boot to uefi action represented by check box

2023-06-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

   System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Desktop Session
we have a check box labelled
After next restart: [ ] Enter UEFI Setup screen

(see attached screen shot)

Is there a reason we do not use a button for this?

How it currently works is, if I set the check box, a button appears which I 
then have to click.
Additionally the Apply button of that page activates and I can apply the 
"settings change" ... which is not applied, because it resets on boot.

So what is the reason behind this rather exotic work flow?


Re: Re : KApiDox move from dedicated server to Jenkins

2021-09-11 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


On 9/10/21 21:17, Ben Cooksley wrote:

On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 5:40 AM Carl Schwan  wrote:

We also are losing the krita/kmymoney/other app private api generation,
but that maybe can be generated in another ci pipeline later. Not sure how
much thses apps' developers are using it.

This can likely be rectified if needed by including them within

So, we would need to decide whether we want to have applications that 
only have private APIs documented?

Where do we draw the line currently?

In general I would say, just generate everything that has a Doxyfile ... 
but there might be good reasons against that regarding processing power?


Re: Re : KApiDox move from dedicated server to Jenkins

2021-09-11 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


On 9/10/21 19:39, Carl Schwan wrote:

I see on an issue that I would qualify as blocking and it's the lack of the
ECM generated doc: We are also losing the
kube/sink doc (located at but it's also available
in readthedocs and ihmo it should be in Doxygen format.

We also are losing the krita/kmymoney/other app private api generation,
but that maybe can be generated in another ci pipeline later. Not sure how
much thses apps' developers are using it.

Thanks for the list. I will look into those.

On the upside, I see that mauikit doc is finally correctly generated using
qdoc. Yeah \o/

mauikit produces some warnings, in case someone wants to fix those (or 
tone down the warning level):

There are also other warnings and errors, I will look at soon. Those are 
secondary though, as in they have been there before.


Re: KApiDox move from dedicated server to Jenkins

2021-09-11 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


On 9/11/21 00:30, Ben Cooksley wrote:

I've now completed transferring a copy of all of the Older API
Documentation to
This is aliased in from elsewhere on the server, so it's contents won't be
disturbed by the automatic generation process we have for new KApiDox based

I also included the legacy CMake documentation when setting that up.

If we could please update the front page to point there that should resolve
this point.

For me it makes more sense to keep the link to because once 
we switch to the new system, we would have to change that link again.

Now with all the files in place (thanks for that :)) the links will just 
continue to work.


KApiDox move from dedicated server to Jenkins

2021-09-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


we have been working on getting KApiDox to run on Jenkins. This work has 
been taken way longer than I expected but has now reached a state close 
to finished. :)

So I would like to invite you to check for any 
show stoppers.

Known issues (not show stoppers):

- For now the Maintainers field defaults to "KDE Developers" for 
potential GDPR violation reasons, which needs to be figured out later.

- Some modules contain formatting issues regarding markdown code blocks. 
These are also there in the current system and need to be checked at 
some point.

- The "Older versions" links are broken. Since those docs are not 
generated anymore, we need to figure out a way to have them available 

If we do not see any bigger issues, I would like to go live with the new 
system in a week or two.

Thanks for your help.


Re: Noteworthy changes when porting to C++17

2021-07-22 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 7/19/21 5:52 PM, David Faure wrote:

On dimanche 18 juillet 2021 02:34:24 CEST Frederik Schwarzer wrote:

So the question is: did you notice things that have been removed from
the C++ standard since C++11 that were used in our applications?

I found a list of things that were removed from C++11 in C++17:

Maybe you can simply link to this document?

Thanks for the link. :)

Yes, it was my plan to link to such kind of information but I was also 
thinking of going into a bit more detail on one or two of those in case 
they were quite common in KDE land. But apparently this is not the case.


Re: Noteworthy changes when porting to C++17

2021-07-18 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


Thanks for the links. I know about those papers but I do not think we 
should point KF6 application porters there because the vast majority of 
the stuff mentioned is very unlikely to affect them.

