[jQuery] keeping table header fix

2009-09-16 Thread macsig

Hello guys,
I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
of a div while I scroll the table rows.
I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
compatible with that plug-in.

Thanks and have a nice day!


[jQuery] Re: Superfish menu problem.

2009-09-16 Thread rupak mandal
Drop-down menu is working, but it will no display due to overflow:hidden in
clear. You have to make some changes.

Add  height   width  in tail-top-menu and remove clear class from that


and also add height in .sf-menu a  sf-menu li  class according to
requirement ...

I think this will resolve your problem.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:04 AM, sholland suzanna.holl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Here aree the CSS styles being applied to that menu position by the
 template and by the superfish css.



 .tail-top-menu{ background:#f0f0f1  url(../images/top_menu_tail.gif)
 bottom left repeat-x;}

 body, td, th, div, p, label{
font:normal 12px/16px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

 a {

 a:hover {
color:#5D5D60 ;
 select{color:#878B8E; font-size:11px;}

 .clear{ width:100%; overflow:hidden;}

 * {
padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;



 list-style-type: disc;

 list-style-image: none;

 list-style-position: outside;

 margin-top: 0px;

 margin-right: 0px;

 margin-bottom: 0px;

 margin-left: 15px;




 margin-top: 14px;

 margin-right: 0pt;

 margin-bottom: 0px;

 margin-left: 31px;

 list-style-type: none;

 list-style-image: none;

 list-style-position: outside;

 padding-top: 1px;



 .sf-menu, .sf-menu *


 margin-top: 0pt;

 margin-right: 0pt;

 margin-bottom: 0pt;

 margin-left: 0pt;

 padding-top: 0pt;

 padding-right: 0pt;

 padding-bottom: 0pt;

 padding-left: 0pt;

 list-style-type: none;

 list-style-image: none;

 list-style-position: outside;




 line-height: 1;




 float: left;

 margin-bottom: 1em;




 color: #5d5d60;

 text-decoration: underline;




 color: #5d5d60;

 text-decoration: none;


 .menu li a


 color: #91caff;

 font-size: 13px;

 text-decoration: none;

 padding-top: 0pt;

 padding-right: 0pt;

 padding-bottom: 0pt;

 padding-left: 27px;


 .menu li a:hover


 color: #ff;

 text-decoration: underline;


 .sf-menu, .sf-menu *


 margin-top: 0pt;

 margin-right: 0pt;

 margin-bottom: 0pt;

 margin-left: 0pt;

 padding-top: 0pt;

 padding-right: 0pt;

 padding-bottom: 0pt;

 padding-left: 0pt;

 list-style-type: none;

 list-style-image: none;

 list-style-position: outside;


 .sf-menu a


 display: block;

 position: relative;


 .sf-menu a


 border-left-width-value: 1px;

 border-left-style-value: solid;

 border-left-color-value: #ff;

 border-left-width-ltr-source: physical;

 border-left-width-rtl-source: physical;

 border-left-style-ltr-source: physical;

 border-left-style-rtl-source: physical;

 border-left-color-ltr-source: physical;

 border-left-color-rtl-source: physical;

 border-top-width: 1px;

 border-top-style: solid;

 border-top-color: #cfdeff;

 padding-top: 0.75em;

 padding-right: 1em;

 padding-bottom: 0.75em;

 padding-left: 1em;

 text-decoration: none;


 .sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited


 color: #1133aa;


 .sf-menu a, .sf-menu a:visited


 color: #1133aa;


 .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover, .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu
 a:hover, .sf-menu a:active


 background-color: #cfdeff;

 background-image: none;

 background-repeat: repeat;

 background-attachment: scroll;

 background-position: 0% 0%;

 outline-color: -moz-use-text-color;

 outline-style: none;

 outline-width: 0pt;


 .sf-menu li:hover, .sf-menu li.sfHover, .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu
 a:hover, .sf-menu a:active


 background-color: #cfdeff;

 background-image: none;

 background-repeat: repeat;

 background-attachment: scroll;

 background-position: 0% 0%;

 outline-color: -moz-use-text-color;

 outline-style: none;

 outline-width: 0pt;


[jQuery] Re: Object doesn't support this property or method in IE

2009-09-16 Thread Ricardo

Hmm. No idea why it doesn't work in IE, but here are some general

You don't need the jQuery(function(){ part around the function.
setTimeout(updateStatus, 2); // use the function object
$(document).ready(updateStatus); //same here, pass the object, don't
call the function. this can also go in the head script along with
the rest

See how that works out, here's the code: http://snipt.org/mogk
And you could use some logic to make it less spaguetti too: 

On Sep 15, 3:08 pm, knox203 sandf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone, I have the following code that works great in Firefox,
 Opera, Safari, but fails to work in IE. Can anyone take a look and
 maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

 script type=text/javascript src=../conduit/jquery.js/script
         function updateStatus(){
                 $(#prov1hCount).load(source/provStats.php #prov1hCount);
 script type=text/javascript

[jQuery] Re: Object doesn't support this property or method in IE

2009-09-16 Thread rupak mandal
I have face similar problem . Just check is there any html  open or close
tag missing in provStats.php.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hmm. No idea why it doesn't work in IE, but here are some general

 You don't need the jQuery(function(){ part around the function.
 setTimeout(updateStatus, 2); // use the function object
 $(document).ready(updateStatus); //same here, pass the object, don't
 call the function. this can also go in the head script along with
 the rest

 See how that works out, here's the code: http://snipt.org/mogk
 And you could use some logic to make it less spaguetti too:

 On Sep 15, 3:08 pm, knox203 sandf...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello everyone, I have the following code that works great in Firefox,
  Opera, Safari, but fails to work in IE. Can anyone take a look and
  maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
  script type=text/javascript src=../conduit/jquery.js/script
  function updateStatus(){
  script type=text/javascript

[jQuery] Problem loading flash movie inside div

2009-09-16 Thread ximo wallas
Hello, I have a div that already contains a flash movie and some code that 
adobe flash needs to display the movie:
div id=mydiv
!--url's used in the movie--
!--text used in the movie--
p align=left/p
p align=center/p
!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet --
script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
        'width', '800',
        'height', '450',
        'src', 'animation',
        'quality', 'high',
        'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
        'align', 'middle',
        'play', 'true',
        'loop', 'true',
        'scale', 'showall',
        'wmode', 'window',
        'devicefont', 'false',
        'id', 'animation',
        'bgcolor', '#ff',
        'name', 'animation',
        'menu', 'true',
        'allowFullScreen', 'false',
        'movie', 'animation',
        'salign', ''
        ); //end AC code
    object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354 
 width=800 height=450 id=animation align=middle
    param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
    param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
    param name=movie value=animation.swf /param name=quality 
value=high /param name=bgcolor value=#ff /    embed 
src=animation.swf quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=800 height=450 
name=animation align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain 
allowFullScreen=false type=application/x-shockwave-flash 
pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer; /
I'am attempting to load an html document that contains only a portion of html 
identical to the one in the div but pointing to another swf:
!--url's used in the movie--
!--text used in the movie--
p align=left/p
p align=center/p
!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet --
script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
        'width', '800',
        'height', '450',
        'src', 'animation2',
        'quality', 'high',
        'pluginspage', 'http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer',
        'align', 'middle',
        'play', 'true',
        'loop', 'true',
        'scale', 'showall',
        'wmode', 'window',
        'devicefont', 'false',
        'id', 'animation2',
        'bgcolor', '#ff',
        'name', 'animation2',
        'menu', 'true',
        'allowFullScreen', 'false',
        'movie', 'animation2',
        'salign', ''
        ); //end AC code
    object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354 
 width=800 height=450 id=animation2 align=middle
    param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
    param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
    param name=movie value=animation2.swf /param name=quality 
value=high /param name=bgcolor value=#ff /    embed 
src=animation2.swf quality=high bgcolor=#ff width=800 height=450 
name=animation2 align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain 
allowFullScreen=false type=application/x-shockwave-flash 
pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer; /

I'm using:
When I try to load it the content of the loaded html replaces the entire 
document, doesn't stay in div, why should it be?


[jQuery] Re: JQuery Cycle Plugin Random Timeout

2009-09-16 Thread Paul

Given that, how would you allocate a timeout for say the first 3
slides and then have the other slides all running at the default

On Sep 9, 8:06 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sep 8, 6:48 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey thanks Mike, I got the random timeouts working, however all the
   slideshows fade in at the same time on the first transition... is
   there any way around that? Here is my code:

   script type=text/javascript
   $(document).ready(function() {
                   fx: 'fade',
                     timeout: 1,
                     pause: '1',
                     random: '1',
                    timeoutFn: calculateTimeout


   function calculateTimeout(numRand) {
       var numRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*5000)+2000;
       return numRand;


  Hmmm, currently the first transition still respects the 'timeout'
  option (which is in milliseconds).  So you would need to randomize
  that setting to achieve what you want.  I will fix that bug so that
  the first timeout also uses thetimeoutFn.


 This is now supported correctly in v2.72.

 Demo:    http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/timeout-random.html

[jQuery] Re: Blocking UI for synchronous ajax calls

2009-09-16 Thread nomen

Hi Mike:
  Thank you for your answer.
   I have understand what do you mean between lock the browser and
block th UI.
   To test it I have put a sleep in my server (in the function that
calls the synchronous ajax call ) and I have see that in IE7 and IE8,
it´s true, but, in FF3, Opera 10, Chrome 2 the browser is not locked.
   Maybe there is a hack for this? I have written too much code in
this way (for me, this is the logic way to make it) and I don´t want
to change it if is not really necessary ;-(

On 15 sep, 12:38, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
     I have tested BlockUI Plugin but it does not start when I call it,
  because I can see with Firebub that the ajax calls are finished when
  BlockUI Plugin starts.

 And that is exactly the problem with making synchronous calls to the
 server - it locks the browser.  I strongly recommend using
 asynchronous calls instead - I wish the XHR didn't even have a sync
 API because I don't believe it should ever be used.  Asynchronous
 programming is only mildly more abstract that synchronous.


[jQuery] Re: Blocking UI for synchronous ajax calls

2009-09-16 Thread nomen

Hi Mike:
  Thank you for your answer.
   I have understand what do you mean between lock the browser and
block th UI.
   To test it I have put a sleep in my server (in the function that
calls the synchronous ajax call ) and I have see that in IE7 and IE8,
it´s true, but, in FF3, Opera 10, Chrome 2 the browser is not locked.
   Maybe there is a hack for this? I have written too much code in
this way (for me, this is the logic way to make it) and I don´t want
to change it if is not really necessary ;-(

On 15 sep, 12:38, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
     I have tested BlockUI Plugin but it does not start when I call it,
  because I can see with Firebub that the ajax calls are finished when
  BlockUI Plugin starts.

 And that is exactly the problem with making synchronous calls to the
 server - it locks the browser.  I strongly recommend using
 asynchronous calls instead - I wish the XHR didn't even have a sync
 API because I don't believe it should ever be used.  Asynchronous
 programming is only mildly more abstract that synchronous.


