[jQuery] iterating functionality

2007-12-21 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all I have a simple hide/show function that doesn't seem to work
the way I want.

I need some theory help here.

Currently in my code I have a loop that iterates over a block of code
and builds a table.

I have a two row relationship.

Row one tr is important info, where row two tr has the break out
info that can be shown by clicking some text in row one..

I have a jquery hide/show function that also iterate over in the loop
(you see where i am going with this).

So this code repeats itself over and over to the end of the loop as

I would like to have one copy of this code at the top of my page
instead of duplicating it over and over.

but how would i do this?


[jQuery] Explaining this or .this or .this()

2007-11-29 Thread FrankTudor

There is a concept I am struggling with and I am not sure how to
approach it.  I am trying to understand:


I don't know if an explanation or an example would be best. But I want
to understand it.

I have tried to read an explanation and it doesn't make sense.

Can someone help me?


[jQuery] Re: Explaining this or .this or .this()

2007-11-29 Thread FrankTudor

So then it pulls part of a function?

Is 'this' in the example you made pulls $(div) or $(div).each


On Nov 29, 12:38 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll give it a shot...and please gurus correct any mistakes here...this
 refers to the object context within which it is referenced at runtime.

 So, if you have a bunch of divs:

 $(div).each(function() {


 You will see in the console each of the divs as it loops over them.

 Every javascript function runs within the context of some object -- at the
 highest level this is the window (global) object.

 To understand context and scoping better, I highly recommend checking out
 John Resig's book Advanced JavaScript Techniques, it cleared up a lot of
 confusion for me.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:14 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Explaining this or .this or .this()

  There is a concept I am struggling with and I am not sure how to
  approach it.  I am trying to understand:


  I don't know if an explanation or an example would be best. But I want
  to understand it.

  I have tried to read an explanation and it doesn't make sense.

  Can someone help me?


[jQuery] Re: Explaining this or .this or .this()

2007-11-29 Thread FrankTudor

I fell like I could get this concept.  I'm close.  I think I need to
create something, but i don't no 'this' so I don't know how to use it.

Does that example work that you posted...where does it log?  to the
current directory?

I can't 'write' or 'create' in the environment i working.  Could you
maybe work the example so that it outputs to the screen.  I can make a
sample file with 'div' tags point to my jquery.js file.  I have done
jquery scripts without the 'this' part and I would attempt to change
it but 'this' is a stumper for me.


On Nov 29, 1:42 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So then it pulls part of a function?

  Is 'this' in the example you made pulls $(div) or $(div).each

 It doesn't pull part of a function...it pulls the object within which the
 function is executing.

 In my example, the function is each, and the object within which it is
 executing is the jQuery object (which is an array of div elements) returned
 by $(div).  So, this would refer to the current div element which is
 being iterated.

 It's not easy to wrap your mind around it, it definitely takes some time and
 experimentation to see how it works.

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 From: FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 11:32 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Explaining this or .this or .this()


  On Nov 29, 12:38 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'll give it a shot...and please gurus correct any mistakes here...this
  refers to the object context within which it is referenced at runtime.

  So, if you have a bunch of divs:

  $(div).each(function() {


  You will see in the console each of the divs as it loops over them.

  Every javascript function runs within the context of some object -- at
  highest level this is the window (global) object.

  To understand context and scoping better, I highly recommend checking out
  John Resig's book Advanced JavaScript Techniques, it cleared up a lot
  confusion for me.

  -- Josh

  - Original Message -
  From: FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:14 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] Explaining this or .this or .this()

   There is a concept I am struggling with and I am not sure how to
   approach it.  I am trying to understand:


   I don't know if an explanation or an example would be best. But I want
   to understand it.

   I have tried to read an explanation and it doesn't make sense.

   Can someone help me?


[jQuery] toggle hide show function not working (code provided)

2007-11-21 Thread FrankTudor

script type=text/javascript






a href= class=collapse(-)/a

div class=bang
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean at
magna nec erat tincidunt sollicitudin. Phasellus eu est. Aenean diam
elit, laoreet sed, suscipit eget, hendrerit vel, lorem. Suspendisse
nec turpis ullamcorper urna accumsan sollicitudin.

Can someone put a set of eyes on the above code...It doesn't seem to
work and I am not sure why.


[jQuery] Re: toggle hide show function not working (code provided)

2007-11-21 Thread FrankTudor

Thanks for straighting that out.


On Nov 21, 12:49 pm, mdrisser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is that .remove() removes the actual element not the text
 inside of it.

 This works:

 On Nov 21, 10:35 am, FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  script type=text/javascript







  a href= class=collapse(-)/a

  div class=bang
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean at
  magna nec erat tincidunt sollicitudin. Phasellus eu est. Aenean diam
  elit, laoreet sed, suscipit eget, hendrerit vel, lorem. Suspendisse
  nec turpis ullamcorper urna accumsan sollicitudin.