For now I will go with some general remarks here.


On 7/18/21 10:22 AM, David Redondo wrote:

Hi I found these two papers


Noteworthy changes when porting to C++17

2021-07-17 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


since we are increasing the C++ standard requirement from 11 to 17 with 
KF6 and there were a few deprecations/removals in between, I wonder if 
any of those are noteworthy for people developing applications based on 
KDE Frameworks.

What I mean by "noteworthy" is features that are commonly used or at 
least known to be used sometimes in our ecosystem. Things like the 
"register" keyword for example might not be found in high-level 
applications so pointing KDE developers to its removal might get you 
shrugs in return.

What I have seen is that std::mem_fun was used within KIO and has been 
replaced by std::mem_fn. Not sure if that counts as "commonly used", though.

Compiler vendors seem to be handling those removalss differently. The 
libstdc++ devs have not had deprecation warnings for at least some of 
the stuff that was deprecated in C++11, so they will not remove those 
any time soon.

In libc++, the deprecation warnings were shown since C++11 and now with 
C++17 they removed some stuff. On Linux you will have to build with the 
-stdlib=libc++ option for clang to notice. See e.g. for playing with it.

But I digress ...

So the question is: did you notice things that have been removed from 
the C++ standard since C++11 that were used in our applications?


Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-13 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 7/12/21 8:43 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Montag, 12. Juli 2021, 20:22:30 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

On 7/12/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Now what is meant by "clickable links to replacements" exactly? Any
for what you have in mind?
(Just in case, Doxygen usually itself already generated automatic links to
the functions (just needs complete signature, incl. const), see also
but then I would guess you know that)

Yes, that's what I meant. api.k.o does have clickable links (if done
properly) but compiler warnings do not. That's why it would be good to
keep the KF5 api docs.

Ah, so html pages on a server/local docs in QCH vs. compiler log, I see :)

If we put URLs in the messages, we could click them in Konsole. ;)

Any insight on how you kept the KDE 2-4 apidocs alive?

Mainly defending against admin wanting to clean up dead stuff and just wiping
the current freak setup behind ;) (which is https://

Right now the kdelibs 2-4 docs are no longer regenerated (at the time when I
got involved only the 4 one still was, but now also no longer is, and just is
static files on the web server. I did some URL updates e.g. for using mass regexp replacements on them).

IIRC main file of the generation is

But I dropped out when there were people talking about their progress in
writing a replacement and put my hopes & bet on them. But seems life got in
then it seems...

I cannot check what is used on the server but I was told
would be the script that generates apidocs on the server.

Maybe someone can clarify?


Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-12 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 7/12/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Some hopefully helpful quick comments from couch:

Am Montag, 12. Juli 2021, 19:14:17 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

- If not documented separately, should existing deprecation messages
be improved? "no known users" might not be enough for the "unknown
users" in 3rd-party applications who get that message

Yes, ideally that should be backed up by some web page perhaps, informing
anyone how to get in touch with whom to make a user and their needs known, for
finding a solution.

- Is it possible/desirable to keep the latest KF5 API docs as it is
generated on api.k.o to have deprecation messages with clickable links
to replacements?

When doing my own little contributions to keep alive last year, I
also made sure to have the so far existing kdelibs 2-4 API still available,
see (reached via "Old KDE Versions" from mainpage). The same hopefully can be done for KF5 (and other
libraries who would need versioned docs).

Now what is meant by "clickable links to replacements" exactly? Any example
for what you have in mind?
(Just in case, Doxygen usually itself already generated automatic links to the
functions (just needs complete signature, incl. const), see also
but then I would guess you know that)

Yes, that's what I meant. api.k.o does have clickable links (if done 
properly) but compiler warnings do not. That's why it would be good to 
keep the KF5 api docs.

Any insight on how you kept the KDE 2-4 apidocs alive?


Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-12 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


so there has been a bit more discussion in today's KF6 weekly meeting 
about how to proceed with porting docs.

