[jQuery] Re: mcdropdown mouseout problems

2008-10-30 Thread Ken Gregg


Perfect. Thanks.

I think it will also make a perfect navigation control for a mobile
(small screen) application. Going to try that next. Any ideas as to
how to set the default text in the field without it having to be an
item in the list?


On Oct 29, 2:36 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to use mcdropdown for an easy search function for a
 shopping cart.

 The category list is long enough to force two columns. When mousing
 from the first column to the second the entire menu will disappear.

 In another case when drilling down below 3 levels if you mouse up to a
 parent selection the entire menu will disappear.

 My test page is at:


 To experience the first issue select search by caliber and use the
 mouse to select from the second column (works if you're really quick).
 To experience the second issue, select search by manufacturer,
 highlight a style, highlight a caliber. Then move the mouse back up to
 the selected style.

 This is an incredible plugin but these issues really limit it's use in
 a lot of cases.

 The problem is due to the anchor tags. That's going to cause problems with
 the event handlers attached to the li / tags. What you need to do is
 remove the anchor tags and select option to go to the URL:

 $(#category).mcDropdown(#nav, {
         select: function (value, display){
                 select.location = /catalog/index.php?cPath= + value;


 This plug-in was really designed to be a form control, not a navigation
 control (which is why anchors don't work well.)

 If you remove the anchors and just use the code above, things should work


[jQuery] Re: mcdropdown mouseout problems

2008-10-30 Thread Ken Gregg

No joy. I removed the anchors and fixed a problem with a duplicate id
and still experience the same problem.


On Oct 29, 2:36 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to usemcdropdownfor an easy search function for a
 shopping cart.

 The category list is long enough to force two columns. When mousing
 from the first column to the second the entire menu will disappear.

 In another case when drilling down below 3 levels if you mouse up to a
 parent selection the entire menu will disappear.

 My test page is at:


 To experience the first issue select search by caliber and use the
 mouse to select from the second column (works if you're really quick).
 To experience the second issue, select search by manufacturer,
 highlight a style, highlight a caliber. Then move the mouse back up to
 the selected style.

 This is an incredible plugin but these issues really limit it's use in
 a lot of cases.

 The problem is due to the anchor tags. That's going to cause problems with
 the event handlers attached to the li / tags. What you need to do is
 remove the anchor tags and select option to go to the URL:

 $(#category).mcDropdown(#nav, {
         select: function (value, display){
                 select.location = /catalog/index.php?cPath= + value;


 This plug-in was really designed to be a form control, not a navigation
 control (which is why anchors don't work well.)

 If you remove the anchors and just use the code above, things should work


[jQuery] mcdropdown mouseout problems

2008-10-29 Thread Ken Gregg

I am trying to use mcdropdown for an easy search function for a
shopping cart.

The category list is long enough to force two columns. When mousing
from the first column to the second the entire menu will disappear.

In another case when drilling down below 3 levels if you mouse up to a
parent selection the entire menu will disappear.

My test page is at:


To experience the first issue select search by caliber and use the
mouse to select from the second column (works if you're really quick).
To experience the second issue, select search by manufacturer,
highlight a style, highlight a caliber. Then move the mouse back up to
the selected style.

This is an incredible plugin but these issues really limit it's use in
a lot of cases.

TIA for any help.


[jQuery] Re: Square Brackets in Sortable Serialize

2008-07-11 Thread Ken Gregg

This is a php thing. Indicates the parameter is an array.

On Jul 11, 3:57 pm, Alan Gutierrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I call $(#list).sortable(serialize) I get 


 Why the square brackets? I've not seen this sort of style of query  
 string before.

 Alan Gutierrez | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |http://blogometer.com/| 504  
 717 1428
 Think New Orleans |http://thinknola.com/

[jQuery] Re: X_REQUESTED_WITH ie6

2008-06-28 Thread Ken Gregg

This may not be an IE6 problem. I have two pages. One page the header
shows up in php, the other page it doesn't. Using FF3, live headers
and firebug both say the header is sent. I haven't tried  tracking it
down yet. Cold be some strange bug somewhere between the browser and
php. Of course, could be in my code too.

On Jun 27, 8:39 am, DXCJames [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since JQuery auto sends X_REQUESTED_WITH i assumed it would probably
 work with most everything.. but it doesnt seem to be working with
 ie6... I tried changing the head name to a few different things but
 nothing seemed to work.. does anyone have any idea why this doesnt
 work or have any other ideas for a similar way to detect if ajax is
 making the call on the server side? i dont really want to use a
 QueryString variable because then that allows a person to just open
 that page up inside the browser.. so i was looking for something
 slightly more difficult to obtain the page.. any ideas/

[jQuery] Re: Which grid?