[jQuery] Re: [autocompleter] how to change the separator from , to +

2009-09-16 Thread James

but where should I put it?

On Sep 13, 5:47 pm, alexbodn.gro...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 14:22, James spidman...@gmail.com wrote:

  hey, let me first thank for the great job you've done.
  could you please tell me how can I change the word separator from , to
  thanks in advance.



[jQuery] caching result of selector in object, reusing

2009-09-16 Thread pantagruel


I have some selectors - an example would be $(#LinkToPreviousHit)
all of which work fine when used directly.

If I use it to toggle the class, which also works, I might do -
$(#LinkToPreviousHit).attr({class: activeNavButton});

since I am using my selectors in multiple places I figured I would
remove the multiple class to the selector and move it into an object -
here is what I have (names will probably be changed when working)

var NavDisplay = {
NextHitB: $(#LinkToNextHit),
LastHitB: $(#LinkToPreviousHit),
ToggleNext: function(switcher){
if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){
switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.NextHitInactive);

navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;

navTrack.NextHitInactive = false;
NavDisplay.NextHitB.attr({class: activeNavButton});
ShowPrevious: function(switcher){
if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){

switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.HasPrevious);


NavDisplay.LastHitB.attr({class: activeNavButton});






I have also tried using it as window.NavDisplay with no result. There
are no errors raised and the properties of the navTrack object are
changed correctly. However the class is never switched between
inactiveNavButton and activeNavButton or vice versa. As soon as I use
the selectors directly - for example as in the following:

var NavDisplay = {
NextHitB: $(#LinkToNextHit),
LastHitB: $(#LinkToPreviousHit),
NextHitInactive: function(){
navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;
ToggleNext: function(switcher){
if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){
switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.NextHitInactive);

navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;

navTrack.NextHitInactive = false;
$(#LinkToNextHit).attr({class: activeNavButton});
ShowPrevious: function(switcher){
if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){

switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.HasPrevious);








then it works fine.

Is there any reason why my current caching of the selector is not
working? And is there any way you can suggest whereby I can cache my
selector that will work?

[jQuery] Safari 4 with jQuery/Json - anyone experience problems?

2009-09-16 Thread MiKiTiE

Hi everyone

I've been working on an ajax call which activates a spellchecker when
someone inputs a word (if it's incorrect) and returns a Json string of
suggestions for the user to choose from, and then be able to replace
the incorrect word.

It seems to work the first couple of times but then Safari will hang
and finally quit. I'm not sure what I've done wrong, but for some
reason the console on FF doesn't register the call so I'm assuming
something else is causing a problem - unless there's a compatibility
issue with jQuery on Safari 4.

Here's my function that calls the spellchecker (Sorry it's a bit


var SpellCheckOptions = { learn : false, serverScriptURL :
'spellchecker.php' };

function checkSpelling(type,targetId,exists,len,ulen) {
var theid = #+targetId;
var $spellcheckthis = $(theid);
var thetext = $spellcheckthis.text();

var callback = function(textInfos) {
$(form)[0].reset(); // reset textarea content before 
populating it
with the edited text
if(type==word){ // if we're spell checking a word/phrase
if(exists == false){ // if that word doesn't exist in the
userwords array



var userwordexists = false;
for(var u=0;uulen;u++){
if(userwords[u][0] == 
= textInfos[0].text;
= true;
if(userwordexists == false){ // 
i.e. the id was not present in
the userwords array...
Array(targetId, textInfos[0].text)); //
create a new level to the userwords array.


var userwordexists = false;
for(var u=0;uulen;u++){
if(userwords[u][0] == 
= textInfos[0].text;
= true;
userwords[u][1] = 
}return false;

}else{ // it's a textarea, so no templated userwords need to be
alert(Spellcheck complete. Profile saved.);
}// end call back

jQuery.ajax({ // send details to server
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url : SpellCheckOptions.serverScriptURL,
data : { words : thetext },
success : function(result) { if(result) { console.log(result);
var spellcheck = JQSpellCheckDialog.create({text : thetext},
callback, SpellCheckOptions);
spellcheck.open(); }else{if ( (!type)|| (type==undefined) ){if(exists
== false){if(len6){words[targetId][1].push(thetext);
var userwordexists = false;for(var u=0;uulen;u++){if(userwords[u][0]
== targetId){userwords[u][1] = thetext;
userwordexists = true;}}if(userwordexists == false){userwords.push
(new Array(targetId, thetext));}
}else{words[targetId][1].splice(0,1,thetext);userwords[targetId][1] =
if(type=='textarea'){alert(Spellcheck complete. Profile
saved.);}}}// end success function.
}});// end ajax call



Of course, it may be another part of this function which is causing
the hang - although like i say it works the first time around. Plus
it's absolutely fine in FF and IE...

Thanks for reading

[jQuery] Re: [ first quest...]

2009-09-16 Thread Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel
you understand me!

From: Ralph Whitbeck 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:01 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
Subject: [jQuery] Re: [ first quest...]

So if I understand what you're trying to do correctly.  You want to select the 
first p tag that has the index of 0 in the matched set AND you want to select 
all p tags after the 5th index in the same matched set. This will do that:

$(p:eq(0), p:gt(5));


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Lord Gustavo Miguel Angel 
goosfanc...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have 3 or more p label. 
  How i do to do this:

  if (p:eq(..) == 0) .and. p:eq()  5) then


[jQuery] Re: Quicksearch. How to match only the beginning of a word?

2009-09-16 Thread minbo

I actually found the answer by myself.

I edited two functions in the plugin itself (not in the options).
Here it is for anyone who might need it.

Original functions:

function get_key()
var input = strip_html($('input[rel=' + options.randomElement +

if (input.indexOf(' ') === -1)
return input;
return input.split( );
function test_key_string(k, value)
return (value.indexOf(k)  -1);

Modified functions:

function get_key() // Returns the entered text
var input = strip_html($('input[rel=' + options.randomElement +
return input;

function test_key_string(k, value)
var reg = new RegExp((^+ k +|  + k + ),i);
return reg.test(value);

I hope this helps anyone.

On Sep 11, 2:38 pm, minbo sansonh...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using theQuicksearchplug-in and it does everything I need except
 for one thing.

 If I have two rows, for example:
 Blood oranges and
 Green apples

 and I search for a, it's going to match both rows because it matches
 the a in oranges.

 What I need to is to match only the beginning of each word, so that
 typing a in this case
 would only give me Green apples.

 Does anyone know if this is possible?

 Thank you for your help!

[jQuery] Re: Timers plugin and IE8 trouble

2009-09-16 Thread Petar

I solved it. It was caching problem, adding random query string does
the thing:

$('.sidebar').load('getjobs.php?rnd=' + new Date().getTime() );

[jQuery] Re: jQuery cycle IE issue

2009-09-16 Thread kcory

Hi Mike,

Thanks for taking the time to respond but it still doesn't work. I've tried
#slideshow1 and #slideshow1 img but still no improvement.

I'm still getting the DOM queuing slideshow error in my console but now the
height and width do have values.

Any more suggestions? Thanks in advance :)

malsup wrote:
 Try adding style rules for the anchors - they are the actual slides in
 your case:
 #slideshow1 a { height: 463px; width: 841px; display: block; }
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] [forms] [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread HairyJim

Hi all,

I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
seem to get the form data passed to it.

I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

submitHandler: function() {
type: POST,
url: thanks.php,
success: function() {
$('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
  .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
  .fadeIn(1500, function() {
id='checkmark' src='/images/
check.png' /);

[jQuery] Re: [forms] [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
You don't specify any data to submit in your ajax call. Use the data
option, or better yet, the form's plugin ajaxSubmit method. It will
handle the form serialization for you.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
 from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
 is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
 seem to get the form data passed to it.

 I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
 What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

 I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

                submitHandler: function() {
                                type: POST,
                                url: thanks.php,
                                success: function() {
                                        $('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
                                  .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
                                  .fadeIn(1500, function() {
 id='checkmark' src='/images/
 check.png' /);

[jQuery] fadeIn with IE 8 Compatibility Mode forced off

2009-09-16 Thread Mad-Halfling

Hi, are there problems with the animation with IE8 compatibility mode
forced off?  I am using
meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=EmulateIE8
to force IE 8 out of compatibility mode for my site, as I need to use
the new CSS support that IE 8 finally properly implements (it's an
internal site, so I'm not worried about any other browsers), but I
notice that in doing that the fadeIn (and Out) no longer seems to work
- the content the method is being applied to just sits there for the
fade duration and then disappears.  This isn't a great hardship, but
it would be nice to be able to showcase what jQuery can do and these
effects would add a bit more wow-factor to the site.



[jQuery] Re: [autocompleter] how to change the separator from , to +

2009-09-16 Thread alexbodn . groups

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:17, James spidman...@gmail.com wrote:

but where should I put it?

as an additional argument to autocomplete().

On Sep 13, 5:47 pm, alexbodn.gro...@gmail.com wrote:


On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 14:22, James spidman...@gmail.com wrote:

 hey, let me first thank for the great job you've done.
 could you please tell me how can I change the word separator from , to
 thanks in advance.




Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[jQuery] Re: Facebook Connect jQuery

2009-09-16 Thread Avishai

wow, that works brilliantly. thanks!

On Aug 30, 6:50 pm, Stefan Klasen kla...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you use the ruby gem facebooker? It's using prototype as it's
 default JavaScript framework. Call it this way to use jquery instead:
 %= init_fb_connect('XFBML', :js = :jquery) %

 hope this helps

 On Sunday, August 30, 2009, Avishai avishai.we...@gmail.com wrote:


  I've been trying to implement Facebook Connect on my site, which uses
  jQuery pretty extensively. However, the minute I insert the FB connect
  code into my page, I get this error:

  Element.observe is not a function
  new()new (line 32)
  Element.observe(window,'load', function() {\n

  which is:

  32 Element.observe(window,'load', function() {
  33 FB_RequireFeatures([XFBML], function() {
  34 FB.Facebook.init('','/xd_receiver.html', {});
  36 });
  37 });

  Has anyone else experienced this issue and knows how to resolve it?



[jQuery] Re: [forms] [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread HairyJim

Sorry, I have no idea where to use the .ajaxSubmit() option in the
code. What do I need to change to pass the data over to the processing


On Sep 16, 10:49 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You don't specify any data to submit in your ajax call. Use the data
 option, or better yet, the form's plugin ajaxSubmit method. It will
 handle the form serialization for you.


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
  from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
  is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
  seem to get the form data passed to it.

  I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
  What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

  I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

                 submitHandler: function() {
                                 type: POST,
                                 url: thanks.php,
                                 success: function() {
                                         $('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
                                   .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
                                   .fadeIn(1500, function() {
  id='checkmark' src='/images/
  check.png' /);

[jQuery] jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread benji++

I'm looking for something that can display a PDF in a way similar to a
typical jQuery image gallery (or a desktop PDF viewer, e.g. Acrobat or
Preview).  I tried out Mike Alsup's jQuery Media Plugin
(www.malsup.com/jquery/media/), thinking that the iframe player
might do the trick.  But of course, I still get the default browser
behavior for a PDF, which in most cases (like Firefox) is to not
display it at all.  Works great in Safari, though, especially with the

So does anyone know of something that could enable PDFs to be
displayed on the page?

