[jQuery] using attr() on html element

2009-08-20 Thread Terry

I'm trying to turn the border for input fields on (or off).

In my css I have border-style:none, and I want to turn the border back
on if the first input is empty.

$(input[type='text']).each(function() {
  $(this).attr(border-style, inset);

The above code loops through the correct set of text input fields, but
the border is not turned back on?

I've been using jquery for a couple of weeks and use javascript
infrequently, so jquery is very helpful in implementing my projects.

Is the css overiding what I want to happen, or am I not using the attr
() method correctly? I've also tried the opposite in not having css
turn the border off, and use the attr() to turn it off, so it seem
like an attr() usage issue to me?



[jQuery] Re: show dynamic changes when a refresh occurs

2009-07-17 Thread Terry

Thanks for the ideas. The onbeforeunload event sounds like what I

I did try the hidden field already. As you guessed it does not work;
you need to get the data to know how many fields to create dynamically
and then it is too late to have the dynamic fields filled in I'm

Now I have a coding question about using the onbeforeunload with
The onbeforeunload event is working to stop a refresh like I want, but
it also is prompting during a submit which I do not want.
I can't seem to figure out how to turn off the event handler.

First, is this proper way to use the event with jquery?
Is the onbeforeunload firing before the onclick? Is this something to
do with jquery

I added the event handler to the jquery ready handler
$(document).ready(function() {
window.onbeforeunload = closeIt;
$(OBBtn_Save).onbeforeunload = null;   //tried this as an
alternative to onclick with no luck
$(#divBoxes input:last).bind(change, appendBoxField);
$(#divBags input:last).bind(change, appendBagField);

I created a handler
function closeIt() {
return You will lose any data if you close or refresh the window
at this point!;

and I want to remove the event handler when they submit the form
div id=buttons
input type=submit value=save name=OBBtn_Save
onclick=onclick(); /
input type=submit value=cancel name=OBBtn_Cancel /
function onclick() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
return true;



On Jul 16, 7:42 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 The data is still there since the browser does a cache of the form
 info, but dynamically created elements do not get cached in the same
 way, unfortunately.

 I haven't tried this before, but one thing you can try is to have a
 hidden input in your form, and the purpose of this is to store the
 number of fields you have dynamically generated. Every time you add/
 remove fields, you update this number. Then on page load, you populate
 the form with this many extra fields. However, since I haven't tried
 this before, I'm guessing that the new fields will not be pre-
 populated like the other static fields
 I don't think there really is any good workaround for that except to
 constantly save the form data to a cookie or to a database (via AJAX).

 Another is to use the onbeforeunload event handler which is triggered
 right before a page is left/re-loaded, and a prompt will be given,
 which can be canceled and the refresh will not occur. (Google Groups
 uses this when you type a message and try to leave/refresh the page.)
 Just do a Google search on this and you'll find out lots about it.

 On Jul 16, 12:46 pm, Terry tgshan...@excite.com wrote:

  Hi, I have a moderate level of experience with javascript, and a good
  oo background. So, when I tried jquery I'm really liking it.

  I have a requirement to add input fields dynamically to the form since
  I don't know ahead of time how many entries the user may request. I
  was able to implement this with jquery very quickly with a small
  amount of code.

  When the form is submitted it is sent to the server with all of the
  data correctly passed. However, if I do a refresh, the dynamic fields
  go away, but the static fields still have data in them so I assuming
  that the dynamic data is still there.