- Porting documentation needs an entry page pointing to the several
  resources like C++ deprecations, Qt6 porting guides, KF6 porting
- KF6 porting notes should follow a similar approach like Qt6 porting
  (first compile with the latest KF5 version, which will be part of
  distros for quite some time and get rid of all deprecation warnings
  and then make it compile against KF6)
- Might it be a good idea to document a selected set of API
  deprecations to have them in a readable format? Candidates are ones
  where it needs more that one or two lines of explanation
- If not documented separately, should existing deprecation messages
  be improved? "no known users" might not be enough for the "unknown
  users" in 3rd-party applications who get that message
- Is it possible/desirable to keep the latest KF5 API docs as it is
  generated on api.k.o to have deprecation messages with clickable links
  to replacements?



On 7/11/21 2:24 PM, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:


On 7/10/21 11:54 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Samstag, 10. Juli 2021, 22:47:58 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:


On 7/10/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Samstag, 10. Juli 2021, 18:00:13 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

as mentioned earlier

Any pointers? :)

It was discussed in the weekly BBB meetings a few weeks ago.

I see. As contributor on occasions only myself, please refer to the 
meeting notes some thankfully write, so one can read up on more 
and such a planned task ideally would be backed up by a task board 
entry on
phabricator, so people can coordinate and track things about it in an 

Of course that out-of-context sentence at the end does not represent 
properly what has been said by people then. Some follow-up discussion 
lead to the "just grep it and put it somewhere first" approach.

What I take out of this now is that I need to be more phony about what I 
am planning on doing.

I would like to document classes/methods/etc that
are going to be deprecated during KF6 development.

Can you help confused-on-first-read people by explaining what 
during KF6 development" is referring to? Deprecated during KF5 
and no longer be available in KF6? Not yet deprecated due to no 

replacement, but with replacement planned in KF6?

Everything that is marked deprecated when KF6 sees the light of day.

Okay. Not a good idea IMHO. There should be a single place of 
information, and
we have that already with the current KF5 API docs. I hope no-one 
plans to

just remove them from the website, though, Well, then there are also the
offline docs in QCH format as backup generated during the builds and 

by good distributions ;)

The idea is to have the APIs that are being deprecated now documented
when those APIs (and with it the API docs) are removed.
The audience is everyone who is starting the porting work when KF6 is
already there for some time.

Ideally that audience should get the recommendation to first port away 
deprecated API using the last released version of KF5 and Qt6. That 
way they
are able to do a big chunk of the work while being able to maintain a 

working state of their software, without serious regressions. Once that
checkpoint is reached, then go for porting all those things which 

changed in KF6 & Qt6 without any preparations in KF5 & Qt5.

Remember that this is not just KF 5 -> 6, but also Qt 5 -> 6. And 
perhaps even
C++11 -> C++17. IMHO only those would recommend to port directly from 
one set
of APIs to an other one without any intermediate checkppints for the 
sate of the software who want to secure their job for a while, because 
it will
take ages to fix all the regressions introduced during the port. 
Unless the
company/community goes down in the meantime, because the ported 
software does

not get done.

BTW, even the Qt Company recommends that step-by-step approach, and they
surely do want to have their customers be successful in a short time 
;) ->

That is also why some of us invested so much of our time into properly 
API with deprecations warning macros and visibility guards, so porting 
can be
done step by step away from the old AP assisted by the compiler, 
always having

a working software. Because we have been through some porting in KDE and
learned our lessons, haven't we... ;)

Yes it is manual work. However, since the documentation does not remove
stuff that has been removed from the API, it's a thing of adding newer
deprecation markers, which seems manageable.

While perhaps it might be a nice thing to 

Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-11 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


On 7/10/21 11:54 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Samstag, 10. Juli 2021, 22:47:58 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:


On 7/10/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Samstag, 10. Juli 2021, 18:00:13 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

as mentioned earlier

Any pointers? :)

It was discussed in the weekly BBB meetings a few weeks ago.

