[jQuery] Images not showing the first time (cache?)

2009-02-11 Thread tlob

when you activate the navigation, images are cropped the first time.
If I remove the css overflow:hidden; in #s1, my navigation for the
images are behind the image.
I have no idea why. Does it have something to do with the cache? How
can I solve this?

thx in advance

[jQuery] copy input vals to 3 siblings in diffrent TR/TDs

2009-01-29 Thread tlob

Hello I have problems iterating with each() and traversing in jQ.
can you help me out with a slick example?

thx a lot!

$(input.frage).each(function () {
var output = $(this).val();
//$(input.frage).nextAll().val(output); /*NOT 

.many TRs before
tdinput class=frage type=checkbox value=Sicherer
Arbeitsplatz / Sicherer Arbeitsplatz/td
tdinput class=beruf1 type=checkbox value=beruf1[] 
tdinput class=beruf2 type=checkbox value=beruf2[] 
tdinput class=beruf3 type=checkbox value=beruf3[] 
tdinput class=frage type=checkbox value=Chance, 
zu finden / Chance, Arbeitsplatz zu finden/td
tdinput class=beruf1 type=checkbox value=beruf1[] 
tdinput class=beruf2 type=checkbox value=beruf2[] 
tdinput class=beruf3 type=checkbox value=beruf3[] 
.many TRs after

...should become
tdinput class=frage type=checkbox value=Sicherer
Arbeitsplatz / Sicherer Arbeitsplatz/td
tdinput class=beruf1 type=checkbox value=Sicherer
Arbeitsplatz //td
tdinput class=beruf2 type=checkbox value=Sicherer
Arbeitsplatz //td
tdinput class=beruf3 type=checkbox value=Sicherer
Arbeitsplatz //td
tdinput class=frage type=checkbox value=Chance, 
zu finden / Chance, Arbeitsplatz zu finden/td
tdinput class=beruf1 type=checkbox value=Chance,
Arbeitsplatz zu finden //td
tdinput class=beruf2 type=checkbox value=Chance,
Arbeitsplatz zu finden //td
tdinput class=beruf3 type=checkbox value=Chance,
Arbeitsplatz zu finden //td

[jQuery] Re: Anyone Else Seeing This?

2008-12-18 Thread tlob

url pleeese!

On Dec 18, 2:02 pm, PawPrint sc...@pawprint.net wrote:
 I can't even say if this is related to JQuery or not - but I'm hoping
 someone else might have an idea.

 I have a myriad of sites that use a framework I have developed all use
 packaed and gzipped JS loaded in the Head from an external file
 including JQuery and JQuery UI.

 Works fine on PCs (all browsers) - pages load under 3 seconds
 Works fine on Ubunti in FF - under 3 sec
 Works fine on iPhone in Safari - around 5sec (wireless so I'm not
 On Mac systems (latest OS) FF, and Safari - the same pages take over
 45 seconds before the user sees any display.

 If I drop all the JS then the Macs render the pages up to speed.

 I tried serving the JS unpacked and not gzipped - same issue.

 I don't have a Mac here so I am relying on several users to test for
 me so I'm still waiting to see if leaving in the JS but removing my
 onReady code makes any difference. My only current guess is that there
 is some extreme delay while parsing the DOM for things like $
 ('div.something').doSomething(); in onReady.

 I find this very odd that it would affect different browsers with
 different rendering engines and only on the Mac.

 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Anyone Else Seeing This?

2008-12-18 Thread tlob

Everything fine here. All Pages load around 6s the first time, 2 to 3s
the second time (cache).

I am on 10.5.6 Safari newest version. Sitting in europe ;-)


[jQuery] empty() textarea when hidden before not work. NEWBIE

2008-12-17 Thread tlob

Hi I like to empty() specific textareas. Works fine. Except the
textareas, that are hidden before.


it works in Safari, but not in FF

I have no clue why.


[jQuery] sortable not firing always in FF,IE. Safari works fine!

2008-12-05 Thread tlob

on this page, when you drag around LI's
the update: liCounting(), function does not firing alway in FF,IE.
Only in Safari or when you click the LI's.

I have no clue why
Any tips?


[jQuery] Re: :last in IE6

2008-12-05 Thread tlob

the class=last alt are two classes!
.alt {} and

is that ok?

On Dec 5, 2:59 pm, Liam Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As it turns out, it's not a jQuery problem at all, the last function
 works fine, it came down to an ie6 bug

 if i have class=last alt (alt for striping) and declare css like

 li.last.alt {


 ie6 see's the .alt in .last.alt and applies it to any alt class in
 the html rather then just on class=last alt

 Karl Swedberg wrote:

  On Dec 5, 2008, at 6:46 AM, Liam Potter wrote:

  I have a simple function to add a last class to the last li tag in
  a specific ul

  $(.createNewOrder ul li:last).addClass('last');

  problem is in IE6 it selects all the li's and adds the class.

  Anyone come across this before?

  I've never seen this before. Does it work correctly in other browsers?
  Can you post a demo page or usehttp://jsbin.comfor a stripped down
  version of a page so we can see the problem?

  Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Expanding div over an image on mouse-over

2008-12-05 Thread tlob


On Dec 5, 4:15 pm, Robert K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wow, you rock!! :)  Looks great.

 Only problem, it doesn't seem to work in IE 7, any ideas?


 On Dec 4, 10:44 pm, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  One way to do it:


  (yeah I went crazy on the math :D)

  - ricardo

  On Dec 4, 5:24 pm, Robert K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   *cough* bump! :)

   On Dec 3, 1:43 pm, Robert K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to add a description/info to some images, I came across this
really cool effect that I think is created usingMooTools, just
wondering if it is possible to replicate in jQuery?

Half way down the page (http://www.irishtimes.com/), 5 images with a
black text box, put mouse over an image, text box expands to reveal
more info.

This is exactly what I want, can it be done in jQuery? I have tried
using a couple of effects, but nothing that doesn't mess up the image.

Is it possible with jQuery? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] simple selector problem :beginner();

2008-12-04 Thread tlob

I like to select every span, thats in this
$(this span)

sorry, simple and stupid...

full function:
function liCounting (){
$(#staerke1 li,#staerke2 li).each(function(liCounter){
liCounter++; //set liCounter to 1, not 0
$(this span).replaceWith(span+ liCounter 
+. /span);

thx tom

[jQuery] sartable problem in IE7(6?)

2008-12-03 Thread tlob

this works nice in FF and Safari:

but not in IE. The click does not change anything, the list is not
sortable, the list numbers do not match (CSS problem?)
It gives me no errors in FF, Safari.

