if I code it to assign the ajax-generated value...

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#partnum').val ( $('#myspan').text() );

...it does not work.

Could one of the problems be that the ajax-generated value is not
available when the jquery code fires? After all, the same submit
button is triggering both the ajax request and the jquery function.

Any sugeestions?

On Apr 12, 10:31 am, webguy...@yahoo.com webguy...@yahoo.com
 Thanks! That did it!

 Can you take a look at where I ultimately need to go with this?

 This page...


 ...has two forms.

 First one generates a part number via ajax.

 The next form sends us the part number with name, phone, email, etc.

 I'm trying to get the same part number that appears via ajax, to
 populate the value of the id=partnum element in the second form.

 I can get it to work in FF by taking the ajax code:

  if (http_request.status == 200) {
             result = http_request.responseText;
             document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

 ...and adding this:

            document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

 You can see that version here:


 Unfortunately, that does not work in IE.

 Hence, I'm hoping jQuery can solve the problem.

 Or that someone can tell how to get the non-jQuery version that
 works in FF to work in IE.

 Thanks again for your help so far, and for any further help you can
 give me!

 On Apr 12, 9:52 am, victorg vr.gerrit...@gmail.com wrote:

  script language=text/javascript   -- script type=text/

  On Apr 12, 3:29 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

   I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

   Please, can someone view the source of this page...


   ...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

   ricardobeat wrote:

$('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );

On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a 
selection boxes.

The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to copy
paste their part number into the email form instead of having it 
there automatically.

To display the part number to the user, I'm using this in the JS...

document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

...and this in the html...

To get the variable in the email form, I'm using this in the JS...

document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

...and this in the html...

input type=text name=partnum id=partnum readonly

As I said, this works everywhere but not in IE.

How can I use Jquery to make it work across the board?

View this message in
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

   View this message in 
   Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at 

[jQuery] Re: Help, friends!

2009-04-12 Thread brian

Why don't you just have a look at the script at that site?

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:13 PM, rusllangashik online...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all

 I need realize a tag cloud in style, how it done here - 4dle.ru
 (russian site). I khow it jQuery! Can some give me script to realize
 it? Please!

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
remain active even after mouseup).

The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


- ricardo

On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
 plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
 you did all the big work!

 On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
  clicked.checked = isChecked:


  On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
   not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
   clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
   to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


   Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
   now :)

   On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep it
as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of the
last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to $(this)
from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a checkbox
 is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you mouseup the
 value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to keep
 the value in there...

 On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the mousedown
  is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container element 
  table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a checkbox 
  mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this 

  As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see it 
  working here:


  I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, that 
  you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided all
  checkboxes are used by default.

  - ricardo

  On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
   Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and I 
   have a
   few questions:
   -- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
   -- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
   checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? Yet, 
   you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
   checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is built 
   the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
   -- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is being 
   to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I suppose 
   plugin or defined function would be even better because it's much 
   flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the mousedown 
   being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and I 
   determining that through the class I had given them
   mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes included,
   since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
   addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an 
   checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's way of
   listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the checkbox 
   than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag thing a 
   more user-friendly.

   On 10 Apr, 20:36, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

Just curious.. What is the difference between mouseover.dc and

On Apr 10, 1:44 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 This (untested) is how I envision the code for that:

 $.fn.dragCheck = function(){
   //this == the current jQuery element

[jQuery] Re: jquery toggle class, I needed to switch class....

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

This is exactly the same as


On Mar 23, 2:47 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 jQuery.fn.switchClass( a, b ){
    var t = this.hasClass(a);
    this.addClass( t ? b : a ).removeClass( t ? a : b );


 On Mar 23, 12:35 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  You're creating (or worse, overwriting) global variables 'remove' and
  'add' there (because you haven't given the 'var' keyword, and thus are
  creating implicit globals[1]).  The temporaries don't really buy you
  anything anyway, perhaps simply:

  jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
      if (this.hasClass(class1)) {
      } else {



  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Mar 23, 1:33 pm, Artistan artis...@gmail.com wrote:

   ///   Switch Between Classes    ///
   jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
           remove = class1;
           add = class2;
       } else {
           remove = class2;
           add = class1;


   Hope this helps someone out.

[jQuery] Re: How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread brian

Where's the ajax call? Assign the form value in your success callback,
after the span has been added to the DOM. Or, just assign the return
directly to the form element, if that's all you're sending back.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, webguy...@yahoo.com
webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have some more detail on this issue.

 Again, I'm trying to use jquery to grab the value generated by an an
 ajax call (done in form 1) and then assign that ajax-generated value
 to a field in another form (form2).

 You can see the page and view the source here:

 In this verion of the page, I'm using the click function and
 attaching it to the form 1 submit button.

 If I hard code the value I want placed in form2, like this...

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
                $('#partnum').val ( 'this works' );

 ... jquery assigns it to the field correctly.

