[jQuery] Re: How to manipulate an object containaing HTML

2009-10-02 Thread Julien

On 1 oct, 20:07, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 Sure, you can do this with html.

 Inside the success callback function, do this:


great! that's the .end() part i was missing!
Thanks, i can now sleep nicely :)

 I agree with Charlie that it's a better idea to set the style with css  
 and then just add a class to the td elements. Whether you do that  
 server-side or in the success callback is up to you.

This example was just for illustration purpose. What i need to do is
more complicated than that and actually done by server-side scripting.
I just wanted to understand exactly how jquery worked. Since when not
specifiying the context (thus working with the current document DOM)
it worked implicitly i was sure there was a way to get this done
within a specified context.

 Also, you ought to append table rows to a tbody, not to a table.

That's for sure, illustration purpose again :)
Thanks to both of you for that help!

[jQuery] Re: IE7 does not play nice with $.load

2009-10-02 Thread Nick Fitzsimons

2009/10/2 Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com:

 Is there some easy way of forcing IE to make ajax

 You can use the old trick of adding a random number to the end of the

That's what the { cache: false } option does; see jQuery 1.3.2 line
3448 onwards:

if ( s.cache === false  type == GET ) {
var ts = now();
// try replacing _= if it is there
var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|)_=.*?(|$)/, $1_= + ts + $2);
// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ?  : ?) +
_= + ts : );


Nick Fitzsimons

[jQuery] Re: Superfish customization: change display height of submenu

2009-10-02 Thread Jacco

That's great, thanks! I'm slowly starting to understand these hooks
and callback etc.

I have played around with it for a while, and finally changed the
onBeforeShow in sf.defaults. I couldn't get it to work with just using
your example, tried different locations of putting that code. This
works fine, for now:

sf.defaults = {
hoverClass  : 'sfHover',
onBeforeShow: function(){
  // check window top of parent ul
  var ulOffset=$(this).parent().parent().offset().top;

  // check window offset of the parent li
  var liOffset=$(this).parent().offset().top;

  // adjust top position of sub by difference of offsets
onShow  : function(){},
onHide  : function(){}

I am curious where you think your example code should have gone. Is
that in the html file HEAD section? Or somewhere else? Because I'm
sure this is not the best way of handling it :-)

Thanks again!


On Oct 1, 4:00 pm, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:
 good plugins offer options to hook into events andsuperfishis one of those
 the submenus are all absolutely positioned to their parent . Insuperfishcss 
 look for the li:hover ul, sfHover ul etc that reposition the sub to top=0 
 when visible. When not visible it has top=-999em
 InSuperfishAPI you will find an option onBeforeShow that allows you to 
 create a function where this is the sub ul about to be displayed. Here a 
 function to change the position of the sub can be created
 a simple method to align all the subs where all tops will be at top of 
 overall menu is to first find position of the menu in window
 var menuOffset=$('ul.sf-menu').offset().top;
 // now you can use the menu container as reference point to align the other 
                 onBeforeShow:  function(){
                 // check window offset of the parent li
                     var offset=$(this).parent().offset().top
                 // adjust top position of sub by difference of offsets
 good luck!
 Jacco wrote:Hi All, I am new to jQuery Superfish, but it seemd like the most 
 logical way to do a quick prototype for a menusystem. I am trying to create a 
 verertical menu system (usingsuperfish-vertical). However, I'd like to tweak 
 the behaviour of the submenu, and have been unsuccessful so far. Here's what 
 the current solution does (straight out of the box) - assume menu item 3 is 
 hovered over: menu item 1  menu item 2  [ menu item 3  ] menu item 3.1 
 menu item 4  menu item 3.2 menu item 5  menu item 3.3 menu item 6  menu 
 item 3.4 menu item 3.5 menu item 3.6 Normal, expected behaviour. But I would 
 like to use this type of menu in a vertically restricted area, and therefore 
 try to place the submenu in such a way that it still fits. I am aware of many 
 restictions that apply when I go about this (submenu can never be more items 
 than the main menu, for instance), but let's assume I can control that. So, I 
 would like the submenu to take into accoutn the height of the available 
 space. Two examples, for menu item 3  menu item 6: menu item 1  menu item 
 3.1 menu item 2  menu item 3.2 [ menu item 3  ] menu item 3.3 menu item 4  
 menu item 3.4 menu item 5  menu item 3.5 menu item 6  menu item 3.6 menu 
 item 1  menu item 2  menu item 3  menu item 6.1 menu item 4  menu item 
 6.2 menu item 5  menu item 6.3 [ menu item 6  ] menu item 6.4 Is this 
 possible? I cannot find the code that determines the top of the new div that 
 is being displayed (probably due to my newness to jQuery Superfish). But any 
 pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Jacco

[jQuery] Re: [jquery-in-place-editor] Success function

2009-10-02 Thread Cyril Lopez
2009/9/23 Cyril Lopez loveisthe...@gmail.com

 I'm using Dave Hauenstein's Jquery in place editor (
 I don't know how using the success function in order to display a message
 if server responds with a success.

 I tried with success :

 success: function(data,elem){
   // return data+'myMessage' doesn't work

 Is there a better way to display a custom message, replacing my input ?

 Thanks and sorry for my poor english.

 Cyril, Nethik

 Nobody already used the success function ?

Thanks for any help

Cyril, Nethik

[jQuery] (autocomplete) show selection list programatically

2009-10-02 Thread monsoon


I'm using the autocomplete plugin: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete

I'd like to trigger the display of the selection list from javascript,
for example when an empty textarea get's focus, when a button on the
page is clicked, etc..

Is there a way to call an internal function to trigger the display of
the list? I've been at this for a little while now, with no sucess.

Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: how to replace all the '[]' to be '' in $.SortSerialize('MDEExportedList').hash

2009-10-02 Thread Junhua Gao
Thanks for all replies.

i use replace(new RegExp(.\],g)  to get it work.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.comwrote:

  On Oct 1, 2009, at 5:34 PM, waseem sabjee wrote:

 heres an interesting way of doing
 var x = mystring.length;
 for(x; x  0; x--) {
  var s = mystring[x];
 // if this character is an instance of the character you want to replace
  // replace it
  mystring.replace(/[]/, replacement);

 It might be interesting, but it seems like a lot of extra work. This can be
 done with a simple regex replace, as someone already mentioned:

 var newString =

 Not sure what $.SortSerialize('MDEExportedList').hash is all about, but the
 replace() function should work.


 Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves

I have managed to find a script that will save the position of
portlets, but to one column only - plus it wont allow me to connect to
another column. I need to be able to drag over to other columns and
save their order. Can anyone help? Here is my code...

script type=text/javascript
/  Set cookie for sidebar portlets  //

// set the list selector
var setSelector = .column;
// set the cookie name
var setCookieName = portletOrder;
// set the cookie expiry time (days):
var setCookieExpiry = 30;

// function that writes the list order to a cookie
function getOrder() {
// save custom order to cookie
$.cookie(setCookieName, $(setSelector).sortable(toArray),
{ expires: setCookieExpiry, path: / });

// function that restores the list order from a cookie
function restoreOrder() {

var div = $(setSelector);
if (div == null) return

// fetch the cookie value (saved order)
var cookie = $.cookie(setCookieName);
if (!cookie) return;

// make array from saved order
var IDs = cookie.split(,);

// fetch current order
var items = div.sortable(toArray);
// make array from current order
var rebuild = new Array();
for ( var v=0, len=items.length; vlen; v++ ){
rebuild[items[v]] = items[v];

for (var i = 0, n = IDs.length; i  n; i++) {

// item id from saved order
var itemID = IDs[i];

if (itemID in rebuild) {

// select item id from current order
var item = rebuild[itemID];

// select the item according to current order
var child = $(div.ui-sortable).children(#
+ item);

// select the item according to the saved
var savedOrd = $(div.ui-sortable).children
(# + itemID);

// remove all the items

// add the items in turn according to saved
order we need to filter here since the ui-sortable
// class is applied to all ul elements and we
only want the very first!

// code executed when the document loads
$(function () {
update: function() {getOrder(); }
// here, we reload the saved order

$(.portlet).addClass(ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-
helper-clearfix ui-corner-all)
.addClass(ui-widget-header ui-corner-

$(.portlet-header .ui-icon).click(function()

$(.portlet-header .ui-icon).hover(
function() {$(this).addClass(ui-icon-
hover); },
function() {$(this).removeClass('ui-icon-
hover'); }
div id=wideSidebar class=column

  div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-1
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 1/h2

div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-2
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 2/h2

  div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-3
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 3/h2
div class=portlet-content
/div div id=wideSidebar2 class=column

div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-4
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 4/h2
ul class=guideListing portlet-content
liContent 1 list/li

  div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-5
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 5/h2
ul class=portlet-content
liContent 2 list/li

  div class=sidebarBox portlet id=item-6
h2 class=portlet-headerHeader 6/h2
div class=portlet-content
 Content 3

On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Please can someone help?

 I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
 the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I

[jQuery] How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

I want to disable a form when I submit it. The first reason is because
I do not want the form submitted more as once. For this I could
disable the submit button(s). But I also want the values not be
changed during the submit. Is this possible?

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread lcplben

On Sep 16, 2:16 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
 of a div while I scroll the table rows.

I am trying to do the same thing, but I'm debugging something else and
I haven't succeeded yet. My approach has been that of the C coder that
I am:
-- give the header an id; make it display:none (works for me)
-- at onload time, copy that header into another object that is
displayable (the
   content shows up for me but I'm not so sure that the horizontal
spacing -- between
   th/tds -- works right).

Some things I found out:
-- I cannot make /only/ the header tr behave the way I (and you)
-- and I cannot make thead work the way it's advertised: it wants to
   fixed vertically, but does not in FF3.5.3, IE7, or Safari.
-- I do not make the displayable header position:fixed because the
header stays fixed /horizontally/ too: can't scroll the table left
and right
   and expect that header to follow the body..
-- because no position:fixed, I have to handle vertical scrolling in
JS code, which
   is what I'm working on right now.

If I were a respectable JS coder, I believe I'd have these issues
fixe^h^h^h^h corrected by now. But I'm just a JS beginner so taking
baby steps.

I would very much like to know how you approaching this problem. To
see my developing solution:


I hope this helps us both!

-- Ben

[jQuery] Re: How To use getJSON?

2009-10-02 Thread Colossus

Many Thanks @ All.
Now it works and i have understood it! :)

And the JSON validator is now in the favs. ;)

On 2 Okt., 01:02, Colossus david.stoffe...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I have a little problem with JQuery and JSON, because it's my first
 JSON testing Project.

 In the documentation i found this:http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON
 But i do not understand how it works with an JSON array. :( It's an
 other JSON structure then mine.
 I simply want to play around with it. And trying to load some images
 in a img src tag. ;)

 My jQuery Function is:
           // and this is my prob, see my php result.

 php JSON (encoded) Result:

 Hope anyone can help a lame dog over a stile. ;)

 Many THX. :)

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Cecil Westerhof ha scritto:

I want to disable a form when I submit it. The first reason is because
I do not want the form submitted more as once. For this I could
disable the submit button(s). But I also want the values not be
changed during the submit. Is this possible?

On the beforesubmit event add the readonly attribute to every field.

