[jQuery] Re: jquery.ckeditor non functional?

2010-01-03 Thread Met00 - Met00Cigar

I wrote:

 Now, I can get the CKEditor to set up IF I add the following...
 CKEDITOR.replace({skin: 'kama' })

Let me clarify

### Remove from javascript ###
 var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = 'http://www.domain.com/ckeditor/';
   $.ckeditor.config = {skin:
 'kama' };
         // initialize


### Change
 form method=post id=form1
 textarea cols=80 class=cke1 id=editor_kama name=editor_kama
 rows=10Hi, this is your editor area.
// add the following
script type=text/javascript

( 'editor_kama',
skin : 'kama'

 div class=Clear
      input id=btn-ajax type=button value=Test raquo;


Now I have the CK editor working, but the text is returned plain. I
can by adding this:
to showRequest see that the text is showing the correct complete HTML
of the text area, But the text being picked up and in the query is the
display'd text, but the HTML text. (showRequest lso includes

var queryString = $.param(formData);
alert('About to submit: \n\n' + queryString);

so I can see what is being sent to the server before it sends the

Hi, this is your editor area.


strongHi, this is your editor area./strong  even though getData
is showing that the HTML text is available in the DOM.

Re: [jQuery] Re: Animate or ToggleClass

2010-01-03 Thread waseem sabjee
Ok, what I gave you was a simple example.

Lets analyse a little more and lets see what you want exactly.

1. you want a list of parent items with + signs before them.
2. when these parent items are clicked you want your content to slide fade
down or slide fade up depending on their current state
3. you say you have a small script that does filtering. could you show me
the HTML output of this script So i could help you integrate it easier.
4. theres many ways to skin a cat :) they may not all be pretty but they
still work. I will. show you my way after you read through this list and

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Once busetolo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Waseem, thanks for your answers. I tried to implement what you
 suggested but it seems the script only hides and show
 the .extendedcontent container. Since the portfolio also has a small
 script that filters the item depending on the category (web, print,
 branding), all the items have to be in the same div, so putting some
 in one div and the others in the hidden .extendencontent would break
 the filtering... If you take a look, you can see what I mean
 http://invitro.vegasoftweb.com/es/ under Proyectos Recientes.

 I believe there is a way to toggle the height and animate the effect
 with a starting height, so it goes from that specific height to a full
 height, thus showing the first three items to the total nine. I just
 don't know how to write the code to do that since I couldn't find
 where to put a starting height value for that...

 On 2 ene, 17:49, waseem sabjee waseemsab...@gmail.com wrote:
  lets say I have this HTML  CSS markup
  . extendcontent {
  div class=extender
  a href=# class=extend+/aa class=extend href=#Click to
  // all your extend content goes here
  div class=extendcontent
  This is div #1 of extended content
  This is div #2 of extended content
  This is div #3 of extended content
  now heres the script
  var $s = jQuery.noConflict();
  $s(function() {
   var obj_extend = $s(. extender);
   var btn_extend = $s(. extend, obj_extend);
   btn_extend .click(function(e) {
  On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Once busetolo...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi. I'm new to jQuery and ran into this dilemma. In the portfolio
   section of my homepage (http://invitro.vegasoftweb.com/es/). I have
   a div with 9 items but only 3 are showing, the other 6 are hidden by
   another div that has a fixed height and thus clip them. I am trying to
   implement a soft transition when a + button is clicked and the
   hidden 6 are visible.
   I tried this two ways:
   1. Toggling classes between the clipdiv and the fulldiv and adding a
   duration value for toggleClass. However the transition doesn't work in
  var $s = jQuery.noConflict();
  $s(document).ready(function() {
   $s('a#portfolio-morelink').click(function() {
   return false;
   2. trying the Animate - toggle height but I can't get it to work
   with a starting height so it goes from showing the 3 items to not
   showing anything, instead of opening and revealing the hidden 6.
   var $s = jQuery.noConflict();
  $s(document).ready(function() {
$s('a#portfolio-morelink').click(function() {
   $s('.portfolioclip').animate({height: auto});
   return false;
   Also, tried the Animate height and it does work but it doesn't
   toggle, meaning you can only do it once and it won't return to
   var $s = jQuery.noConflict();
  $s(document).ready(function() {
$s('a#portfolio-morelink').click(function() {
   $s('.portfolioclip').animate({height:toggle}, 5000);
   return false;
   Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Re: [jQuery] Re: How to check whether an element is bound to an event or not?

