[jQuery] Re: Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-11-04 Thread Florent V.
We're going in circles here.

 showed you an example of a multi column div in a sub,
 had h tags, image, and assorted other markup
 did you even look at it?
 Plugin code was untouched, any adjustemnts were done with css

Yes i did look at that example, and analyzed the HTML code for it. Yes
it works. Yes it uses Superfish with no hacks to the plugin.

BUT, this example is using a UL with a single LI element that's
assuming the role of a semantically neutral container (for styling
purposes). In HTML, the only block-level semantically neutral
container is the DIV element. Period. This is what the HTML 4 and
HTML5 specs say. Which is why i believe this solution that works
visually is not good enough.

The YUI example is a good example because they are using the right
elements for the job: two nested DIVs. (They could use just one for
that example, but i suppose they want to offer a simple template with
more styling hooks for users.)

You then wrote: “The exact same markup in YUI example bellow works
perfectly well...no hacks needed”. This is wrong. Can you REALLY
use the same HTML markup as the YUI, and make the full Superfish
functionnality work? I can do that... by hacking the Superfish source.

The problem i'm talking about is a problem of HTML semantics. I'm not
asking if you can do a mega-dropdown with Superfish, because you can,
as your first example shows, and as my own tests showed me even before
that. I'm saying that you can't do it using the adequate HTML
elements, which i think is a problem. Not a huge problem, but a
problem nonetheless.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-10-28 Thread Florent V.

 The exact same markup in YUI example bellow works perfectly well...no 
 hacks needed

In my experience, it doesn't work. As i wrote earlier, most Superfish
functionality will work, but if you use something else than a UL as
your submenu, even if it's just wrapping a UL in a DIV for styling
purposes, then the animation effects won't work. Superfish won't find
the element it's looking for when trying to apply an animation, and
thus the animation will fail.

But i may be mistaken. Are you able to make the animation effects work
with the same code as the YUI example, without hacking the Superfish
code? Say you want to animate the height and opacity of the submenu,
and as per the YUI example your submenu is a DIV containing a DIV
containing a UL. Does it work for you?

[jQuery] Re: Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-10-27 Thread Florent V.

Thanks for this example.

 there's no doubt in my mind that YUI team hasn't processed
 all the issues you bring up when making their determinations
 on structure

I don't know if they have. The YUI developers are very capable people,
but this does not totally guarantee that YUI is accessible or that
they don't get things wrong sometimes. But i can see that they're
doing exactly what i'm saying that Superfish should allow.

What YUI 3.0 Menu has:

a class=yui-menu-labelSubmenu title (e.g. category name)/a
div class=yui-menu
div class=yui-menu-content
li class=yui-menuitem.../li
li class=yui-menuitem.../li

This is perfectly fine. There are two containing DIVs, which has no
semantic and accessibility impact (DIVs are neutral). Then the content
of the submenu, which in this case is a UL list with one LI for each
submenu item. Nothing wrong here. This is exactly the structure i had
to code, and why i had to hack Superfish which doesn't allow it. ;)

So what i had to code would fit perfectly with this YUI widget:

a class=yui-menu-labelCategory name/a
div class=yui-menu
div class=yui-menu-content
pShort description of the category's 
li class=yui-menuitem.../li
li class=yui-menuitem.../li

Meanwhile, what you said was fine (and i believe is not, though it's
not a BIG issue) is, using similar classes:

a class=menu-labelCategory name/a
ul class=menu
li class=menu-content
pShort description of the category's 
li class=menuitem.../li
li class=menuitem.../li

(Or maybe with a DIV between the container LI and the submenu's
content, to avoid problems with current Superfish inner selectors.)

Regarding higher powers, i should consult with accessibility experts i
know about using a one-item unordered list as a container (just
because Superfish requires it...). It's not elegant, and i suspect it
might cause problems to some screen-reader users, but they may be able
to confirm how significant those problems would be.