 But if I code it to assign the ajax-generated value...

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
                $('#partnum').val ( $('#myspan').text() );

 ...it does not work.

 Could one of the problems be that the ajax-generated value is not
 available when the jquery code fires? After all, the same submit
 button is triggering both the ajax request and the jquery function.

 Any sugeestions?

 On Apr 12, 10:31 am, webguy...@yahoo.com webguy...@yahoo.com
 Thanks! That did it!

 Can you take a look at where I ultimately need to go with this?

 This page...


 ...has two forms.

 First one generates a part number via ajax.

 The next form sends us the part number with name, phone, email, etc.

 I'm trying to get the same part number that appears via ajax, to
 populate the value of the id=partnum element in the second form.

 I can get it to work in FF by taking the ajax code:

  if (http_request.status == 200) {
             result = http_request.responseText;
             document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

 ...and adding this:

            document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

 You can see that version here:


 Unfortunately, that does not work in IE.

 Hence, I'm hoping jQuery can solve the problem.

 Or that someone can tell how to get the non-jQuery version that
 works in FF to work in IE.

 Thanks again for your help so far, and for any further help you can
 give me!

 On Apr 12, 9:52 am, victorg vr.gerrit...@gmail.com wrote:

  script language=text/javascript   -- script type=text/

  On Apr 12, 3:29 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

   I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

   Please, can someone view the source of this page...


   ...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

   ricardobeat wrote:

$('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );

On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a 
selection boxes.

The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to copy
paste their part number into the email form instead of having it 
there automatically.

To display the part number to the user, I'm using this in the JS...

document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

...and this in the html...

To get the variable in the email form, I'm using this in the JS...

document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

...and this in the html...

input type=text name=partnum id=partnum readonly

As I said, this works everywhere but not in IE.

How can I use Jquery to make it work across the board?

View this message in
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

   View this message in 
   Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at 

[jQuery] Re: How do I set the value of a form element?

2009-04-12 Thread webguy...@yahoo.com


Sorry, i'm not experienced enough to know exactly what you are

Any chance you could take a look at my page source?  Everything is

This version on this page...


...attempts to set the value of the part number in the second form by
grabbing the text of the span in the first form.

I'm using this code... (which triggers when you submit the first form
-- the one that gets the part number)

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#partnum').val ( $('#myspan').text() );

...to attempt to do that.  If I replace val ( $('#myspan').text() );
with something like val ( $('static text'); it works.  So I'm assuming
there's a problem getting the #myspan variable.

If you want to see how it works without jquery -- in works on FF but
not IE -- you can take a look and try it at this page...


I've been trying to resolve this for 2 weeks so any help would be most

On Apr 12, 3:15 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 Where's the ajax call? Assign the form value in your success callback,
 after the span has been added to the DOM. Or, just assign the return
 directly to the form element, if that's all you're sending back.

 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, webguy...@yahoo.com

 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

  I have some more detail on this issue.

  Again, I'm trying to use jquery to grab the value generated by an an
  ajax call (done in form 1) and then assign that ajax-generated value
  to a field in another form (form2).

  You can see the page and view the source here:

  In this verion of the page, I'm using the click function and
  attaching it to the form 1 submit button.

  If I hard code the value I want placed in form2, like this...

  script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
                 $('#partnum').val ( 'this works' );

  ... jquery assigns it to the field correctly.

  But if I code it to assign the ajax-generated value...

  script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
                 $('#partnum').val ( $('#myspan').text() );

  ...it does not work.

  Could one of the problems be that the ajax-generated value is not
  available when the jquery code fires? After all, the same submit
  button is triggering both the ajax request and the jquery function.

  Any sugeestions?

  On Apr 12, 10:31 am, webguy...@yahoo.com webguy...@yahoo.com
  Thanks! That did it!

  Can you take a look at where I ultimately need to go with this?

  This page...


  ...has two forms.

  First one generates a part number via ajax.

  The next form sends us the part number with name, phone, email, etc.

  I'm trying to get the same part number that appears via ajax, to
  populate the value of the id=partnum element in the second form.

  I can get it to work in FF by taking the ajax code:

   if (http_request.status == 200) {
              result = http_request.responseText;
              document.getElementById('myspan').innerHTML = result;

  ...and adding this:

             document.getElementById('partnum').value= result;

  You can see that version here:


  Unfortunately, that does not work in IE.

  Hence, I'm hoping jQuery can solve the problem.

  Or that someone can tell how to get the non-jQuery version that
  works in FF to work in IE.

  Thanks again for your help so far, and for any further help you can
  give me!

  On Apr 12, 9:52 am, victorg vr.gerrit...@gmail.com wrote:

   script language=text/javascript   -- script type=text/

   On Apr 12, 3:29 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:

I'm sorry for being so thick, but I'm stuck.

Please, can someone view the source of this page...