Should work.. :-)

gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

I have the following code:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$(placeInDOM).find(':submit').click(function() {
  alert(clicked the submit button);
  return false;
The first statement places a form with a submit button in my page.
This works as it should.
With the second I want to give an alert instead of a submit when
clicking on the submit button. But it does not work.

When I after the first statement execute:
I get
If I execute:
I get:
[object Object]

What am I doing wrong?

I found a workaround by using:
$('.submit').click(function() {
But this only works when my form is the only form on the page. So it
is not very satisfactory.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] something missing from my code?

2009-10-02 Thread Glen_H

Hey guys, Im new to Javascript and JQuery, I am trying to have a
featured area on the front page to my site, basically there is a
right div area which holds the picture, on the left there is a menu
with 4 buttons. here is the html:

div id=projectmenu

 ul id=projMenu

lia class=projOne title=Project1/a/li
lia class=projTwo title=Project2/a/li
lia class=projThree title=Project3/a/li
lia class=projFour title=Project4/a/li
div class=project id=project1/div
div class=project id=project2/div
div class=project id=project3/div
div class=project id=project4/div


Here is the way im setting up the JQuery to try and make the active
div change when I choose a button:

$(function() {
   $('a projTwo').click(function() {


does anyone see where I am going wrong? when I get into the CSS
portion will it have to go all the way back like how css is written?
meaning in order to identify it, would it have to be #container
#project1 or will just #project1 work?

thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com:
 I want to disable a form when I submit it. The first reason is because
 I do not want the form submitted more as once. For this I could
 disable the submit button(s). But I also want the values not be
 changed during the submit. Is this possible?

 On the beforesubmit event add the readonly attribute to every field.

 Should work.. :-)

There is not a better way? When something goes wrong, I want to enable
the form again. When there allready are readonly fields, this could
complicate matters.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread brian

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Giovanni Battista Lenoci
gian...@gmail.com wrote:

 Cecil Westerhof ha scritto:

 I want to disable a form when I submit it. The first reason is because
 I do not want the form submitted more as once. For this I could
 disable the submit button(s). But I also want the values not be
 changed during the submit. Is this possible?

 On the beforesubmit event add the readonly attribute to every field.

 Should work.. :-)

I like that idea but another might be to (after the form has
submitted) add a new submit handler for the form that simply returned

[jQuery] Re: Stumped. 1.3.2 breaks this script

2009-10-02 Thread stilfx

Example: http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse
Script: http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse/browse.js

I've also emailed the author with no response.
A quick peek, anyone? Bueller? Bueller??

On Oct 1, 7:53 pm, stilfx sti...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was reviewing this 
  ..on browsing an XML file with jQuery (a great learn, btw). I'm
 trying to use the same script, except updated to jQuery 1.3.2 - but
 it's not initially showing the first few books.

 I'm not sure what version of jQuery the example was written with, but
 its older, and works. Example:http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse/

 I think I have it narrowed down to an issue with this filter:
 .filter(:gt( + parseInt(curPos - 1) + ))

 Give a shout if you have any insite as to the issue. I'm trying to fig
 it out but am stuck..

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Giovanni Battista Lenoci
 gian...@gmail.com wrote:

 Cecil Westerhof ha scritto:

 I want to disable a form when I submit it. The first reason is because
 I do not want the form submitted more as once. For this I could
 disable the submit button(s). But I also want the values not be
 changed during the submit. Is this possible?

 On the beforesubmit event add the readonly attribute to every field.

 Should work.. :-)

 I like that idea but another might be to (after the form has
 submitted) add a new submit handler for the form that simply returned

The problem with that is that the fields still can be changed. I
prefer that this is not possible. A simple method would be to hide the
form. But that is not very pleasing to the eyes I am afraid.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread brian

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Cecil Westerhof cldwester...@gmail.com wrote:

 2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 I like that idea but another might be to (after the form has
 submitted) add a new submit handler for the form that simply returned

 The problem with that is that the fields still can be changed. I
 prefer that this is not possible. A simple method would be to hide the
 form. But that is not very pleasing to the eyes I am afraid.

I suppose it depends on the interface you're working with. Perhaps you
could fade the form out and display, in its place, a thank you (or
whatever) message. If something goes wrong you could re-display the

[jQuery] Re: something missing from my code?

2009-10-02 Thread MorningZ


instead of


it's better habit to use .hide() and .show(), which gives you more
options (like animation effects if you want) as well as automatically
handles different show/hide code needed for different types of DOM

On Oct 2, 9:00 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys, Im new to Javascript and JQuery, I am trying to have a
 featured area on the front page to my site, basically there is a
 right div area which holds the picture, on the left there is a menu
 with 4 buttons. here is the html:

 div id=projectmenu

      ul id=projMenu

         lia class=projOne title=Project1/a/li
         lia class=projTwo title=Project2/a/li
         lia class=projThree title=Project3/a/li
         lia class=projFour title=Project4/a/li
         div class=project id=project1/div
         div class=project id=project2/div
         div class=project id=project3/div
         div class=project id=project4/div


 Here is the way im setting up the JQuery to try and make the active
 div change when I choose a button:

 $(function() {
                    $('a projTwo').click(function() {


 does anyone see where I am going wrong? when I get into the CSS
 portion will it have to go all the way back like how css is written?
 meaning in order to identify it, would it have to be #container
 #project1 or will just #project1 work?

 thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: something missing from my code?

2009-10-02 Thread Chrazy

When you write:
 $('a projTwo').click(function() {
You want to identify the correct a by its class name (projTwo).
So you would want to write it as:
 $('a.projTwo').click(function() {
Notice the difference?

On 2 Okt, 15:00, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys, Im new to Javascript and JQuery, I am trying to have a
 featured area on the front page to my site, basically there is a
 right div area which holds the picture, on the left there is a menu
 with 4 buttons. here is the html:

 div id=projectmenu

      ul id=projMenu

         lia class=projOne title=Project1/a/li
         lia class=projTwo title=Project2/a/li
         lia class=projThree title=Project3/a/li
         lia class=projFour title=Project4/a/li
         div class=project id=project1/div
         div class=project id=project2/div
         div class=project id=project3/div
         div class=project id=project4/div


 Here is the way im setting up the JQuery to try and make the active
 div change when I choose a button:

 $(function() {
                    $('a projTwo').click(function() {


 does anyone see where I am going wrong? when I get into the CSS
 portion will it have to go all the way back like how css is written?
 meaning in order to identify it, would it have to be #container
 #project1 or will just #project1 work?

 thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: IE7 does not play nice with $.load

2009-10-02 Thread brian

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Nick Fitzsimons n...@nickfitz.co.uk wrote:

 2009/10/2 Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com:

 Is there some easy way of forcing IE to make ajax

 You can use the old trick of adding a random number to the end of the

 That's what the { cache: false } option does; see jQuery 1.3.2 line
 3448 onwards:

 if ( s.cache === false  type == GET ) {
    var ts = now();
    // try replacing _= if it is there
    var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|)_=.*?(|$)/, $1_= + ts + $2);
    // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
    s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ?  : ?) +
 _= + ts : );

Could someone please explain to me the significance of _= in the URL?

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread Matt Zagrabelny

On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 22:25 -0400, Karl Swedberg wrote:
 have you tried overflow-y: auto; ?

This works... (to some degree)

table tbody {
  height: 799px;
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;


Matt Zagrabelny - mzagr...@d.umn.edu - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems  Services
PGP key 1024D/84E22DA2 2005-11-07
Fingerprint: 78F9 18B3 EF58 56F5 FC85  C5CA 53E7 887F 84E2 2DA2

He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot

[jQuery] Re: Stumped. 1.3.2 breaks this script

2009-10-02 Thread brian

You say it's not displaying the first few books but you don't say
which those are. The first one I'm seeing is Plum Lovin'. Is that
correct or not?

FF3.5.3/Linux, btw.

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:04 AM, stilfx sti...@gmail.com wrote:

 Example: http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse
 Script: http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse/browse.js

 I've also emailed the author with no response.
 A quick peek, anyone? Bueller? Bueller??

 On Oct 1, 7:53 pm, stilfx sti...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was reviewing this 
  ..on browsing an XML file with jQuery (a great learn, btw). I'm
 trying to use the same script, except updated to jQuery 1.3.2 - but
 it's not initially showing the first few books.

 I'm not sure what version of jQuery the example was written with, but
 its older, and works. Example:http://blog.reindel.com/src/jquery_browse/

 I think I have it narrowed down to an issue with this filter:
 .filter(:gt( + parseInt(curPos - 1) + ))

 Give a shout if you have any insite as to the issue. I'm trying to fig
 it out but am stuck..

[jQuery] Re: Stumped. 1.3.2 breaks this script

2009-10-02 Thread brian

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:29 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 You say it's not displaying the first few books but you don't say
 which those are. The first one I'm seeing is Plum Lovin'. Is that
 correct or not?

 FF3.5.3/Linux, btw.

Never mind,I just found the XML source. Plum Lovin' is, indeed, the
first book on the list.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves


On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Please can someone help?

 I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
 the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I
 don't know where to start - and searching the net for an answer only
 brings up sortable ul and li.

 Please help.

 script type=text/javascript
         $(function() {
                         connectWith: '.column'


 div class=column
     div class=portlet
       div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
       div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
     div class=portlet
       div class=portlet-headerNews/div
       div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
   div class=column
     div class=portlet
       div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
       div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
   div class=column
     div class=portlet
       div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
       div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
     div class=portlet
       div class=portlet-headerImages/div
       div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Cecil Westerhof cldwester...@gmail.com 

 2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 I like that idea but another might be to (after the form has
 submitted) add a new submit handler for the form that simply returned

 The problem with that is that the fields still can be changed. I
 prefer that this is not possible. A simple method would be to hide the
 form. But that is not very pleasing to the eyes I am afraid.

 I suppose it depends on the interface you're working with. Perhaps you
 could fade the form out and display, in its place, a thank you (or
 whatever) message. If something goes wrong you could re-display the

That was what I am thinking about for lack of something better.
I would prefer to hide it only after a succesfull submit. But I expect
it to be mostly succesfull. So it is acceptable.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: Stumped. 1.3.2 breaks this script

2009-10-02 Thread stilfx

Let me clarify. This example is working, using the older version of
jQuery. When I plug in jQuery 1.3.2, the first two books no longer
show and it breaks the script a bit. I am trying to figure out what

Near the end of the script (browse.js) you will find:
.filter(:gt( + parseInt(curPos - 1) + ))

I believe this is where the issue lies, but cannot seem to figure it
out from there.

Thanks for looking into it!!

On Oct 2, 9:31 am, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:29 AM, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
  You say it's not displaying the first few books but you don't say
  which those are. The first one I'm seeing is Plum Lovin'. Is that
  correct or not?

  FF3.5.3/Linux, btw.

 Never mind,I just found the XML source. Plum Lovin' is, indeed, the
 first book on the list.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

Hello Craig,
I've done this before by building up a string e.g. box-

In the javascript do something like this http://pastebin.com/m90a2af6

Hope this helps,

On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

 On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Please can someone help?

  I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
  the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I
  don't know where to start - and searching the net for an answer only
  brings up sortable ul and li.

  Please help.

  script type=text/javascript
          $(function() {
                          connectWith: '.column'


  div class=column
      div class=portlet
        div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
        div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
      div class=portlet
        div class=portlet-headerNews/div
        div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
    div class=column
      div class=portlet
        div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
        div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
    div class=column
      div class=portlet
        div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
        div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
      div class=portlet
        div class=portlet-headerImages/div
        div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves

Thanks for this - but I don't understand where it would fit into my
script? I'm only just starting in jQuery...