Is there a know problem with sortables and click() in IE?

Thx alot

[jQuery] Thank you (for all the fish?)

2008-11-07 Thread tlob

I just wanted to say:
Thank you jQuery, John Reisig (http://ejohn.org/) and all the Team
(http://docs.jquery.com/Contributors) behind it! Great work guys.
Nokia and M$ ist just the beginning for world Domination ;-)

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Thomas - Still a JS/jQuery Beginner

[jQuery] Re: stop hover

2008-10-17 Thread tlob


CSS = border:0;

or do you see the dottet border? Thats the browserhighlighting a
linked element. Cant surpress that. Its diffrent in every browser


On Oct 17, 11:56 am, weidc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 well i got a little problem.

 i got some images which get a border if i hover over it. if i click an
 image it gets big and in front of the others but it still gets a
 border if i hover over it. that sucks and i don't know how to stop it.
 i didn't programmed this hover so i don't know something about it
 except it does a border!

 i'll be happy about every idea. thanks for reading.


[jQuery] Re: UI/Sortables beginner understanding problem

2008-10-15 Thread tlob

I tried the change param:
opacity: 0.5,
change: console.log(changed),
connectWith: [#staerke1]

but it shoots, when the list is inialized. so no Luck here...

Can anybody help me out?

[jQuery] Re: UI/Sortables beginner understanding problem

2008-10-15 Thread tlob

I solved the problem with the numbered li.
But how can I catch the event when I drag a li around? the change,
update, start, sort, stop, beforeStop, recieve, remove, over, out,
activate, deactivate are firing when the page loads, not when I sort
around. sigh!

opacity: 0.5,
cursor: pointer,
recieve: (console.log(recieve)),
connectWith: [#staerke1]

[jQuery] UI/Sortables beginner understanding problem

2008-10-14 Thread tlob

I successfully created two UI/Sortables lists, that are connectWith
each other. The lists have a decimal numbering, so it looks like the
two lists are diplayed in two rows as one:

1. first List
2. blu
3. blubb
4. foo

5. second list
6. bar
7. foobar

The UI docs are not clear enough to me. They lack of examples. Sorry I
am a beginner ;-)

How can I access the ui.item (the current dragged element)
to change its css?
How can I count the lis from the first list, after its changed, so I
can set the start=value in the second list?

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish... and Tipps!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery help to replace CSS position: fixed;

2008-10-14 Thread tlob

you need this?

the plugin section has more to offer...
cu tom

On Oct 14, 11:10 am, XeroXer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am making a menu that I place along the left side of the page.
 I starts with the position: absolute; left: 0; top: 50px;
 I tried using position: fixed; but that didn't work in IE6.

 What i want is that when a user scrolls down the page the menu
 $(window).scroll(function () {
    var thePageTopVar = ???;
    $(#menu).css({top: thePageTopVar});


 How do I get the windows current position on the page? :/

[jQuery] Re: help me

2008-10-09 Thread tlob

make every drag and drop web componet an unique ID in the first place?

please specify you problem a bit better so we can help you.
please  specify your title better, so we can help you.

or help yourself:


On Oct 9, 6:05 am, seka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i need develop drag and drop web componet..for that i need to assign
 unique id each time i drag a element(eg:div); how can i do

[jQuery] jQuery lightbox not working in safari

2008-09-25 Thread tlob


the lightbox plugin on
iMac Intel, OS X 10.4.11, OS X 10.5.4, 10.5.5 on Safari  3.1.2
is not working. I dont have a clue why, because I dont see any


[jQuery] simple test if all checked BEGINNER

2008-09-18 Thread tlob

Hello I sucessfully implemented a test to see if all checkboxes are

$(form#form1).submit(function() {
var anzahl = $(#form1 input:checked).length;
if (anzahl==7){$(#all).show(500);}
return false;

I think this can be done more elegant, because when the number of
checkboxes change, I have to change my code. Not sexy

Thanks in advance

[jQuery] Re: simple test if all checked BEGINNER

2008-09-18 Thread tlob

Oh so easy! Thank you very much! I changed it a little bit:

var total = $(#form1 :checkbox).size()
var checked = $(#form1 :checkbox:checked).size()
if(checked == total)


[jQuery] simple if not :checked then show div - BEGINNER

2008-09-17 Thread tlob


I try to do a very simple thing. 7 Checkboxes. 1 submit.
If none checked, show div#none
if not checkbox1:checked show div#not1
and if not checkbox2:checked show div#not2, too
and so on...

I can do it with man if then's, but I like it slick and sexy!
And I cant figure it out.

Thx in advance

[jQuery] Re: simple if not :checked then show div - BEGINNER

2008-09-17 Thread tlob

can this be done more efficient?
$(#auswertung  div).hide();

$(form#form1).submit(function() {
$(#auswertung  div).hide();

$(form#form1 [EMAIL 
if (!this.checked)
var output = this.value;
return false;


[jQuery] Re: Code Editors

2008-09-12 Thread tlob

holy moly, I didn't know aptana, I think it will replace my jEdit.org.


[jQuery] Re: show hide selected on page load (beginner)

2008-09-11 Thread tlob

I am so proud of me:

var showit = $(#form1 #ort_id option:selected).attr(value);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:

$('#form1 #ort_id option').click(
function () {
var wrapper = $(this).attr('value');


case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return false;

but can be reduced, right?


On Sep 10, 10:27 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the following works pretty well on click:
 $('#form1 #ort_id option').click(
                 function () {
                 var wrapper = $(this).attr('value');
                 case 1: $('#schuppen-wrapper').show();  break;
                 case 2: $('#kirche-wrapper').show(); break;
                 case 3: $('#openair-wrapper').show(); break;
                 case 4: $('#andererort-wrapper').show(); break;
                 return false;

 but when the page loads the option value=1-4 selected=selected
 should be shown. how can I show the right div, when the page loads?


[jQuery] show hide selected on page load (beginner)

2008-09-10 Thread tlob

the following works pretty well on click:
$('#form1 #ort_id option').click(
function () {
var wrapper = $(this).attr('value');

case 1: $('#schuppen-wrapper').show();  break;
case 2: $('#kirche-wrapper').show(); break;
case 3: $('#openair-wrapper').show(); break;
case 4: $('#andererort-wrapper').show(); break;
return false;

but when the page loads the option value=1-4 selected=selected
should be shown. how can I show the right div, when the page loads?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery and swapping name values

2008-09-09 Thread tlob

Can you be more specific? I dont get it

You fill out the first Input, save the form via a submit button and

  But now I need to be able to swap the name values of the text fields
  on the toggle as well, so that the visible text field always carries
  the name value of data01.