Anyway, being forced to use subpar HTML code because a JS script
requires some particular tags is never a good thing. In this case the
consequences may be benign (or not...), in other cases they may be
quite bad.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-10-21 Thread Florent V.

 not sure what you mean by hack or abusing the ul/li elements

HTML 4.01 defines a set of elements, each with its own semantics. Some
are meant as generic wrappers or containers in order to support
language or style information (that's the DIV and SPAN elements).
Others have a more precise meaning and are meant for a rather specific
kind of content (the HN elements, P, UL, EM, etc.).

I'm saying using a UL with a unique LI (like in your example) when
what you actually need (semantic-wise) is a neutral wrapper like a DIV
is abusing HTML 4's semantics. It's not a big deal (the worse it could
cause is a bit of confusion for users who rely on the semantic
information in some way), but having to use a UL element even when
it's not appropriate is not a good thing.

 only interpretation can think of for abusing is invalidation

I was thinking of HTML semantics. You can write perfectly valid code
that makes absolutely no semantic sense, and as such won't degrade
gracefully when styles are not applied, will not be accessible with a
screen reader, etc. For instance you could code a website's content
with DIV elements only, content images as CSS backgrounds, everything
absolutely positioned, etc. It would be valid, but it would be awful
code nonetheless. Validity is a tool, not a token of quality.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-10-20 Thread Florent V.

 there is no reason not to be able to build a mega menu inside UL/LI structure 
 and this has been done in superfish

Sorry, but i think this is a mistake.

This is the kind of code that Superfish expects:

ul id=menu
a href=#Category name/a
ul class=submenu.../ul

You don't have to use a A element for the first-level name i think,
but you do have to use a UL for the submenu (while the submenu class
in this example is just for clarity, it's not required).

You can't do this, as part of the features of Superfish will then

ul id=menu
a href=#Category name/a
div class=submenu.../div

Sure, you can try to use a UL element for the submenu, put a unique LI
inside, and then stuff whatever content you want in that LI (someone
is giving that advice here, as the first name is the same it could be
you ;) 
If you do that, it will work, but it'll be a hack (you're abusing the
UL/LI elements). You may use a UL for the submenu, and use a set of LI
elements for different contents, say a first LI for a top image,
another LI for some inner title, a set of LI for links, another LI for
a second inner title, another set of LI for links, and a final LI for
a bottom image. That will work, but once again this is abusing the
basic HTML semantics. Of course if you don't care about semantics and
accessibility, that's not an issue. I happen to care. :)

I see a few different “good” answers to that problem. One is to amend
Superfish to make it more flexible (i.e. make this a configuration
option, test, document). One is to declare that Superfish is not meant
for mega-dropdowns or any rollover menu that needs anything else than
an unordered list of links for a submenu, which would be a perfectly
valid answer too. I vote for the first answer, though. And i may have
missed a few other solutions. But abusing HTML semantics is not a
solution in my book. I may resort to it if i really need to, but i
think it should be avoided.

Thanks for the input.

[jQuery] Re: superfish navbar - how do I center the whole bar?

2009-10-20 Thread Florent V.


This is a CSS issue, not really related to Superfish or jQuery.

The solution depends on your code, and also on the browsers you want
to support (IE 6 and 7 will limit what you can do).

If your UL has a fixed width, you can center it horizontally in its
container using automatic margins.
Insert search engine name is your friend.
If the container has a fixed width too, using some padding or a margin
might do the trick too.

If the width of your UL element can't be predicted, it gets harder.
Using text-align:center won't work because your top-level LI are not
text, they are blocks, most probably floated blocks (i don't know what
your code looks like, but this is the most common solution). You can't
center blocks using text-align:center. You CAN center inline-block
elements, so it may be tempting to use display:inline-block on your
top-level LI (and no float), but IE 6-7 won't support that. Likewise,
using display:table-cell on your top-level LI elements is not an
option if you want to support IE 6-7.

So, if your series of top-level LI has an unknown, variable width,
you're stuck with:
1. A JavaScript solution that requires getting the container's width,
the UL's width, and add something like half the difference as a margin-
left or padding-left to the UL;
2. A CSS solution that relies on a display:table element wrapping your
UL (or display:table on the UL element itself). Elements that have a
table-like display CAN be centered using automatic margins, even if
they don't have an explicit width. And the one IE 6-7 compatible way
to have a table-like display is to use a TABLE element. So you would
need to wrap your UL in tabletrtd.../td/tr/table, then use
automatic margins on that table element. Not nice, but it works.