  Can someone put a set of eyes on the above code...It doesn't seem to
  work and I am not sure why.


[jQuery] tinyMCE jquery equivalent

2007-11-19 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all I am looking for a tinyMCE jquery equivalent (if one exists)...


[jQuery] hide/show (trying to prevent inline loop code)

2007-11-19 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all, I an trying to create a simple hide/show toggle with jQuery,
but My content loops over a query and so when I test it it opens all
my table blocks (since they have Identical code duplicated to the
length of the records).

So then I got cleaver and created a variable that generates a random
number every time the code iterates the loop.

But then I have all these copies of something that needs to be only
created once.

So would other people manage this?


[jQuery] Re: hide/show (trying to prevent inline loop code)

2007-11-19 Thread FrankTudor

I'm sorry I won't be able to post my code till tonight...

But I can sudo code it here: Note: I use coldfusion...

(Starting loop)

cfset letEmRide = randomize(, )   Picking a random number

$(documnet).ready(Function) {

 return false;

a href= class=clickercfoutput#letEmRide#/cfoutputHide/Show

div class=collapesThisPuppycfoutput#letEmRide#/cfoutput

(iterating or ending loop)


On Nov 19, 9:26 am, Priest, James (NIH/NIEHS) [C]
 I'm working on something similar - can you post your HTML and jQuery

 Here's my 


  -Original Message-
  From: FrankTudor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 10:16 AM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] hide/show (trying to prevent inline loop code)

  Hi all, I an trying to create a simple hide/show toggle with jQuery,
  but My content loops over a query and so when I test it it opens all
  my table blocks (since they have Identical code duplicated to the
  length of the records).

  So then I got cleaver and created a variable that generates a random
  number every time the code iterates the loop.

  But then I have all these copies of something that needs to be only
  created once.

  So would other people manage this?


[jQuery] Re: tinyMCE jquery equivalent

2007-11-19 Thread FrankTudor

Thank you I am going to try WYMediator (I want to stay with a jQuery
solution) just to stay uniform, although I have used TinyMCE on
several projects and it is a solid solution.


On Nov 19, 10:26 am, Jake McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FYI tinyMCE w/ plugin based GZip, I was able to get the entire library down
 to 46KB for the limited subset of functions I was using.

 - jake

 On Nov 19, 2007 11:23 AM, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is WYMeditor, but last time I saw it in action it wasn't nearly
  as powerful as TinyMCE.  I don't think there's any particular reason
  why the two scripts wouldn't play nicely though, is there any
  particular reason you want a jQuery based editor?

  On Nov 19, 2:46 pm, FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all I am looking for a tinyMCE jquery equivalent (if one exists)...


[jQuery] jquery code snippit improvement request

2007-10-18 Thread FrankTudor

Here is a bit of code that on page load sets the alternating color of
a table.

Then there is a table sort tool that loads as well.  The th (header)
clicks cause the nice alternating line colors to sort as well. So I
created this, which works perfect, but it looks clunky/repetitive..

I was thinking about wrapping an if statement in here somewhere, or
maybe there is something else other people can think of.

script type=text/javascript
$('tbody.bevker tr:odd').removeClass();
$('tbody.bevker tr:even').removeClass();
$('tbody.bevker tr:odd').addClass('row0 odd');
$('tbody.bevker tr:even').addClass('row1 even');

$('tbody.bevker tr:odd').removeClass();
$('tbody.bevker tr:even').removeClass();
$('tbody.bevker tr:odd').addClass('row0 odd');
$('tbody.bevker tr:even').addClass('row1 even');
return false;

[jQuery] tablesorter AND hide/show toggle in table

2007-10-17 Thread FrankTudor

There might not be a solution for this out thiere, but I have thrown
tablesorter 2.0 on a table that has rows that are initially hidden.
Of course those hidden elements get sorted and end up at the bottom of
the table.

So I am wondering if table sorter can ignore every other row, or if
there is something else I could do to keep the data in proximity to
the hide/show toggle switch?

Any ideas would be helpful.


[jQuery] tablesorter and tr odd even coloring problem

2007-10-17 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all, I have a table built dynamically (serverside).  I have table
sorter on the table and when I sort it sorts the colors or the rows as
well.  It is very irritating and I am not sure how to correct it.

I tried repopulating the class via jquery labeling each odd and even
but siince the page doesn't post back it doesn't hold past the first
page load.

