[jQuery] jQuery 1.1.2 + jQuery carousel, help appreciated. :-)

2007-09-27 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all!

Thank you for peeking inside of my post. Anyhow, so I got a
semi-functional carousel up at:


My only issue here is, if you click on an image within the scroll
wheel (but do not yet scroll through past the first three images...),
you'll notice that within the inline popup div, you may only navigate
through the first three photos.

You can only receive links past the first three photos if you scroll
them through the carousel first. I'm assuming something is not
populating an array until this step is completed.

If anyone can help me catch exactly where it is that I'm making the
mistake, I'd really appreciate it. The source is viewable right within
the page.

Thank you kindly for any possible hints/clues as to how I can resolve this bug.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.2 + jQuery carousel, help appreciated. :-)

2007-09-27 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Apologies for replying to my own thread, but I'm getting closer on the "bug",

The callback function here is where the issue occurs:

function mycarousel_itemLoadCallback(carousel, state)
for (var i = carousel.first; i <= carousel.last; 
i++) {
if (carousel.has(i)) {

if (i > mycarousel_itemList.length) {

// Create an object from HTML
var item =

// Apply thickbox

carousel.add(i, item);

Just from debugging that, on initial page load, only the first three
items are getting passed to tb_init();  I have to flicker through the
rest of the carousel for more images to get appended to tb_init. I
should probably remove tb_init from this callback construct and
execute it in an anonymous function which populates all of the images
in tb_init() unless someone has a more appropriate suggestion?

- sf

On 9/27/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Thank you for peeking inside of my post. Anyhow, so I got a
> semi-functional carousel up at:
> http://devel.phpgeek.org/inventory/single/1
> My only issue here is, if you click on an image within the scroll
> wheel (but do not yet scroll through past the first three images...),
> you'll notice that within the inline popup div, you may only navigate
> through the first three photos.
> You can only receive links past the first three photos if you scroll
> them through the carousel first. I'm assuming something is not
> populating an array until this step is completed.
> If anyone can help me catch exactly where it is that I'm making the
> mistake, I'd really appreciate it. The source is viewable right within
> the page.
> Thank you kindly for any possible hints/clues as to how I can resolve this 
> bug.
> - sf

[jQuery] Re: [Site Submission]: nbc.com

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Dang, I really like the mouseover menu they have on their landing
page. Is that just simple CSS?

On 10/4/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe we can get John on Jay Leno...
> That would be the most boring late night interview, ever. :-P
> --John

[jQuery] thumbnails in jCarousel inquiry

2007-10-04 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

My thumbnails in jCarousel are distorting the aspect ratio of my
photos. Here's an example:


Would anyone be kind enough to tell me how I can re-adjust the default
size to make this look more 'proper' per se?

Thanks. :-)

- sf

[jQuery] Re: thumbnails in jCarousel inquiry

2007-10-05 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thank you Jan!

I'll take a peak.


- sf

On 10/5/07, Jan Sorgalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Steve Finkelstein schrieb:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > My thumbnails in jCarousel are distorting the aspect ratio of my
> > photos. Here's an example:
> >
> > http://www.f1autoimports.com/inventory/single/11
> >
> > Would anyone be kind enough to tell me how I can re-adjust the default
> > size to make this look more 'proper' per se?
> >
> > Thanks. :-)
> >
> > - sf
> you can adjust the item width in skin.css:
> .jcarousel-skin-ie7 .jcarousel-item {
> width: 75px;
> height: 75px;
> border: 1px solid #fff;
> }
> After you changed the width, you should also adjust the width of the
> clip and container of the the carousel:
> .jcarousel-skin-ie7.jcarousel-container-horizontal {
> width: 245px;
> padding: 20px 40px;
> margin-left: 5px;
> margin-right: 5px;
> }
> .jcarousel-skin-ie7 .jcarousel-clip-horizontal {
> width:  245px;
> height: 77px;
> }
> Jan

[jQuery] Re: Problems with Firefox

2007-10-06 Thread Steve Finkelstein

You're going to need to at least provide some code if you want a  
decent response from anyone.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 6, 2007, at 8:26 PM, tramblie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Several JQuery APIs won't work with Firefox ( Has someone
noticed the same problem? Is it a bug, an incompatibility or what?

[jQuery] Site Submission, finally!! :-)

2007-10-09 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Wow, I feel like I just gave birth.

So there's certainly some bugs left which I'm tweaking out, but I've
finally delivered not only my first web application -- but also a
jQuery powered one (using the lovely Code Igniter as my backend)!

A little background and some words of inspiration. On resume, I'm a
systems administrator / network engineer. I was recently approached by
an individual I went to highschool with that just remembers me being a
typical computer geek and asked me if I can program. I told him I'm up
for any challenge and alas the following was born:


I've always had a background in programming with my CS education and
ofcourse, writing automated scripts in any systems/network environment
I've been thrown at, mostly perl/bash based.

Let me tell you, never have I had more fun before, despite all the
cross browser frustrations when writing front-end code, than doing web
development. I'm slowly switching my career to doing development full
time and hoping I have the opportunity to code more sites. The design
here has been mostly put together by a colleague of mine -- I did all
of the javascript/PHP/database design, he did 90% of the CSS/HTML, I
did the other 10%.

Most of the "juice" for this site is in the administrative lounge. For
obvious reasons I can't deliver f1auto's, but I do have a
demonstration site up anyone can login to and have fun with at:

login: admin
pass: f1auto

There's a mixture of jQuery+ExtJS objects floating around the site.
This thing also pushes all of this companies inventory AUTOMAGICALLY
every morning through a cron job to autotrader.com and cars.com.  They
no longer have to put in their inventory manually!

I plan on writing an eBay extension soon as well using their API.

Wow, there's still a lot of room for improvement. But I'm excited as
hell. Nothing like getting paid to do what you love. I can't wait to
be doing this full time.

Leave some love! :-) If you've got hate, leave it also, it'll give me
more inspiration to work harder on bug fixes and my next project. :-)

-- Steve Finkelstein
zuez on EFnet / FreeNode IRC

[jQuery] Re: Site Submission, finally!! :-)

2007-10-09 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thanks Steve!

Yeah. I've made note to the client regarding purchasing an SSL
certificate. I told them I'd be more than happy to embed a self-signed
certificate -- but I know the minute the finance page starts getting
pop-ups, they're going to complain.

They're going to pay for a certificate when they've officially
launched the site on their end (they haven't done any advertising for
it yet... I just put it up on the domain live for testing ...)

Oh, and I also did tell them the music on the landing page is
obtrusive and very annoying for any user who doesn't have the option
to turn it off.

I guess it's what they want, and they're paying me to do it, so as
long as it's not illegal, I do it. :-)

Thanks so much for the positive feedback!

- sf

On 10/9/07, Steve Blades <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve,
> Very nice work, looks fantastic. And that's coming from a guy who works for
> a company that targets this (auto dealers) industry exclusively. Few minor
> notes: Your finance application is on an unsecure page. Major red flag to a
> savvy user, and huge liability to yourself (as the developer) and your
> buddy/client. You also want to make sure that you never email the full
> contents of that form, and that you encrypt any personal data entered to
> your db, then decrypt them in a secure (https) admin interface for your
> client (trust me on this, you don't want the headaches if you don't). Also,
> you may want to offer a compacted listings view, something pertinent, but
> truncated, that expands on click or on mouseover. Check out the ZoomBox
> Plugin for handling the listing image in that situation (should you consider
> it). Also consider centering your finance form (I'm looking in Firefox).
> Looks really good. Glad you had fun with it. Isn't JQuery the bomb?
> --
> Steve "Cutter" Blades
> Adobe Certified Professional
> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
>  _
> http://blog.cutterscrossing.com
> ---
> The Past is a Memory
> The Future a Dream
> But Today is a Gift
> That's why they call it
> The Present

[jQuery] iTunes album flipping simulation

2007-10-19 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Greetings all!

