How to send go back to client

1999-07-20 Thread Morten Bach Møller


I have a JSP page A with a submit button on it. When the submit button is
pressed I wan't the following to take place:

1) Call a JPS page B that parses form data and other stuff.
2) Make the client reload page A (to reflect changes made to session scoped
variables by page B)

When the client reloads it must pass query strings (i.e. A?parm=value) to
the server.

I currently do this as follows:

Place a hidden value containing the URL of page A including parameters:
  input type=hidden name='origin'
value='%=HttpUtils.getRequestURL(request) + "?" +
Send a redirect to this URL from page B:

Can this be done without using the hidden value containing the URL like
sending a GO BACK AND RELOAD to the client.


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Commercial JSP Engine for 1.0.

1999-07-20 Thread Harmeet Bedi

Do you know of any JSP engine compatible with 1.0 Specs that is available
for commercial use.

It looks like Sun's reference implementation cannot be used commercially.
The license says,
Sun Microsystems, Inc. grants to Licensee, a non-exclusive,
royalty-free and limited license to use Licensed Software internally for the
purposes of evaluation only. No license is granted to Licensee for any other
purpose. Licensee may not sell, rent, loan or otherwise encumber or transfer
Licensed Software in whole or in part, to any third party.

Does anyone have a 1.0 JSP engine. I appreciate your response.

thanks in advance,

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Re: Commercial JSP Engine for 1.0.

1999-07-20 Thread Allamraju Kumarswamy

You can get a licensed copy from JRun which supports JSDK 2.1.1  JSP 1.0.
check out  for more details.


Harmeet Bedi wrote:

 Do you know of any JSP engine compatible with 1.0 Specs that is available
 for commercial use.

 Does anyone have a 1.0 JSP engine. I appreciate your response.

 thanks in advance,



Kumaraswamy A.
Sun-Netscape Alliance

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Websphere Application Server's support for JSP 1.0

1999-07-20 Thread Nanavate Mahesh

 I am using Websphere application server 2.0 with IBM HTTP Server.
 Now the Websphere supports only JSP 0.91.
 What should I do to be able to use JSP 1.0 ?
 What are the different possible  ways? Pros and Cons of each ?
 Thanks in advance,

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recompilation of modified includes

1999-07-20 Thread James Cooper


I'm perplxed by this section of the JSP 1.0 spec: 2.8.3 second paragraph:

"A JSP engine can include a mechanism for being notified if an included
file changes, so the engine can recompile the JSP page.  However, JSP 1.0
does not have a way of directing the JSP engine that included files have


Does this mean that if I have this:



 %@ include file="inc.jsp" %



   bI'm inc.jsp/b


I modify inc.jsp, and then reload main.jsp in my browser.  According to
the above, main.jsp is NOT required to be recompiled.  To force
recompilation, I must manually touch all files that contain the include.


If correct, why is this ever desirable?  It seems to effectively render
includes unusable since the author cannot guarantee coherency across files
using the include.


-- James

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Re: recompilation of modified includes

1999-07-20 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

James Cooper wrote:

 I modify inc.jsp, and then reload main.jsp in my browser.  According to
 the above, main.jsp is NOT required to be recompiled.  To force
 recompilation, I must manually touch all files that contain the include.


This depends on the implementation.  Some will provide for checking included
files for changes, and some won't.

This is quite analogous to the situation with pure servlets.  Almost every
servlet engine supports dynamic reloading when the servlet class itself
changes, but only some of them support automatic reloading when a non-servlet
class referenced by the servlet is changed.

The JSP 1.1 spec starts to talk about formalizing the notions of recompiling a
page on these kinds of changes ... you might want to check it out to see if it
meets your requirements.

 If correct, why is this ever desirable?  It seems to effectively render
 includes unusable since the author cannot guarantee coherency across files
 using the include.

It is perfectly acceptable in a production environment where the included
files are *not* changing.  Or when you don't want to pay the performance price
of checking for the changes.  Or when you are deploying in an environment
where there is no compiler available at all (like an embedded server).


 -- James


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How to initialize radiobuttons/checkboxes from a bean

1999-07-20 Thread Bill O'Keefe

I am using a bean to initialize the form fields of a JSP.
I understand how to use jsp:getProperty... to initialize text fields,
or to just include a string within the page.  However I'm a bit unclear
on the best way to initialize radio buttons and check boxes.  The only thing
I've come up with is the following (somewhat ugly) solution:

jsp:useBean id="mbean" class="..." scope="session"/
input type="radio" name="choice" value="apparel"
% if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
out.println("checked"); %

input type="radio" name="choice" value="computers"
% if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
out.println("checked"); %

Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this?  Thanks.

-- Bill

Open Market, Inc.
One Wayside Road TEL: 781.359.7296
Burlington, MA 01803 FAX: 781.359.8200

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Re: How to initialize radiobuttons/checkboxes from a bean

1999-07-20 Thread James Todd

what about:

adding an "equalsChoiceIgnoreCase(String s)" method to your
bean (or a bean wrapper if you don't want to ?pollute?
existing bean code)

using the following jsp scriptlet:

% out.println((mybean.equalsChoiceIgnoreCase("Apparel")) ?
"checked" : ""); %

i may be off a smidgen syntactically but i believe the
idea has been conveyed.

hope this helps,

- james

Bill O'Keefe wrote:

 I am using a bean to initialize the form fields of a JSP.
 I understand how to use jsp:getProperty... to initialize text fields,
 or to just include a string within the page.  However I'm a bit unclear
 on the best way to initialize radio buttons and check boxes.  The only thing
 I've come up with is the following (somewhat ugly) solution:

 jsp:useBean id="mbean" class="..." scope="session"/
 input type="radio" name="choice" value="apparel"
 % if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
 out.println("checked"); %

 input type="radio" name="choice" value="computers"
 % if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
 out.println("checked"); %

 Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this?  Thanks.