Here is a sample snippet of my code:

script type=text/javascript
$('.becker tbody tr:odd').removeClass();
$('.becker tbody tr:even').removeClass();
$('.becker tbody tr:odd').addClass('row0 odd');
$('.becker tbody tr:even').addClass('row1 even');

table class=ricTable width=70% attributes id=tablesorter-demo
class=tablesorter ric:input='yes'
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: #ccReps 
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: 
#ccFolder ID/
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: #ccDate
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: #ccCity/
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: 
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color: 
th class=slupdiv align=left style=color:
!---cfdump var=#findApvls#---

tbody class=becker

Any suggestions would be very helpful...

[jQuery] good but could be better blur() form submit

2007-10-09 Thread FrankTudor

Hi guys/gals,

Here is a snip of code I was testing for a part of my application.

It is very neat but doesn't meld well with my other session stuff.

Basically if you remove focus from the text box using blur(), it
submits the form and sets the Coldfusion variable.

Take a look and see if this could be improved or altered to work

script src=js/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script


cfif isdefined(form.asdf) and form.asdf neq 
  cfset session.comments = form.asdf

cfform action= method=post name=asdf

  cftextarea class=binky name=asdf cols= rows=/cftextarea


[jQuery] need a simple jquery alert or prompt example with ok or cancel choices

2007-10-01 Thread FrankTudor

I have a jquery script that gives the user a prompt and a choice to
make sure they want to delete a value from a datasource.

Here is my code...

It prompts funny...and it goes ahead and processes anyways even if you
select cancel..

Can someone fix me up here?

script type=text/javascript
prompt(Are you sure you want to delete?,{buttons:


[jQuery] simple browser check (need help)

2007-10-01 Thread FrankTudor

I have a tool that only operates under IE

So all other browser users get an alert here is my code...but it
doesn't work...

Can someone get me straightened out?

if($.browser.[safari, opera, mozilla])
$( function() { alert(You must use Internet Explorer 
to view the
links at this time!);

[jQuery] jquery math functions?

2007-10-01 Thread FrankTudor

Is there a place that I can see the math functions available?


[jQuery] input type text toUpperCase() jquery question

2007-09-25 Thread FrankTudor

As a user types in content to this this text field I would like tho
force the text to uppercase to as keys are pressed.

How would this be done?

and is toUpperCase a real jquery function?  if not wbhat would be a
simple way to hndle this with either CSS or someother method...

Here is what I have and obviously I am stuck...

script type=text/javascript
$('.highball').keypress( function()

input type=text style= class=ac_input highball
autocomplete=off id=CityLocal value= type=text


[jQuery] two listboxes(LB) drag names from LB one drop into LB two

2007-09-22 Thread FrankTudor

Sooting for the moon here, but does anyone have a method for selecting
and dragging content from one list box to a second listbox?


[jQuery] easiest question all day

2007-09-19 Thread FrankTudor

can someone show me an example of creating a simple variable and
appending that variable to the document body?

Here is my simple example (that doesn't work)...

var GitRDone = smoke'n hot;


[jQuery] Re: multiple select box to textarea

2007-09-18 Thread FrankTudor

var s = $('select').serializeArray(), t = [];
$.each(s,function(n,v){ t[t.length]=v.value; });

Hi I understand maybe 40 percent of the above code. Can someone
explain it? What does the brackets mean the []  brackets.

And can someone tell me what is happening in the
$.each(s,function(n,v)  what's happening here.

also the t[t.length]=v.value;  what is happening here. and finally
the t.join \n is that adding a carriage return or something?

Also, I tried to paste it into a script tag with the document ready
stuff set and it didn't work I am running jQuery 1.2.


On Sep 18, 2:16 am, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This will put all selects (just selected values, no names) into textarea...
   var s = $('select').serializeArray(), t = [];
   $.each(s,function(n,v){ t[t.length]=v.value; });

 FrankTudor wrote:

  Hi all,

  I am creating a little tool that has two multiple select boxes and
  then a text area.  I need to figure out how to take the selected
  conets of one box, or the other, or both and pop them to the textarea.

  If there are no examples can someone tell me what dom or events I need
  to be looking at?

 View this message in 
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] multiple select box to textarea

2007-09-17 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all,

I am creating a little tool that has two multiple select boxes and
then a text area.  I need to figure out how to take the selected
conets of one box, or the other, or both and pop them to the textarea.

If there are no examples can someone tell me what dom or events I need
to be looking at?

[jQuery] Simple append?

2007-09-13 Thread FrankTudor

Hi all,

I am very new to jQuery, but I need to construct a simple was to bold
everything inside a td that looks like this

td align=right

I got the shell in place and the script is being pulled successfully I
just need to figure out how to append this condition.


[jQuery] slidetoggle with repeating section

2007-09-13 Thread FrankTudor

Hi guys I have something that I am not sure how to figure out.