This might be more UI related, and if it is, apologies for spamming this list.

I'm surfing iTunes album art flipping, the same thing that's on the
iPhone, and I believe amazon has something very similar (but theirs is
done in flash. :-( )

I was curious if any of the brilliant minds who contribute to jQuery
have created a similar widget yet with JavaScript? I suppose it would
be like a Carousel on steroids. :-)

Thanks again anyway for any input.

- sf

[jQuery] Strip library for certain functionality, possible?

2007-10-22 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

As much as I love loading all of jQuery into every single web project
I'm involved in, this current one is for an iPhone catered web
application. And to be quite blunt, loading anything over EDGE is
painful. I'd like to still use a few methods available, such as

Is there a 'proper' way of using just that functionality on a site
instead of loading the whole library? I've seen folks load libraries
in their 

[jQuery] jQuery + Select Box woes

2007-10-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm having some difficulty getting select boxes to function the way I
envision them to function. I'm using the Plugin available from:

My code looks like the following:

$("select#make").change(function() {

data: {make_val: $(this).val()},
dataType: 'json',
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  "/addvehicle/models_populate",
error:function() {},
success:  function(json) {
json = eval(json);
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 
json.length; i++)
options += 
'' + json[i]['name'] + '';
$("select#model > 

  } // end callback funct(json)
}); // end $.ajax

});  // end $("select#make)

// populate the trims select when model is changed.
$("select#model").change(function() {

data: {model_val: $(this).val()},
dataType: 'json',
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  "/addvehicle/trims_populate",
error:function() {},
success:  function(json) {
json = eval(json);
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 
json.length; i++)
options += 
'' + json[i]['name'] + '';

if(json.length === 0) {


$("select#trim").selectOptions("No Trim");


else {

$("select#trim > option").not(".staticOpt").remove();


  } // end callback funct(json)
}); // end $.ajax
}); // end $("select#model")


Essentially, what I'm trying to achieve is to populate a Model box
based on a Make box. At the same time, I want to populate a Trim
select box with "No Trim" if /addvehicle/trims_populate comes back
with a zero length json object.

What happens here though, if I change my 'Model' box, trims populate
just -fine-. However, when I change my Make select, it populates the
Trim boxes with different 'Models' where it should be populating it
with Trims. I need to change a 'Model' again to populate it with the
proper trims.  I know it's rather confusing, and I appreciate it if
anyone can give me any hints.

Cheers all,

- sf

[jQuery] Re: jQuery + Select Box woes

2007-10-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Aa, I spoke too soon. I wish I can discard this message to avoid
spamming an already busy discussion group. This one was tough to
catch, but if you notice in my code example above, json is  globally
scoped across both of my functions. I had to explicitly declare it
locally with 'var' and now my code is behaving more proper.

Thanks again all. :-)

- sf  (still loving jQuery, just still sucking at JavaScript. :-) )

On 10/23/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having some difficulty getting select boxes to function the way I
> envision them to function. I'm using the Plugin available from:
> http://www.texotela.co.uk/code/jquery/select/
> My code looks like the following:
> $("select#make").change(function() {
> $.ajax({
> data: {make_val: $(this).val()},
> dataType: 'json',
> timeout:  1,
> type: 'POST',
> url:  "/addvehicle/models_populate",
> error:function() {},
> success:  function(json) {
> json = eval(json);
> var options = '';
> for (var i = 0; i < 
> json.length; i++)
> {
> options += 
> '' + json[i]['name'] + '';
> }
> $("select#model > 
> option").not(".staticOpt").remove();
> $("select#model").append(options);
>   } // end callback funct(json)
> }); // end $.ajax
> });  // end $("select#make)
> // populate the trims select when model is changed.
> $("select#model").change(function() {
> $.ajax({
> data: {model_val: $(this).val()},
> dataType: 'json',
> timeout:  1,
> type: 'POST',
> url:  "/addvehicle/trims_populate",
> error:function() {},
> success:  function(json) {
> json = eval(json);
> var options = '';
> for (var i = 0; i < 
> json.length; i++)
> {
> options += 
> '' + json[i]['name'] + '';
> }
>   if(json.length === 0) {
>   $("select#trim").append('No
> Trim');
>   $("select#trim").selectOptions("No Trim");
>   }
>   else {
>   $("select#trim > option").not(".staticOpt").remove();
>   $("select#trim").append(options);
>   }
>   } // end callback funct(json)
> }); // end $.ajax
> }); // end $("select#model")
> ---
> Essentially, what I'm trying to achieve is to populate a Model box
> based on a Make box. At the same time, I want to populate a Trim
> select box with "No Trim" if /addvehicle/trims_populate comes back
> with a zero length json object.
> What happens here though, if I change my 'Model' box, trims populate
> just -fine-. However, when I change my Make select, it populates the
> Trim boxes with different 'Models' where it should be populating it
> with Trims. I need to change a 'Model' again to populate it with the
> proper trims.  I know it's rather confusing, and I appreciate it if
> anyone can give me any hints.
> Cheers all,
> - sf

[jQuery] Stripped down AJAX methods

2007-10-28 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hey folks,

Before I go through the trouble, I figured someone might have already
done this so I'll ask here first. I'm looking to strip jQuery of
everything but the AJAX utilities. In particular, jQuery.Ajax() should
be good enough.

Need this for an application which I can't load the entire library
into since it'll be iPhone-centric over EDGE (yuck.)

If someone has the minimum required code, that'd be excellent. If not,
I'll give re-creating it a shot. :-)


- sf

[jQuery] CSS based Sliding menu

2007-11-13 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm sure jQuery has something similar, just haven't been able to find
it. There's an article/example here, and I'm sorry if this is a common
question here. I wasn't sure how to search for  "sliding menu thingy"
in the threads. :-)

Where should I look within jquery for a similar effect of
http://devthought.com/cssjavascript-true-power-fancy-menu/ ?

Cheers all. :-)

- sf

[jQuery] Re: CSS based Sliding menu

2007-11-13 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thanks for the link Cloud, perfect. :-)

On 11/13/07, Cloudream <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.gmarwaha.com/blog/?p=7
> On Nov 14, 10:54 am, "Steve Finkelstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm sure jQuery has something similar, just haven't been able to find
> > it. There's an article/example here, and I'm sorry if this is a common
> > question here. I wasn't sure how to search for  "sliding menu thingy"
> > in the threads. :-)
> >
> > Where should I look within jquery for a similar effect 
> > ofhttp://devthought.com/cssjavascript-true-power-fancy-menu/?
> >
> > Cheers all. :-)
> >
> > - sf

[jQuery] New to jquery, adding/modify option box in a block

2007-08-05 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

Given the enthusiasm of the community that surrounds jquery, in addition to
the excellent documentation, I've decided to give it a go over prototype and
the like.

I have a rather simple inquiry that's more conceptual than technicalicaties
of syntax. I'm currently writing an application for a car inventory. Users
have the option to select make/model, etc, which ultimately adds the options
to a database.

My issue is right now I lack an existing database with car make/models, and
I'm looking to incorporate some javascript to allow users to dynamically
add/modify/remove options in a  block. Is JQuery the right tool for
this? If so, would anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction
as far as documentation to begin reading so I can attempt an implementation?

Thank you kindly all!


- sf

[jQuery] New to jquery, adding/modify option box in a block

2007-08-05 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

Given the enthusiasm of the community that surrounds jquery, in
addition to the excellent documentation, I've decided to give it a go
over prototype and the like.

I have a rather simple inquiry that's more conceptual than
technicalicaties of syntax. I'm currently writing an application for a
car inventory. Users have the option to select make/model, etc, which
ultimately adds the options to a database.

My issue is right now I lack an existing database with car make/
models, and I'm looking to incorporate some javascript to allow users
to dynamically add/modify/remove options in a  block. Is
JQuery the right tool for this? If so, would anyone be kind enough to
point me in the right direction as far as documentation to begin
reading so I can attempt an implementation?