[jQuery] Simple CSS selector Question

2009-09-16 Thread pritisolanki


I am a beginner in Jquery who simply set up the configs and start
exploring.please help me in following. I have starter kit html page.

Form 2
input name=bar value=YYY /
input /

p class=stuffOkie this is hiding example /p

In script tag following things do not take effects
1. alert($(inp...@name=bar]).val()); - it suppose to alert the value
of this input.
2. $(p...@class]).hide(); - My understanding is inner p tag should
get hide

[jQuery] Re: [forms] [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Here is an example:


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sorry, I have no idea where to use the .ajaxSubmit() option in the
 code. What do I need to change to pass the data over to the processing


 On Sep 16, 10:49 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You don't specify any data to submit in your ajax call. Use the data
 option, or better yet, the form's plugin ajaxSubmit method. It will
 handle the form serialization for you.


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
  from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
  is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
  seem to get the form data passed to it.

  I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
  What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

  I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

                 submitHandler: function() {
                                 type: POST,
                                 url: thanks.php,
                                 success: function() {
  Form Submitted!/h2)
                                   .append(pWe will be in touch 
                                   .fadeIn(1500, function() {
  id='checkmark' src='/images/
  check.png' /);

[jQuery] Re: jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have'nt tried this but it does look goodhttp://pdfobject.com/
- S

2009/9/16 benji++ bheneg...@speakeasy.net

 I'm looking for something that can display a PDF in a way similar to a
 typical jQuery image gallery (or a desktop PDF viewer, e.g. Acrobat or
 Preview).  I tried out Mike Alsup's jQuery Media Plugin
 (www.malsup.com/jquery/media/), thinking that the iframe player
 might do the trick.  But of course, I still get the default browser
 behavior for a PDF, which in most cases (like Firefox) is to not
 display it at all.  Works great in Safari, though, especially with the

 So does anyone know of something that could enable PDFs to be
 displayed on the page?

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-09-16 Thread Liam Byrne

do you actually have the headers in a thead, with the content in tbody ?

Most people forget about those.


macsig wrote:

Hello guys,
I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
of a div while I scroll the table rows.
I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
compatible with that plug-in.

Thanks and have a nice day!


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.100/2375 - Release Date: 09/16/09 05:51:00


[jQuery] Re: Simple CSS selector Question

2009-09-16 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
Take out the @ in your attribute selectors.  The @ was depricated in jQuery
1.2 and taken out in 1.3. So your new selectors will look like...

1. $(input[name=bar])

2. $(p[class])



On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:36 AM, pritisolanki pritiatw...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am a beginner in Jquery who simply set up the configs and start
 exploring.please help me in following. I have starter kit html page.

Form 2
input name=bar value=YYY /
input /

 p class=stuffOkie this is hiding example /p

 In script tag following things do not take effects
 1. alert($(inp...@name=bar]).val()); - it suppose to alert the value
 of this input.
 2. $(p...@class]).hide(); - My understanding is inner p tag should
 get hide

[jQuery] Re: caching result of selector in object, reusing

2009-09-16 Thread pantagruel

Never mind, it should have been obvious, the object properties weren't
in my document.ready

On Sep 16, 10:31 am, pantagruel rasmussen.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have some selectors - an example would be $(#LinkToPreviousHit)
 all of which work fine when used directly.

 If I use it to toggle the class, which also works, I might do -
 $(#LinkToPreviousHit).attr({class: activeNavButton});

 since I am using my selectors in multiple places I figured I would
 remove the multiple class to the selector and move it into an object -
 here is what I have (names will probably be changed when working)

 var NavDisplay = {
 NextHitB: $(#LinkToNextHit),
 LastHitB: $(#LinkToPreviousHit),
 ToggleNext: function(switcher){
 if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){
 switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.NextHitInactive);}


                         navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;

                         navTrack.NextHitInactive = false;

 ShowPrevious: function(switcher){
 if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){

 switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.HasPrevious);}



                 NavDisplay.LastHitB.attr({class: activeNavButton});






 I have also tried using it as window.NavDisplay with no result. There
 are no errors raised and the properties of the navTrack object are
 changed correctly. However the class is never switched between
 inactiveNavButton and activeNavButton or vice versa. As soon as I use
 the selectors directly - for example as in the following:

 var NavDisplay = {
 NextHitB: $(#LinkToNextHit),
 LastHitB: $(#LinkToPreviousHit),
 NextHitInactive: function(){
                         navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;
 ToggleNext: function(switcher){
 if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){
 switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.NextHitInactive);}


                         navTrack.NextHitInactive = true;

                         navTrack.NextHitInactive = false;

 ShowPrevious: function(switcher){
 if(typeOf(switcher)==='undefined' || typeOf(switcher) === null){

 switcher = Boolean(!navTrack.HasPrevious);}









 then it works fine.

 Is there any reason why my current caching of the selector is not
 working? And is there any way you can suggest whereby I can cache my
 selector that will work?

[jQuery] Re: [forms] [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread HairyJim

hmmm Im getting nowhere with this :/

So following the code on the page you suggested and the notes made
about .ajaxSubmit I transpose it like thus but nothing happens, it
does not even call the referenced thanks.php.


var options = {
type: POST,
url: thanks.php,
success: function() {
$('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
  .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
  .fadeIn(1500, function() {
  $('#message').append(img id='checkmark' 
check.png' /);

submitHandler: function(myform) {
// inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM 
element so we first
// wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke 

On Sep 16, 11:52 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Here is an 


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

  Sorry, I have no idea where to use the .ajaxSubmit() option in the
  code. What do I need to change to pass the data over to the processing


  On Sep 16, 10:49 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
  You don't specify any data to submit in your ajax call. Use the data
  option, or better yet, the form's plugin ajaxSubmit method. It will
  handle the form serialization for you.


  On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all,

   I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
   from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
   is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
   seem to get the form data passed to it.

   I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
   What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

   I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

                  submitHandler: function() {
                                  type: POST,
                                  url: thanks.php,
                                  success: function() {
   Form Submitted!/h2)
                                    .append(pWe will be in touch 
                                    .fadeIn(1500, function() {
   id='checkmark' src='/images/
   check.png' /);

[jQuery] Re: jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread Geert Baven
 Bumpbox works in all modern browsers. based on mootools
Here's a list in which browsers it has been successfully tested:

   - *Firefox 3 - 3.5*
   - *Internet Explorer 6 | 7 | 8*
   - *Google Chrome*
   - *Apple Safari 3 | 4*
   - *Opera 9.04*


2009/9/16 benji++ bheneg...@speakeasy.net

 I'm looking for something that can display a PDF in a way similar to a
 typical jQuery image gallery (or a desktop PDF viewer, e.g. Acrobat or
 Preview).  I tried out Mike Alsup's jQuery Media Plugin
 (www.malsup.com/jquery/media/), thinking that the iframe player
 might do the trick.  But of course, I still get the default browser
 behavior for a PDF, which in most cases (like Firefox) is to not
 display it at all.  Works great in Safari, though, especially with the

 So does anyone know of something that could enable PDFs to be
 displayed on the page?



06 450 860 83

[jQuery] this.reset() doesn't work

2009-09-16 Thread pritisolanki


I am trying to reset all the form element but it is not working can
someone suggest the reason.

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
charset=ISO-8859-1 /
titlejQuery Starterkit/title

link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen
href=screen.css /
script src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/javascript/script
script src=custom.js type=text/javascript/script
$(document).ready(function() {

   $(#reset).click(function() {
 $(form).each(function() {



h1jQuery Starterkit/h1
h2This page contains code to test the examples. Most of it is only
relevant for a example./h2

a id=first href=#Some link/a
p style=visibility:displayHehehehe so think you can hide me :-p /
form id=form name=form1
Form 1
input name=foo value=XXX /

form id=form name=form2
Form 2
input name=bar value=YYY /

form id=form name=form3
Form 3
input type=checkbox /
input type=checkbox checked=checked /
a id=reset href=#Reset!/a


[jQuery] JQUERY listnav: includeAll Parameter translation

2009-09-16 Thread mansoft

It would be nice, if the includeAll parameter could be changed or
extended to work like the noMatchText:
Instead of true or false it should be empty or the text for the link
i.e All, Alle, tous, todos 

[jQuery] Loop over all input elements in form

2009-09-16 Thread pritisolanki

Hi All,

I tried

  $(form).each(function() {

in following HTML

form id=form name=form1
Form 1
input name=foo value=XXX /

form id=form name=form2
Form 2
input name=blr value=YYY /

form id=form name=form3
Form 3
input type=checkbox /
input type=checkbox checked=checked /

it only alert XXX nothing else !!! any idea about this. My journey
till now is difficult in jquery :-( .Hope to see some answers tomorrow.

[jQuery] serializeArray() only for enabled form elements

2009-09-16 Thread nowotny


I noticed that serializeArray() method does only include those
elements that does not have the 'disabled' attribute... I wonder if
it's intentional or am I doing something wrong...?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread Mike McNally

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Geert Baven geertba...@gmail.com wrote:
  Bumpbox works in all modern browsers

not if you're running Linux it doesn't.

Turtle, turtle, on the ground,
Pink and shiny, turn around.

[jQuery] Re: How to check is element droppable

2009-09-16 Thread Richard D. Worth
It's not clear. Are you trying to use an element with a tag name of
'droppable'? Are you using jQuery UI Droppable?
- Richard

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

 if question isn't clear, I can explain better :)

 On Sep 15, 7:33 pm, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:
  How I can check this? I have next part of code where I must check is
  element tag = droppable.
  Instead code after // pseudo: i must add some function that check if
  element is droppable. If true it must write some text in that element
  (For example: $(tag).text('bla bla') )
  // code /
  function help(){
  // array generated by PHP:
  // random num. from upper array:
  var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * cor.length
  // Set tag
  if(rand != 0){
  var tag = '#p'+rand;
  // here goes code that check if tag is
 /// pseudo:
 if(tag is droppable){
  alert('is dropable');
   CODE /

[jQuery] Re: serializeArray() only for enabled form elements

2009-09-16 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi there,

this is intentional. only successful controls, as defined by the  
W3C, are serialized.

For your reference (emphasis mine):
A successful control is valid for submission. Every successful  
control has its control name paired with its current value as part  
of the submitted form data set. A successful control must be defined  
within a FORM element and must have a control name.


• Controls that are disabled cannot be successful.
	• If a form contains more than one submit button, only the  
activated submit button is successful.