  How can I verify this? When I show source, it only shows the original
  code; same even before the form is submitted. Is there a way to stop a
  refresh? This application may have 10 added fields or 300 added
  fields, and if the user does a refresh for some reason he'll want to
  see every thing that has been input so far.

  my code:
  $(document).ready(function() {
      $(#divBoxes input:last).bind(change, appendBoxField);
      $(#divBags input:last).bind(change, appendBagField);});

  function appendBoxField() {
      var len = $(#divBoxes input).length + 1;
      $(#divBoxes).append('input type=text
  name=_UPS_Shipping_Label_' + len + ' /')
      $(this).unbind(change, appendBoxField);
      $(#divBoxes input:last).bind(change, appendBoxField).focus();}

  function appendBagField() {
      var len = $(#divBags input).length + 1;
      $(#divBags).append('input type=text name=_photo_bag_ID_' +
  len + ' /')
      $(this).unbind(change, appendBagField);
      $(#divBags input:last).bind(change, appendBagField).focus();



  Terry- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] show dynamic changes when a refresh occurs

2009-07-16 Thread Terry

Hi, I have a moderate level of experience with javascript, and a good
oo background. So, when I tried jquery I'm really liking it.

I have a requirement to add input fields dynamically to the form since
I don't know ahead of time how many entries the user may request. I
was able to implement this with jquery very quickly with a small
amount of code.

When the form is submitted it is sent to the server with all of the
data correctly passed. However, if I do a refresh, the dynamic fields
go away, but the static fields still have data in them so I assuming
that the dynamic data is still there.

How can I verify this? When I show source, it only shows the original
code; same even before the form is submitted. Is there a way to stop a
refresh? This application may have 10 added fields or 300 added
fields, and if the user does a refresh for some reason he'll want to
see every thing that has been input so far.

my code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(#divBoxes input:last).bind(change, appendBoxField);
$(#divBags input:last).bind(change, appendBagField);
function appendBoxField() {
var len = $(#divBoxes input).length + 1;
$(#divBoxes).append('input type=text
name=_UPS_Shipping_Label_' + len + ' /')
$(this).unbind(change, appendBoxField);
$(#divBoxes input:last).bind(change, appendBoxField).focus();
function appendBagField() {
var len = $(#divBags input).length + 1;
$(#divBags).append('input type=text name=_photo_bag_ID_' +
len + ' /')
$(this).unbind(change, appendBagField);
$(#divBags input:last).bind(change, appendBagField).focus();



[jQuery] Fade in first slide in Cycle

2009-07-07 Thread Terry

Hi all. I am using Cycle and I am trying to get the first slide to
fade in. I am new to all of this and I just can't get it to work. I
looked at the 2 examples that Mike has on his page, but I just don't
know what exactly to put where with regards to the code.

I am setting up a portfolio with simple fade transitions between each
example. I am utilizing both a prev and next option with the paging
feature as well.

If someone could be pretty specific as to what code needs to go where,
I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Here is the script that I currently have on my page.

script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
fx: 'fade',
timeout: 000,
fastOnEvent: 000,
pager:  '#nav',
next:  '#next',
prev:   '#prev',
nowrap: 1,
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
// return sel string for existing anchor
return '#nav li:eq(' + (idx) + ') a';


[jQuery] Using jQuery with Prototype by using jQuery noConflict

2009-06-12 Thread Terry

Hi all. I am new to jquery and prototype and have the need to use
both. I am currently trying to use the jquery Cycle with Lightbox that
needs prototype and the two are conflicting. I have been told that I
will need to use the jquery no conflict, but I simply can't get it to
work. I just don't understand enough about it, but not from the lack
of trying. I just don't know what code to paste where in the html. I
am using dreamweaver on a mac.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck at the moment.

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery with Prototype by using jQuery noConflict

2009-06-12 Thread Terry

Sorry, I meant to say Lightview and not lightbox.

On Jun 12, 8:27 am, Terry te...@baileygraphicdesign.com wrote:
 Hi all. I am new to jquery and prototype and have the need to use
 both. I am currently trying to use the jquery Cycle with Lightbox that
 needs prototype and the two are conflicting. I have been told that I
 will need to use the jquery no conflict, but I simply can't get it to
 work. I just don't understand enough about it, but not from the lack
 of trying. I just don't know what code to paste where in the html. I
 am using dreamweaver on a mac.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck at the moment.