Thank you kindly all!


- sf

[jQuery] Re: JQuery populating div with AJAX

2007-08-10 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thank you kindly again.

One last inquiry. Do I pop that into a separate script? Possible just throw
it inside of a $(document).ready() wrapper?

On 8/10/07, Benjamin Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not entirely sure what you are saying but you can do something like:
> setInterval(function(){
> $.ajax({
>   type: "POST",
>   url: "some.php
> ",
>   success: function(msg){
> $('myDiv).text(msg);
>   }
> });
> }, 1000);
> On 8/10/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Benjamin,
> >
> > I believe you understood properly, yes!
> >
> > I'm not sending the server any information, just receiving back
> > information from a database which is influenced from other sources, not this
> > application. I'll have to lookup SetInterval syntax, thanks for the
> > pointer.  Is it wise to try the excerpt you put below in a separate script
> > to keep my XHTML clean and call it within the div somehow?
> >
> > Thanks again for your help.
> >
> > On 8/10/07, Benjamin Sterling < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Steve,
> > > You ultimately don't need to send params to the server side page, you
> > > will just need to account for the returned information.
> > >
> > > $.ajax({
> > >   type: "POST",
> > >   url: "some.php",
> > >
> > >   success: function(msg){
> > > alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
> > >   }
> > > });
> > >
> > > the success is where you would put your function to handle your return
> > > information.
> > >
> > > Now, if this is something you want to do every X amount of minutes or
> > > seconds, just put that in a setInterval function.
> > >
> > > Let me know if I understood you correctly.
> > >
> > > On 8/10/07, Steve Finkelstein < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hi all
> > > >
> > > > I'm looking to populate a div with information from a database ...
> > > > don't want to pass any parameters to the serverside script, just
> > > > want
> > > > the div updated according to my query if the db record sets are
> > > > modified, is .ajaxStart() the appropriate function for this?
> > > >
> > > > I'm basically looking to have the jquery poll the server every X
> > > > seconds. Since HTTP is a connectionless protocol, I'm not entirely
> > > > sure what the proper way would be to stop/start the request using
> > > > good
> > > > practices.
> > > >
> > > > In pseudo-type code it should work like this:
> > > >
> > > > User visits site.
> > > >
> > > > a request is made from the client to the server to invoke a
> > > > function.
> > > > a function on the server-side queries my mysql database with a
> > > > simple
> > > > query.
> > > > the result set is returned as an array to the javascript object.
> > > > the javascript object gets injected into the DOM.
> > > >
> > > > No parameters are passed in the ajax request to the server.
> > > >
> > > > thanks again for any insight folks.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Benjamin Sterling
> > > http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> > > http://www.KenzoHosting.com
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] Re: JQuery populating div with AJAX

2007-08-10 Thread Steve Finkelstein

I believe you understood properly, yes!

I'm not sending the server any information, just receiving back information
from a database which is influenced from other sources, not this
application. I'll have to lookup SetInterval syntax, thanks for the
pointer.  Is it wise to try the excerpt you put below in a separate script
to keep my XHTML clean and call it within the div somehow?

Thanks again for your help.

On 8/10/07, Benjamin Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve,
> You ultimately don't need to send params to the server side page, you will
> just need to account for the returned information.
> $.ajax({
>   type: "POST",
>   url: "some.php",
>   success: function(msg){
> alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );
>   }
> });
> the success is where you would put your function to handle your return
> information.
> Now, if this is something you want to do every X amount of minutes or
> seconds, just put that in a setInterval function.
> Let me know if I understood you correctly.
> On 8/10/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm looking to populate a div with information from a database ...
> > don't want to pass any parameters to the serverside script, just want
> > the div updated according to my query if the db record sets are
> > modified, is .ajaxStart() the appropriate function for this?
> >
> > I'm basically looking to have the jquery poll the server every X
> > seconds. Since HTTP is a connectionless protocol, I'm not entirely
> > sure what the proper way would be to stop/start the request using good
> > practices.
> >
> > In pseudo-type code it should work like this:
> >
> > User visits site.
> >
> > a request is made from the client to the server to invoke a function.
> > a function on the server-side queries my mysql database with a simple
> > query.
> > the result set is returned as an array to the javascript object.
> > the javascript object gets injected into the DOM.
> >
> > No parameters are passed in the ajax request to the server.
> >
> > thanks again for any insight folks.
> >
> >
> --
> Benjamin Sterling
> http://www.KenzoMedia.com
> http://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] populate div with ajax inquiry

2007-08-10 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all

I'm looking to populate a div with information from a database ... don't
want to pass any parameters to the serverside script, just want the div
updated according to my query if the db record sets are modified, is
.ajaxStart() the appropriate function for this?

I'm basically looking to have the jquery poll the server every X seconds.
Since HTTP is a connectionless protocol, I'm not entirely sure what the
proper way would be to stop/start the request using good practices.

In pseudo-type code it should work like this:

User visits site.

a request is made from the client to the server to invoke a function.
a function on the server-side queries my mysql database with a simple query.
the result set is returned as an array to the javascript object.
the javascript object gets injected into the DOM.

No parameters are passed in the ajax request to the server.

thanks again for any insight folks.

- sf

[jQuery] JQuery populating div with AJAX

2007-08-10 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all

I'm looking to populate a div with information from a database ...
don't want to pass any parameters to the serverside script, just want
the div updated according to my query if the db record sets are
modified, is .ajaxStart() the appropriate function for this?

I'm basically looking to have the jquery poll the server every X
seconds. Since HTTP is a connectionless protocol, I'm not entirely
sure what the proper way would be to stop/start the request using good

In pseudo-type code it should work like this:

User visits site.

a request is made from the client to the server to invoke a function.
a function on the server-side queries my mysql database with a simple
the result set is returned as an array to the javascript object.
the javascript object gets injected into the DOM.

No parameters are passed in the ajax request to the server.

thanks again for any insight folks.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery populating div with AJAX

2007-08-10 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thanks so much for the reply.

This was the final set of code that I used that worked great for me:

$(document).ready(function() {

setInterval(function() {
}, 30);

The first load is to inject the data into the DOM after it loads.

Thanks all for the help!

- sf
> Hi Steve,
> What about this example?
> $('#div-id').load('url.php');
> More info can be found here: 
> http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax#load.28_url.2C_params.2C_callback_.29
> Good luck!
> Rick

[jQuery] Event complications (beginner level)

2007-08-13 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi All,

I'm having issues with simple event triggering.  Here is an excerpt of my

$(document).ready(function() {

setInterval(function() {
}, 30);

// initially hide the main content div until a pending user is clicked.

$('.pendingUsers a').click(function() {

The initial $('#main').hide(); works great, my main content area is hidden.
However the click() functionality doesn't work in its current state. The DIV
is now put back on the screen. Just to re-assure everyone, here's an excerpt
from the HTML:

This is a test.


Thank you for any input.

- sf

[jQuery] $.post() and CI inquiry

2007-08-13 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

I have a simple javascript file being loaded externally that has the
following code:

-- snip --

$(document).ready(function() {

function() {
$('#pendingUsers a').click(function() {
$.post('index.php/meduser/pull_user_information', {id: $(this).attr('rel')}

setInterval(function() {
}, 30);

// initially hide the main content div until a pending user is clicked.


-- snip --

My issue here is I'm not sure how with CI to associate the $.post() with the
div I want to populate the data back from the server with in a view. My view
contains a  area where the results should be posted

My controller looks like this:

function pull_user_information()
$id = $this->input->post('id');
$data['query'] = $this->db_users->query('select * from tbl_signups
where ID="$id"'

$this->load->view('default/meduser_useraccordny_view', $data);

I'm trying to populate the rel of the anchor tag into $id and using that to
query the database.

I can then pass that into the meduser_useraccordny_view, however I'm still
not entirely sure how to populate the particular div.

Any assistance would be appreciated!

