[jQuery] jQuery UI accordion

2010-03-03 Thread K1
HI all
I wanna create a accordion with jq UI with this options,
accordion have 5 header and load with header 1 by default,and I wanna
disable other headers  when user click on them.how can I disable
showing content of header when user click on that.

[jQuery] JQuery UI Accordion Plugin

2009-05-25 Thread Bharat

I am a Rails developer and new to jQuery so this may be a naive
I am using jQuery Accordion plugin in my project and it is working,
but now I am trying to tweak it and do not know how to:

So I have a page that displays comments as a stack of accordion
folds.  This is the code in my application.html.erb (master layout)

$("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false, event:
'mouseover' });

This works fine.  There is a Rails form on this page where I allow the
users to create a comment, and submit it.  Upon submission, the
"prepends" the notes record as shown below:

$("#accordion").prepend("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =>
'shared/comment', :object => @comment)) %>");

What is totally confusing me is that this is showing on the page, but
is not a part of the accordion.  As a matter of fact, when I view the
page source, the entry is not even there on the page, yet it is being
shown in the browser.  How could that be?  There is something
fundamental that I am missing here.

Kindly explain.



[jQuery] JQuery UI Accordion option "collapsible:true" not collapsing

2009-04-23 Thread Nico

I have a simple Accordion which I have given the settings:

event: "mouseover",
header: "h3",
active: false,
collapsible: true,
autoHeight: true

And has layout:







I would like the whole accordion to collapse upon mouseout, but
collapsible:true doesn't seem to do this. Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


[jQuery] jQuery UI accordion animation

2009-01-07 Thread RyOnLife

Hello, I am using the jQuery UI accordion widget and cannot get it to
animate. I am calling like this:


My jQuery UI build contains the "effects core" and "effect slide".

What am I missing in order to achieve the animation? Thank you!

[jQuery] jquery ui accordion - begin minimized

2008-12-29 Thread bdemen

Hello all-

As a newbie to jQuery, let me first say I'm terribly impressed.  I
like to think I've created a great project by using jQuery and the
credit should go where it's due- the devs.  Thanks guys!

My question pertains to the accordion plugin.  I have it fully
functioning (I can post it if you need) but for the life of me I can't
figure out how to make it so all of the menus stay closed when the
page loads.  I have 4 accordion menus on a page, and no one can have
precedence over the others by starting open.  Am I missing an option
somewhere?  I'd prefer not to write my own jQuery script for it.

Thanks for any and all help,


[jQuery] jquery-ui : accordion .. block height issue

2007-12-11 Thread astik

Hi all,

I have a problem with the accordion from UI ... If I have elements
that grow, the container will not.
As the accordion set a fixed height on the container, it cannot grow

Here is the patch I use in ui.accordion.js (line 151) :

function toggle(toShow, toHide, data, clickedActive, down) {
var finished = function(cancel) {
running = cancel ? 0 : --running;
if ( running )
// trigger custom change event
container.trigger("change", data);
/* * */
/* Addon to unset the fixed height   */
/* * */
toShow.css("height", "auto");
/* * */

Hope it helps