Also, will this save the position of the portlet no matter which
column it's in? It's just that it looks like it's related to a closed
and expanded portlet state.

Thanks for your time.


On Oct 2, 2:58 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Craig,
 I've done this before by building up a string e.g. box-

 In the javascript do something like thishttp://pastebin.com/m90a2af6

 Hope this helps,

 On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:


  On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Please can someone help?

   I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
   the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I
   don't know where to start - and searching the net for an answer only
   brings up sortable ul and li.

   Please help.

   script type=text/javascript
           $(function() {
                           connectWith: '.column'


   div class=column
       div class=portlet
         div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
         div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
       div class=portlet
         div class=portlet-headerNews/div
         div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
     div class=column
       div class=portlet
         div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
         div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
     div class=column
       div class=portlet
         div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
         div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
       div class=portlet
         div class=portlet-headerImages/div
         div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

This is a nice plugin that I've come across that I think would be able
to do exactly what you want.



On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, Cecil Westerhof cldwester...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

  On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Cecil Westerhof cldwester...@gmail.com 

  2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

  I like that idea but another might be to (after the form has
  submitted) add a new submit handler for the form that simply returned

  The problem with that is that the fields still can be changed. I
  prefer that this is not possible. A simple method would be to hide the
  form. But that is not very pleasing to the eyes I am afraid.

  I suppose it depends on the interface you're working with. Perhaps you
  could fade the form out and display, in its place, a thank you (or
  whatever) message. If something goes wrong you could re-display the

 That was what I am thinking about for lack of something better.
 I would prefer to hide it only after a succesfull submit. But I expect
 it to be mostly succesfull. So it is acceptable.

 Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

Is the code in the original post all the code you have?

On Oct 2, 3:03 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Thanks for this - but I don't understand where it would fit into my
 script? I'm only just starting in jQuery...

 Also, will this save the position of the portlet no matter which
 column it's in? It's just that it looks like it's related to a closed
 and expanded portlet state.

 Thanks for your time.


 On Oct 2, 2:58 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello Craig,
  I've done this before by building up a string e.g. box-

  In the javascript do something like thishttp://pastebin.com/m90a2af6

  Hope this helps,

  On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:


   On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

Please can someone help?

I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I
don't know where to start - and searching the net for an answer only
brings up sortable ul and li.

Please help.

script type=text/javascript
        $(function() {
                        connectWith: '.column'


div class=column
    div class=portlet
      div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
      div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
    div class=portlet
      div class=portlet-headerNews/div
      div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
  div class=column
    div class=portlet
      div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
      div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
  div class=column
    div class=portlet
      div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
      div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
    div class=portlet
      div class=portlet-headerImages/div
      div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves

Here it is - thanks for your help again

!doctype html
html lang=en
titlejQuery UI Sortable - Portlets/title
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=ui.core.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=ui.sortable.js/script
style type=text/css
.column {
width: 300px;
float: left;
background-color: #ee;
margin-right: 25px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 10px;
height: 700px;
.portlet {
background-color: #FFF;
margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 10;
margin-left: 0;
.portlet-header {
margin: 0px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 18px;
background-color: #333;
padding: 10px;
color: #FFF;
.portlet-header .ui-icon { float: right; }
.portlet-content {
padding: 10px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 18px;
color: #333;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.ui-sortable-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; visibility:
.ui-sortable-placeholder * { visibility: hidden; }
script type=text/javascript

 $(function() {
handle: '.portlet-header',
connectWith: '.column'

div class=demo

div class=column

div class=portlet
div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

div class=portlet
div class=portlet-headerNews/div
div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


div class=column

div class=portlet
div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

div class=column

div class=portlet
div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

div class=portlet
div class=portlet-headerImages/div
div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing



On Oct 2, 3:09 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is the code in the original post all the code you have?

 On Oct 2, 3:03 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Thanks for this - but I don't understand where it would fit into my
  script? I'm only just starting in jQuery...

  Also, will this save the position of the portlet no matter which
  column it's in? It's just that it looks like it's related to a closed
  and expanded portlet state.

  Thanks for your time.


  On Oct 2, 2:58 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hello Craig,
   I've done this before by building up a string e.g. box-

   In the javascript do something like thishttp://pastebin.com/m90a2af6

   Hope this helps,

   On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:


On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Please can someone help?

 I am using the jQuery UI (sortable) Portlets code - but I want to use
 the jQuery cookies plugin to remember the order of the portlets. I
 don't know where to start - and searching the net for an answer only
 brings up sortable ul and li.

 Please help.

 script type=text/javascript
         $(function() {
                         connectWith: '.column'


 div class=column

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com:
 This is a nice plugin that I've come across that I think would be able
 to do exactly what you want.


I think that that is what I need. The only 'problem' is that it blocks
the whole page and not only the form. But I can live with that.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: IE7 does not play nice with $.load

2009-10-02 Thread Nick Fitzsimons

2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Nick Fitzsimons n...@nickfitz.co.uk wrote:

 2009/10/2 Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com:

 Is there some easy way of forcing IE to make ajax

 You can use the old trick of adding a random number to the end of the

 That's what the { cache: false } option does; see jQuery 1.3.2 line
 3448 onwards:

 if ( s.cache === false  type == GET ) {
    var ts = now();
    // try replacing _= if it is there
    var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|)_=.*?(|$)/, $1_= + ts + $2);
    // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
    s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ?  : ?) +
 _= + ts : );

 Could someone please explain to me the significance of _= in the URL?

It doesn't really have any significance as such, it's just a throwaway
name. In order to break browser caching, something needs to be added
to the query string which wasn't present on any previous request from
the same browser, and jQuery uses the current time in milliseconds
since the epoch date. A query string might already be present, with
various name-value pairs representing form elements (e.g.
http://example.com/foo?id=1bar=baz). However, there is very little
chance somebody has a form element named _, so that is used as the
name for the otherwise-irrelevant timestamp used to break caching; in
the previous example, the URL would change to something like

The only circumstances in which this could break is if somebody
already has a form element named _, in which case the behaviour of
the server when faced with two values for the same field is
implementation-dependent (it's best if it makes an array of them, but
PHP for example is broken in this regard); or if an over-eager
server-side developer throws a validation error on encountering a
field they weren't expecting, in which case said developer should be
sent off to grow turnips for a living instead.



Nick Fitzsimons

[jQuery] Show/hide effect div on mouseover

2009-10-02 Thread Mface


I have a CSS menu that I created using div that current appears using
the hover function in the CSS. What I would like to do is incorporate
javascript to utilise the effect of fading in when the mouse moves
over the 'menu' text and then with a delay fades out when the mouse
moves out of the menu area.

Is this possible? Please advise...


[jQuery] Re: is(':checked') always returns false

2009-10-02 Thread Matt Kruse

On Oct 1, 1:16 pm, bob.nel...@gmail.com bob.nel...@gmail.com
 I have a bunch of checkboxes that I want to have checked when the user
 checks a master checkbox.

You are writing too much unnecessary jQuery code!

 HTML for master checkbox (within a container with id 'msgsInbox'):
 input id=msgCheckAllInbox name=msgCheckboxAllInbox
 type=checkbox value= onclick=checkAllMsgsIn() tabindex=-1 /

Try:  onclick=checkAllMsgsIn(this)


 function checkAllMsgsIn() {
         alert($('#msgCheckAllInbox').is(:checked));    //Used to debug this
 $('#msgsInbox input.messageCheckbox').attr('checked', $

function checkAllMsgsIn(cb) {
  $('#msgsInbox input.messageCheckbox').attr('checked', cb.checked);

Much simpler.

Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: IE7 does not play nice with $.load

2009-10-02 Thread brian

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Nick Fitzsimons n...@nickfitz.co.uk wrote:

 2009/10/2 brian bally.z...@gmail.com:

 On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Nick Fitzsimons n...@nickfitz.co.uk wrote:

 2009/10/2 Dave Methvin dave.meth...@gmail.com:

 Is there some easy way of forcing IE to make ajax

 You can use the old trick of adding a random number to the end of the

 That's what the { cache: false } option does; see jQuery 1.3.2 line
 3448 onwards:

 if ( s.cache === false  type == GET ) {
    var ts = now();
    // try replacing _= if it is there
    var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|)_=.*?(|$)/, $1_= + ts + $2);
    // if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
    s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ?  : ?) +
 _= + ts : );

 Could someone please explain to me the significance of _= in the URL?

 It doesn't really have any significance as such, it's just a throwaway
 name. In order to break browser caching, something needs to be added
 to the query string which wasn't present on any previous request from
 the same browser, and jQuery uses the current time in milliseconds
 since the epoch date. A query string might already be present, with
 various name-value pairs representing form elements (e.g.
 http://example.com/foo?id=1bar=baz). However, there is very little
 chance somebody has a form element named _, so that is used as the
 name for the otherwise-irrelevant timestamp used to break caching; in
 the previous example, the URL would change to something like

 The only circumstances in which this could break is if somebody
 already has a form element named _, in which case the behaviour of
 the server when faced with two values for the same field is
 implementation-dependent (it's best if it makes an array of them, but
 PHP for example is broken in this regard); or if an over-eager
 server-side developer throws a validation error on encountering a
 field they weren't expecting, in which case said developer should be
 sent off to grow turnips for a living instead.

Thanks, Nick. Yes, that seems like a very good approach.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

Hello Craig,
When you need to show code you should try using a site like http://pastebin.com
as it'll make it easier to read and your post wont be so long.

You'll need to be able to work with cookies, I would suggest this
jquery plugin http://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie.

I've explained how it works in this code here http://pastebin.com/m2c0e0bde.

Hope this helps you out.


On Oct 2, 3:15 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Here it is - thanks for your help again

 !doctype html
 html lang=en
         titlejQuery UI Sortable - Portlets/title
         script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script
         script type=text/javascript src=ui.core.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=ui.sortable.js/script
         style type=text/css
         .column {
         width: 300px;
         float: left;
         background-color: #ee;
         margin-right: 25px;
         padding-top: 10px;
         padding-right: 10px;
         padding-bottom: 0px;
         padding-left: 10px;
         height: 700px;}

         .portlet {
         background-color: #FFF;
         margin-top: 0;
         margin-right: 0;
         margin-bottom: 10;
         margin-left: 0;}

         .portlet-header {
         margin: 0px;
         font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
         font-size: 18px;
         background-color: #333;
         padding: 10px;
         color: #FFF;}

         .portlet-header .ui-icon { float: right; }
         .portlet-content {
         padding: 10px;
         font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
         font-size: 12px;
         line-height: 18px;
         color: #333;
         margin-bottom: 10px;}

         .ui-sortable-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; visibility:
         .ui-sortable-placeholder * { visibility: hidden; }
         script type=text/javascript

              $(function() {
                                                 handle: '.portlet-header',
                         connectWith: '.column'

 div class=demo

 div class=column

         div class=portlet
                 div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
                 div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

         div class=portlet
                 div class=portlet-headerNews/div
                 div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


 div class=column

         div class=portlet
                 div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
                 div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

 div class=column

         div class=portlet
                 div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
                 div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

         div class=portlet
                 div class=portlet-headerImages/div
                 div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
 adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing



 On Oct 2, 3:09 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is the code in the original post all the code you have?