[jQuery] Re: Validation addmethod input1input2

2008-09-05 Thread tlob

morning jQueryians

anyone have an idea?


On Sep 4, 6:08 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello I am fairly new to jQuery and JS, so be nice to me ;-)
 I added the validation Plug into my form.

 I have 5*2 Input fields in form of the UI/datepicker. Every pair can
 be blank or both have to be filled out. Pretty simple... not for me.

 I cant get my head around it. I try to do it the propper way with the
 addMethod (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/
 addMethod). Seems the propper way to me.






 do you guys have a simple clean solution for this? Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] porn here

2008-09-05 Thread tlob

in the comment section:

[jQuery] Validation addmethod input1input2

2008-09-04 Thread tlob

Hello I am fairly new to jQuery and JS, so be nice to me ;-)
I added the validation Plug into my form.

I have 5*2 Input fields in form of the UI/datepicker. Every pair can
be blank or both have to be filled out. Pretty simple... not for me.

I cant get my head around it. I try to do it the propper way with the
addMethod (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/
addMethod). Seems the propper way to me.






do you guys have a simple clean solution for this? Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Animate Query

2008-09-02 Thread tlob

a neat trick to set timeouts is with animate
animate({opacity: 1}, 1000);

it keeps the opacity to 1 but it takes 1000ms to do so.
I experienced problems with setTimeout. That trick suited me well.

I am a beginner, so I cant help you further, sorry.


[jQuery] Re: submitting a form by pressing enter

2008-06-27 Thread tlob

Hy Steen

I totally agree with you.

And I did not know the CSS display:none will break the submit. Good to
know! THX.


On Jun 27, 11:35 am, Steen Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A lot of browsers support usage without JS and CSS. Especially mobile
 devices or screenreaders have very bad JavaScript support, and
 screenreaders read the content of the page as it's shown without

 Even though we can argue for a long time whether or not it's a good
 idea to only support clients that have JS and CSS activated, it's all
 beside the point.
 My point was that if you have a form around your input fields, then
 it's easier to actually insert the submit button and through
 stylesheet, move it outside the viewable scope.

 You can't really use display: none; on the submit button. For some
 browsers it will remove the action of the button, so you are back to
 square one.. :)

 Oh, and lastly, why invent new things, when existing ones do exactly
 what is requested :)

 On Jun 26, 12:25 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A page is read without css? Hmmm I think that is really really really
  rare Even more rare than a browser without js turned on. Thats
  only really really rare ;-)

  Or what do you mean?

  instead of moving it away, why not css display:none;? Does this brake
  the submit?

  On Jun 26, 10:22 am, Steen Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You need to insert a submit button in the form to get it working..
   input type=submit

   if you don't want to show the button you can always hide it using CSS.
   I usually just positioning it -9000px to the left, that way it won't
   show up, but if the page is read without CSS, it will be shown
   correctly with a submit button

   On Jun 26, 6:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have a form, with id=myForm, with a number of text fields (input
with type=text).  How do I cause a form submission by pressing enter
in any of those form fields?

Thanks, - Dave

[jQuery] Re: Using this with jQuery

2008-06-26 Thread tlob

Add a class to your IDs, then it should work:

style type=text/css
div {border:1px solid #ccc;width: 100px;height:100px;margin:

script language=javascript!--

function () {
$(this).css({ backgroundColor:yellow, 
fontWeight:bold });
function () {
$(this).css({ backgroundColor:white, 
fontWeight:normal });
div no for me/div
div id=foo class=rollovereins/div
div id=bar class=rolloverzwei/div
div id=foo2 me nether :-(/div
div id=bar2 class=rolloverdrei/div


[jQuery] Re: php with javascript...jquery...

2008-06-26 Thread tlob

You dont understand the difference between php, html an JS.

where is PHP and JS executed? What does the browser see? Does the
browser see any PHP code and running it?


if (is_file('xy.gif')) {
// code if file exists
} else
// code if file is not

There is no need for JS/jQuery here. you should ask this question in a
PHP forum.


On Jun 25, 11:42 pm, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi I have a question. Is it possible to use php with javascript and
 even jquery?

 I want to make an if and then statment in php where it checks the
 database if their is a photo/image present or not, if not then a table
 that supposed to show the image would not be visiable if their is a
 image then the table becomes visiable and will show the image.

 Is this possible?? is they any examples that shows javascript working
 with php??

[jQuery] Re: submitting a form by pressing enter

2008-06-26 Thread tlob

A page is read without css? Hmmm I think that is really really really
rare Even more rare than a browser without js turned on. Thats
only really really rare ;-)

Or what do you mean?

instead of moving it away, why not css display:none;? Does this brake
the submit?

On Jun 26, 10:22 am, Steen Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to insert a submit button in the form to get it working..
 input type=submit

 if you don't want to show the button you can always hide it using CSS.
 I usually just positioning it -9000px to the left, that way it won't
 show up, but if the page is read without CSS, it will be shown
 correctly with a submit button

 On Jun 26, 6:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I have a form, with id=myForm, with a number of text fields (input
  with type=text).  How do I cause a form submission by pressing enter
  in any of those form fields?

  Thanks, - Dave

[jQuery] hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner problem)

2008-06-17 Thread tlob

I try to implement the cycle Plugin. Pretty successful so far.
Two things are strange:

-The hover function over the main Image, behaves strangely in IE. It's
more flickering than hovering.

-And some of the Images have strange white pixels on it. Also only in
Take a look:

Can you help me out here?


[jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner problem)

2008-06-17 Thread tlob


On Jun 17, 10:31 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking at it in IE7 and I'm not seeing any of these white pixels you're
 mentioning. Can you confirm the version of IE you're using?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of tlob
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:21 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner

 I try to implement the cycle Plugin. Pretty successful so far.
 Two things are strange:

 -The hover function over the main Image, behaves strangely in IE. It's more
 flickering than hovering.

 -And some of the Images have strange white pixels on it. Also only in IE.
 Take a look:http://siggibucher.com/index2.php

 Can you help me out here?


[jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner problem)

2008-06-17 Thread tlob

I just found out this one:


On Jun 17, 10:48 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I spoke too soon. When I click on an image from the list above, THEN I get
 the white dots. Interesting that each image's dots are always in the same
 place. For example, in gallery 1, if I click on the black/white image of the
 man, then click back to the first image, the dots I see are in the same
 exact location as the dots in your screenshot.

