Re: [jQuery] Can jquery do this? font-colour

2010-01-07 Thread Don Dunbar
The easiest way to do that is simply make the background to that area black.
Then the white text shows up no matter what. It would eliminate the need to
do extra work with scripts.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 5:09 PM, annie wrote:

 I'm very very new to jquery so please be patient with my questions.

 I have a layout that has white colored text.  When you turn images off
 the text disappears because the back background is completely white.

 So, with the scenario above is it possible to use jquery to do the

 font color is white
 when user turns images off on their browser
 then change font to color =black

 So basically its not 'how do I change the font color' but 'how do I
 detect that the user has images turned off, *then* change the font

 Your help would be much appreciated.

 Thank-you in advance.


Re: [jQuery] Re: (validate) form field validation with field id doesn't work.

2009-10-30 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, multiple fields should not have the same 'name' in a form. If you need
first name for two parts of a form, then you should give a more explicit
name to the input : ex. first name for shipping could be 'firstNameShip' and
first name for billing could be 'firstNameBill' etc. The reason is because
you should be using labels that are assigned through the 'for' attribute to
an input, giving greater accessibility. This also makes for a more semantic
name scheme than firstName1.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:22 PM, monika budhiraja wrote:

 yeah . that's what I think would be some confusion coz it might be that
 multiple  fields that have same name but Ids would be unique throughout

 So, I was really wondering, if there is any way to setup rules and
 validations based on ids and ignore names completely.

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:02 PM, James wrote:

 If you change the name of your field, you'd have to change your rules
 in the validation options from firstname to firstname1 also.

 On Oct 29, 10:34 am, Monika wrote:
  Hi :
I am trying to use jquery validatro plugin and used tried demo on
  the live site.  Just looking if I can use this framework for UI
  validation or not.
 So, On demo, whene i tried replacing name with id, the validation
  doesn't work.
  Demo page :  has 2 form.
  And in the second form, when I change the firstname :
 label for=firstnameFirstname/label
 input id=firstname name=firstname /
  to something like :
 label for=firstnameFirstname/label
input id=firstname name=firstname1 /
  it doesn't work.  Please let me know if I need to do anything.

[jQuery] Re: how to set array value????

2009-10-24 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi Jacob, the format in your 'input' is a Ruby on Rails microformat; the
name='branch[blahblah]' is a ruby hash. The problem could be how it is
being parsed on the server with your ruby code.
Here is short article about the use of microformats in rails.
Hope it helps.

2009/10/23 jacob

  Can you rename the control?
 No I can't. Because the control's name is automatically assigned in
 the rails framework.

 If I rename the control's name, it will be caused another problem I
 can't properly manage the value. But I can see the value in the server
 side, when I make another test controller named input
 name=test_name type=text / instead of name=branch[blalbla]

 I guess the server side procedure will be like this
 ex) php ( even though the ruby syntax will be different, the way of
 process will be same in terms of context. )
 foreach (branch as $key = $value) {
// make query according to key and value pairs
// but when I meet key name address, I get the null value.

 Furthermore, I can get the whole value exactly as I typed in the web
 page except the values that I set by jQuery's 'val' method.

 On 10월24일, 오전6시31분, DanDan wrote:
  I *think* you are probably right that the name of the input control is
  your problem:
  I wonder if your server side code is seeing the brackets escaped or
  Can you rename the control?
  On Oct 23, 9:22 am, jacob wrote:
   Today, I have met something odd experience during developing web
   application based on Ruby on Rails and Jquery.
   When I set some value by next code,
   it seems to work as I expected. Because the value that I set by
   jQuery's 'val' function appear on the chrome browser and other
   browsers as well.
   input type=text name=branch[address] id=branch_address /
   But when I submit the form, I got the null value from the perspective
   of server side.
   I suspect this problem could be caused by the hash array like 'brach
   [address]' but I can't verify the reason due to lack of my knowledge
   about jQuery and javascript.
   I expect anyone who have more experience to the jQuery and javascript
   than me give some tip or any guide to me to overcome this obstacle.
   looking forward for many knowledgeable people to consider this
   Thanks a lot.