2010-01-03 Thread waseem sabjee
on certain versions of IE i had issues where the .live() function just
didn't work. no click events at all were firing only on IE. not sure if this
has been fixed.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Md. Ali Ahsan Rana ranacser...@gmail.comwrote:

  Thanks for your reply. It helped me a lot.


[jQuery] Re: jquery.ckeditor non functional?

2010-01-03 Thread Met00 - Met00Cigar
working solution...

dump jquery.ckeditor




aaa = $.ckeditor.instance(editor_kama).getData();


Too bad jquery.ckeditor didn't.

Re: [jQuery] Re: How to check whether an element is bound to an event or not?

2010-01-03 Thread Md. Ali Ahsan Rana
I don't know about this much. But, just a while ago, i wa having problem
binding focus event with live() method. Just solved it by the following code
that i found somewhere on internet:


var special = jQuery.event.special,
uid1 = 'D' + (+new Date()),
uid2 = 'D' + (+new Date() + 1);

jQuery.event.special.focus = {
setup: function() {
var _self = this,
handler = function(e) {
e = jQuery.event.fix(e);
e.type = 'focus';
if (_self === document) {
jQuery.event.handle.call(_self, e);

jQuery(this).data(uid1, handler);

if (_self === document) {
/* Must be live() */
if (_self.addEventListener) {
_self.addEventListener('focus', handler, true);
} else {
_self.attachEvent('onfocusin', handler);
} else {
return false;

teardown: function() {
var handler = jQuery(this).data(uid1);
if (this === document) {
if (this.removeEventListener) {
this.removeEventListener('focus', handler, true);
} else {
this.detachEvent('onfocusin', handler);

jQuery.event.special.blur = {
setup: function() {
var _self = this,
handler = function(e) {
e = jQuery.event.fix(e);
e.type = 'blur';
if (_self === document) {
jQuery.event.handle.call(_self, e);

jQuery(this).data(uid2, handler);

if (_self === document) {
/* Must be live() */
if (_self.addEventListener) {
_self.addEventListener('blur', handler, true);
} else {
_self.attachEvent('onfocusout', handler);
} else {
return false;

teardown: function() {
var handler = jQuery(this).data(uid2);
if (this === document) {
if (this.removeEventListener) {
this.removeEventListener('blur', handler, true);
} else {
this.detachEvent('onfocusout', handler);



[jQuery] Re: simple jquery question

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
This will do what you want, first I assigned the elements via a
filter :

elements = $('h3').filter('.example');

Then I scrolled around the items found and output them to a span for

elements.each(function() {
$('#Output').html($('#Output').html() + br + $(this).html());

Here's the entire test code :

script type=text/javascript 
script type=text/javascript
elements = $('h3').filter('.example');
elements.each(function() {
$('#Output').html($('#Output').html() + 
br + $(this).html

h3 class=example
h3 class=notexample
NOT example :)
h3 class=example

span id=Output

On Jan 2, 8:25 pm, jason jasona...@gmail.com wrote:

 was wondering if anyone could help me with a basic JQ question. Ok so
 I am trying to select each element that has a certain class on my
 page, and then use what is inside of the h3 class=example I am
 selecting to populate a drop down select box with the id of
 deptFilter. (with each result found inside of the H3, wrapped in
 option tags.) I am having trouble understanding how I actually store
 the variables found in each H3 with the class of example.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: Formatting long chains of jQuery code

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
On Jan 3, 2:03 am, Šime Vidas sime.vi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a prefered way of formatting jQuery code when you have 5 or
 more chained methods?

FWIW you do it the way I would.

[jQuery] Re: Fade out an initial image to reveal home page

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
On Jan 1, 8:53 pm, Trev aveollie...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I am completely new to jQuery, and I don't even know how to
 approach or implement what I am trying to do.

Use a div to hold the image - set it at a higher Z index than
everything else.  When the document has finished loading (or whenever
you deem it should) use $(#DIVNAME).fadeOut(slow).remove();

And you should be good to go.