2008-06-17 Thread Ken Gregg

I was using Rico but dropped it for lack of development activity.
Everything but the grid is available in jquery. I would love to see
the dynamic data part of the grid incorporated into flexigrid. Think
that would make a great combination.


On Jun 17, 4:08 am, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
 On Jun 17, 2:23 pm, shapper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This one:http://webplicity.net/flexigrid/

Thanks, but there is no live data loading like I mentioned above.

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
 Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!comBlog:http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/

[jQuery] Re: Contextmenu plugin help

2008-05-31 Thread Ken Gregg

Check the replys to your pervious post


On May 30, 2:39 pm, Mauricio Farah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I need help with this plugin. I'm not sure if this is the place to
 post it, I apologize if it isn't but I don't know how to contact the
 developer. Basically Contextmenu let's you override the browser's
 right click menu if you do it over some elements of your choice (more
 reference on contextmenu 

 The menu is set inside the $(document).ready(function() {} block,
 so it's loaded after the page is loaded completely. What I want to do
 (and I don't know how) is to make the menu appear on some elements I
 loaded AFTER the page, using $(#id).load(val); or $(#id).text(val);.
 The menu doesn't show on those elements and I don't know how to load
 it after loading those elements (or even if that's possible).

 I hope someone could help me.

 Thanks in advance.
 Mauricio Farah.

[jQuery] Re: Loading help with contextmenu plugin.

2008-05-28 Thread Ken Gregg

Use livequery. I attach it to each row in a flexigrid ike this:

$('tbody tr').livequery(function() {
  $(this).contextMenu('ctxMenu', {
bindings: {
  'map': function(t) {
mlsnumber = t.id.split(_);
href='/map_update.php?mlsnumber=' + mlsnumber[1];
$.openWin(href, 'window800');
  'flyer': function(t) {
mlsnumber = t.id.split(_);
href='/public/pdf_flyer.php?mlsnumber=' + mlsnumber[1];
$.openWin(href, 'window800');
  'email': function(t) {
mlsnumber = t.id.split(_);
href='/public/email.php?mlsnumber=' + mlsnumber[1];
$.openWin(href, 'window800');

On May 27, 5:47 pm, Mauricio Farah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I don't know if it's the right place to post this, but I can't
 find developer's email anywhere. In case that you don't know the
 pluginhttp://www.trendskitchens.co.nz/jquery/contextmenu/is the
 homepage. Basically it let's you override right click on the browser
 for the html elements you want, changing it for one that you define.

 The javascript code for the menu is in the $document.ready(), like

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $('span.demo1').contextMenu('myMenu1', {
 bindings: {
   'open': function(t) {
 alert('Trigger was '+t.id+'\nAction was Open');
   'email': function(t) {
 alert('Trigger was '+t.id+'\nAction was Email');


 And it works alright. But what I need to do is to show the menu on a
 element I dynamically load using $(#id).html(new value);
 After loading the new content, right click doesn't brings context menu
 anymore on that element, and I don't know how to fix it.
 I think it's more related to plain jQuery than the plugin.

 I hope someone could help me with this.

 Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin an absolute positioning

2008-04-24 Thread Ken Gregg

Another follow up. I ran into cases where the first few photos were
centered fine but the later ones were not. When you refreshed the page
they were all centered.

If the code is run in jquery ready() the photos may not all be loaded
yet. Fix for this is to make sure they have width and height tags.

[jQuery] Re: Cycle plugin an absolute positioning

2008-04-22 Thread Ken Gregg

Thanks helped a lot.

An added note. For Firefox the

$('div.pics a').each(function() {
$(this).css({left: '50%', marginLeft: -$(this).width()/

needs to happen before you start the cycle plugin. Otherwise for some
reason only the first photo is centered.

On Mar 14, 8:56 am, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Rick,
 thanks a lot for your reply.
 The problem is that auto margins don't work since the elements are
 absolute positioned.
 The absolute positioning is necessary to let elements be one on the
 other one when animating.

 The good new is that I found the solution.
 I know that for all the devs out there is stupid but to me it took
 half day of work and attempts... :P

 Here it is my solution:

 $('div.pics a').each(function() {
 $(this).css({left: '50%', marginLeft: -$(this).width()/2});

 If someone wants to comment it, or if it could be improved in any way,
 I would love to read your posts.

 Thank you all again.

 On Mar 14, 2:24 pm, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well you can try using:
  margin-right auto;
  this does not work in msie, but in msie you can do a expression

  On 14 mrt, 12:57, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   May anyone help me, please?

   Thank you all!