[jQuery] Re: Accordion List Issue

2009-06-11 Thread terry irwin
Thanks Charlie,

Do you mean using it like this ?

   active: false,
   collapsible: true,
 *  navigation : true *

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Charlie charlie...@gmail.com wrote:

  navigation : true

 In accordion will match link within accordion content to page url and open
 that section when page loads

 Skunkmilk wrote:

 Hi All,
 Very new to Jquery and was hoping i can get some help.

 I have an accordian list much like the example here 

 Say for instance i have page links under the heading 'Section 2' of
 that demo above.
 How can i make it so that when you visit a page from these links
 'Section 2' is visible and 'section 1' and 'section 3' are closed?

 At the moment i have :

active: false,
collapsible: true

 !-- start accordian menu --
 div id=accordion
h3a href=#Section 1/a/h3
liLink 1/li
liLink 2/li
liLink 3/li
h3a href=#Section 2/a/h3
liLink 1/li
liLink 2/li
liLink 3/li
  h3a href=#Section 3/a/h3
liLink 1/li
liLink 2/li
liLink 3/li
 !-- end accordian menu --

 Can someone advise what i need to add to make 'Section 2 visible
 only ?

 Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Cycle Plugin Questions

2009-06-06 Thread Terry

Hi all. I am a newbie to jquery as well as the Cycle plug in. I
initally have 2 questions.
First, can I utilize the prev and next options along with the pager
option, so that someone can have both options of clicking prev/next
and or click on one of the pagers.
And second, can I have a Cycle slide show within another Cycle slide
The reason for question 2 is that I am a graphic designer and I want
to use Cycle to show my portfolio. There are some instances where I
would like to give the viewer the option to see additional detailed
images of a particular portfolio item, and at the same time not force
someone to have to go through each and every image in the portfolio.

[jQuery] Re: When to use LiveQuery plugin

2009-01-19 Thread Terry

Is it known when one might wish to continue to use the LiveQuery
plugin itself with version 1.3+ of the jQuery library? That is, if I
upgrade, is there any reason to keep the LQ plugin around?

On Jan 14, 3:16 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 first off all...  the purpose (and advantage of)LiveQueryis that
 when new matching items are added, they will automatically be wired

 secondly, one thing to look at is the just-released-today version of
 jQuery (1.3), it now has a .live handler that will effectively do
 what the plugin does


 On Jan 14, 3:07 pm, ocptime mail.samgeo...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,

  I had seen a new plugin called LiveQuery and i have some questions
  that are not yet completely answered when i read its documentation.

  I am using jquery.form.plugin, My questions is when to uselivequery
  and what is it's advantages.
  is it possible to uselivequeryin conjention with the form plugin.

  can u pls cite me a small sample code or some pointers on the web
  where both are used.

  Thanks in advance

[jQuery] JSON String problem

2007-08-16 Thread Terry B

has anyone had any problem with JSON whereas a string is 063 and it
gets translated to a number, in this case 51???

The response from a call has the appropiate value [063] but I have
noticed that since it is not in string notation [063] when used it
gets converted.

I would rather not have to re-write my sql to force   in it but want
JSON to recognize this as a string value and numeric.


[jQuery] Re: JSON String problem

2007-08-16 Thread Terry B

yes I know about strings and numeric conversions.  I want to know is
there a way to force json to force values to strings.  I have played
with the parser but it is a PITA and played with adding   at the
query level but that is too cumbersome.  I can't believe JSon does not
have any options or settings that force all values to strings.  Anyone
played with this at all?


[jQuery] Re: JSON String problem

2007-08-16 Thread Terry B

well im using the serializer that came with mxajax...  which is the
one right off json.org i believe...

ahh...  i missed it..  *slaps forhead*  duh, the serializer...

ok, i see where I need to be looking...  i was looking at the json.js
serializer and not the mxajax serializer...

thanks everyone...  if i figure it out ill repost soon...