[jQuery] Re: Fade out an initial image to reveal home page

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
As a side note, I did something similar in http://gameview.outer-empires.com
when you finish loading after the character selection screen if you
want to have a look at it.

[jQuery] Possible to call load() within a load() callback?

2010-01-03 Thread jibegod
For example, I'm fetching content from a separate page and appending
it with an animation, but I'd like the animation to wait for the new
content to finish loading before firing.


Just wondering if this is possible solely with the load() function, as
I'm limited to that by my current plugin needs. Thanks!

[jQuery] Multiple file upload with ASP.NET MVC jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin

2010-01-03 Thread 1gn1ter
I'm using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin to upload several
pictures. But form posts only 1, top, item. Fiddler (POST):

POST /Images/UploadImages HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4793
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://localhost:4793/images
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 290022

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=album

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file[]; filename=Blue
Content-Type: image/jpeg


Here is my code:

% using (Html.BeginForm(UploadImages, Images, FormMethod.Post,
new { enctype = multipart/form-data}))

%= Html.DropDownList(album, (IEnumerableSelectListItem)
  br /
input type=file name=file[] id=file class=multi
accept=jpg|png /
  br /
 input type=submit name=submit value=Submit /

% } %

And controller's code:

public ActionResult UploadImages(FormCollection formValue)
foreach (string file in Request.Files)
HttpPostedFileBase hpf = Request.Files[file] as
if (hpf.ContentLength == 0)

//do something with file
return RedirectToAction(Index);

Please advise me how to solve the issue.  Please help...do you have
any example? TIA

PS. Besides html code of generated by the sript controls:

input id=file class=multi type=file accept=jpg|png name=file
[] style=position: absolute; top: -3000px;/
input id=file_F1 class=multi MultiFile type=file accept=jpg|
png name=file[] style=position: absolute; top: -3000px;/
input id=file_F2 class=multi MultiFile type=file accept=jpg|
png name=file[] style=position: absolute; top: -3000px;/
input id=file_F3 class=multi MultiFile type=file accept=jpg|
png name=file[] style=position: absolute; top: -3000px;/
input id=file_F4 class=multi MultiFile type=file accept=jpg|
png name=fil

[jQuery] Taconite eval blocks referencing other parts of XML document

2010-01-03 Thread Brian Moquin
I want to be able to return an XML document from my server that contains
more than just Taconite commands, and I want to be able to read those
additional XML nodes from within a Taconite eval block.  I've come up with a
solution, but I wonder if there's a better way of doing this.  Here's a
trivial example of my solution:

*Client Code*
*var oxml;*
action: 'dosomething',
dataType: 'xml'
},function (xml) { *oxml=xml;* });

*Server Return*
append select=#content
   Some stuff to add
  if($('#status'*,oxml*).val() == 0) {
  $('#content).append( $('#name',*oxml*).val() );

Is there a way of accessing the current XML document from within a Taconite
eval block without using a global variable, i.e., omitting the parts in blue


[jQuery] Coverflow for jQuery?

2010-01-03 Thread Bert
Hi all,

I am looking for a coverflow like this

but then for jQuery, with some easy setup if it is possible :-)
I only need something for sliding the images like that, some
descriptions not needed

Does anyone know something like this for jQuery?

Regards, Bert

[jQuery] Lightbox With Thumbnails

2010-01-03 Thread Nick Bowers
I am after something like this http://spaceforaname.com/gallery-customized.html
But it a lightbox like form. Does anyone know how to do this or any
that have already been made?

[jQuery] No ajax response from Firefox?

2010-01-03 Thread mitchmaster
I wrote some very simple code using jQuery to send an ajax request,
and the code works fine in IE but in Firefox there is never any
response. Firebug confirms this. The code calls a php script which
updates a database, and the update is successful, but no text that I
echo from php is retrieved by the callback function in Firefox. Even
if I change the php script to be a simple echo statement and nothing
else, no callback. All of the above works perfectly in IE.

I just checked and got no response in Chrome either. Any suggestions?
I noticed other posts that say ajax with jQuery works differently for
IE vs. Firefox/Chrome, which is ironic since I'm using jQuery in the
hopes of attaining cross-browser compatibility!

Thanks for your help,


[jQuery] Re: No ajax response from Firefox?

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
Could you post an example of your code
that isn't working please?

[jQuery] Re: Coverflow for jQuery?