[jQuery] Re: password initial value without masking ****

2009-10-20 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, another thing you can try is to use a label for the password input. Just
change the label styles to go on top of the input field ( it will look like
it is in the field.) Then when the input field has focus, hide the label so
it doesn't block the field.  I just saw Waseem has the same idea. Actually
in 'Learning jQuery 1.3', Karl shows how to do this in detail.DED

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 3:05 AM, Marco Barbosa marco.barbos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hmmm. This is more complicated than I thought.

 waseem, having 2 input fields doesn't seem correct. Thought it might
 work I will have to pass that solution for this specific site.

 Liam, Your code didn't work either, I don't know why.

 Jörn, this watermark plugin is interesting but I don't want to use
 jquery ui on this site.
 That's because I'm already using that cleanField function and it would
 be redundant to have a plugin just for the login form.
 Also I gave it a try and the label didn't stay inside the input. So If
 i have to manually position it there, then it's another reason I will
 pass this solution as well.

 I though a simple jquery would do this.
 I think I will leave it masked and use a tooltip or something.

 Thanks guys!

 On Oct 19, 5:54 pm, Jörn Zaefferer
  Instead of replacing the input, display a label above it. Seehttp://
  On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Liam Potter
   Here is how I do it. Just markup the form like normal (I use a
   list to lay out my forms)
 var $currentPass = $(this)
   $currentPass.before('input type=text value=Password
   class=removeit style=position:absolute;z-index:10; /');
   var $visiblePassword = $(.removeit);
   $visiblePassword.focus(function () {
   $currentPass.blur( function () {
 if ( $currentPass.attr(value) ==  ){
   waseem sabjee wrote:
   ah yes i forgot.
   you would get access denied when tried to change an input type
   the best way is to have two input types and just hide one and show the
   but i have a solution for you
   the html
  !-- The following html of two input types - we gonna switch
   between them--
  input type=text class=textinput value=Passowrd /
  input type=password class=passinput value= /
   the css
  style type=text/css
  /*first we need to hide the password input*/
  .passinput {
   the js
  script type=text/javascript
  $(function() {
  // declare your input types
  var textinput = $(.textinput);
  var passinput = $(.passinput);
  // on text input focus - hide text input and show and
   on password input
  textinput.focus() {
  // on password input blud hide password input and show
   focus on text input
  passinput.blur(function() {
   On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Marco Barbosa 
 marco.barbos...@gmail.commailto: wrote:
  Hi waseem!
  Thanks for your reply.
  Something's wrong with this line:
  I tried changing to:
  but still no go.
  I have to comment out to get the other JS stuff on the site
  The rest of the code seems Ok. What could it be?
  I like your solution, pretty simple :)
  I was wondering if we could put this inside the cleanField function
  but I guess it's not necessary.
  On Oct 19, 2:32 pm, waseem sabjee wrote:
   // set the initial type to text
   // on user focus - change type to password
   $(.mypasswordfield).focus(function() {
   // on user blur - change type to back to text

[jQuery] Re: (tooltip) Markup problem

2009-10-14 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, documents can contain as many H3 headers as are needed. In a tooltip,
'H3' makes the most sense because a single page generally should have only
one 'H1' and 'H2' should be reserved for segment heads. So it's not a big
issue to have the 'H3' in the tooltip dialog and still remain semantically
correct. If that is what you are concerned with. But if you want to change
the behavior of this particular tooltip dialog, just go into the source code
and alter what it creates. Then, check any css file the plugin comes with
and change that to match what you altered in the source code.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 6:55 AM, shapper wrote:

 On Oct 12, 8:57 pm, Jörn Zaefferer
  That sounds like you validate a page for the sake of validation. I think
  thats beneath the point, therefore I don't get your argument. Do you
  about accessibility? If so, did you test the tooltip with a screenreader?
  Afaik thats the best way to test for accessibility; validation not so


 I didn't talk about validation.