I see. As contributor on occasions only myself, please refer to the respective
meeting notes some thankfully write, so one can read up on more background,
and such a planned task ideally would be backed up by a task board entry on
phabricator, so people can coordinate and track things about it in an async
Of course that out-of-context sentence at the end does not represent 
properly what has been said by people then. Some follow-up discussion 
lead to the "just grep it and put it somewhere first" approach.

What I take out of this now is that I need to be more phony about what I 
am planning on doing.

I would like to document classes/methods/etc that
are going to be deprecated during KF6 development.

Can you help confused-on-first-read people by explaining what "deprecated
during KF6 development" is referring to? Deprecated during KF5 development
and no longer be available in KF6? Not yet deprecated due to no existing
replacement, but with replacement planned in KF6?

Everything that is marked deprecated when KF6 sees the light of day.

Okay. Not a good idea IMHO. There should be a single place of information, and
we have that already with the current KF5 API docs. I hope no-one plans to
just remove them from the website, though, Well, then there are also the
offline docs in QCH format as backup generated during the builds and packaged
by good distributions ;)

The idea is to have the APIs that are being deprecated now documented
when those APIs (and with it the API docs) are removed.
The audience is everyone who is starting the porting work when KF6 is
already there for some time.

Ideally that audience should get the recommendation to first port away from
deprecated API using the last released version of KF5 and Qt6. That way they
are able to do a big chunk of the work while being able to maintain a fully
working state of their software, without serious regressions. Once that
checkpoint is reached, then go for porting all those things which disappeared/
changed in KF6 & Qt6 without any preparations in KF5 & Qt5.

Remember that this is not just KF 5 -> 6, but also Qt 5 -> 6. And perhaps even
C++11 -> C++17. IMHO only those would recommend to port directly from one set
of APIs to an other one without any intermediate checkppints for the working
sate of the software who want to secure their job for a while, because it will
take ages to fix all the regressions introduced during the port. Unless the
company/community goes down in the meantime, because the ported software does
not get done.

BTW, even the Qt Company recommends that step-by-step approach, and they
surely do want to have their customers be successful in a short time ;) ->

That is also why some of us invested so much of our time into properly tagging
API with deprecations warning macros and visibility guards, so porting can be
done step by step away from the old AP assisted by the compiler, always having
a working software. Because we have been through some porting in KDE and
learned our lessons, haven't we... ;)

Yes it is manual work. However, since the documentation does not remove
stuff that has been removed from the API, it's a thing of adding newer
deprecation markers, which seems manageable.

While perhaps it might be a nice thing to have a shortcut list of API that is
deprecated in KF5 times, as a manifest to look-up things, ideally we find ways
to auto-generate that from the existing API markup.

After all KDE is a software developing community, so we should be able to
automate that, no? ;)

So, I can only really ask to keep documentation of KF5's deprecated API in one
place, and do it properly there, with nice examples, already now useful to
those who port away when they can. And that place should be the current KF5
API docs.
Even more as people come and go, and having yet another place which needs to
be kept even more manually up-tod-ate does not improve things, it adds more
risk to have outdated unmaintained information. As you could see in review, it
already now needs poking in every second review to have proper documentation.
And then also do that in some separate content?

What would be very good to have though IMHO, are preparations of the porting
documentation of that API which is not deprecated in KF5, but will be replaced
by something else in KF6 (because it cannot be done earlier for reasons). The
KF6 task board should have some data about such plans.
Such documentation will need a place and a

Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


On 7/10/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:

Am Samstag, 10. Juli 2021, 18:00:13 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

as mentioned earlier

Any pointers? :)

It was discussed in the weekly BBB meetings a few weeks ago.

I would like to document classes/methods/etc that
are going to be deprecated during KF6 development.

Can you help confused-on-first-read people by explaining what "deprecated
during KF6 development" is referring to? Deprecated during KF5 development and
no longer be available in KF6? Not yet deprecated due to no existing
replacement, but with replacement planned in KF6?

Everything that is marked deprecated when KF6 sees the light of day.

For that I scraped up all the deprecation macros from the frameworks and
edited them to be more unified.