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
You can't quite do the same with jquery (reflections wise) you can
however do a similar type animation (there are a few plugins on the
jquery site that do an accordian like function)

[jQuery] Re: Animate or ToggleClass

2010-01-03 Thread John Sanabria
Waseem, again thank you for your help.

Now, this is what I'm trying to do. (I'm adding a couple of screenshots for
further detail)

First image:

 As you can see, I have a unordered list with an id of filter that
*filters* the items of the also unordered list with an id of portafolio. The
filtering works by adding a class of current to the items that are visible
(and match the category you're clicking, eg web, print, etc) and a hidden
class (witha a display:none) to the ones that are hidden.

The div with an class of portfolioclip is the container of the portfolio
items and it initially displays ONLY the first three items, regardless if
the number of items made visible by the filtering script is higher. The
.portfolioclip has a height of 225px and overflow:hidden.

So when one clicks in the plus button (#portfolio-morelink) I want the
container's height to grow automatically to show all the visible items, as
you can see in the next image. I've sort of accomplished this toggling the
class of the container with jQuery to .portfoliofull (height:100%) and a
2000 ms duration so it slides smoothly when it grows.

$s('.portfolioclip').toggleClass('portfoliofull', 2000);
 return false;

The problem, as I stated in the first post, is that Internet Explorer
doesn't pick the duration value and it expands/contracts the div very
harshly, no smooth animation.

I've read I can do this with toggling the initial height (232px) with the
final height (auto) but I don't understand how to state the initial height
is different than 0. So it goes from 232px to 0 which is not what I want.

Also I tried with animating the height without the toggling and it works
fine except it only works once cause since there is no toggling, the div
doesn't return to its previous state.

I hope I've explained myself. If not, please tell me what more info do you
need and I will answer. Again, thank you very much.

PD: The link, once more, is http://invitro.vegasoftweb.com/es/

[jQuery] Re: Animate or ToggleClass

2010-01-03 Thread Once
It seemed my images are not showing through googlegroups. SO the first
one is in http://i45.tinypic.com/2jb4n55.jpg and the second one is in

On Jan 3, 3:28 pm, John Sanabria busetolo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Waseem, again thank you for your help.

 Now, this is what I'm trying to do. (I'm adding a couple of screenshots for
 further detail)

 First image:

  As you can see, I have a unordered list with an id of filter that
 *filters* the items of the also unordered list with an id of portafolio. The
 filtering works by adding a class of current to the items that are visible
 (and match the category you're clicking, eg web, print, etc) and a hidden
 class (witha a display:none) to the ones that are hidden.

 The div with an class of portfolioclip is the container of the portfolio
 items and it initially displays ONLY the first three items, regardless if
 the number of items made visible by the filtering script is higher. The
 .portfolioclip has a height of 225px and overflow:hidden.

 So when one clicks in the plus button (#portfolio-morelink) I want the
 container's height to grow automatically to show all the visible items, as
 you can see in the next image. I've sort of accomplished this toggling the
 class of the container with jQuery to .portfoliofull (height:100%) and a
 2000 ms duration so it slides smoothly when it grows.

 $s('.portfolioclip').toggleClass('portfoliofull', 2000);
          return false;

 The problem, as I stated in the first post, is that Internet Explorer
 doesn't pick the duration value and it expands/contracts the div very
 harshly, no smooth animation.

 I've read I can do this with toggling the initial height (232px) with the
 final height (auto) but I don't understand how to state the initial height
 is different than 0. So it goes from 232px to 0 which is not what I want.

 Also I tried with animating the height without the toggling and it works
 fine except it only works once cause since there is no toggling, the div
 doesn't return to its previous state.

 I hope I've explained myself. If not, please tell me what more info do you
 need and I will answer. Again, thank you very much.

 PD: The link, once more, ishttp://invitro.vegasoftweb.com/es/

[jQuery] Re: Looking for that plugin that uses scrollTo for product demos...

2010-01-03 Thread kgosser
bump. any thoughts?

On Dec 17 2009, 6:24 pm, kgosser kgos...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey all,

 I saw this site a few months ago that was showing off a new plugin
 which used the scrollTo tool to scroll through one screen shot. I
 can't seem to find it with a Google search, and I forgot to save it to
 my Delicious. Yikes!