  On Oct 2, 3:03 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Thanks for this - but I don't understand where it would fit into my
   script? I'm only just starting in jQuery...

   Also, will this save the position of the portlet no matter which
   column it's in? It's just that it looks like it's related to a closed
   and expanded portlet state.

   Thanks for your time.


   On Oct 2, 2:58 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

Hello Craig,
I've done this before by building up a string e.g. box-

In the javascript do something like thishttp://pastebin.com/m90a2af6

Hope this helps,

On Oct 2, 2:35 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:


 On Oct 2, 12:08 am, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Please can someone help?

  I am using the jQuery UI 

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

If you look at the examples you can set it to block just a specified

On Oct 2, 3:19 pm, Cecil Westerhof cldwester...@gmail.com wrote:
 2009/10/2 Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com:

  This is a nice plugin that I've come across that I think would be able
  to do exactly what you want.


 I think that that is what I need. The only 'problem' is that it blocks
 the whole page and not only the form. But I can live with that.

 Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Block access to the page but unblock certains divs

2009-10-02 Thread samh12


Is it possible to block the entire page but then override certain divs
with an unblock command?  Basically, I want to implement the block
function when someone clicks the submit button on a form but if they
have missed a question then unblock just this question div so it's
nice and clear that's the one they need to correct?


[jQuery] validate

2009-10-02 Thread Paul Speranza

I am having a problem getting the error container to clear out after I
have fixed invalid inputs. I am using the
invalidHandler option. When my form is invalid it shows a message of
the number of errors (taken from the sample code) and shows the
invalid messages. After I correct each error the corresponding message
goes away but I am still left with the message of the number of

Here is my setup. Can you tell me what might be wrong? Thanks

focusCleanup: true,
onfocusout: false,
onkeyup: false,
submitHandler: function(form) {
return false;
invalidHandler: function(form, validator) {
var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
if (errors) {
var message = errors == 1
  ? 'You missed 1 field. It has been highlighted.'
  : 'You missed ' + errors + ' fields. They have been
$(div.error span).html(message);
} else {
errorContainer: div.error,
errorLabelContainer: div.error div,
wrapper: p,
rules: {
txtStartDate: {
required: true,
date: true,
isDate: true
txtEndDate: {
required: true,
date: true,
isDate: true,
endDateCheck: true
txtHeading: {
required: true
txtMessage: {
required: true
messages: {
txtStartDate: {
required: * The start date is required.,
date: * The start date is not a valid date format.,
isDate: * The start date is not a valid date.
txtEndDate: {
required: * The end date is required.,
date: * The end date is not a valid date format.,
isDate: * The end date is not a valid date.,
endDateCheck: * The end date must be greater than or
equal to the start date.
txtHeading: {
required: * The heading is required.
txtMessage: {
required: * The message is required.


[jQuery] Re: Block access to the page but unblock certains divs

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

Have a look at he last posts in this thread.

On Oct 2, 3:32 pm, samh12 ste...@bluemania.co.uk wrote:

 Is it possible to block the entire page but then override certain divs
 with an unblock command?  Basically, I want to implement the block
 function when someone clicks the submit button on a form but if they
 have missed a question then unblock just this question div so it's
 nice and clear that's the one they need to correct?


[jQuery] Re: Block access to the page but unblock certains divs

2009-10-02 Thread samh12

Hi Nalum,
Idon't think that answers my question.  I know I can block at page and
element level however I want a mixture.  I want to block the page but
leave the element that's in error alone i.e.

 $(document).ready(function() {
$('#btnSubmit').click(function() {
$.blockUI({ message: null });

$('#form_surname').unblock(); //now unblock the
surname field as this needs correcting

$('.blockOverlay').attr('title','Click to


[jQuery] Re: Troubles altering dropdown menu code..

2009-10-02 Thread Scooby

Here is the code that I'm thinking needs to be altered:

var timer;
$(#menu  li  a).hover(function(){
}, function(){
var list = $(#menu ul:visible);
timer = setTimeout(function(){

$(#menu  li  ul  li).hover(function(){
}, function(){
var list = $(#menu ul:visible);
timer = setTimeout(function(){

[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Cecil Westerhof ha scritto:

I have the following code:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$(placeInDOM).find(':submit').click(function() {
  alert(clicked the submit button);
  return false;
The first statement places a form with a submit button in my page.
This works as it should.
With the second I want to give an alert instead of a submit when
clicking on the submit button. But it does not work.

When I after the first statement execute:
I get

This is right, cause a subimit button doesn't have html in it...

If I execute:
I get:
[object Object]

What am I doing wrong?
Try using console.log of firebug to see if the returned object contains 
what you're expecting.

A question, what placeInDOM contains? is an id? the html you're 
replacing contains the id?


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves

Hi Nalum

I have tried and amended the code as you suggested - but still no

Thanks for the tip (pastebin). Here is my full code now. Please would
you take a quick look and let me know where im going wrong?


Thanks for your help in this - it's really appreciated!


On Oct 2, 3:40 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Craig,
 When you need to show code you should try using a site likehttp://pastebin.com
 as it'll make it easier to read and your post wont be so long.

 You'll need to be able to work with cookies, I would suggest this
 jquery pluginhttp://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie.

 I've explained how it works in this code herehttp://pastebin.com/m2c0e0bde.

 Hope this helps you out.


 On Oct 2, 3:15 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Here it is - thanks for your help again

  !doctype html
  html lang=en
          titlejQuery UI Sortable - Portlets/title
          script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script
          script type=text/javascript src=ui.core.js/script
  script type=text/javascript src=ui.sortable.js/script
          style type=text/css
          .column {
          width: 300px;
          float: left;
          background-color: #ee;
          margin-right: 25px;
          padding-top: 10px;
          padding-right: 10px;
          padding-bottom: 0px;
          padding-left: 10px;
          height: 700px;}

          .portlet {
          background-color: #FFF;
          margin-top: 0;
          margin-right: 0;
          margin-bottom: 10;
          margin-left: 0;}

          .portlet-header {
          margin: 0px;
          font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
          font-size: 18px;
          background-color: #333;
          padding: 10px;
          color: #FFF;}

          .portlet-header .ui-icon { float: right; }
          .portlet-content {
          padding: 10px;
          font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
          font-size: 12px;
          line-height: 18px;
          color: #333;
          margin-bottom: 10px;}

          .ui-sortable-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; visibility:
          .ui-sortable-placeholder * { visibility: hidden; }
          script type=text/javascript

               $(function() {
                                                  handle: '.portlet-header',
                          connectWith: '.column'

  div class=demo

  div class=column

          div class=portlet
                  div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
                  div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

          div class=portlet
                  div class=portlet-headerNews/div
                  div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


  div class=column

          div class=portlet
                  div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
                  div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

  div class=column

          div class=portlet
                  div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
                  div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

          div class=portlet
                  div class=portlet-headerImages/div
                  div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing



  On Oct 2, 3:09 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

   Is the code in the original post all the code you have?

   On Oct 2, 3:03 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

Thanks for this - but I don't understand where it would fit into my
script? I'm only just starting in jQuery...

Also, will this save the position of the portlet no matter which
column it's in? It's just that it looks like it's related to a closed
and expanded portlet state.

Thanks for your time.


On Oct 2, 2:58 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello Craig,
 I've done 

[jQuery] Re: How to disable a form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com:

 If you look at the examples you can set it to block just a specified

I did not look good enough then. Thanks.
At the moment I am working with hide and show. But when the
functionality I want is 'ready' I'll implement it.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-02 Thread Julien


Your explanation and also you code helped me make a big step forward
in my understanding of how jQuery thinks.

Your code works fine; I tested both solutions.

Thanks a lot.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Navigation problems

2009-10-02 Thread Zach Schneider

well I hide the DIV with CSS
visibility: hidden;

and with jQuery I want to change the stylesheet and remove the
visibility to visible, the problem I am having I am not that familiar
with jQuery to know how to do that

On Oct 1, 10:41 pm, Scooby scoob...@gmail.com wrote:
 How are you hiding your UL's? From my experience, hiding them with css
 is faster than jQuery.. I just hide them using both.. Seems to work
 fine for me..

 On Oct 1, 8:41 pm, ZKM zachschnei...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a website that has very large UL navigation created with jQuery
  and every time you goto the page it flashes the entire UL for a split
  of a second. So what I want to do is find a way to make it to do I
  think is hide the UL until the CSS and jQuery is loaded than display
  the menu. If anyone has a better idea I am all ears and I am also new
  to jQuery but catching on fast.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

I've updated the javascript here.

If you need any help in understanding whats happening here let me know
and I'll try to explain it, I'm not the best at explaining things


On Oct 2, 4:06 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi Nalum

 I have tried and amended the code as you suggested - but still no

 Thanks for the tip (pastebin). Here is my full code now. Please would
 you take a quick look and let me know where im going wrong?


 Thanks for your help in this - it's really appreciated!


 On Oct 2, 3:40 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello Craig,
  When you need to show code you should try using a site 
  as it'll make it easier to read and your post wont be so long.

  You'll need to be able to work with cookies, I would suggest this
  jquery pluginhttp://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie.

  I've explained how it works in this code herehttp://pastebin.com/m2c0e0bde.

  Hope this helps you out.


  On Oct 2, 3:15 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Here it is - thanks for your help again

   !doctype html
   html lang=en
           titlejQuery UI Sortable - Portlets/title
           script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script
           script type=text/javascript src=ui.core.js/script
   script type=text/javascript src=ui.sortable.js/script
           style type=text/css
           .column {
           width: 300px;
           float: left;
           background-color: #ee;
           margin-right: 25px;
           padding-top: 10px;
           padding-right: 10px;
           padding-bottom: 0px;
           padding-left: 10px;
           height: 700px;}

           .portlet {
           background-color: #FFF;
           margin-top: 0;
           margin-right: 0;
           margin-bottom: 10;
           margin-left: 0;}

           .portlet-header {
           margin: 0px;
           font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
           font-size: 18px;
           background-color: #333;
           padding: 10px;
           color: #FFF;}

           .portlet-header .ui-icon { float: right; }
           .portlet-content {
           padding: 10px;
           font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
           font-size: 12px;
           line-height: 18px;
           color: #333;
           margin-bottom: 10px;}

           .ui-sortable-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; visibility:
           .ui-sortable-placeholder * { visibility: hidden; }
           script type=text/javascript

                $(function() {
                                                   handle: '.portlet-header',
                           connectWith: '.column'

   div class=demo

   div class=column

           div class=portlet
                   div class=portlet-header ui-state-disabledFeeds/div
                   div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

           div class=portlet
                   div class=portlet-headerNews/div
                   div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


   div class=column

           div class=portlet
                   div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
                   div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

   div class=column

           div class=portlet
                   div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
                   div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

           div class=portlet
                   div class=portlet-headerImages/div
                   div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
   adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing



   On Oct 2, 3:09 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

Is the code in the original post all the code you have?

On Oct 2, 3:03 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Thanks for this - 

[jQuery] Re: Block access to the page but unblock certains divs

2009-10-02 Thread Nalum

I think you'll have to do it in such a way that it blocks the
different elements individually and then unblock the ones that have

$('.blockMe').blockUI({message: null});

On Oct 2, 3:51 pm, samh12 ste...@bluemania.co.uk wrote:
 Hi Nalum,
 Idon't think that answers my question.  I know I can block at page and
 element level however I want a mixture.  I want to block the page but
 leave the element that's in error alone i.e.