On Aug 16, 11:11 am, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Deserializing JSON in JavaScript is as simple as running the code:


 While that's correct, you probably want to stick said deserialized
 object somewhere:

 eval('var json = ' + jsonString);

 Or some such.


[jQuery] Re: JSON String problem

2007-08-16 Thread Terry B

and here are the lines i have been searching for (i think, havent
tried it but should be)

if (issimplevalue(arg) and isnumeric(arg)){
return ToString(arg);
if (issimplevalue(arg)){
return ''  JSStringFormat(ToString(arg))  

just comment out the 1st three lines should do the trick

[jQuery] ContextMenu plugin - right click menu

2007-08-10 Thread Terry B

ContextMenu plugin - right click menu

Well since I did not see any contact info on the page, I will just
post here.  I like this plugin but at least one bug and at least one

Referring to the plugin found here:

1) If you use jquery with no conflict like I do, you get an error
which is caused by the following code at the end of the js include

$(function() {

I use $t for my query calls and it does not understand $ as a query
caller.  I simply moved this portion within the main function of the
include file and all seems well.

2) Suggest including a left/right click option.  That way one could
setup all menus with one plugin - right click or left click - and dont
have to worry about doubling efforts for styles and coding.


[jQuery] Re: $Ajax memory problem

2007-08-06 Thread Terry B

It would be nice to determine where this array is as I have noticed
the same and would like to get it fixed in 1.1.2 as 1.1.3 really  is
not backwards compatible with all the plugins I use.


On Aug 6, 7:22 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 6, 1:20 pm, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If i'm not mistaken, someone posted about this problem yesterday or
  the day before and posted a fix to the jQuery bug database. i'm sorry,
  but i don't have the links available.

 Here's the bug link:


 Not sure if that's the same problem you're seeing, but it sounds

[jQuery] Help with dblclick

2007-08-03 Thread Terry B

I have a bunch of events and I loop through them.  I would like to
create a double-click effect so that I call function
eventDoubleClick but I want that event to pass its index value, as

for (i=0, iarrayLength; i++)
$t(#event_ + i).dblclick(function () {eventDoubleClick(i)});

Basically all the above does is then setup so that all the event
dblclicks are calling eventDoubleClick(i) which uses the last i value;
instead of setting them up as eventDoubleClick(1),
eventDoubleClick(2),  eventDoubleClick(n)

I have tried putting   around the i and event the entire function
call...  so any help would be great so I don't sit here all day
beating up my head (or just getting sick of it and browsing the
archives at http://www.userfriendly.org  :P  )



[jQuery] Re: Help with dblclick

2007-08-03 Thread Terry B

i made it even more simply...  sry, took forever for the post to
actually post...

 $t(#event_ + i).dblclick(function () {eventDoubleClick(this)}); }

just send the object

On Aug 3, 4:03 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: Terry B

  I have a bunch of events and I loop through them.  I would
  like to create a double-click effect so that I call function
  eventDoubleClick but I want that event to pass its index value, as

  for (i=0, iarrayLength; i++)
  $t(#event_ + i).dblclick(function () {eventDoubleClick(i)}); }

  Basically all the above does is then setup so that all the
  event dblclicks are calling eventDoubleClick(i) which uses
  the last i value; instead of setting them up as
  eventDoubleClick(1), eventDoubleClick(2),  eventDoubleClick(n)

 As is so often the case, what you want is a closure. Get that i variable
 to be a local variable in a function called inside the loop. Here is one way
 you could code it:

for(i=0, iarrayLength; i++) {
   (function( i ) {
  $t( #event_ + i ).dblclick( function () { eventDoubleClick(i);});

   })( i );

 If that seems too obscure, this does the same thing in a more spelled-out

function addclick( i ) {
   $t( #event_ + i ).dblclick( function () { eventDoubleClick(i); });

for(i=0, iarrayLength; i++) {
   addclick( i );

 Either way, each time you call the function inside the loop, it creates a
 new closure that has its own copy of the i variable.