• All on checkboxes may be successful.
	• For radio buttons that share the same value of the name  
attribute, only the on radio button may be successful.
	• For menus, the control name is provided by a SELECT element and  
values are provided by OPTION elements. Only selected options may be  
successful. When no options are selected, the control is not  
successful and neither the name nor any values are submitted to the  
server when the form is submitted.
	• The current value of a file select is a list of one or more file  
names. Upon submission of the form, the contents of each file are  
submitted with the rest of the form data. The file contents are  
packaged according to the form's content type.
	• The current value of an object control is determined by the  
object's implementation.
If a control doesn't have a current value when the form is  
submitted, user agents are not required to treat it as a successful  

There are a couple other caveats that I didn't paste here. For the  
full deal, follow this link:



Karl Swedberg

On Sep 16, 2009, at 7:31 AM, nowotny wrote:


I noticed that serializeArray() method does only include those
elements that does not have the 'disabled' attribute... I wonder if
it's intentional or am I doing something wrong...?


[jQuery] Re: this.reset() doesn't work

2009-09-16 Thread Dhruva Sagar
It should be $(this).reset();
But since your using an id in the selector, that will reset only the
particular form you want.
If you wish to reset all the forms in the page you should do something
similar to this :


You should of course put this piece of code in the document ready function.

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Pablo Picassohttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/pablo_picasso.html
- Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:45 PM, pritisolanki pritiatw...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am trying to reset all the form element but it is not working can
 someone suggest the reason.

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
 charset=ISO-8859-1 /
 titlejQuery Starterkit/title

 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen
 href=screen.css /
 script src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/javascript/script
 script src=custom.js type=text/javascript/script
 $(document).ready(function() {

   $(#reset).click(function() {
 $(form).each(function() {



 h1jQuery Starterkit/h1
 h2This page contains code to test the examples. Most of it is only
 relevant for a example./h2

 a id=first href=#Some link/a
 p style=visibility:displayHehehehe so think you can hide me :-p /
form id=form name=form1
Form 1
input name=foo value=XXX /

form id=form name=form2
Form 2
input name=bar value=YYY /

form id=form name=form3
Form 3
input type=checkbox /
input type=checkbox checked=checked /
a id=reset href=#Reset!/a


[jQuery] Re: Loop over all input elements in form

2009-09-16 Thread Dhruva Sagar
This should help :
$('form  input').each(function() {

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Jonathan Swifthttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/jonathan_swift.html
- May you live every day of your life.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:26 PM, pritisolanki pritiatw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,

 I tried

  $(form).each(function() {

 in following HTML

form id=form name=form1
Form 1
input name=foo value=XXX /

form id=form name=form2
Form 2
input name=blr value=YYY /

form id=form name=form3
Form 3
input type=checkbox /
input type=checkbox checked=checked /

 it only alert XXX nothing else !!! any idea about this. My journey
 till now is difficult in jquery :-( .Hope to see some answers tomorrow.

[jQuery] Re: Loop over all input elements in form

2009-09-16 Thread Dhruva Sagar
Alertnatively just for your reference these are also some ways to get what
you desire :

Thanks  Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Samuel Goldwynhttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/samuel_goldwyn.html
- I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:26 PM, pritisolanki pritiatw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,

 I tried

  $(form).each(function() {

 in following HTML

form id=form name=form1
Form 1
input name=foo value=XXX /

form id=form name=form2
Form 2
input name=blr value=YYY /

form id=form name=form3
Form 3
input type=checkbox /
input type=checkbox checked=checked /

 it only alert XXX nothing else !!! any idea about this. My journey
 till now is difficult in jquery :-( .Hope to see some answers tomorrow.

[jQuery] Re: [ajax] Form submits, success message displayed but no data seems to be passed to php file

2009-09-16 Thread HairyJim


Damn it, bloomin' windows and its file based permissions. So I tried
all sorts to get this working looking at examples etc and nothing was
working. Out of complete curiosity I went to go look at the
jquery.form.js file and I couldn;t ruddy read it because I did not
have the corrcet priv's set for the internet user. Reset permissions
on the files and voila the below code works for me now!

submitHandler: function(myform) {
type: POST,
url: thanks.php,
success: function() {
$('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
  .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
  .fadeIn(1500, function() {
id='checkmark' src='/images/
check.png' /);

On Sep 16, 12:38 pm, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:
 hmmm Im getting nowhere with this :/

 So following the code on the page you suggested and the notes made
 about .ajaxSubmit I transpose it like thus but nothing happens, it
 does not even call the referenced thanks.php.


         var options = {
                         type: POST,
                         url: thanks.php,
                         success: function() {
                                 $('#message').html(h2Contact Form 
                           .append(pWe will be in touch soon./p)
                           .fadeIn(1500, function() {
                                   $('#message').append(img id='checkmark' 
 check.png' /);

                 submitHandler: function(myform) {
                                 // inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM 
 element so we first
                                 // wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke 


 On Sep 16, 11:52 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  Here is an 


  On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

   Sorry, I have no idea where to use the .ajaxSubmit() option in the
   code. What do I need to change to pass the data over to the processing


   On Sep 16, 10:49 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
   You don't specify any data to submit in your ajax call. Use the data
   option, or better yet, the form's plugin ajaxSubmit method. It will
   handle the form serialization for you.


   On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, HairyJim james.d...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,

I have this Jquery code, below, which I was hpoing would pass the data
from the form over to form processing script  but the problem I have
is that the success is returned but the processing script does not
seem to get the form data passed to it.

I have tested the script is called by just firing a success email off.
What am I doing wrong, I'm lost in the forest and can't see the trees!

I am including jquery, jquery.validate and jquery.form

               submitHandler: function() {
                               type: POST,
                               url: thanks.php,
                               success: function() {
Form Submitted!/h2)
                                 .append(pWe will be in touch 
                                 .fadeIn(1500, function() {
id='checkmark' src='/images/
check.png' /);

[jQuery] New to JQuery

2009-09-16 Thread Emeka
Hello All,

I am new here and I would need your  support in order  to get started. Where
can I get tutorials and wikibooks on JQuery?  Also recommend books.


[jQuery] Loading content from a url inside of a div to the actual div

2009-09-16 Thread Mogui

First let me explain my situation im trying to place dynamic content
into a sharepoint wiki site, which does not allow for direct
javascript to be entered in. In order to do this im seting a div
src=mywebpage.html. I would like to use that simple format for
multiple div's eg:
div src=mywebpage1.html/div
div src=mywebpage2.html/div

What i have so far is:
script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
script type=text/javascript

function contentDisp()
var src = $(.content).attr(src);
div class=content src=chevy.html/div
div class=content src=honda.html/div
div class=content src=yugo.html/div

The example is a standard webpage i plan to incorporate the actual .js
into the webpart once i can get the code to run off a normal page

The issue is that this seems to select the first src as the variable
and does not cycle through for each div, i have tried using (this) to
select but i couldn't get that to load properly

Any help would be much appreciated, the more i learn the more i love
it :)

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Cycle Plugin Random Timeout

2009-09-16 Thread Mike Alsup

 Given that, how would you allocate a timeout for say the first 3
 slides and then have the other slides all running at the default

Keep a counter and reference/update it in the timeoutFn.  After 3
calls to the timeoutFn, return false thereafter.

[jQuery] why getJSON in firefox takes longer than in other browses?

2009-09-16 Thread PanMarcepan

Hello I'm using jQuery and asp.net.
jQuery using getJSON calls specific handler, lets say MyHandler.ashx

$.getJSON(/MyHandler.ashx?param1=someVal, function(data) {
... some code;

In Opera and Explorer this is executed immediately. In FireFox it
takes over 1s before request is executed. Even when I set breakpoint
in my handler it will be hit after 1s... could you tell me why it is
so slow? I got latest version of firefox.

[jQuery] javascript

2009-09-16 Thread Anantha Kumaran
hi i am new to javascript language

i written a script and it works fine and i modified it a bit
and it is not working .

i don't know why this is not working but the later is working well
please tell me what is wrong with this

// not working
SocialSite.Home.UserInfo =
   options : {
   beforeSubmit: this.friendRequest,
success:  this.friendResponse

friendRequest : function(formData, jqForm, options)
friendResponse : function (responseText, statusText) {

$(document).ready(function() {

// working
SocialSite.Home.UserInfo =
friendRequest : function(formData, jqForm, options)
friendResponse : function (responseText, statusText) {

$(document).ready(function() {
var  options = {
beforeSubmit: SocialSite.Home.UserInfo.friendRequest,
success:  SocialSite.Home.UserInfo.friendResponse

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery

2009-09-16 Thread Anantha Kumaran
 Read  jQuery in Action http://www.manning.com/bibeault/ to get Started
and then read the api doc to master it
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Emeka emekami...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello All,

 I am new here and I would need your  support in order  to get started.
 Where can I get tutorials and wikibooks on JQuery?  Also recommend books.


[jQuery] Re: javascript

2009-09-16 Thread Mike Alsup

 i don't know why this is not working but the later is working well
 please tell me what is wrong with this

 // not working
 SocialSite.Home.UserInfo =
    options : {
        beforeSubmit: this.friendRequest,
         success:  this.friendResponse
     friendRequest : function(formData, jqForm, options)
     friendResponse : function (responseText, statusText) {

'this' in your options object is not referencing what you need.
Change that part to be like your example that is working.

[jQuery] How to wait until the DOM has been updated by a jquery load before executing subsequent JavaScript?

2009-09-16 Thread alexryan

Newbie question:

I'm using JQuery's load function to update a portion of my page with
new content.
This works okay but I would also like to attach event handlers to the
newly loaded content after it is loaded.
There is probably a best practice approach to doing so but I am not
aware of it.
If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much

The approach that I am trying is not working and I'm not sure why.

When showFavorites() is invoked, I want the content of a div in my
page to be updated with a table.
I also want to attach event handlers to the rows of the table.
Here is my code ...

function showFavorites(link){
  $('div').load('/quotations/quotes2.jsp', null, attachEventHandlers

function attachEventHandlers() {
  alert('number of trs ' + $('tr').size());

According to the jQuery documentation I expect the call to load to be
complete b4 the callback method attachEventHandlers() is called.
However, the behavior that I've observed is that it's alert box gets
displayed even before the one in showFavorites().

I'm confused by this behavior.

[jQuery] Re: How to wait until the DOM has been updated by a jquery load before executing subsequent JavaScript?

2009-09-16 Thread Mike McNally

You're calling the function attachEventHandlers instead of passing a
reference to the function.  Take the () off.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:55 AM, alexryan alexander.j.r...@gmail.com wrote:

 Newbie question:

 I'm using JQuery's load function to update a portion of my page with
 new content.
 This works okay but I would also like to attach event handlers to the
 newly loaded content after it is loaded.
 There is probably a best practice approach to doing so but I am not
 aware of it.
 If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much

 The approach that I am trying is not working and I'm not sure why.

 When showFavorites() is invoked, I want the content of a div in my
 page to be updated with a table.
 I also want to attach event handlers to the rows of the table.
 Here is my code ...

 function showFavorites(link){
  $('div').load('/quotations/quotes2.jsp', null, attachEventHandlers

 function attachEventHandlers() {
  alert('number of trs ' + $('tr').size());

 According to the jQuery documentation I expect the call to load to be
 complete b4 the callback method attachEventHandlers() is called.
 However, the behavior that I've observed is that it's alert box gets
 displayed even before the one in showFavorites().

 I'm confused by this behavior.