That sounds like duplication of data, and worse, a manual copy of a certain
state, which also needs to be manually maintained to be up-to-date to stay

In general I am also curious what audience is targeted by the planned
documentation and in which work-flows that documentation should solve which
needs, and what other solutions are there which would not satisfy those needs
well enough?

In general, for API already deprecated now during lifetime of KF5 we are
adding porting notes to the very API itself. Which is also the place as API
consumer I would be hoping for to get all needed information straight in one
go, instead of having to jump to other places, which might even get out of
sync or focus of developers (remember that current online docs of
also only provide docs for latest version (and even the development one, not
just the latest released).

And this is a change to what happened in kdelibs4 times, where most
deprecation happened in the development branches for what became KDE
Frameworks, so there also was no API documentation maintained at the same
time. So copying the approach taken for the KDE Frameworks porting notes would
not be needed here 1:1 for what I understand.

Instead we would need to add documentation for those things which are again
deprecated (well, removed rather) during preparation of KF6, where the
replacement also only will be in KF6, so no-one can port before.

The idea is to have the APIs that are being deprecated now documented 
when those APIs (and with it the API docs) are removed.
The audience is everyone who is starting the porting work when KF6 is 
already there for some time.

Yes it is manual work. However, since the documentation does not remove 
stuff that has been removed from the API, it's a thing of adding newer 
deprecation markers, which seems manageable.

Do you disagree?


Re: Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 7/10/21 6:17 PM, Ahmad Samir wrote:

On 10/07/2021 18:00, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:


as mentioned earlier, I would like to document classes/methods/etc that
are going to be deprecated during KF6 development.

For that I scraped up all the deprecation macros from the frameworks and
edited them to be more unified.

Good work, that must have been a huge task! (82 frameworks ... :)).

grep ran a few seconds to give me a 2600 lines text file, which I then 
had to edit to be more readable, which took me several hours. :)

The hard part is still about to come. :)

As for the location, I would probably start putting content in the
community wiki to a place like Does anyone see
a problem with that? Might is be better to write such docs in markdown
or restructured text for being better suited for a more modern location?

A wiki page is not most friendly way of editing huge technical 
documents. Personally, I think a markdown file in a git repo would be 
great, and then it can be "published" to a wiki page or a static web 
page on one of KDE's web sites. Or, we start with an markdown text file, 
then after it's fleshed out / polished, put it in the wiki, 
editing/adding a small section here or there would be easier. (But I do 
prefer text files, much easier to edit in my usual editor of choice).

Yes, I agree. A text file in Git is also better for tracking changes.

FWIW, there is supposed to be a KF6 meeting soon[1]. Not sure if we'll 
start this week or the next one though.

I have the Mondays on my calendar now. :)

Porting notes / deprecation docs

2021-07-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


as mentioned earlier, I would like to document classes/methods/etc that 
are going to be deprecated during KF6 development.

For that I scraped up all the deprecation macros from the frameworks and 
edited them to be more unified.

Now I need some opinions.

For once, there is still some stuff in deprecation from KDE4 times.
E.g. void setDoScanFile(bool scanFile); from kiowidgets.

I looked up a few of them in but they are not 
mentioned there.

Do you think these need to be mentioned in current porting notes as well 
or have they been deprecated for long enough to consider them "over with"?

As for the location, I would probably start putting content in the 
community wiki to a place like Does anyone see 
a problem with that? Might is be better to write such docs in markdown 
or restructured text for being better suited for a more modern location?



Re: Progress is good for us but bad for documentation

2021-06-30 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Hi everyone,

thank you for your input and sorry it took me a while to reply.

For now I have created a list of issues on gitlab to be reminded.

Some issues I started to investigate but was struck by kapidox_generate 
being broken on my local machine. This is now addressed and will 
hopefully be fixed soon. :)

Others like the KXmlGui ones I reply to here, I will play through at 
some point and look what I can do to fill some holes.

Feel free to add issues to the issues list as you stumble over them.