 I'm betting that this has something to do with your use of your no

 Try removing that from use and see if it continues to exhibit this behavior.


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of tlob
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:39 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner


 On Jun 17, 10:31 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm looking at it in IE7 and I'm not seeing any of these white pixels
  you're mentioning. Can you confirm the version of IE you're using?

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Behalf Of tlob
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:21 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs

  I try to implement the cycle Plugin. Pretty successful so far.
  Two things are strange:

  -The hover function over the main Image, behaves strangely in IE. It's
  more flickering than hovering.

  -And some of the Images have strange white pixels on it. Also only in IE.
  Take a look:http://siggibucher.com/index2.php

  Can you help me out here?


[jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner problem)

2008-06-17 Thread tlob

Ok, will manage to squeeze the Microsoft Bug

What about the hover issue?

Thanks for your help

On Jun 17, 11:25 pm, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Since the problem is w/absolute black being interpreted as transparent, what
 happens if you put a black background behind the images?


 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Andy Matthews
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 5:16 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner

 Ack...both you and I can confirm that it's still a bug in IE7 as well.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of tlob
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:53 PM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs (beginner

 I just found out this one:


 On Jun 17, 10:48 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I spoke too soon. When I click on an image from the list above, THEN I
  get the white dots. Interesting that each image's dots are always in
  the same place. For example, in gallery 1, if I click on the
  black/white image of the man, then click back to the first image, the
  dots I see are in the same exact location as the dots in your screenshot.

  I'm betting that this has something to do with your use of your no

  Try removing that from use and see if it continues to exhibit this


  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Behalf Of tlob
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:39 PM
  To: jQuery (English)
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs


  On Jun 17, 10:31 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm looking at it in IE7 and I'm not seeing any of these white
   pixels you're mentioning. Can you confirm the version of IE you're

   -Original Message-
   From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Behalf Of tlob
   Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 3:21 PM
   To: jQuery (English)
   Subject: [jQuery] hover flickering, snow storm pixels on JPGs

   I try to implement the cycle Plugin. Pretty successful so far.
   Two things are strange:

   -The hover function over the main Image, behaves strangely in IE.
   It's more flickering than hovering.

   -And some of the Images have strange white pixels on it. Also only in
   Take a look:http://siggibucher.com/index2.php

   Can you help me out here?


[jQuery] Re: European Mirrors

2008-06-12 Thread tlob

docs are realy slow. Im based in switzerland.

On Jun 12, 12:07 pm, Tim Swann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm based in Ireland and I find that accessing the docs is very slow.
 Are there any European based mirrors for the documentation?

 If not are you open to the idea of partnering with European Based
 hosting companies for mirroring the docs?

[jQuery] Re: jquery n00bl3t

2008-06-12 Thread tlob

Noob answers Noob:

I think you have to put
 10alert(Thanks for visiting- babu!);
 11alert(This is my alert);
 12  });

in you document.ready function.

   // Your code here

this is a main principle in jquery.


On Jun 12, 10:16 am, spx2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm reading a tutorial from 
 I'm trying the examples given there.
 A window does not pop-up when I click a link from the ones on the
 Why is this happening ?

   1   html
   2   head
   3   script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js/script
   4   script type=text/javascript
   5 $(document).ready(function(){
   6   window.alert('asdasd');
   7   });
   8  $(a).click(function(event){
  10alert(Thanks for visiting- babu!);
  11alert(This is my alert);
  12  });
  25   /script
  26   /head
  27   body
  28   a href=#asfdasjQuery/a
  29  a href=http://google.com/; class=clickmeI give a message
 when you leave/a
  30  a href=http://yahoo.com/; class=hidemeClick me to hide!/a
  31  a href=http://microsoft.com/;I'm a normal link/a
  32   /body
  33   /html

[jQuery] Re: How to make webpage to adjust to user display settings.

2008-06-03 Thread tlob

HTML  CSS. He is right. Look here: 

Many commercial pages use jQuery. Can someone post a list?


On Jun 3, 5:16 am, RobG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 2, 9:18 am, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ok I am currently working on a website and I need to have my website
  to adjust to the clients display settings   so  like for an example
  that  if the user has a higher display settings my webpage through
  javascript would resize all the elements on my webpage to keep the
  orignial look.

 Javascript is not the answer - use HTML and CSS.

  so I am gussing  somthing along the lines of first grabbing the
  clients display settings and then use that to then scale every element
  on the html page with the power of 2 or somthing.

 Don't do that.  Consider someone with a desktop across 2 x 61cm
 displays set to 1920 x 1200px, do you think they'll be happy if you
 spread your web page over their entire display?


[jQuery] Re: Hover Effects

2008-05-30 Thread tlob

Wow! super cool blinky flashy website. (Cancer to my Eyeballs)
I just dont like it, sorry.

To answer you question: FadeIn, FadeOut would fit:

more Effects here:


On May 30, 1:52 am, Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was browsing the a href=http://dragoninteractive.com;Dragon
 Interactive/a website. When you hover over certain buttons, they
 produce a gradient effect where the sprite image slowly appears. How
 can I achieve this effect?


[jQuery] Re: How to make the pause 3 sec or some delay

2008-05-30 Thread tlob

please be more specific! pause what? In between what. A fade? Sample
code? URL?
This way nobody is gonna help you

On May 30, 10:15 am, mtest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That all :)
 How to make the pause 3 sec or some delay :))

[jQuery] Re: Get co-ordinates of click on image

2008-05-30 Thread tlob

the docs are good for searching... so is google:


On May 30, 1:02 pm, Michael Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 Working on something for a client at the moment - they have a map and
 they want to pinpoint where on this map something is, and then store
 this in the database.

 I'm thinking we put an image of the map in the admin area for them and
 they can click on it to set the co-ords, but I'm not sure how we'd fetch
 the co-ords of where they clicked? Just as X,Y pixels from the top left
 of the image, nowt too clever.

 $(#map).click(function() {


 Does anyone have any thoughts? All help much appreciated :)

 Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: error messages for bilingual site

2008-05-30 Thread tlob

You should ask that in a PHP forum.

User choose a language. This is stored in a session/cookie. You show
content/alerts in the choosen language.
As I said, look for session/cookie handling in php/google.


On May 30, 10:18 am, Philippe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First thank you for this great plugins.

 How can I generate error messages in the user chosen language (French
 or English)?
 Alternatively can how could I send a PHP constant as error message?



[jQuery] Re: Photo Crop proposal

2008-05-07 Thread tlob


Don't sell the functionality (crop,rotate,...)