  $(document).ready(function() {
             $('#btnSubmit').click(function() {
                 $.blockUI({ message: null });

                 $('#form_surname').unblock(); //now unblock the
 surname field as this needs correcting

                 $('.blockOverlay').attr('title','Click to


[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread craigeves

Thanks so much for this - i'll compare the script that you just
submitted to the one i submitted to see where i went wrong.

Thanks again


On Oct 2, 4:21 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've updated the javascript here.http://pastebin.com/m4caef476

 If you need any help in understanding whats happening here let me know
 and I'll try to explain it, I'm not the best at explaining things


 On Oct 2, 4:06 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi Nalum

  I have tried and amended the code as you suggested - but still no

  Thanks for the tip (pastebin). Here is my full code now. Please would
  you take a quick look and let me know where im going wrong?


  Thanks for your help in this - it's really appreciated!


  On Oct 2, 3:40 pm, Nalum mallon.l...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hello Craig,
   When you need to show code you should try using a site 
   as it'll make it easier to read and your post wont be so long.

   You'll need to be able to work with cookies, I would suggest this
   jquery pluginhttp://plugins.jquery.com/project/cookie.

   I've explained how it works in this code 

   Hope this helps you out.


   On Oct 2, 3:15 pm, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

Here it is - thanks for your help again

!doctype html
html lang=en
        titlejQuery UI Sortable - Portlets/title
        script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.js/script
        script type=text/javascript src=ui.core.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=ui.sortable.js/script
        style type=text/css
        .column {
        width: 300px;
        float: left;
        background-color: #ee;
        margin-right: 25px;
        padding-top: 10px;
        padding-right: 10px;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
        padding-left: 10px;
        height: 700px;}

        .portlet {
        background-color: #FFF;
        margin-top: 0;
        margin-right: 0;
        margin-bottom: 10;
        margin-left: 0;}

        .portlet-header {
        margin: 0px;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        background-color: #333;
        padding: 10px;
        color: #FFF;}

        .portlet-header .ui-icon { float: right; }
        .portlet-content {
        padding: 10px;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;
        line-height: 18px;
        color: #333;
        margin-bottom: 10px;}

        .ui-sortable-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; visibility:
        .ui-sortable-placeholder * { visibility: hidden; }
        script type=text/javascript

             $(function() {
                        connectWith: '.column'

div class=demo

div class=column

        div class=portlet
                div class=portlet-header 
                div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

        div class=portlet
                div class=portlet-headerNews/div
                div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing


div class=column

        div class=portlet
                div class=portlet-headerShopping/div
                div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

div class=column

        div class=portlet
                div class=portlet-headerLinks/div
                div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing

        div class=portlet
                div class=portlet-headerImages/div
                div class=portlet-contentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

[jQuery] Problem with URL formatting with $.ajax

2009-10-02 Thread acedanger

Here is my code:

url: lUrl,
global: true,
async: false,
type: GET,
dataType: text,
success: function(result){
alert(result is +result);
parsedJSON = JSON.parse(data);
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

All of my urls that are sent to the server have ?_=(some random
number). In the specific case of the above code, the generated URL is
http://url/script.php?_=1254497109001none=none;. How can I prevent
this from happening? Why is it happening?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery UI Portlets Cookies

2009-10-02 Thread Richard D. Worth
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:06 AM, craigeves craige...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Thanks for the tip (pastebin).

Another really great site for sharing code is jsbin.com


It's got a drop-down for including jQuery and jQuery UI, live preview of
full page code samples, and an editor so someone can edit a link you send,
test it, and send a new link back.

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com:
 I have the following code:
        $(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
        $(placeInDOM).find(':submit').click(function() {
          alert(clicked the submit button);
          return false;
 The first statement places a form with a submit button in my page.
 This works as it should.
 With the second I want to give an alert instead of a submit when
 clicking on the submit button. But it does not work.

 When I after the first statement execute:
 I get

 This is right, cause a subimit button doesn't have html in it...

 If I execute:
 I get:
    [object Object]

 What am I doing wrong?

 Try using console.log of firebug to see if the returned object contains what
 you're expecting.

That is a good tip. I'll use that next time.
I solved my problem. I know use:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$('.submit_' + formID).click(function() {
  form = $('#' + formID);
function(xml) {
  return false;

This does what it should do. The only 'problem' is that the whole DOM
is traversed instead of only placeInDOM. If someone knows how to
optimize this ...

Is there a way to let the fadeOut be finished before continuing?

 A question, what placeInDOM contains? is an id? the html you're replacing
 contains the id?


What is inserted starts with:
form id = contact_form action = /cgi-bin/contact3.cgi method = post
input name = command type = hidden value = sendForm /
input name = formtype = hidden value = contact /
tdinput name = organisation //td
tdSoort Organisatie/td
select name = organisationType
option value = 00geen/option
option value = 01Non Profit/option
option value = 02ZZP/option
option value = 03MKB/option
option value = 04Anders/option

and ends with:
tdtextarea name = description/textarea/td
input type = submit value = Versturen  class = submit_contact_form /
input type = Reset  value = Wissen /

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] Re: Problem with URL formatting with $.ajax

2009-10-02 Thread acedanger

I believe it was because I originally had global: false. Once I
changed that, the URL formatted as I expected it to.

On Oct 2, 11:31 am, acedanger acedange...@gmail.com wrote:
 Here is my code:

                 url: lUrl,
                 global: true,
                 async: false,
                 type: GET,
                 dataType: text,
                 success: function(result){
                         alert(result is +result);
                         parsedJSON = JSON.parse(data);
                 error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {


 All of my urls that are sent to the server have ?_=(some random
 number). In the specific case of the above code, the generated URL is
 http://url/script.php?_=1254497109001none=none;. How can I prevent
 this from happening? Why is it happening?

[jQuery] Pick different effects with jquery

2009-10-02 Thread Thavipa

Hello everyone,

Currently i'm working on a website which needs an auto play photo
The admins of the website are allowed to upload 10 or more images,
which will be displayed in the gallery.

I am able to show those images one by one, with 1 effect (for example
fade-in from left), but what i need is different effects which will be
called random. So image 1 will be fade in from the right, and image 2
will be fade in with a zoom effect and so on.

How can i realize this?

Kind regards,


[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

first the easy thing:

Is there a way to let the fadeOut be finished before continuing?
Yes, fadeOut accept a callback function that is called after the effect 
end, take a look here:


A question, what placeInDOM contains? is an id? the html you're replacing
contains the id?

it is a string? the markup you've pasted shows a form that has an id 
contact_form, not a div, maybe the problem is here?

I solved my problem. I know use:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$('.submit_' + formID).click(function() {
  form = $('#' + formID);
function(xml) {
  return false;

This does what it should do. The only 'problem' is that the whole DOM
is traversed instead of only placeInDOM. If someone knows how to
optimize this ...
if you solve your first problem you don't need to do this, only for 
aknowledgment you can use your selector also in this way:

$form = $('#' + formID);
$('.submit_' + formID, $form).click(function() {

$form is the context in which jquery looks for the element with class '.submit_' + formID, but if I haven't 
misunderstood, if you change placeInDOM from div#contact_form to 
#contact_form you solve your problem and you can use the first version of the code you've posted 


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Navigation problems

2009-10-02 Thread Zach Schneider

alright I figured it out, by putting my removeClass after my
addClasses it works great

function nav_label()
{  $(.nav_label).children(ul).addClass(lev1).children


On Oct 2, 10:19 am, Zach Schneider zachschnei...@gmail.com wrote:
 well I hide the DIV with CSS
 visibility: hidden;

 and with jQuery I want to change the stylesheet and remove the
 visibility to visible, the problem I am having I am not that familiar
 with jQuery to know how to do that

 On Oct 1, 10:41 pm, Scooby scoob...@gmail.com wrote:

  How are you hiding your UL's? From my experience, hiding them with css
  is faster than jQuery.. I just hide them using both.. Seems to work
  fine for me..

  On Oct 1, 8:41 pm, ZKM zachschnei...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have a website that has very large UL navigation created with jQuery
   and every time you goto the page it flashes the entire UL for a split
   of a second. So what I want to do is find a way to make it to do I
   think is hide the UL until the CSS and jQuery is loaded than display
   the menu. If anyone has a better idea I am all ears and I am also new
   to jQuery but catching on fast.

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread Jack Killpatrick
Hmm, I gave this a try. Setting height stretches the table rows out 
vertically if there are less records than the height. I tried putting a 
fixed height div around the table and not setting a height on the tbody, 
but then the tbody overflow-y never kicks in. Hmm.

Also, if I set the height of the tbody and the overflow-y does kick in, 
then the scrollbar eats horizontal space in the rightmost col, which 
means that I need to style that col to allow for it. Either way: if the 
scrollbar were to show outside the table I'd need to allow room for it, 
but just bringing it up as a caveat.

I know this issue has been tackled various ways in table plugins, but I 
don't think I've seen a plugin made specifically just for show/hiding a 
scrollbar and working around some of these issues. Anyone?


Matt Zagrabelny wrote:

On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 22:25 -0400, Karl Swedberg wrote:

have you tried overflow-y: auto; ?

This works... (to some degree)

table tbody {
  height: 799px;
  overflow-y: auto;
  overflow-x: hidden;



[jQuery] why plugin function need 2 parameter sometimes

2009-10-02 Thread runrunforest

I don't see how maxentries as parameter is need in this code

jQuery.fn.pagination = function(maxentries, opts)

in some plugins, i see everything works fine with just something like

jQuery.fn.pluginname = function(opts)

[jQuery] Re: Show/hide effect div on mouseover

2009-10-02 Thread Liam Byrne

Normally the hover function will cause the menu div to disappear in this 
scenario, as the mouse moves over the child elements.

But if you use the hoverIntent plugin, it'll do the trick for you.


Mface wrote:


I have a CSS menu that I created using div that current appears using
the hover function in the CSS. What I would like to do is incorporate
javascript to utilise the effect of fading in when the mouse moves
over the 'menu' text and then with a delay fades out when the mouse
moves out of the menu area.

Is this possible? Please advise...


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[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com:
 first the easy thing:

 Is there a way to let the fadeOut be finished before continuing?

 Yes, fadeOut accept a callback function that is called after the effect end,
 take a look here:


That I allready found. I tried the folowing:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$('.submit_' + formID).click(function() {
  var fadeOutReady = false;
  var fadeSpeed= 1500;
  var form = $('#' + formID);

  form.fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
fadeOutReady = true;
  while( !fadeOutReady ) {
// wait untill fadeOut is ready
function(xml) {
  alert($(xml).find('status').text() + '\n' +
  return false;

But when I use this code, my processor is very busy and the fadeOut
does not happen.

 A question, what placeInDOM contains? is an id? the html you're replacing
 contains the id?


 it is a string? the markup you've pasted shows a form that has an id
 contact_form, not a div, maybe the problem is here?

My html contains:
div id = contact_form
div align = centerfont color = #FF
Hier zou een contact formulier moeten staan!!!

So the div is replaced by a form. And this works without a problem.

And there is also my stupid mistake. The div is replaced, so I should
not search for it anymore. That happens when you want to make
something 'fast'.