On 6/14/21 2:00 PM, David Hurka wrote:

Hi Frederik,

here is my report about a negative experience with existing documentation:

So what to report? Documentation that ...
- [...]
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

When I tried to understand KXmlGui an KParts (about 15 months ago?), I felt
left alone from the documentation.


KXmlGui explains itself as user configurable main windows (toolbars,
shortcuts), which should be enough for an introduction. But KXmlGui docs
didn’t give me examples how to use it. Just creating a KXmlGui main window and
putting a KXmlGuiClient in it didn’t work as easy as setting the main widget
of a QMainWindow. My experiment application always crashed at startup.

Here I would expect some minimal working examples.

It also misses an introduction about merging multiple KXmlGuiClients to one
user interface.


KParts didn’t tell me what the whole framework is good for. After reading the
documentation, I doubted that a KPart is anything more than a KXmlGuiClient
with another name or even a QWidget with a list of actions. Why not just
instantiate a QWidget derived object from a library, and put that QWidget in
my main window?

Here I would expect an introduction why I should use KParts.

Only KReadOnlyPart and KReadWritePart made some sense for me. These were able
to provide reading and writing files through KIO just through the openUrl()
and saveAs() methods. And Konqueror can search for a KReadOnlyPart that allows
to open a specific document type, and use this part through a common API.

Cheers, David

Re: Progress is good for us but bad for documentation

2021-06-09 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 6/9/21 6:02 PM, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:


Am Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021, 01:20:23 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the
topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion
again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged
or so.
So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Is this an effort with universal scope, or is there a limit?
Obviously you are at least talking about the wikis. Are you also (at the
current time) talking about other websites and/or application handbooks?

It is meant as an open question. All answers welcome. Of course not 
everything can be worked on now. But compiling a list of stuff to work 
on will help pushing and coordinating the work.


Re: Progress is good for us but bad for documentation

2021-06-09 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

On 6/9/21 6:02 PM, Johannes Zarl-Zierl wrote:


Am Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021, 01:20:23 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:

I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the
topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion
again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged
or so.
So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Is this an effort with universal scope, or is there a limit?
Obviously you are at least talking about the wikis. Are you also (at the
current time) talking about other websites and/or application handbooks?

It is meant as an open question. All answers welcome. Of course not 
everything can be worked on now. But compiling a list of stuff to work 
on will help pushing and coordinating the work.


Progress is good for us but bad for documentation

2021-06-08 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


we are all making progress but the way to notice it can be painful.
Looking at something you created years ago might make you cringe, but 
that's actually a good sign. It indicates, that you made progress.

KDE is making progress as well. Here the indicator is outdated 
documentation. There is still quite some documentation from KDE 4 times 
where the technology documented already moved on to more modern times.

And just as your résumé needs updating once in a while to reflect your 
newly acquired skills and references, documentation needs updating so it 
reflects the current state of KDE (as in software, places to 
communicate, go-to people for all the several parts of the projects, etc.).

I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the 
topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion 
again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged 
or so.

So to let me know, you can send me an email (on- or off-list) and I will 
create a ticket for it where further discussion can take place. Of 
course you could theoretically open a ticket yourself but we still need 
to find the best place for those topics. I will keep you posted on that 
one. :)

So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
  you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Thanks a bunch. :)


Progress is good for us but bad for documentation

2021-06-08 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


we are all making progress but the way to notice it can be painful.
Looking at something you created years ago might make you cringe, but 
that's actually a good sign. It indicates, that you made progress.

KDE is making progress as well. Here the indicator is outdated 
documentation. There is still quite some documentation from KDE 4 times 
where the technology documented already moved on to more modern times.

And just as your résumé needs updating once in a while to reflect your 
newly acquired skills and references, documentation needs updating so it 
reflects the current state of KDE (as in software, places to 
communicate, go-to people for all the several parts of the projects, etc.).

I would like to ask you to report such documentation to me. We see the 
topic come up here and there but it then sometimes sinks into oblivion 
again because it was part of a merge request that has then been merged 
or so.