   On Mar 13, 10:49 pm, caruso_g [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all guys,
I have a problem with the fantastic Cycle plugin.
I have a group on images links whose I can't know their dimensions in
So the images sizes the customer will use will vary.
The Cycle plugin give the element an absolute positioning (so left 0
and top 0).
Since I need to center those images link in their container, I have
the problem to dynamically know their width to give the image link a
left position 50% and a left-margin -the-image-size/2 just to center
Well, as you can see, I can say it in words, but sadly I am not able
to translate it in jQuery language.
Can someone help me? And above all, can try to explain me the modus
operandi on how to arrive to the code? I would like to learn the
pattern to find these kind of solutions and be able to do it myself.
Btw, thanks to Remy Sharp the author of jQuery For Designers[http://
jqueryfordesigners.com/] he is quite prefect in his tutorial, and
above all doesn't jump any step, and show us the code verbose before
to short it! Great resource!

This is the online example 

Thanks to anyone that can help me.

[jQuery] Re: jqModal + Form plugin - Page is reloading in Firefox on form submit, IE works perfect

2008-04-17 Thread Ken Gregg

I ran into a similar problem including jquery in a page loaded into an
iframe in thickbox. Had to do with the iframe not being visible when
the page loaded. This may be a similar case. Here is my thickbox fix:


Hope this helps.


On Apr 15, 12:13 am, Naveen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've tried a million workarounds for this, but it just doesn't seem to
 work in Firefox! I fire up a jqModal login box which is calling a
 separate html page, which connects to a php login script, and if
 success, the php returns a success message in the Modal and reloads
 the parent page, i.e. page containing the Modal html, thus loading the
 new Session. If unsuccessful, it just gives an error message in the
 modal, with the option to re-login.

 In IE, it works pretty fine, but in FireFox v2, I've tried, it always
 reloads the page when clicking on login button, instead of
 unobtrusively sending the username/pwd via ajax.

 I've tried using, $.ajax(), $.post(), the form plugin - both
 ajaxForm() and ajaxSubmit() functions, with return false, but
 strangely it works in Firefox, ONLY for one time, when I clear the
 cookies, authenticated sessions, cache etc. After the first time, if I
 try to logout and relogin, it reloads the page.

 The code is as follows:

 script type=text/javascript

 $(#frm1).submit(function() {
 //  $(#res).hide();
  $(#loading).bind(ajaxSend, function(){
  }).bind(ajaxComplete, function(){

 target: '#res',
 success: function() {
 //  $(#res).show();
 return false;

 //  $('#frm1').ajaxForm({
 //  target: '#res',
 //  success: function() {
 //  $('#res').fadeIn('slow');
 //  }
 //  });

  form id=frm1 name=frm1 action=login.php method=POST
 div id=r1
 span style=width:50%; float:left; 
 Address: /span
 span style=width:50%; float:rightinput type=text 

 span style=width:50%; float:left; 
 span style=width:50%; float:rightinput 
 type=password id=pwd
 span style=width:100%;input type=image 
 name=fetch class=submit-btn src=images/btn.gif //span
 !-- span style=width:100%;input type=submit 
 span --
 div id=loading style=display:none
 img src=images/8-0.gifbrSigning In

 div id=res


 Any pointers would be great.


[jQuery] Re: markItUp! 1.0 (former jTagEditor) is finally released!

2008-03-23 Thread Ken Gregg

There is an error in your wiki example page.

But looks very nice. Looking forward to playing with it.


On Mar 23, 11:48 am, Jay Salvat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!

 I'm proud to announce you the official release of markItUp! (former
 jTagEditor) and markItUp! website.
 I hope everything will be ok and i forgot nothing important.



 Feedbacks are welcomed!

 Jay S.

[jQuery] Re: .serialize() not working on DOM form

2008-03-07 Thread Ken Gregg

I ran into this and discovered serialize won't find a field if it does
not have a name tag. I see you only have ids in your code above.

On Mar 6, 1:39 pm, jayturley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 6, 1:36 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

indicating that the form and its inputs can be found, the lines below
do NOT work:

   var formString = jQuery(#new_property).serialize();
   var formString = jQuery(#new_property:input).serialize();

  Those lines look like they should work.  How exactly does it fail?
  Does it return an empty string?  Did you try stepping through the
  serialize fn in the debugger to see why it failed?

 It fails by returning an empty string. I stepped through the serialize
 fn in FireBug, but didn't see anything meaningful to me.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery won't recognise attribute names containing [square brackets]

2008-02-08 Thread Ken Gregg

Pre jquery I have used an id without the square brackets and a name
with the square brackets. I used the id in my javascript and the form
would submit with the name.


On Feb 7, 6:28 am, Dave Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm finding it impossible using jQuery to select any attributes with
 square brackets in them.