I know use:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$thisForm = $('#' + formID);
$(':submit', $thisForm).click(function() {

I do not need a class anymore. I want to change the click event for
all the submit buttons of the form and no other submit buttons. The
above code does this.

 if you solve your first problem you don't need to do this, only for
 aknowledgment you can use your selector also in this way:

 $form = $('#' + formID);
 $('.submit_' + formID, $form).click(function() {

 $form is the context in which jquery looks for the element with class
 '.submit_' + formID, but if I haven't misunderstood, if you change
 placeInDOM from div#contact_form to #contact_form you solve your
 problem and you can use the first version of the code you've posted before.

I prefer the way I do it know. In this way the HTML-page or the
function can change the way the id's are made, without breaking
anything. In the above way the HTML and function has to be
synchronized. I prefer to minimize the possibilities to break things.

Thanks for the help.

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] how to get at jquery elements when i'm looping through a jquery select list with 'each'

2009-10-02 Thread buildlackey


   I’m doing something dumb with jquery, but I can’t put my finger on what
is causing my problem.

I’m trying to debug some jquery code and I wanted to list the html of
each element that I’m picking up from my select list.


I have a shrunken down sample of what I’m doing below.. 
the first alert shows something that looks like a java object, the second
alert bombs and the loop exits.

 Can any of you offer any tips or guidance ? Thanks very much in advance












  link type=text/css
href=http://jqueryui.com/latest/themes/base/ui.all.css; rel=stylesheet /

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript



alert('hello box');



 $(div.disabled label).each (

 function() {

 alert(got a label + this);

 alert(got a label + this.html());   //   THIS FAILS.











body class=yui-skin-sam style=height: 100%;^M

div id=spinner class=spinner style=display: none;^M

   page_files/spinner.gif ^M






div id=body^M



  div class=column five disabled^M

label style=color: orange; for=utility-statusUtility


select style=color: orange; name=utilityStatus.id

option value=/option^M

option value=6862foo/option^M

option value=6863 selected=selectedbar/option^M

option value=6864big/option^M

option value=6865small/option^M

option value=6902Closed/option^M

option value=3756Cancelled/option^M

option value=6859On Hold/option^M








div id=ui-datepicker-div class=ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content
ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all ui-helper-hidden-accessible


View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Cecil Westerhof ha scritto:

2009/10/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com:

first the easy thing:

Is there a way to let the fadeOut be finished before continuing?


Yes, fadeOut accept a callback function that is called after the effect end,
take a look here:


That I allready found. I tried the folowing:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$('.submit_' + formID).click(function() {
  var fadeOutReady = false;
  var fadeSpeed= 1500;
  var form = $('#' + formID);

  form.fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
fadeOutReady = true;
  while( !fadeOutReady ) {
// wait untill fadeOut is ready
function(xml) {
  alert($(xml).find('status').text() + '\n' +
  return false;

But when I use this code, my processor is very busy and the fadeOut
does not happen.
Yes, because fadeOut is asinc, then after calling it you stop the 
javascript execution with the while, and the fadeOutReady will be always 
false, you have to do this (not tested, but should work):

form.fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
 function(xml) {
   alert($(xml).find('status').text() + 
'\n' +

I know use:
$(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
$thisForm = $('#' + formID);
$(':submit', $thisForm).click(function() {

I do not need a class anymore. I want to change the click event for
all the submit buttons of the form and no other submit buttons. The
above code does this.

I prefer the way I do it know. In this way the HTML-page or the

function can change the way the id's are made, without breaking
anything. In the above way the HTML and function has to be
synchronized. I prefer to minimize the possibilities to break things.
You're right, the :submit selector is better... i did a fast copy and 
paste :-)


I now use, not I know use... and please if you find any error on my 
posts please correct me, I have to learn a lot about english (and jquery 
too)  :-)


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: how to get at jquery elements when i'm looping through a jquery select list with 'each'

2009-10-02 Thread buildlackey

A colleague helped me with a solution:

This does what I want -alert(got a label  + $(this).parent().html());

seems you have to wrap the raw java script element before calling jquery
functions on it.  

makes sense.

buildlackey wrote:
I’m doing something dumb with jquery, but I can’t put my finger on what
 is causing my problem.
 I’m trying to debug some jquery code and I wanted to list the html of
 each element that I’m picking up from my select list.
 I have a shrunken down sample of what I’m doing below.. 
 the first alert shows something that looks like a java object, the second
 alert bombs and the loop exits.
  Can any of you offer any tips or guidance ? Thanks very much in
 advance !
 !DOCTYPE html
   link type=text/css
 href=http://jqueryui.com/latest/themes/base/ui.all.css; rel=stylesheet
   script type=text/javascript
   script type=text/javascript
   script type=text/javascript
   script type=text/javascript
   script type=text/javascript
   script type=text/javascript
 alert('hello box');
  $(div.disabled label).each (
  function() {
  alert(got a label + this);
  alert(got a label + this.html());   //   THIS
 body class=yui-skin-sam style=height: 100%;^M
 div id=spinner class=spinner style=display: none;^M
page_files/spinner.gif ^M
 div id=body^M
   div class=column five disabled^M
 label style=color: orange; for=utility-statusUtility
 select style=color: orange; name=utilityStatus.id
 option value=/option^M
 option value=6862foo/option^M
 option value=6863 selected=selectedbar/option^M
 option value=6864big/option^M
 option value=6865small/option^M
 option value=6902Closed/option^M
 option value=3756Cancelled/option^M
 option value=6859On Hold/option^M
 div id=ui-datepicker-div class=ui-datepicker ui-widget
 ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: how to get at jquery elements when i'm looping through a jquery select list with 'each'

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

buildlackey ha scritto:

$(div.disabled label).each (

 function() {

 alert(got a label + this);

 alert(got a label + this.html());   //   THIS FAILS.

Inside each this rappresents the html object and not a jquery or 
javascript (not java! :-)) object.

If you want to use jquery methods inside the function you have to use 
this code:

$(div.disabled label).each(function() { 
  alert(got a label (html object): + this);

  alert(got a label + $(this).html());   //   

$(this) returns the jquery object of the html object this. 

If you want to better explore your object use the console.log method (you have 
to install firebug for firefox or companion.js for the internet explorer debug 


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: Pick different effects with jquery

2009-10-02 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Thavipa ha scritto:

Hello everyone,

Currently i'm working on a website which needs an auto play photo
The admins of the website are allowed to upload 10 or more images,
which will be displayed in the gallery.

I am able to show those images one by one, with 1 effect (for example
fade-in from left), but what i need is different effects which will be
called random. So image 1 will be fade in from the right, and image 2
will be fade in with a zoom effect and so on.

How can i realize this?
Try taking a look at the wonderful cycle plugin of Mike Alsup: 


gianiaz.net - web solutions
via piedo, 58 - 23020 tresivio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: Problem with submit button of an inserted form

2009-10-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof

2009/10/2 Giovanni Battista Lenoci gian...@gmail.com:
 Yes, fadeOut accept a callback function that is called after the effect
 take a look here:


 That I allready found. I tried the folowing:
        $(placeInDOM).replaceWith(header + fields + footer);
        $('.submit_' + formID).click(function() {
          var fadeOutReady = false;
          var fadeSpeed    = 1500;
          var form = $('#' + formID);

          form.fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
            fadeOutReady = true;
          while( !fadeOutReady ) {
            // wait untill fadeOut is ready
            function(xml) {
              alert($(xml).find('status').text() + '\n' +
          return false;

 But when I use this code, my processor is very busy and the fadeOut
 does not happen.

 Yes, because fadeOut is asinc, then after calling it you stop the javascript
 execution with the while, and the fadeOutReady will be always false, you
 have to do this (not tested, but should work):

 form.fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
                                     function(xml) {
                                       alert($(xml).find('status').text() +
 '\n' +

I should have thought about it myself. :-[
It work likes a charm. Thanks.

 You're right, the :submit selector is better... i did a fast copy and paste

That is more as good enough. When you put me on the right track, I can
clean up the code myself. :-]

 I now use, not I know use...

I was to fast again. I am just to impatient. I like to get things done.

 and please if you find any error on my
 posts please correct me, I have to learn a lot about english (and jquery
 too)  :-)

Is a deal. :-D

Cecil Westerhof

[jQuery] LI.offset and LI.position() gives erratic results

2009-10-02 Thread Kevin Dalman

I am getting erratic results when trying to get the position of a LI
element. Every browser gives different results - only IE7 seems to get
it right...

I have a navbar UL element nested a few levels deep within DIVs that
provide page structure. The UL is also nested within a SPAN (inline-
block) so the UL element can be centered within DIV#Nav1. A stripped-
down version of the HTML is shown at bottom.

The LI elements trigger a custom drop-down menu onHover. I use simple
math to calculate the positioning of the DIV that acts as a menu...

$LI = $(this) // LI element
,   tabOffset = $LI.offset()
,   menuTop = tabOffset.top + $LI.outerHeight()
,   menuLeft = Math.floor(tabOffset.left)

In IE7, this works perfectly - exactly as you would expect. But every
other browser has one or more issues...

Internet Explorer 7
$LI.offset().left = CORRECT
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = 0 - CORRECT

$LI.offset().left = the Left-edge of the parent UL element!
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = 0 - CORRECT

FireFox 3.5
$LI.offset().left = the Right-edge of the parent UL element
$LI.offset().top = too small by 15px
$LI.position().top = -15 -- wrong, the LI has NO top-margin

Opera 9.64
$LI.offset().left = the Right-edge of the parent UL element
$LI.offset().top = CORRECT
$LI.position().top = -19, even though offset().top is correct

Only IE gets $LI.offset().left correct. Only IE and Chrome get
$LI.position().top right (0), but IE, Chrome and Opera all get
$LI.offset().top correct, even though Opera gets $LI.position().top
wrong (-19). Only FireFox gets everything wrong!

Can anyone shed any light on these discrepancies?

I will spend the time to create and post a test page if no one can
offer any clues, but I have not done so yet.

Thanks in advance.



DIV id=Layout-Header
   DIV class=layout-header
  DIV id=TopNavbar class=navbar
 DIV id=Nav1
SPAN class=center
   UL class=tabs
  LIA href=/rentalsRentals/A/LI
  LIA href=/linensLinens/A/LI
  LIA href=/servicesServices/A/LI
  LIA href=/plannerPlanner/A/LI
  LIA href=/galleryGallery/A/LI
  LIA href=/communityCommunity/A/LI
  LIA href=/aboutAbout Us/A/LI

[jQuery] ajax submit upload file firebug... no answer

2009-10-02 Thread Harold Martin


I've a technical problem, i use jQuery Form Plugin and it's working
well except for upload file.
Effectively after uploading file we can't see any response in firebug.
(You can see an example in the official website of jquery form plugin

And in the response i call a script with
script src=script.js type=text/javascript/script
My page get this file well but i have a javascript error on the $ of
$(document).ready(function() {...
I think it's because why don't have the first answer...
Do you have a idea?



[jQuery] Switch image source during toggle

2009-10-02 Thread Gremlyn1

I have some divs I am toggling and there is a little + sign image I
want to change to a - sign image when the toggle event occurs, but
can't quite figure it out. Here is the toggle code I have (taken from
a helpful post on here):

$j(document).ready(function() {

$j('a.faq').click(function() {
var faq_id = $j(this).attr('id');
$j('#faq' + faq_id).slideToggle(fast);
return false;

The image is not contained within the a tag, so I guess I need a
separate function to callback.