[jQuery] How do I bind this into the DOM?

2007-08-14 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

This is a rather complicated issue, for a novice at least.

I have HTML that gets injected into the DOM, and this is after a completely
separate HTML gets injected via .load() into a separate div.

So essentially, when you load the page, a div gets populated with .load(),
and when you click a link from that populated data, more HTML gets injected
via the following code:

function() {
 $('#pendingUsers a').click(function() {
 $.post('index.php/meduser/pull_user_information', {id:
 function(data) {

I'm looking to bind .click() to an element within $('#main').html(data);,
over to 

Would anyone be kind enough to give me hints as to how I can access my
button via a click action in this setup?

Thank you kindly for all of your assistance!

[jQuery] Event bubbling

2007-08-14 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

Using this block of code:


$(document).ready(function() {
 $('body').click(function(event) {
   if ($(event.target).is('h3')) {


If my element I'm trying to toggle is , is
there anyway I can do something similar to if($

If not, what does $(event.target) have to point to in .is() to trigger
my input in this situation?

[jQuery] Plugin for uploading multiple files/directories?

2007-08-18 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

I'm looking to allow a user to upload mutliple files or even better, an
entire directory worth of files. Adding a progress bar for the batch or
single file upload would be ideal.

What's my best bet for doing this?


- sf

[jQuery] File upload plugin available?

2007-08-18 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm looking for an elegant and visual appealing file upload plugin. I
don't need any stunning effects, just something appealing to the eye,
and can allow a user to upload an image or directory on their local

Can anyone recommend such a utility with jquery?

Thank you all!

- sf

[jQuery] Checkbox updating database asynchronously?

2007-08-22 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm looking for a simple way to change a boolean value in a database
based on whether a checkbox is checked or not in a jquery environment.

Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the correct direction to
get this accomplished?

Thank you.

- sf

[jQuery] Help with re-populating a server-side select box using JQuery

2007-08-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I have some very rudimentary HTML markup w/ serverside PHP that
populates a select box like this:

Add Make
result() as $make): ?>
  name; ?


As you can see, I've added some jquery to pop up a div to let me add
more makes into the select box. I got that part working great with the
following code:

$('#add_make').click(function () {
//alert("Model value : " + $('#add_make_text').val());
data: "make_val="+$('#add_make_text').val(),
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  "/addvehicle/add_make",
error:function() { alert("Make was not 
added. Contact the system administrator."); },
success:  function() {
} // end success callback
}); // end $.ajax
}); // end add_make.click and stuff.

My only issue at this point is if I'm already using AJAX to populate a
select box, does anyone see a possible alternative here for me to re-
populate the select box in the success callback function? As this
point the only way I see doing that is with a full page refresh

Thanks for any advice.

- sf

[jQuery] Selecting an option?

2007-08-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein

I'm trying to select an option in a successful callback function using
the following syntax:

$('select#make > option').('#null').attr({ selected: "selected" });

Does anyone here see what's wrong?


[jQuery] Re: Selecting an option?

2007-08-23 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hiya Karl!

Thanks for the reply. Just for those who might be searching the archives in
the future, I figure I'd also give some useful insight. I haven't tried
Karl's method, but I did run into

I have some variables set after the DOM is loaded:

var currentMakeSel = $("#make").val();
var currentModelSel= $("#model").val();
var currentTrimSel = $("#trim").val();

Then I just roll:


Thanks again and I hope this helps someone!

- sf

On 8/24/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2007, at 11:11 PM, Steve Finkelstein wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to select an option in a successful callback function using
> > the following syntax:
> >
> > $('select#make > option').('#null').attr({ selected: "selected" });
> >
> > Does anyone here see what's wrong?
> Yes, this part:
>   .('#null')
> Is that supposed to be the id of one of the options? if so, you could
> write it like this:
> $('#null').attr({ selected: "selected" });
> Since IDs are unique, no need to give it context.
> --Karl
> _
> Karl Swedberg
> www.englishrules.com
> www.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Adding a 'reset' feature to form

2007-08-26 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I currently have your rudimentary HTML form. ( it's large and complex
by nature, but lacks any fancy JS plugins etc. )

I was curious if there is a way to integrate a 'Reset All' button to
clear all the values to their original values if possible, using some
JQuery plugin?

Something quick and hackish would work.

Thanks all.

[jQuery] JQuery .load() issue, (user error)

2007-08-27 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Yes, I know this is my fault. Where though, I'm clueless. If someone
can help me recover from my fumble, I'd appreciate it.

I have a div that resembles the following:

$('#showPhotos').load('get_photos', {vehicle_id: uri-

I'm sending vehicle_id to a serverside PHP script. I then return an
Object into a separate HTML template which should get injected into
that div that takes the Object and echos out some parameters.  When I
use firebug to debug this, Response says: Loading ...

If I need to post more information to help debug this, I'd love to
provide it. I'm sort of stuck thinking of alternative ways to approach

Thanks for the assistance. :-)

- sf

[jQuery] Re: JQuery .load() issue, (user error)

2007-08-27 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply.

Don't think that did the trick unfortunately.  I moved the code out into
 with the following:

$(function() {
$('#showPhotos').show("slow", function() {

data: "vehicle_id="+<?= $this->uri->segment(4); ?>,
timeout:  1,
type: 'POST',
url:  "get_photos",
error:function() { alert("showPhotos was NOT
successfully loaded.. Contact the system administrator."); },
success:  function()  { alert("showPhotos was
successfully loaded."); },
  }); // end $.ajax
}); // end show()

get_photos returns an array to an HTML template.

Not sure exactly what the issue is still unfortunately.

On 8/27/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I know this is my fault. Where though, I'm clueless. If someone
> can help me recover from my fumble, I'd appreciate it.
> I have a div that resembles the following:
> $('#showPhotos').load('get_photos', {vehicle_id:
> <?=$this->uri-
> >segment(4);?>});
> I'm sending vehicle_id to a serverside PHP script. I then return an
> Object into a separate HTML template which should get injected into
> that div that takes the Object and echos out some parameters.  When I
> use firebug to debug this, Response says: Loading ...
> If I need to post more information to help debug this, I'd love to
> provide it. I'm sort of stuck thinking of alternative ways to approach
> this.
> Thanks for the assistance. :-)
> - sf

[jQuery] jQuery and dynamic image album, possible?

2007-08-29 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Well, I'm sure it's possible, but I'm a newb and could use veteran
advice. :-)

I have a form which dynamically finds photos upon each GET of the
page. So the photos in one page refresh might be different from
another depending on actions the user has taken. Here's a sample:


(yes I know its pictures of jewelry with cars.com/autotrader.com
checkboxes, I don't have as many vehicle photos as jewelry photos in
my archives. :P )

Anyhow, is there any util I can use to display these dynamically
loaded images predefined in a serverside array in a neat jquery album/
plugin of some sort? I'd rather do that than embed the img in anchor
tags with the original size photo (these are thumb nails).

Inline loading of images would be ideal, nothing too fancy!

Thank you all, so much!

- sf

[jQuery] jQuery form, invalid success label?

2007-08-29 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Firebug is reporting success: is an invalid label with the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'form2' and provide a simple callback function
$('#form2').ajaxForm(function() {
// Server should send data back in json encoding
success:function() {
alert("DEBUG: Testing.");

Any idea?


[jQuery] DOM problems with jQuery's Form Plugin

2007-08-29 Thread Steve Finkelstein


The following code works:

$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'form2' and provide a simple callback function
$('#form2').ajaxForm(function() {
   alert("DEBUG Test");

However the following does not:

$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'form2' and provide a simple callback function
$('#form2').ajaxForm(function() {
// Server should send data back in json encoding
target: '#container'

No broken responses. My  just does not get
updated. My server sends back:


Firebug shows the echo'd response.