[jQuery] Superfish plugin: some limitations that could be addressed

2009-10-19 Thread Florent V.


This is a message for Joel Birch, author of the Superfish plugin, to
developers who may assist him (if any). It may be interesting to
people working on similar plugins, dropdown navigation, etc.

Superfish is a great plugin (thank you Joel for sharing it). It takes
care of a lot of details, like some hard-to-squash IE7 bug, nice
accessibility and usability enhancements, etc. While working on a
project recently i encountered two issues with this plugin.

Those issues are: 1. Superfish expects submenus to be UL elements and
2. the method of hiding submenus may not be accessible to some users
(specifically users of text-to-speech technology).


In the non-minified source of Superfish 1.4.8, this is on lines
104-105 and 112-113:

var $ul = $(['li.',o.hoverClass].join(''),this).add(this).not

$ul = this.addClass(o.hoverClass)

I had trouble understanding all (if not most) of the Superfish code.
But it looks like Superfish is looking of UL elements that are direct
children of a given element [find('ul') and find('ul:hidden')]. If
you happen to use a different element, say a DIV, the plugin works to
some extent but the hiding/revealing of submenus is not managed by
Superfish anymore, and the animation effects are not applied. Because
Superfish won't find the UL it expects and thus won't be able to apply
styles to it.

I think it might be interesting, say in a future Superfish 1.5, to
allow DIV elements as well, or maybe an arbitrary selector. The 'ul'
selector could be a default parameter, and could be overridden with
'div', '.someclass', etc. I'm not sure if the requirement for the
child selector is absolute, or is just a safety thing to avoid
selecting nested elements in three+-level menus.

Why would one want to use something other (whatever it is) than a UL?
Well, it might be very useful to build mega-dropdowns (see
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/mega-dropdown-menus.html), which is what
i had to do (though my own mega dropdown was quite simple: a DIV
with one paragraph and a short list of links). It might be useful too
when you need an additional DIV around a UL because you need more
markup to do some CSS embelishment (borders, shadows as images,
decorated boxes, etc.).


It's a well-known fact that a consequence of using display:none or (to
some extent) visibility:hidden to hide an element is that this element
won't be rendered by most screen readers (JAWS, Window-Eyes, etc.).
Looking at the Superfish default CSS code, it looks like this was

.sf-menu ul {
position: absolute;
top: -999em;
.sf-menu li:hover ul,
.sf-menu li.sfHover ul {
left: 0;

(This is a simplified code extract.)

The submenus are hidden by displaying them far on the left of the
viewport (note that with most browsers, trying to do the same on the
RIGHT of the viewport will create an horizontal scrollbar on the
viewport, that enables the user to scroll all the way to where the
submenus are positioned). Then when the parent LI is hovered, or gets
the default sfHover class, this left offset is removed.

This is a nice technique, but the JS code completely breaks it. Once
the JS code is executed, the submenus will get this inline styles:

element style=display:none; visibility:hidden;

And when the parent LI is hovered or tabbed to, you get:

element style=display:block; visibility:visible;

I'm quite doubtful of the actual results of using a Superfish menu in
a screen reader. Remember: screen readers act between the user and the
application, meaning that a screen reader user is still using a normal
web browser (mostly Internet Explorer, some use Firefox), and most
screen reader users don't disable JavaScript (either because they
don't know how, or because the websites they use require JavaScript in
some ways).

Now, please note that i don't know what the best option is.
Reproducing the accessible CSS hiding trick in the JS would work. But:

1. The display:none might be necessary for some jQuery methods to work
(i suspect animated fade-in effects to require an hidden element to
work). Is this the case? Are there workarounds?
2. The current behavior MIGHT be ok in some or even most use cases. I
suspect that linear navigation with a screen reader would work well,
while other use cases (using the kind of page navigation shortcuts
screen readers provide) might fail to reveal the relevant hidden
submenus. I guess i should test this once i have some time to re-learn
the basics of JAWS testing. (I'm not really fluent with assistive

Finally, i would like to add that if the current JS behavior IS a
problem for screen reader users, then the default