 I was wondering if this rings a bell for anyone and if you could
 direct me to that site?


[jQuery] Re: Looking for that plugin that uses scrollTo for product demos...

2010-01-03 Thread Paul Hutson
Do you mean something like this? : http://plugins.jquery.com/project/ScrollTo

[jQuery] Superfish - Which files to edit (Simple question) ?

2010-01-03 Thread MiguelGarcia
Hello to all...

I was looking to user comments at joomla extentions for Superfish and
it seams to be very interesting Suckerfish solution.

Before start with, I will need to put a question:

When I go to http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#examples
, looking at basic style tab, in the box named The Code I can see:


//link to the CSS files for this menu type
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen
href=superfish.css /


// link to the JavaScript files (hoverIntent is optional)
script type=text/javascript src=hoverIntent.js/script
script type=text/javascript src=superfish.js/script


// initialise Superfish
script type=text/javascript



My questions are very simple ones:


Into which files must I put this code ( from points 1 , 2 and 3) ?

template css?  index.php  ?   any other ???


after this, if I create sub menu items in my top menu (thourhg joomla
administrator), will they show up when I put the mouse over them or
will I need to code something else?

If yes, what ?

Lots of thanks in advance,

Miguel Garcia

[jQuery] Re: No ajax response from Firefox?

2010-01-03 Thread mitchmaster
Here is the code. I have also tried this using the $.post method
rather than the $.ajax method with identical results.

function posthtml() {
type: POST,
url: response.php,
data:   pagehtml= + encodeURIComponent
success: function(html){

For the purposes of testing, I have been calling this PHP script:

echo response;

Thanks again,


[jQuery] FireFox Pages flicker when jQuery reads a CSS attribute of a div

2010-01-03 Thread average_user
When starting to use jQuery I was assuming that jQuery would be a
stable interface that removes the headache of having to deal with
multiple browser APIs. It certainly has a lot of features that achieve

Now I have a case where jQuery makes things worse for me with a
dimension that I have never heard of.

I have to wrestle with jQuery read-only API calls that refresh the
page (yes you are reading this correctly).

css( name ) Returns: String

In a jQuery declared read-only call css(), jQuery.swap() is called
internally that temporarily writes three browser css attributes that
may cause a page refresh.

No wonder that the pages flicker.

See http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/5743
Firefox: Reading a single Attribute causes Page Flicker

I first thought that jQuery was some kind of computer program.

But it is clearly something else, because computer programs don't
actually update other things just get the value of something.

It's like in a car having to hit the brakes to just get a speed

I hope that this article will somehow encourage the authors of jQuery
to remove the updating behavior, even if that means to reduce the
functionality of jQuery to what is honestly achievable without such

Keywords: jQuery, flicker, FireFox, CSS, overflow, auto, Dialog,
hidden, scroll

[jQuery] $(form).serialize() does not include submit button data

2010-01-03 Thread Milan Andric
I was wondering if this is a bug or not ...  here's the full example:

I would think the submit button data would also be included when doing
$(form_obj).serialize()?  Apologies if this has already been answered
somewhere already.  It can easily be remedied by including some extra
hidden fields but I thought I would ask about it.

The code looks something like:

script type=text/javascript
function postSubmit(data) {
var data = $(this.form).serialize()
//$.post(, data, postSubmit);
return false;


pHere's a form with just a submit button:/p
form action= method=post
input type=submit name=update_project value=Update /




pHere's a form with some hidden fields:/p
form action= method=post
input type=hidden name=build value=0044 /
input type=hidden name=push_build value=Deploy /
input type=submit name=push_build value=Deploy /





[jQuery] Pass form value

2010-01-03 Thread JamaicaMan
I am working on translating a website where instead of repotting the
pages I just move the changed content into a DIV using jQuery
“ajax_load”.  The code is simple and of the form:
var loadCreditCardDonation = 'content/creditCardDonation.php';

I am now working on a page that I am stuck on.  I have a form (see
below) which asks the user to choose an amount for a donation to this
charity and then submit the form to the “authorization page”.  What I
have been fumbling about for the last half day is how to write a
function to pass the selected value to the “authorization page” which
I should bring into the same DIV which is #rightContent.

