Re: [JPP-Devel] WMS URL for getMap-Request differs from URL for WMService

2011-06-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

I forgot the URL for testing the vendor parameters (which are OK according to 
the WMS standard).  This one can be tested with a web browser,borders,POI_free_query&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&BBOX=-574187,6558020,1615375,7978444&SRS=EPSG:3067&STYLES=&tag=shop&value=supermarket

When using &value=convenience the map will look different. As long as OpenJUMP 
is missing the setting for vendor parameters the only way to use them is to 
tweak with the base URL. Automatic GetMap URL taken from GetCapabilities would 
break this useful possibility.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Wilfried Hornburg [] 
Lähetetty: 28. kesäkuuta 2011 0:37
Aihe: [JPP-Devel] WMS URL for getMap-Request differs from URL for WMService

the Info Jukka explained in his 
Post to 
different URLs for an WMS is generally OK.
The only suggestion  i'd like to discuss is, whether the user has really 
the choice to accept (or cancel) the differing URLs (getCap and getMap)
The differing URLs are indeed a special case. But: If the Web Mapping 
Server answers with the getCapabilities Response and declares an 
different getMapURL, then this URL is mandatory to get an 
getMap-Response with an Mapimage in it. If you'll send the 
getMap-Request with the URL for the Service, then an WMS will respond 
with an empty Mapimage (no Error). The Problem is that you don't know 
for this request whether there is an Information or not.
As far as i can see, it is not necessary to ask the user.  The answer 
from the question is never stored in the project file. So if you've 
stored a project,  you'll get no question anymore.
I am interested  in your opinion.


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] WMS URL for getMap-Request differs from URL for WMService

2011-06-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

You can test with and

I hope I remember the URL:s right. The other is configured right, another 
wrong, but from both the user can get images from the GetCapabilities URL.
User may also want to use vendor parameters for each GetMap by giving the base 
URL so that it includes for example &key=shop&value=supermarket.

So Wilfried is right, in theory and according to WMS standard, but it helps 
users to be flexible and give users a possibility to select.
QGis and Kosmo GIS are doing it in a similar way than OJ but that's partly 
because I have suggested it for both.

-Jukka Rahkonen- 

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Wilfried Hornburg [] 
Lähetetty: 28. kesäkuuta 2011 0:37
Aihe: [JPP-Devel] WMS URL for getMap-Request differs from URL for WMService

the Info Jukka explained in his 
Post to 
different URLs for an WMS is generally OK.
The only suggestion  i'd like to discuss is, whether the user has really 
the choice to accept (or cancel) the differing URLs (getCap and getMap)
The differing URLs are indeed a special case. But: If the Web Mapping 
Server answers with the getCapabilities Response and declares an 
different getMapURL, then this URL is mandatory to get an 
getMap-Response with an Mapimage in it. If you'll send the 
getMap-Request with the URL for the Service, then an WMS will respond 
with an empty Mapimage (no Error). The Problem is that you don't know 
for this request whether there is an Information or not.
As far as i can see, it is not necessary to ask the user.  The answer 
from the question is never stored in the project file. So if you've 
stored a project,  you'll get no question anymore.
I am interested  in your opinion.


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] WMS URL for getMap-Request differs from URL for WMService

2011-06-27 Thread Wilfried Hornburg
the Info Jukka explained in his 
Post to 
different URLs for an WMS is generally OK.
The only suggestion  i'd like to discuss is, whether the user has really 
the choice to accept (or cancel) the differing URLs (getCap and getMap)
The differing URLs are indeed a special case. But: If the Web Mapping 
Server answers with the getCapabilities Response and declares an 
different getMapURL, then this URL is mandatory to get an 
getMap-Response with an Mapimage in it. If you'll send the 
getMap-Request with the URL for the Service, then an WMS will respond 
with an empty Mapimage (no Error). The Problem is that you don't know 
for this request whether there is an Information or not.
As far as i can see, it is not necessary to ask the user.  The answer 
from the question is never stored in the project file. So if you've 
stored a project,  you'll get no question anymore.
I am interested  in your opinion.


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc2

2011-06-27 Thread Michaël Michaud

Hi Peppe, all,

Just posted OpenJUMP-1.4.1rc2 at the same address

Tried to take all remarks into account
Bundles have different sizes compared to rc1 because :
- I removes MrSID.exe except from -s version (don't know yet what I do 
for -s and for ecw dll)
- I added sextante documentation in -s version (to get it, java option 
-Duser.language=en works but not OJ option -i18n en, I don't know why)

Peppe, I took your last sextante binding but renamed it not to be 
confused with sextante0.6.jar in lib/ext/sextante


Le 25/06/2011 22:40, Michaël Michaud a écrit :

Hi all,

I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few days.
Every test you can do with the very last version is welcome.

I have prepared 3 bundles here :

- : should be equivalent to next NB. It is the 
basic multi-OS version

- openjump-installer.exe : same as previous version, but within an 
installer for windows

- : same as 1.4.1rc1 with Sextante and many 
other plugins

Please, report anything wrong.
Note for regular users (Peppe, Jukka, Uwe...) : last change I did 
(today) are
- fix bug 3327322 WMS-getMapRequest incorrect (patch from Wilfried 
- change dissolve (union by attribute) and calculate areas and length 
according to last Peppe's remarks


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread edgar . soldin
just checked, now the running with de locale gives the proper menu entry. what 
are you talking about? you can try the latest trunk or tomorrows nb.


On 27.06.2011 22:16, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
> Hi all,
> that is a problem of I81N code
> Peppe
> --- Lun 27/6/11,  ha scritto:
>> Da: 
>> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
>> A: "OpenJump develop and use" 
>> Data: Lunedì 27 giugno 2011, 21:48
>> On 27.06.2011 21:24, Michaël Michaud
>> wrote:
>>> Let's see what other say about the new organization.
> - Tools>  Analysis : Buffer with
>> Variable Width (in the german version stands only Plume;
>> better is Puffer mit variabler Breite)
>>> OK,
>>> @Ede : could you validate the change ?
>>> (I also changed the french translation recently, as
>> Plume did't show 
>>> clearly what it does)
>> i changed it in svn now to 'Puffer mit variabler Breite'
>> ... i am not sure why it is called plume plugin, maybe
>> because a buffer with variable width resembles a plume,
>> while i am not sure if the big feather or more the plume of
>> smoke is meant here
>> ede
>> --
>> All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is
>> seriously valuable.
>> Why? It contains a definitive record of application
>> performance, security 
>> threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>> data and makes 
>> sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
>> ___
>> Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
> --
> All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
> Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
> threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
> sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Giuseppe Aruta
Hi all,
that is a problem of I81N code


--- Lun 27/6/11,  ha scritto:

> Da: 
> Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
> A: "OpenJump develop and use" 
> Data: Lunedì 27 giugno 2011, 21:48
> On 27.06.2011 21:24, Michaël Michaud
> wrote:
> > Let's see what other say about the new organization.
> >> > - Tools>  Analysis : Buffer with
> Variable Width (in the german version stands only Plume;
> better is Puffer mit variabler Breite)
> > OK,
> > @Ede : could you validate the change ?
> > (I also changed the french translation recently, as
> Plume did't show 
> > clearly what it does)
> i changed it in svn now to 'Puffer mit variabler Breite'
> ... i am not sure why it is called plume plugin, maybe
> because a buffer with variable width resembles a plume,
> while i am not sure if the big feather or more the plume of
> smoke is meant here
> ede
> --
> All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is
> seriously valuable.
> Why? It contains a definitive record of application
> performance, security 
> threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes 
> sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread edgar . soldin
On 27.06.2011 21:24, Michaël Michaud wrote:
> Let's see what other say about the new organization.
>> > - Tools>  Analysis : Buffer with Variable Width (in the german version 
>> > stands only Plume; better is Puffer mit variabler Breite)
> OK,
> @Ede : could you validate the change ?
> (I also changed the french translation recently, as Plume did't show 
> clearly what it does)

i changed it in svn now to 'Puffer mit variabler Breite' ... i am not sure why 
it is called plume plugin, maybe because a buffer with variable width resembles 
a plume, while i am not sure if the big feather or more the plume of smoke is 
meant here


All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Michaël Michaud
Hi Arnd,

> I just tested the rc1 and found some wrong menü entries:
Thanks for your tests (which version did you test ? windows ? standard ? 
sextante ?)
> - Tools>  Analysis : Overlay Polygon Layers (it have to stay one level under 
> ->  Two layers)
> - Tools>  Analysis : Spatial Join with Attribute Aggregation (it have to stay 
> one level under ->  Two layers)
> - Tools>  Analysis : Spatial Join (it have to stay one level under ->  Two 
> layers)
> - Tools>  Analysis : Overlay (it have to stay one level under ->  Two layers)
These changes have been discussed on the list a few weeks ago.
I note your remarks, but such modifications cannot be done every month, 
and last time, only 2 or 3 members gave their point of view.

Let's see what other say about the new organization.
> - Tools>  Analysis : Buffer with Variable Width (in the german version stands 
> only Plume; better is Puffer mit variabler Breite)
@Ede : could you validate the change ?
(I also changed the french translation recently, as Plume did't show 
clearly what it does)
> - SLD: Saving SLD-files working now and importing also. But always for each 
> colour a black line was saved with and not the synced colour.
Can you tell me if it is a recent regression or if it's an old bug ?
In the first case, I'll try to find what has recently changed, in the 
second case, I'm afraid it will take more time and I'll postpone to 
after 1.4.1 release
> That is all at the moment what I noticed.
Thanks again for your help,

> Thank for the good job!
> Arnd
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few days.
>> Every test you can do with the very last version is welcome.
>> I have prepared 3 bundles here :
>> - : should be equivalent to next NB. It is the
>> basic multi-OS version
>> - openjump-installer.exe : same as previous version, but within an
>> installer for windows
>> - : same as 1.4.1rc1 with Sextante and many
>> other plugins
>> Please, report anything wrong.
>> Note for regular users (Peppe, Jukka, Uwe...) : last change I did
>> (today) are
>> - fix bug 3327322 WMS-getMapRequest incorrect (patch from Wilfried
>> Hornburg).
>> - change dissolve (union by attribute) and calculate areas and length
>> according to last Peppe's remarks
>> Michaël

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] featureinstaller.addPopupMenuSeparator

2011-06-27 Thread Michaël Michaud

Thanks, seems a good addition.


Le 27/06/2011 16:35, a écrit :
> i just smuggled a change into the svn to the featureinstaller
> completing the popup menu changes here comes
> public void addPopupMenuSeparator(JPopupMenu popupMenu, String[] menuPath)
> allowing to conveniently add separators to popup menus
> it makes sense to have it in 1.4.1 together with your other changes. it can't 
> break anything, as it is a plain addition (no change).
> regards ede
> --
> All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
> Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
> threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
> sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Michaël Michaud

Hi Peppe,

Hi Michael,
- on JumpPrinter language files are stored  into src/language folder
- Caplan user src/resource folder to store icons.

OK, I was looking for the place where they have to go in JUMP_HOME, but 
that's all right,

cadplan icon is included in the jar (I don't understand why I get a 
message about missing icon yesterday when I tried last jumpprinter release)

sorry for that,

and I found in a discussion we had on the list that language files have 
to be in JUMP_HOME/language

Works fine now


I'll check the last jumpprinter plugin if Geoff saved this schema


--- *Lun 27/6/11, Michaël Michaud //* ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
A: "OpenJump develop and use" 
Data: Lunedì 27 giugno 2011, 09:09

Hi, Giuseppe

do you t use the version I included into Jufre. That  is not the
official one but only a modified version I used for test Jump
PlugIn integration into OpenJUMP. That version call a png file
which is included into Jufre

No, for cadplan, I downloaded last plugins from cadplan website.
I'll make more test this evening.




--- *Dom 26/6/11, Michaël Michaud /
/* ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 

Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
Data: Domenica 26 giugno 2011, 20:18

Hi Giuseppe, Geof,

- This version doesn't use the last Vertex plugin form
cadplan but an older one

I tried without success the last version of JumpPrinter.
The new plugin (compiled jar) cannot load the ImageIcon
I found the icon in the src package but don't know in which
directory i must drop it

Is there any special reason why the icon is not included in
the binary file ?
Same question about language files : where must they go ?

I did not find instructions about these points two point in
OpenJUMP Printer Extension User Guide


- network topology cleaning is not working because of
changing Multidialog

- jcs-1.0.1.jar makes the menus a little crowded and
confused. I know that Victor Oyala prepared a version
without it. Untill now  I see that Sextante 0.6 for OJ can
work with no problem without it.
BTW - is there a copyrightb on the java conflaction plugIn?
Can we modify in order to make more confortable with OJ menu
organizationa and languages?

- I ask to adopt my version of Sextante 0.6, it is more
clean on how how to organize libs/algorithms in the folder
and we can test the new tools added (comand line and  history)

I will check on next days and give my impresions


--- *Sab 25/6/11, Michaël Michaud
//* ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 
Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
A: "OpenJump develop and use"

Data: Sabato 25 giugno 2011, 22:40

Hi all,

I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few days.
Every test you can do with the very last version is welcome.

I have prepared 3 bundles here :

- : should be equivalent to next
NB. It is the basic multi-OS version

- openjump-installer.exe : same as previous version, but
within an installer for windows

- : same as 1.4.1rc1 with
Sextante and many other plugins

Please, report anything wrong.
Note for regular users (Peppe, Jukka, Uwe...) : last
change I did (today) are
- fix bug 3327322 WMS-getMapRequest incorrect (patch
from Wilfried Hornburg).
- change dissolve (union by attribute) and calculate
areas and length according to last Peppe's remarks


-Segue allegato-

All the data continuously generated in your IT
infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance,
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this
data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..

-Segue allegato-

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] geometry conversion revamped much more

2011-06-27 Thread edgar . soldin
ok, here comes a version very much enhanced according to the multiple 
suggestions on the former version

- ok/cancel dialog on layer edits
- tools to explicitly 'remove closing line segments' and 'close open 
- support for multigeometries now
- available as layercontextmenu item
- polygons to multi* now keeps line segments (thanks michael)
- geometries to (multi)polygon detects and adds holes now (shamelessly grabbed 
from shapefiles code)
- i18n support (please edit lib/ext/geomconv/ and save as and send it for inclusion)

as always please come back with criticism or praises, if you feel like 

thanks ede

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] featureinstaller.addPopupMenuSeparator

2011-06-27 Thread edgar . soldin
i just smuggled a change into the svn to the featureinstaller

completing the popup menu changes here comes
public void addPopupMenuSeparator(JPopupMenu popupMenu, String[] menuPath)
allowing to conveniently add separators to popup menus

it makes sense to have it in 1.4.1 together with your other changes. it can't 
break anything, as it is a plain addition (no change).

regards ede

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Arnd Kielhorn
Hello Michael,

I just tested the rc1 and found some wrong menü entries:

- Tools > Analysis : Overlay Polygon Layers (it have to stay one level under -> 
Two layers)

- Tools > Analysis : Spatial Join with Attribute Aggregation (it have to stay 
one level under -> Two layers)

- Tools > Analysis : Spatial Join (it have to stay one level under -> Two 

- Tools > Analysis : Overlay (it have to stay one level under -> Two layers)

- Tools > Analysis : Buffer with Variable Width (in the german version stands 
only Plume; better is Puffer mit variabler Breite)

- SLD: Saving SLD-files working now and importing also. But always for each 
colour a black line was saved with and not the synced colour.

That is all at the moment what I noticed.

Thank for the good job!


> Hi all,
> I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few days.
> Every test you can do with the very last version is welcome.
> I have prepared 3 bundles here :
> - : should be equivalent to next NB. It is the 
> basic multi-OS version
> - openjump-installer.exe : same as previous version, but within an 
> installer for windows
> - : same as 1.4.1rc1 with Sextante and many 
> other plugins
> Please, report anything wrong.
> Note for regular users (Peppe, Jukka, Uwe...) : last change I did 
> (today) are
> - fix bug 3327322 WMS-getMapRequest incorrect (patch from Wilfried 
> Hornburg).
> - change dissolve (union by attribute) and calculate areas and length 
> according to last Peppe's remarks
> Michaël

NEU: FreePhone - kostenlos mobil telefonieren!  
Jetzt informieren:

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Giuseppe Aruta
Hi Michael,
- on JumpPrinter language files are stored  into src/language folder
- Caplan user src/resource folder to store icons.

I'll check the last jumpprinter plugin if Geoff saved this schema


--- Lun 27/6/11, Michaël Michaud  ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] R:  OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
A: "OpenJump develop and use" 
Data: Lunedì 27 giugno 2011, 09:09


Hi, Giuseppe


do you t use the
  version I included into Jufre. That  is not the official
  one but only a modified version I used for test Jump
  PlugIn integration into OpenJUMP. That version call a png
  file which is included into Jufre


No, for cadplan, I downloaded last plugins from cadplan website.

I'll make more test this evening.







  --- Dom 26/6/11, Michaël Michaud 
  ha scritto:


Da: Michaël Michaud 

Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1


Data: Domenica 26 giugno 2011, 20:18

  Hi Giuseppe, Geof,




  - This
version doesn't use the last Vertex plugin
form cadplan but an older one



  I tried without success the last version of

  The new plugin (compiled jar) cannot load the
  ImageIcon (jprinter.gif).

  I found the icon in the src package but don't know in
  which directory i must drop it


  Is there any special reason why the icon is not
  included in the binary file ?

  Same question about language files : where must they
  go ?


  I did not find instructions about these points two
  point in OpenJUMP Printer Extension User Guide







- network topology cleaning is not working
because of changing Multidialog

- jcs-1.0.1.jar makes the menus a little
crowded and confused. I know that Victor
Oyala prepared a version without it. Untill
now  I see that Sextante 0.6 for OJ can work
with no problem without it.

BTW - is there a copyrightb on the java
conflaction plugIn? Can we modify in order
to make more confortable with OJ menu
organizationa and languages?

- I ask to adopt my version of Sextante 0.6,
it is more clean on how how to organize
libs/algorithms in the folder and we can
test the new tools added (comand line and 

I will check on next days and give my



--- Sab 25/6/11, Michaël Michaud 

ha scritto:

  Da: Michaël Michaud 

  Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

  A: "OpenJump develop and use" 

  Data: Sabato 25 giugno 2011, 22:40



Hi all,

I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few

Every test you can do with the very last
version is welcome.

Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1

2011-06-27 Thread Michaël Michaud

Hi, Giuseppe
do you t use the version I included into Jufre. That  is not the 
official one but only a modified version I used for test Jump PlugIn 
integration into OpenJUMP. That version call a png file which is 
included into Jufre

No, for cadplan, I downloaded last plugins from cadplan website.
I'll make more test this evening.




--- *Dom 26/6/11, Michaël Michaud //* ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] R: OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
Data: Domenica 26 giugno 2011, 20:18

Hi Giuseppe, Geof,

- This version doesn't use the last Vertex plugin form cadplan
but an older one

I tried without success the last version of JumpPrinter.
The new plugin (compiled jar) cannot load the ImageIcon
I found the icon in the src package but don't know in which
directory i must drop it

Is there any special reason why the icon is not included in the
binary file ?
Same question about language files : where must they go ?

I did not find instructions about these points two point in
OpenJUMP Printer Extension User Guide


- network topology cleaning is not working because of changing

- jcs-1.0.1.jar makes the menus a little crowded and confused. I
know that Victor Oyala prepared a version without it. Untill now 
I see that Sextante 0.6 for OJ can work with no problem without it.

BTW - is there a copyrightb on the java conflaction plugIn? Can
we modify in order to make more confortable with OJ menu
organizationa and languages?

- I ask to adopt my version of Sextante 0.6, it is more clean on
how how to organize libs/algorithms in the folder and we can test
the new tools added (comand line and  history)

I will check on next days and give my impresions


--- *Sab 25/6/11, Michaël Michaud /
/* ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud 

Oggetto: [JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP 1.4.1rc1
A: "OpenJump develop and use"

Data: Sabato 25 giugno 2011, 22:40

Hi all,

I'd like to release 1.4.1 within a few days.
Every test you can do with the very last version is welcome.

I have prepared 3 bundles here :

- : should be equivalent to next NB. It
is the basic multi-OS version

- openjump-installer.exe : same as previous version, but
within an installer for windows

- : same as 1.4.1rc1 with Sextante
and many other plugins

Please, report anything wrong.
Note for regular users (Peppe, Jukka, Uwe...) : last change I
did (today) are
- fix bug 3327322 WMS-getMapRequest incorrect (patch from
Wilfried Hornburg).
- change dissolve (union by attribute) and calculate areas
and length according to last Peppe's remarks


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All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance,
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data
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sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense..

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All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance,
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.

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