Totally would appreciate any help.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: DOM problems with jQuery's Form Plugin

2007-08-29 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Actually AgentScorpion helped me out on IRC .. here was the issue:

$('#form2').ajaxForm({ target: '#container', type: 'post' });

I was trying to send ajaxForm a function with parameters ... all is well
now, thanks. :-)

On 8/29/07, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Make sure your JSON is well formed.  If it is not, your callback probably
> won't work.  Try doing just a "console.log" with the returned json data
> and
> see what you get, then try to "eval" it to see if will return an object.
> -- Josh
> - Original Message -
> From: "Steve Finkelstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery (English)" 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:47 PM
> Subject: [jQuery] DOM problems with jQuery's Form Plugin
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > The following code works:
> >
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> > // bind 'form2' and provide a simple callback function
> > $('#form2').ajaxForm(function() {
> >   alert("DEBUG Test");
> >});
> > });
> >
> > However the following does not:
> >
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> > // bind 'form2' and provide a simple callback function
> > $('#form2').ajaxForm(function() {
> >// Server should send data back in json encoding
> >target: '#container'
> >});
> > });
> >
> > No broken responses. My  just does not get
> > updated. My server sends back:
> >
> > echo "DEBUG MESSAGE";
> >
> > Firebug shows the echo'd response.
> >
> > Totally would appreciate any help.
> >
> > - sf
> >

[jQuery] Form plugin and error validation

2007-08-29 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

Is there a way I can stop resetForm: true from hitting when I deem
something is invalid via server-side validation? For example, here's
my ajaxForm object:

target: '#container',
type: 'post',
resetForm: true,

And on the server-side I have a very rudimentary validation:

echo $error_message;

Is there anyway to tell ajaxForm when there is a logical error so that
success: and resetForm: are not executed. I understand those
parameters are there for successful AJAX responses, not logical
errors. I'm just not sure how to stop the form from resetting when I
have logical errors, however I do want this functionality to exist for
the form is indeed error free.

Thank you,

- sf

[jQuery] Re: Form plugin and error validation

2007-08-30 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi mike,

First and foremost, thanks for your reply!

As for the validation, should I return a string such as 'errors' and  
eval() it in my success callback? I'm not entirely sure how to let js  
know that the server deemed something in the form as a booboo.

Thanks again.

- sf

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2007, at 8:04 AM, "Mike Alsup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


If you need that kind of control over the reset then I suggest you use
the resetForm function rather than the resetForm option property.  In
your success handler, once you've determined there is no logical error
you, can simply invoke:



On 8/29/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a way I can stop resetForm: true from hitting when I deem
something is invalid via server-side validation? For example, here's
my ajaxForm object:

   target: '#container',
   type: 'post',
   resetForm: true,

And on the server-side I have a very rudimentary validation:

   echo $error_message;

Is there anyway to tell ajaxForm when there is a logical error so  

success: and resetForm: are not executed. I understand those
parameters are there for successful AJAX responses, not logical
errors. I'm just not sure how to stop the form from resetting when I
have logical errors, however I do want this functionality to exist  

the form is indeed error free.

Thank you,

- sf

[jQuery] What can add an effect to this rotate?

2007-08-31 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

I was curious, is there anything jQuery has available that can take this
single image rotater and add an effect to it? Something that slowly fades in
the next photo? An example of what I'm trying to apply this on is

If someone can point out what I can reference or read in documentation for
this, that'd be great.


- sf

[jQuery] Re: What can add an effect to this rotate?

2007-08-31 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Mike you're just filled with tricks up your sleeve, aren't you?

Thank you so much, I bookmarked that. Seems I have a few of your personals
bookmarked already!

- sf

On 8/31/07, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was curious, is there anything jQuery has available that can take this
> > single image rotater and add an effect to it? Something that slowly
> fades in
> > the next photo? An example of what I'm trying to apply this on is
> > http://devel.phpgeek.org.
> The Cycle Plugin can do that, as can InnerFade and others.
> http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/

[jQuery] moreSelectors plugin syntax issue?

2007-08-31 Thread Steve Finkelstein
Hi all,

I'm using the jQuery Form plugin by Mike Alsup and jQuery More Selectors
here: http://www.softwareunity.com/sandbox/JQueryMoreSelectors/

I have a callback function which I'm calling with the following syntax:

function validate() {
// ensure something is at least filled out.

if ($('#form2:modified'))
$('#error').show("slow", function(){
setTimeout("$('#error').hide('slow')", 1);

// Do not submit the call to server.
return false;


This seems to error out, and I can't find where the syntax issue is.

Thanks for any help.

- sf

[jQuery] Can anyone suggest a jQuery way of improving this UI? Screenshot included.

2007-09-15 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

So I created a portion of a project which users are having quite a bit
of difficulty working with. If you take a look at the following screen
shot, it'll give you the general gist of the particular page:


Here, users can order their pictures by inputting a priority number in
a text input as you can see. When they're done with their
modifications, an AJAX call is made to the server to update the
database with the respective info via the 'Update Photos' button

I was curious if there is any widgets available that will allow me to
make this following page easier to use. I'm more than happy to rewrite
this entire part of the project. I'm using jQuery in probably 99% of
my project already. Maybe drag and drop would be good here, maybe
overkill? I would definitely appreciate any advice.

Thank you kindly for any insight folks.

- sf

[jQuery] Dynamic loading of PHP array into jCarousel?

2007-09-15 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I'm a bit confused trying to understand sources on dynamic loading of
images into a jCarousel object.  The issue here is the JavaScript
array is already populated by page load, and obviously I can't see how
server-side data was used to populate it. I'm a bit novice when it
comes to this, but could certainly use some help.  An example
JavaScript array taken from the example sites include:

var mycarousel_itemList = [
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/66/199481236_dc98b5abb3_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower1"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/75/199481072_b4a0d09597_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower2"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/57/199481087_33ae73a8de_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower3"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/77/199481108_4359e6b971_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower4"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/58/199481143_3c148d9dd3_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower5"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/72/199481203_ad4cdcf109_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower6"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/58/199481218_264ce20da0_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower7"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/69/199481255_fdfe885f87_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower8"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/60/199480111_87d4cb3e38_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower9"},
{url: "http://static.flickr.com/70/229228324_08223b70fa_s.jpg";,
title: "Flower10"}

Maybe I'm confused with the sense of 'dynamic' here, but I need to
load all images that I populate from a table in my database. A dump of
this array might look like this:

[0] => Array
[photo_id] => 2
[vehicle_id] => 1
[caption] =>
[position] => 2
[cars_com] => 0
[autotrader_com] => 0

[1] => Array
[photo_id] => 4
[vehicle_id] => 1
[caption] =>
[position] => 4
[cars_com] => 0
[autotrader_com] => 0

At which point 2.jpg and 4.jpg are the photos I need to load.

Thank you for any insight into how I can solve this problem.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: Can anyone suggest a jQuery way of improving this UI? Screenshot included.

2007-09-15 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Thanks for the suggestions all.

I appreciate every one of your responses and am taking them all into
consideration. I was wondering if someone also give me a more concrete
suggestion such as a plugin to use? I'm looking at the following and
think it can be of great use:


Thanks all. Please don't mind any non-coherent speak above. I've been
up for over 24 hours straight scripting away.


- sf

On 9/15/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I created a portion of a project which users are having quite a bit
> of difficulty working with. If you take a look at the following screen
> shot, it'll give you the general gist of the particular page:
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/photos.png
> Here, users can order their pictures by inputting a priority number in
> a text input as you can see. When they're done with their
> modifications, an AJAX call is made to the server to update the
> database with the respective info via the 'Update Photos' button
> below.
> I was curious if there is any widgets available that will allow me to
> make this following page easier to use. I'm more than happy to rewrite
> this entire part of the project. I'm using jQuery in probably 99% of
> my project already. Maybe drag and drop would be good here, maybe
> overkill? I would definitely appreciate any advice.
> Thank you kindly for any insight folks.
> - sf

[jQuery] Re: Dynamic loading of PHP array into jCarousel?