 Take the example I created here:

 The document structure already contains a H3 header.
 IMHO it does not make sense to me the tooltip to add a header at same
 level ...

 I even think the tooltip shouldn't have a header ... But of course
 that is my opinion.
 But in this example, to use a header on tooltip, it should be a H4 ...

 I really like the functionality of your plugin:
 For example, when tooltip disappears when a input is selected ...

 Would be possible to tell me how to change the plugin code so the
 tooltip would be just:
 divspanTitle ... spandiv

 And I need to display only the title ... no url in case of anchors.
 Just the title in all situations.

 Basically, a really simple tooltip but with the same behavior as

 I have been looking for such a plugin but they never work as good as

 And all my tries to adapt your code ended with a broken plugin ...

 Thank You,

[jQuery] Re: AJAX callbacks: load(); $.get() and $.post() do not

2009-10-13 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, it could be that your not supplying the type of return in the .post and
.get calls. According to the API .post and .get have a fourth param of
'type' such as 'xml' or 'json'. This might not be the issue but it could be
because your server won't know what mime type to return. DED

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 8:22 AM, alexryan alexander.j.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 $.get() and $.post() functions work for me *except* when I supply a
 callback function as the third parameter.
 I can pass in exactly the same set of arguments that work for a load()
 function to $.get() and $.post() and they do not work.
 Has anyone else experienced this?
 If so, does anyone have a work-around?
 I'm using jQuery 1.3.2.

 For example ...

 This works ...
 $('div.status').load('/quotations/RegisterServlet', parameters,

 This does not work ...
 $.post('/quotations/RegisterServlet', parameters,

[jQuery] Re: (validate) does not work with backup php validation

2009-10-13 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, it's hard to tell, could you explain in more detail what you mean by
'ignored completely'. Do you mean that you tried entering invalid data and
the javascript didn't produce errors? But, at the same time you seem to have
a problem in your php validation. Your if statement says 'if name exists and
if email exists and if message is not blank', not 'if name and email and
message are not blank' as you probably intended. So that could be an issue
as well.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:07 PM, breatheonme wrote:

 I'm using's form validation, as shown here:

 In the very possible event that someone is browsing without JavaScript
 enabled, I've put together a PHP form validation that should direct
 the user to an error page (or thank you page upon success).

 The JavaScript works when I do not have the validation part in the
 PHP.  When I do, it seems the JavaScript is completely ignored.

 Here's my HTML:
 form action=form.php method=post id=contactform class=form
 extended contact
p class=reqstrong*/strong Indicates a required field./
li class=name
label for=txt_nameName
input id=txt_name name=txt_name class=text /
li class=email
label for=txt_emailEmail Address
input id=txt_email name=txt_email class=text
li class=message
label for=txt_messageMessage
textarea id=txt_message
input type=submit name=send value=Send
 class=submit /

 Here's my JS:
 //initiate validator on load
$(function() {

// validate contact form on keyup and submit
//set the rules for the field names
rules: {
txt_name: {
required: true,
minlength: 2
txt_email: {
required: true,
email: true
txt_message: {
required: true,
minlength: 2
//set messages to appear inline
messages: {
txt_name: Please enter your name,
txt_email: Please enter a valid email
txt_message: Please enter your message

 and finally, here's my PHP:
 // get posted data into local variables
 $emailto =;
 $subject = Contact Form;
 $name = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['txt_name']));
 $email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['txt_email']));
 $message = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['txt_message']));
 $today = date(F j, Y, g:i a);
 // prepare email body text
 $body = ;
 $body .= $today;
 $body .= \n;
 $body .= \n;
 $body .= Name: ;
 $body .= $name;
 $body .= \n;
 $body .= Email: ;
 $body .= $email;
 $body .= \n;
 $body .= Message: ;
 $body .= $message;
 $body .= \n;
 $body .= \n;
 // check for empty fields
 if ( $name OR $email OR $message != '' ) {
 mail($emailto, $subject, $body, From: $email, -f;
 print meta http-equiv=\refresh\ content=\0;URL=thankyou.php\ /
 else {
 print meta http-equiv=\refresh\ content=\0;URL=error.php\ /;

 Any ideas?  Thanks.