Sell the service: Online Image manager. Store, manage, Edit, Share,
Comment, .

my 2 Cents ;-)

On May 5, 5:21 pm, LTG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, (pls excuse dbl post)

 I would like to get feedback on:
1)  Would a photo crop plug-in be useful to others?
2)  How doable is it in JQuery?
3)  Would anyone be interested in a bounty on it? ($$$)

 Please see the video of my prototype 

 So the basic features are:
   - Photo cropping with aspect ratio locking
   - Face cropping (elliptical crop)
   - Straighten photo with real time adjustments
   - Real-time preview of result photo

 This the prototype is a working application, so all the logic is known
 and perfected.  I think I know ways to make all the imaging pieces
 fast enough for good performance.

 Any feedback on these points would be appreciated.

 thank you,

[jQuery] put the value back in the input (Beginner)

2008-02-15 Thread tlob


I managed to do sucessfully:

$(#schnellsuche input).focus(function () {

form action= id=schnellsuche
input class=text type=text value=Schnellsuche /

I'm so proud of me ;-)

now I want the default value back in, when the focus is not anymore in
the input textbox. Can someone put me in the right direction?


[jQuery] Re: put the value back in the input (Beginner)

2008-02-15 Thread tlob

works like a charm!

but I dont get it...
-blur is the opposite of focus, right?
-why do you chain it after the focus?
-with [0].defaultValue you restore the first value that was stored in
an array?
-does JS store every changed value of every element in an array?

thx a lot!

On Feb 15, 3:32 pm, Michael Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 tlob wrote:
 $(#schnellsuche input).focus(function () {
  now I want the default value back in, when the focus is not anymore in
  the input textbox. Can someone put me in the right direction?

  From memory (so it might need tweaking) you need to chain another
 event to your code up there:

 $(#schnellsuche input).focus(function () {
 }).blur(function() {
 if ($(this).val() == ) {


 This adds a blur event that says if the value is empty, restore it to
 the element's default value.

 Hope this helps. :)

 Michael Price

[jQuery] Re: jquery newbie test

2008-02-05 Thread tlob

finaly I am not alone anymore ;-)

On Feb 5, 2:15 am, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Access...confirmed.  =]

   - Original Message -
   From: CFMike
   To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 4:00 PM
   Subject: [jQuery] jquery newbie test

   Please ignore. I am new to the jquery list. I am just testing my access. 
 Thank you for your patience.

[jQuery] Re: jquploader 2 alpha 1 - rich file upload dialog plugin - please test and help

2008-01-31 Thread tlob

looks good on os x 10.5.1
safari 3
FF 2

it behaves i little quirki with very big files. 600MB
looks like the browser crashed

would be nice to have a twirling cursor on the page to see, if its
uploading. the progressbar is nice, but with big files it would not
update for a long time.

would be nice to have the features like 

thx tl

On Jan 31, 12:36 pm, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello friends,

 I am working on the new version of jqUploader, a plugin that allows to
 replace the file inputs in a form  for a more user-friendly file upload
 dialog via the use of an invisible flash object.
 The new version allows for full customization via CSS and html, instead of
 having to tweak the flash file.

 I've pretty much finished a working prototype (still need to implement all
 the customizable options). It works well on WinXP FF2.


 demo is here:http://www.pixeline.be/experiments/jqUploader/v2/

 I have 2 requests:

 1/ can you test on your side and (especially mac users) let me know if the
 test works or not for you.
 2/ for plugin experts: if you look at the code i use functions that i would
 like that the user be able to modify, but i don't know exactly how to do
 that. For the moment, the js functions called by flash are sitting outside
 of the plugin loop.
 What would be the good way to allow users to modify what these function do?
 Basically their task is to update the html according to the flash events.
 The code is here:

 Thank you for your time,


 Alexandre Plennevaux


[jQuery] learning jQuery

2008-01-25 Thread tlob

I successfully implemented a simple drop down selection.

1) If I change
I end up with a nasty blinker effect, because the new image fades out
while the new one fades in. How can I can this?

2) Is it clean to let the
option value=none selected=selectedchoose.../option
execute, when I select it?

3) Can my jQuery be done simplyer?

#tl,#ch,#sg,#mt {display:none;}

$(#dropdown).change(function(event) {
var inhalt = $(select option:selected).val();

select id=dropdown
option value=none selected=selectedchoose.../option
option value=tlThomas/option
option value=chChristof/option
option value=sgSandra/option
option value=mtMyriam/option


img src=tl.jpg alt=tl id=tl /
img src=ch.jpg alt=ch id=ch /
img src=sg.jpg alt=sg id=sg /
img src=mt.jpg alt=mt id=mt /


[jQuery] simplier, more unobtrusiv?

2008-01-24 Thread tlob

Hi, I did something with jQuery, but I think it could be more
unobtrusiv and simplier done. Do you have any suggestions?

1Page with 4 Divs

div id=logo
LOGO -- click on that it fades away and go to div#content

div id=content
Link Sandra-click, this div fades away, div#sandra is shown
Link Ahmed-click, this div fades away, div#ahmed is shown

div id=sandra
Link Home-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown

div id=ahmed
Link Home-click, this div fades away, div#content is shown

my jQuery:

$(#logo).click(function() {
$(#logo).animate({opacity: 0.0}, 500 );

$(a.sandra).click(function() {

$(a.ahmed).click(function() {


the links look like this:
a href=# class=sandraHome/a , etc...

I works well, but my guts tell me, this could be done more nicely!

eager to learn,
thx tom

[jQuery] Re: Poor Firefox performance (animations) - with link

2008-01-22 Thread tlob

define doesn't work as smooth.

It's pretty smooth on my FF


On Jan 22, 3:07 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone, please?

 On Jan 21, 3:41 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Really, really sorry I sent the wrong link!

  This is the right one:


[jQuery] general question

2008-01-22 Thread tlob


I have a general question. I do a fadeIn/fadeOut with a big logo on
the Homepage.
If the user surfs back to that site (not later that day, while he is
surfing that site), the animation should not shown again. How would
you do that?

I'm looking for the easyest way to implement.


[jQuery] Re: Poor Firefox performance (animations) - with link

2008-01-22 Thread tlob


Well Site RI is not fine in my Browser...

Just an Idea: try out PNGs or Gifs. That maybe help in the

Yea, forgett Flash. It would not be indexable for searchengines.


On Jan 22, 6:16 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the feedback Tom...