I have some jquery code that auto hides a section of text.  then a
hyperlink to toggle showing or hiding the text.

Here is an example:

script type=text/javascript






a href=# class=buttonslidedownView/Hide Comments/a
a href=# class=buttonslidedown2View/Hide Attachemnts/a
div class=comments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras sit
amet sapien eu nisi malesuada tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris
non dolor. Sed metus lacus, volutpat eget, euismod ut, blandit sit
amet, quam. Phasellus feugiat mattis dolor. Praesent tincidunt nisl
sed neque. Curabitur fringilla, enim ac vehicula lobortis, elit purus
pharetra odio, vitae suscipit quam dui id pede. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Duis fermentum, metus eu facilisis sodales, elit velit euismod ante,
vel faucibus neque purus et turpis. Praesent metus. Sed id orci.
Vestibulum sodales felis nec neque. Duis dolor.
div class=attachments
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr

The problem is that I am going to make this dynamic so that code above
repates for as many records is in a database.

On my current screen i have three of these groups and you probably
have guessed if I click on one link (because the class is shared) all
divs open and close witht he toggle.  How can I get around this?


[jQuery] Re: Simple append?

2007-09-13 Thread FrankTudor

Ok thanks I will give this a try :)

On Sep 13, 11:46 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In fact this should be more radical, but more resource heavy: :
 $(td[align='right'] *).css({fontWeight: bold});

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
 Sent: jeudi 13 septembre 2007 16:37
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Simple append?

 Try this:  $(td[align='right']).css({fontWeight: bold});

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of FrankTudor
 Sent: jeudi 13 septembre 2007 15:10
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Simple append?

 Hi all,

 I am very new to jQuery, but I need to construct a simple was to bold
 everything inside a td that looks like this

 td align=right

 I got the shell in place and the script is being pulled successfully I just
 need to figure out how to append this condition.


 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.485 / Base de données virus: 269.13.16/1004 - Date: 12/09/2007

 Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
 Analyse effectuée par AVG.
 Version: 7.5.485 / Base de données virus: 269.13.16/1004 - Date: 12/09/2007

[jQuery] onclick page goes to top (have to scroll back down to content)

2007-09-13 Thread FrankTudor

Hi have a page that has some javascript events basically I have the
accordian effects in a page with repating data...It is fin until I get
close to the bottom of the screen and expand the page.  Next thing I
know I am back up towards the top of the page and have to scroll down
to read the text.  I know there is a way to hold the page's position,
but what function(s) would I be looking at?

[jQuery] Re: onclick page goes to top (have to scroll back down to content)

2007-09-13 Thread FrankTudor

I'm in a secure environment, but you are right about the # in the url
I put the hash marks in for testing.  Will this change when actual
data is provided?  Pr should I leave the a href blank, since all I am
using it for is to expand the div that holds the hidden data.

Here is some sample code:

script type=text/javascript src=js/jquery.js/script
script type=text/javascript


  $('div.tryIt:eq(0) div').hide();
  $('.tryIt:eq(0) a').click(function()



div class=tryIt

h4a href=approvalDetails.cfmApproval Request 562 | Submitted By:
Doug Beck | Date Submitted: 9/14/07/a/h4
a href=#View/Hide Comments/a
p align=left
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras sit
amet sapien eu nisi malesuada tincidunt. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris
non dolor. Sed metus lacus, volutpat eget, euismod ut, blandit sit
amet, quam. Phasellus feugiat mattis dolor. Praesent tincidunt nisl
sed neque. Curabitur fringilla, enim ac vehicula lobortis, elit purus
pharetra odio, vitae suscipit quam dui id pede. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Duis fermentum, metus eu facilisis sodales, elit velit euismod ante,
vel faucibus neque purus et turpis. Praesent metus. Sed id orci.
Vestibulum sodales felis nec neque. Duis dolor.
a href=#View/Hide Attachments/a
p align=left
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr
a href=#Filenet Document Or Link/abr


On Sep 13, 2:44 pm, Theodore Ni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Often this occurs when the onclick event for a link does not return false,
 and then the browser loads the href, often # which moves the page to the
 top. Is there a test page you can show us where this is happening for you?

 On 9/13/07, FrankTudor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi have a page that has some javascript events basically I have the
  accordian effects in a page with repating data...It is fin until I get
  close to the bottom of the screen and expand the page.  Next thing I
  know I am back up towards the top of the page and have to scroll down
  to read the text.  I know there is a way to hold the page's position,
  but what function(s) would I be looking at?


[jQuery] Question about Collapse/Expand

2007-08-30 Thread FrankTudor

Hi there is an example that I would like to use on a friends website.

Here is the link:


I am working with example b.

The think I am trying to do is to make it default collapesed instead
of expanded.

How would I do this?
