[jQuery] Re: validation plugin addMethod does not work for me.

2009-10-22 Thread JMan

Still no go... below is my code. I just want to pop a dialog to ask
the user if they are sure they want to leave the company name blank.
The field is not required. I thought it would be easier than this? I
can't get teh addMethod to work or fire at all on validation.

//validates the form
var validator = frmSubmittal.validate({
debug: false,
focusCleanup: false,
focusInvalid: false,
onfocusout: false,
onkeyup: false,
function(error, element) {error.prependTo
( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));},
rules: {

restitutionaddress: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

restitutioncity: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

restitutionstate: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

restitutionzipcode: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress



$.validator.addMethod( company, function(value, element) 
(hello); return false;}, Enter a Company Name );

On Oct 21, 9:18 pm, Leonardo K leo...@gmail.com wrote:
 U need set the rules for your validation:

     debug: false,
     focusCleanup: false,
     focusInvalid: false,
     onfocusout: false,
     onkeyup: false,
     errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
         error.prependTo( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));

 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 22:04, JMan jbeck...@gmail.com wrote:

  what am I doing wrong here? I cannot figure out how to use the

  var frmSubmittal = $(#frmSubmittal);

  //validates the form
                                                         debug: false,
                                                         focusCleanup: false,
                                                         focusInvalid: false,
                                                         onfocusout: false,
                                                         onkeyup: false,
  function(error, element) {error.prependTo
  ( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));},



  $.validator.addMethod( company, function(value, element) {alert
  (hello); return false;}, Enter a Company Name );

[jQuery] Re: validation plugin addMethod does not work for me.

2009-10-22 Thread JMan

Thanks Leonardo...

I figured it out after digging through several examples. The
documentation for this plugin has a huge gap in it. It shows an
example of how to define a custom validator but no where does it
explain how to use it. The trick being as you mentioned, defining it
in the Rules or you can put the name of your custom validator in the
class attribute of the field it applies to.

The sad part is after hours of struggling with this it does not work
as I had hoped it would. I am prompting the user for input and based
on their response I would like to either cancel the form submit or
allow it to continue.

On Oct 22, 11:48 am, Leonardo K leo...@gmail.com wrote:
 One thing is your method name and other is your field name. If the name of
 your field is company and your method is company so:



 Maybe is better rename your method to not confuse.

 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 13:24, JMan jbeck...@gmail.com wrote:

  Still no go... below is my code. I just want to pop a dialog to ask
  the user if they are sure they want to leave the company name blank.
  The field is not required. I thought it would be easier than this? I
  can't get teh addMethod to work or fire at all on validation.

  //validates the form
                 var validator = frmSubmittal.validate({
                                                          debug: false,
                                                         focusCleanup: false,
                                                         focusInvalid: false,
                                                         onfocusout: false,
                                                         onkeyup: false,
  function(error, element) {error.prependTo
  ( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));},

                                                         rules: {

   restitutionaddress: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

   restitutioncity: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

   restitutionstate: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress

   restitutionzipcode: {required: #sameAsBusinessAddress



                 $.validator.addMethod( company, function(value, element)
  (hello); return false;}, Enter a Company Name );

  On Oct 21, 9:18 pm, Leonardo K leo...@gmail.com wrote:
   U need set the rules for your validation:

       debug: false,
       focusCleanup: false,
       focusInvalid: false,
       onfocusout: false,
       onkeyup: false,
       errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
           error.prependTo( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));

   On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 22:04, JMan jbeck...@gmail.com wrote:

what am I doing wrong here? I cannot figure out how to use the

var frmSubmittal = $(#frmSubmittal);

//validates the form
                                                       debug: false,
                                                       onkeyup: false,
function(error, element) {error.prependTo
( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));},




$.validator.addMethod( company, function(value, element) {alert
(hello); return false;}, Enter a Company Name );

[jQuery] jquery.com plugin directory

2009-10-22 Thread JMan

Is it just me or does anyone else have the hardest time finding
plugins on the jquery.com site?

jquery is an awesome library and I do not plan on using anything else
anytime soon but the manner in which they catalog plugins on the site
is terrible. I know these guys are capable of much better.

Ok so you can choose a plugin category but then everything just runs
together on that page. The content displayed for each plugin varies
wildly depending on how generous the plugin developer was when they
added their contribution.

The plugin search seems to search through all the pages and their
content and the results you get back are pretty vague at times and in
many cases you get back duplicates. For example if you search for menu
you may get back a bunch of links to pages that have the word menu in
them but the page may not be a menu plugin.

The Taxonomy is not too bad but I think they should categorize and sub
categorize the plugins a little better.

A great example of what is needed in the extensions directory at
Joomla.com. Even if you just list the plugins more like a product
catalog with a link to the main plugin page stuff would be allot
easier on the eyes.

I know the jquery community has alot of great code to offer but
discovering it in the plugins section of jquery.com is quite painful.
I am not trying to upset anyone here but jquery and it's plugin
directory has outgrown the Drupal/CCK limitations.