So to let me know, you can send me an email (on- or off-list) and I will 
create a ticket for it where further discussion can take place. Of 
course you could theoretically open a ticket yourself but we still need 
to find the best place for those topics. I will keep you posted on that 
one. :)

So what to report? Documentation that ...
- explains outdated technology or concepts like KDE 4 or HAL.
- has holes in it. For example a tutorial where you suddenly think,
  you skipped an important step.
- you wish was there but you could not find it.

Thanks a bunch. :)


Re: kdesrc-build expects fixed path

2021-06-07 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


thanks for your replies. So it seems as if it broke recently and I was 
not just doing it wrong. :)

In the code the bashrc snippet is just plain text. That's not going to 
work if there two different repo layouts.

As for the fix, I guess we could either make kdesrc-build handle both 
layouts or make it add the path of the checkout it was run from to the 

It feels intentional to use the copy from the repo layout to be more 
self-contained so it continues to work when the initial repo is deleted 
or moved around.

Once the repo layout question is decided, we can check what to do here.


On 6/7/21 12:13 AM, Nate Graham wrote:

I think a better change would be to return to the older, simpler, shorter 
"flat" folder structure. See


   On Sat, 05 Jun 2021 22:27:44 -0600 Ömer Fadıl USTA  
  > I think we need to change templates and other docs for its standard 
location as$HOME/kde/src/sdk/kdesrc-build  
  > because it already downloads its self (as a copy)  whenever we run 
kdesrc-buildI believe it was set up flat structure just before passing to invent 
structure sonow it must be looked up in sdk folder
  > Ömer Fadıl Usta
  > PGP key : 0xfd11561976b1690b
  > Frederik Schwarzer , 5 Haz 2021 Cmt, 20:18 tarihinde 
şunu yazdı:
  > Hi,
  > when I just tried to set up kdesrc-build with --initial-setup it offered
  > me to update my .bashrc file.
  > The changes made did not work for me because it adds
  >  $HOME/kde/src/kdesrc-build
  > to the PATH while I have my checkout at another location.
  > Maybe I have missed something but I think we should either
  > - print a warning or even an error message when
  >running "--initial-setup" from a "wrong" location
  > or
  > - add the location of the actual checkout to .bashrc
  > Any thought or amendments?
  > Cheers,
  > Frederik

kdesrc-build expects fixed path

2021-06-05 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


when I just tried to set up kdesrc-build with --initial-setup it offered 
me to update my .bashrc file.

The changes made did not work for me because it adds
to the PATH while I have my checkout at another location.

Maybe I have missed something but I think we should either
- print a warning or even an error message when
  running "--initial-setup" from a "wrong" location
- add the location of the actual checkout to .bashrc

Any thought or amendments?


Re: Shall we condense the bots' commit announcements

2021-05-26 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Am 26.05.2021 03:12 schrieb Nicolás Alvarez:

El mar, 25 de may. de 2021 a la(s) 21:59, Frederik Schwarzer
( escribió:

Another thought I had was that GIT_SILENT messages could be omitted.
Maybe also worth considering?

Seems this is already possible in the configuration, per channel. Some
channels have notify_silent=False:

Thanks for the info.


Re: Shall we condense the bots' commit announcements

2021-05-25 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


I would not object to this change. Maybe keep the longer versions in 

Another thought I had was that GIT_SILENT messages could be omitted. 
Maybe also worth considering?


On 5/25/21 11:25 PM, Nate Graham wrote:

Hello all,

Recently we removed the commit announcement bots from the #plasma and 
#kwin chatrooms because we felt their output was too noisy. However for 
the rooms where they are still active and announcing git commits, would 
people appreciate it if the announcements were shorter?

For example, instead of sending 5 messages (title, first three lines, 
and URL) the announcement could send one message (something like title 
and URL combined).

Would anyone object to this change?


Re: Winding down Phabricator

2020-06-21 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


thanks for putting so much effort in the transition.

We, as the German translation team, use Phabricator for reviewing the 
work of casual contributors. I wonder how other teams handle this.