...and tell me why it is not setting the value of the form element?

ricardobeat wrote:

 $('#myspan').text( $('#partnum').val() );

 On Mar 29, 6:07 pm, webguy262 webguy...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I have two forms on a page (www.eastexhaust.com/inventory.php).

 One uses ajax to generate a part number by selecting values from a 
 selection boxes.

 The other form emails the part number so we can reply with a quote.

 Everything works fine in FFox, but does not work in IE.

 Therefore, I have had to make things harder by asking the user to 
 paste their part number into the email form instead of having it 
 there automatically.

 To display 

[jQuery] Re: Fade Pictures In and Out

2009-04-12 Thread PF

Sorry to bump, but I would like this finished sooner or later.

On Apr 11, 3:48 pm, PF piercefree...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey everyone and thanks for all the help.  I currently have the photos
 working in a UL list, but I can't figure out how to set them as the
 background.  Thanks for any help.

  Hi everyone.

  I asked awhile ago about fading content in and out, now I am wondering
  how to fade images in and out. The images will be in the background of
  the page (css: background-image) so I am not quite sure how I could
  integrate this.  Any help would be appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery on a generic registration form

2009-04-12 Thread Octavian Râsnita

What should be added is a better Captcha which is accessible for those who 
can't see - provide a sound alternative, because otherwise your form won't 
be accessible at all for the blind.

Then it could be also helpful to use label elements for specifying the 
labels for the fields of the form.

Others might also say that you shouldn't use a table for layout, but I won't 
say it, because if it is OK for you, the visitors probably won't have any 
problem because of that table.


- Original Message - 
From: Randell josephrandell.benavi...@gmail.com
To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:06 AM
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery on a generic registration form

 Hi guys, I recently wrote a simple script for registration forms.  It
 includes AJAX checking if a username and/or email already exists,
 checking if passwords match, loading and reloading of captcha.

 I know the code can still be improved with respect to the use of
 jQuery and other programming practices (including documentation).  I'd
 like to know what you think.  Is it good enough?  Which part would you
 take off?  What would you like to add to it? And yeah, feel free to
 bash me if you have to. =D




[jQuery] Function Problem

2009-04-12 Thread djn12313

New to jQuery and trying to port a simple Select-Box-Value-Hides/Shows-
a-Text-Box script from JS to jQuery. I'm sure this must be something
simple, but it's driving me nuts.

Note:  The following function is just an example for testing.  If I
define  call the Function below without any parms (e.g. explicitly
set the #showwhat option:selected inside the function), it works
fine.  But I have 2 Select Boxes where I need this behavior and would
like (if only for the sake of principle) to be able to pass in the
Selector and Value.

When passing in the Selector as a variable, the following snippet
executes only when the document loads, but not when the Selection
changes.  As mentioned if I explicitly set the #showwhat
option:selected inside the function the script executes the alert
each time the Select Box value changes.

Can anyone identify why this isn't working with the variable?  Maybe a
syntax problem forming the string with the variable?

---  sample 


function onSelectChange(test){
var selected = $(test +  option:selected);
var output = ;
if(selected.text() == Tomorrow){
output = You Selected  + selected.text();

[jQuery] Custom error function in jQuery Validation plugin?

2009-04-12 Thread cohq82

I am new to jQuery validation plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/
Validation). What I am trying to do is to have my own error message
DIV with display:none initially. If there is error, I want to run the
fadein/fadeout to show that error.

The structure of the input/error DIV like this:
divcontext help/div
diverror msg/div

The way this plugin works is to insert a LABEL right next to the INPUT
and this is not what I want. I want to reuse the html code I have in
the error msg DIV. I tried to look in errorPlacement but not sure how
to use it. Can someone help?


[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread jscripter

Hey - this is great work - I just happened to be looking for this

How would you apply what you have done here to re-writing the original
X-library code that uses TDs for the checkbox label?


On Apr 12, 2:04 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

 I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
 unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
 put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
 remain active even after mouseup).

 The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
 handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
 ('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


 - ricardo

 On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
  plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
  you did all the big work!

  On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
   clicked.checked = isChecked:


   On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
now :)

On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


 Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep it
 as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of the
 last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
 enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to $(this)
 from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

 On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a checkbox
  is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you mouseup 
  value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to 
  the value in there...

  On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the 
   is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container element 
   table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a checkbox 
   mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this 

   As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see it 
   working here:


   I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, 
   that way
   you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided 
   checkboxes are used by default.

   - ricardo

   On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and I 
have a
few questions:
-- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
-- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? 
Yet, if
you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is built 
the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
-- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is being 
to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I 
suppose a
plugin or defined function would be even better because it's 
much more
flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the 
mousedown was
being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and I 
determining that through the class I had given them
mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes 
since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an 
checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's way 
listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the checkbox 
than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag thing 

[jQuery] Re: Help, friends!