 I'm sure most people know PHP uses square brackets within form element
 names to submit multi-dimensional arrays, ie:

 contact[options][option 1]
 contact[options][option 2]
 contact[options][option 3]

 This is read natively by PHP as:

 contact = array (
 options = array(
 option 1,
 option 2,
 option 3

 In a way, jQuery's refusal to recognise square brackets makes sense,
 as it leans towards attribute selectors (which are fantastic tools),
 but vanilla getDocuementById() works, so I'm wondering why jQuery
 hasn't some kind of check for this kind of thing?

 In the meantime, does anyone have any best-practice workarounds to
 this issue, for example for the above data structure?

 Combined selectors, e.g.


 and separate selectors e.g.

 #contact #email

 offer different advantages. Has anyone any preferences, and why??

 Many thanks,
 Dave Stewart

[jQuery] Re: UPDATER

2008-02-05 Thread Ken Gregg

Try this:


On Feb 4, 3:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any function like AJAX.UPDATER in Prototype ??

 Or how can I automaticly do AJAX.req in time interval for.ex. 2
 minutes ?

[jQuery] Re: Cycle CountUp

2008-02-03 Thread Ken Gregg

Cool. I need to put a time display on an intranet page. This answers
that also.

On Feb 2, 5:12 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Interesting tidbit:
 I as looking at the questions on Experts-Exchange for 

 *My discovery:* A big portion of the questions are easy to answer if you use

 One of them turned into a neat demo I whipped 

 I never thought of using the Cycle plugin for a count-down or count-up, but
 there it is. :)  I think it makes a nice effect.

 Have a great day.


[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin and Thickbox

2008-01-21 Thread Ken Gregg

I ran into a similar problem loading a flot chart in an iframe using
thickbox. Worked fine in i.e. but jquery would not work in a thickbox
on FF.

Here is what I did to fix:


Hope this helps


On Jan 20, 10:14 am, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I am writing a cakePHP application and trying to use thickbox to load
 a form and the jQuery Form Plugin to submit it. If I use the form
 by itself with a url of /employees/edit/employee_id the jQuery Form
 plugin works fine.  If I load that exact URL in a thickbox though, the
 Form plugin quits working, and when I click submit, it goes through
 like a normal submit.

 Any ideas?

 Thanks  God Bless,


[jQuery] Re: flot graph in thickbox - fixed

2007-12-28 Thread Ken Gregg

I failed to mention the problem was in Firefox 2

After searching here I see this has been a problem for others trying
to use plugins in iframes loaded via thickbox. One post mentioned a
bug in FF if the iframe was hidden when the content was loaded.

The fix is to modify thickbox to display the iframe immediately. At
about line 229 I modified the safari browser case to include mozilla.


  if($.browser.safari){//safari needs help because it will not fire
iframe onload


  if($.browser.safari || $.browser.mozilla){//safari needs help
because it will not fire iframe onload

On Dec 27, 6:58 pm, Ken Gregg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I created a flot chart page that I am trying to load into thickbox
 using an iframe.

 When the chart page loads into the iframe it errors out in jquery with
 the message:

 document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) has no properties

 The page is here:http://dev.rwre.com/test/test.html

 After the page is loaded into the iframe, going to the next month
 works fine also. Is there some timing issue with document.ready in

[jQuery] flot graph in thickbox

2007-12-27 Thread Ken Gregg

I created a flot chart page that I am trying to load into thickbox
using an iframe.

When the chart page loads into the iframe it errors out in jquery with
the message:

document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) has no properties

The page is here: http://dev.rwre.com/test/test.html

After the page is loaded into the iframe, going to the next month
works fine also. Is there some timing issue with document.ready in

[jQuery] Re: Ann: Flot 0.1 released

2007-12-05 Thread Ken Gregg

I found that right after I posted.

My first project was plotting daily hits. I just made the x axis the
day of the month and made sure my values arrays have an entry for
every day and formatted the date using tickFormatter. Worked great,
but what you suggest would be even easier.


On Dec 5, 2:57 am, Ole Laursen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 4, 8:35 pm, Ken Gregg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Great work. Anxious to play with it.

 Thanks! :-)

  One suggestion for handling time series is providing x and y axis
  label callbacks. When passed a value (number of minutes, hours, days,
  etc) the call back could translate the value to label text and the
  values would still scale.

 This is already supported. :-) I want to do more than that.

 The thing is that a good tick generator for the Gregorian calendar
 would go about generating ticks differently than a good tick generator
 for ordinary scalar values. For instance, if the plot displays half a
 year of time, there should be ticks for when the months start instead
 of some arbitrary days.

 I have some Python code for generating better ticks from when we were
 using Plotr, I just need to convert it to Javascript and expand it a
 bit. And maybe have a look at what gnuplot is doing.

 Ole Laursenhttp://people.iola.dk/olau/