[jQuery] Validation: Form with multiple submit buttons having different validation rules

2009-10-02 Thread NovoGeek

Hi all,
I tried searching for similar issues but couldn't find a satisfying
answer. So posting it here.
I have a form with multiple fieldsets which are visible conditionally.
There are three submit buttons Abandon, Save and Save 
Continue. Each button should validate specific controls of the form
and submit it.

I tried setting onsubmit: false and checking for $('#myForm').valid
() on click of these buttons., but that validates all controls of the
form. Can someone suggest me what I should do?

[jQuery] Re: autocomplete click send focus back to input

2009-10-02 Thread travisjbeck

I figured it out

 onItemSelect: function(){

although i couldnt find onItemSelect anywhere in the documentation

On Oct 1, 8:46 pm, travisjbeck smoothopera...@gmail.com wrote:
 are there any callbacks for me to hook into in order to send the focus
 (); back to my input box when someone selects or clicks and
 autocomplete item?

[jQuery] Re: load() confusion

2009-10-02 Thread James

What exactly are you trying to do?

If you're trying to load HTML into a div, you can kind of imitate it
with a setInterval function that periodically checks whether the
content has changed or not.
If the div is not empty, first you check the content and store it (or
a checksum of it) somewhere.
Then run a setInterval to check whether the content (or its checksum)
has changed every so often.
If so, run a callback function.
(This wouldn't work on checking whether an image is loaded, only HTML
content. You'd have to directly check the img fire the load callback
for that.)

You can bundle this all into a custom jQuery event.
Who knows, there's probably a plug-in or something out there for it

On Oct 1, 5:30 pm, Michael Rowe flyagari...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, so is there a way with javascript to fire a function when a div is
 finished loading it's contents?

 On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:38 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  James:  there is also a JavaScript event called load for certain DOM
  objects.. and consequently the ability to wire jQuery onto that

  to original poster:

  if I target the IMG, then it works fine, but how come it doesn't work
  with the div? 

  because div's don't fire a load event, and as you found out,
  images do

  On Oct 1, 5:31 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   load() is suppose to take a url as the first parameter.

   On Oct 1, 8:47 am, flyagaricus flyagari...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm new to JQuery

I can't get load() to work with a div class:

script type='text/javascript'
        jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
div class=Loader
      img src=http://home.arcor.de/poesenau/Witness-Tree.JPG;
width=1200 height=1600 /

if I target the IMG, then it works fine, but how come it doesn't work
with the div?

[jQuery] Re: Ajax / Form Validation

2009-10-02 Thread James

Try putting:
var validation_options = {...};

outside of $(document).ready();

On Oct 1, 5:13 pm, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
d...@widepixels.com wrote:
 This is my script now.

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {

         $('#testForm').bind('submit', function() {

                         var valid = $(this).valid();

                 if (valid) {

                         var queryString = $('#testForm').formSerialize();
                                 type:                   'post',
                                 data:                   queryString,
                                 target:                 '#testUpdate',
                                 success:        afterEffects

                         return false;


 function afterEffects ()
 var validation_options = {
   // set your options here
   rules: {
     field: required



 When I hit submit it tries to access the url by the browser.

 Check the net activity and see

 _method PUT
 data[Experience][city]  LosAngeles
 data[Experience][country_id]    38
 data[Experience][finished]      2007
 data[Experience][position]      Customer Service Rep
 data[Experience][respons]       sweet sf
 data[Experience][start] 1975
 data[Experience][state_id]      15

 Nothing is working.



 -Original Message-
 From: James [mailto:james.gp@gmail.com]
 Sent: October-02-09 12:19 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Ajax / Form Validation

 Here's a simplified version of what you want to do:

 $('#testForm').bind('submit', function() {
     var valid = $(this).valid();
     if (valid) {
         // do your ajax

 var validation_options = {
   // set your options here

 On Oct 1, 10:52 am, Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com
 d...@widepixels.com wrote:
  I have a form that gets submitted via AJAX, now i want to add the
  validation but cant make sense of it.
  Using malsup form script to submit,

  Now I would like to incorporate the jQuery Validation Plug-in found

  I currently have this so submit:

  script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
   $('#testForm').live(click, function(){
    $('#testForm').bind('submit', function() {
     var queryString = $('#testForm').formSerialize();
     var id = '?php echo $id; ?';

          type:    'post',
             url:      '/manage/experiences/edit/123',
          data:     queryString,
        target:   '#updateMe',
      success:     afterEffects

    return false;

   function afterEffects ()



  But how do I add in the validation script into this? Any help would be
  greatly appreciated.



[jQuery] Re: Switch image source during toggle

2009-10-02 Thread James

Could you post your relevant HTML also with some kind of sample image
src and what you would like it to look like after it's been toggled?

On Oct 2, 6:26 am, Gremlyn1 greml...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have some divs I am toggling and there is a little + sign image I
 want to change to a - sign image when the toggle event occurs, but
 can't quite figure it out. Here is the toggle code I have (taken from
 a helpful post on here):

 $j(document).ready(function() {

     $j('a.faq').click(function() {
         var faq_id = $j(this).attr('id');
         $j('#faq' + faq_id).slideToggle(fast);
         return false;


 The image is not contained within the a tag, so I guess I need a
 separate function to callback.

[jQuery] Re: ajax submit upload file firebug... no answer

2009-10-02 Thread James

Could you post some relevant code on how you're doing all of this?
It's hard to help from only reading what you've described.

On Oct 2, 5:48 am, Harold Martin hmartin...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've a technical problem, i use jQuery Form Plugin and it's working
 well except for upload file.
 Effectively after uploading file we can't see any response in firebug.
 (You can see an example in the official website of jquery form 

 And in the response i call a script with
 script src=script.js type=text/javascript/script
 My page get this file well but i have a javascript error on the $ of
 $(document).ready(function() {...
 I think it's because why don't have the first answer...
 Do you have a idea?



[jQuery] Re: Problem with URL formatting with $.ajax

2009-10-02 Thread James

Also note that setting the cache:false option will create that
additional parameter with a random value. That way the browser will
not find a cache with the same resource name and always requests a new

On Oct 2, 5:42 am, acedanger acedange...@gmail.com wrote:
 I believe it was because I originally had global: false. Once I
 changed that, the URL formatted as I expected it to.

 On Oct 2, 11:31 am, acedanger acedange...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here is my code:

                  url: lUrl,
                  global: true,
                  async: false,
                  type: GET,
                  dataType: text,
                  success: function(result){
                          alert(result is +result);
                          parsedJSON = JSON.parse(data);
                  error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {


  All of my urls that are sent to the server have ?_=(some random
  number). In the specific case of the above code, the generated URL is
  http://url/script.php?_=1254497109001none=none;. How can I prevent
  this from happening? Why is it happening?

[jQuery] Re: How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-02 Thread Julien

Here the way to enable/disable several text inputs depending on the
state of checkboxes located just after each one.

 $(this).prev()[0].disabled = !(this.checked);

Hope this can help others.

[jQuery] Validation help needed

2009-10-02 Thread coachz

 when i run this.submit();  i submit my ajax request, so how can i
get the validate to fire on invalidHandler and submitHandler so I will
only run this.submit(); when it passes validation  ?  Currently the
validator does not validate the form at all on submit,  I need it to
cancel the submit if there are validation issues and submit if there
are none.

function submitForm(form) {


errorPlacement: function(error, element)  { 
(element); },
invalidHandler: function(form, validator) { 
failed); },
submitHandler: function(form, validator) { 
passed); },
rules: { title: { required: true,   minlength: 5 }


// Build Add a New Task pop up dialog
// Instantiate the Add a New Task pop up dialog
YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass('dlgAddTask', 'hideForm');
YAHOO.techdocs.dlgAddTask = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog(dlgAddTask,
{ width : 50em, height: 32em, fixedcenter : true, visible :
false, constraintoviewport : true, close: false,
  buttons : [ { text:Submit, handler:submitForm,
isDefault:true },
   { text:Cancel, handler:function() {this.cancel();} 
} ]

[jQuery] Re: Validation help needed

2009-10-02 Thread James

You should not be calling submit() first. You only call it after
everything is validated. This can be as easy as a if-statement. Here's
a simple example. Modify it to work with your scenrio.

$(function() {
$('#testForm').bind('submit', function() {
var valid = $(this).valid();
if (valid) {
// do your ajax

var validation_options = {
  // set your options here

On Oct 2, 9:13 am, coachz bringmewa...@gmail.com wrote:
  when i run this.submit();  i submit my ajax request, so how can i
 get the validate to fire on invalidHandler and submitHandler so I will
 only run this.submit(); when it passes validation  ?  Currently the
 validator does not validate the form at all on submit,  I need it to
 cancel the submit if there are validation issues and submit if there
 are none.

 function submitForm(form) {


                         errorPlacement: function(error, element)  { 
 (element); },
                         invalidHandler: function(form, validator) { 
 failed); },
                         submitHandler: function(form, validator) { 
 passed); },
                         rules: { title: { required: true,       minlength: 5 }


 // Build Add a New Task pop up dialog
 // Instantiate the Add a New Task pop up dialog
 YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass('dlgAddTask', 'hideForm');
 YAHOO.techdocs.dlgAddTask = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog(dlgAddTask,
         { width : 50em, height: 32em, fixedcenter : true, visible :
 false, constraintoviewport : true, close: false,
           buttons : [ { text:Submit, handler:submitForm,
 isDefault:true },
                            { text:Cancel, handler:function() 
 {this.cancel();} } ]

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hmm, I gave this a try. Setting height stretches the table rows out  
vertically if there are less records than the height. I tried  
putting a fixed height div around the table and not setting a height  
on the tbody, but then the tbody overflow-y never kicks in. Hmm.

you could use max-height: 799px; instead of height: 799px;

Also, if I set the height of the tbody and the overflow-y does kick  
in, then the scrollbar eats horizontal space in the rightmost col,  
which means that I need to style that col to allow for it. Either  
way: if the scrollbar were to show outside the table I'd need to  
allow room for it, but just bringing it up as a caveat.

try overflow-y: scroll; rather than overflow-y: auto; you'll get the  
scrollbar area whether it's needed or not, but at least it will be  


[jQuery] Re: How to disable text inputs lying near checkboxes ?

2009-10-02 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Oct 2, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Julien wrote:

Here the way to enable/disable several text inputs depending on the
state of checkboxes located just after each one.

$(this).prev()[0].disabled = !(this.checked);

Hope this can help others.

ah, that's quite elegant. nice work!


[jQuery] Re: something missing from my code?

2009-10-02 Thread Glen_H

si it would be $('#project1').hide();

instead of doing it via css?