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

google is your best friend.

On Apr 12, 1:13 am, rusllangashik online...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all

 I need realize a tag cloud in style, how it done here - 4dle.ru
 (russian site). I khow it jQuery! Can some give me script to realize
 it? Please!

[jQuery] jQuery Documentation

2009-04-12 Thread will


Was wondering if there is a specific active group for the jQuery
documentation project? I'd love to see a system sort of like php.net
that allows users to post relevant code examples. to do this, use
this. I have trouble connecting the dots sometimes and those examples
can really help. Judging from the traffic here on the list, I'm
guessing I'm not alone in this (the trouble connecting the dots part).

also, if we see weird stuff in the docs, who do we tell? For instance,
searching for form on the site brings up http://docs.jquery.com/Form
which, I'm guessing, is a mistake. :)


[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread John D'Orazio
Hmmm... I tried using dragCheck(false) but it doesn't unbind the events, I
had to unbind manually.

2009/4/12 Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com

 Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

 I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
 unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
 put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
 remain active even after mouseup).

 The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
 handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
 ('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


 - ricardo

 On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
  Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
  plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
  you did all the big work!
  On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
   Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
   clicked.checked = isChecked:
   On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.
Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
now :)
On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my
 Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep
 as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of
 last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
 enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to
 from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?
 On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a
  is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you
 mouseup the
  value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to
  the value in there...
  On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
   I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the
   is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container
 element (the
   table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a
 checkbox the
   mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this
   As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see
 it fixed/
   working here:
   I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes,
 that way
   you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided
   checkboxes are used by default.
   - ricardo
   On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and
 I have a
few questions:
-- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
-- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all
checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously?
 Yet, if
you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is
 built into
the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
-- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is
 being bound
to. In my example (which was not built as a plugin, but I
 suppose a
plugin or defined function would be even better because it's
 much more
flexible and anyone can download it and use it), the
 mousedown was
being bound to all the cells that had checkboxes in them, and
 I was
determining that through the class I had given them
mychkbox (because I didn't want some of the checkboxes
since they do not have an active state; the table has names,
addresses, emails, and those that don't have an email have an
checkbox). I was also trying to follow cross-browser.com's
 way of
listening to the mousedown on the cell containing the
 checkbox rather
than on the checkbox itself, making the whole click-drag
 thing a lot
more user-friendly.
On 10 Apr, 20:36, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just curious.. What is the difference between mouseover.dc
 On Apr 10, 1:44 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

[jQuery] simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

i am making this(it does not work) :


  $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


if i do this:


  $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread Chuck Harmston
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. The $.get() function is
used to submit an HTTP GET request. See:


Are you trying to return the first response? Try using $(div#photolinks

Chuck Harmston

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:41 PM, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

 i am making this(it does not work) :


  $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


 if i do this:


  $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


 it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

nop, there are too get ; one that acts like the javascript index(i)
 i am referring to that one, :first would not help me here.

On Apr 13, 12:57 am, Chuck Harmston cpharms...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. The $.get() function is
 used to submit an HTTP GET request. See:


 Are you trying to return the first response? Try using $(div#photolinks

 Chuck Harmstonhttp://chuckharmston.com

 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:41 PM, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

  i am making this(it does not work) :


   $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


  if i do this:


   $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


  it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Lwangaman

Taking up jscripter's suggestion, I just noticed myself that applying
the mousedown and mouseover to the whole table keeps you from being
able to click on any links that may be contained in the table. For
example my table has links in the header cells that when clicked
reorder the table according to that column. Now I can no longer click
And, as jscripter says, in the X-Library the mousedown and mouseover
was applied to the cells containing the checkboxes and not to the
checkboxes themselves, so that it was enough to click on the cells
surrounding the checkboxes in order to get them checked / unchecked.

Ricardo do you think you could manage something like that? (I'm only
an apprentice and I don't have your expertice!)

On 12 Apr, 22:31, jscripter pc88m...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey - this is great work - I just happened to be looking for this

 How would you apply what you have done here to re-writing the original
 X-library code that uses TDs for the checkbox label?


 On Apr 12, 2:04 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

  I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
  unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
  put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
  remain active even after mouseup).

  The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
  handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
  ('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


  - ricardo

  On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
   plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
   you did all the big work!

   On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
clicked.checked = isChecked:


On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup is
 not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
 clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
 to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


 Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
 now :)

 On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


  Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to keep 
  as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of 
  last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
  enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to 
  from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

  On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a 
   is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you 
   mouseup the
   value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order to 
   the value in there...

   On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the 
is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container 
element (the
table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a 
checkbox the
mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this 

As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see 
it fixed/
working here:


I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, 
that way
you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not provided 
checkboxes are used by default.