div id=donationForm
   form name='formDonate' method ='request' onsubmit='return
isNumeric();' action='content/creditCardAuthorize.php'
legendDonation Form/legend br /
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='10'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $10/p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='20'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $20 /p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='30'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $30 /p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='40'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $40 /p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='50'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $50 /p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='75'  onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $75 /p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value='100' onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; $100/p
p class='submit'input type='radio' name='donation'
value=''   onclick='noteAmount()' / nbsp; Other Amount /p
br /
plabel for='amount'Amount $/label input type='text'
name='amount' id='amount' disabled='false'//p
p class='submit'input type='submit' id=donateButton
value='Continue' //p
br /

Any help, tutorial or example would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: $(form).serialize() does not include submit button data

2010-01-03 Thread Dave Methvin
 I would think the submit button data would also be included when doing

When you submit a form manually, the value of the submit button
clicked is sent as part of the form. If you serialize the form using
Javascript, no button was clicked so none of them are serialized.

[jQuery] Sentence Case?

2010-01-03 Thread dmikester1
I can't find any jQuery plugin or even code that will do Sentence Case
in a input field onkeyup.  Does anyone know how I can do this?

[jQuery] Re: jquery.js and jquery-1.2.6.pack.js conflict

2010-01-03 Thread Mr.Aaqib
well i used the code provided by example that i download form net. I
did change some functionality but i didn't change the files that are
included in the pack. I used almost AS IT IS.

On Jan 1, 5:07 pm, Ashwanth Kumar ashwanth.ku...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, did u use jQuery when used with Prototype, as prototype has its
 own $() implementation!!

  - Ashwanth Kumar

 On Jan 1, 3:51 pm, Mr.Aaqib mr.aa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thnx for your reply. I did tried to remove one library but if i remove
  jquery-1.2.6.pack.js then image gallery doesnot work and if i remove
  jquery.js menus stop working. Now i tried prototype image gallery and
  same problem. when i include prorotype .js gallery menus stop working
  and if include jquery.js file for menus image gallery does not work.

  Any Idea??

  On Dec 31 2009, 10:07 pm, brian zijn.digi...@gmail.com wrote:

   You should only load one of those files. The version included with
   jCarousel is there as a convenience. It's not necessary to use it if
   you already are loading jQuery. It's likely the unpacked version is
   newer, anyway.

   On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 7:21 AM, Mr.Aaqib mr.aa...@gmail.com wrote:

Recently i created menu and image gallery. I used jquery.js for menus
and for image gallery i used jquery-1.2.6.pack.js as provided by
carousels galleries. Now both of them does not work at same time. If i
include both file image gallery script generates error message and if
i remove the menus jquery.php file menus does not work but image
gallery works as expected.

I dont know whether its version conflict or something else. Any help
will be highly appreciated.

Aaqib Iqbal

[jQuery] Re: jquery.js and jquery-1.2.6.pack.js conflict

2010-01-03 Thread Mr.Aaqib
how can i get the full version of files? I used the files provided by
example that i downloaded from the internet.

On Jan 1, 7:28 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 also, while debugging/diagnosing:  use the *full* versions of the
 files, do not use packed or minified, as they complicated matters a lot

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - Which files to edit (Simple question) ?

2010-01-03 Thread Charlie

joomla extension will take care of inserting the head code needed as
well as provide various options in the admin for setting up menu.
Follow the extension instructions. Superfish website isn't really set
up for CMS extension installs, like Joomla, however the css tricks will
likely be useful

MiguelGarcia wrote:

  Hello to all...

I was looking to user comments at joomla extentions for Superfish and
it seams to be very interesting Suckerfish solution.

Before start with, I will need to put a question:

When I go to http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#examples
, looking at basic style tab, in the box named "The Code" I can see:


//link to the CSS files for this menu type
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
href="" /


// link to the _javascript_ files (hoverIntent is optional)
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/script
script type="text/_javascript_" src=""/script


// initialise Superfish
script type="text/_javascript_"



My questions are very simple ones:


Into which files must I put this code ( from points 1 , 2 and 3) ?

template css?  index.php  ?   any other ???


after this, if I create sub menu items in my top menu (thourhg joomla
administrator), will they show up when I put the mouse over them or
will I need to code something else?

If yes, what ?

Lots of thanks in advance,

Miguel Garcia