[jQuery] Re: Do you think jQuery's documentation is enought?

2007-08-02 Thread Terry B

I like http://www.visualjquery.com  for my jquery documentation...

yes there is lots of room for improvements but it's a working and
living project which is constantly changing and I think the project
managers are doing a great job to date...  and demos?  look at the
plugin pages for demos...  imho the core documentation should only be
techinical with little to no examples...  like the link above, they
give a two liner example with before and after expectations  that
is more then a programmer deserves and is just icing on the cake...

asking for demos of the core is like asking the creators for included
libraries in any language (like c, c++, etc) to provide demos of the
library functions when the coder only needs to know the name, input
parameters and the expected output...


[jQuery] Re: What does === equate to?

2007-08-02 Thread Terry B

known about this for awhile but since we are on the topic...  there
has to be some over head of using == and !=  does anyone know for
sure the impact of the overhead...  and does it matter of the type

On Aug 2, 6:21 am, Ian Struble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 !== and === are identity operators.  It is a good idea to use them
 instead of the equality operators (!= and ==) unless you know why you
 would want to use equality (and the possible type coercion) over
 identity.  Probably the biggest gotcha with equality is with falsy
 values (false, 0, undefined, /empty string, null and NaN).   The
 truthy / falsy issue is probably what bit you Rob.

 It may be worth reading a bit of Douglas Crockford's ideas about
 javascript if you are trying to figure out identity and equality


 And here is something about truthy and falsy:



 On 8/2/07, Rob Desbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I had a discussion on the use of the === and !== operators recently on this
  list, my opinion was, and still is, that unless you explicitly WANT to allow
  type conversion, you should be using these. Only use == and != if you really
  want type conversion.

  It's bitten me once, although I can't for the life of me remember how, but
  it involved lots of in-depth debugging and head-scratching to find the
  problem. I'm more wary now and think that these operators are the way to go.


  On 8/2/07, Sam Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I don't think many actually use !== (and when you would want to use
   it) and many sites that show usage of operators don't cover !== (but
   do have ===).

   3 != '3' false
   3 !== '3'true
   3 == '3' true
   3 === '3'false

   On Aug 1, 9:33 pm, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I...cannot figure how what the heck === is.

I see that Jake answered your question, but just for next time...

You may have tried a Google search for javascript === and been
disappointed to find it returned no useful results (because Google seems
ignore the === in the search).

The key thing to know is that ===, like most special symbols in
such as + and -, is an operator. Now you can do a more productive Google


This will help when you run into !== and wonder what the heck *that* one


  Rob Desbois
  Tel: 01452 760631
  Mob: 07946 705987
   There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
  whale was in full view.
  ...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: Anyway to kill a bunch of queued up mouse events

2007-07-30 Thread Terry B

the logic should be something like:

var timeInSecs = 0.8;
var mouseEventCaller;

onHoverFunctionInit () {
var timeout = Math.ceil(timeInSecs*1000);
mouseEventCaller = setTimeout(onHoverFunctionExec(), timeout);

onHoverFunctionExec() {
alert(You have hovered for + timeInSecs +  seconds.);

When you run over your objects with the mouse they call
onHoverFunctionInit.  It 1) Clears any previous timer and then 2) sets
a timer to call the function you really want executed in X secs (.8th
of sec in example).


On Jul 30, 9:07 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does anyone know if there is a way a way to kill any queued up mouse events
 after the user does a mouse out?

 There currently isn't a native way to clear an event queue in jQuery.

 However, check out the hoverIntent() plug-in. The plug-in is designed to
 minimize the problem you're seeing by only firing the hover effect when
 the mouse is rested over the element for a given period of time.

 This means if you rapidly move in and out over the element, the
 hoverIntent() is never fired.

 I've found this plug-in works excellent.


