[jQuery] Best Autocomplete Plugin

2009-10-22 Thread Stefan Sturm


I badly need an Autocomplete Plugin. So I would like to ask you, what
is the best solution to go with?

Thanks for your help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Working with Arrays

2009-01-26 Thread Stefan Sturm


I use some jQUery functions, to work with Array. But now I'm missing a function.
How can I remove an item from an Array?
Lets say, I have this Array:
var a=[ 1,2,3,4,5,6];

And now I want to remove item 3.

How can I do this?

Thanks for your Help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.3 incompatible plugins

2009-01-22 Thread Stefan Sturm


good Question. I have problems with Fancybox and jQuery 1.3...

Stefan Sturm

2009/1/22 Gordon grj.mc...@googlemail.com:

 Just a quick question, is there a list of plugins that don't work with
 jQuery 1.3, or a list of plugins that have been upgraded to work with
 it?  I want to be able to quickly check my list of plugins against a
 list of known incompatibilities before upgrading.

[jQuery] Searching a DataGrid PlugIn

2009-01-07 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm searching a DataGrid PlugIn. But I can't find, what I'm looking for :-(

I need one feature badly:
The Grid should use the complete content panel. So it needs to resize
the width and height, when the browser resizes.
I took a look at flexigrid and jqGrid. But they don't have a feature
like this...

Perhaps someone can help me out on this.

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Problem ClueTip Plug-In and local parameter

2008-11-14 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm using the ClueTip Plug-In to display a Form, when the mouse is
over a Link. This works fine, but there is a big problem:
In local Mode ClueTip seams to make a copy of my Form and displays it. :-(
Why ClueTip works this way?

I use a simple JavaScript Function to send all my form using a Ajax
Request. But this is not working, because my Form exists two times...

Hope somebody can help me.

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Best AutoComplete PlugIn

2008-11-04 Thread Stefan Sturm


because the UI AutoComplete is pushed back to 1.7, I'm looking for a
good AutoComplete PlugIn.
Which is the best today?

Thanks for your help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Viewing XHTTPRequests in Opera

2008-10-30 Thread Stefan Sturm


where can I find a Tool to View the XHTTPRequests in Opera, like I can
using FIrebug?

Thanks for your Help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Viewing XHTTPRequests in Opera

2008-10-30 Thread Stefan Sturm


 You may want to check out Dragonfly http://www.opera.com/products/dragonfly/

I know about this. It is included in Opera since 9.5.
But I can't find something to display the XHTTPRequests :-(

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Problem with Lightbox

2008-10-28 Thread Stefan Sturm


thanks for your help. But it is still not working :-(

 I suppose it's:
 class=lightbox-enabled rel=lightbox-myGroup
 not just rel=lightbox-myGroup

 And maybe myGroup instead of just group?

Now my code looks like this:

a class=lightbox-enabled title=IMG_1964_dxo
rel=lightbox-myGroup href=http://blablabla.jpg;
img style=max-width: 140px; max-height: 110px; src=http://blablabla.jpg/

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Problem with Lightbox

2008-10-22 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm using this Lightbox in my project:

I want to display the images as a group, so I use this code:
a href=link rel=lightbox-group title=titleimg src=image //a
But this is not working, it simply opens the Image.

When I use this code every image opens correctly, but so I don't have
the navigation link on my images.
a href=link class=lightbox-enabled
onclick=$(this).lightbox({start:true,events:false}); return false;
title=titleimg src=image //a

Perhaps the problem is, that the gallery load on an ajax request...

Sorry, I can't point to a sample at this point, because it is an
intranet project.

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: How To Create Array(s) in jQuery?

2008-10-20 Thread Stefan Sturm

Perhaps you should give us an example...

2008/10/20 aj is in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What makes you say that?  An array is an array is an array.  jQuery
 doesn't change how they work or how you create them.

 Yep. An array is an Array. But in my case while working with jQuery
 the array data is not executing properly and the same is working fine
 in typical javascript.


[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-17 Thread Stefan Sturm


thanks for your answer.

 The multi file upload seems to work fine for me.  I copied your test
 file and modified it slightly to print the response to the page:

I found the difference between our two  implementations:
You use MultiFile 1.1 and I use 1.3 ( the newest one ).

With 1.3 it is not working, with 1.1 it is working...

I hope the MultiFile developers are reading here :-)

 The json issue is a tricky one.  I don't have an answer for that yet.

I hope you find a solutions soon :-)

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-17 Thread Stefan Sturm


I tried some versions. Last working version is 1.24...

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-16 Thread Stefan Sturm

Hello Mike,

did you get a chance to take a look at the samples?
I updated the samples to show you another problem with the fileupload:

I added form 3:
On beforeSubmit I collect all Formdata and convert them to json and
send them as one field formData to the server.
Without a upload this works fine, but when the form has a file
element, it stops working :-(

Perhaps you can take a look at this too...

Thanks for your help,
Stefan Sturm

PS: Here is the code of the upload.php file:
$return = array();
$return[ 'files' ] = $_FILES;
$return[ 'post' ] = $_POST;

echo json_encode( $return );

2008/10/15 Stefan Sturm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 OK, I made a small example:

 Two Forms:
 1.) With the Form PlugIn and Multi
 2.) With the Form PlugIn ans no Multi

 The first one is not working , the second is.

 Check the Firebug console for the return of the upload script. It
 simply returns $_FILES...

 Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-15 Thread Stefan Sturm


 Can you post a link?

Sorry, but I can't at this point. It is part of a large Intranet
Project. But if it helps, I can build a little sample app...

But to be clear: I should work, right?

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-15 Thread Stefan Sturm

OK, I made a small example:

Two Forms:
1.) With the Form PlugIn and Multi
2.) With the Form PlugIn ans no Multi

The first one is not working , the second is.

Check the Firebug console for the return of the upload script. It
simply returns $_FILES...

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Using jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin and jQuery Form Plugin together

2008-10-15 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm trying to use jQuery Form Plugin(
http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/ ) and jQuery Multiple File Upload
Plugin( http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multiple-file-upload/ )
together to build a possibility to Upload more then one file at a

But when I try to do this, the Form Plugin uploads no file. I can
select more then one file and after submitting the form, the server
script( php ) gets called, but there is no file uploaded.

Perhaps somebody can help me on this...

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: OT : javascript editor (with code formatting)

2008-10-07 Thread Stefan Sturm

Take a look at NetBeans. I switch to NetBeans 6.5 a short Time ago.


2008/10/7 Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 aptana studio, albeit a nice editor, is recently crashing all the time and
 now doesn't even want to restart. I'm looking for a good alternative, that
 has a code formatting (auto indenting) functionality.

 Any suggestion ? I'm on Windows XP SP3...

 Thank you,


[jQuery] Re: JQuery Form Plugin and json

2008-09-12 Thread Stefan Sturm


 beforeSubmit: function(arr) {
var json = // ... build json string
arr.length = 0; // throw away current array contents (if you want)
arr[0] = { name: 'someName', value: json };

thats it :-) Thanks...

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Form Plugin and json

2008-09-11 Thread Stefan Sturm


thanks for your answer.
I made it the way you say. I build my json string in the beforeSubmit
function. So, now I have a correct json string, but how can I replace
the post array?
Sorry, but I hang at this point.

Thanks agin for your Help,
Stefan Sturm

2008/9/9 Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It's not supported by the plugin, but you can hook the beforeSubmit
 event and change what is posted to the server.  beforeSubmit is passed
 an array of objects with name and value properties.  You could iterate
 over these, build your json string, and then replace the array
 contents with a single object that has name and value properties,
 where the value prop is the json string.



[jQuery] Re: JQuery Form Plugin and json

2008-09-09 Thread Stefan Sturm


 I'm using the jQuery Form PlugIn( http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/ )
 to handle my Forms. I like it, but I have a question about an
 At this time all form fields are send using post, but it wold be nice,
 to send all form fields json encoded as one post parameter.

 Is there a way to do this?

I still searching for a solution for this...

Hope, the developer is reading here :-)

Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] JQuery Form Plugin and json

2008-08-29 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm using the jQuery Form PlugIn( http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/ )
to handle my Forms. I like it, but I have a question about an
At this time all form fields are send using post, but it wold be nice,
to send all form fields json encoded as one post parameter.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks and greetings,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Moving an Element

2008-08-21 Thread Stefan Sturm


I try to move an Element ( a div ) from one div to another. But I fail :-(
I use this code to do it:

tmp = $('#elementToMove').clone();
$('targetDiv').append( tmp );

But this is not working. Where is my problem?

Thanks for your help,
STefan Sturm

[jQuery] Create Classes using jQuery

2008-08-19 Thread Stefan Sturm


I used Prototype so long. But I switched to jQuery. But now I have a
Question about creating classes.
With prototype I can use Class.create to create a new Class.
Is there a way in jQuery to do this? Or do I need the old JavaScript
syntax to create my classes?

Thanks for your help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Autocomplete PlugIn: Some Questions

2008-07-22 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm testing the Autocomplete PlugIn, and now I have some questions.

1.) Autofill seams not to work for me. When I select an entry, wirde  
text is display in the textbox.
2.) Is it possible to display icons in the result List?
3.) What is the parse function for? I take my code from the json demo.
4.) How can I send an Ajax Request on select? I mean, when I select an  
entry using tab, return or the mouse...
5.) Is it possible to send an ID on select, and not the selected Text?

Here is my test playground:

To test, insert a cityname( e.g. las vegas ) into the seachfield.

I used Firefox 3 on OSX 10.5 for my tests.

Thanks and greetings,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Searching a PlugIn( Protoload )

2008-06-23 Thread Stefan Sturm


I'm searching a PlugIn similar to Protoload(
http://aka-fotos.de/protoload/ ) for Prototype.

Thanks for your Help,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Layout manager

2008-06-18 Thread Stefan Sturm

2008/6/17 Jquery user - z [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 in jqueryUI, you com find something called splitpane in the dir

yes, but this is just a demo for the resizer.

I saw in the Roadmap, that a LayoutManager is planed for Version 1.7 :-) Is
there any Timetable for this?
And I found something in the Experimental Folder about Layout. Is this

Thanks and greetings,
Stefan Sturm

[jQuery] Re: Layout manager

2008-06-17 Thread Stefan Sturm


 During my search for a layout manager as the extjs, I came across with
 this http://www.seprol.com.br/test/layout/page2.htm, (dependent on
 mootools) i would like to know if is possible to convert to jquery,
 with all the options, since the layout currently in jqueryUI, still
 lacks some options. ( ou better, inprove the splitpane to do the same
 things that this do.)

where can I find the Layout currently in jQueryUI?

Stefan Sturm