2007-09-16 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi thanks for the reply Ted. :-)

I got around to figuring this out last night. I built my JavaScript
array using server-side data.  Still has some work but I got an
example page up that's working:


- sf

On 9/16/07, Theodore Ni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That example is dynamic in the sense that you can populate that Javascript
> array in many different ways. For example, you could take in user input and
> create an array, or you can let your PHP echo out a Javascript array.
> For dynamic in the sense that we use AJAX to pull data and then create the
> carousel, a simple example would be
> http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_javascript.html
> Notice in each of the examples you still need to write your own function to
> parse whatever data/string you return from the server. The example in the
> link I gave you used jQuery.get() to pull a simple page
> http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_ajax.txt
> which just has some image URLs separated by a | character. The functions in
> the page then separate the individual URLs and add them into the carousel.
> You only need something like this on your server side after you get your
> item array $photos from the database (in fact, you could do this in your
> while loop if you are using one to pull data):
> $photo_src = array();
> for ($i = 0, $l = count($photos); $i < $l; $i++) {
> $photo_src[] = $photos['photo_id'] . '.jpg';
> }
> $photo_string = implode('|', $photo_src);
> echo $photo_string;
> Then, just replace dynamic_ajax.txt in the sample code with
> your_php_page.php
> On 9/15/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm a bit confused trying to understand sources on dynamic loading of
> > images into a jCarousel object.  The issue here is the JavaScript
> > array is already populated by page load, and obviously I can't see how
> > server-side data was used to populate it. I'm a bit novice when it
> > comes to this, but could certainly use some help.  An example
> > JavaScript array taken from the example sites include:
> >
> > var mycarousel_itemList = [
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/66/199481236_dc98b5abb3_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower1"},
> > {url: "
> http://static.flickr.com/75/199481072_b4a0d09597_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower2"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/57/199481087_33ae73a8de_s.jpg ",
> > title: "Flower3"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/77/199481108_4359e6b971_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower4"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/58/199481143_3c148d9dd3_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower5"},
> > {url: "
> http://static.flickr.com/72/199481203_ad4cdcf109_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower6"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/58/199481218_264ce20da0_s.jpg ",
> > title: "Flower7"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/69/199481255_fdfe885f87_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower8"},
> > {url:
> "http://static.flickr.com/60/199480111_87d4cb3e38_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower9"},
> > {url: "
> http://static.flickr.com/70/229228324_08223b70fa_s.jpg";,
> > title: "Flower10"}
> > ];
> >
> > Maybe I'm confused with the sense of 'dynamic' here, but I need to
> > load all images that I populate from a table in my database. A dump of
> > this array might look like this:
> >
> > [0] => Array
> > (
> > [photo_id] => 2
> > [vehicle_id] => 1
> > [caption] =>
> > [position] => 2
> > [cars_com] => 0
> > [autotrader_com] => 0
> > )
> >
> > [1] => Array
> > (
> > [photo_id] => 4
> > [vehicle_id] => 1
> > [caption] =>
> > [position] => 4
> > [cars_com] => 0
> > [autotrader_com] => 0
> > )
> >
> > At which point 2.jpg and 4.jpg are the photos I need to load.
> >
> > Thank you for any insight into how I can solve this problem.
> >
> > - sf
> >
> --
> Ted

[jQuery] Re: NEWS: jQuery 1.2 Released

2007-09-16 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Dang, now we need Karl and team to write a new learning jQuery book!

Thanks so much John and team! (and yes I'm quite late in response, but
with so many threads in this list, I didn't even notice 1.2 was
released until today)

Cya all on #jQuery :-)

- sf/zuez

On 9/11/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> jQuery 1.2 has been released!
> More information (and a jQuery UI sneak peek!):
> http://jquery.com/blog/2007/09/10/jquery-12-jqueryextendawesome/
> Full release notes and download information:
> http://docs.jquery.com/Release:jQuery_1.2
> Enjoy!
> --John

[jQuery] jCarousel with thickbox inquiry re: scrolling photos

2007-09-16 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi folks,

This is probably something I'll end up needing to address on the
respective thickbox forums. I was hoping to give my luck a go at the
forum here though as the community is always willing to help. Anyway,
I have a development page I'm working on which is publically
accessible via here:


As you can see, the heart and soul of this profile is the lovely
jcarousel plugin with thickbox functionality. What I'd like to do to
further enhance UI and avoid more mouse clicks than necessary. I'd
like to allow users to surf through the photos after they pop-up the
initial photo, but I'm not sure how to implement it. There is an
example of this in:


Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the correct direction?

Thanks so much all, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: jCarousel with thickbox inquiry re: scrolling photos

2007-09-16 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Sorry to reply to my own thread, but I figured it out for the most
part. Had to make use of the rel attribute within my anchor, simple
enough. The only limitation to this is, if you don't scroll through
the carousel, thickbox will only create navigation for the first three
images.  I have to close the inline pop up, go through more pics in
the carousel, then reload thickbox to be able to navigate the rest of
the images. You can experiment this at:


Is there a fix?

On 9/16/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> This is probably something I'll end up needing to address on the
> respective thickbox forums. I was hoping to give my luck a go at the
> forum here though as the community is always willing to help. Anyway,
> I have a development page I'm working on which is publically
> accessible via here:
> http://devel.phpgeek.org/inventory/single/10
> As you can see, the heart and soul of this profile is the lovely
> jcarousel plugin with thickbox functionality. What I'd like to do to
> further enhance UI and avoid more mouse clicks than necessary. I'd
> like to allow users to surf through the photos after they pop-up the
> initial photo, but I'm not sure how to implement it. There is an
> example of this in:
> http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/
> Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the correct direction?
> Thanks so much all, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
> - sf

[jQuery] Re: Dynamic loading of PHP array into jCarousel?

2007-09-16 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi Theodore,

I do have thumbnails loaded I thought? Hmmm, I was dealing with
another issue. If you click on a carousel image before scorlling
through it, thickbox will only allow you to navigate through the first
three photos in the gallery. You need to go through the entire
scrolling of the carousel to have them all propagate and I can't catch
where this is occuring.

Thanks again.

On 9/16/07, Theodore Ni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks pretty good. You may think about using thumbnail images for the
> carousel, but you may have thought of that already.
> On 9/16/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi thanks for the reply Ted. :-)
> >
> > I got around to figuring this out last night. I built my JavaScript
> > array using server-side data.  Still has some work but I got an
> > example page up that's working:
> >
> > http://devel.phpgeek.org/inventory/single/10
> >
> > - sf
> >
> > On 9/16/07, Theodore Ni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > That example is dynamic in the sense that you can populate that
> Javascript
> > > array in many different ways. For example, you could take in user input
> and
> > > create an array, or you can let your PHP echo out a Javascript array.
> > >
> > > For dynamic in the sense that we use AJAX to pull data and then create
> the
> > > carousel, a simple example would be
> > >
> http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_javascript.html
> > >
> > > Notice in each of the examples you still need to write your own function
> to
> > > parse whatever data/string you return from the server. The example in
> the
> > > link I gave you used jQuery.get() to pull a simple page
> > >
> http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/dynamic_ajax.txt
> > > which just has some image URLs separated by a | character. The functions
> in
> > > the page then separate the individual URLs and add them into the
> carousel.
> > >
> > > You only need something like this on your server side after you get your
> > > item array $photos from the database (in fact, you could do this in your
> > > while loop if you are using one to pull data):
> > >
> > > $photo_src = array();
> > > for ($i = 0, $l = count($photos); $i < $l; $i++) {
> > > $photo_src[] = $photos['photo_id'] . '.jpg';
> > > }
> > > $photo_string = implode('|', $photo_src);
> > > echo $photo_string;
> > >
> > > Then, just replace dynamic_ajax.txt in the sample code with
> > > your_php_page.php
> > >
> > >
> > > On 9/15/07, Steve Finkelstein < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >
> > > > I'm a bit confused trying to understand sources on dynamic loading of
> > > > images into a jCarousel object.  The issue here is the JavaScript
> > > > array is already populated by page load, and obviously I can't see how
> > > > server-side data was used to populate it. I'm a bit novice when it
> > > > comes to this, but could certainly use some help.  An example
> > > > JavaScript array taken from the example sites include:
> > > >
> > > > var mycarousel_itemList = [
> > > > {url:
> > > "
> http://static.flickr.com/66/199481236_dc98b5abb3_s.jpg";,
> > > > title: "Flower1"},
> > > > {url: "
> > > http://static.flickr.com/75/199481072_b4a0d09597_s.jpg
> ",
> > > > title: "Flower2"},
> > > > {url:
> > > "http://static.flickr.com/57/199481087_33ae73a8de_s.jpg
> ",
> > > > title: "Flower3"},
> > > > {url:
> > >
> "http://static.flickr.com/77/199481108_4359e6b971_s.jpg";,
> > > > title: "Flower4"},
> > > > {url:
> > >
> "http://static.flickr.com/58/199481143_3c148d9dd3_s.jpg";,
> > > > title: "Flower5"},
> > > > {url: "
> > >
> http://static.flickr.com/72/199481203_ad4cdcf109_s.jpg";,
> > > > title: "Flower6"},
> > > > {url:
> > > "
> http://static.flickr.com/58/199481218_264ce20da0_s.jpg ",
> > > > title: "Flower7"},
> > > > {url:
> > > "http://static.flickr.com/69/199481255_fdfe885f87_s.jpg
> ",
> > > > title: "Flower8"},