 -- Bill

 Open Market, Inc.
 One Wayside Road
  TEL: 781.359.7296
 Burlington, MA 01803 FAX: 781.359.8200

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Re: Beans, beans, ....

1999-07-20 Thread Bill O'Keefe

At 12:59 AM 6/17/99 -0400, Bill O'Keefe wrote:
At 12:36 AM 6/17/99 -0400, Brad Neuberg wrote:
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Bill O'Keefe wrote:


  I have a question on using beans from JSP.  According to
  my understanding, the usebean: tag can be used to
  access a normal bean, but one has to use the JNDI API
  to lookup a proxy to access an Enterprise JavaBean (ejb).
  Thus, one has to write a block of Java code in the JSP to
  get access to an ejb.  Is this true, or does the usebean:
  tag also support ejbs, and if so, how?  Thanks.
  -- Bill
 JSP 1.1 is supposed to have more EJB support.  However, the details are
 To make sure we're starting with a clear understanding:  EJB's have
 nothing to
 do with regular JavaBeans (except that both happen to have the word
'bean' in
 their names, which was probably a bad marketing choice).  If you want
 page to be an EJB client, then yes, you will have to follow the EJB
 from within your jsp page.  Which means that you will have to use JNDI to
 locate your EJB.  This has absolutely nothing to do with the way
 JSP works.

 Thanks for the response.  This was pretty much the same conclusion
 I came to, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
 It took me a few days of spec reading to determine that the only
 real similiarity between JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans is
 that they are both components, with completely different characteristics
 (one for client side app development and the other for server-side

 Since JSP and EJB's are both part of the J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise
 they may provide more integration in JSP 1.1.  But even if they make some
 things invisible, I would guess that under the covers, JNDI and the
rest of
 the EJC client API would have to be followed.

 This is basically what I was asking, i.e., are there any EJB-specific
 options available with the usebean: tag to make things simpler for
 JSP developers who want to access EJBs.  I realize it's not rocket science
 to locate an EJB via JNDI, but it seems to me that this causes the JSP
to get
 'cluttered' with some repeated boiler-plate code that could be hidden via
 a usebean (or maybe useEJB???) tag.  Sounds like this is still TBD
 from what you're saying.

Actually, couldn't you just have a servlet that looked up the EJB through
the JNDI and then called the JSP file, passing the found EJB to the JSP
file through an attribute in the Request object?

I guess that would work, though I'd have to come up
with an EJB attribute naming scheme that would not collide with
existing attribute names in the request object.  I guess it shouldn't
be too hard to pick some obsure names for the EJB attributes to
make the collision unlikely (I could even check first if I was real
paranoid :-) Thanks for the suggestion.  I still would like to
see some support added to JSP to have a standard way to locate
an EJB from a JSP (i.e., using some standard JSP tag).


Well, I just re-read your response (and my somewhat lukewarm thanks :-),
and what you suggested makes sense to me now!  As a newbie to the
servlet/bean/JSP world, I was confused by request 'attributes' and
request 'parameters'.  Now that I'm an 'expert' :-), your solution
makes sense to me, and seems quite workable.  Thanks for the tip.

-- Bill

Open Market, Inc.
One Wayside Road TEL: 781.359.7296
Burlington, MA 01803 FAX: 781.359.8200

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Re: How to initialize radiobuttons/checkboxes from a bean

1999-07-20 Thread Bill O'Keefe

At 10:27 PM 7/20/99 -0700, James Todd wrote:
what about:

adding an "equalsChoiceIgnoreCase(String s)" method to your
bean (or a bean wrapper if you don't want to ?pollute?
existing bean code)

using the following jsp scriptlet:

% out.println((mybean.equalsChoiceIgnoreCase("Apparel")) ?
"checked" : ""); %

i may be off a smidgen syntactically but i believe the
idea has been conveyed.

hope this helps,

Thanks.  That is definitly an improvement.  However, what I'm
really looking for is a way to avoid scriplets altogether,
i.e., just use some jsp:xxx tag to do the trick.  I understand
JSP 1.1 may help in this regard, though I really haven't looked
into that yet.  Anyway, your code is much better than mine :-)
Thanks again.

- james

Bill O'Keefe wrote:

 I am using a bean to initialize the form fields of a JSP.
 I understand how to use jsp:getProperty... to initialize text fields,
 or to just include a string within the page.  However I'm a bit unclear
 on the best way to initialize radio buttons and check boxes.  The only
 I've come up with is the following (somewhat ugly) solution:

 jsp:useBean id="mbean" class="..." scope="session"/
 input type="radio" name="choice" value="apparel"
 % if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
 out.println("checked"); %

 input type="radio" name="choice" value="computers"
 % if (mbean.getChoice() != null 
 out.println("checked"); %

 Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this?  Thanks.

-- Bill

Open Market, Inc.
One Wayside Road TEL: 781.359.7296
Burlington, MA 01803 FAX: 781.359.8200

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