- ricardo

On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
 Then, I've tried going through your code and applying it, and 
 I have a
 few questions:
 -- Besides the mouseover.dc that I didn't get either...
 -- I'm supposing that $boxes would be a variable where all the
 checkboxes that are applicable have been stored previously? 
 Yet, if
 you build it as a plugin you have no way of defining which
 checkboxes are to comprised (unless this functionality is 
 built into
 the plugin using data passed through parameters, I suppose).
 -- Then I don't quite understand what the mousedown is 

[jQuery] Re: Function Problem

2009-04-12 Thread Chuck Harmston
I would imagine that this fixes your problem:

 $(#showwhat).change( function(){

But I'm not sure that this is the best way to approach this particular
problem. Try the code found here:


Chuck Harmston

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:49 PM, djn12313 djn12...@gmail.com wrote:

 New to jQuery and trying to port a simple Select-Box-Value-Hides/Shows-
 a-Text-Box script from JS to jQuery. I'm sure this must be something
 simple, but it's driving me nuts.

 Note:  The following function is just an example for testing.  If I
 define  call the Function below without any parms (e.g. explicitly
 set the #showwhat option:selected inside the function), it works
 fine.  But I have 2 Select Boxes where I need this behavior and would
 like (if only for the sake of principle) to be able to pass in the
 Selector and Value.

 When passing in the Selector as a variable, the following snippet
 executes only when the document loads, but not when the Selection
 changes.  As mentioned if I explicitly set the #showwhat
 option:selected inside the function the script executes the alert
 each time the Select Box value changes.

 Can anyone identify why this isn't working with the variable?  Maybe a
 syntax problem forming the string with the variable?

 ---  sample 


 function onSelectChange(test){
var selected = $(test +  option:selected);
var output = ;
if(selected.text() == Tomorrow){
output = You Selected  + selected.text();

[jQuery] Re: Function Problem

2009-04-12 Thread Ryan

How about something like this


$(#showwhat).change(function() {  show_output( $(this).val
() ); });

function show_output(selected) {
var output = ;
if(selected == Tomorrow) output = You Selected  + 

On Apr 12, 6:49 pm, djn12313 djn12...@gmail.com wrote:
 New to jQuery and trying to port a simple Select-Box-Value-Hides/Shows-
 a-Text-Box script from JS to jQuery. I'm sure this must be something
 simple, but it's driving me nuts.

 Note:  The following function is just an example for testing.  If I
 define  call the Function below without any parms (e.g. explicitly
 set the #showwhat option:selected inside the function), it works
 fine.  But I have 2 Select Boxes where I need this behavior and would
 like (if only for the sake of principle) to be able to pass in the
 Selector and Value.

 When passing in the Selector as a variable, the following snippet
 executes only when the document loads, but not when the Selection
 changes.  As mentioned if I explicitly set the #showwhat
 option:selected inside the function the script executes the alert
 each time the Select Box value changes.

 Can anyone identify why this isn't working with the variable?  Maybe a
 syntax problem forming the string with the variable?

 ---  sample 


 function onSelectChange(test){
     var selected = $(test +  option:selected);
     var output = ;
     if(selected.text() == Tomorrow){
         output = You Selected  + selected.text();


[jQuery] Finding ID within Ajax response

2009-04-12 Thread Nic Hubbard

I have an ajax GET call that returns the HTML of a page on my server.
Within that page is a form with a specific ID.  I know it is there, I
can see it in the response in Firebug, but when I try to get
attributes of that ID, it always returns undefined!  What have I done
wrong here?

success: function(html){

$(html).find('#main_form').each(function() {
var linking_data = $(this).serialize();
var form_action = $(this).attr('action');

I have tried to not use each() and that still returns undefined.  I
don't get it.

[jQuery] jQuery Cycle plugin - addslide (again)

2009-04-12 Thread ppblaauw

I read a lot of posts about this issue, but can not find a solution.
Also have seen the addSlide examples for the jQuery cycle plugin.

I try to add slides to the cycle plugin with AJAX, one slide at a time
with the following code.

  function onBefore(curr, next, opts, fwd) {
// on Before arguments:
//  curr == DOM element for the slide that is currently being
//  next == DOM element for the slide that is about to be
//  opts == slideshow options
//  fwd  == true if cycling forward, false if cycling backward

//Slide html creation helper.
function ddblockGetSlideHTML(slideImg) {
  return 'img src=' + slideImg + ' width=200 height=200

opts.ajaxLoadSlides = 1; // Will be set later from UI
opts.totalSlideCount = 6; //Will be set later from UI
//load slides dynamically
if (opts.ajaxLoadSlides) {

  // on the first pass, addSlide is undefined (plugin hasn't yet
created the fn);
  // when we're finshed adding slides we'll null it out again
  if (!opts.addSlide){

  if (opts.nextSlide + 1 == opts.totalSlideCount) {
// final slide in our slide slideshow is about to be displayed
// so there are no more to fetch
alert('last slide to be dislayed, nothing to add anymore');
opts.addSlide = null;