[jQuery] Feedback for a proposal to switch from prototype to jQuery

2007-09-20 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

So we all obviously know why jQuery is better than prototype,
otherwise we wouldn't be here. I use jQuery for all of my personal
projects, but unfortunately I'm stuck with prototype in my day job. We
do have a rather complex piece of software, and I'd have to go through
a lot of code in order to see how long it would take to switch to
jQuery, but I'm sure it's feasible.

What I'm hoping for, is some feedback from you folks on the best way
to start a proposal for why we should switch to jQuery. I have a huge
dotted list, including some obvious facts such as having the best
community, excellent documentation, ease of use, widgets/plugins all
available from a central repository for the most part, it goes on and

If anyone of you have done something similar and were successful, I'd
love to hear from you. My CTO is a very reasonable guy, but he's also
very technical and he'll be ready to counter any potential reasons to
decline using jQuery, and I have a feeling his most valid point would
be the difficulty and time it would take to switch. He'll also
probably mention that new javascript frameworks are emerging everyday
and if we keep switching we'll never finish the application. Those are
very strong arguments and will be hard to reasonably respond to.

Anyhow, I want to take a stab at it. I want to be able to sit at my
desk and continue using jQuery at the office and not only on my own

Thanks for any ideas all. :-)

- sf

[jQuery] an "Undo" plugin, or something as such. :-)

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

I was curious if there is anyone currently working on an 'Undo' type
plugin for the jQuery platform. Essentially, similar functionality to
what gmail offers is desired by many. If not in the works, I wouldn't
mind giving it a shot myself.

Thanks for any insight.

- sf

[jQuery] Rudimentary jQuery question

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

So I'm trying to do something rather simple, but having difficulty
accomplishing it. I'm basically giving the user an option to delete a
row from a table within a div, using something similar to this on the

if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { exit; }

$html = '';
$html .= '';
// count here basically just keeps track of a
// neatly aligned table
foreach($alpha_notes as $note) {
$html .= "delete  $note[NAME]";
if(($count % 2 == 0)) {
$html .= "";
$html .= '';

My issue is, if the user has deleted their 'last' available row, I
want something to come up such as  "This table has no more information
left." I tried doing that with the following:

function removeNote(id,name) {
if(confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete: "+name+"?")) {
// ajax code here to remove note.
  url: "/dbserver.php",
  type: "POST",
  data: "delete="+id+"&db=alpha",
  cache: false,
  success: function(html) {
if(html==="FALSE") {
$("alpha_notes").empty().insert("There are no 
notes left in alpha.");
} else {

Any idea where I went wrong here? I'm assuming it's causing I'm
returning a data type of HTML so my if() construct here doesn't
logically make sense.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: Rudimentary jQuery question

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein
$html .= "";
$html .= '';

// send this sucker back to the view.
echo $html;

if($_POST['push']) {
$sql = "INSERT into phoenix_alpha.ms_notes
(SELECT * from phoenix_brocas.ms_notes
WHERE ID='".$_POST['push']
."' LIMIT 1)";

$result = mysql_query("$sql");
if(!$result) { die("Something is broken... "); }


If someone doesn't mind helping me clean this up, that would be great. :-)

On 9/24/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I'm trying to do something rather simple, but having difficulty
> accomplishing it. I'm basically giving the user an option to delete a
> row from a table within a div, using something similar to this on the
> server-side:
> if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { exit; }
> $html = '';
> $html .= '';
> // count here basically just keeps track of a
> // neatly aligned table
> $count=0;
> foreach($alpha_notes as $note) {
> $html .= " onclick=\"removeNote('".$note[ID]."','".$note[NAME]."')\">delete  $note[NAME]";
> $count++;
> if(($count % 2 == 0)) {
> $html .= "";
> }
> }
> $html .= '';
> My issue is, if the user has deleted their 'last' available row, I
> want something to come up such as  "This table has no more information
> left." I tried doing that with the following:
> function removeNote(id,name) {
> if(confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete: "+name+"?")) {
> // ajax code here to remove note.
> $.ajax({
>   url: "/dbserver.php",
>   type: "POST",
>   data: "delete="+id+"&db=alpha",
>   cache: false,
>   success: function(html) {
> if(html==="FALSE") {
> $("alpha_notes").empty().insert("There are no 
> notes left in alpha.");
> } else {
> $("#alpha_notes").empty().append(html);
> }
>   }
> });
> }
> }
> Any idea where I went wrong here? I'm assuming it's causing I'm
> returning a data type of HTML so my if() construct here doesn't
> logically make sense.
> - sf

[jQuery] .replaceWith() broken in Firefox 2 I think

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein

Hi all,

So I have a simple script which essentially uses .replaceWith() to
replace the containing elements HTML with a success callback. This
works fine the first time I invoke a function which calls
.replaceWith() in the success call back, but any subsequent calls
leaves the DOM unmodified.

Here's an example screenshot of what my page looks like upon a random page load.


Ok so I have 4 notes. Let's delete one:


Perfect, it's gone:


Here's where the problem occurs... Let's delete another


Hmmm, it didn't disappear from the DOM this time:


The OB/GYN note is still there as rendered by the browser, however the
server-side script surely wiped it:

mysql> select id,name from ms_notes where id="CN";
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Here's what my code looks like to remove the note:

function removeNote(id,name) {
if(confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete: "+name+"?")) {
// ajax code here to remove note.
  url: "/dbserver.php",
  type: "POST",
  data: "delete="+id,
  cache: false,
  success: function(html) {

Very important thing to factor in, is if I do a hard refresh on the
page, here are the results... a missing OB/GYN note, which is the way
it should be:


Any idea folks? Would really appreciate any help. Firebug also shows
that in its response to my POST call that the notes are not there in
its table rendering. My server-side code looks like this:

if($_POST['delete']) {
global $db_alpha, $link;
$alpha_note_set = array();
$db = mysql_select_db($db_alpha, $link);
if(!$db) {
die("Can't connect to alpha, please contact steve.");

$sql = "DELETE from ms_notes
WHERE ID='".$_POST['delete']
."' LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query("$sql");
if(!$result) { die("Something is broken... "); }

$sql = "SELECT NAME,ID from ms_notes";
$alpha_result_set = @mysql_query("$sql");
if(mysql_num_rows($alpha_result_set)==0) { $html = "There are zero
notes left to process in Alpha's database"; echo $html; exit; }
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($alpha_result_set, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$alpha_note_set[] = $row; }
$html = '';
$html .= '';
// count here basically just keeps track of a
// neatly aligned table
foreach($alpha_note_set as $note) {
$html .= "delete  $note[NAME]";
if(($count % 2 == 0)) {
$html .= "";
$html .= '';

// send this sucker back to the view.
echo $html;

Thanks all.