Turtle, turtle, on the ground,
Pink and shiny, turn around.

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery

2009-09-16 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
The Learning jQuery book is also another great book.

Also take a look at http://learningjquery.com and
http://15daysofjquery.com/is a great site to get started.

Also you can post your questions to the group here and we'll help you out.

Good Luck

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Anantha Kumaran

  Read  jQuery in Action http://www.manning.com/bibeault/ to get Started
 and then read the api doc to master it

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Emeka emekami...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello All,

 I am new here and I would need your  support in order  to get started.
 Where can I get tutorials and wikibooks on JQuery?  Also recommend books.


[jQuery] jqzoom and IE

2009-09-16 Thread IfTrueElseFalse

If on this product page - 
- and you click on the second or third thumbnail, while using IE 6 or
7, the zoom function breaks. I think when you view the error in IE7
you can understand a little better what's going wrong. But to tell the
truth, I have no clue what's going wrong O_o

Again, opera, safari, chrome, ff no problemo, why

[jQuery] Re: How to wait until the DOM has been updated by a jquery load before executing subsequent JavaScript?

2009-09-16 Thread alexryan

That was it.
Thank you Mike.

[jQuery] Re: Conflict between Simplemodal and jquery-ui slider?

2009-09-16 Thread Eric Martin

The problem is that you are including the basic.js file from my site,
which is causing a conflict. Remove that script and use the following

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#basic-modal input.basic, #basic-modal a.basic').click(function
(e) {
$('#basic-modal-content').modal({onShow: function (d) {
$(#slider-vertical, d.container[0]).slider({
orientation: vertical,
range: min,
min: 50,
max: 300,
value: 100,
slide: function(event, ui) {


On Sep 11, 7:54 pm, folder123 kjau...@gmail.com wrote:
 The behavior i'm seeing is the onShow only seems to run once. On
 subsequent modal window opens the contents in onShow don't seem to


 On Sep 11, 7:31 pm, folder123 kjau...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm still having issues with the code below, the slider now doesn't
  even show up on a 2nd window open.

  Any thoughts greatly appreciated, I'm sure i'm missing something


  On Sep 11, 2:52 pm, Eric Martin emarti...@gmail.com wrote:

   Use the onShow callback inSimpleModalto call the slider init code:

   $('#basic-modal-content').modal({onShow: function (dialog) {
       $(#slider-vertical, dialog.container[0]).slider({
           orientation: vertical,
           range: min,
           min: 50,
           max: 300,
           value: 100,
           slide: function(event, ui) {



   On Sep 10, 2:30 pm, folder123 kjau...@gmail.com wrote:

Summary - Slider does not work inSimpleModalwindow after more than


Step 1: Click to open modal window
Step 2: Observe slider working properly, with value being updated,
Step 3: Click to open modal window
Step 4: Observe slider NOT working properly, NaN being returned

If you open the modal with the slider, then close the window, then re-
the modal and attempt to move the slider NaN errors occur. Attached is
simple html document that demonstrates the problem.

This has also been posted to theSimpleModalgoogle code group.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks for all the hard
work on jquery.

To replicate, please cut and paste the following into a html document.

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;

 link type=text/css
rel=stylesheet /
    script src='http://www.ericmmartin.com/simplemodal/js/basic.js'

    link type='text/css'
rel='stylesheet' media='screen' /

script type=text/javascript
$().ready(function() {

    $('#basic-modal input.basic, #basic-modal a.basic').click(function

    $(function() {
                                orientation: vertical,
                                range: min,
                                min: 50,
                                max: 300,
                                value: 100,
                                slide: function(event, ui) {




  div id=basic-modal-content
  input type=text id=amount style=border:0; color:#ff; font-
weight:bold; width: 40px; background: #aa; /
  div id=slider-vertical style=height:200px;/div

  div id='basic-modal'
    h2Basic Modal Dialog/h2
        form action='download/' method='post'
            input type='button' name='basic' value='Show modal'
class='basic demo'/
/body- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: SimpleModal Contact Form and Sidebar

2009-09-16 Thread Eric Martin


I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Could you clarify your


On Sep 12, 7:48 am, Trent 26g...@gmail.com wrote:
 How can I embedSimpleModalContact 
 in the sidebar, whose position is fixed on the scrolling map.
 No reference as in the example from the author:
 div id='contact-form'a href='#' class='contact'Demo/a

 a picture button.gif

 Code sidebar:
 div id=contact-form style=background: rgb(27, 27, 27); position:
 fixed; top: 136px; width: 25px; height: 119px; z-index: 8765; cursor:
 pointer; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin:
 padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; right: 0pt;img
 src=images/button.gif alt=contact width=28 height=137 //div

 Menu takes the following 

[jQuery] Re: why getJSON in firefox takes longer than in other browses?

2009-09-16 Thread Michael Geary
You have Firebug, right? And is this a fairly large JSON object?

Disable Firebug and see what happens. If it goes at more the speed you
expected, then the problem is the use of eval() in the current version of
jQuery, which slows down badly with Firebug. This is fixed in the next
release (it uses a Function constructor, which isn't slowed down by Firebug,
instead of eval).

If that's not it, post a link to a test page?


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 7:38 AM, PanMarcepan panmarce...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello I'm using jQuery and asp.net.
 jQuery using getJSON calls specific handler, lets say MyHandler.ashx

 $.getJSON(/MyHandler.ashx?param1=someVal, function(data) {
 ... some code;

 In Opera and Explorer this is executed immediately. In FireFox it
 takes over 1s before request is executed. Even when I set breakpoint
 in my handler it will be hit after 1s... could you tell me why it is
 so slow? I got latest version of firefox.

[jQuery] Re: $(this).css({color : red})

2009-09-16 Thread Liam Byrne

Try $(this).css({color:#FF});

Matt wrote:

see that code in the subj.? i'm using FF 3.5, and no matter what i
do, .css won't work!! any help?

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[jQuery] Re: [asmselect] Remove link links to the main page

2009-09-16 Thread Liam Byrne

You say you click the remove link.

What is the code / href of the remove link, and do you have a return 
false on the jQuery code to prevent that link being followed ?

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(#removeLink).click(function() {
 // do whatever the link should do
NAVIGATING TO #, which would usually be to the top of the page


a id=removeLink href=#Remove/a

odlo wrote:

Anytime when I click the remove link after selecting one or multiple
items my browser jumps to the main page.
It doesn't happen on _any_ system but only on _some_ systems.

Is there any solutiuon?

System: Vista
Browser: FF 3, FF 3.5, IE 8, Seamonkey



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[jQuery] Re: Simple Modal Height and Width

2009-09-16 Thread Eric Martin

As long as the content being used in the modal has a height and width
supplied, SimpleModal will use those values to size the dialog.

For example, using the basic demo as a base and given the following:
img src=image.jpg style=display:none; height=400 width=600

#simplemodal-overlay {background-color:#000; cursor:wait;}
#simplemodal-container {color:#bbb; background-color:#333; border:4px
solid #444;}
#simplemodal-container a.modalCloseImg {background:url(../img/basic/
x.png) no-repeat; width:25px; height:29px; display:inline; z-index:
3200; position:absolute; top:-15px; right:-16px; cursor:pointer;}


I get a the image with a border and the dimensions at 400x600.

Hope that helps.


On Sep 9, 12:47 pm, Byron Matto bma...@gmail.com wrote:

 Simple Modal has default height and width values of 200 and 300 pixels
 respectively.  Is there a way to the modal conform to whatever content
 is present.  In other words I want the modal to have height and width
 equal to the HxW of image modal is applied to ... automatically.


[jQuery] Quick announcement about CFJS for jQuery

2009-09-16 Thread Chris Jordan

Hi folks,

I just wanted to drop a quick note letting everyone know that I've
committed cfjs 1.1.10 to the repository on riaforge.org (http://
svn.riaforge.org/cfjs/). This new version includes HTMLCodeFormat()
and HTMLEditFormat(). I'll be working on NumberFormat() soon as well
as a short list of Array functions that have been on my to-do list for
quite a while now.

These include:

You can visit the project page over at cfjs.riaforge.org, or read my
blog articles about it over at http://cjordan.us/index.cfm/CFJS

Hope folks are continuing to find this useful. :o)

[jQuery] Re: Object doesn't support this property or method in IE

2009-09-16 Thread knox203

Thanks Ricardo, your first revised block of code took away the error
message in Internet Explorer. Doesn't look like the second block
returned any of my data. I'm in the process of learning jQuery, so
it's better that I play around with it anyways =)

 I'm still having a problem getting the data to show up in IE (with
the first revised block of code you supplied). The data fills in the
DIV's one by one in Firefox, but returns what appears to be NULL
values in IE. I can see each DIV change in IE, but it does not look
like it's filling it in with the data like Firefox does. Any ideas?

   - Adam

On Sep 15, 11:46 pm, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm. No idea why it doesn't work in IE, but here are some general

 You don't need the jQuery(function(){ part around the function.
 setTimeout(updateStatus, 2); // use the function object
 $(document).ready(updateStatus); //same here, pass the object, don't
 call the function. this can also go in the head script along with
 the rest

 See how that works out, here's the code:http://snipt.org/mogk
 And you could use some logic to make it less spaguetti 

 On Sep 15, 3:08 pm, knox203 sandf...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everyone, I have the following code that works great in Firefox,
  Opera, Safari, but fails to work in IE. Can anyone take a look and
  maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

  script type=text/javascript src=../conduit/jquery.js/script
          function updateStatus(){
                  $(#prov1hCount).load(source/provStats.php #prov1hCount);
  script type=text/javascript

[jQuery] Re: Object doesn't support this property or method in IE

2009-09-16 Thread knox203

Forget it, looks like it's working now with both of your replies, you
guys rock! Ricardo, your code removed the java error in IE, thanks.
Rupak, I went back and added html tags to my source file, and sure
enough, IE is now returning the data like it's supposed to!

Thanks again guys,
   - Adam

On Sep 16, 12:05 am, rupak mandal rupakn...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have face similar problem . Just check is there any html  open or close
 tag missing in provStats.php.


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmm. No idea why it doesn't work in IE, but here are some general

  You don't need the jQuery(function(){ part around the function.
  setTimeout(updateStatus, 2); // use the function object
  $(document).ready(updateStatus); //same here, pass the object, don't
  call the function. this can also go in the head script along with
  the rest

  See how that works out, here's the code:http://snipt.org/mogk
  And you could use some logic to make it less spaguetti too:

  On Sep 15, 3:08 pm, knox203 sandf...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hello everyone, I have the following code that works great in Firefox,
   Opera, Safari, but fails to work in IE. Can anyone take a look and
   maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

   script type=text/javascript src=../conduit/jquery.js/script
           function updateStatus(){


   script type=text/javascript

[jQuery] ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Scott Trudeau

[cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

Hey folks,

I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
color near the cursor when over the image.

You can find it on github with a simple demo included:


I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

* callback function naming conventions
* which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
* should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
* any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
chip style-able, optional?
* any other feedback

No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
tuck one.

Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).