[jQuery] Re: Preventing double submits

2009-10-13 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, can't you check validation before applying the block? Then if validation
returns false direct focus to the first invalid field, and cancel the call
to the block.This might work.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Mark Smith


 I am using jQuery and blockUI to prevent the user from submitting a
 form twice by double clicking on the interface:

 This is in my global js file and is called on every pages

 $('form').submit(function(){$.blockUI({message:'', overlayCSS:

 This was working really well, but if I have validation on one of the
 form submits that returns false, I of course want to unblock the UI.

 Can you suggest a way of doing this? (without hard coding validation
 checks in the global js file?)

 Thanks for any suggestions

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter - disabling sorting for a row

2009-10-13 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, you could try adding class='{sorter:false}' to that row. See if that
works, it works for thead ths.DED

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Konstantin K wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I'm using the awesome tablesorter plugin and I have one question:

 1. is it possible to have a row not be part of the sorting?

 For example, I'd like to have a table, where the first row under the
 headings, is always on top, and doesn't change positions when one of
 the headings is sorted.

 Thanks for any tips!

[jQuery] Re: Only one of two fields is required. How to implement this logic in Jquery form validation?

2009-10-12 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi , I double checked on javascript's XOR operator and it only works with
bitwise: so you will have to write your own XOR . This isn't hard :   [code]
if (!foo != !bar)  [\code] should work for all elements.
   or this
   [code]if( ( foo  !bar ) || ( !foo  bar ) )[\code]

For the validator method I haven't actually tried to run this but you can
try this:[code]

function(value, elements) {
// but put whatever you're using to see if either is checked
in the next line
return  this.optional(value) ||  elements[o]:checked XOR
Please check either participations or days, but not both
)[/code] note change XOR to whatever method you decide to use.

Then add the check to your rules.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:36 AM, Phper wrote:

 script type=text/javascript src=
 script type=text/javascript src=

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
   title: {
required: true,
} ,
content: {
required: true,
 evaluation: {
required: true,
price: {
required: true,

messages: {



 As you can see from the code above, title, content, evaluation,
 prices and multi are required. All of them are required. But there
 are additional two fields, which are participations and days. Only
 one of them is required. Either participations or days is
 required. How to write this code?

 On Oct 12, 10:17 am, Phper wrote:
  A good clue. But I still don't know where to write the if statement.
  It would be good if you can give me an example.
  On Oct 11, 10:57 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
   Hi, if you are using the validation plugin, I believe it has a function
   addMethod that allows you to write your own method for the
 validation. It
   requires a name (javascript identifier), a method to check input
 against (
   in your case A and B would be checked for completion) and a message to
   display when there is an error (i.e. neither A nor B is filled out, or
   are). You can get the details for using the addMethod function at the
   jQuery Docs page.
   The page lists demos and the function you need is toward the bottom of
   The logic is fairly straight forward :  when the form is being filled
   listen for when A and B have focus, remember if either is checked or
   and check to make sure both are not simultaneously filled out. Check
 this on
   submit as well.
   Good luck,
   On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Phper wrote:
How can I write the code in the context of Jquery validate function?
On Oct 11, 12:43 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
 Hi, javascript has an 'xor' operator. It works just like 'or' in an
 statement except in 'xor' only one side can be true. In a normal
 statement either side can be true or both can. So you probably want
 to do
 something like: if ( A XOR B) { } .  Then only one can be true to
 if both are true the statement returns 'false'.Hope this helps.
 On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Phper
  There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is
  required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B
  required. ( A is required  OR B is required). In other words, a
  can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but
 he can
  not input data to Both A and B at the same time.
  How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

[jQuery] Re: Only one of two fields is required. How to implement this logic in Jquery form validation?