- sf

[jQuery] Re: .replaceWith() broken in Firefox 2 I think

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein

This is actually happening in IE7 also. Is it possible that something
is hosed with my code? I'm more confident it's that than a broken
replaceWith() but I'd really like to know why it only works once, and
then I need a page refresh for that "ajax" effect.

- sf

On 9/24/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I have a simple script which essentially uses .replaceWith() to
> replace the containing elements HTML with a success callback. This
> works fine the first time I invoke a function which calls
> .replaceWith() in the success call back, but any subsequent calls
> leaves the DOM unmodified.
> Here's an example screenshot of what my page looks like upon a random page 
> load.
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/1.png
> Ok so I have 4 notes. Let's delete one:
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/2.png
> Perfect, it's gone:
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/3.png
> Here's where the problem occurs... Let's delete another
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/4.png
> Hmmm, it didn't disappear from the DOM this time:
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/5.png
> The OB/GYN note is still there as rendered by the browser, however the
> server-side script surely wiped it:
> mysql> select id,name from ms_notes where id="CN";
> Empty set (0.00 sec)
> Here's what my code looks like to remove the note:
> function removeNote(id,name) {
> if(confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete: "+name+"?")) {
> // ajax code here to remove note.
> $.ajax({
>   url: "/dbserver.php",
>   type: "POST",
>   data: "delete="+id,
>   cache: false,
>   success: function(html) {
> $("#alpha_notes").empty();
> $("#alpha_notes").replaceWith(html);
>   }
> });
> }
> }
> Very important thing to factor in, is if I do a hard refresh on the
> page, here are the results... a missing OB/GYN note, which is the way
> it should be:
> http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/6.png
> Any idea folks? Would really appreciate any help. Firebug also shows
> that in its response to my POST call that the notes are not there in
> its table rendering. My server-side code looks like this:
> if($_POST['delete']) {
> global $db_alpha, $link;
> $alpha_note_set = array();
> $db = mysql_select_db($db_alpha, $link);
> if(!$db) {
> die("Can't connect to alpha, please contact steve.");
> }
> $sql = "DELETE from ms_notes
> WHERE ID='".$_POST['delete']
> ."' LIMIT 1";
> $result='';
> $result = mysql_query("$sql");
> if(!$result) { die("Something is broken... "); }
> $sql = "SELECT NAME,ID from ms_notes";
> $alpha_result_set = @mysql_query("$sql");
> $row='';
> if(mysql_num_rows($alpha_result_set)==0) { $html = "There are zero
> notes left to process in Alpha's database"; echo $html; exit; }
> while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($alpha_result_set, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
> $alpha_note_set[] = $row; }
> $html='';
> $html = '';
> $html .= '';
> // count here basically just keeps track of a
> // neatly aligned table
> $count=0;
> foreach($alpha_note_set as $note) {
> $html .= " onclick=\"removeNote('".$note[ID]."','".$note[NAME]."')\">delete  $note[NAME]";
> $count++;
> if(($count % 2 == 0)) {
> $html .= "";
> }
> }
> $html .= '';
> // send this sucker back to the view.
> echo $html;
> }
> Thanks all.
> - sf

[jQuery] Re: .replaceWith() broken in Firefox 2 I think

2007-09-24 Thread Steve Finkelstein


Well figures .. it is my code. .html() certainly does the trick. I
wasn't aware that replaceWith removes stuff from the DOM indefinitely.

A, thanks for saving me from hours of troubleshooting. I really
really appreciate it.

- sf

On 9/24/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you meaning to do .html(..) instead of replaceWith? replaceWith
> completely removes the element (which means that when it's called the
> second time, nothing happens, since the element no longer exists).
>  Whereas .html() simply replaces the contents of the element.
> --John
> On 9/24/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This is actually happening in IE7 also. Is it possible that something
> > is hosed with my code? I'm more confident it's that than a broken
> > replaceWith() but I'd really like to know why it only works once, and
> > then I need a page refresh for that "ajax" effect.
> >
> > - sf
> >
> > On 9/24/07, Steve Finkelstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > So I have a simple script which essentially uses .replaceWith() to
> > > replace the containing elements HTML with a success callback. This
> > > works fine the first time I invoke a function which calls
> > > .replaceWith() in the success call back, but any subsequent calls
> > > leaves the DOM unmodified.
> > >
> > > Here's an example screenshot of what my page looks like upon a random 
> > > page load.
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/1.png
> > >
> > > Ok so I have 4 notes. Let's delete one:
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/2.png
> > >
> > > Perfect, it's gone:
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/3.png
> > >
> > > Here's where the problem occurs... Let's delete another
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/4.png
> > >
> > > Hmmm, it didn't disappear from the DOM this time:
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/5.png
> > >
> > > The OB/GYN note is still there as rendered by the browser, however the
> > > server-side script surely wiped it:
> > >
> > > mysql> select id,name from ms_notes where id="CN";
> > > Empty set (0.00 sec)
> > >
> > > Here's what my code looks like to remove the note:
> > >
> > > function removeNote(id,name) {
> > > if(confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete: "+name+"?")) {
> > > // ajax code here to remove note.
> > > $.ajax({
> > >   url: "/dbserver.php",
> > >   type: "POST",
> > >   data: "delete="+id,
> > >   cache: false,
> > >   success: function(html) {
> > > $("#alpha_notes").empty();
> > > $("#alpha_notes").replaceWith(html);
> > >   }
> > > });
> > > }
> > > }
> > >
> > > Very important thing to factor in, is if I do a hard refresh on the
> > > page, here are the results... a missing OB/GYN note, which is the way
> > > it should be:
> > >
> > > http://catalyst.httpd.org/tmp/6.png
> > >
> > > Any idea folks? Would really appreciate any help. Firebug also shows
> > > that in its response to my POST call that the notes are not there in
> > > its table rendering. My server-side code looks like this:
> > >
> > > if($_POST['delete']) {
> > > global $db_alpha, $link;
> > > $alpha_note_set = array();
> > > $db = mysql_select_db($db_alpha, $link);
> > > if(!$db) {
> > > die("Can't connect to alpha, please contact steve.");
> > > }
> > >
> > > $sql = "DELETE from ms_notes
> > > WHERE ID='".$_POST['delete']
> > > ."' LIMIT 1";
> > > $result='';
> > > $result = mysql_query("$sql");
> > > if(!$result) { die("Something is broken... "); }
> > >
> > > $sql = "SELECT NAME,ID from ms_notes";
> > > $alpha_result_set = @mysql_query("$sql");
> > > $row='';
> > > if(mysql_num_rows($alpha_result_set)==0) { $html = "There are zero
> > > notes left to process in Alpha's database"; echo $html; exit; }
> > > while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($alpha_result_set, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
> > > $alpha_note_set[] = $row; }
> > > $html='';
> > > $html = '';
> > > $html .= '';
> > > // count here basically just keeps track of a
> > > // neatly aligned table
> > > $count=0;
> > > foreach($alpha_note_set as $note) {
> > > $html .= " > > onclick=\"removeNote('".$note[ID]."','".$note[NAME]."')\">delete  $note[NAME]";
> > > $count++;
> > > if(($count % 2 == 0)) {
> > > $html .= "";
> > > }
> > > }
> > > $html .= '';
> > >
> > > // send this sucker back to the view.
> > > echo $html;
> > > }
> > >
> > > Thanks all.
> > >
> > > - sf
> > >
> >