 I haven't tried it in IE7 yet, I'll see what this ugly scrollbar is

 The Site RL you stated is actually Site RI (it's in portuguese -
 Site Relações com Investidores), it's fine :)

 About the flash thing, yeah, that would be a better choice
 performancewise... but I didn't have time to learn Flash and the
 maintenance of a flash-based application is usually more difficult (i
 know I could use XML to feed flash but... we don't have a developer
 capable of doing this right now).

 The images are loading very slow, indeed I don't know what to do
 about that, there are big images to load i'll try to compress
 everything a bit more.

 On Jan 22, 2:00 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  FF PowerMac

  IE 7.0.5730.11
  IE 6.0 (MutipleIE)

  not a noteable difference

  The Images in general are loading really slow.
  In IE7 there is a ugly scrollbar when loading the project/Images
  also in the Project overwiev the Site RL is cut in half.

  I would not to bother that smoothness. If you have an old machine it
  would probably even less smooth...
  Or switch to flash. (Not really)


  On Jan 22, 5:42 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Tom, have you tried it in IE? It's much smoother... when I say
   smooth I mean the smoothness of the animation, the frames per
   second, you know... the animation is a bit clumsy in Firefox...

   What version of Firefox are you using?

   On Jan 22, 12:24 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

define doesn't work as smooth.

It's pretty smooth on my FF


On Jan 22, 3:07 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone, please?

 On Jan 21, 3:41 pm, Feed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Really, really sorry I sent the wrong link!

  This is the right one:


[jQuery] Re: A Beginner Question

2008-01-22 Thread tlob

try to use IDs/classes in the DDs.

just an Idea


On Jan 22, 6:37 pm, Volkan Görgülü [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lets say I have a Definition List like shown below.

 dta href=#Item Group A/a/dt
 ddItem 1/dd
 ddItem 2/dd
 dta href=#Item Group B/a/dt
 ddItem 1/dd
 ddItem 2/dd
 ddItem 3/dd

 What I want to achieve is whenever I click an a tag in dt I want
 to show dd tags inside the clicked dt

 I am using

 $(document).ready(function() {
$(dt  a).click(function(){$(dd).toggle(); return false;});

 But it opens every dd.

 Any help or guidance will be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: simple newbie js function problem...

2008-01-17 Thread tlob

Yes, I learned a lot because of you guys! Thank you. It works like a


On Jan 17, 9:37 am, Hamish Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ah so, you learn something new everyday!

 On Jan 16, 5:34 pm, fuzziman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Remember that variables declared within functions only exist for that

  Not really...

  As others mentioned, the crux of the problem is because setInterval is
  calling force() which refers to the global scope.

  Try passing in the reference to the function rather than a string, because
  you can still access this within the closure. Avoid putting things in the
  global scope, unless namespaced.


  script type=text/javascript
  function force() {
  console.log('whooosh ' + new Date());
  $('#joda').click(function () {

  View this message in 
  Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Happy Birthday jQuery

2008-01-17 Thread tlob

a little late, I know.

but I also wish to thank all the developers and the community for
releasing and supporting such a great product!

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

to much candles... Sorry!


[jQuery] simple newbie js function problem...

2008-01-15 Thread tlob

script type=text/javascript


function force(){

$('#joda').click(function () {


if I click #joda I got the Error: force is not defined.

I have some basic misunderstanding here...

THX in advance!


[jQuery] Re: simple newbie js function problem...

2008-01-15 Thread tlob

hm... why? can you explain me in detail why its not working that way?
I like to learn.

I uploaded it:

click joda, the icons should appear and start whirling around like


On Jan 15, 7:52 pm, Feijó [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 try with force function outside $...ready


 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:11 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] simple newbie js function problem...

  script type=text/javascript


  function force(){

  $('#joda').click(function () {


  if I click #joda I got the Error: force is not defined.

  I have some basic misunderstanding here...

  THX in advance!


[jQuery] Re: Beginner problem: Link is not working (JQuery Cycle Plugin)

2007-10-16 Thread tlob

Mike: That is exactly, whats happening. Can you explain me, why the
anchor is prevented by the toggle function? It's basic stuff I dont
get, right? How can I solve it? I want to keep the toggle and the
anchor. Dont give me to code, I am eager to lern. Just put my in the
right direction.

Thanks a lot!


On Oct 16, 12:25 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 toggle prevents the default event action so the anchor is not
 followed when you click it.


 On 10/12/07, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I am working with the fantastic JQuery Cycle Plugin. Thank you very
  much for creating such great librarys!
  I am almost there But I have a very basic problem.
  Start/stopping the slideshow is fine with click on thumbnails/pictures/
  But when you click on the thumbnails, the link is not working.


  1. I dont understand why. Can you explain that?
  2. How can I change that? ;-)

  THX in advance, have a nice weekend

[jQuery] Re: Beginner problem: Link is not working (JQuery Cycle Plugin)

2007-10-15 Thread tlob


On Oct 12, 3:16 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am working with the fantastic JQuery Cycle Plugin. Thank you very
 much for creating such great librarys!
 I am almost there But I have a very basic problem.
 Start/stopping the slideshow is fine with click on thumbnails/pictures/
 But when you click on the thumbnails, the link is not working.


 1. I dont understand why. Can you explain that?
 2. How can I change that? ;-)

 THX in advance, have a nice weekend

[jQuery] Beginner problem: Link is not working (JQuery Cycle Plugin)

2007-10-12 Thread tlob


I am working with the fantastic JQuery Cycle Plugin. Thank you very
much for creating such great librarys!
I am almost there But I have a very basic problem.
Start/stopping the slideshow is fine with click on thumbnails/pictures/
But when you click on the thumbnails, the link is not working.


1. I dont understand why. Can you explain that?
2. How can I change that? ;-)

THX in advance, have a nice weekend

[jQuery] Re: too much recursion (sound PopUp)

2007-07-12 Thread tlob


On 11 Jul., 09:26, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just found out, that it is not working in IE7 I dont know where
 the problem is, FF seems ok

 THX in advance!

 On 10 Jul., 17:21, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I finaly managed to finish my job. Only with your help.


  But when I click the sound on link, Firebug is complaining about
  too much recursion window.focus();
  I have no idea, was this is, or should I change something?

  THX in advance!

[jQuery] Re: pausing innerFade on click

2007-07-12 Thread tlob

THX for the answer(s). I can see your two similar posts know. No
Googleswollowing accured.

I think I throw the innerFade Plugin over board and implement the
cycle http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ plugin, that has a stopping
I could save a lot of time if I did not go with that innerFade
Well, at least I learned a lot!