On Oct 2, 9:15 am, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 instead of


 it's better habit to use .hide() and .show(), which gives you more
 options (like animation effects if you want) as well as automatically
 handles different show/hide code needed for different types of DOM

 On Oct 2, 9:00 am, Glen_H glen.f.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey guys, Im new to Javascript and JQuery, I am trying to have a
  featured area on the front page to my site, basically there is a
  right div area which holds the picture, on the left there is a menu
  with 4 buttons. here is the html:

  div id=projectmenu

       ul id=projMenu

          lia class=projOne title=Project1/a/li
          lia class=projTwo title=Project2/a/li
          lia class=projThree title=Project3/a/li
          lia class=projFour title=Project4/a/li
          div class=project id=project1/div
          div class=project id=project2/div
          div class=project id=project3/div
          div class=project id=project4/div


  Here is the way im setting up the JQuery to try and make the active
  div change when I choose a button:

  $(function() {
                     $('a projTwo').click(function() {


  does anyone see where I am going wrong? when I get into the CSS
  portion will it have to go all the way back like how css is written?
  meaning in order to identify it, would it have to be #container
  #project1 or will just #project1 work?

  thank you in advance

[jQuery] tooltip - how do i remove an existing tooltip

2009-10-02 Thread cgipson


I am using tooltip in my application as a way to notify the user as to
what kind of error was found in thier input field.

My question is, once that error is resolved and validated correctly,
is there a way i can remove the tooltip?

[jQuery] Re: iframe accesing main document functions?

2009-10-02 Thread Ivan Zuzak

Hi ximo,

You want to call a function in the parent window? Are the main window
and the iframe loaded from the same domain? If so, did you try calling
window.parent.yourFunc(); from within your iframe?

If the main window is not on the same domain as the iframe - try using
the pmrpc library (http://code.google.com/p/pmrpc/). Pmrpc is a HTML5
inter-window cross-domain JSON-RPC based remote procedure call
JavaScript library. The library provides a simple API for exposing and
calling procedures from windows or iFrames on different domains,
without being subject to the same-origin policy. You can use pmrpc
even if the iframe and main window are on the same domain.


On Sep 14, 9:15 pm, ximo wallas igguan...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Is this possible? Been trying but doesn't seem to work...

[jQuery] JQuery Thickbox help

2009-10-02 Thread hoosier

Does anyone know how to manipulate the speed/transition time for both
the FadeIn and FadeOut animations for ThickBox?

[jQuery] Re: how to get post data from a page loaded in iframe in parent page

2009-10-02 Thread Ivan Zuzak

Hi Nils,

I must say that I didn't quite understand what you want - do you want
to access data in another iframe? If so - are the iframes (or windows)
which are communicating loaded from the same domain or from different
domains? I suggest you check out http://www.jibbering.com/faq/#frameRef
and the pmrpc library (http://code.google.com/p/pmrpc/). Pmrpc is a
library that enables calling procedures in other iframes/windows even
if those iframes/windows are loaded from different domains.

Hope that helps,

On Sep 25, 6:17 am, Nils nils.niran...@gmail.com wrote:
 how to get post data from a page loaded iniframein parent page

[jQuery] Re: Ajax results?

2009-10-02 Thread Toaster

Thanks guys

Michael, that link is very helpful. I got the numbers a bit mixed up,
it should be around 25 result items each made up of 12 elements with
around 12 pieces of information from db/json. - so yes, 300 elements

If you don't mind me asking, I'd like you guys to give me your opinion
on what I'm doing at the moment. I'm making a search page that has
filters and the way I have it set up, I use jQuery to retrieve filter
values and pass them along via AJAX to the server. The server takes
these values, stores them in a session then outputs the results, which
then is html()'ed to my results DIV. (I'll be switching to JSON)

What do you guys think? Currently the whole search page is a bit
javascript dependent (both the actual input/manipulation of filters
and the instant update of the results). Should I be really worried
about people who have javascript disabled?


On Sep 30, 4:34 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 25 x 12 sounds closer to 300 elements? Either way, it's easy to generate
 that much stuff in JavaScript and get good performance, if you're careful
 about how you write the code. Here's a post with some tips and optimized
 code for a similar task:


 If you follow the basic pattern in that code it should be plenty fast.

 You could post the specific HTML you want to generate along with the JSON
 format you plan to use if you have any questions about how to make it go


 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Toaster mr.toas...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thank you for your reply James

  In regards to the JSON vs HTML, would the browser have any problems
  creating 25 results items each with 12 pieces of information from
  JSON? (it'd be more of less 120 elements being appended)

[jQuery] Re: tooltip - how do i remove an existing tooltip

2009-10-02 Thread Rick Faircloth

How about giving the tooltip an identifier, such as a class name,
and remove the class once the validation is satisfied.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of cgipson
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 1:51 PM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] tooltip - how do i remove an existing tooltip


I am using tooltip in my application as a way to notify the user as to
what kind of error was found in thier input field.

My question is, once that error is resolved and validated correctly,
is there a way i can remove the tooltip?

[jQuery] Re: keeping table header fix

2009-10-02 Thread lcplben

On Sep 16, 2:16 am, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I'd like to know if there is a way to keep a table header fixed on top
 of a div while I scroll the table rows.
 I have a div high 200px and the table itself is around 300px so when I
 scroll down I'd like to always see the header on top.
 I already use for the table tablesorter so the solution must be
 compatible with that plug-in.

There is a very discouraging discussion on this topic going on at


In the most recent post, the guy is telling me (imperiously)  to use
position:fixed. Now I'm going to tell him why I can't. It'll be
interesting to see what happens next. I'm positive there are folks who
have faced this problem. Will they appear? We shall see.

-- ben

-- ben

[jQuery] Re: .ajax() with dataType: 'jsonp' will not use error callback if request fails

2009-10-02 Thread KeeganWatkins

I think this is a known limitation of jsonp as a technique, not a bug
with jquery itself. Jsonp works by appending a script tag to the DOM,
whose src attribute points to the URL you specify. The URL is
expected to wrap a json object in a function call to the function you
specify, and the returned text is evaluated using eval().. Just like
script tags that are returned in the sorce HTML, if the server doesn't
respond (or throws a 404), I don't think there is a way to determine
that through JavaScript.

$.ajax() can determine other error scenarios by inspecting the XHR
object, but jsonp doesn't use XHR. Hope that helps.

On Oct 1, 12:18 pm, mrandall randall...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using an .ajax() call to do a jsonp request to another domain.
 When the user is not logged in, however, the server will return a 401
 error.  Unfortunately, this causes my .ajax() call to fail _without_
 calling the error callback.  Is this a known bug?  Here is my code:

         url:      appData.API.workout.get,
         data:     {date: App.formatDate(date)},
         dataType: 'jsonp',
         success:  function(json) {
           Data =  json;
         error:    function(xOptions, error) {

           Controller.requestError(xOptions, error);

 Is there a way to get this request to not fail?  I also looked at the
 jquery-jsonp plugin, but that didn't really work and did not return
 the http status codes.

 Thanks for your help,

[jQuery] Form Plugin issue with multiple submit buttons

2009-10-02 Thread Evgeny

Hi I have  a form with several submit buttons.

I've used $(#myform).ajaxForm(options)
method to make the form submittable with ajax.

the problem is that no matter what button I click the
form data is the same and input type=submit element is not
into the form data, as if it were not a successul control.

so at this point form doesn't work as expected.

is there a way to convey information of which button was clicked
with the form plugin?



[jQuery] Re: animation only when mouseover

2009-10-02 Thread Macsig

Any ideas?


On Sep 21, 12:47 pm, Macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:
 it stops the animation but now there is an other issue.
 Is there a way to keep the same speed for thescrolling? I mean if I
 set the duration up and down and I go down just, let us say, for 1/3
 of the div when I scroll back up the animation is 3 times slower since
 the duration is hardcoded.
 The first idea I had is to determine where I'm in the div in order to
 define a constant speed but I can find anything about that on scrollTo
 For instance, let us say I want to have 5000 as a duration for the
 entirescrolling, when I'm 20% down I want to set the up speed =
 5000x0.2 and down speed =5000x0.8. In this way the speed is constant.


 On Sep 21, 8:01 am, Robin Abony robin.ab...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello macsig!

  I haven't really had time to look into your problem, but after a quick
  look through the documentation i found 

  Perhaps that could work for you? I imagine something along the lines
  of :

                                  $('#text').scrollTo('100%', {axis:'y',
  duration: 5000});

  Give that a try!

  On 21 Sep, 03:49, macsig sigbac...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi there,
   I'm trying to use scrollTo in oder to scroll vertically a div. I want
   to use 2 anchors, one to go up and the other to go down and I need
   that the effect works ONLY when the mouse is over the anchor (when I
   move it out the animation has to stop).

   How can I achieve so?

   For instance the code below scrolls correctly down but it doesn't stop
   until the end even if I move out the mouse.

                                   $('#text').scrollTo('100%', {axis:'y', 
   duration: 5000});
           }).mouseout(function(){ });



[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin issue with multiple submit buttons

2009-10-02 Thread Mike Alsup

 I've used $(#myform).ajaxForm(options)
 method to make the form submittable with ajax.

 the problem is that no matter what button I click the
 form data is the same and input type=submit element is not
 into the form data, as if it were not a successul control.

 so at this point form doesn't work as expected.

 is there a way to convey information of which button was clicked
 with the form plugin?

Please post a link to your page.  There is likely something wrong with
the markup.

[jQuery] Re: Passing arguments to an ajax call that returns automagically

2009-10-02 Thread Mike Alsup

 I have a bunch of ajax events that are fired one after an other to fill
 different spots on the page. Hence it's important that I know which dom
 element each on of the resulting data is supposed to belong to.

 I was wondering if there is a way I can pass the id of each element into the
 call so that it gets returned automagically without any intervention by the

 In YUI I can pass any number of arguments to an axax call and these
 areguments are available as part of the response.

You can achieve this sort of thing using closures.  For example:

function getData(id, url) {
url: url,
success: function(data) {

[jQuery] Re: .ajax() with dataType: 'jsonp' will not use error callback if request fails

2009-10-02 Thread Mike Alsup

 I think this is a known limitation of jsonp as a technique, not a bug
 with jquery itself. Jsonp works by appending a script tag to the DOM,
 whose src attribute points to the URL you specify. The URL is
 expected to wrap a json object in a function call to the function you
 specify, and the returned text is evaluated using eval().. Just like
 script tags that are returned in the sorce HTML, if the server doesn't
 respond (or throws a 404), I don't think there is a way to determine
 that through JavaScript.

 $.ajax() can determine other error scenarios by inspecting the XHR
 object, but jsonp doesn't use XHR. Hope that helps.

Here's a jsonp function that handles errors and timeouts:


[jQuery] Re: Pick different effects with jquery

2009-10-02 Thread Mike Alsup

 Try taking a look at the wonderful cycle plugin of Mike Alsup:

Thanks for the comment.  Here's another page to look at that shows the
variety of effects available:


[jQuery] Re: ajax submit upload file firebug... no answer

2009-10-02 Thread Mike Alsup

 Effectively after uploading file we can't see any response in firebug.
 (You can see an example in the official website of jquery form 

You won't see the response from a file upload displayed on the Firebug
console tab because that request does not use ajax.  You will see the
request/response on Firebug's Net tab however.

 And in the response i call a script with
 script src=script.js type=text/javascript/script
 My page get this file well but i have a javascript error on the $ of
 $(document).ready(function() {...

This is due to the nature of how the file upload is performed.  As I
said, it does not use ajax, however it simulates ajax by performing a
native form submit and pointing the response to a dynamic iframe.  So
the response is actually received in a different document, and then
the form plugin extracts it and passes the response data to your
success handler.  That dynamic iframe document does not have direct
access to the jQuery $ fn.  One way around this, as is noted in the
documentation, is to return this response data inside a textarea
element (which the plugin knows how to handle).  Another way to handle
this is to embed you logic in the main document.

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