  // Retrieve slide from server via AJAX, call; if successful the
  // anonymous function in voteSaved is run.
type: 'POST', // Use the POST method.
url: 'get_image_slides',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
  // add our next slide
  opts.addSlide(ddblockGetSlideHTML(data.slideImg), fwd ==
error: function(xhr) {
  //alert('Error: ' + xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText);

I first have 2 initial images
after that, images are loaded with AJAX
The ajax call returns the image ok
The problem is that opts.currSlide and opts.Nextslide give strange
values so the wrong images are selected.
When I look in FF console the post values for currSlide and nextSlide

0 - 1
2 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 1
2 - 3
4 - 5

I get the images in the PHP script on nextSlide +2
So i expect :
0 - 1 - get image 3
1 - 2 - get image 4
2 - 3 - get image 5
3 - 4 - get image 6

Another problem is I use slideExpr to select the right content to
How can I you use addslide to add slides to the SlideExpr.parent

Thanks in advance for any help with this issue

Philip Blaauw

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Lwangaman

I tried something along those lines...


But I just don't have the hang of using this correctly and knowing
when to refer to dom elements as dom elements or as jquery objects...

The idea is to tie all events to the container of the checkboxes (i.e.
table cells), and not to the external container (table or ul list or
whatever), and yet be able to read and write the value of the

On 13 Apr, 01:13, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 Taking up jscripter's suggestion, I just noticed myself that applying
 the mousedown and mouseover to the whole table keeps you from being
 able to click on any links that may be contained in the table. For
 example my table has links in the header cells that when clicked
 reorder the table according to that column. Now I can no longer click
 And, as jscripter says, in the X-Library the mousedown and mouseover
 was applied to the cells containing the checkboxes and not to the
 checkboxes themselves, so that it was enough to click on the cells
 surrounding the checkboxes in order to get them checked / unchecked.

 Ricardo do you think you could manage something like that? (I'm only
 an apprentice and I don't have your expertice!)

 On 12 Apr, 22:31, jscripter pc88m...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey - this is great work - I just happened to be looking for this

  How would you apply what you have done here to re-writing the original
  X-library code that uses TDs for the checkbox label?


  On Apr 12, 2:04 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

   I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
   unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
   put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
   remain active even after mouseup).

   The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
   handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
   ('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


   - ricardo

   On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
you did all the big work!

On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked to
 clicked.checked = isChecked:


 On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  The problem with your fix is that the event target for the mouseup 
  not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
  clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change has
  to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


  Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it works
  now :)

  On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

   Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


   Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to 
   keep it
   as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup of 
   last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would be
   enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to 
   from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

   On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a 
is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you 
mouseup the
value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in order 
to keep
the value in there...

On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the 
 is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container 
 element (the
 table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a 
 checkbox the
 mousedown event will bubble up to the container and fire this 

 As I expected my code had some flaws a few typing errors, see 
 it fixed/
 working here:


 I added the ability to specify a selector for the checkboxes, 
 that way
 you can skip the ones you don't want. In case it's not 
 provided all
 checkboxes are used by default.

 - ricardo

 On Apr 10, 8:17 pm, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok first of all thanks for taking interest!
  Then, I've tried going through your 

[jQuery] Re: Endeavour: translating X-Library functionality click-n-drag checkboxes into Jquery

2009-04-12 Thread Lwangaman

One more detail: mouseout should not take effect until mouseup.
In fact, right now, if I click and begin to drag, then still holding
the mouse button I leave the area, and still holding it come back over
the cells, they no longer get checked / unchecked because mouseout has
already kicked in. Instead it shouldn't kick in until I actually let
go of the mouse button, and I could let go of it anywhere on the page
I suppose, so I guess mouseup would have to be applied to the whole

On 13 Apr, 02:33, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:
 I tried something along those lines...


 But I just don't have the hang of using this correctly and knowing
 when to refer to dom elements as dom elements or as jquery objects...

 The idea is to tie all events to the container of the checkboxes (i.e.
 table cells), and not to the external container (table or ul list or
 whatever), and yet be able to read and write the value of the

 On 13 Apr, 01:13, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Taking up jscripter's suggestion, I just noticed myself that applying
  the mousedown and mouseover to the whole table keeps you from being
  able to click on any links that may be contained in the table. For
  example my table has links in the header cells that when clicked
  reorder the table according to that column. Now I can no longer click
  And, as jscripter says, in the X-Library the mousedown and mouseover
  was applied to the cells containing the checkboxes and not to the
  checkboxes themselves, so that it was enough to click on the cells
  surrounding the checkboxes in order to get them checked / unchecked.

  Ricardo do you think you could manage something like that? (I'm only
  an apprentice and I don't have your expertice!)

  On 12 Apr, 22:31, jscripter pc88m...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey - this is great work - I just happened to be looking for this

   How would you apply what you have done here to re-writing the original
   X-library code that uses TDs for the checkbox label?