THX for your help

On 11 Jul., 19:34, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 11, 4:55 pm, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I know a way, by altering the array behind it with PHP. But that is
  not the KISS concept. I like keep it simple and stupid. There should
  a way to pause all action on the site with jQuery. Could I use 
  thehttp://blog.mythin.net/projects/jquery.phpPausePlugin for jQuery and
  bind it to the link? What would u suggest?

 Am i just imagining this, or did Google Groups swallow all existing
 responses to this post? i know i responded to it some hours ago (and
 saw the response show up online), but now all the responses seem to
 have disappeared?

 If i recall correctly, my initial response went something like this:

 highlighting code fires off events using setTimeout(). Once that
 function is called, there is no client-accessible way of modifying
 what it will do. One solution would be to implement a custom fading
 function which respects a flag which you can set in your click
 handlers. This is not something jQuery should handle directly because
 it is special-case code, and special cases always add extra complexity
 to benefit the minority of cases.

 But, as you mentioned, this violates the KISS principal, and i would
 recommend against it. Try to think up a different way of visually
 representing the (rather eccentric) UI trick you are attempting.

[jQuery] Re: Slider Example

2007-07-12 Thread tlob

I did one with the Prototype framework.


not broken (except IE7) and not very styled ;-)


On 12 Jul., 09:11, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks.  I am looking for an in the wild example though.  Something
 someone is using for a public site.
 This one does look nice though.  I am assuming the next gen interface will
 have nice examples like that.


 On 7/11/07, Gilles (Webunity) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Glen; take a look at this one:

  It's broken, but styled ;)

  it needs the interface libs but it should run then...

  On Jul 12, 5:04 am, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone have a version of the Interface Slider on a public site?
   Something tricked out and nicely designed?  Not the demo, one in the


[jQuery] Re: too much recursion (sound PopUp)

2007-07-11 Thread tlob


On 10 Jul., 17:21, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I finaly managed to finish my job. Only with your help.


 But when I click the sound on link, Firebug is complaining about
 too much recursion window.focus();
 I have no idea, was this is, or should I change something?

 THX in advance!

[jQuery] Re: too much recursion (sound PopUp)

2007-07-11 Thread tlob

I just found out, that it is not working in IE7 I dont know where
the problem is, FF seems ok

THX in advance!

On 10 Jul., 17:21, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I finaly managed to finish my job. Only with your help.


 But when I click the sound on link, Firebug is complaining about
 too much recursion window.focus();
 I have no idea, was this is, or should I change something?

 THX in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Is it possible - left or right

2007-07-11 Thread tlob

yes its possible!

But not in 5min

You need a DB (to store Date), PHP (to read the DB), HTML, CSS, JS

You can start here:

On 11 Jul., 10:49, Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys
 I'm new in jquery community, so i need some help.

 Tell me please, is it possible to build site likehttp://www.left-or-right.com/
 with using jquery and ajax.

 If someone can give me some direction, i'll be very grateful.


[jQuery] Re: Text flicker

2007-07-10 Thread tlob


On 10 Jul., 05:47, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm getting an animation bug where all text on the page flickers
 slightly during a fade() animation. I can't seem to find the specific
 reason this appears but I'll keep trying. Any ideas or am I beating a
 dead horse?

 Btw I'm using Firefox v2.0.0.4 on OS X.

[jQuery] 2 beginner question

2007-07-10 Thread tlob


First very simple question: why ist this not allowed?

var isplaying = false;
//something else

and this is?
var isplaying = false;
//do something else


Second Question. When I load this page in FF, Firebug gives my 1
Error: missing ) after argument list });\n (Line28)

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en
titleSiggi Bucher: Photographin/title
meta name=description content=Siggi Bucher - Photographin 
Leidenschaft /
meta http-equiv=Content-type 
content=text/html;charset=UTF-8 /
link rel=stylesheet href=screen.css type=text/css
media=screen /
script type=text/javascript 
script type=text/javascript
var isplaying = false;


$(#gomusic).click(function() {
if(!isplaying) {
$(#gomusic).text(sound off);
var isplaying = true;
} else {

$(#gomusic).text(sound on);
var isplaying = false;
return false;

function popUp(url) {

return false;



div id=left

div id=sound
a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html'); 
id=gomusicsound on/


[jQuery] Re: 2 beginner question

2007-07-10 Thread tlob

cheers! I'm such a beginner.

On 10 Jul., 15:55, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You have to add an extra wrapper function in .ready(), like so:

// your code

 On 7/10/07, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  First very simple question: why ist this not allowed?

  var isplaying = false;
  //something else

  and this is?
  var isplaying = false;
  //do something else


  Second Question. When I load this page in FF, Firebug gives my 1
  Error: missing ) after argument list });\n (Line28)

  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN

  html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en
  titleSiggi Bucher: Photographin/title
  meta name=description content=Siggi Bucher - 
  Photographin aus
  Leidenschaft /
  meta http-equiv=Content-type 
  content=text/html;charset=UTF-8 /
  link rel=stylesheet href=screen.css type=text/css
  media=screen /
  script type=text/javascript 
  script type=text/javascript
  var isplaying = false;


  $(#gomusic).click(function() {
  if(!isplaying) {
  var isplaying = true;
  } else {
  $(#gomusic).text(sound on);
  var isplaying = 
  return false;

  function popUp(url) {
  return false;



  div id=left

  div id=sound
  a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html'); 
  id=gomusicsound on/


[jQuery] too much recursion (sound PopUp)

2007-07-10 Thread tlob


I finaly managed to finish my job. Only with your help.


But when I click the sound on link, Firebug is complaining about
too much recursion window.focus();
I have no idea, was this is, or should I change something?

THX in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Preview: Brand new tablesorter 2.0, multi-column sorting and more

2007-07-06 Thread tlob

an ajax mysql connection for editing datas inside the table and I owe
you BIG time!



On 6 Jul., 13:34, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2007/7/6, Kia Niskavaara [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Multi-colum sorting is great news. Good work!! Reverse multisorting on one
  column and normal sorting
  on another column doesn't seem to be working (yet)

  Is it possible to add a custom sorter that sort using the initial order?

 Custom sorter will be supported in the same way as the old version did.

 I just updated the demo so the reversing on column won't revers all the
 selected columns
 and an options to append 500 rows of random data (for speed testing).



[jQuery] Re: simple ahref toggle problem [beginner]

2007-07-05 Thread tlob

anyone? too simple? ;-)

thx for the btw.!

On 4 Jul., 14:43, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey there

 I have a simple beginner problem. I have a link, that is opening a new
 windows with flash sound in it the client wants that! hmpff..