[jQuery] Re: Page load question

2009-09-16 Thread the intern

Here is my jQuery:

script type=text/javascript
   var thiis = $(this).attr('id').charAt(1);
   var thiis = $(this).attr('id').charAt(1);
   var thiis = $(this).attr('id').charAt(0);
   $(this).val($(this).val() == 'hide additional questions' ? 'show
additional questions' : 'hide additional questions');

Here is the code for the first question:

table class=gray
td colspan=3strong1./strong Have you ever had
symptoms, been diagnosed with, or been treated for:/td
td class=subQuestion width=700px;label 
/strong High Blood Pressure/label span
type=button id=a_toggle value=hide 
additional questions
style=font-size:10px; float:right; 
td style=white-space:nowrap;width:54px;label
  input type=radio name=1a value=yes id=1a_y/

td style=white-space:nowrap;width:54px;label
  input type=radio name=1a value=no id=1a_n/

  tr id=a_questions
td colspan=3 align=center style=background-
table class=yesTable cellpadding=0
tr bgcolor=#e2e2e2
tdDisease, Injury, or Medical Condition?
tdTreatment, Medication, Dosage?/td
tdDate Treatment Began?/td
tdDate Treatment Ended?/td
  tr height=50px;
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a1//td
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a2//td
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a3//td
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a4//td
  tr bgcolor=#e2e2e2
tdWas Individual Hospitalized?/td
tdAttending Physician?/td
tdPhysician Phone Number?/td
tdDegree of Recovery?/td
  tr height=50px;
td height=20px;
input type=radio name=1a5
value=yes class=1a_yes/Yes
input type=radio name=1a5
value=no class=1a_no/No
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a6//td
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a7//td
td height=20px;input type=text
class=1a_condition name=1a8//td

On Sep 9, 12:22 pm, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, can you show us some mark-up?

 - Original Message -
 From: the intern aaron.wal...@urs.org
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 1:54 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Page load question

  What I have is a form where people will answer yes or no questions.
  What I need is, that when the page is loaded, a way to go though the
  questions and check to see which ones are marked as yes. The reason
  for this is, when yes is checked, there are additional questions that
  open up using .show(). Right now, if the page is refreshed or
  reloaded, all the additional questions hide regardless if the yes is
  check or not.

  Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: How to check is element droppable

2009-09-16 Thread Boris Trivic

yes I'm using jQuery droppable. I am trying to check if some element
is droppable. Example:

/// code:
script type=text/javascript

div id=first/div
div id=second/div
/// end code

now I need to check both divs (first and second) and find out which is
droppable. In this example: script must write: div 'first' is
droppable, div 'second' is not droppable

Understand now?

On Sep 16, 2:49 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 It's not clear. Are you trying to use an element with a tag name of
 'droppable'? Are you using jQuery UI Droppable?
 - Richard

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

  if question isn't clear, I can explain better :)

  On Sep 15, 7:33 pm, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

   How I can check this? I have next part of code where I must check is
   element tag = droppable.

   Instead code after // pseudo: i must add some function that check if
   element is droppable. If true it must write some text in that element
   (For example: $(tag).text('bla bla') )

   // code /
   function help(){
   // array generated by PHP:
   // random num. from upper array:
   var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * cor.length
   // Set tag
   if(rand != 0){
   var tag = '#p'+rand;
   // here goes code that check if tag is
  /// pseudo:
  if(tag is droppable){
   alert('is dropable');

    CODE /

[jQuery] Re: JQUERY listnav: includeAll Parameter translation

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

I like that, will definitely consider it for the next rev. If you want 
to change it in the version you have, look for this:


and change it to whatever you want:



mansoft wrote:

It would be nice, if the includeAll parameter could be changed or
extended to work like the noMatchText:
Instead of true or false it should be empty or the text for the link
i.e All, Alle, tous, todos 


[jQuery] jCarousel 0.2.3 hangs IE7 on window resize event

2009-09-16 Thread Malic

I've discovered that http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ will hang IE7 (but
not IE8) when the this.funcResize handler (bound to window.onresize)
is called.

The setup for this is in init around line 226:
$(window).unbind('resize', this.funcResize).bind('resize',

What happens is that IE7 fires off onresize every time a resize occurs
- even when you are in the middle of servicing a resize event.  The
loop goes on and results in a frozen browser with ever increasing
resource consumption.  Something outside of jCarousel (jQuery UI
tabs in my case to be specific) could cause the resize event to

I tried to employ the technique mentioned here - remove event handling
for onresize then add it back when it's done:

...this didn't work for me though.  Admittedly, I didn't work that
hard at it.  In the end, I've disabled the jCarousel resizing smarts
because I didn't need it for my purposes.  But a permanent fix would
be nice.

At least that is what I think is going on - does anyone have a
differing point of view?

[jQuery] ClueTip problem on initially hidden fields

2009-09-16 Thread Sarah B.

I am using the clueTip plugin to show help hovers on my application.
It works like a charm, except when I have initially hidden fields on
the page.  For example, several fields default to
style=display:none; and then when an onchange event occurs on a
dropdown, these fields are shown.  When you mouseover the help image
to see the clueTip on these fields which were initially hidden, the
clueTip flashes and acts funny.

Here is the jQuery:
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
splitTitle: '|',
arrows: true,
dropShadow: false,
positionBy: 'auto',
cluetipClass: 'jtip'}

Here is the html:
td  class=HiddenFields style=display:none;
span class=formatClassHeading/span
span class=tooltip title=Title of Tooltip|Description goes here
img src=images/help.gif width=13 height=14 alt= 
!--input or select HTML goes here--!

I have updated the clueTip plugin to the latest version (1.0.4) and
jQuery version 1.3.2.  I am also including hoverIntent and bgiframe
plugins for the clueTip.

Has anyone ever had this problem or do you know how to fix it?

[jQuery] Re: How to check is element droppable

2009-09-16 Thread Richard D. Worth
var isDroppable = $(#first).is(.ui-droppable); // boolean


var droppables = $(div).filter(.ui-droppable); // collection

Also note, there's a separate list for jQuery UI questions, should you have
any more:


- Richard

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

 yes I'm using jQuery droppable. I am trying to check if some element
 is droppable. Example:

 /// code:
 script type=text/javascript

 div id=first/div
 div id=second/div
 /// end code

 now I need to check both divs (first and second) and find out which is
 droppable. In this example: script must write: div 'first' is
 droppable, div 'second' is not droppable

 Understand now?

 On Sep 16, 2:49 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
  It's not clear. Are you trying to use an element with a tag name of
  'droppable'? Are you using jQuery UI Droppable?
  - Richard
  On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com
   if question isn't clear, I can explain better :)
   On Sep 15, 7:33 pm, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:
How I can check this? I have next part of code where I must check is
element tag = droppable.
Instead code after // pseudo: i must add some function that check
element is droppable. If true it must write some text in that element
(For example: $(tag).text('bla bla') )
// code /
function help(){
// array generated by PHP:
// random num. from upper array:
var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() *
// Set tag
if(rand != 0){
var tag = '#p'+rand;
// here goes code that check if tag is
   /// pseudo:
   if(tag is droppable){
alert('is dropable');

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Jonathan

I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this


On Sep 14, 11:53 pm, Jonathan jonandke...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm re-writing a test page for a RESTful web service with AJAX, and
 need to be able to display the XML or JSON response in a textarea or a
 div. I'm re-writing the web page to work off jQuery, but I'm stuck

 The best response I can get is: [Object XMLDocument]

 I have to set a custom Authorization header, set an HTTP method (get,
 put, post, or delete), send data, and display the raw XML (or JSON,
 depending on the request) response in the page.

 With firebug I see the XML response is there, but I can't figure out
 how to display that raw XML with jQuery. It worked with the prototype
 js, but I'm stumped trying to get it to work with jQuery.

 It seems like a simple enough task, the XML is there, I want to print
 it out on the page. I've spent hours searching through the jQuery docs
 and online examples to no avail.

 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: How to check is element droppable

2009-09-16 Thread Boris Trivic

thanks a lot, that's answer.

Best regards!

On Sep 16, 7:29 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 var isDroppable = $(#first).is(.ui-droppable); // boolean


 var droppables = $(div).filter(.ui-droppable); // collection

 Also note, there's a separate list for jQuery UI questions, should you have
 any more:


 - Richard

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

  yes I'm using jQuery droppable. I am trying to check if some element
  is droppable. Example:

  /// code:
  script type=text/javascript

  div id=first/div
  div id=second/div
  /// end code

  now I need to check both divs (first and second) and find out which is
  droppable. In this example: script must write: div 'first' is
  droppable, div 'second' is not droppable

  Understand now?

  On Sep 16, 2:49 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
   It's not clear. Are you trying to use an element with a tag name of
   'droppable'? Are you using jQuery UI Droppable?
   - Richard

   On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com

if question isn't clear, I can explain better :)

On Sep 15, 7:33 pm, Boris Trivic trivu...@gmail.com wrote:

 How I can check this? I have next part of code where I must check is
 element tag = droppable.

 Instead code after // pseudo: i must add some function that check
 element is droppable. If true it must write some text in that element
 (For example: $(tag).text('bla bla') )

 // code /
 function help(){
 // array generated by PHP:
 // random num. from upper array:
 var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() *
 // Set tag
 if(rand != 0){
 var tag = '#p'+rand;
 // here goes code that check if tag is
/// pseudo:
if(tag is droppable){
 alert('is dropable');

  CODE /

[jQuery] [validate] Help with errorPlacement

2009-09-16 Thread Loony2nz


I need help with targeting a class on a TD to hold error messages with
jQuery form validator plug-in.

This is my sampling of code:


errorPlacement: function(error, element){
   error.appendTo( element.parent().next());
/ script

tr style=border:0;
td style=border:0; align=rightFirst Namespan
 td style=border:0;input maxlength=40 name=first_name
size=20 type=text //td
tr style=border:0;
 td style=border:0;/td
 td class=errorMsg style=border:0;/td

I want to target the TD with the class: errorMsg to hold the error

I've tried  error.appendTo( element.parent().next('.errorMsg')); to no

Any help would be much appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Scott Trudeau
Since github seems to be suffering from a DoS attack, I posted a demo here:



On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Scott Trudeau scott.trud...@gmail.comwrote:

 [cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

 Hey folks,

 I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
 recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
 project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
 plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
 select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

 The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
 element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
 The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
 mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
 color near the cursor when over the image.

 You can find it on github with a simple demo included:


 I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

 * callback function naming conventions
 * which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
 * should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
 * any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
 chip style-able, optional?
 * any other feedback

 No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
 tuck one.

 Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
 offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
 same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).



[jQuery] Re: Browser Stop call's ajax.Error

2009-09-16 Thread nirazue...@gmail.com

Thank you.
Can you think up with a solution to this? How can I detect when the
call is begin terminated?

On Sep 14, 5:32 pm, MiKiTiE mikiji...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Probably because you're sending the data to the url, but stopping the
 process before it can produce a result.

 On Sep 13, 7:52 pm, nirazue...@gmail.com nirazue...@gmail.com

  Hi, I've noticed that when I click the Stop button on the browser, or
  navigate to another page, jQuery.ajax calls the error event.