2009-10-12 Thread Don Dunbar
I thought of a much simpler solution. If possible could you use radio
buttons for those two choices in your HTML? In a radio button group
selecting one automatically deselects other buttons in the group. Then you
could just use one of the built in validation checks, as you already have
done, to make sure one is checked.DED

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Phper wrote:

 I am not familiar with the syntax of Jquery plugin.

 On Oct 12, 2:19 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
  Hi , I double checked on javascript's XOR operator and it only works with
  bitwise: so you will have to write your own XOR . This isn't hard :
  if (!foo != !bar)  [\code] should work for all elements.
 or this
 [code]if( ( foo  !bar ) || ( !foo  bar ) )[\code]
  For the validator method I haven't actually tried to run this but you can
  try this:[code]
  function(value, elements) {
  // but put whatever you're using to see if either is checked
  in the next line
  return  this.optional(value) ||  elements[o]:checked XOR
  Please check either participations or days, but not both
  )[/code] note change XOR to whatever method you decide to use.
  Then add the check to your rules.
  On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 12:36 AM, Phper wrote:
   script type=text/javascript src=
   script type=text/javascript src=
   script type=text/javascript
   $(document).ready(function() {
  rules: {
 title: {
  required: true,
  } ,
  content: {
  required: true,
   evaluation: {
  required: true,
  price: {
  required: true,
  messages: {
   As you can see from the code above, title, content, evaluation,
   prices and multi are required. All of them are required. But there
   are additional two fields, which are participations and days. Only
   one of them is required. Either participations or days is
   required. How to write this code?
   On Oct 12, 10:17 am, Phper wrote:
A good clue. But I still don't know where to write the if
It would be good if you can give me an example.
On Oct 11, 10:57 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
 Hi, if you are using the validation plugin, I believe it has a
 addMethod that allows you to write your own method for the
   validation. It
 requires a name (javascript identifier), a method to check input
   against (
 in your case A and B would be checked for completion) and a message
 display when there is an error (i.e. neither A nor B is filled out,
 are). You can get the details for using the addMethod function at
 jQuery Docs page.
 The page lists demos and the function you need is toward the bottom
 The logic is fairly straight forward :  when the form is being
 listen for when A and B have focus, remember if either is checked
 and check to make sure both are not simultaneously filled out.
   this on
 submit as well.
 Good luck,
 On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Phper
  How can I write the code in the context of Jquery validate
  On Oct 11, 12:43 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
   Hi, javascript has an 'xor' operator. It works just like 'or'
 in an
   statement except in 'xor' only one side can be true. In a
   statement either side can be true or both can. So you probably
   to do
   something like: if ( A XOR B) { } .  Then only one can be true
   if both are true the statement returns 'false'.Hope this helps.
   On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Phper
There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is
required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or
required. ( A is required  OR B is required). In other words,
can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B,
   he can
not input data to Both A and B at the same time

[jQuery] Re: Only one of two fields is required. How to implement this logic in Jquery form validation?

2009-10-12 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, glad you found a solution:to  prevent the user from filling out both
inputs in the first place.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:55 AM, Phper wrote:

 Also, how to prevent a user filling out both fields?