[jQuery] validation plugin addMethod does not work for me.

2009-10-21 Thread JMan

what am I doing wrong here? I cannot figure out how to use the

var frmSubmittal = $(#frmSubmittal);

//validates the form
debug: false,
focusCleanup: false,
focusInvalid: false,
onfocusout: false,
onkeyup: false,
function(error, element) {error.prependTo
( element.parents(div.ctrlHolder));},


$.validator.addMethod( company, function(value, element) {alert
(hello); return false;}, Enter a Company Name );

[jQuery] Re: loading message shows up after page has loaded

2009-10-21 Thread JMan

I think there is a bit of confusion here as to how Coldfusion works.
By default the Coldfusion server will return the generated HTML all at
once. So if you have a long query your not going to get even the first
bit of the document until the CF server is done with it. What your
asking your .js to do is when the page begins to load show a loading
image and when it's done hide it. Well Coldfusion will give your the
entire document at once, even if there is a huge grid with data in it
you get all of it at once after CF is done creating it and chances are
if you have a fast connection even if the document weight is up there
your not going to get the behavior your looking for.

The reason it works with your images is because they take a bit longer
to download and they download after the document has been served from
the CF server. The markup returned from the server tells the browser
where to load the images from. What you need to do is have the CF
server stream the document to you as it generates it. This can be done
using the cflush tag.


if you use this properly you can start sending the headers and stuff
to the client browser right away and your .js being in the head of the
document should execute as well.

The other trick would be to use AJAX to load your query result and
inject it into the page or pass it to some data handling .js. With
AJAX you can use the events that fire before the request begins and
after it completes to toggle a neat-o loading image.


On Oct 21, 8:17 pm, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com wrote:
 Mike!  Crawl back under your rock, you fathead!!!

 There...how's that? :o)


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On

 Behalf Of Mike Alsup
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:51 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: loading message shows up after page has loaded

  Hope that helps.


 Bah, this is getting entirely too civil.  Snooze...  :-)

[jQuery] confused about form validation showErrors() method

2009-04-30 Thread JMan

I am trying to use the showErrors() method as a back up to the client
side validation, My form have server side validation that returns a
json string of invalid fields and a message for each and I was hoping
to use that along with showErrors().

It seems like the only way I can get showErrors() to work is to hard
code the string to pass in.

if I hard code validator.showErrors({checknumber : The check number
is required}) it works like a charm.


var str = {myfieldnamevar : myerrormessagevar};
validator.showErrors(str) ;


var str = '{' + myfieldnamevar  + ' : ' + myerrormessagevar + '}';
validator.showErrors(str) ;

neither work, what am I doing wrong? can I even pass the field and
message in as a variable?

[jQuery] Managing scripts in AJAX applications

2009-04-01 Thread JMan

One thing I have been struggling with is AJAX applications is managing
the js code that powers them.

For example if you have a page that loads content from an AJAX call to
the server and that content also has js code associated with it in
order to function how do I manage that code? If I have 20 pages that
get loaded from the server via AJAX at one point or another I do not
want to have one huge js file with a bunch of code for each page in

I was wondering if it's better to embed the js for each page loaded
via AJAX or call it separately? Normally when I need chunks of HTML 
js, like a data grid for example; that get loaded in via AJAX call I
do not have this called code in the traditional HTML doc, in other
words the HTML being loaded has no HTML head, body etc.. it's just
HTML generated by the server and injected into a section of the
calling page. So in this situation should I load the script that is
required by the HTML via the success callback?

Another delima is communicating events and such between chunks of
loaded HTML/js, like if I have a Tabs widget and an accordion on the
same page and each have content loaded via AJAX and the content in tab
1 needs to bind and interact with events in a section of the accordion
content loaded via AJAX.

[jQuery] Re: Accordion v1.5 and interface together cause accordion to stop working

2007-09-01 Thread jman


Another way I think I have it working is if I include the idrag.js,
idrop.js and iutil.js files individually, instead of the packed
interface.js.  I have not fully tested if it works but it appears to.
I only need the drag and drop features of interface so far so I am not
sure if I will have other problems down the road.


On Aug 31, 8:53 pm, henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do I just do a search and replace?  Can you maybe share your modified
 interface.js that's compatible with the latest jQuery with us?


 On Aug 31, 1:39 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The problem is that interface overwrites jQuery's own animate function,
  but unfortunately in newer jQuery versions in a way that they behave

  I had the same problem and renamed all occurrences of animate to
  ifxAnimate in my interface scripts.


   jman wrote:

   I am trying to use accordion and interface on the same page and the
   accordion will not work.

   On line 177 of the accordion file the execution goes to the interface
   file when it is included. If I remove the interface file from the page
   line 177 of the accordion jumps to the jquery animate function.

   Any ideas on what is going on?