  You can see the problem live at:http://www.pingmyport.com/


     this.getJson = function(timeout) {
        if(this.XMLHttpRequest) this.XMLHttpRequest.abort();
        this.XMLHttpRequest = $.ajax({
           complete: function(){$(#kitLoader).hide();},
           data: {
              Address: him.Address,
              portNum: him.portNum,
              portType: him.portType
           dataType: json,
           error: him.serviceUnavailable,
           success: him.processJson,
           timeout: timeout,
           type: POST,
           url: http://www.pingmyport.com/checkPort.php;

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-09-16 Thread Macsig

Yes, I do but I don't see how that can help me out.


On Sep 16, 4:01 am, Liam Byrne l...@onsight.ie wrote:
 do you actually have the headers in a thead, with the content in tbody ?

 Most people forget about those.


 macsig wrote:
  Hello guys,
  I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
  of a div while I scroll the table rows.
  I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
  scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
  I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
  compatible with that plug-in.

  Thanks and have a nice day!


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG -www.avg.com
  Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.100/2375 - Release Date: 09/16/09 

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Knight, Doug

Just my two cents, I have to agree, it would be nice to be able to at a minimum 
dump the actual XML from the Ajax call.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Jonathan
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 1:33 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this


On Sep 14, 11:53 pm, Jonathan jonandke...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm re-writing a test page for a RESTful web service with AJAX, and
 need to be able to display the XML or JSON response in a textarea or a
 div. I'm re-writing the web page to work off jQuery, but I'm stuck

 The best response I can get is: [Object XMLDocument]

 I have to set a custom Authorization header, set an HTTP method (get,
 put, post, or delete), send data, and display the raw XML (or JSON,
 depending on the request) response in the page.

 With firebug I see the XML response is there, but I can't figure out
 how to display that raw XML with jQuery. It worked with the prototype
 js, but I'm stumped trying to get it to work with jQuery.

 It seems like a simple enough task, the XML is there, I want to print
 it out on the page. I've spent hours searching through the jQuery docs
 and online examples to no avail.

 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Superfish and IE8 - drop-down menus flashing down on page load

2009-09-16 Thread graykiwi

I have successfully installed superfish-powered drop-down menus in my
horizontal nav bar, but I get an irritating (and inconsistent) issue
when I click on a nav link: the drop-down menus briefly flash down
as the new page loads. In fact the page as a whole flashes. This
behavior only occurs in IE8 (haven't tried 7) - Firefox, Safari,
Chrome are all fine. The url is: peacefulnations.org

I'd appreciate any help.


[jQuery] Attaching methods to identical forms, but only invoking the method on the current form

2009-09-16 Thread Stephen

I have a form that is repeated through out the page by the backend,
which I have no control over.
form action=
textarea class=your_comment rows=10 cols=70/textarea
a href=# class=comment_form_cancelCancel/a

I want to attach an event to the link to clear the textarea.
$(.comment_form_cancel).live(click, function(event) {

This method would be attached to all instances of the form.  However,
I would like only the form the user is currently working on to trigger
the method.  For example, if there are 3 forms, I click the cancel
link on the 3rd form, the clearing should only happen on the 3rd form,
not all forms.  Is there a way to do this?


[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Mike Alsup

 I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
 from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
 simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

 The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
 like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this

Try hooking the 'complete' callback and access the responseText
property of the XHR:

complete: function(xhr, status) {

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Help with errorPlacement

2009-09-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You need to go up one more level:

errorPlacement: function(error, element){
  error.appendTo( element.parent().parent().next().find(.errorMsg) );


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Loony2nz loony...@gmail.com wrote:


 I need help with targeting a class on a TD to hold error messages with
 jQuery form validator plug-in.

 This is my sampling of code:

 errorPlacement: function(error, element){
   error.appendTo( element.parent().next());
 / script

 tr style=border:0;
    td style=border:0; align=rightFirst Namespan
     td style=border:0;input maxlength=40 name=first_name
 size=20 type=text //td
 tr style=border:0;
     td style=border:0;/td
     td class=errorMsg style=border:0;/td

 I want to target the TD with the class: errorMsg to hold the error

 I've tried  error.appendTo( element.parent().next('.errorMsg')); to no

 Any help would be much appreciated.


[jQuery] From adult google group.

2009-09-16 Thread moiramethot45250

For jquery-en group members. HD tube adult movies. Sorted by rating of
millions users http://www.2watch4.com/redsdkp/includes/db/www/

[jQuery] Re: Attaching methods to identical forms, but only invoking the method on the current form

2009-09-16 Thread Mike Alsup

 I have a form that is repeated through out the page by the backend,
 which I have no control over.
 form action=
 textarea class=your_comment rows=10 cols=70/textarea
 a href=# class=comment_form_cancelCancel/a

 I want to attach an event to the link to clear the textarea.
 $(.comment_form_cancel).live(click, function(event) {


 This method would be attached to all instances of the form.  However,
 I would like only the form the user is currently working on to trigger
 the method.  For example, if there are 3 forms, I click the cancel
 link on the 3rd form, the clearing should only happen on the 3rd form,
 not all forms.  Is there a way to do this?

This should work:

$(.comment_form_cancel).live(click, function(event) {

[jQuery] Re: [validate] Help with errorPlacement

2009-09-16 Thread Loony2nz

o...duh :)

i have to keep in mind that I have to traverse the DOM tree

Thanks :)

On Sep 16, 12:19 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You need to go up one more level:

 errorPlacement: function(error, element){
   error.appendTo( element.parent().parent().next().find(.errorMsg) );



 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Loony2nz loony...@gmail.com wrote:


  I need help with targeting a class on a TD to hold error messages with
  jQuery form validator plug-in.

  This is my sampling of code:

  errorPlacement: function(error, element){
    error.appendTo( element.parent().next());
  / script

  tr style=border:0;
     td style=border:0; align=rightFirst Namespan
      td style=border:0;input maxlength=40 name=first_name
  size=20 type=text //td
  tr style=border:0;
      td style=border:0;/td
      td class=errorMsg style=border:0;/td

  I want to target the TD with the class: errorMsg to hold the error

  I've tried  error.appendTo( element.parent().next('.errorMsg')); to no

  Any help would be much appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: jquery validate and datepicker.

2009-09-16 Thread Williamk

Thanks Karl.
I will direct any ui questions to the UI group from now on.
That  said, I appreciate your help.

Kind regards,

On Sep 14, 11:04 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:

 Sorry you haven't received a response yet. Usually Jörn picks up  
 questions about the validate picker, but he's been traveling for the  
 past week. Also, datepicker questions are usually handled on the  
 jquery-ui google group. In any case, it looks like the the validation  
 message is triggered on blur of the field. I don't recall how  
 datepicker works, but I would sort of expect the focus to go back to  
 the date input element when a date is selected from the datepicker.  
 Since that isn't happening now, you can make it happen by adding an  
 onClose or onSelect method to your datepicker 
   That way, the validation thing will be triggered when the user  
 clicks or tabs out of the field after that point.

 Hope that helps.


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Sep 13, 2009, at 6:45 PM, Williamk wrote:

  Was it something I said? Or didn't say?

  On Sep 8, 8:28 am, Williamk bkopl...@gmail.com wrote:
  Oh, I put the demo page for the remember the milk with the datepicker
  on a site, so you can see what I am talking about.
  No porn or viagra or Nigerian cons or anything else dubious.
  If you are interested:http://avianflew.com/milk/

  On Sep 7, 9:48 pm, Williamk bkopl...@gmail.com wrote:

  For some reason, and this is baffling me, if I use both the  
  plugin and the datepicker plugin, some voodoo is occurring.
  I have to select the date twice for it to validate.
  For example, here are the steps I took:
  I try to submit the form without dates in the fields.
  The form is not sent and the date fields are flagged.
  If you open it once and select a date, the calendar closes, but it
  still shows as invalid.
  If you repeat this action, selecting the same exact field and  
  the calendar and selecting the date again, then it shows as valid.
  I'm not sure how to shoehorn this into validating on the first click
  on the calendar.
  And to be honest, I'm terrified I'm going to get flamed  over this.
  I generally consider myself pretty resourceful, but this is making  
  a little bit loco.

[jQuery] facebox over iframe

2009-09-16 Thread l_kris06

Hi all,

 I have a couple of iframes and one of them trigger facebox, and its
opened within the iframe, I want it to open on the parent window. any
help would be great.

[jQuery] Re: Attaching methods to identical forms, but only invoking the method on the current form

2009-09-16 Thread Stephen

Hi Mike,
Ah, the this object!  I forgot about that.  Thank you  for code


On Sep 16, 3:38 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a form that is repeated through out the page by the backend,
  which I have no control over.
  form action=
  textarea class=your_comment rows=10 cols=70/textarea
  a href=# class=comment_form_cancelCancel/a

  I want to attach an event to the link to clear the textarea.
  $(.comment_form_cancel).live(click, function(event) {


  This method would be attached to all instances of the form.  However,
  I would like only the form the user is currently working on to trigger
  the method.  For example, if there are 3 forms, I click the cancel
  link on the 3rd form, the clearing should only happen on the 3rd form,
  not all forms.  Is there a way to do this?

 This should work:

 $(.comment_form_cancel).live(click, function(event) {


[jQuery] Error using jCarousel on IE 8

2009-09-16 Thread Mythic Web Design

I'm having some trouble getting the jCarousel plugin to work under IE

On this site:


I get this error:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/
4.0; Tablet PC 1.7; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; InfoPath.2)
Timestamp: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:27:14 UTC

Message: 'null' is null or not an object
Line: 35
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://dev.kandeart.com/scripts/kandeart.js

   It works fine in both FF3 and IE6, so I don't understand what's
causing the problem. Any assistance would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Ajax

2009-09-16 Thread Matthew Rolph
thanks!! i also added a extra link to show both, id selectors for the tag

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:02 PM, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.com wrote:

 your first link works find
 the second one doesnt work because you have the wrong id on your a
 and the id is the same as your div

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:05 PM, Matthew Rolph marine.ro...@gmail.comwrote:

 well, i fixed that at least the source shows right now
 can you see any probs. now?

 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Steven Yang kenshin...@gmail.comwrote:

 this is all i see in the source of your page

  !DOCTYPE html html head titleAjax - jQuery Tests/title script
 /script style

 i dont think its complete. Might be something wrong on your serverside

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Matt marine.ro...@gmail.com wrote:

 I made a page that would load 2 html pages, had a footer to show both,
 2 links to show indivually, the divs to load them in, and the sticky
 footer css. My js seems valid, but the page is just completely blank.

[jQuery] Re: this.reset() doesn't work

2009-09-16 Thread KeeganWatkins


 It should be $(this).reset();

That won't work. Note that reset() is a method that is available on
raw form elements in the DOM, but not on a jQuery-wrapped set.