   On Apr 12, 2:04 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

Sure! I have a few other plugins I also want to upload, I'll do that.

I took the time to rewrite it more carefully. No more binding/
unbinding, a single var, all namespaced and bugs ironed out (if you
put the cursor away while holding the button, the mouseover would
remain active even after mouseup).

The advantage of namespacing is you can easily remove all event
handlers. I included that in the plugin, in the example you can use $
('ul').dragCheck(false) to disable it completely.


- ricardo

On Apr 12, 9:48 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Do you think it could be useful to add this to the jquery plugins at
 plugins.jquery.com? I'd say it could be put under your name because
 you did all the big work!

 On 12 Apr, 14:35, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

  Ok that works better, I just changed clicked.checked = !isChecked 
  clicked.checked = isChecked:


  On 12 Apr, 08:11, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   The problem with your fix is that the event target for the 
   mouseup is
   not the same as the mousedown. You can resolve that by saving the
   clicked checkbox in a var, and because of event order the change 
   to be made on 'click' rather than mouseup.


   Sorry for the bugs, this was written rather quickly, I hope it 
   now :)

   On Apr 11, 11:30 am, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

Ok I tried to touch up the code a little to fix that, here's my


Now, with a single click, the value on mouseup is reversed to 
keep it
as it was with mousedown. But, when you do a drag, the mouseup 
of the
last checkbox is not canceled or reversed... I suppose it would 
enough to cancel $(this)'s mouseup, but how would you refer to 
from within the $boxes.bind('mouseover')?

On 11 Apr, 16:07, Lwangaman donjohn.f...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hmm, just noticed one problem though... A single click on a 
 is supposed to work too, but with this code as soon as you 
 mouseup the
 value goes back the other way... You have to drag off in 
 order to keep
 the value in there...

 On 11 Apr, 06:21, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think you already got the .dc namespacing thing, so: the 
  is not being bound to the checkbox, but to the container 
  element (the
  table, or in my example below, the UL). When you click a 
  checkbox the

[jQuery] Re: Function Problem

2009-04-12 Thread Ryan

If you really must pass the select object then try something like this


$(#showwhat).change(function() {  show_output( $(this) ); });

function show_output(my_select) {
 var selected  =  my_select.val() ;
 var output = ;
 if(selected == Tomorrow) output = You Selected  + selected;

On Apr 12, 11:55 pm, Ryan ryank...@gmail.com wrote:
 How about something like this


                 $(#showwhat).change(function() {  show_output( $(this).val
 () ); });

                 function show_output(selected) {
                         var output = ;
                         if(selected == Tomorrow) output = You Selected  + 


 On Apr 12, 6:49 pm, djn12313 djn12...@gmail.com wrote:

  New to jQuery and trying to port a simple Select-Box-Value-Hides/Shows-
  a-Text-Box script from JS to jQuery. I'm sure this must be something
  simple, but it's driving me nuts.

  Note:  The following function is just an example for testing.  If I
  define  call the Function below without any parms (e.g. explicitly
  set the #showwhat option:selected inside the function), it works
  fine.  But I have 2 Select Boxes where I need this behavior and would
  like (if only for the sake of principle) to be able to pass in the
  Selector and Value.

  When passing in the Selector as a variable, the following snippet
  executes only when the document loads, but not when the Selection
  changes.  As mentioned if I explicitly set the #showwhat
  option:selected inside the function the script executes the alert
  each time the Select Box value changes.

  Can anyone identify why this isn't working with the variable?  Maybe a
  syntax problem forming the string with the variable?

  ---  sample 


  function onSelectChange(test){
      var selected = $(test +  option:selected);
      var output = ;
      if(selected.text() == Tomorrow){
          output = You Selected  + selected.text();


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Documentation

2009-04-12 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
The jQuery-dev group is a good place for those kinds of

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 6:30 PM, will willthem...@gmail.com wrote:


 Was wondering if there is a specific active group for the jQuery
 documentation project? I'd love to see a system sort of like php.net
 that allows users to post relevant code examples. to do this, use
 this. I have trouble connecting the dots sometimes and those examples
 can really help. Judging from the traffic here on the list, I'm
 guessing I'm not alone in this (the trouble connecting the dots part).

 also, if we see weird stuff in the docs, who do we tell? For instance,
 searching for form on the site brings up http://docs.jquery.com/Form
 which, I'm guessing, is a mistake. :)


[jQuery] Re: .each - how to write in my code?

2009-04-12 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
what jay said so for example instead of $(ul#menu a)  try $(a, this)
where you are selecting all the a tags in the context of this which
represents the individual li tag as you iterate through the each loop.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:18 PM, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

 inside the each you need to reference this or $(this) instead of
 referencing all of the elements again.