[jQuery] Re: problem with $.ajax()

2007-07-25 Thread Terry B

I want to say that it is now 2 (maybe 3) ip addresses.  for sure, it
is the localhost ( address and one other ip address can use


On Jul 18, 11:26 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Developers Edition is a single IP license. Only 1 IP address can
 access the server and it's designed to allow developers to install and run
 CF on their computer for development purposes. The Developers Edition also
 runs like the Enterprise Edition, but only the first IP address that hits
 the server after start up is allowed access. You must restart the CFMX
 service in order to allow another IP access to the page.

[jQuery] Re: retrieving the width of an element??

2007-07-24 Thread Terry B

parseInt($t(#divID).css(width) ) should work

On Jul 24, 11:25 am, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is this happening in all the browsers or just a specific browser?

 Brandon Aaron

 On 7/24/07, GianCarlo Mingati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  .width() is not enough ;-)
  I have a div with overflow: hidden and it's width is, suppose, 100px;
  Inside i have a very long P
  div style=width: 100px; overflow:hidden
  p style=white-space:nowrap;my v-e-r-y long text, repeated...my v-e-
  r-y long text, repeated...100 times/p

  the NOWRAP keep my text in ONE line. Riht?
  If i ask:
  $(div p).width()
  jQuery returns 100!

  100 is the value of the visible area, i guess. What for the part i
  don't see?
  maybe the dimensions plugin may help? Tried but without success.

  Is there any way to get the exact value, in PX of a NESTED element
  even tho it's not FULLY visible?

  Yes, still the newsticker
  Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] name is...

2007-07-20 Thread Terry B

found i, fyi, the name is dragHelper

[jQuery] Re: Solving the Back button problem

2007-07-20 Thread Terry B

or expire the page if you do not want them to ever use the back

On Jul 19, 10:23 pm, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perhaps try setting a cookie the first time the page is loaded. Then
 check each time the page is loaded for the cookie.

 Karl Rudd

 On 7/19/07, S. Robert James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just want a simple function to answer 'first time' or 'back button
  reload'.  I don't want to replace the entire nav of the app.

  On Jul 18, 11:01 pm, Kenneth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 7/18/07, S. Robert James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Solving the Back button problem

Is there a way to use JavaScript to detect whether a page is being
loaded for the first time (from the server), or because someone hit
the Back button?  Often you want to display a status message only one,
but not show it when they hit the Back button.

   The history/remote plugin could possibly handle that.


   Someone with more experience with the plugin could probably tell you.

[jQuery] Re: draggable clone name

2007-07-20 Thread Terry B

fyi, the name is dragHelper

On Jul 20, 11:11 am, Terry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i am using onDrag to update some info within the dragged div which
 works but what i really want is to update the info in the clones.  how
 are the clones named, anyone know off-hand?


[jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

2007-07-16 Thread Terry B

This is a good page on optimzing javascript for speed...


[jQuery] Re: append reformting the content i send it

2007-07-11 Thread Terry B

Ya I finally figured that part out.  Not liking it but I found a
smooth way of doing what I want.

Thanks for all the replies...

On Jul 11, 6:17 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 10, 1:38 pm, Terry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  wtf?  I have specific html i want added to a div so I use append to
  add it.  fine it works but it is formatting the code and making it
  unusable.  how do i prevent append from doing this?

 Aside from what others have already said here, i think you're
 misunderstanding how append() works:

 it internally creates a DOM tree from the HTML you pass it, then it
 uses that tree for future operations. It does that by using
 element.innerHTML, and then reads that tree (which the BROWSER
 creates), and then works with that tree. If it didn't do that, it
 would have to manually parse your HTML code, which is extremely
 difficult to do properly (since it cannot know what you pass it).
 Adding a proper HTML parser to jQuery would  inflate its size by
 several times, and it would have to attempt to be bug-compatible
 with common browsers (e.g., whether or not to require certain closing
 tags and whether or not to require quotes around attribute values).

 In the jq code you can browse the function called 'clean' to see how
 it creates your inner tree.