// Example for Firebug
console.log(jQuery.fn.reset) // undefined

@pritisolanki -
You can't expect the selector engine (or your page, for that matter)
to work properly when you have several ID's that are the same. You
have three forms that all have an id=form in your sample HTML. This
is non-compliant with W3C standards and can cause a whole mess of
problems. If you need to select them all, use the class attribute

Furthermore, you are using the name and ID attribute in a way which
contributes to what is often called the deadly expando. You should
definitely consider avoiding ID and name attributes such as form,
submit, text, etc as described in these articles -
http://ejohn.org/blog/deadly-expandos/ and http://jibbering.com/faq/names/
. form as an ID doesn't directly induce this phenomena, but the
principle is the same: don't use attribute values which might conflict
with DOM properties.

Change your ID's to be unique and all should be good. For reuse, you
could create a simple plugin:
$.fn.reset = function() {
return this.each(function() {
// Check against forms, and for the reset method
if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() === form  this.reset) {


On Sep 16, 7:50 am, Dhruva Sagar dhruva.sa...@gmail.com wrote:
 It should be $(this).reset();
 But since your using an id in the selector, that will reset only the
 particular form you want.
 If you wish to reset all the forms in the page you should do something
 similar to this :



 You should of course put this piece of code in the document ready function.

 Thanks  Regards,
 Dhruva Sagar.

 Pablo Picassohttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/pablo_picasso.html
 - Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:45 PM, pritisolanki pritiatw...@gmail.com wrote:


  I am trying to reset all the form element but it is not working can
  someone suggest the reason.

  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
  html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
  charset=ISO-8859-1 /
  titlejQuery Starterkit/title

  link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen
  href=screen.css /
  script src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/javascript/script
  script src=custom.js type=text/javascript/script
  $(document).ready(function() {

    $(#reset).click(function() {
      $(form).each(function() {



  h1jQuery Starterkit/h1
  h2This page contains code to test the examples. Most of it is only
  relevant for a example./h2

  a id=first href=#Some link/a
  p style=visibility:displayHehehehe so think you can hide me :-p /
         form id=form name=form1
                 Form 1
                 input name=foo value=XXX /

         form id=form name=form2
                 Form 2
                 input name=bar value=YYY /

         form id=form name=form3
                 Form 3
                 input type=checkbox /
                 input type=checkbox checked=checked /
         a id=reset href=#Reset!/a


[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Sounds cool, consider this some clamor for a live demo :-)


Scott Trudeau wrote:

[cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

Hey folks,

I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
color near the cursor when over the image.

You can find it on github with a simple demo included:


I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

* callback function naming conventions
* which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
* should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
* any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
chip style-able, optional?
* any other feedback

No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
tuck one.

Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).




[jQuery] Re: Superfish and IE8 - drop-down menus flashing down on page load

2009-09-16 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
It seems like the submenu UL is being hidden on load via the javascript.
Can you set the CSS to display:none and that should make it load without
showing the submenu.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 2:37 PM, graykiwi rjcatk...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have successfully installed superfish-powered drop-down menus in my
 horizontal nav bar, but I get an irritating (and inconsistent) issue
 when I click on a nav link: the drop-down menus briefly flash down
 as the new page loads. In fact the page as a whole flashes. This
 behavior only occurs in IE8 (haven't tried 7) - Firefox, Safari,
 Chrome are all fine. The url is: peacefulnations.org

 I'd appreciate any help.


[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Killpatrick
great, thanks. This would be really handy as a greasemonkey script. I 
use a FF plugin that does the eyedropper thing a lot (during design 
work), but it has it's shortcomings. If a greasemonkey script gave me 
the eyedropper and a box with the sampled color and hex value, that'd be 

- Jack

Scott Trudeau wrote:

Since github seems to be suffering from a DoS attack, I posted a demo 



On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Scott Trudeau 
scott.trud...@gmail.com mailto:scott.trud...@gmail.com wrote:

[cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

Hey folks,

I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
color near the cursor when over the image.

You can find it on github with a simple demo included:


I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

* callback function naming conventions
* which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
* should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
* any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
chip style-able, optional?
* any other feedback

No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
tuck one.

Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).



[jQuery] [validate] Custom functions onfocusin / -out

2009-09-16 Thread Philipp


I added a nice little tweak which allows me to define custom functions
called on (un) focussing a form element:

jquery.validate.js got three additional lines at the end of onfocusin
function (line 200):
if (this.settings.focusFunction) {
and at the end of onfocusout function:
if (this.settings.blurFunction) {

By defining a focusFunction / blurFunction within a jQuery
('#...').validate({})-block I was able to add a custom behaviour to
those two events without writing additional JavaScript code. In my
case I simply display or hide a div containing some help for the form

Maybe this little code change will help somebody or even find its way
to the official release.

Kind regards and thank you for your validator!

[jQuery] Re: Page load question

2009-09-16 Thread the intern

Never mind, a seem to have figured it out

Here is the code that I used to do this

script type=text/javascript
e = $('[id$=_y]');
for (i = 0; i  e.length; i++)
if (e[i].checked == true)
$('#' + ($(e[i]).attr('id').charAt(1)) + 
$('#' + ($(e[i]).attr('id').charAt(1)) + 
additional questions');

[jQuery] Re: ANN eyedropper color picker plugin

2009-09-16 Thread Scott Trudeau
This wouldn't be too difficult to turn into a greasemonkey script.  It
wouldn't work for images that are hosted from a domain other than the parent
page, however, which is a frequent case; Firefox will throw canvas security
exceptions for every img element not in the domain if you do
$('img').dropper().  You could probably do a $('img').each() loop and check
that the src attribute is in the page domain before making the image
pickable, but you would only be able to pick from a subset of (possibly
0) images on the page.

You could also turn it into a bookmarklet a la Karl Swedberg's jquerify
bookmarklet (same caveats apply, greasemonkey not required):



On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Jack Killpatrick j...@ihwy.com wrote:

  great, thanks. This would be really handy as a greasemonkey script. I use
 a FF plugin that does the eyedropper thing a lot (during design work), but
 it has it's shortcomings. If a greasemonkey script gave me the eyedropper
 and a box with the sampled color and hex value, that'd be rad.

 - Jack

 Scott Trudeau wrote:

 Since github seems to be suffering from a DoS attack, I posted a demo here:



 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Scott Trudeau 

 [cross posted from the plugin list, which seems to have died in

 Hey folks,

 I've been absent from the jquery lists for quite awhile, but just
 recently had the opportunity to build a cool little plugin for a
 project I'm working on so I decided to release it to the public.  This
 plugin acts as an eyedropper-style color picker, allowing a user to
 select a color by clicking a pixel in an image.

 The plugin replaces selected img elements on the page with a canvas
 element, and provides click, mousemove and mouseout event callbacks.
 The callback is sent a color object (describing the color under the
 mouse for the event). It also shows a little hovering preview of the
 color near the cursor when over the image.

 You can find it on github with a simple demo included:


 I'm hoping to receive some feedback on things like:

 * callback function naming conventions
 * which other arguments would be useful  appropriate to send via the
 * should I instead (or also) trigger events instead/as well as offer
 * any best practice examples for making something like the color hover
 chip style-able, optional?
 * any other feedback

 No live demo yet -- but if I hear a clamor, I might find a place to
 tuck one.

 Notable limitations: doesn't work on IE (the VML canvas hack doesn't
 offer pixel-level access to images) and images must be hosted from the
 same domain as the origin page (canvas security limitation).



[jQuery] Re: [validate] Custom functions onfocusin / -out

2009-09-16 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

You could also just bind focus and blur events to each element for the
same effect, without requiring a change to the plugin code.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:32 PM, Philipp philipp.ma...@googlemail.com wrote:


 I added a nice little tweak which allows me to define custom functions
 called on (un) focussing a form element:

 jquery.validate.js got three additional lines at the end of onfocusin
 function (line 200):
                        if (this.settings.focusFunction) {
 and at the end of onfocusout function:
                        if (this.settings.blurFunction) {

 By defining a focusFunction / blurFunction within a jQuery
 ('#...').validate({})-block I was able to add a custom behaviour to
 those two events without writing additional JavaScript code. In my
 case I simply display or hide a div containing some help for the form

 Maybe this little code change will help somebody or even find its way
 to the official release.

 Kind regards and thank you for your validator!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread benji++

On Sep 16, 3:54 am, Sam Sherlock sam.sherl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have'nt tried this but it does look goodhttp://pdfobject.com/
 - S

Thanks, Sam, but that one works the same as Alsup's mentioned above.
If your browser doesn't have the Adobe Reader plugin, then it just
gives you a message saying you don't have PDF support and asks if you
want to download the PDF instead -- which is exactly the kind of user
decision I'm trying to avoid.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery PDF Viewer?

2009-09-16 Thread benji++

On Sep 16, 5:21 am, Geert Baven geertba...@gmail.com wrote:
  Bumpbox works in all modern browsers. based on mootools
 Here's a list in which browsers it has been successfully tested:

    - *Firefox 3 - 3.5*
    - *Internet Explorer 6 | 7 | 8*
    - *Google Chrome*
    - *Apple Safari 3 | 4*
    - *Opera 9.04*

This one too only works if the browser has the Adobe Reader plugin,
otherwise you just get the browser's default behavior.  So it's a lot
of showbiz with all that boingy window for no result.  I tried it in
Firefox and the window boinged open, but then I just got the usual
Firefox dialog asking if I wanted to download the PDF.

Thanks anyway for the suggestion though.  The plugin looks good
otherwise, I just wouldn't say that it supports PDF, really.

[jQuery] Re: AJAX: Display raw XML Document

2009-09-16 Thread Jonathan

That did it. I was using success which did not provide access to the
xml as a string I could output, but complete works great. Thanks! Now
I cane easily get the text, the HTTP Response code.

On Sep 16, 1:32 pm, Mike Alsup mal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
  from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
  simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

  The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
  like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this

 Try hooking the 'complete' callback and access the responseText
 property of the XHR:

     complete: function(xhr, status) {


[jQuery] Re: (validate), submitHandler and custom function

2009-09-16 Thread bgumbiker

Any Idea?

On Sep 15, 12:17 pm, bgumbiker bogumil.bial...@gmail.com wrote:
 Indeed the message is sent with $.post(...) however it looks like the
 following code is not called:

   'beforeSend': function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader(Accept, text/


 and the server side code does not handle the request properly.


 On Sep 13, 10:01 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  Try this:

  submitHandler: function(form) {
    $.post(form.action, $(this).serialize(), null, script);



  On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:42 AM, bgumbiker bogumil.bial...@gmail.com 

   I am looking for a way to call successfully custom function from
   submitHandler to do proper ajax post.

   Here is my custom function:

   jQuery.fn.submitWithAjax = function() {
    this.submit(function() {
      $.post(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, script);
      return false;
    return this;

   Before using validate plugin I had following which worked fine:

   $(document).ready(function() {

   Now I have added the validation part and have no idea how to call my
   custom submitWithAjax function??

   $(document).ready(function() {


                  /*Validations - works perfectly!! */


               submitHandler: function(form) {

               /* $(#my_form).submitWithAjax(); - this works but
   introduces recursion */

               /* how to call custom subitWithAjax() ? */




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