[jQuery] Re: Release: Accordion 1.5

2007-08-31 Thread jman


I am fairly new to jQuery in general, so this question might have been
answered somewhere along the way.

I have a problem using the accordion plugin with the interface plugin.
They don't interact, just including the interface.js file on the same
page makes the accordion stop working.

It appears the problem is on line 177 complete: settings.finished of
the jquery.accordion.js file. When the interface is included the
execution jumps to the interface file, when the interface file is not
included the execution jumps to jQuery, animate.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

On Aug 30, 3:25 pm, Erin Doak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree that people like the animation effects.
 I'm all for them. The problem is that if a
 menu/header is still in the opening animation
 process and the mouse is moved to a new
 menu/header item the new menu doesn't open at all
 - no matter how long one waits. That to me is a


 In the real world, things dont always happen instantly.

 A sliding door (like on Star Trek) opens with a
 whoosh.  I am sure they could have built a
 door shield that was opened instantly rather
 than a whooshing door.  Especially with their
 futuristic technology.  However, people like the
 whoosh.  It's possible to have it too long, like
 whosh.  In which case
 you bump into the door with your nose ( i.e.
 Supermarket Doors) or whsh in which case it
 feels like the power it turned up too high,
 which is jarring.

 The perfect effect is timed to the Goldilocks
 principle.  Not too quick, not too slow, not the
 instant the user puts their mouseover, not
 waiting too long to fire, not too much bounce,
 not too robot-like.  It should be just-right.


 On 8/30/07, Erin Doak

 In my opinion (and only my opinion) i think
 that it is kinda disturbing if we hover on one
 item and immediately if we hover on another
 item, the accordian doesn't open for the second

 I think that the interface should always be
 responsive to the user. If the mouse is over a
 menu it should activate. The animation is really
 just an 'extra'. The ability to navigate a web
 site by accessing the menu items is of paramount

 One possible solution might be to offer either behavior as an option.


 On 8/26/07, Jörn Zaefferer mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Ganeshji Marwaha schrieb:
   Jörn, this is fantastic... very re-usable as well..

   I have a question/suggestion though... When i hover over one of the
   items, and before the animation completes if i hover over another
   item, the animation for the second item doesn't occur. Now, i will
   have to move my mouse out of that item and hover over it again to get
   the other item to expand. Is it something that can be fixed, or is it
   a known limitation that we will have to live by...

 Well, so far that was intended to be a feature, not a bug. The
 combination of long-running animations with hover is annoying, right.
 But it is also annoying when the accordion keeps changing on each mouse
 move, even when you didn't intend to get a different chunk. Fixing it
 isn't difficult, but it is difficult to decide what the right fix
 actually is. Your help is appreciated.

 -- Jörn

[jQuery] accordian and interface conflict

2007-08-31 Thread jman


I am not sure if this is talked about elsewhere, but I have a problem
using accordian 1.5 with the interface plugin.

The problem is that when I click to open a different part of the
accordian it does not show up. Following it in firebug the code jumps
to the interface plugin at line 177 complete: settings.finished.
When the interface is not included it, jumps to jQuery animate.

Also, I may have been a little too quick to create a bug report over
at the jquery plugin site. If this is something that is already known
about, I will cancel by buy request.


[jQuery] Accordion v1.5 and interface together cause accordion to stop working

2007-08-31 Thread jman


I am trying to use accordion and interface on the same page and the
accordion will not work.

On line 177 of the accordion file the execution goes to the interface
file when it is included. If I remove the interface file from the page
line 177 of the accordion jumps to the jquery animate function.

Any ideas on what is going on?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery.validator.addMethod How To

2007-05-10 Thread JMan

On May 10, 2:37 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JMan schrieb: Hello,

  I am using the form validation plugin and I am stuck on the addMethod.
  I have created a method using the addMethod function, in this I have
  an ajax call to a server side page that validates the passed value.
  Every thing works ok except I cannot figure out how to get the new
  userNameInUse method I created to return true or false based on the
  result of the ajax call.

 With the current design that isn't possible with asynchronous calls. For
 a workaround, add async:false to the $.ajax options. With that the
 validation method doesn't return until the request finished.

 Jörn Zaefferer


Thank you!

I was able to look at the httprequest object but it was getting
returned too soon and did not have any response text yet. Your
recomendation should fix me right up... Thanks again!

[jQuery] jQuery.validator.addMethod How To

2007-05-09 Thread JMan


I am using the form validation plugin and I am stuck on the addMethod.
I have created a method using the addMethod function, in this I have
an ajax call to a server side page that validates the passed value.
Every thing works ok except I cannot figure out how to get the new
userNameInUse method I created to return true or false based on the
result of the ajax call.

here is my code...

jQuery.validator.addMethod( userNameInUse,
function(value) {
type: GET,
url: check.cfm,
data: name= + value,
complete: handleResults

function handleResults(r){

}, That username is already in use, please 
enter a different