[jQuery] append reformting the content i send it

2007-07-10 Thread Terry B

wtf?  I have specific html i want added to a div so I use append to
add it.  fine it works but it is formatting the code and making it
unusable.  how do i prevent append from doing this?

[jQuery] Re: append reformting the content i send it

2007-07-10 Thread Terry B

lets say i try and add

tabletrtdSome Info/tr/td/table

it ends up being something like


On Jul 10, 11:07 am, Rob Desbois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the content you are trying to add...?

 On 7/10/07, Terry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  wtf?  I have specific html i want added to a div so I use append to
  add it.  fine it works but it is formatting the code and making it
  unusable.  how do i prevent append from doing this?

 Rob Desbois
 Tel: 01452 760631
 Mob: 07946 705987
 There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
 whale was in full view.
 ...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: jquery- with interface slider trouble

2007-07-08 Thread Terry B

You mean UI library or is that the same?

On Jul 7, 10:51 pm, Benjamin Sterling

 FYI, there will be a new FX library coming on line sometime in the near
 future, just not sure when.

[jQuery] Re: Navigation conversion

2007-07-08 Thread Terry B

I dont have an absolute solution as I havent played with this quite
yet but Interface plugin should help you here.  Recommend using JQuery
1.1.2 for it though.

Go here: http://interface.eyecon.ro/demos  and look at Fisheye menu
for example

this probably could be done without Interface by applying hover on/off
functions to set the widths.  But I think Interface will give you so
much more capability in the long run.

On Jul 8, 7:09 am, Allan Mullan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm trying to convert a simple navigation to jQuery (from Mootools) but
 I'm not having the best of luck with it yet, the original is 

 So far I have this:http://www.skorpion.geek.nz/projects/nav2/index.html

 But as you can tell, it's not animating it as smoothly - Can anyone help
 with the animation for this?

 Thanks heaps in advance

[jQuery] Re: jquery- with interface slider trouble

2007-07-07 Thread Terry B

interface isnt supported under 1.1.3

On Jul 7, 10:22 pm, philguillard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 When i try jquery- with interface slider last pack on
 IE6, i get a usual Object doesn't support this property or method on
 the $('.sliderPrice').Slider( line,
 even if i set no options. Works fine on ffx.

 accept : '.indicator'}


 Anybody has any idea what i should try?



[jQuery] Re: how can I prohibit from users pasting content into text boxes?

2007-07-04 Thread Terry B

disable the text box

On Jul 4, 5:25 pm, PaulM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how can I prohibit from users pasting content into text boxes?

[jQuery] Re: 1.1.3 and Interface

2007-07-02 Thread Terry B

I hope so too...  I do have one issue so far with draggables not
working like 1.1.2

On Jul 2, 2:08 pm, Jeffrey Kretz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am thrilled to see the 1.1.3 release.

 One question, my main project makes heavy use of Interface.  Is this project
 still being developed?  Can we expect any updates to it?  Or changes that
 take advantage of the 1.1.3 event/animation improvements?


[jQuery] Bug:

2007-07-02 Thread Terry B

Should I submit bug report or did I miss some change I need to
implement on below issue?

In 1.1.2 using

$t(#event_ + EventArray[i].ID).Draggable({
axis:   'horizontally',
ghosting:   true,
fx: 300,
grid:   [daySize,0]

I get my bars to drag and when you lift off the mouse button the slide
right into place where the ghost bar is

But in 1.1.3 I get the ghost bar moving like I want but the actually
bar does not slide into place...

anyone have a quick fix or do i need to submit bug?

[jQuery] Difference between element and # access

2007-06-27 Thread Terry B

what is the difference between

within JQuery?  is the first using byid and the other by tagname?

[jQuery] Re: Load into tbody, errors IE6

2007-06-27 Thread Terry B

i dont have any problems with mine in IE6

var ID = function(query) { return query.ID };
var FIELD = function(query) { return query.FIELD };

function NewQueryResult(result)

DWRUtil.addRows(testBody, resultarray, [ ID , FIELD ])



On Jun 27, 12:27 pm, JoshN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, after some Googling I found out that in IE6, innerHTML within a
 table is read-only.  Since the jQuery load method uses innerHTML, you
 can't load a tr into a table.  Crap.

 On Jun 26, 6:01 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey all,

  I have a script that does an ajax load into a tbody jQuery object, like so:

  $tbl = $(# + asp + _tbody); // dynamically finds tbody
   ); // load html content (tr's) into tbody

  The html file consists of a table row tr with some junk in it.

  It works great on Firefox but gives the error unknown runtime error in
  IE6.  Is this an issue with IE6 not being able to innerHTML a tbody or
  something?  If so is there a workaround?  Thanks for any help.

  -- Josh- Hide quoted text -

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[jQuery] Re: Difference between element and # access

2007-06-27 Thread Terry B

yea already been testing the methods and going from div.[name] to
#[name] took my script from 70s to 16s.   i also tested using the
document.getElementById('[name]') and there was no difference between
that and using #.

no more div.[name] for me

On Jun 27, 1:57 pm, Diego A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure, but I'm guessing there will be some sort of performance
 difference. I'm guessing '#id' is faster than 'div#id' if '#id' just
 uses getElementById, whereas 'div#id' might finds all divs then filter
 by id.

 On Jun 27, 5:46 pm, Terry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  what is the difference between

  within JQuery?  is the first using byid and the other by tagname?- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Difference between element and # access

2007-06-27 Thread Terry B

The whole point of having an ID is to have a unique id.  You should
not be assigning the same ID name to multiple objects.  Use classes if
you want to handle multiple objects.


id = name [CS]
This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique
in a document.

class = cdata-list [CS]
This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an
element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or
names. Multiple class names must be separated by white space

On Jun 27, 2:25 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 27, 2007, at 2:02 PM, Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:

  the second one [ $t(#TimelineContainer) ] will select any element  
  with an id of TimelineContainer

 Quick clarification. This will only select the first one it finds in  
 the DOM. To find any element with an id of TimelineContainer, we'd  
 have to use the much slower $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: Difference between element and # access

2007-06-27 Thread Terry B

sry man, i wasnt meaning to get on ya...  i wanted to just to point it
out cause some ppl really dont know and i would luv to see the
developers actually enforce it and not make it easy to be lazy  :D

so, again sorry...

On Jun 27, 4:12 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, of course, Terry. I didn't mean to suggest that having multiple  
 IDs is a good idea.

[jQuery] Interface - Resizable by x pixels

2007-06-26 Thread Terry B

Ok, i didnt see it in the docs, but I want to set the movement to be
in blocks of x pixels.  similiar to dragables grid movement.   can
this be done with the current plugin or will I just have to settle to
use the onstop function and snap it to the correct pixel?

ie from my code here:
w: #event_ + gEventQ[i].ID +_dragStart,
e: #event_ + gEventQ[i].ID +_dragEnd

something like:
w: #event_ + gEventQ[i].ID +_dragStart 10px,
e: #event_ + gEventQ[i].ID +_dragEnd 10px

or other options like moveRightBy, moveLeftBy, etc.


[jQuery] Noob here, please help

2007-06-11 Thread Terry B

Ok, so here is the page:

Why us my content to the right and not below the tabs like the example
page here:

What am I missing?

Hope this makes it to the list...

[jQuery] Re: Noob here, please help

2007-06-11 Thread Terry B

But (to my knowledge) I am using the same stylesheets as the
example...  yes?  no?

I thought I pretty much stripped it down to the bare minimum and the
style settings.

On Jun 11, 4:44 pm, Benjamin Sterling
 It is a styling issue, the LI have a float on them and the DIV does not.
 (this is only happening in IE)


 On 6/11/07, Terry B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ok, so here is the page:

  Why us my content to the right and not below the tabs like the example
  page here:

  What am I missing?

  Hope this makes it to the list...

 Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com- Hide 
 quoted text -

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