 After I clicked the link sound on the a href text should change to
 sound off. also the link itself should change to

 You can find my attempt herehttp://siggibucher.com/preview/soundtest.html

 1. Hardcoded Link a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html')
 id=gomusicsound on/a
 2. User KLICK (Popup opens)
 3. Link change to a href=javascript:sound.close()
 id=gomusicsound off/a
 4. User KLICK (Popup close)
 5. Link change to a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html')
 id=gomusicsound on/a
 repeat from 2.

 got it?

 something is broken, and I think I am doing some basic
 can someone enlighten me?

 Thank you very much

[jQuery] simple ahref toggle problem [beginner]

2007-07-04 Thread tlob

Hey there

I have a simple beginner problem. I have a link, that is opening a new
windows with flash sound in it the client wants that! hmpff..

After I clicked the link sound on the a href text should change to
sound off. also the link itself should change to

You can find my attempt here

1. Hardcoded Link a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html')
id=gomusicsound on/a
2. User KLICK (Popup opens)
3. Link change to a href=javascript:sound.close()
id=gomusicsound off/a
4. User KLICK (Popup close)
5. Link change to a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html')
id=gomusicsound on/a
repeat from 2.

got it?

something is broken, and I think I am doing some basic
can someone enlighten me?

Thank you very much

[jQuery] Re: Jquery 1.1.3 and Validation plugin problems

2007-07-04 Thread tlob


It looks like the plugin is looking for jquery.js
You include it with jquery/jquery-1.1.3.js try to rename he include js
file to jquery.js and try again.
This is just my 5cent toughts didnt tried it.


On 4 Jul., 15:21, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!

 Excuse me if my question is so obvious, I just joined today :-)

 I would like to use Jörn Zaefferer´s Validation plugin(http://
 bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) unfortunately
 it does nor work with Jquery 1.1.3, it fails with errors stating that
 it cant find jquery.js  which looks like something hardcoded to me.
 Could someone tell me what I´ve done wrong?


 // Code

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN

 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en

   script type=text/javascript src=jquery/jquery-1.1.3.js /
   script type=text/javascript src=jquery/jquery.validate.js /
   script type=text/javascript


   }); // end ready

   style type=text/css
 #myform { width: 500px; }
 #myform label { width: 250px; }
 #myform label.error, #myform input.submit { margin-left: 253px; }


 form id=myform
   input type=text name=firstname class={required:true} /
   input type=submit name=submit  /



[jQuery] toggle content link (beginner)

2007-06-28 Thread tlob

Hi there

I have something like

function popUp(url) {

return false;

div id=sound
a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html') id=soundmesound on/a

I like to toggle on click the content sound on/sound off.
also the popup should close or open corresponding to his state opend/

What function would you take to toggle the content? append?
How can I combine it with toggle()?

thx for helping out a newbie!

[jQuery] Re: toggle content link (beginner)

2007-06-28 Thread tlob

what do you think about that:

  $(this).empty().append(sound on);
  $(this).empty().append(sound off);

ok? better, easyer more slicker way to do this?


On 28 Jun., 14:13, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there

 I have something like

 function popUp(url) {
 return false;


 div id=sound
 a href=javascript:popUp('sound.html') id=soundmesound on/a

 I like to toggle on click the content sound on/sound off.
 also the popup should close or open corresponding to his state opend/

 What function would you take to toggle the content? append?
 How can I combine it with toggle()?

 thx for helping out a newbie!

[jQuery] Re: cought in the simle things... NEWBIE PROBLEM

2007-06-19 Thread tlob

oh my... It was a little 2 late that was the problem. I new the
solution is simple!


On 18 Jun., 18:40, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is the '#' symbol in the id declaration:


 @jake: animations for the same element are queued so this should work
 as intended.


 On 6/18/07, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hy, I'm stuck inthe simple things. Sorry for the beginner question:

  I want to show a div#kontaktdaten when I click a special link#kdetails


  .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1)
  return false;

  a href=javascript:; id=#kdetailskontakt/a

  div id=kontaktdaten


  I mix things totaly up, didnt I? But I'm not able to see the wood,
  because of the trees

[jQuery] Re: abs. pos. flickering in innerFade with jQuery

2007-06-19 Thread tlob

Hey Benjamin

Yes, I tried that already. Still don't work


but cheers

On 19 Jun., 15:45, Benjamin Sterling
 Have you tried taking the link out of the div and just putting the class on
 the link?  It may have something to do with the div being a block level
 element, but that is just a guess.

 On 6/19/07, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hy there
  I'm having real fun working with jQuery. Even if I'm a beginner in JS
  and jQuery. I just want to thank the community. THX a lot!

  Now to my Problem. I'm playing with the innerFade.
  In the fade element I have an absolute positioned link. This link is
  not fading, it is blinking instead. See here:

  I don't know where to start, or I could solve this problem. Maybe
  there is another way to come around. The links should be connectecd
  with the Image. So I can't do another innerFade with Link elements,
  that are not connected to the corresponding image.

  Can u guys give me a hint, do you have ideas?

  THX in advance
  Thomas Lohbeck

 Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com

[jQuery] cought in the simle things... NEWBIE PROBLEM

2007-06-18 Thread tlob

Hy, I'm stuck inthe simple things. Sorry for the beginner question:

I want to show a div#kontaktdaten when I click a special link#kdetails


.animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1)
return false;

a href=javascript:; id=#kdetailskontakt/a

div id=kontaktdaten


I mix things totaly up, didnt I? But I'm not able to see the wood,
because of the trees

[jQuery] Re: jQuery innerfade on safari Problem

2007-05-29 Thread tlob

no one can help me a little bit? sigh

On 25 Mai, 10:15, tlob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there

 I work on a photographers site. She wants a slide show of her
 I used the innerfade plugin fromhttp://medienfreunde.com/lab/innerfade/
 It's very beautiful. Everything is fine except two thing.

 My fading is not working on Safari Mac. It should, because the
 original innerfade is also working on safari.

 The slideshow off button is blinking. It's very ugly this way.

 THX in advance
 thomas l from zürich

[jQuery] jQuery innerfade on safari Problem

2007-05-25 Thread tlob

Hi there

I work on a photographers site. She wants a slide show of her
I used the innerfade plugin from http://medienfreunde.com/lab/innerfade/
It's very beautiful. Everything is fine except two thing.

My fading is not working on Safari Mac. It should, because the
original innerfade is also working on safari.

The slideshow off button is blinking. It's very ugly this way.

THX in advance
thomas l from zürich

[jQuery] reduce this to the max

-- Thread tlob

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