[jQuery] Listnav Umlauts and special chars

2009-07-26 Thread sixtyseven

I ran into a problem when having umlauts as first letter in the li
tag. They will not be shown, until I add them to the letters array.
IMHO the better way would be to have a function, that degrades the
letter to the next near neighbor, i.e. if it is ü, make it to u, if
it's é make it to e, etc. Do you have any Idea how to achieve this?
Such a function would make the listnav more multilingual. While
speaking of this, perhaps you could make the word All a variable,

Same thing with special chars like *,# etc. How about adding them into
a group of its own? Probably one could handle it like this: If the
first letter is neither a number nor a letter, it must be a special

Hope I could explain the problem, my english is not that good.

Greetings from Germany


[jQuery] Re: Listnav Umlauts and special chars

2009-07-26 Thread sixtyseven

Oh, and of course the not found sentence should be a variable, too.

This is a real fantastic plugin, I used it to make a faq section for a
site, by combining it with a simple div display-switch. Works like a
charm, except the umlauts/specialchar problem.

[jQuery] Re: Listnav Umlauts and special chars

2009-07-26 Thread sixtyseven

Oh, I almost forgot to say thank you for this gem. This is a real
fantastic plugin, I used it to make a faq section for a site, by
combining it with a simple div display-switch. Works like a charm,
except the umlauts/specialchar problem.

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel autostart

2008-12-29 Thread sixtyseven

Sorry for beeing so short in the description, so here is my attempt.
The Scenario is the following: I want to have an option for the
jcarousel having autostart on a per user basis. So here is my attempt
by using a cookie via php. In the header i ask for the cookie as

$slider = $_COOKIE['info_autoscroll'];
} else {
$slider = 'manuell';

$slider could get the two values manuell (german for by hand or

Next I start the jcarousel as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
scroll: 1,
easing: 'easein',
?php if($slider == 'auto') {
echo auto: .$sliderduration.,
wrap: 'both',;
initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback

[jQuery] Re: jcarousel autostart

2008-12-29 Thread sixtyseven

My callback goes as follows:

function mycarousel_initCallback(carousel)
?php if($slider == 'auto') { ?
// Disable autoscrolling if the user clicks the prev or next
carousel.buttonNext.bind('click', function() {

carousel.buttonPrev.bind('click', function() {

// Pause autoscrolling if the user moves with the cursor over the
carousel.clip.hover(function() {
}, function() {
?php } ?

Next I have a function which handles the ajax stuff for the cookie and
the success output:

function getscrolltype(what) {
$.get('autoscroll.php',{scrollmodus: what},function(returned_data)
 if(what == auto) {

 if(what == manuell) {


The switch I realised as follows:
div id=autoscroller
lia href=# onclick=getscrolltype('auto');
id=autoscrollAutomatisch scrollen/a/li
lia href=# onclick=getscrolltype('manuell');
id=manuellscrollManuell scrollen/a/li

Gewählt: span id=autoscroll_output?php if
echo Automatisch scrollen;
} else { echo Manuell scrollen;

Finally my little page autoscroll.php that sets the php cookie and


$slider= $_GET['scrollmodus'];
if($slider != auto  $style != manuell){
$slider = manuell;

setcookie(info_autoscroll, $slider, time()+(604800 *

echo $slider;

So what I trying  to reach without sucess is to start/stop autoscroll
from the javascript function getscrolltype above:

function getscrolltype(what) {
$.get('autoscroll.php',{scrollmodus: what},function(returned_data)
 if(what == auto) {

   *** Start the Autoscroll of my
jcarousel now ***

 if(what == manuell) {

 *** Stop the Autoscroll of my
jcarousel now ***



I tried several things, but nothing worked out for me. The PHP part
works well, but it obvious only comes out, if the Visitor clicks on a
link. What I want is to start/stop Autoscroll immediately. Is that

Hope I described my Problem a lot better. Sorry for my English, I am

Any help is greatly apreciated, I keep the fingers cross, that
somebody couls help me out of this. Thank  you.

[jQuery] jcarousel autostart

2008-12-22 Thread sixtyseven

could anyone please explain how to start/stop autoscrolling of the
jcarousel by clicking on an external link on the page?