 On Oct 12, 4:48 pm, Phper wrote:
  How to change the default position of an error message in Jquey form
  validation plugin?
  On Oct 12, 4:33 pm, Gordon wrote:
   If you're using the Metadata plugin and inline rules:
   input type=text id=a class={validate:{required:'#b:blank'}} /
   input type=text id=b class={validate:{required:'#a:blank'}} /
   I've not actually tested it but it should work.
   On Oct 11, 4:37 am, Phper wrote:
There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is
required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is
required. ( A is required  OR B is required). In other words, a user
can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he
not input data to Both A and B at the same time.
How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

[jQuery] Re: Assigning CSS 'display:block' by jquery not working

2009-10-11 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, this appears to be happening because of specificity in the CSS. You have
the 'hidden' on a direct specification i.e. the 'ul' in question. Try adding
a class like : .hidden {display:none;} and then adding and removing that
through your jQuery  ul.addClass(hidden) ; ul.removeClass(hidden);That
should work. CSS works through a cascade so that when you select something
directly such as #id ul it takes precedence over simply adding a class to
the element.
Hope that makes sense?

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Caisys wrote:

 I am trying to display a hidden ul by using the $(id).addClass()
 method. For some reason the ul stays hidden. Can someone please help

 ul#sitenav {

 ul#sitenav li{

 ul#sitenav li ul{

 .selected {


 ul id=sitenav
liHomeul id=home-subnav
liVisitingul id=visiting-subnav
liBasic Information/li

 ##script in index.html

 $(document).ready(function() {

[jQuery] Re: Only one of two fields is required. How to implement this logic in Jquery form validation?

2009-10-11 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, javascript has an 'xor' operator. It works just like 'or' in an 'if'
statement except in 'xor' only one side can be true. In a normal 'or'
statement either side can be true or both can. So you probably want to do
something like: if ( A XOR B) { } .  Then only one can be true to continue
if both are true the statement returns 'false'.Hope this helps.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Phper wrote:

 There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is
 required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is
 required. ( A is required  OR B is required). In other words, a user
 can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can
 not input data to Both A and B at the same time.

 How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

[jQuery] Re: Only one of two fields is required. How to implement this logic in Jquery form validation?

2009-10-11 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, if you are using the validation plugin, I believe it has a function
addMethod that allows you to write your own method for the validation. It
requires a name (javascript identifier), a method to check input against (
in your case A and B would be checked for completion) and a message to
display when there is an error (i.e. neither A nor B is filled out, or both
are). You can get the details for using the addMethod function at the
jQuery Docs page.
The page lists demos and the function you need is toward the bottom of the

The logic is fairly straight forward :  when the form is being filled out
listen for when A and B have focus, remember if either is checked or ignored
and check to make sure both are not simultaneously filled out. Check this on
submit as well.

Good luck,

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Phper wrote:

 How can I write the code in the context of Jquery validate function?

 On Oct 11, 12:43 pm, Don Dunbar wrote:
  Hi, javascript has an 'xor' operator. It works just like 'or' in an 'if'
  statement except in 'xor' only one side can be true. In a normal 'or'
  statement either side can be true or both can. So you probably want to do
  something like: if ( A XOR B) { } .  Then only one can be true to
  if both are true the statement returns 'false'.Hope this helps.
  On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Phper wrote:
   There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is
   required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is
   required. ( A is required  OR B is required). In other words, a user
   can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can
   not input data to Both A and B at the same time.
   How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?

[jQuery] Re: LavaLamp problem in IE

2009-10-11 Thread Don Dunbar
Hi, this sounds like a CSS issue actually. You should search for how to make
a conditional comment in X/HTML and apply a separate style sheet for IE
using that. The reason this happens is probably because of how IE especially
6 and earlier handles the box-model in css differently. And so styles like
margin and padding and width behave in a different way than in FF or Safari

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Peter wrote:

 I have a site where the horizontal LavaLamp top menu is fine in FF,
 but in IE6 is so spaced out that it overflows and looks horrible.

 As a work around I have squeezed all of the links together so they fit
 in IE. However they are now all squeezed together and off-center in
 FF, so it now looks rubbish in FF.

 Any thoughts on how to fix this would be appreciated.

 site is:

