Re: [JPP-Devel] WFS ui

2014-12-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
This is wide but rather low screen with the highest resolution of 1600x900.


edgar.soldin wrote:

On 30.12.2014 01:05, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 Hi Ede,

 Fits better, at least still I open the advanced features when the Options, 
 Hide advanced settings, OK, and Cancel buttons go hide for me and I must make 
 the window lower and move it. The Request tab is better now.

what's your screen resolution?


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Re: [JPP-Devel] WFS ui

2014-12-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

edgar.soldin wrote:

 On 30.12.2014 01:05, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 I managed to make successful requests with spatial filter and attribute 
 filter from couple of GeoServers. However, I must edit the request by hand:

 - With WFS 1.1.0 the srsName is created as 
 srsName=urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326. It is usually better to edit it into 

 hmm, can't find where to tackle it right now

Perhaps it is using the format that is parsed from the server output for 
GetCapabilities but I am not sure.

 - Plugin creates BBOX filter with WFS 1.1.0 as:


 This is GML2 way and deprecated in GML3. Geoserver does not accept it. 
 Intersects filter does work after some manual editing.

 how is it supposed to look like as GML3?

The filter is created in and it seems to be hardcoded and it does 
not consider the WFS version. GML3 filter should look about like
gml:Envelope srsName=EPSG:4326
   gml:lowerCorner40.102613 70.212597/gml:lowerCorner
   gml:upperCorner41.361859 71.512517/gml:upperCorner

 - The plugin is willing to insert app or app2 etc. namespace in a deegree 
 style here and there and they often cause some mess. Here is an example, 
 removing app3: fixes this issue.
 ogc:PropertyName xmlns:topp=;;

 where is that?

Perhaps stuff about qualified names/local names in 
has something to do with it. Or then (or in addition to)

 String comparisons (STATE_NAME LIKE 'Colorado') fail for me for some reason 
 but I had luck with some numeric filters (STATE_FIPS=17).

 ok, let's work through each panel one by one and try to fix it.

 So not totally hopeless situation I would say.

 there is hope where there is man ;)..ede


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Re: [JPP-Devel] WFS ui

2014-12-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Ede,

Fits better, at least still I open the advanced features when the Options, Hide 
advanced settings, OK, and Cancel buttons go hide for me and I must make the 
window lower and move it. The Request tab is better now.

I managed to make successful requests with spatial filter and attribute filter 
from couple of GeoServers. However, I must edit the request by hand:

- With WFS 1.1.0 the srsName is created as 
srsName=urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326. It is usually better to edit it into 
- Plugin creates BBOX filter with WFS 1.1.0 as:

This is GML2 way and deprecated in GML3. Geoserver does not accept it. 
Intersects filter does work after some manual editing.
- The plugin is willing to insert app or app2 etc. namespace in a deegree 
style here and there and they often cause some mess. Here is an example, 
removing app3: fixes this issue.
ogc:PropertyName xmlns:topp=;

String comparisons (STATE_NAME LIKE 'Colorado') fail for me for some reason but 
I had luck with some numeric filters (STATE_FIPS=17).

So not totally hopeless situation I would say.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

edgar.soldin wrote:

hey Jukka,

please try out the reworked WFS ui (commit below). much smaller now, should fit 
on your laptop nicely.

also try the Request/Response feature.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [Jump-pilot-svn-notify] SVN: jump-pilot:[4235] 
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:22:21 +

Revision: 4235
Author:   edso
Date: 2014-12-29 19:22:20 + (Mon, 29 Dec 2014)
Log Message:
wfs dialog is much more compressed now

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Re: [JPP-Devel] WFS Questions WAS: Re WFS plugin revived

2014-12-28 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
R4229 gives me only this when I press the WFS icon on Win 7, 64-bit jre 1.6 or 
1.7 Oracle :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: setSelectedIndex: 0 out of bounds
at javax.swing.JComboBox.setSelectedIndex(Unknown Source)
at de.latlon.deejump.wfs.ui.WFSPanel.initGUI(
at de.latlon.deejump.wfs.ui.WFSPanel.init(
at de.latlon.deejump.wfs.ui.WFSDialog.initGUI(
at de.latlon.deejump.wfs.ui.WFSDialog.init(
at de.latlon.deejump.wfs.plugin.WFSPlugIn.execute(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown 
at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)


edgar.soldin wrote:


please try snapshot rev4228+ wrt. the proxy issue..

is it common that WFS loads the complete layer only once *or* should it load 
the current view only?

what do you think about the 1000 geometries limit?
try eg. , featureset osm-busstops


On 23.12.2014 11:28, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 More info about the proxy behaviour: WFS plugin does use proxy for http GET 
 requests like GetCapabilities but not for http POST requests which are used 
 for the final WFS GetFeature. This is probably something that should be fixed 
 in core OpenJUMP and not in WFS plugin. I know that such fix is done in Kosmo.

 Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

 I could really read some data from  
 There is something wrong with building spatial filters. I could not make a 
 single one to work, perhaps not even built with the WFS plugin. At least some 
 attribute filters do work but then the WFS plugin had problems with parsing 
 the GML data. Error was something about casting strings to Boolean, I have 
 never seen such error before.

 It looks like WFS plugin dont't use proxy even I have configured OJ to use it 
 and WMS traffic does go through proxy. That makes debugging harder for me 
 because I can't use a recording proxy in between OJ and WFS server.


 edgar.soldin wrote:

 On 22.12.2014 00:11, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 I would like to test this new WFS reader (which I would pack to OJ PLUS) and 
 I have some servers to test

Re: [JPP-Devel] WFS Questions WAS: Re WFS plugin revived

2014-12-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Some news:

- r4228 works for me and POST requests go through the proxy so I can debug them.
- Constructing spatial filters is OK, I just did not remember how to use the UI
- UI takes so much space that on low resolution laptop some options are not 
visible without scrolling - that was part of my problem with the previous topic
- For loading the current view only - radio button Bounding box on the 
Search tab is made just for that
- About the 1000 feature limit - there is a place to config that when you press 
the Options button.
- Plain GetFeatures which mean reading the whole layer,  possibly limited by 
MapFeatures  from Geoservers seem to work.

These were the good news. However,
- Geoservers do not like the attribute filters which are created by this 
plugin. They may be correct as XML but deegree folks like to use a certain 
structure that they like a lot but other WFS brands not so much.
- TinyOWS servers do not validate even the basic GetFeatures. I do not know yet 
which one to claim.
- Plugin builds invalid spatial filters for WFS 1.0.0. Filters are always made 
with GML3 while WFS 1.0.0 is using GML2.
- Geoservers do not like the WFS 1.1.0 style spatial filters and they seem to 
find no features ever when spatial filters are used.

Plugin version 0.9.3 was behaving better when it came to interoperability with 
several WFS server brands and WFS 1.0.0 + 1.1.0 but it can be that only we and 
Intevation have the source code. It is GPL licensed and I can publish it but it 
may be even harder to revive that version.

I will continue now when I can log the POST traffic and find some good examples 
about what goes wrong and what should be changed for a good result.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

edgar.soldin wrote:


please try snapshot rev4228+ wrt. the proxy issue..

is it common that WFS loads the complete layer only once *or* should it load 
the current view only?

what do you think about the 1000 geometries limit?
try eg. , featureset osm-busstops


On 23.12.2014 11:28, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 More info about the proxy behaviour: WFS plugin does use proxy for http GET 
 requests like GetCapabilities but not for http POST requests which are used 
 for the final WFS GetFeature. This is probably something that should be fixed 
 in core OpenJUMP and not in WFS plugin. I know that such fix is done in Kosmo.

 Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

 I could really read some data from  
 There is something wrong with building spatial filters. I could not make a 
 single one to work, perhaps not even built with the WFS plugin. At least some 
 attribute filters do work but then the WFS plugin had problems with parsing 
 the GML data. Error was something about casting strings to Boolean, I have 
 never seen such error before.

 It looks like WFS plugin dont't use proxy even I have configured OJ to use it 
 and WMS traffic does go through proxy. That makes debugging harder for me 
 because I can't use a recording proxy in between OJ and WFS server.


 edgar.soldin wrote:

 On 22.12.2014 00:11, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 I would like to test this new WFS reader (which I would pack to OJ PLUS) and 
 I have some servers to test with.

 actually there is nothing new under the sun.. it's just the old version 1.1 

 try OJ PLUS snapshot r4216.. button is still in the toolbar. we should 
 probably make an OpenWizard for it.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Re WFS plugin revived

2014-12-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
More info about the proxy behaviour: WFS plugin does use proxy for http GET 
requests like GetCapabilities but not for http POST requests which are used for 
the final WFS GetFeature. This is probably something that should be fixed in 
core OpenJUMP and not in WFS plugin. I know that such fix is done in Kosmo.


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

I could really read some data from  
There is something wrong with building spatial filters. I could not make a 
single one to work, perhaps not even built with the WFS plugin. At least some 
attribute filters do work but then the WFS plugin had problems with parsing the 
GML data. Error was something about casting strings to Boolean, I have never 
seen such error before.

It looks like WFS plugin dont't use proxy even I have configured OJ to use it 
and WMS traffic does go through proxy. That makes debugging harder for me 
because I can't use a recording proxy in between OJ and WFS server.


edgar.soldin wrote:

On 22.12.2014 00:11, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 I would like to test this new WFS reader (which I would pack to OJ PLUS) and 
 I have some servers to test with.

actually there is nothing new under the sun.. it's just the old version 1.1 

try OJ PLUS snapshot r4216.. button is still in the toolbar. we should probably 
make an OpenWizard for it.


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from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Fwd: Re: [jump-pilot:code] [r4201] - edso: AttributType ported from Kosmo which supports much more data types, incl. LONG

2014-12-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

edgar soldin wrote:
 what attribute types are used in common GIS software?
 do they limit the choices or rather support many, albeit the lot is probably
 represented by few internally?
 Jukka, what do you have to say?

I believe that the short list that is supported by shapefiles makes the base:
date, string, Boolean, number, float
However, I have feeling that OpenJUMP is not at all the only program that does 
not support Boolean type. I am not sure if dBase III of IV had support for that 
or has ESRI made some later extension.

ESRI Geodatabase has a bit longer list:
date, text, short integer, long integer, double, float (no Boolean, translates 
to integer)

Both ESRI lists taken from

GDAL/OGR supports internally there attribute types:
There is a new implementation about subtypes which brought for example support 
for Boolean attributes into GDAL by extending Integer

The list of data types defined for the new OGC GeoPackage standard is in the 
table 1 in document For some reason it 
has 4 different integers:
Boolean, tinyint, smallint, mediumint, integer, float, double, text, blob, 
date, datetime

GML is having some additional data types. Some of those do not suit well to 
simple feature model like a few different list types (string list, integer 

I would say that what has been missing from OpenJUMP but what might have had 
practical importance for me are Long integer (64 bit) because for example ids 
in OpenStreetMap data are too big to fit in 32 bit nowadays and perhaps 
Boolean. Date+time are useful too but we have that enhancement to simple 
shapefile date already.

Conclusion: One data type for strings seem to be enough for all the others.  I 
do not understand how big and important is the difference between float, double 
and real but double in OJ which turns inte Real in GDAL has always been 
enough for me. I suppose that the meaning of having variable lengths for 
integers is to save some storage space if integers are known to be small.



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Re: [JPP-Devel] Re WFS plugin revived

2014-12-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I could really read some data from  
There is something wrong with building spatial filters. I could not make a 
single one to work, perhaps not even built with the WFS plugin. At least some 
attribute filters do work but then the WFS plugin had problems with parsing the 
GML data. Error was something about casting strings to Boolean, I have never 
seen such error before.

It looks like WFS plugin dont't use proxy even I have configured OJ to use it 
and WMS traffic does go through proxy. That makes debugging harder for me 
because I can't use a recording proxy in between OJ and WFS server.


edgar.soldin wrote:

On 22.12.2014 00:11, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 I would like to test this new WFS reader (which I would pack to OJ PLUS) and 
 I have some servers to test with.

actually there is nothing new under the sun.. it's just the old version 1.1 

try OJ PLUS snapshot r4216.. button is still in the toolbar. we should probably 
make an OpenWizard for it.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Coordinate Transformation in OpenJUMP

2014-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Michaël,

By a very quick test coordinate transformations work fine. Because layer data 
can now be aware of the projection it would be nice that the SRID of the data 
could be saved with the data. With shapefiles it would mean writing a .prj 
file. However, there are quite a lot of troubles with using .prj files together 
with ESRI shapefiles because the WKT format of PRJ is not very well 
standardized and finding the coordinate system from .prj and converting it to 
other presentations fails sometimes (OGC WKT, Proj4 etc, see some examples from  It would be nice if OpenJUMP 
could generate .prj files and do it right but it may not be simple.

However, what should be simple is to enhance the native JML XML format a bit 
and add a new element for defining the projection of data. Because JML is so 
close to GML I would suggest to use srsName parameter, perhaps also 
srsDimension if OpenJUMP can save also 3D coordinates into JML format. I am 
not sure if it can but perhaps we can be prepared for that anyways.

Both srsName and srsDimensions are clearly per layer properties in OpenJUMP and 
therefore it would be enough to save parameters only in one place of JML file.  
Currently JML file begins as

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
JCSDataFile xmlns:gml=; 

How about adding srsName and srsDimension in some way between GeometryElement 
and ColumnDefinitions?  The change in JML format definition should be 
documented well enough so that the GDAL JML driver could be updated to 
understand these parameters both in reading and writing.

There are several ways for giving srsName:

I would suggest that JML would use the srsName=EPSG:4326 format. It should 
also be documented that JML format presents coordinates always in 
longitude-latitude / easting-northing order. 

By the way, I tried to catch a common error with EPSG:2393 that is often 
missing correction parameters (named as towgs84 in Proj4) but coordinate 
transformation plugin solved the test. However, if the plugin happens to come 
with wrong parameters and user knows some better parameter set, is there a 
possibility to override the default transformation somehow? As an example, seems to have wrong parameters for EPSG:2393

Old GDAL versions are using those wrong parameters if projection is defined as 
EPSG:2393 which leads to 100-200 meters location errors. However, user can 
override the internal parameters by using an explicit Proj4 string instead of 
the reference to EPSG code
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=350 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl 
+towgs84=-96.062,-82.428,-121.753,4.801,0.345,-1.376,1.496 +units=m +no_defs

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Michaud wrote:

 Hi Jumpers,
 CoordinateTransformation facility has been added to PLUS version of
 OpenJUMP You can test it by downloading an OpenJUMP_snapshot from r4198
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Re: [JPP-Devel] CTS PlugIn integration

2014-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Quite many of the open issues  in the QGIS project deal in some way with the 
on-the-fly-reprojections and there are frequently OTFR related questions on the 
QGIS mailing list and in gis.stackexchange. Users have difficulties with 
understanding that the native CRS of the data may be different from the CRS of 
the project. More critical is that some processed so not work right /at all 
with on-the-fly-reprojected layers while some others work just fine.

I would say that lets forget on-the-fly reprojections with OpenJUMP. One 
feature that I enjoy in OpenJUMP a lot is that I can just start OpenJUMP and 
read some data without a need to define the CRS of the project and CRS of the 
layer first.

Michaël, it is possible to make funny troubles by reprojecting PostGIS layers. 
I think that reprojecting does not really work at least if layers are added 
from Add data store layer. Probably the vectors get reprojected initially and 
layer SRID is changed, but after first pan/zoom the intelligent caching system 
of OpenJUMP is re-reading vectors from PostGIS and they are in the native 
projection again. However, the layer SRID still shows the reprojected SRID. 
Perhaps coordinate transformation of data store layers should be prevented or 
the result should be directed to a new layer. But still the result could be a 
surprise for the users because due to intelligent caching user can't really 
know what features from the PostGIS table are included in the OpenJUMP layer.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: Stefan Steiniger []
 Lähetetty: 16. joulukuuta 2014 21:53
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] CTS PlugIn integration
 Hi Michael,
 first of all, a big thanks for working on the integration.
 Now my two cents on how to do it.
 (a) first off all, in QGIS there is an project(?) option/checkbox to enable 
 on the
 fly transformation (disabled by default). Hence, if there is no proj file, 
 then I
 think there is no transformation done. Maybe we should do it the same: the 
 needs to enable on the fly projection for a project. Otherwise its just 
 If I understand correctly, or at least I saw something like that, in
 QGIS: the datasource for some layers, e.g. CSV, is read again each time the 
 is made visible (or refreshed). This means also, that data are read and 
 each time. I don't remember, however, if one can edit and save back such
 transformed (CSV) layers.
 (b) editing: I wonder if it may be best to not allow editing of a layer that 
 projected. We could implement an (invisible) layer flag, e.g.
 transformed, like we have for visible, selectable and editable
 and an EnableCheck. So, if the user wants to edit and save a projected layer,
 then he first needs to create a copy of the transformed layer.
 This way it is clear what happens.
 Am 14.12.14 09:55, schrieb Michael Michaud:
  I propose to include CTSPlugIn into OpenJUMP in two steps
  1) inclusion in PLUS version after I checked with Peppe the problem
  with undo
  2) studing how CRS can be managed at the project level (see discussion
  3) inclusion in the CORE later if a good solution for a tighter
  integration is found.
  @peppe : undo bug : can you confirm the bug with 0.1.1 version (and
  last OJ NB!). I did not fix undo but could not reproduce the problem,
  so I will need a step by step description to reproduce the problem you
  @ andrei : small dot bug : I could see the dot you noticed under the
  cursor on my machine too. For me it disappears after a few seconds.
  The bug is not harmful and I suspect it may be quite difficult to find
  the root cause. I'll not invetigate further.
  Tighter integration of CTS in OpenJUMP.
  OK, Peppe and Andrei want to get what most other GIS offer to handle
  coordinate system. There are several approaches to do that and all
  have a deep impact on teh code, and even on the results of other
  plugins. I would like to share some thoughts :
  I have a project in worldwide coordinates (WGS84) and datasources
  (shapefiles, images, database) in local coordinates.
  I can see at least two places where transformation can occur
  1) opening the datasource : in-memory representation of the data could
  be reprojected without reprojecting datasource itself
pros : data is transformed only once
cons : datasource and in-memory data have not the same geometry,
it needs important modifications in the code. Saving
  back to
disk implies a double conversion where original
may not be preserved, even if they have not been
  2) displaying the dataset : I think this is the way most GIS work.
  Data is not altered but simply projected at display time. I prefer
  this way, but 

[JPP-Devel] Could multiple ring buffer accept negative values?

2014-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Multiple ring buffer does not accept negative buffer values for creating 
buffers inside polygons. Could it be possible to make that work?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Could multiple ring buffer accept negative values?

2014-12-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I was just thinking about if we could do something like this with OpenJUMP


Michael Michaud  wrote:

 Multiple ring buffer does not accept negative buffer values for creating 
 buffers inside polygons. Could it be possible to make that work?
 I can see no reason to prevent negative buffers. I'll have a look.
 I also noticed that the plugin often throws TopologyExceptions...
 What's your use-case ?


 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] accessing a password protected WMS server

2014-12-16 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Some own experiences about small troubles because of how OJ is handling 

- When giving a presentation for audience on-screen or for someone in your work 
room: URL-box shows username:password
- Credentials must be painted over from screen captures
- Workbench-state.xml stores URLs with credentials as plain text into 
- Project file (.jmp) does the same

I am not an expert, but I suppose that a slightly better way to use Basic auth 
would be to make OpenJUMP to write the http header Authorizarion
Authorization: Basic aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY=

The base64 encoded string could be saved into workbench-state.xml and into OJ 
project file even it is by no means safe if someone has an access to the 
computer. Still it is hard to remember if only seen from the screen.

User should still have a possibility to store the credentials so that they are 
not prompted every time when adding a secured server to project. The same 
authorization should be used for GetCapabilities and GetMaps and for 
GetFeatureInfo, if we some day will have a support for that also.

Other software has same kind of problems and if one knows what to do 
username:password can be found for example from an open QGIS session. If not 
otherwise then by unplugging the network cable it is often possible to generate 
a revealing error message. It is better to remember that they are called 
personal computers for a reason.


edgar.soldin wrote:

On 15.12.2014 22:45, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 1) OpenJUMP does not support very well authentication. All it can do is to 
 add user:password before the base URL as 

we could obfuscate that behind an authentication prompt UI. not sure it is 
worth the effort, as the user editing should be the user needing the data and 
hence knowing the credentials to that wms server anyway. you might sway my 
opinion here.

This is not the same URL that is advertised for GetMap because GetCapabilities 
document hopefully does not show the user name and password as plain text

already fixed that locally, it reuses the credentials of the GetCap request if 
the advertised GetMap url does not contain any, just for the weird case they 
deliver creds.
the credentials are still shown in the text field though.

additionally working on adding a possibility to modify wms url in 
WMSQueryEditor later.

 2) The user:password in OpenJUMP is really tested only with https. Basic 
 authentication withour https does not make much sense because credentials are 
 too easy to capture from unsecured traffic. However, the server that Andrei 
 is using does exactly use basic auth over plain http.

right. http auth without encrypted transport layer is negligently insecure. 
still, if the server is configured without SSL, who are we to judge and 
prohibit access via plain HTTP.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] wms zoom on open

2014-12-15 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

edgar.soldin wrote:

On 14.12.2014 21:13, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

 1) In WMS is is only compulsory to advertize WGS84 bounding box - as long as 
 OpenJUMP is missing CRS support zoom to bounds will not work generally. 
 However, additional BBOX:es do exist often and zoom to layer is possible to 
 2) As Michaël wrote, automatic zoom to bounds should not be done if project 
 already has layers -  vector, raster or other WMS layers

 just out of interest. why? just noticed we also do not do it for a second 
 dataset opened. wouldn't a user  expect to see what he just opened?

If you are digitizing something like a lamp posts in Hamburg and you add some 
background imagery from nation wide WMS service you probably do not want 
automatic zoom to whole country.

 3) Bounding boxes which are advertised by the WMS server may be wrong.

 wouldn't the wms image placed wrongly then as well? or are there bboxes 
 separate from the image georeference?

Yes, the bounding boxes of the GetCapabilities are only metadata which tell the 
maximum extents of the layer. On our server I tend to set the same bounding box 
that covers whole Finland for all the layers. When a map is requested from WMS 
service the request contains exact BBOX please send me an image to fill this 

 4) Zoom to extents of the WMS layer does not necessarily show any map 
 because the layer may have more strict scale range.

 how would one find out these scale ranges? especially in a client like OJ.

From GetCapabilities. The name of the element depends on the WMS version, in 
WMS 1.3.0 they are MinScaleDenominator/MaxScaleDenominator. However, those are 
not mandatory elements.

You can find an example from
 There you can also see a long list of supported projection and that 
BoundingBoxes are missing for most of them.

 I would say that [2] should be taken into account when implementing and the 
 most robust zoom to layer should be based on re-projected WGS84 BBOX  [1].

 because WGS84 BBOX is the most reliable?
 Because it is the one that for sure exists. Of course you could check the BBOX 
of the requested projection and if it is not found, WGS84 BBOX. Or withour CRS 
support just try if the BBOX of requested projections exists and if not, just 
forget it.

 [3] and [4] are mainly something that users should be aware, though WMS 
 GetCapabilities may contain some info about the valid scale range.

 is this usually interpreted by client software and given to the user?

Usually not. QGIS does interpret scale hints and build Zoom to best scale 
according to those if I remember right.

As a helper feature for recognizing the wrong BBOXes there could be a 
function that converts the  BBOXes from the server GetCapabilities into 
vector polygons.

 is that an idea to address my former question? still leaves, how other 
 softwares address it, do they at all?
I have never seem a client that tries to draw the bounding boxes. However, I 
can imagine two good use cases: A WMS server manager like me could fast check 
if that part of GetCapabilities looks good and server is well configured. For 
example we have services with tens of layers and some misconfugured BoundingBox 
would be hard to notice. Another use case is the end user of WMS server that 
serves many layers with different bounding boxes. For example the server that 
Andrei Nacu is using is hosting some world wide layers but also some which 
cover only Bucharest.


 ..thanks ede

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Fw: accessing a password protected WMS server

2014-12-09 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
If you get a question if you want to use GetMap URL that is advertised by the 
WMS service when adding layers from the service, try to say No.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Andrei Nacu wrote:

Hi ede,

Yes now it works accessing the server.
But when I try to open a map from the list (after clicking finish) I receive 
the same HTTP response code 401 and I can't see the map.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Fw: accessing a password protected WMS server

2014-12-09 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Perhaps it is because OpenJUMP does not automatically zoom to WMS layers. Try 
to zoom manually through the right click menu of table of contents or use some 
vector layer as a helper for finding the place.


Andrei Nacu wrote:

Hi Jukka,

I tried this as well. The only difference is that I don't receive any error 
message. But I still can't see the WMS layers I want to open.


On Tuesday, December 9, 2014 11:50 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

If you get a question if you want to use GetMap URL that is advertised by the 
WMS service when adding layers from the service, try to say No.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Andrei Nacu wrote:

Hi ede,

Yes now it works accessing the server.
But when I try to open a map from the list (after clicking finish) I receive 
the same HTTP response code 401 and I can't see the map.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Changing empty geometries to real ones

2014-11-28 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

About step 3, it looks like almost any empty geometry can be merged with 
another geometry, except POINT EMPTY which can only be merged with POINT. 
OpenJUMP converts empty geometries which it finds from the source data into 
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY features and step 3 is usually not necessary.

This new feature is quite fun and unique. At least I do not know any other 
desktop GIS that could be used for editing empty geometries.

I would like to hear what Michaël has to say about this. Handling empty 
features can't be very often needed feature but on the other hand if such 
possibility exists in OpenJUMP it should not make harm for anybody. However, at 
the moment OJ supports empty geometries only in some places.

1) Layers with empty geometries can be saved into shapefiles and those 
shapefiles can be opened back to OJ. However, saving into JUMP JML or FME GML 
fails. At least saving to JML should be fixed. I do not know how empty 
geometries behave with the PostGIS driver.
2) OpenJUMP can handle all sort of empty geometries but UI does not support is 
well. POINT EMPTY, LINESTRING EMPTY, POLYGON EMPTY etc. are symbolized with 
normal point, line, polygon, multiline etc, icons. Only GEOMETRYCOLLECTION 
EMPTY is using an empty icon.
3) Without testing I can guess that some tools may fail or give unexpected 
results for layers which contain empty geometries.


1) Do we want to advertise that OJ can handle empty geometries or keep it as a 
hidden feature?
2) If we say yes to question 1), do you agree that JML writer should be able to 
save them too?
3) Should there be a shortcut tool for converting geometries into 
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY in geometry convertor or elsewhere?

I have a slight pro empty geometries feeling because we have such in our 
databases. However, what I really need to do with empty geometries is to query 
them from the database and save into shapefiles and that is already possible.


edgar soldin wrote:
 gave it a go. try rev.4149 . now you can
 1. draw your missing geom in the same layer 2. open attrib table 3. convert 
 empty geom to an empty target geometry (context menu) 4. merge the old and
 the newly drawn (context menu), take care to select the old first to preserve 
 On 27.11.2014 19:22, wrote:
  just checked the code. we actually only have a FeatureDrawingUtil, which
 usually adds completely new features with the drawn geometry. it has some
 special handling for selected feats with linestrings/polygons though.
  this would need to be modified in order to allow editing selected features
 empty geometries/collection.
  how about simply adding union/merge to attribute window?
  On 27.11.2014 17:54, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Selecting in not a problem. The Select tool (arrow icon) in the attribute
 window does select features in the map view already, also features with empty
 geometries. But the editing tools can't do anything for geometrycollection
 empty. Point, line, and polygon tools create always new geometries (polygon
 tool also new holes into selected polygon). Add/Remove/Move vertex tools
 modify existing geometries but they can't edit an empty geometry.
  Finding features is not a problem either, features are parcels and they 
 all the attributes, including unique IDs, and I can query them with the 
 query tool. Only thing that is missing is the geometry. And as I wrote, I can 
 that by using a temporary layer as scratchpad but that is not an optimal 
  edgar.soldin wrote:
  if the selection within the attribute window would select the feature in 
 map view as well, you could draw it on the fly. would that help?
  to find them you can Attribute Query empty geometries into a new layer 
  On 27.11.2014 16:48, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  OpenJUMP can open datasets which have features without geometries. In
 this case the WKT of the geometry is GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY. But what
 is the easiest way to add a real geometry to such feature if I know where it 
 and I could digitize the missing geometry from the map view?
  Only way I have discovered by now is to
  1) create a temporary layer and digitize the missing geometry
  2) open WKT view of this new feature and copy the WKT to clipboard
  3) open the attribute window of the layer I want to edit
  4) search the right feature from the list and show the WKT
  I would like to do this in more easy way. Like select the feature, show 
 WKT (empty) and then have a possibility to jump to use the digitizing tools 
 draw a new geometry from the map. This possibility would not need to be
 limited to empty geometries but the WKT view of any editable feature could
 have a button Substitute geometry by digitizing a new one

Re: [JPP-Devel] Changing empty geometries to real ones

2014-11-28 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
edgar Soldin wrote:
 On 28.11.2014 16:02, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  About step 3, it looks like almost any empty geometry can be merged with
 another geometry, except POINT EMPTY which can only be merged with POINT.
 OpenJUMP converts empty geometries which it finds from the source data into
 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY features and step 3 is usually not necessary.
 true, didn't try. wasn't brave enough ;)
  This new feature is quite fun and unique. At least I do not know any other
 desktop GIS that could be used for editing empty geometries.
  I would like to hear what Michaël has to say about this. Handling empty
 features can't be very often needed feature but on the other hand if such
 possibility exists in OpenJUMP it should not make harm for anybody. However,
 at the moment OJ supports empty geometries only in some places.
  1) Layers with empty geometries can be saved into shapefiles and those
 shapefiles can be opened back to OJ. However, saving into JUMP JML or FME
 GML fails. At least saving to JML should be fixed. I do not know how empty
 geometries behave with the PostGIS driver.
 saving to jml works for me. at least with geometrycollection empty. see

All right, behaviour is a bit inconsistent which is not a surprise for a never 
tested feature. If I digitize an empty point to a layer which have linestrigs I 
get NPE

at Source)

Empty features are also changing from type to type. Create a geometrycollection 
empty into a polygon layer, save it into JML and open and it is opened as 
geometrycollection empty. But save it to shapefile and open that and you'll see 
a multipolygon empty.

  2) OpenJUMP can handle all sort of empty geometries but UI does not support
 symbolized with normal point, line, polygon, multiline etc, icons. Only
 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY is using an empty icon.
 hmm, in software they are essentially linestring, polygon etc. objects. just 
 empty coordinate arrays. so the icon is kinda correct.

I agree. This is kinda nice game.

  3) Without testing I can guess that some tools may fail or give unexpected
 results for layers which contain empty geometries.
 yeah. e.g. jts ;).. try combining something with an empty geometry. Mike said
 he'll file the bug with them.
  1) Do we want to advertise that OJ can handle empty geometries or keep it as
 a hidden feature?
 hmm.. no shame in it. let's promote it.
  2) If we say yes to question 1), do you agree that JML writer should be 
  able to
 save them too?
 see above. and of course. yes.
  3) Should there be a shortcut tool for converting geometries into
 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY in geometry convertor or elsewhere?
 why would somebody want to remove the geometry?

Someone might want to create a new feature with unknown location and it might 
be easier to use digitizing tools, select the new feature, fill in the 
attributes and finally delete the geometry than to create new feature from the 
WKT window.

However, I need to say that in real life I would consider to use a dummy real 
geometry like POINT (0 0) for such new features.

  I have a slight pro empty geometries feeling because we have such in our
 databases. However, what I really need to do with empty geometries is to query
 them from the database and save into shapefiles and that is already possible.
 hooray.. one satisfied customer.. ede

Well, we have customers too and they have had difficulties with the shapefiles 
containing empty geometries... but they are not necessarily happy with dummy 
geometries either, nor if we drop out the features without geometry totally. 
Perfect data would somehow be the best solution but if we ever could make it 
perfect it would be too old... 


  edgar soldin wrote

Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

2014-11-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Linux and Max users are supposed to build Spatialite by themselves or install from packages. It 
will probably take some time before mod_spatialite 4.2.1 will be available as 
stable package. I have no idea about what Mac/Ubuntu/Debian etc. users should 
do for making mod_spatialite available from OpenJUMP.

Windows is the most popular OS for OpenJUMP
 but Max and Linux and Unknown are also quite popular. Perhaps it is not 
appropriate to bundle binaries for Windows only? The file size is not too huge 
and should not be a hinder: Win 32 and Win 64 binaries make together about 5 MB 
as zipped.
Perhaps a better approach is to write a blog post and update the Spatialite 
section on OpenJUMP wiki. Hopefully somebody learns and shares how-to 
instructions also for Linux and Mac users.  I can take at least the wiki update 


 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: []
 Lähetetty: 27. marraskuuta 2014 13:32
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection
 are there builds for our other platforms? should we maybe bundle it with PLUS?
 On 27.11.2014 06:49, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  The v. 4.2.1 RC1 ones from last weekend
  edgar soldin wrote:
  sweet. what spatialite packages did you use? ..ede
  On 26.11.2014 22:55, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Hi, and thanks.
  Documentation and installation method for native binaries are quite
 understandable now at least on Windows with Spatialite binaries I used for
  edgar soldin wrote:
  i did some more changes. documented in the lib/native/readme.txt .
  to minimize the amount of folders i streamlined java arch support over
 platforms. essentially it means that all os place their java32 libs into
 lib/native/x86 and java64 libs into lib/native/x64.
  windows additionally can have some more special folders.
  can you please try if that works for you with the latest snapshot. possibly
 with PLUS and test included ECW support (only java32) as well?
  thanks ..ede
  On 25.11.2014 19:40, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  It is close, however JAVA_ARCH is either -x64 or -x32 if DEFINED
  JAVA_X64 (
set JAVA_ARCH=-x64
  ) else (
set JAVA_ARCH=-x32
  but the default directories in lib\native are -x64 and -x86 Either
  rename  JAVA_ARCH=-x86 or rename the 32-bit directory into -x32
  Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 17:19
  Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
  Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection
  well, not genius, but elaborate ;)
  right general java arch support was missing. past tense because i just 
 it. please try rev.4126 .
  On 25.11.2014 14:02, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  I was looking at the genius OJ start script and thinking about if the 
  result of
 the detection of native library path is useful or not. Now the native library 
 is set
 on Windows according to processor architecture and OS version strings. The
 resolution is better than anywhere else I have seen. Usually there are Windows
 downloads only for x86 and amd64 but OJ can resolve not only processor
 architecture but also if OS is XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, or Win 8.1.
  For GDAL binaries there is an override that detects the jre version 
  first and
 uses only two alternatives for native library locations:
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
  ) else (
   set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x86
  Spatialite binaries which I have been playing with are built in a 
  similar way
 than GDAL binaries. If 32 bit jre requires 32 bit versions from the binaries 
 and 64
 bit jre requires 64 bit binaries.
  The problem is that if I run 32-bit jre on 64 bit Win 7 then OpenJUMP is
 searching native binaries from directory \lib\native\seven64\. As a 
 workaround I
 can place the 32 bit binaries there or into \lib\native\ which is also on the 
 path. But if I plan to plan to run sometimes OJ with 32 bit jre and sometimes
 with 64 bit jre both these options are poor and I must move some dll files 
 starting OJ with another jre.
  BTW. I have experienced the dll hell: Native GDAL and Spatialite binaries
 can't be used simply together with OpenJUMP because Spatialite depends on
 GDAL and versions do not match.
  How about making the search path as follows:
  1:  jre specific general dll path, either win-x86 or win-amd64
  2: special

[JPP-Devel] Changing empty geometries to real ones

2014-11-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

OpenJUMP can open datasets which have features without geometries. In this case 
the WKT of the geometry is GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY. But what is the easiest 
way to add a real geometry to such feature if I know where it is and I could 
digitize the missing geometry from the map view?

Only way I have discovered by now is to
1) create a temporary layer and digitize the missing geometry
2) open WKT view of this new feature and copy the WKT to clipboard
3) open the attribute window of the layer I want to edit
4) search the right feature from the list and show the WKT

I would like to do this in more easy way. Like select the feature, show the WKT 
(empty) and then have a possibility to jump to use the digitizing tools and 
draw a new geometry from the map. This possibility would not need to be limited 
to empty geometries but the WKT view of any editable feature could have a 
button Substitute geometry by digitizing a new one.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Changing empty geometries to real ones

2014-11-27 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Selecting in not a problem. The Select tool (arrow icon) in the attribute 
window does select features in the map view already, also features with empty 
geometries. But the editing tools can't do anything for geometrycollection 
empty. Point, line, and polygon tools create always new geometries (polygon 
tool also new holes into selected polygon). Add/Remove/Move vertex tools modify 
existing geometries but they can't edit an empty geometry.

Finding features is not a problem either, features are parcels and they have 
all the attributes, including unique IDs, and I can query them with the 
Attribute query tool. Only thing that is missing is the geometry. And as I 
wrote, I can add that by using a temporary layer as scratchpad but that is not 
an optimal solution.


edgar.soldin wrote:

if the selection within the attribute window would select the feature in the 
map view as well, you could draw it on the fly. would that help?

to find them you can Attribute Query empty geometries into a new layer first.


On 27.11.2014 16:48, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

 OpenJUMP can open datasets which have features without geometries. In this 
 case the WKT of the geometry is GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY. But what is the 
 easiest way to add a real geometry to such feature if I know where it is and 
 I could digitize the missing geometry from the map view?

 Only way I have discovered by now is to
 1) create a temporary layer and digitize the missing geometry
 2) open WKT view of this new feature and copy the WKT to clipboard
 3) open the attribute window of the layer I want to edit
 4) search the right feature from the list and show the WKT

 I would like to do this in more easy way. Like select the feature, show the 
 WKT (empty) and then have a possibility to jump to use the digitizing tools 
 and draw a new geometry from the map. This possibility would not need to be 
 limited to empty geometries but the WKT view of any editable feature could 
 have a button Substitute geometry by digitizing a new one.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-
 Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
 from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ and rasters, again

2014-11-26 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I believe that most Geoserver users are creating overviews with gdaladdo but 
the document mentions that there is also the OverviewsEmbedded command 
included in Geotools.

I use external overviews myself with Mapserver but there are pros and cons
+ External overviews can be created for all formats
+ When image goes to archive external overviews can be deleted for saving 
space. Removing internal overviews from tiff file does make the file any 
smaller without complete rewrite.
+ It is easier to experiment with different overview resampling methods because 
not satisfying result can just be deleted.

- Tiff + external overviews take a bit more disk space than tiff with internal 
- Some programs support internal but not external overviews. Image mosaic in 
Geoserver is one such example.

In server use overviews are a must. About 30 % more disk space is needed but 
that's nothing compared to improved speed. Overviews can also be compressed 
(LZW or deflate for topographic maps, --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config 
PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW YCBCR for aerial images) which is reducing the size very 

For OpenJUMP usage my wish list is
- Ability to utilize existing overviews, ideally both external and internal, 
and also compressed
- Create overviews with java from OJ. Some programs ask user Image does not 
have overviews. Do you want to create them?

As you can see from the gdaladdo page there are lots of options for creating 
overviews. For OJ perhaps the most simple recipe would do: external, 
uncompressed overviews with so many levels that at the lowest resolution the 
image fits into about 200x200 pixels.

It is also possible improve the speed in small scales at least with some type 
of tiffs even without overviews. If the tiff file is written as stripes it is 
possible to read for example only every 10th or 50th stripe, depending on the 
required output resolution. Probably that is not possible or at least not so 
efficient with tiled tiffs.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

alberto deluca wrote:

 Hi everyone.
 overviews sound interesting to me. I don't know either if there exists a 
 but the GDAL way to go sure is the more widely accepted/supported. I've had a
 look at the GDALADDO tool: overviews can be internal to the GeoTIFF or
 external (.ovr file). The latter is the option used by esri's ArcMap. 
 Personally I
 don't like either the idea of modifying the original tif file.
 There might be some GeoServer or GeoTools code that creates overviews, I'll 
 to find out something more. I hope reading/writing the overviews won't imply
 that we will need to dump the JAI image drivers for something totally new...
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Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

2014-11-26 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi, and thanks.

Documentation and installation method for native binaries are quite 
understandable now at least on Windows with Spatialite binaries I used for 


edgar soldin wrote:


i did some more changes. documented in the lib/native/readme.txt .

to minimize the amount of folders i streamlined java arch support over 
platforms. essentially it means that all os place their java32 libs into 
lib/native/x86 and java64 libs into lib/native/x64.

windows additionally can have some more special folders.

can you please try if that works for you with the latest snapshot. possibly 
with PLUS and test included ECW support (only java32) as well?

thanks ..ede

On 25.11.2014 19:40, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 It is close, however JAVA_ARCH is either -x64 or -x32
   set JAVA_ARCH=-x64
 ) else (
   set JAVA_ARCH=-x32

 but the default directories in lib\native are -x64 and -x86
 Either rename  JAVA_ARCH=-x86 or rename the 32-bit directory into -x32


 Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 17:19
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

 well, not genius, but elaborate ;)

 right general java arch support was missing. past tense because i just hacked 
 it. please try rev.4126 .


 On 25.11.2014 14:02, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

 I was looking at the genius OJ start script and thinking about if the result 
 of the detection of native library path is useful or not. Now the native 
 library is set on Windows according to processor architecture and OS version 
 strings. The resolution is better than anywhere else I have seen. Usually 
 there are Windows downloads only for x86 and amd64 but OJ can resolve not 
 only processor architecture but also if OS is XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, or 
 Win 8.1.

 For GDAL binaries there is an override that detects the jre version first 
 and uses only two alternatives for native library locations:
 set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x86

 Spatialite binaries which I have been playing with are built in a similar 
 way than GDAL binaries. If 32 bit jre requires 32 bit versions from the 
 binaries and 64 bit jre requires 64 bit binaries.

 The problem is that if I run 32-bit jre on 64 bit Win 7 then OpenJUMP is 
 searching native binaries from directory \lib\native\seven64\. As a 
 workaround I can place the 32 bit binaries there or into \lib\native\ which 
 is also on the search path. But if I plan to plan to run sometimes OJ with 
 32 bit jre and sometimes with 64 bit jre both these options are poor and I 
 must move some dll files before starting OJ with another jre.

 BTW. I have experienced the dll hell: Native GDAL and Spatialite binaries 
 can't be used simply together with OpenJUMP because Spatialite depends on 
 GDAL and versions do not match.

 How about making the search path as follows:
 1:  jre specific general dll path, either win-x86 or win-amd64
 2: special folder for GDAL binaries, search from gdal-win-86 or gdal-win-x64 
 (Ede has used names x86 and x64; should be decided which names to use and 
 unify the batch file)
 3: Operating system + processor architecture based fine grained native 

 An untested modification to oj_windows.bat starting from row 142:

 rem -- set general win32 / win64 vars --
 rem -- set GDAL vars --
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-amd64
   set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-x86
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-86
 set GDAL_FOLDER=lib\native\%GDAL_FOLDER%
   set GDAL_DATA=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal-data
   set GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\plugins
   rem --- prioritize jre version specific binaries in the path ---
   rem --- gdal binding is version specific, prioritize the one delivered 
 with native libs ---
   set CLASSPATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\java\gdal.jar;%CLASSPATH%


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Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

2014-11-26 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
The v. 4.2.1 RC1 ones from last weekend


edgar soldin wrote:

sweet. what spatialite packages did you use? ..ede

On 26.11.2014 22:55, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 Hi, and thanks.

 Documentation and installation method for native binaries are quite 
 understandable now at least on Windows with Spatialite binaries I used for 


 edgar soldin wrote:


 i did some more changes. documented in the lib/native/readme.txt .

 to minimize the amount of folders i streamlined java arch support over 
 platforms. essentially it means that all os place their java32 libs into 
 lib/native/x86 and java64 libs into lib/native/x64.

 windows additionally can have some more special folders.

 can you please try if that works for you with the latest snapshot. possibly 
 with PLUS and test included ECW support (only java32) as well?

 thanks ..ede

 On 25.11.2014 19:40, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 It is close, however JAVA_ARCH is either -x64 or -x32
   set JAVA_ARCH=-x64
 ) else (
   set JAVA_ARCH=-x32

 but the default directories in lib\native are -x64 and -x86
 Either rename  JAVA_ARCH=-x86 or rename the 32-bit directory into -x32


 Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 17:19
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

 well, not genius, but elaborate ;)

 right general java arch support was missing. past tense because i just 
 hacked it. please try rev.4126 .


 On 25.11.2014 14:02, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

 I was looking at the genius OJ start script and thinking about if the 
 result of the detection of native library path is useful or not. Now the 
 native library is set on Windows according to processor architecture and OS 
 version strings. The resolution is better than anywhere else I have seen. 
 Usually there are Windows downloads only for x86 and amd64 but OJ can 
 resolve not only processor architecture but also if OS is XP, Vista, Win 7, 
 Win 8, or Win 8.1.

 For GDAL binaries there is an override that detects the jre version first 
 and uses only two alternatives for native library locations:
 set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x86

 Spatialite binaries which I have been playing with are built in a similar 
 way than GDAL binaries. If 32 bit jre requires 32 bit versions from the 
 binaries and 64 bit jre requires 64 bit binaries.

 The problem is that if I run 32-bit jre on 64 bit Win 7 then OpenJUMP is 
 searching native binaries from directory \lib\native\seven64\. As a 
 workaround I can place the 32 bit binaries there or into \lib\native\ which 
 is also on the search path. But if I plan to plan to run sometimes OJ with 
 32 bit jre and sometimes with 64 bit jre both these options are poor and I 
 must move some dll files before starting OJ with another jre.

 BTW. I have experienced the dll hell: Native GDAL and Spatialite binaries 
 can't be used simply together with OpenJUMP because Spatialite depends on 
 GDAL and versions do not match.

 How about making the search path as follows:
 1:  jre specific general dll path, either win-x86 or win-amd64
 2: special folder for GDAL binaries, search from gdal-win-86 or 
 gdal-win-x64 (Ede has used names x86 and x64; should be decided which names 
 to use and unify the batch file)
 3: Operating system + processor architecture based fine grained native 

 An untested modification to oj_windows.bat starting from row 142:

 rem -- set general win32 / win64 vars --
 rem -- set GDAL vars --
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-amd64
   set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-x86
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-86
 set GDAL_FOLDER=lib\native\%GDAL_FOLDER%
   set GDAL_DATA=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal-data
   set GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\plugins
   rem --- prioritize jre version specific binaries in the path ---
   rem --- gdal binding is version specific, prioritize the one delivered 
 with native libs ---
   set CLASSPATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\java\gdal.jar;%CLASSPATH%


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[JPP-Devel] Half a pixel shift in images again

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
It seems that OpenJUMP is opening once again images so that they are half a 
pixel shifted from the correct location. I thought that this issue was fixed 
when Ede was adding masses of new image readers.

Good news is that OpenJUMP seems to open images always to the same place with 
different readers and from image+world file or from GeoTIFF.


OJ_TFW_error.png  shows the current and the right location of the top-left 
color.png + .pgw test image as png (10 by 10 pixels, 10 m pixel size)
color.tif + .tfw test image as plain tiff (10 by 10 pixels, 10 m pixel size)
color_geo.tif test image as GeoTIFF

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Description: color.pgw

Description: color.tfw
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Half a pixel shift in images again

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Not today, need to rush now. Later, for sure. I will still test both tif.tfw 
and geotiff where it is supported.


 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: []
 Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 12:24
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Half a pixel shift in images again
 hmm, let's stick with one format, TIFF or PNG.
 can you please open that then in every reader offered and write down the 
 in the form of
 reader name - result
 thanks.. ede
 On 25.11.2014 11:13, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  It seems that OpenJUMP is opening once again images so that they are half a
 pixel shifted from the correct location. I thought that this issue was fixed 
 Ede was adding masses of new image readers.
  Good news is that OpenJUMP seems to open images always to the same place
 with different readers and from image+world file or from GeoTIFF.
  OJ_TFW_error.png  shows the current and the right location of the
  top-left corner color.png + .pgw test image as png (10 by 10 pixels,
  10 m pixel size) color.tif + .tfw test image as plain tiff (10 by 10
  pixels, 10 m pixel size) color_geo.tif test image as GeoTIFF
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
   Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT
  Server from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and
  Dashboards with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App
  Integration  more Get technology previously reserved for
  billion-dollar corporations, FREE
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
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 Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards with
 Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration  more Get
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 Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] About native library detection

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I was looking at the genius OJ start script and thinking about if the result of 
the detection of native library path is useful or not. Now the native library 
is set on Windows according to processor architecture and OS version strings. 
The resolution is better than anywhere else I have seen. Usually there are 
Windows downloads only for x86 and amd64 but OJ can resolve not only processor 
architecture but also if OS is XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, or Win 8.1.

For GDAL binaries there is an override that detects the jre version first and 
uses only two alternatives for native library locations:
set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
) else (
 set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x86

Spatialite binaries which I have been playing with are built in a similar way 
than GDAL binaries. If 32 bit jre requires 32 bit versions from the binaries 
and 64 bit jre requires 64 bit binaries.

The problem is that if I run 32-bit jre on 64 bit Win 7 then OpenJUMP is 
searching native binaries from directory \lib\native\seven64\. As a workaround 
I can place the 32 bit binaries there or into \lib\native\ which is also on the 
search path. But if I plan to plan to run sometimes OJ with 32 bit jre and 
sometimes with 64 bit jre both these options are poor and I must move some dll 
files before starting OJ with another jre.

BTW. I have experienced the dll hell: Native GDAL and Spatialite binaries can't 
be used simply together with OpenJUMP because Spatialite depends on GDAL and 
versions do not match.

How about making the search path as follows:
1:  jre specific general dll path, either win-x86 or win-amd64
2: special folder for GDAL binaries, search from gdal-win-86 or gdal-win-x64 
(Ede has used names x86 and x64; should be decided which names to use and unify 
the batch file)
3: Operating system + processor architecture based fine grained native folders

An untested modification to oj_windows.bat starting from row 142:

rem -- set general win32 / win64 vars --
rem -- set GDAL vars --
  set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-amd64
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
) else (
  set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-x86
 set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-86
set GDAL_FOLDER=lib\native\%GDAL_FOLDER%
  set GDAL_DATA=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal-data
  set GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\plugins
  rem --- prioritize jre version specific binaries in the path ---
  rem --- gdal binding is version specific, prioritize the one delivered with 
native libs ---
  set CLASSPATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\java\gdal.jar;%CLASSPATH%


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Half a pixel shift in images again

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Ede,

The correct place can be derived from the TFW file:

10  pixel size west-east
0   rotation factor
0   rotation factor
-10 pixel size north-south (smaller coordinates to the south)
1005x of the centre of top-left pixel
995 y of the centre of top-left pixel

For a fast visual check I put two point to OJ vector layer:
POINT (1005 995)
POINT (1000 1000) = the corner or the corner pixel should be at here

The first point is at the origin of the TFW file - middle point of top-left 
The latter is the top-left corner of top-left pixel
- half a pixel to the west so -5 to x
- half a pixel to the north so +5 to y

Results from colors.tif + colors.tfw and colors_geo.tif

- ReferencedImage   half a pixel shift
- BufferedImage right location, weird colours
- GeoTIFF plus  half a pixel shift

- Sextante  all right

- ReferencedImage   all right
- BufferedImage corner at coordinates (0,0), weird colours 
- GeoTIFF plus  claims that GeoTIFF is not a GeoTIFF

- Sextante  all right

The GeoTIFF is a valid GeoTIFF as far as I know. It is created with GDAL.



edgar.soldin wrote:
 no rush
 current TIFF readers are
 - ReferencedImage
 - BufferedImage
 - GeoTIFF plus
 - Sextante
 please advise on the shift when you do. whether to substract or add half a 
 how do you actually compare?
 On 25.11.2014 11:37, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Not today, need to rush now. Later, for sure. I will still test both 
  tif.tfw and
 geotiff where it is supported.
  -Alkuperäinen viesti-
  Lähettäjä: []
  Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 12:24
  Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
  Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Half a pixel shift in images again
  hmm, let's stick with one format, TIFF or PNG.
  can you please open that then in every reader offered and write down
  the result in the form of
  reader name - result
  thanks.. ede
  On 25.11.2014 11:13, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  It seems that OpenJUMP is opening once again images so that they are
  half a
  pixel shifted from the correct location. I thought that this issue
  was fixed when Ede was adding masses of new image readers.
  Good news is that OpenJUMP seems to open images always to the same
  with different readers and from image+world file or from GeoTIFF.
  OJ_TFW_error.png  shows the current and the right location of the
  top-left corner color.png + .pgw test image as png (10 by 10 pixels,
  10 m pixel size) color.tif + .tfw test image as plain tiff (10 by 10
  pixels, 10 m pixel size) color_geo.tif test image as GeoTIFF
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
   Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT
  Server from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and
  Dashboards with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App
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  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
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  Server from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and
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  Server from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and
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  clktrk ___
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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ and rasters, again

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

By reading but not testing yet all this sounds great. You did not especially 
mention but I suppose that if tiff file is tiled the reader can access the 
right tiles directly. However, based on this sentence:

If the whole image is needed for display, it is obviously fully loaded in 

you have not considered methods about utilizing overview layer or pyramid 
layers. I do not know if there is any standardized way for supporting them but 
quite common is to support the GDAL way to create overviews with the gdaladdo 
utility At reading the drivers are reading 
image data from the overview level which has the closest smaller pixel size 
than the one needed for the output.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

alberto.deluca wrote:

Dear all,

we kept working on the raster handling capabilities of OJ. We focused on your 
indications about keeping the raster file-based, and loading when possible only 
the part of the image that is needed for display.

The RasterImageLayer class was deeply reworked, and we've separated the display 
data from the actual cell data. Therefore now the raster files are read as 
BufferedImage (we've removed the PlanarImages, that implied some 
memory-consuming conversions between classes), and the cells data are read only 
on request when the getRasterData() method is called.

There are a couple of new methods to read a single cell values, 
getCellValue(int, int), getCellValue(double, double), and 

There is a new class, RasterImageIO, where we've grouped all the methods needed 
to load the different raster formats. In particular, the part dedicate to TIFF 
images allows to load only the part of the TIFF file that is needed for 
display. To do so, we had to write some code to read in an efficient fashion 
the TIFF tags, because the existing XTIFFDirectory and XTIFFField classes are 
slow (at least in my tests) when reading large raster. Therefore there is a new 
class, TIFFUtils, that does this job, even if limited to the tags we were 
interested in.

If only a part of the image is needed for display, only that part is loaded 
into memory. If the whole image is needed for display, it is obviously fully 
loaded in memory, and in this case there will be no more reading operations on 
it (unless the actual cell data are requested).

The RasterImageIO class includes also a writeImage() method, that writes 
GeoTIFF files (with TFW, just in case).

There is a new Metadata class to store basic information about rasters: 
envelope, columns and rows, cell size, no data value, some statistics (min, 
max, average, standard deviation). These values are calculated on the entire 
image, also when only a portion of the image is loaded and displayed.

Since we've made so many changes, we didn't feel like pushing them up to SVN. 
Instead, we've made a new openjump.jar for you to try, modifying the source 
code downloaded from SVN (you can find the jar 
here You can 
replace it to the OpenJUMP.jar of the latest stable release, provided you also 
replace the default-plugins.xml with this 
one (that 
accounts for the macro plugin).

Instead, if you want to check the source code, here you can find all 
the modified classes.

We've made some test to check against memory leaks, and it appears that all the 
references to images are released when an image is removed from the project.  
We've not completed the debugging yet, before spending more time on it we'd 
like to know what's your opinion.

Let us know

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Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

2014-11-25 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
It is close, however JAVA_ARCH is either -x64 or -x32
  set JAVA_ARCH=-x64
) else (
  set JAVA_ARCH=-x32

but the default directories in lib\native are -x64 and -x86
Either rename  JAVA_ARCH=-x86 or rename the 32-bit directory into -x32


Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2014 17:19
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] About native library detection

well, not genius, but elaborate ;)

right general java arch support was missing. past tense because i just hacked 
it. please try rev.4126 .


On 25.11.2014 14:02, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

 I was looking at the genius OJ start script and thinking about if the result 
 of the detection of native library path is useful or not. Now the native 
 library is set on Windows according to processor architecture and OS version 
 strings. The resolution is better than anywhere else I have seen. Usually 
 there are Windows downloads only for x86 and amd64 but OJ can resolve not 
 only processor architecture but also if OS is XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, or Win 

 For GDAL binaries there is an override that detects the jre version first and 
 uses only two alternatives for native library locations:
 set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x86

 Spatialite binaries which I have been playing with are built in a similar way 
 than GDAL binaries. If 32 bit jre requires 32 bit versions from the binaries 
 and 64 bit jre requires 64 bit binaries.

 The problem is that if I run 32-bit jre on 64 bit Win 7 then OpenJUMP is 
 searching native binaries from directory \lib\native\seven64\. As a 
 workaround I can place the 32 bit binaries there or into \lib\native\ which 
 is also on the search path. But if I plan to plan to run sometimes OJ with 32 
 bit jre and sometimes with 64 bit jre both these options are poor and I must 
 move some dll files before starting OJ with another jre.

 BTW. I have experienced the dll hell: Native GDAL and Spatialite binaries 
 can't be used simply together with OpenJUMP because Spatialite depends on 
 GDAL and versions do not match.

 How about making the search path as follows:
 1:  jre specific general dll path, either win-x86 or win-amd64
 2: special folder for GDAL binaries, search from gdal-win-86 or gdal-win-x64 
 (Ede has used names x86 and x64; should be decided which names to use and 
 unify the batch file)
 3: Operating system + processor architecture based fine grained native folders

 An untested modification to oj_windows.bat starting from row 142:

 rem -- set general win32 / win64 vars --
 rem -- set GDAL vars --
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-amd64
   set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-x64
 ) else (
   set WIN_DLL_FOLDER=win-x86
  set GDAL_FOLDER=gdal-win-86
 set GDAL_FOLDER=lib\native\%GDAL_FOLDER%
   set GDAL_DATA=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal-data
   set GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\plugins
   rem --- prioritize jre version specific binaries in the path ---
   rem --- gdal binding is version specific, prioritize the one delivered with 
 native libs ---
   set CLASSPATH=%GDAL_FOLDER%\bin\gdal\java\gdal.jar;%CLASSPATH%


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Show the WKT from Select parts / linestrings tools

2014-11-24 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Michael Michaud wrote:

 If parts of geometry collections or linestrings of features are selected 
 with the Select Parts or Select Linestring tools, the View / Edit 
 Selected Feature Geometry operation shows the WKT of the whole geometry.  
 For being able to see the WKT of only the selected parts user must copy the 
 selection as a new feature and select and show the WKT of the copy. For 
 example in the attached image OpenJUMP has a hole of the polygon in a 
 selection and it knows to use WKT LINEARRING ( 165 159, 184 159, 184 188, 
 165 188, 165 159 ) for copy-paste.

 I wonder if there could be a direct route for showing the WKT of just 
 selected parts and linestrings. Perhaps not without a new  view-only tool 
 because with the current View / Edit Selected Feature Geometry tool the 
 geometries can also be edited and  letting users to edit partial 
 geometries would not make sense.
 I can imagine two ways (don't know how difficult it would be though)
 - right-click / info  : add a button to the second tab after WKT/GML/CL to 
 display selected part only (or all)
 - right-click / view/edit geometry : write part and coordinate indexes in red 
 on the left part

 By the way, what is your use case ?

Nothing real. I was mainly experimenting with some alternatives for making new 
polygons to fill the holes of other polygons. That certain task is very easy to 
do with the Create Polygon from Closed Area tool but I thought I could do it 
about as simply by selecting a hole, copying the WKT to clipboard and pasting 
it as a new feature.

I can't imagine any frequent need for such Show WKT of selected parts tool in 
my work. Sometimes when resoIving reasons for topology errors it is useful to 
be able to select just one hole or a single part of a multipolygon  but once 
you know that it is best to make a copy into a new debug layer it does not make 
the work much slower. For a beginner it may not be obvious, though.



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[JPP-Devel] Supporting fractional line widths in OpenJUMP

2014-11-21 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

There is a feature request about implementing 1.5 wide lines for rendering User interface does 
not allow anything else than integers and I even had a look at the code. I got 
to think that java renderer could take sub-pixels widths but in OpenJUMP code 
widths are defined to be integers.

Am I right with my conclusion that sub-pixel line widths would be doable with 
java and also allowed in SLD standard but it would require some changes to how 
basic styles are implemented in OpenJUMP and also to SLD import/export handling?


a) For java the line width is of type float
public BasicStroke(float width,
   int cap,
   int join,
   float miterlimit,
   float[] dash,
   float dash_phase) 

b) OpenJUMP accepts only integers as line width
Test by hand editing an OpenJUMP project file
  line enabled=true width=4
  pattern enabled=false3/pattern
  color125, 0, 0, 255/color

Changing width to integer values is OK but a try with value 1.5 gives
ava.lang.Exception: Loading project file 'C:\temp\poista\' failed with 
the error:
For input string: 1.5.
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 1.5
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.init(Unknown Source)

[JPP-Devel] Could we read GeoJSON?

2014-11-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Has anybody thought about parsing GeoJSON with OpenJUMP?  The geometry encoding 
looks very OGC simple feature kind to me 

I searched for existing (Geo)JSON parsers for java and found this and this

Most WFS servers can deliver also GeoJSON and there are loads of other services 
sending GeoJSON because it is so popular format in web mapping.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Motion: Add Concave hull plugin into OJ PLUS

2014-11-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I have been using sometimes a small (18 kB) and nice Concave hull plugin [1] 
but I need to find it every time again from the web. I wonder if we could add 
it into standard OpenJUMP PLUS package? 


-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Make Select by Geometry.Type case insensitive

2014-11-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Michael Michaud wrote:

 Indeed, Ede was right as the plugin works on any attribute.
 In this context, adding a regex matcher makes sens (done).
 I also added a case insensitive option which is not related to the 
 attribute but made available for any attribute query, and as I was at it, I 
 added a geometry.isEmpty, geometry.numHoles and geometry.dimension

All these are little tools with much value sometimes. Case insensitive does not 
work for my exact use case because selection is not active for the equals 
condition (=) and there is not dedicated like condition for strings. 

 Relation has also been changed to Condition.
 By the way, Jukka, do you know that you also have plugin Edit  Selection 
 Select by GeometryType

I did not remember that actually. I do believe that I have seen it sometimes 
because I have translated the UI of the tool. But because I did not remember 
what we already had we have an even better attribute query tool now.


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[JPP-Devel] Show the WKT from Select parts / linestrings tools

2014-11-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

If parts of geometry collections or linestrings of features are selected with 
the Select Parts or Select Linestring tools, the View / Edit Selected 
Feature Geometry operation shows the WKT of the whole geometry.  For being 
able to see the WKT of only the selected parts user must copy the selection as 
a new feature and select and show the WKT of the copy. For example in the 
attached image OpenJUMP has a hole of the polygon in a selection and it knows 
to use WKT LINEARRING ( 165 159, 184 159, 184 188, 165 188, 165 159 ) for 

I wonder if there could be a direct route for showing the WKT of just selected 
parts and linestrings. Perhaps not without a new view-only tool because with 
the current View / Edit Selected Feature Geometry tool the geometries can 
also be edited and letting users to edit partial geometries would not make 

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] Make buffer tool to work on selection

2014-11-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

The buffer tool in Tools - Analysisis - Buffer is processing the whole layer. 
Could there be an option to buffer only selected features? It is possible to 
make simple buffers for selected features by using Tools - Analysis - Geometry 
Functions - Buffer but the other buffer tool has more options.

It would also be nice if the Buffer tool could update the features on place 
like the Geometry Functions tools can. That's not any big trouble but would 
make certain workflow a bit more fluent. I need to process some Oracle data 
that contains both lines and polygons in the same table by converting  also 
lines to polygons with a narrow buffer so that more constrained programs like 
QGIS can handle the data as one layer.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] OpenJUMP v. 1.7.2 soon?

2014-11-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Would it make sense to make a new 1.7.2 release? We have some bug fixes and 
useful improvements and a new release makes some good pressure to check and 
complete translations of new and changed features in the UI.  New releases 
makes people to believe that OJ is not dead and our release process does not 
feel very heavy. Or does it only feel so because Ede is making all the work? 
This came into my mind because I saw the schedule for OSGeo-Live 8.5

If we aim at 1 Dec we would still have couple of weeks for checking the 
translations and probably even the 23 Dec feature freeze would be acceptable.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Make Select by Geometry.Type case insensitive

2014-11-13 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

The Attribute Query tool makes a case sensitive search against Geometry.Type 
and for example for finding multilinestrings use must write into the value box 
exactly MultiLineString.

Could it be possible to make this search case insensitive? I spent some time 
before I managed to find the right strings by digitizing all kind of features 
on a layer and running Feature statistics which shows in the type field how 
the geometry types are supposed to be spelled.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Update SQLite JDBC driver in DB Query and OJ PLUS

2014-11-11 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Larry,


This means some extra work for Ede: OpenJUMP PLUS snapshots should be packaged 
to contain jumpdblugin-1.1.0.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Larry Reeder []
Lähetetty: 8. marraskuuta 2014 23:10
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Update SQLite JDBC driver in DB Query and OJ PLUS

The  Jump Database Query plugin has been rebuild using v 3.8.7 of the SQLite 
JDBC drivers.  I also repackaged it using the conventions defined by Ede - 
plugin jar at the top level, with dependent libraries in a sub-folder.

Updated plugin is at


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Larry Reeder wrote:
Thanks for the heads-up on the new SQLite JDBC driver version, Jukka.   I'll 
pull it, run some tests, and if all goes well, I'll build another release of 
the DB Query Plugin.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 2:32 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

There is now a new released version of SQLite JDBC driver at
I tested driver version 3.8.7 and DB Query plugin is happy with it. If Larry 
has nothing against it I suggest to update the driver immediately to this one:

If I remember right the reason to include a somewhat outdated version 3.7.2 was 
that there was no newer official release. Now there is and I hope we can 
update. The new driver version can load the spatialite extension while 3.7.2 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Update SQLite JDBC driver in DB Query and OJ PLUS

2014-11-11 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Does not work for me with jre 1.7.0_67 32 bit (Oracle) on Windows 7, selecting 
DB Query from the menu gives me

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jsyntaxpane/DefaultSyntaxKit
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown 
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jsyntaxpane.DefaultSyntaxKit
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 41 more


edgar.soldin wrote:

hey Larry,

On 08.11.2014 22:10, Larry Reeder wrote:
 I also repackaged it using the conventions defined by Ede - plugin jar at the 
 top level, with dependent libraries in a sub-folder.

just nitpicking here,) your extension is called
but you named the subfolder containing the dependencies

i renamed it to jumpdbquery-1.1.0/ in PLUS to make clear it belongs to the 
jumpdbquery.jar ;).. ede

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[JPP-Devel] Update SQLite JDBC driver in DB Query and OJ PLUS

2014-10-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

There is now a new released version of SQLite JDBC driver at
I tested driver version 3.8.7 and DB Query plugin is happy with it. If Larry 
has nothing against it I suggest to update the driver immediately to this one:

If I remember right the reason to include a somewhat outdated version 3.7.2 was 
that there was no newer official release. Now there is and I hope we can 
update. The new driver version can load the spatialite extension while 3.7.2 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I like GDAL a lot and I use its vector and raster capabilities daily. It would 
also be unfair to sit in the Program steering committee of GDAL if I didn’t 
like it. However, I also like OpenJUMP and it feels important for me to keep it 
fully operational on Windows, Linux, and Mac (both 32 and 64 bit) with a 
minimal footprint. The current download size of 23 or 46 MB makes OpenJUMP 
really “A small Open Source GIS that can” as Martin Davis wrote. We do have 
less features and less users than QGIS but we also have only 43 open issues in 
bug tracker while QGIS seems to have 1184.

Because of simplicity I considered that making a JML driver into GDAL was 
better choice than to build a deeply integrated GDAL data store into OpenJUMP. 
Now it is possible to make format conversions totally outside OpenJUMP with 
native utilities and even the minimal OJ Core can enjoy the results.

That said, I for sure have nothing against making an OpenJUMP Maxi version with 
the integrated GUI tool. Both iGOR and the newest ogr2gui version are brilliant. They also show what is the 
weakness: They are not so easy to build and install on all Windows/Linux/Mac, 
and they get old so soon. For example, JML driver is tagged to GDAL version 2.0 
and it probably takes a year before it is released and available for Linux from 
stable sources.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Larry Becker []
Lähetetty: 22. lokakuuta 2014 22:44
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

Sounds like an idea whose time has come.  With GDAL support (in the MAXI 
release) it would be possible to integrate the GUI tool from SkyJUMP that uses 
ogr2ogr to to load any supported file format while reprojecting the coordinate 
system.  See the attached screen shot. The main feature is the exhaustive drop 
down list of coordinate systems that can be reduced by typing a key word.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:15 PM, wrote:
On 20.10.2014 12:30, wrote:
 For testing the driver a GDAL from current trunk (revision r27882 or higher) 
 is needed. Windows users can get ready made binaries from by selecting some of the “development” 
 versions. The GDAL tool to use is ogr2ogr As 
 an example, for converting data from MapInfo tab into JML format the command 
 to use is
 i will update PLUS snapshot as soon as possible

scratch that.. there were mere 60 downloads of our GDAL-windows package
from sourceforge since january.
maybe we should come up with a MAXI release integrating GDAL for the lazy 
crossing the 100MB border though.


Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-21 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Do you have several layers in your XML? What do you see with plain ogrinfo 


Lähettäjä: Uwe
Lähetetty: ‎21.‎10.‎2014 12:42
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and; Rahkonen Jukka 
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

Hi Jukka,

thank you for your work!

I receive an error when I try to convert an NAS xml-file to jml.

D:\Arbeit\ALKIS_LoD1\Testogr2ogr -f JML xxx.jml ALKIS_FHH_0008.xml
Layer AP_PTO not found, and CreateLayer not supported by driver.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer AP_PTO (use -skipfailures to skip errors)



Am 20.10.2014 um 12:22 schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):

 Since yesterday GDAL can read and write the JUMP JML format

 What does it mean?

 ·Data from any vector format that is supported by GDAL can be converted from and into JUMP
 JML format without a need to use shapefiles as interim format. That
 removes some problems which come from the limitations of the shapefile

 oColumn names can be longer than 10 characters

 oValues in string fields can be longer than 255 characters

 oLong datatime data type is supported

 oIf source data contains mixed geometry types there is no need to split
 data into separate shapefiles by the geometry type

 I believe that GDAL JML driver will make is easier to use OpenJUMP in
 workflows where data comes from various sources and several programs are
 used in the processing chain.

 For testing the driver a GDAL from current trunk (revision r27882 or
 higher) is needed. Windows users can get ready made binaries from by selecting some of the “development”
 versions. The GDAL tool to use is ogr2ogr
 As an example, for converting data from MapInfo tab into JML format the
 command to use is

 ogr2ogr –f JML output.jml

 Feedback is welcome. I already noticed that at least on Windows with
 Finnish locale OpenJUMP claims to store XML in UTF-8 which is not true.

 Driver is written by Even Rouault and donated to OpenJUMP community by me.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-21 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Jml can take only one layer. Try command as
ogr2ogr -f jml output.jml input.xml layer_name.


Lähettäjä: Uwe
Lähetetty: ‎21.‎10.‎2014 14:08
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka (Tike); 
OpenJump develop and
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

D:\Arbeit\ALKIS_LoD1\Testogrinfo ALKIS_FHH_0008.xml
Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `ALKIS_FHH_0008.xml'
   using driver `NAS' successful.
1: AP_PPO (Multi Point)
2: AP_PTO (Point)
3: AX_Baublock (Polygon)
4: AX_BauRaumOderBodenordnungsrecht (Polygon)
5: AX_BesondereFlurstuecksgrenze (Line String)
6: AX_Bodenschaetzung (Polygon)
7: AX_GeoreferenzierteGebaeudeadresse (Point)
8: AX_LagebezeichnungMitHausnummer (None)
9: AX_Flurstueck (Polygon)
10: AX_LagebezeichnungOhneHausnummer (None)
11: AX_Gebaeude (Polygon)
12: AX_LagebezeichnungMitPseudonummer (None)
13: AX_GrablochDerBodenschaetzung (Point)
14: AX_Landwirtschaft (Polygon)
15: AX_Strassenverkehrsanlage (Multi Line String)
16: AX_Vegetationsmerkmal (Point)
17: AX_Wald (Polygon)
18: ALKIS_beziehungen (None)

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .



Am 21.10.2014 um 12:32 schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):
 Do you have several layers in your XML? What do you see with plain
 ogrinfo your-file.xml?

 Lähettäjä: Uwe Dalluege
 Lähetetty: ‎21.‎10.‎2014 12:42
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use; Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

 Hi Jukka,

 thank you for your work!

 I receive an error when I try to convert an NAS xml-file to jml.

 D:\Arbeit\ALKIS_LoD1\Testogr2ogr -f JML xxx.jml ALKIS_FHH_0008.xml
 Layer AP_PTO not found, and CreateLayer not supported by driver.
 ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
 translation of layer AP_PTO (use -skipfailures to skip errors)



 Am 20.10.2014 um 12:22 schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):

 Since yesterday GDAL can read and write the JUMP JML format

 What does it mean?

 ·Data from any vector format that is supported by GDAL can be converted from and into JUMP
 JML format without a need to use shapefiles as interim format. That
 removes some problems which come from the limitations of the shapefile

 oColumn names can be longer than 10 characters

 oValues in string fields can be longer than 255 characters

 oLong datatime data type is supported

 oIf source data contains mixed geometry types there is no need to split
 data into separate shapefiles by the geometry type

 I believe that GDAL JML driver will make is easier to use OpenJUMP in
 workflows where data comes from various sources and several programs are
 used in the processing chain.

 For testing the driver a GDAL from current trunk (revision r27882 or
 higher) is needed. Windows users can get ready made binaries from by selecting some of the “development”
 versions. The GDAL tool to use is ogr2ogr
 As an example, for converting data from MapInfo tab into JML format the
 command to use is

 ogr2ogr –f JML output.jml

 Feedback is welcome. I already noticed that at least on Windows with
 Finnish locale OpenJUMP claims to store XML in UTF-8 which is not true.

 Driver is written by Even Rouault and donated to OpenJUMP community by me.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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 Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

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[JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Since yesterday GDAL can read and write the JUMP JML format

What does it mean?

*Data from any vector format that is supported by GDAL can be converted from and into JUMP JML 
format without a need to use shapefiles as interim format. That removes some 
problems which come from the limitations of the shapefile format:

o   Column names can be longer than 10 characters

o   Values in string fields can be longer than 255 characters

o   Long datatime data type is supported

o   If source data contains mixed geometry types there is no need to split data 
into separate shapefiles by the geometry type

I believe that GDAL JML driver will make is easier to use OpenJUMP in workflows 
where data comes from various sources and several programs are used in the 
processing chain.

For testing the driver a GDAL from current trunk (revision r27882 or higher) is 
needed. Windows users can get ready made binaries from by selecting some of the development versions. 
The GDAL tool to use is ogr2ogr As an example, 
for converting data from MapInfo tab into JML format the command to use is

ogr2ogr -f JML output.jml

Feedback is welcome. I already noticed that at least on Windows with Finnish 
locale OpenJUMP claims to store XML in UTF-8 which is not true.

Driver is written by Even Rouault and donated to OpenJUMP community by me.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] JML file labeled as UTF-8 but it isn't

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

This feels like a bug to me. I run OpenJUMP on Windows with Finnish locale. 
When I write attributes with non-ascii characters and save the result to JML 
format the XML file is labeled to use UTF-8 encoding. However, the non-ascii 
characters are not converted into UTF-8.

Has the intention been to make conversion into UTF-8 automatically or should 
there be the similar character set selection that can be used with shapefiles? 
The complete JML file pasted below.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
JCSDataFile xmlns:gml=; 
  valueElement elementName=property attributeName=name 
  valueLocation position=body/

  gml:coordinates127.0,198.0 /gml:coordinates
  property name=atträöåüÄÖÅÜ/property


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Re: [JPP-Devel] JML file labeled as UTF-8 but it isn't

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Sorry. Now attached.


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:


This feels like a bug to me. I run OpenJUMP on Windows with Finnish locale. 
When I write attributes with non-ascii characters and save the result to JML 
format the XML file is labeled to use UTF-8 encoding. However, the non-ascii 
characters are not converted into UTF-8.

Has the intention been to make conversion into UTF-8 automatically or should 
there be the similar character set selection that can be used with shapefiles? 
The complete JML file pasted below.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
JCSDataFile xmlns:gml=; 
  valueElement elementName=property attributeName=name 
  valueLocation position=body/

  gml:coordinates127.0,198.0 /gml:coordinates
  property name=atträöåüÄÖÅÜ/property


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Description: utf-8.jml
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Re: [JPP-Devel] JML file labeled as UTF-8 but it isn't

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
These eight:
code point  character   UTF-8 (hex.)name



edgar.soldin wrote:

which non ascii chars did you enter in the attribute?


On 20.10.2014 14:21, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
 Sorry. Now attached.

 Rahkonen Jukka wrote:


 This feels like a bug to me. I run OpenJUMP on Windows with Finnish locale. 
 When I write attributes with non-ascii characters and save the result to JML 
 format the XML file is labeled to use UTF-8 encoding. However, the non-ascii 
 characters are not converted into UTF-8.

 Has the intention been to make conversion into UTF-8 automatically or should 
 there be the similar character set selection that can be used with 
 shapefiles? The complete JML file pasted below.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

 ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
 JCSDataFile xmlns:gml=; 
   valueElement elementName=property attributeName=name 
   valueLocation position=body/

   gml:coordinates127.0,198.0 /gml:coordinates
   property name=atträöåüÄÖÅÜ/property


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Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Ede,

I believe that UTF-8 behaves well now. At least I can see similar figures in OJ 
r4071 and in Spatialite-gui where I have converted the .jml file with GDAL.

Could your change has some effect in other places where XML is written and read 
like saving and opening OJ project files and SLD style files?


edgar.soldin wrote:

 can you check after OJ writes proper UTF-8 now if the gdal reader preserves 
 characters properly? preferably with some asian characters. as copy and paste
 does not work (at least for me) in the attribute window i'll attach you a file
 (created via adding a second japanese keyboard layout and enabling kanna ;)
 you may need to install support for asian languages to see the file name
 properly but should be able to rename it, in case don't want to.
 the characters you used 'äöåüÄÖÅÜ' seem to be in the windows charset, so they
 are not really a good test.

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Re: [JPP-Devel] GDAL reads and writes JUMP JML now

2014-10-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

edgar.soldin wrote:
 On 20.10.2014 21:18, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Hi Ede,
  I believe that UTF-8 behaves well now. At least I can see similar figures 
  in OJ
 r4071 and in Spatialite-gui where I have converted the .jml file with GDAL.
 it's not about the figures but the attribute values.. are they consistent?

Those characters look like abstract figures for me but all the linework of the 
characters in the attribute values does look the same in OJ and Spatialite-gui 
as well as in Notepad++ when I open the .jml file with it.

  Could your change has some effect in other places where XML is written and
 read like saving and opening OJ project files and SLD style files?
 possibly.. i changed GMLReader to honor encoding, that should be backwards
 compatible.. GMLWriter is another story, i forced it to always write UTF-8 
 might be an issue if a XML-template is used that enforces a different 
 GMLWriter is used to write JML, FMEGML and of course GML files. do we really
 need to honor template give encoding values there?
  edgar.soldin wrote:
  can you check after OJ writes proper UTF-8 now if the gdal reader
  preserves the characters properly? preferably with some asian
  characters. as copy and paste does not work (at least for me) in the
  attribute window i'll attach you a file (created via adding a second
  japanese keyboard layout and enabling kanna ;) you may need to
  install support for asian languages to see the file name properly but 
  should be
 able to rename it, in case don't want to.
  the characters you used 'äöåüÄÖÅÜ' seem to be in the windows charset,
  so they are not really a good test.
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Info tool for rasters - Name of the tool

2014-10-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Summary of a long message:
General Info tool can continue to use name Feature Info. It does not feel odd 
for the users and others use similar naming. If there will be a separate raster 
query tool, call it as Raster Info.

I did not check gvSIG and uDig but in QGIS a similar tool is called Identify 
Features and the same tool is used for vector and raster layers. If layer is a 
WMS layer the tool sends GetFeatureInfo requests to WMS service. If the WMS 
layer is made from vectors the request will send back vector attributes, but if 
it is a raster layer then the response is telling the pixel values for each 
band. I do not feel it necessary to rename FeatureInfo in OpenJUMP either just 
because it could be used as well as RasterInfo. And raster layers are not so 
far from vector layers always because the pixel value can express attribute 
value in a cell which is actually presents a polygon or point (DEM, measurement 

However, OpenJUMP has some differences to QGIS. Feature info makes query to all 
visible layers and that can't be controlled by setting a visible layer into 
queryable/not queryable state from U. It would irritate me as a user to get 
pixel info from background images always when only vector data really 
interests. But I read that raster query results would be on a new pane R. It 
would be nice to test how it feels in use. If the raster query results are not 
automatically shown together with the vector query results it would probably 
feel OK.

Having a separate rasterinfo tool does not feel perfect because I am not sure 
what to do is we will have some day a tool for doing WMS GetFeatureInfo 
queries? Should there be a third tool or should the feature be added either 
into vectorinfo or into rasterinfo tool? If I remember right the GetFeatureInfo 
that was in the deeJUMP version had a separate button.

I was thinking about two alternatives
1) Have a single Info tool and keep the current behaviour with vector layers. 
Perhaps there could  and an option in UI for making layer unqueryable even if 
it is visible. When raster layers are selected the Info tool would make raster 
info queries from selected and queryable raster layers. And if WMS layers are 
selected the tool would make GetFeatureInfo queries for layers which are 
announced queryable in WMS GetCapabilities. This option would be deactivated 
until OpenJUMP can do GetFeatureInfo. 

It may be that the third R pave gives excellent user experience without 
thinking about when to make certain layers queryable/not queryable.

2) Make a new Raster info tool and prepare for enhancing it into Raster info 
toolbox later. Besides point query from a single pixel there could be another 
tools which take a linestring and return raster profile (we have such already 
in Sextante-raster tools in OJ Plus), min, max, average, histogram along the 
line etc. Another tools could take a polygon and compute statistics from that 
area. The line and area tools could use the selected feature(s) from the 
project as reference geometries

Alternative 2 feels teasing for me because it probably would make is easier to 
develop new raster tools. My personal needs may have an effect because I would 
actually have some use for an easy to use Get histogram inside selected area 
tool. Now I use Saga GIS for that purpose.

By the way, it would be often nice to see the pixel values under the cursor in 
real time like coordinates are shown now.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Michaud wrote:

 Le 17/10/2014 23:07, a écrit :
  On 16.10.2014 14:10, Alberto De Luca - GeA wrote:
  Dear OJ developers,
  still working on OJ's raster handling features: we've modified the Feature
 info tool to make it able to display the values of the rasters loaded in OJ. 
 added a third pane (called R) to the feature info tool, with a table 
 for every raster, the value at the mouse click. It works for single-banded 
 for now.
  In the process of adding this feature, I modified the RasterImageLayer 
  - added two methods to retrieve the value of a cell from real-world
  coordinate and from raster col/row;
  - turned the noDataValue variable into non-static.
  The classes that I've modified (attached) are:
  - com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.InfoFrame
  - com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.cursortool.FeatureInfoTool
  - org.openjump.core.rasterimage.RasterImageLayer
  If you agree with implementing these changes, the FeatureInfoTool should
 probably be renamed into something more generic, without a reference to the
  the Tools are generally just cursor implementations that internally start 
 routines in this case the InfoFrame. so this is already generic internally. i 
 see the advantage of renaming but go ahead if you feel inclined. be careful 
 find all the places that the class names need to be changed. do not forget
 default-plugins.xml .
 For vector layers, the tool reacts to 

[JPP-Devel] Individual feature styles

2014-10-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

What are the limits that OpenJUMP could do by setting individual feature 
styles? The Set color tool can set individual colors, but could it be possible 
to set for example for polygon all outline colors, line widths, dash, fill 
colors and fill patters feature by feature? I was reading the OGR Feature style 
document and quite many OGR Style 
options are supported in OpenJUMP for the whole layer. If color can be set 
individually with R_G_B column, what else could be possible to control 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Static object in RasterImageLayer class

2014-10-07 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

What difference this change could mean and how to test?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Michaud wrote:

Hi Alberto, Stefan,

Just commit Alberto's patch (r4064)
please test,

Dear OJ developers,

after a break (of a few years...), I'm back on OJ development, still focussed 
on raster management and close to be ready to make available to the community 
an improved version of the raster color editor, allowing the use of ramps, 
intervals, single colour values...

Nevertheless, there is a design issue in the class


that is giving me some problems. The point is that the Raster variable 
rasterData is static. As a consequence, it gets shared across all the 
instances of RasterImageLayer, making thinks a bit awkward. Do you see any 
problem in turning rasterData into non-static? I've tested this change, and 
everything appears to be working alright. You can find attached the modified



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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Error with Map coloring plugin

2014-10-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi ,

I was rather thinking that users could select the v. 0.4 path at their own risk 
for example by checking a box “Disjoint colors” with a tooltip hint “Tries to 
prevent same colors from touching at any point”. But that is not especially 
important feature and I do like simple and fast solutions a lot.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Larry Reeder wrote:

Hey Jukka,

It might be possible to detect that less than 5 polygons are touching at a 
point and treat that particular area as through the features were adjacent to 
get the behavior in the 0.4 version of the plugin.  However, it would  
complicate the code quite a bit and slow it down.

Regarding packaging the plugin into a libfolder in lib\ext\ojmapcoloring-0.5,   
I used to do that with the DB Query plugin, and prefer it also, but recent 
versions of OJ don't load plugins unless they are in the lib\ext directory.  
I'm using Linux  OpenJUMP-1.6.1-r3501-PLUS to test.   Maybe the Windows 
versions behave differently?


On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Larry,

Version 0.5 colors now all the Finnish municipalities and all the multi-slice 
pizzas which I digitized fine. However, I think that when there are at maximum 
5 areas touching on one point the version 0.4 does better coloring. The new 
version may give the same color for areas which touch on one point even it 
would not be necessary. My municipality map seems to be a good test dataset 
because it has a) multipolygons where the parts are touching on one point - 
parts should be painted with the same color and b) separate simple polygons 
touching on one point - would be better to paint with different colors if 

If I had to select between 0.4 and 0.5 I think I would select 0.4 because of 
the better coloring result in normal cases.

I prefer to keep the lib\ext folder a bit more clean by copying only 
ojmapcoloring.jar there and putting the rest of the package into folder 
lib\ext\ojmapcoloring-0.5. Perhaps it is still not worth changing the packaging 
or installation instructions.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Larry Reeder wrote:

Well, no matter how many times you slice it, a pizza is always (mostly) planar 
:-).  The problem with map coloring occurs when you can't draw a line on a 
plane from a fixed point on all features to a fixed point on their adjacent 
features without the lines crossing.  You have to lift the lines off the plane 
to connect adjacent features, so the adjacency graph becomes non-planar.

I've got a fix for it now, one that doesn't count features touching on a point 
as adjacent.  Give it a try -


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:09 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Larry,

I should have actually guessed what happened. There used to be 8 municipalies 
sharing a common landmark but because of some fusions there are only 6 left now.
I tried to find a document that says that pizza is no more planar when it is 
sliced into 6 pieces.  However, I found some documents which define the four or 
five color theorem so that polygons are considered to be adjacent if they share 
an edge, not only a point. This is one of those


Larry Reeder wrote:

Hey Jukka,

Just got a chance to look at this.   The region that is not coloring is 

  It's like a pizza sliced into six pieces, each touching at the point.   You 
can't color this portion of the map with only five colors without two adjacent 
(maybe just adjacent at one point in the enter) regions having the same color.  
 In graph-theory terms, the graph is non-planar and can't be colored 
correctly with the five-color theorem.  The map coloring plugin detects this 
and refuses to color this portion of the map.

From a practical standpoint, you probably don't care that regions touching at a 
single point have the same color, as long as they don't share a color along a 
long edge.   I'll look at updating the plugin to detect this and continue 


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I found a shapefile from which some polygons are not colored with the Map 
coloring plugin v. 0.4.  Shapefile does not have topology errors but some 
multipolygons have quite a many parts because of archipelago. However, 
exploding multipolygons into polygons does not change the behaviour. The 
problematic shapefile can be found from

Error appears always in the same place in South-West. For example features with 
OGR_FID=180 or 234 stays without color.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Want excitement

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Wiki

2014-10-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Ede,

Edit seems to be possible now, thanks.


 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: []
 Lähetetty: 2. lokakuuta 2014 19:29
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Wiki
 please retry.. ede
 On 01.10.2014 14:41, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Hi Ede,
  I would like to make some updates to wiki.  I can log in with my account but
 not edit.
  edgar soldin wrote:
  hmm.. it should be write protected as i didn't find the time or
  energy to setup user mgmt so far ;(.. ede
  On 13.09.2014 19:39, Michael Michaud wrote:
  I got it,
  Just received my temporary password,
  Hi Ede,
  I've been unable to get write access to the new wiki.
  Can you give me a hint ?
  Should I create a new account (I could not)
  no. you are free to familiarize yourself with these platforms and to do 
  afaics the swing ui and feature rich desktop approach of OJ will
  probably make any port as such unfeasible.
  On 15.07.2014 14:45, sukhjit sehra wrote:
  Any body working on conceptualization of Open Jump on to Mobile
  devices such as android/ios
  On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 8:49 PM, wrote:
the wiki is online again. you can follow the links on
for now there is no registration or editing. that will come
  in a next step,
  as users will have to reregister and i have the permissions not
  properly set up so far.
the webspace is located in germany and should be
  responsive and fast from all over the world.
here are the reasons why i ended up there:
why not
because my other much smaller wiki is disastrously slow.
  the pages
  need several seconds most of the time, sometimes even longer.
  especially when you try to edit something ending up with timeouts is a deal
other 'free' mediawiki hosters?
i had a look around. but it already started with me having
  the old wiki in
  form of an sql dump and the files in an archive. this is simply not
  the format these services allow to import. they prefer an xml export,
  that unfortunately omits all image files.
the same issue would have hit us when moving from one
  hoster to
  another. there are scripts avail to export mediawiki via API calls
  and web access, but that was something i definitely didn't wanted to invest
 effort in.
so far, so jumpy.. ede

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list mailto:Jump-pilot-
  Er. Sukhjit Singh Sehra
  Assistant Professor
  Dept of Computer Science Engg.
  Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab Mobile No:-
  09855959200 *In your free time kindly visit  -  A
  Gallery of Blessed Relics of Sikh Guru Sahib
  --- Want fast and easy access to all the code in your
  enterprise? Index and search up to 200,000 lines of code with a
  free copy of Black Duck Code Sight - the same software that
  powers the world's largest code search on Ohloh, the Black Duck Open
  Try it now.
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
  -- Want fast and easy access to all the code in your
  enterprise? Index and search up to 200,000 lines of code with a
  free copy of Black Duck Code Sight - the same software that powers
  the world's largest code search on Ohloh, the Black Duck Open Hub!
  Try it now.
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
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  When you want reliability, choose Perforce Perforce version control.
  Predictably reliable.
  tg .clktrk ___
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] New Spatialite v. 4.2.1, DB Query and Spatialite reader

2014-10-02 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Windows binaries for Spatialite v. 4.2.1-RC0 were published a couple of days 
ago with many new features I made a quick test 
with new version and it appeared to be rather easy to use the fresh version 
with DB Query plugin. Steps which are needed are:

1) Updata sqlite jdbc driver to sqlite-jdbc4-3.8.2-SNAPSHOT.jar or 
sqlite-jdbc-3.8.5-pre1.jar from
2) Download 32-bit or 64-bit Spatialite binaries from or and unzip everything 
into lib\ext
3) Connect Spatialite database as 

Congratulations for Larry, it was a good solution to use the SQL method for 
loading Spatialite extension.
String loadSql = SELECT load_extension(' + extension + ');;

Spatialite binaries are nowadays created in somehow differently  than before

The SELECT load_extension() works fine with the new extension module system 
(mod_spatialite).  The alternative method that is used in the Spatialite reader 
plugin does not work because mod_spatiatile.dll does not behave in the same way 
than libspatialite.dll used to. This method looks like this in the code.

 errmsg = SQLite3.new_p_p_char();
 ((JdbcConnection)dbcon).loadExtention(libspatialite-1.dll, null, errmsg);

This means that Spatialite v. 4.0 is the latest that can be used with 
Spatialite reader plugin if Spatialite project will not build also the old 
style .dll (.so, .dylib) binaries. Another possibility is to fix the plugin to 
use the SELECT load_extension method. But if someone gets interested in having 
a look at that, there were some other troubles in the latest available version

Michaël made some fixes for that into on unpublished 1.4alpha version and that 
would be better codebase to start making the fix.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Wiki

2014-10-01 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Ede,

I would like to make some updates to wiki.  I can log in with my account but 
not edit.


edgar soldin wrote:
 hmm.. it should be write protected as i didn't find the time or energy to 
 user mgmt so far ;(.. ede
 On 13.09.2014 19:39, Michael Michaud wrote:
  I got it,
  Just received my temporary password,
  Hi Ede,
  I've been unable to get write access to the new wiki.
  Can you give me a hint ?
  Should I create a new account (I could not)
  no. you are free to familiarize yourself with these platforms and to do 
 afaics the swing ui and feature rich desktop approach of OJ will probably make
 any port as such unfeasible.
  On 15.07.2014 14:45, sukhjit sehra wrote:
  Any body working on conceptualization of Open Jump on to Mobile
  devices such as android/ios
  On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 8:49 PM, wrote:
the wiki is online again. you can follow the links on
for now there is no registration or editing. that will come in a 
  next step,
 as users will have to reregister and i have the permissions not properly set 
 up so
the webspace is located in germany and should be sufficiently
 responsive and fast from all over the world.
here are the reasons why i ended up there:
why not
because my other much smaller wiki is disastrously slow. the pages
 need several seconds most of the time, sometimes even longer. especially when
 you try to edit something ending up with timeouts is a deal breaker.
other 'free' mediawiki hosters?
i had a look around. but it already started with me having the old 
  wiki in
 form of an sql dump and the files in an archive. this is simply not the format
 these services allow to import. they prefer an xml export, that unfortunately
 omits all image files.
the same issue would have hit us when moving from one hoster to
 another. there are scripts avail to export mediawiki via API calls and web 
 but that was something i definitely didn't wanted to invest effort in.
so far, so jumpy.. ede

Jump-pilot-devel mailing list mailto:Jump-pilot-
  Er. Sukhjit Singh Sehra
  Assistant Professor
  Dept of Computer Science Engg.
  Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, Punjab Mobile No:-
  09855959200 *In your free time kindly visit  -  A
  Gallery of Blessed Relics of Sikh Guru Sahib
  --- Want fast and easy access to all the code in your
  enterprise? Index and search up to 200,000 lines of code with a
  free copy of Black Duck Code Sight - the same software that powers
  the world's largest code search on Ohloh, the Black Duck Open Hub!
  Try it now.
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
  -- Want fast and easy access to all the code in your
  enterprise? Index and search up to 200,000 lines of code with a free
  copy of Black Duck Code Sight - the same software that powers the
  world's largest code search on Ohloh, the Black Duck Open Hub! Try
  it now.
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
  Want excitement?
  Manually upgrade your production database.
  When you want reliability, choose Perforce Perforce version control.
  Predictably reliable.
  .clktrk ___
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list
  Want excitement?
  Manually upgrade your production database.
  When you want reliability, choose Perforce Perforce version control.
  Predictably reliable.
  clktrk ___
  Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Error with Map coloring plugin

2014-09-28 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Larry,

Version 0.5 colors now all the Finnish municipalities and all the multi-slice 
pizzas which I digitized fine. However, I think that when there are at maximum 
5 areas touching on one point the version 0.4 does better coloring. The new 
version may give the same color for areas which touch on one point even it 
would not be necessary. My municipality map seems to be a good test dataset 
because it has a) multipolygons where the parts are touching on one point - 
parts should be painted with the same color and b) separate simple polygons 
touching on one point - would be better to paint with different colors if 

If I had to select between 0.4 and 0.5 I think I would select 0.4 because of 
the better coloring result in normal cases.

I prefer to keep the lib\ext folder a bit more clean by copying only 
ojmapcoloring.jar there and putting the rest of the package into folder 
lib\ext\ojmapcoloring-0.5. Perhaps it is still not worth changing the packaging 
or installation instructions.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Larry Reeder wrote:

Well, no matter how many times you slice it, a pizza is always (mostly) planar 
:-).  The problem with map coloring occurs when you can't draw a line on a 
plane from a fixed point on all features to a fixed point on their adjacent 
features without the lines crossing.  You have to lift the lines off the plane 
to connect adjacent features, so the adjacency graph becomes non-planar.

I've got a fix for it now, one that doesn't count features touching on a point 
as adjacent.  Give it a try -


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:09 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Larry,

I should have actually guessed what happened. There used to be 8 municipalies 
sharing a common landmark but because of some fusions there are only 6 left now.
I tried to find a document that says that pizza is no more planar when it is 
sliced into 6 pieces.  However, I found some documents which define the four or 
five color theorem so that polygons are considered to be adjacent if they share 
an edge, not only a point. This is one of those


Larry Reeder wrote:

Hey Jukka,

Just got a chance to look at this.   The region that is not coloring is 

  It's like a pizza sliced into six pieces, each touching at the point.   You 
can't color this portion of the map with only five colors without two adjacent 
(maybe just adjacent at one point in the enter) regions having the same color.  
 In graph-theory terms, the graph is non-planar and can't be colored 
correctly with the five-color theorem.  The map coloring plugin detects this 
and refuses to color this portion of the map.

From a practical standpoint, you probably don't care that regions touching at a 
single point have the same color, as long as they don't share a color along a 
long edge.   I'll look at updating the plugin to detect this and continue 


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I found a shapefile from which some polygons are not colored with the Map 
coloring plugin v. 0.4.  Shapefile does not have topology errors but some 
multipolygons have quite a many parts because of archipelago. However, 
exploding multipolygons into polygons does not change the behaviour. The 
problematic shapefile can be found from

Error appears always in the same place in South-West. For example features with 
OGR_FID=180 or 234 stays without color.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] WMS format selection skipped if only one SRS/CRS is supported

2014-09-28 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I confirm that it is fixed. Tested with: Version 20140922 snapshot rev.4053
-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Michaud wrote:


Fixed in r4051



If WMS server is serving maps only in one projection, then the UI of OpenJUMP 
does not allow to select the image format. See the attached image. In this 
state user can only accept or cancel the operation and the first format from 
the list of supported ones will be selected. Format can be changed afterwards 
by using the Edit WMS query tool.

-Jukka Rahkonen-


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Error with Map coloring plugin

2014-09-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Larry,

I should have actually guessed what happened. There used to be 8 municipalies 
sharing a common landmark but because of some fusions there are only 6 left now.
I tried to find a document that says that pizza is no more planar when it is 
sliced into 6 pieces.  However, I found some documents which define the four or 
five color theorem so that polygons are considered to be adjacent if they share 
an edge, not only a point. This is one of those


Larry Reeder wrote:

Hey Jukka,

Just got a chance to look at this.   The region that is not coloring is 

  It's like a pizza sliced into six pieces, each touching at the point.   You 
can't color this portion of the map with only five colors without two adjacent 
(maybe just adjacent at one point in the enter) regions having the same color.  
 In graph-theory terms, the graph is non-planar and can't be colored 
correctly with the five-color theorem.  The map coloring plugin detects this 
and refuses to color this portion of the map.

From a practical standpoint, you probably don't care that regions touching at a 
single point have the same color, as long as they don't share a color along a 
long edge.   I'll look at updating the plugin to detect this and continue 


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I found a shapefile from which some polygons are not colored with the Map 
coloring plugin v. 0.4.  Shapefile does not have topology errors but some 
multipolygons have quite a many parts because of archipelago. However, 
exploding multipolygons into polygons does not change the behaviour. The 
problematic shapefile can be found from

Error appears always in the same place in South-West. For example features with 
OGR_FID=180 or 234 stays without color.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes

2014-09-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Michaël,

Michael Michaud wrote:

 Hi Jukka,

 I see. A solution would be to replace current options Use an attribute, 
 Attribute by a list of actual attributes with a checkbox for each one.
 In this case, maybe we should split the tool again to have
 - union/merge (a selection or a layer), keeping only the merge option (+ 
 option to split non adjacent linestrings ?)
 - dissolve/merge (a layer) : same options + list of all attributes (with 
 checkboxes) + aggregate unused attributes 

 How about having two options for the unused attibutes: Aggregate unused 
 attributes/Discard unused attributes. The latter would remove the unused 
 columns from the schema of the new union layer. What I have in my mind is to 
 cut down file size by cutting down the number of features and by removing 
 unnecessary attributes. Of course the latter is quite easy to do from Edit 

 Just committed a new dissolve plugin (coming just after union plugin) : 
 check r4050+
 Compared to union plugin :
 - it works only on a layer, not on a feature selection
 - it can use several attributes to dissolve, not just one
 - it can optionally explode multi-geometries at the end
 - it can optionally remove unused attributes from the schema
 - there is no option to ignore null attributes
 - there is no option to aggregate unused attribute

 Please, let me now if it fits your use case and/or if you see any improvements
 to make it more usable.

This is going to be a fine tool to have in the analysis toolbox. I made a test 
with road data which are natively dynamically segmented but split into physical 
segments for standard GIS programs. There are quite many attributes used for 
splitting which leads to very short segments. By taking the two attributes I 
really need I can reduce the number of linestrings very much, for example from 
911 to 31. However, using this fine dissolve tool reveals new oddities from the 
data which may lead to further questions and suggestions but I must play with 
the data a little bit more first.

I did find something that feels like a bug. When the Dissolve tool it is run 
for the first time it appears to memorize the attribute list and it can only be 
cleared by closing OpenJUMP. To reproduce dissolve one layer by attribute 
speed. Next try to dissolve another layer which do not have speed as 
attribute. The boxes for selecting attributes show the right attributes but 
trying to run dissolve leads to an error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown attribute name: speed
at Source)





Michael Michaud wrote:
Hi Jukka,

As you guessed, I generally solve this kind of problem with a calculated 
There are a few things to know for that.
For numeric attributes, you can do as you suggested : 100*A + B
For string attributes, use + to concatenate attributes and don't omit to add a 
separator : A + ; + B
If your expression starts with , + will concatenate fields, even numerics : 
 + 1 + 2 - 12
So the following expression should work in almost all cases
 + A + ; + B 
(did not check for dates)

Accepting several attributes in the union/dissolve user interface would be 
nice, but
it needs some more work (especially if we want to be able to add/remove fields
from the dialog in order to manage any number of attributes).
Please, add a Feature Request for that.



Landon Blake wrote:
So it sounds like adjacency will be important too? In other words...we don't 
want to merge features that aren't adjacent or topologically connected? 


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Landon Blake 
Interesting use case Jukka. Let me think about how this might work as a 


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Landon,

My case last week was about parcel IDs and landuse codes and aim was to union 
areas so that polygons with same landuse and belonging to same owner would make 
one polygon.

For another use see attached images and source data in Jump JML format.  Data 
could present two highways with ref. IDs 100 and 200. Both highways have 
sections with speed limits 60 and 80. Aim is to merge segment of highway 
100 with speed limit 80 together etc.

Image one: Original segmented data
Image two: Desired end result. Notice

[JPP-Devel] What to test with jre8?

2014-09-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I have installed Oracle Corporation: 1.8.0_20 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server 
VM) on my computer and OpenJUMP opens and runs fine with it. Does anybody know 
features which are most likely to have issues with jre8 and which should be 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Error with Map coloring plugin

2014-09-18 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Landon,

This is an open community and majority of all discussion is held on this 
mailing list. If Larry or anybody else had reacted yet you would have seen it.


Landon Blake wrote:

Did you get a fix to this problem Jukka?


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 6:15 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I found a shapefile from which some polygons are not colored with the Map 
coloring plugin v. 0.4.  Shapefile does not have topology errors but some 
multipolygons have quite a many parts because of archipelago. However, 
exploding multipolygons into polygons does not change the behaviour. The 
problematic shapefile can be found from

Error appears always in the same place in South-West. For example features with 
OGR_FID=180 or 234 stays without color.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Blog post about Map Coloring plugin

2014-09-16 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I wrote a post about Map Coloring plugin into our blog

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes

2014-09-14 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Michael Michaud wrote:

Hi Jukka,
Thank you for your answer, I was almost sure that Beanshell Attribute 
Calculator can handle it with some awkward syntax. Do we already have 
documentation about Attribute Calculator or could you create for example an 
empty page into wiki as a bookmark?
 I added some information in the wiki :
It's difficult to imagine every area where a calculated attribute may help, 
but let's improve the example part as  it comes

The road example is like reverse engineering the resultu of dynamic 
segmentation which has materialized by splitting the segments physically and 
thus is might be of some general interest. OpenStreetMap road data fits also 
this definition. By dropping unnecessary tags the number of linestrings could 
be decreased by intelligent merging.
 I see. A solution would be to replace current options Use an attribute, 
 Attribute by a list of actual attributes with a checkbox for each one.
 In this case, maybe we should split the tool again to have
 - union/merge (a selection or a layer), keeping only the merge option (+ 
 option to split non adjacent linestrings ?)
 - dissolve/merge (a layer) : same options + list of all attributes (with 
 checkboxes) + aggregate unused attributes

How about having two options for the unused attibutes: Aggregate unused 
attributes/Discard unused attributes. The latter would remove the unused 
columns from the schema of the new union layer. What I have in my mind is to 
cut down file size by cutting down the number of features and by removing 
unnecessary attributes. Of course the latter is quite easy to do from Edit 

-Jukka Rahkonen-



Michael Michaud wrote:

Hi Jukka,

As you guessed, I generally solve this kind of problem with a calculated 
There are a few things to know for that.
For numeric attributes, you can do as you suggested : 100*A + B
For string attributes, use + to concatenate attributes and don't omit to add a 
separator : A + ; + B
If your expression starts with , + will concatenate fields, even numerics : 
 + 1 + 2 - 12
So the following expression should work in almost all cases
 + A + ; + B
(did not check for dates)

Accepting several attributes in the union/dissolve user interface would be 
nice, but
it needs some more work (especially if we want to be able to add/remove fields
from the dialog in order to manage any number of attributes).
Please, add a Feature Request for that.



Landon Blake wrote:

So it sounds like adjacency will be important too? In other words...we don't 
want to merge features that aren't adjacent or topologically connected?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Landon Blake wrote:
Interesting use case Jukka. Let me think about how this might work as a plug-in.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Landon,

My case last week was about parcel IDs and landuse codes and aim was to union 
areas so that polygons with same landuse and belonging to same owner would make 
one polygon.

For another use see attached images and source data in Jump JML format.  Data 
could present two highways with ref. IDs 100 and 200. Both highways have 
sections with speed limits 60 and 80. Aim is to merge segment of highway 
100 with speed limit 80 together etc.

Image one: Original segmented data
Image two: Desired end result. Notice an extra: Highway 100 has speed limit 
60 in two distinct places. I do not want them to be combined into 
multilinestring. OJ can handle this case with two subsequent operations: Merge 
selected features + Explode selected features.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Landon Blake 
Lähetetty: 7. syyskuuta 2014 22:10
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes


Can you give me some more details on the actual union you are trying to 
accomplish? What do you integer attributes represent?



On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I would like to union features by two or perhaps more attributes. I wonder if 
the current Union/Dissolve/Merge tool could be developed to support the use of 
combined classes. In my use case I have two integer attributes which define the 
classes and it is a bit tricky to calculate a new concatenated field from 
those. Perhaps it is possible to do with the Beanshell Attribute Calculator but 
it is not obvious for me how. An example: I have two integer

Re: [JPP-Devel] Fwd: [jump-pilot:feature-requests] #207 Authentification on WMS-Services

2014-09-11 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Yes, by including credentials into WMS url as


sstein wrote:

Hi Jukka,

do you know an answer on the forum question below?
I recall it is possible.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[jump-pilot:feature-requests] #207 Authentification on 
Date:   Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:58:12 +
From:   OJ User
Reply-To:   Ticket 207
To: Ticket 207


** [feature-requests:#207] Authentification on WMS-Services**

**Status:** open
**Group:** Next Release (example)
**Created:** Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:58 PM UTC by OJ User
**Last Updated:** Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:58 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

Authentification on WMS-Services

Hallo, is there a possibilitiy to merge WMS-Services with username and 
password? The WMS-URL is a https-connection. Is such a development planned?


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes

2014-09-10 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
For my use cases, yes.


Landon Blake wrote:

So it sounds like adjacency will be important too? In other words...we don't 
want to merge features that aren't adjacent or topologically connected?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Landon Blake wrote:
Interesting use case Jukka. Let me think about how this might work as a plug-in.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
Hi Landon,

My case last week was about parcel IDs and landuse codes and aim was to union 
areas so that polygons with same landuse and belonging to same owner would make 
one polygon.

For another use see attached images and source data in Jump JML format.  Data 
could present two highways with ref. IDs 100 and 200. Both highways have 
sections with speed limits 60 and 80. Aim is to merge segment of highway 
100 with speed limit 80 together etc.

Image one: Original segmented data
Image two: Desired end result. Notice an extra: Highway 100 has speed limit 
60 in two distinct places. I do not want them to be combined into 
multilinestring. OJ can handle this case with two subsequent operations: Merge 
selected features + Explode selected features.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Landon Blake 
Lähetetty: 7. syyskuuta 2014 22:10
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes


Can you give me some more details on the actual union you are trying to 
accomplish? What do you integer attributes represent?



On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I would like to union features by two or perhaps more attributes. I wonder if 
the current Union/Dissolve/Merge tool could be developed to support the use of 
combined classes. In my use case I have two integer attributes which define the 
classes and it is a bit tricky to calculate a new concatenated field from 
those. Perhaps it is possible to do with the Beanshell Attribute Calculator but 
it is not obvious for me how. An example: I have two integer attributes and I 
would like to concatenate their values to one field which I would like to use 
for merging later. If the attribute values are A=80 and B=20, how could I 
conbine them into 80-20 or something like that? Well, in this case I could do 
(100xA)+B=8020 but what to do if I had also strings to concatenate as A=80 and 
B=true? I can do the task fine with Spatialite but it would be a bit more 
fluent to do everything with OpenJUMP.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Slashdot TV.
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Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes

2014-09-07 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Landon,

My case last week was about parcel IDs and landuse codes and aim was to union 
areas so that polygons with same landuse and belonging to same owner would make 
one polygon.

For another use see attached images and source data in Jump JML format.  Data 
could present two highways with ref. IDs 100 and 200. Both highways have 
sections with speed limits 60 and 80. Aim is to merge segment of highway 
100 with speed limit 80 together etc.

Image one: Original segmented data
Image two: Desired end result. Notice an extra: Highway 100 has speed limit 
60 in two distinct places. I do not want them to be combined into 
multilinestring. OJ can handle this case with two subsequent operations: Merge 
selected features + Explode selected features.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Landon Blake []
Lähetetty: 7. syyskuuta 2014 22:10
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes


Can you give me some more details on the actual union you are trying to 
accomplish? What do you integer attributes represent?



On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:

I would like to union features by two or perhaps more attributes. I wonder if 
the current Union/Dissolve/Merge tool could be developed to support the use of 
combined classes. In my use case I have two integer attributes which define the 
classes and it is a bit tricky to calculate a new concatenated field from 
those. Perhaps it is possible to do with the Beanshell Attribute Calculator but 
it is not obvious for me how. An example: I have two integer attributes and I 
would like to concatenate their values to one field which I would like to use 
for merging later. If the attribute values are A=80 and B=20, how could I 
conbine them into 80-20 or something like that? Well, in this case I could do 
(100xA)+B=8020 but what to do if I had also strings to concatenate as A=80 and 
B=true? I can do the task fine with Spatialite but it would be a bit more 
fluent to do everything with OpenJUMP.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

Description: two_attribute_union.jml
Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] Union/dissolve by several attributes

2014-09-03 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I would like to union features by two or perhaps more attributes. I wonder if 
the current Union/Dissolve/Merge tool could be developed to support the use of 
combined classes. In my use case I have two integer attributes which define the 
classes and it is a bit tricky to calculate a new concatenated field from 
those. Perhaps it is possible to do with the Beanshell Attribute Calculator but 
it is not obvious for me how. An example: I have two integer attributes and I 
would like to concatenate their values to one field which I would like to use 
for merging later. If the attribute values are A=80 and B=20, how could I 
conbine them into 80-20 or something like that? Well, in this case I could do 
(100xA)+B=8020 but what to do if I had also strings to concatenate as A=80 and 
B=true? I can do the task fine with Spatialite but it would be a bit more 
fluent to do everything with OpenJUMP.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
Jump-pilot-devel mailing list

[JPP-Devel] WMS format selection skipped if only one SRS/CRS is supported

2014-08-04 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

If WMS server is serving maps only in one projection, then the UI of OpenJUMP 
does not allow to select the image format. See the attached image. In this 
state user can only accept or cancel the operation and the first format from 
the list of supported ones will be selected. Format can be changed afterwards 
by using the Edit WMS query tool.

-Jukka Rahkonen- 

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[JPP-Devel] Wiki page of plugins lost

2014-06-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

It used to be here and link in the is using it

Is is lost now or in some other address?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 1.7.1

2014-05-26 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Minor versions do not usually have new features but we do not publish very 
often and the map coloring plugin is lightweight and nice. Could we add that 
into 1.7.1 Plus at the same?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

edgar soldin wrote:

i'd like to compile a 1.7.1 release containing a crucial fix wrt. opening files 
on OSX.

additionally (in case it got overlooked) i propose to make the PLUS editions 
the suggested download on .

any objections? ..ede


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Pirol tools grid toolbox wanted

2014-05-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Michaël.

See answers inline.

Michael Michaud wrote:
 Hi Jukka,
  I found the Grid Toolbox from some ancient deeJUMP version. Good stuff
 there, many handy tools which do not have at the moment in OpenJUMP. I
 wonder if they are all built on top of deegree.jar or if some of them could be
 easily ported into OpenJUMP. The four grid tools at least could be useful.
  - Border line builder - sort of a tailored Convex hull
  - Area and perimeter calculations for a whole layer with single button
  into table and as labels on a map
  - Grid tools:
   - create a grid that covers an area drawn with the tool - buffered or 
   - create a grid that covers an area of a selected feature - buffered 
  or not
   - create a rotated grid
   - create north-south oriented grid
  The reason for having a trial with other grid tools was that I could not 
 an accurate graticule with OpenJUMP. I had to create an EPSG:4326 grid with
 points places accurately with 6 minutes intervals. I finally calculated such 
 Excel and Spatialite.
 Can you elaborate ? Was your dataset already in EPSG:4326 ?
 I can see 3 different tasks in your problem :
 a) generating a regular grid (ex. every 6')
 b) projecting the grid to the target projection
 c) labelling the graticule according to your needs
 a) I cannot see a use case preventing user to achieve the first task with the
 current grid plugin of OpenJUMP.  Can you explain why you could not create a
 point grid with points every 6 '.

My use case is very simple. I work already in EPSG:4326 or in fact EPSG:4258 
and I digitized a rectangle with extents 19-32E / 59-71N to enclose Finland. 
Then I used the Create grid tool for the selected layer that contained my 
bounding box with cell size 0.083.  The trouble was that the grid did not 
suit with full degrees but it had a little offset towards North-West.  However, 
now when I repeated the same procedure from the beginning with OJ 1.7+ 
(release) the cells are aligned perfectly with a minor exception: grid is 
located one row too high and there is one extra row of cells North to 71N and 
one missing north to 59N. I believe you can repeat this with polygon
19 59, 
19 71, 
32 71, 
32 59, 
19 59

Perhaps I had originally some rubbish on the layer when the result was a 
shifted grid which made OJ to capture wrong origin for the grid. At least I 
cannot repeat the error now.
 b) Second step is obviously OpenJUMP Achilles's heel. I don't think you can
 replace it by a rotation, or any simple transformation (may be using warping 
 can give good results though)

This was not an issue for me because I warped the source data that I must 
analyze into EPSG:4258 beforehand.
 c) I have already get some results with beanshell attribute calculator for the
 third step, but it's quite difficult to have an easy to use user interface 
 able to
 satisfy any needs for graticule labelling.

Obviously it was unnecessary to create my grid with Spatialite but wasting time 
for that solved this labeling step that was indeed necessary for me. I had 
named the latitude and longitude rows/columns by using integer values and 
stored them into temporaty tables into columns lat_index and lon_index and 
I inserted them into each row of the final grid table with SQL

create table grid as
select distinct lat.latitude,lat.lat_index,
from lat_values lat,lon_values lon
order by lat.lat_index,lon.lon_index;

Automatic calculation on grid bounds based on the layer extents is good but 
perhaps there could be an alternative where user could give manually the origin 
and step sizes and either the number of rows and columns or the coordinates of 
the opposite corner of the grid. The latter point should be in the corner or 
inside the final grid, depending how the steps suit the extents.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

   -Jukka Rahkonen- Michael Michaud wrote:
  Hi Jukka,
  I have no backup of geostaf plugin.
  Here is a zipped file of the jars Stefan has send.
  With the baseClasse.jar, you should be able to start the plugin, but
  I'm not sure it is fully usable (I get many errors).
  Sources are included in the jar. Just in case.
  Hi Stefan, Maybe, but our mail server does not let jars go through.
  -Jukka- Stefan Steiniger wrote:
  Not sure though if you can make it work right away with OJ (because
  of the
  Am 20.05.14 12:25, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):
  Actually I am after a thing called Pirol tools grid toolbox. Do
  we have such
  available somewhere?
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Need help translating strings for map coloring plugin.

2014-05-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Larry,

I tried to test my translation but noticed that ojmapcoloring.jar does not 
contain .properties files yet. Instead the jar contains strings for DB Query 
Plugin. Packaging is a work in progress, I suppose.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] Limits of the mapcolor plugin?

2014-05-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

What sets the limits for the mapcolor plugin? I guess memory, because with 
32-bit jre I could color a layer of 1000 polygons but with 64-bit jre the limit 
is around 4000 polygons. When the plugin fails it does it quietly, no result 
nor any message but not any program crash or jamming either.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Geostaf site and plugins disappeared

2014-05-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

We have a link in our wiki into Geostaf plugins
but the site does not exist any more. I am remembering that Geostaf had a nice 
graticule tool. Has anybody a backup of the Geostaf plugins and sources?

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] Pirol tools grid toolbox wanted

2014-05-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Actually I am after a thing called Pirol tools grid toolbox. Do we have such 
available somewhere?

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Pirol tools grid toolbox wanted

2014-05-20 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Stefan,

Maybe, but our mail server does not let jars go through.


Stefan Steiniger wrote:
 Not sure though if you can make it work right away with OJ (because of the
 Am 20.05.14 12:25, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):
  Actually I am after a thing called Pirol tools grid toolbox. Do we have 
 available somewhere?
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] Integers stored by OpenJUMP become Real in GDAL

2014-05-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

If I create an attribute of type integer in OpenJUMP and save the layer into 
shapefile, GDAL/OGR is reporting that the datatype is real (11.0). However, 
if I reload the shapefile back to OJ the datatype is still Integer. Do we write 
the integer datatype in some odd way or is it GDAL that interprets is wrongly?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Integers stored by OpenJUMP become Real in GDAL

2014-05-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Michaël,

Even Rouault answered me

 Why so many decimals in id and attr? Doesn't definition (11.0) in

 dbf file mean that it has max 11 numbers and 0 decimals, thus it is an 

 Yes, but with 11 figures, you can have an integer that is more than a signed 
 32 bit integer, hence the choice of the shapefile driver to expose those 
 fields as real to avoid integer overflow.

I suppose there is no need to change OJ behaviour.


Lähettäjä: Michael Michaud []
Lähetetty: 19. toukokuuta 2014 20:22
Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Integers stored by OpenJUMP become Real in GDAL

Hi Jukka,

Basic data types of dBase III format are :
C (Character)

All OEM code page characters.

D (Date)

Numbers and a character to separate month, day, and year (stored internally as 
8 digits in MMDD format).

N (Numeric)

- . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

L (Logical)

? Y y N n T t F f (? when not initialized).

M (Memo)

All OEM code page characters (stored internally as 10 digits representing a 
.DBT block number).

AFAIK, OpenJUMP uses only C, D and N

For integers, it exports a numeric of length 11 with 0 decimals
For doubles, it exports a numeric of length 33 with 16 decimals
While reading a dbf, OpenJUMP reads column with 0 decimal as integers and 
columns with 1 decimal or more as double

That said, dbase format has evolved a lot since version III and binary integer 
may exist now,
Not sure that using other data types is a good idea though. In your case, I 
don't know if GDAL
looses the number of decimal places, but this info is all we need to know if 
an attribute is
an integer or a double/decimal.



If I create an attribute of type integer in OpenJUMP and save the layer into 
shapefile, GDAL/OGR is reporting that the datatype is real (11.0). However, 
if I reload the shapefile back to OJ the datatype is still Integer. Do we write 
the integer datatype in some odd way or is it GDAL that interprets is wrongly?

-Jukka Rahkonen-


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Need help translating strings for map coloring plugin.

2014-05-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Finnish experimental translation attached. I made a try by translating the name 
of the a plugin to ”Five color paint” but I am not sure if it will look good in 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Larry Reeder wrote:

Thanks Ede.  Map Coloring is inelegant in English too, I just couldn't find a 
better description.


On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:48 AM, wrote:
de attached.. couldn't find a proper translation for
so i left that untranslated. i guess german geo-buffs know what it means or 


On 17.05.2014 17:34, Larry Reeder wrote:

 Can you give me help translating the strings for my map coloring plugin 
 (   I've attached properties 
 files for German, Spanish, Finnish, French and Italian, and took a shot at 
 translating some of the strings.  Please correct them if they're wrong.   
 Where I couldn't translate, the string is in English.

 Also, if you can provide translations for some other language not attached, 
 just tell me what the language is and send back the English properties file 
 with strings translated into that language.

 Thanks. lreeder

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Question about Basic Style

2014-05-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

In OJ the option seems to be number 189. Latest version show number “0” 
for all patterns above 37. Perhaps related this  changelog item at the end of 

2011-11-09 mmichaud
Changes from discussion held on 2011-11-04 and 2011-11-05
* Move jpg images from com.vividsolutions.workbench.ui.images directory used by 
to FillPatternFactory to lib/ext/FillPatterns (to be used with 
FillPatternFactory -user defined pattern - or from CadPlan extension)

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Giuseppe Aruta wrote:

Hi all,
as fas as I remember, on old OJ realizes Change Styles,-Fill Pattern 
-option 37 (no image chosen) originally was opening a dialog where user 
could have chosen a raster/svg file to use as a fill pattern (maybe on OJ 
Does anybody remember when/why this option was deactivated? I wonder if it is 
possible to reactivateit. Or (just in case it is not possible) to hide it as 
there is no reason to have on the fillpattern dropbox.
thanks for the answer
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Re: [JPP-Devel] ready for OJ 1.7?

2014-05-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I think that yes, if the special JTS version that is needed for linear 
referencing still supports reading Spatialite BLOBs. Some translations have not 
been updated but it can't be helped. But I think that installers should also be 
checked by couple of volunteers before announcing the release. I can take the 
Windows exe installers on Windows 7. Is there a need to test the behaviour on 
jre 6/7/8 on different platforms, and how about OpenJDK and the Oracle version? 
Should we make a matrix into wiki and test at least something?

   jre6(ora) jre7(ora) openjdk7

-Jukka Rahkonen-

edgar soldin wrote:
 title says it all.. are we? ..ede
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Re: [JPP-Devel] reading ecw

2014-05-05 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I bet it is caused by the native ECW library and letter ë in the directory 
name. Spaces do not work either. Have a new try with images in some place like 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Michael Michaud []
Lähetetty: 5. toukokuuta 2014 23:33
Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
Aihe: [JPP-Devel] reading ecw


I made a quick try with ecw (vista / java6 32bits)

first tried with a 64 bit jvm then read the wiki and tried again with a
32 bits jvm

With 32 bits jvm, I don't get the message about missing native libraries
but the following exception
(get the same error with several different ecw) Any idea ?

com.ermapper.ecw.JNCSFileOpenFailedException: Could not open file
C:\Users\Michaël\DATA\RASTER\Orthophoto\ECW\23315702.ecw ECW error
 at com.ermapper.ecw.JNCSRenderer.init(
 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
 at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle

2014-04-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

The trick could be to use the Vertex symbol plugin that comes with 
OpenJUMP-Plus but it fills all the vertices with the same colour and it may not 
be what you want.
I wonder why layer must be made editable before using Vertex symbol plugin. Is 
it really necessary?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Uwe Dalluege wrote:
 with Change StylesRendering you can choose the Point Display Typ.
 Is it possible to change the Point Display Type also in Colour Theming for all
 points (global)?
 With Colour ThemingCustom I can only change the Line width for each interval.
 Is there a trick to do this?
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle

2014-04-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
edgar Soldin wrote:

 On 30.04.2014 10:29, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  I wonder why layer must be made editable before using Vertex symbol plugin.
 Is it really necessary?
 actually any routine can any edit any layer at any time. most plugins honor 
 edit flag but sometimes authors forget about that.
 the edit flag is merely there to allow the user to protect some layers, 
 similarly to
 other gui editors. in that sense it makes sense to not change the styling of 
 a non-
 editable layer.

Yes, but you can change the styles of non-editable layers with the standard 
basic styles tool. Requiring editable makes sense with the color chooser tool 
because it writes color attribute into layer attributes, but Vertex symbol does 
not seem to do that. Anyway not a big trouble. The Vertex symbol tool could 
give a hint for the user with a message Layer must be editable, though.


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Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle

2014-04-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I believe that you could achieve what you want by saving your project file and 
hand editing the layer styles which are stored inside it. However, I have no 
clear idea about what to edit there but star vertices seem to be created with 
style enabled=true 
size=50 filling=true
color0, 180, 0, 150/color
stroke-color0, 125, 0, 150/stroke-color

Create a classified project and try to drop the code snippet from above into 
some reasonable place and try if  you can see stars somewhere after reloading 
the project. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: Uwe Dalluege []
 Lähetetty: 30. huhtikuuta 2014 13:21
 Kopio: Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle
 Hi Jukka,
 I like to make a map with ill trees (points) and differend colors with the 
 grade of
 I can buffer the points and then I can use Color Theming.
 But then I have another layer.
 It would be easier if the points in Color Theming are not squares but circles.
 Am 30.04.2014 10:29, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):
  The trick could be to use the Vertex symbol plugin that comes with OpenJUMP-
 Plus but it fills all the vertices with the same colour and it may not be 
 what you
  I wonder why layer must be made editable before using Vertex symbol plugin.
 Is it really necessary?
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
  Uwe Dalluege wrote:
  with Change StylesRendering you can choose the Point Display Typ.
  Is it possible to change the Point Display Type also in Colour
  Theming for all points (global)?
  With Colour ThemingCustom I can only change the Line width for each
  Is there a trick to do this?
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle

2014-04-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Not comfortable but if the trial proves that it is doable then some developer 
could get interested in making it usable.

Could you make a sketch about how you would like the end result to look like 
for example by splitting the classes into separate layers and styling the 
layers and create then a feature request with attached screen capture?


Uwe Dalluege wrote:

 Hi Jukka,

 thank you for the tip but I think for the
normal user it is not so comfortable ;-)
I will use Buffer to solve the problem.



Am 30.04.2014 12:46, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):

 I believe that you could achieve what you want by saving your project file 
 and hand editing the layer styles which are stored inside it. However, I have 
 no clear idea about what to edit there but star vertices seem to be created 
 with this
 style enabled=true 
 size=50 filling=true
  color0, 180, 0, 150/color
  stroke-color0, 125, 0, 150/stroke-color

 Create a classified project and try to drop the code snippet from above into 
 some reasonable place and try if  you can see stars somewhere after reloading 
 the project.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: Uwe Dalluege []
 Lähetetty: 30. huhtikuuta 2014 13:21
 Kopio: Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Color Theming Point Display Typ Circle

 Hi Jukka,

 I like to make a map with ill trees (points) and differend colors with the 
 grade of
 I can buffer the points and then I can use Color Theming.
 But then I have another layer.
 It would be easier if the points in Color Theming are not squares but 



 Am 30.04.2014 10:29, schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (Tike):

 The trick could be to use the Vertex symbol plugin that comes with OpenJUMP-
 Plus but it fills all the vertices with the same colour and it may not be 
 what you
 I wonder why layer must be made editable before using Vertex symbol plugin.
 Is it really necessary?

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

 Uwe Dalluege wrote:


 with Change StylesRendering you can choose the Point Display Typ.
 Is it possible to change the Point Display Type also in Colour
 Theming for all points (global)?
 With Colour ThemingCustom I can only change the Line width for each

 Is there a trick to do this?



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Re: [JPP-Devel] complex into simple polygon with JTS

2014-04-26 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I think that JTS does not have a MakeValid function that exists in PostGIS and 
Spatialite but perhaps the buffer recipe works for you

-Jukka Rahkonen-

bernhard schulenburg wrote:

Thanks Michael,

to clarify, by complex I mean a polygon that self-intersects.

as shown here:

And I would like to split this up into the minimal number of simple polygons 
(simple = does not self-intersect..)

How would I do that programmatically?

2014-04-26 1:08 GMT+02:00 Michael Michaud
Hi Bernhard,

I'm new to the JTS Topology suite and couldn't figure out the steps to take..

Btw.. I hope this is the right list to ask questions about JTS.
There is also a more specific JTS list at
but if you use JTS with OpenJUMP workbench this list is perfect

So, my problem is, I have a complex polygon and I would like to split it into 
several simple polygons, using the JTS framework..
Through OpenJUMP UI, you must
- make your layer editable
- select the feature
- right click in the map and choose explode selected features

Programmatically, you can iterate through a geometry collection like this :
ListGeometry geometries = new ArrayListGeometry();
for (int i = 0 ; i  geom.getNumGeometries() ; i++) {


Does JTS allow that kind of operation? Which classes should I look at to do 
such a thing?

Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated,
Hope that helps,



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[JPP-Devel] Two issues with styles in recent OpenJUMP

2014-04-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Maybe due to change Michaël did when he made the vertex size scale logarithmic 
there is now two issues with styles:

- First one is minor issue or maybe better a change in behaviour. In the basic 
styles the size of the vertices can be set directly by feeding a number into 
the number box. The effect on vertex size used to be immediate but now user 
must confirm the new value by hitting Enter. The line width and transparency 
boxes do not need Enter for confirmation.
- More nasty is that changing the selection styles from the Settings is now 
broken. Perhaps because it is using the old style linear vertex size slider.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Linear referencing tool creates wrong end point

2014-04-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Create a layer from these three linestrings

LINESTRING (453.2430683918669 254.20702402957477, 500.84380776340123 
308.66913123844733, 569.0286506469503 330.11090573012945, 576.3188539741222 
331.826247689464, 608.4815157116454 327.10905730129394)
LINESTRING (472.1118299445472 217.75600739371518, 547.1580406654346 
249.48983364140472, 623.4907578558228 267.07208872458403)
LINESTRING (533.8641404805917 197.600739371534, 616.200554528651 
226.76155268022166, 681.3835489833646 212.60998151571147, 713.1173752310541 

Use the linear referencing tool for the layer with settings:
Distance unit: Map units
Distance: 10.0
Offset: 0.0
Repeat: Yes
Point at every: 10.0
Add end point: Yes

You should see on top of each linestring a pair of points which are closer to 
each other than the defined 10 map units and there are no points at the end of 
the lines. The reason seems to be that the Add end point creates a point to 
wrong place. It does not go to the last vertex of the linestring but to the 
second last. Could there be something wrong in calculating the index of the 
vertices, for example starting counting from zero vs. one?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] Meaning of equal vs. similar in spatial join tool

2014-04-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

What is the difference between relations equals and similar in the Spatial 
join tool in the Analysis menu?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] Two issues with styles in recent OpenJUMP

2014-04-23 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)
Hi Michaël,

It appeared that the problem was not in setting the selection styles but 
elsewhere. Listen to the tale:

When you start OJ it has nowadays a new tab in the settings for selecting the 
time format. When a newly installed OJ is launched for the very first time the 
time setting in the menu shows an empty value. In this state it is not possible 
to change anything from the settings - pressing the OK button does not have any 
effect at all. Only after selecting some time format the changes are 
successful. Later, when the time format is set once, there will no troubles in 
changing the settings. I suppose you must do something so that the initial time 
format is explicitly set.

The slider and text area synchronizing works better but it is now a bit funny. 
Try to change the default vertex size from 4 to 53. At least for me the value 
changes into 52. Perhaps there is some rounding happening? 57 stays as I feed 
it but 56 not.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Michael Michaud wrote:

 Hi Jukka,

 I tried to improve a bit slider/text area synchronization for vertext size
 (check r3943)

 I could not reproduce the second problem about selection style, or maybe
 I missed the point.



 Maybe due to change Michaël did when he made the vertex size scale 
 logarithmic there is now two issues with styles:

 - First one is minor issue or maybe better a change in behaviour. In the 
 basic styles the size of the vertices can be set directly by feeding a number 
 into the number box. The effect on vertex size used to be immediate but now 
 user must confirm the new value by hitting Enter. The line width and 
 transparency boxes do not need Enter for confirmation.
 - More nasty is that changing the selection styles from the Settings is now 
 broken. Perhaps because it is using the old style linear vertex size slider.

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

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[JPP-Devel] OJ Printer does not print scalebar into a margin outside the map

2014-04-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I faced a trouble with OJ printer plugin by Cadplan. I would like to print the 
scalebar into the page margin outside of the map area where it shows better.  
It is OK if I save the printout into a file as you can see from
However, if I send the map directly into printer the scalebar is not printed. 
It gets printed if I move the scalebar so that it is inside the map area.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Printer does not print scalebar into a margin outside the map

2014-04-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

Sorry, this was probably a wrong alarm. I tried again with current OJ Plus 
version and scalebar prints into the margin as I wish.


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
 I faced a trouble with OJ printer plugin by Cadplan. I would like to print the
 scalebar into the page margin outside of the map area where it shows better.  
 is OK if I save the printout into a file as you can see from
 However, if I send the map directly into printer the scalebar is not printed. 
 It gets
 printed if I move the scalebar so that it is inside the map area.
 -Jukka Rahkonen-
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[JPP-Devel] OJ printer plugin does not print only WMS layers

2014-04-22 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

If there are only WMS layers in the project the both printing options in OJ 
Plus stay grayed and tooltip informs At least one layer must exist. Printing 
is possible once a dummy vector layer is created. Could it be possible to count 
also WMS layers as printable layers in this context?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ 1.7 SkyPrinter is included

2014-04-19 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

How about making a beta and give a week for the translators for checking the 
language files with this feature frozen version?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

edgar soldin wrote:
 as far as i'm concerned we are ready to go forward with the release.
 SkyPrint is now included in CORE builds (simply placed into trunk's lib/ext/ 
 dependency itext). the menu names might be debatable, please advise
 something better and please be specific about it (how you'd name each and why
 it is better).
 are we ready to release? who has still what to do and can give a relatively 
 time frame to solve it in?
 happy egg hunting  merry bunny days ..ede
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Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Splash screen r3907 on Win 7 jre 7

2014-03-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

This is how it looks on Windows when starting OJ from file manager and 
oj_windows.bat. As I said, it is a matter of taste. At least this is different. 
It looks better to me when launching OJ from desktop icon when there are no 
other windows visible. Not a big deal for me and the artist is free to make a 
final decision.


 -Alkuperäinen viesti-
 Lähettäjä: []
 Lähetetty: 17. maaliskuuta 2014 11:42
 Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
 Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] OJ Splash screen r3907 on Win 7 jre 7
 the idea is to make it more light, visually appealing as opposed to the bevel-
 bordered-block we had for a long time. i am quite satisfied with it but of 
 open to suggestions.
 be aware this will only be shown on windows/mac with jre7+.
 as jre6 and linux do not support this kind of transparency, they sport a 
 variant of
 the old splash, similar to the one all versions show under Help-About.
 On 17.03.2014 09:47, Rahkonen Jukka (Tike) wrote:
  Matter of taste, but for me the sliding transparency looks more or less 
 depending on how the windows under the splash look like.
  -Jukka Rahkonen-
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attachment: OJ_r3907_splash_2.png--
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Re: [JPP-Devel] Integration of the SkyPrintPlugin into CORE

2014-03-17 Thread Rahkonen Jukka (Tike)

I tried to install version 0.1.1 from
 on Windows 7 and jre 7-64 bit.  I copied the jar file into lib\ext and I added 
a new line into default-plugins

However, SkyPrinter is not installed. Any idea why not?  The log says
2014-03-17 10:06:33,043  INFO java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Matthias Scholz wrote:
 Hi Ede,
 as we have discussed in november 2013 i'm now ready for integrate the
 SkyPrinterPlugIn-1.0.0.jar into the CORE distribution. But how we do this? 
 What i
 have to do? I'm not really a maven guy, so it would be nice if you can do 
 Later updates can i do.
 At the moment the code in the /plug-ins/SkyPrinterPlugIn can build the JAR 
 with ant. Please tell me, how we would do that.
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