 On Apr 12, 11:38 am, adesign andersek...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am very new to jQuery and don´t know how to write my code for every
  Here is my code for a list with hover functions, I would like for
  every item to be processed separately. I know about a functio that is
  written .each, but can´t seem to get it to work.
  script type=text/javascript
  $(function() {
  // set opacity to nill on page load
  $(ul#menu span).css(opacity,0);
  $(ul#menu li).each(function () {
  // on mouse over
  $(ul#menu a).hover(function () {
  // animate opacity to full
  $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
  opacity: 1
  }, 'slow');
  // on mouse out
  function () {
  // animate opacity to nill
  $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
  opacity: 0
  }, 'slow');
  hope someone has some answers or a book to recommend for a newbie.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Form Validation

2009-04-12 Thread NobitaNobi79

It still doesn't validate when the field is empty. Yes, I removed  
required: true,  in

  rules: {
field: {
  required: true,
  email: true

The code is exactly the same just without the required: true, line as
And if I modified the input id=field name=field / to  input
class=left id=field name=field onblur=alert($(#field).valid
()) / It alerts 0 when it's empty, 0 when it's invalid email, and 1
when it's valid email address. I'm expecting 1 when field is empty.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  script src=http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js;/script
  script type=text/javascript src=http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/
script type=text/javascript src=http://dev.jquery.com/view/trunk/
script type=text/javascript
debug: true,
success: valid

  rules: {
field: {
  email: true
  style#field { margin-left: .5em; float: left; }
#field, label { float: left; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-
serif; font-size: small; }
br { clear: both; }
input { border: 1px solid black; margin-bottom: .5em;  }
input.error { border: 1px solid red; }
label.error {
demo/images/unchecked.gif') no-repeat;
padding-left: 16px;
margin-left: .3em;
label.valid {
demo/images/checked.gif') no-repeat;
display: block;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;

form id=myform
  label for=fieldRequired, email: /label
  input class=left id=field name=field /
  input type=submit value=Validate! /


On Apr 12, 3:36 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Just remove the required-rule. All other methods include a check to
 make a field optional when empty.


 On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:16 PM, NobitaNobi79 frankcheun...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I am new to jQuery. I follow the example on
 http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/emailto add rules
  to a form validator. When I modified the rules to email: true
  (required: false), the script seems to stall there, no error message
  nor a check. Can someone tell me if I am doing anything wrong here?
  What I want is to let the validation pass if the optional fields are
  valid when they are filled or they are left out empty.

  I can, of course add an extra script like...
  if (($(#field).val() == ) || $(#field).valid()) {
                         optionalValid = true;
  But it seems very redundant considering the rules: { field: {email:
  true, required: false}}, with or without the default required: false


[jQuery] Re: .each - how to write in my code?

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

That's unnecessary, you can use the .hover method directly on the
anchors without the need for .each(), the iteration happens

$(ul#menu li a).hover(function(){
 // animate opacity to full
  }, function(){
 // animate opacity to zero

On Apr 12, 10:25 pm, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
 what jay said so for example instead of $(ul#menu a)  try $(a, this)
 where you are selecting all the a tags in the context of this which
 represents the individual li tag as you iterate through the each loop.

 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:18 PM, jay jay.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

  inside the each you need to reference this or $(this) instead of
  referencing all of the elements again.

  On Apr 12, 11:38 am, adesign andersek...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am very new to jQuery and don´t know how to write my code for every

   Here is my code for a list with hover functions, I would like for
   every item to be processed separately. I know about a functio that is
   written .each, but can´t seem to get it to work.


   script type=text/javascript
           $(function() {
                   // set opacity to nill on page load
                   $(ul#menu span).css(opacity,0);

                   $(ul#menu li).each(function () {

                           // on mouse over
                           $(ul#menu a).hover(function () {
                                   // animate opacity to full
                                   $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
                                           opacity: 1
                                   }, 'slow');

                           // on mouse out
                           function () {
                                   // animate opacity to nill
                                   $('ul#menu span').stop().animate({
                                           opacity: 0
                                   }, 'slow');




   hope someone has some answers or a book to recommend for a newbie.


[jQuery] Re: simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread Ricardo

.get(0) returns a DOM element, not a jQuery object, so the .css method
doesn't exist in it. Try this:

$(div#photolinks img).eq(0).css(border,5px solid black;);
$(div#photolinks img:first).css(border,5px solid black;);

On Apr 12, 8:03 pm, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:
 nop, there are too get ; one that acts like the javascript index(i)
  i am referring to that one, :first would not help me here.

 On Apr 13, 12:57 am, Chuck Harmston cpharms...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. The $.get() function is
  used to submit an HTTP GET request. See:


  Are you trying to return the first response? Try using $(div#photolinks

  Chuck Harmstonhttp://chuckharmston.com

  On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:41 PM, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

   i am making this(it does not work) :


    $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


   if i do this:


    $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


   it does work, whats wrong?