I am not saying, Phabricator going away will break our workflow 
completely but it is a good way to discuss changes and keep track of the 


On 6/21/20 5:38 AM, Ben Cooksley wrote:

Hi all,

With the completion of Phase 1 of our move to Gitlab, all code review
activity should now be taking place on Gitlab, with only residual
reviews being cleaned out of Phabricator (which hopefully we're
already well underway with - please start this if you haven't already)

This leaves just Tasks left on Phabricator.

As interacting with repositories isn't a core requirement for this
functionality, we've now taken the step of disabling all repository
functionality on Phabricator.

This means that going forward, repositories will no longer be
browsable on Phabricator, nor will commit information be visible on
Phabricator. Additionally, actions normally taken via hooks (such as
"Differential Revision" and "Fixes Txxx") will no longer work.

Should anyone have any questions regarding this, please let us know.

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

Re: Can we agree to change gitlab default behaviour from merge to fast-forward merge for all repos?

2019-10-15 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Am 14.10.2019 22:51 schrieb Johan Ouwerkerk:

On 14.10.2019 21:22, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:

If however, master had seen commits as well, fast-forwarding is
performing a rebase ... is that correct?

The workflow would be: whenever master is updated, you rebase your
local feature/work branch and force-push to the remote copy of the
feature/work branch.

This is exactly the problem I see.
I create a branch.
I start to use, let's say ... KDialog in my feature as KDialog has been 
used throughout the application and make 20 commits.
Now on master, someone merges a branch that replaces all the KDialogs 
with overlays and removes all KDialog includes.
So if I rebase on that, all my 20 commits will fail to build. Checking 
out an older revision to test something will not work.
Now I will fix my latest revision and merge to master. Still: 19 commits 
are not compiling anymore.

Or am I missing something here?

How would we deal with that? Is "short-lived branches" (as you stated 
below) enough to reduce the risk?


Re: Can we agree to change gitlab default behaviour from merge to fast-forward merge for all repos?

2019-10-14 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


just asking in case I didn't get it.

I branch off of master and do a few commits in that new branch.
If I now merge the branch back to master and master had not seen any 
commits in between, it's just relocating the master "tag" and all is fine.

If however, master had seen commits as well, fast-forwarding is 
performing a rebase ... is that correct?

Wouldn't rebasing be evil because it rewrites history?


On 10/14/19 6:29 PM, Johan Ouwerkerk wrote:

Yes, please, pretty please with cherry on top. :)



On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 10:57 PM Albert Astals Cid  wrote:

I find the merge behavior to be not what we've been doing in phabricator so 
given the idea is to maintain our workflows i'd appreciate if we can agree on 
continue doing the same.



Re: Building KDE (phonon-vlc) fails

2018-12-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On Monday, December 10, 2018 12:34:22 PM CET Harald Sitter wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 11:26 AM Frederik Schwarzer  
> > After installing it, phonon-vlc built fine.
> this should be easier to diagnose in the future

Nice. Thanks for improving that. :)


Re: Building KDE (phonon-vlc) fails

2018-12-10 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On Monday, December 10, 2018 12:29:54 AM CET Michael Pyne wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 09, 2018 at 10:18:42AM +0100, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > please forgive my ignorance. It has been ages since I last built KDE from
> > sources.
> > 
> > Using kdesrc-build, the phonon-vlc package fails on cmake with the
> > following> 
> > error:
> > -- Checking for module 'libvlc'
> > --   Found libvlc, version 3.0.4
> > 
> > CMake Error at cmake/FindLIBVLC.cmake:106 (message):
> >   Could not find LibVLC
> > 
> > Found, but not found? Maybe it is looking for a different version?
> > 
> > libvlc-dev is installed on Kubuntu 18.04.
> > 
> > Any idea on what I am missing here?
> Perhaps you need a package libvlccore-dev or similar? The FindLIBVLC in
> phonon-vlc checks for both libvlc and for libvlccore but only gives the
> one error message if either one is missing.

Thank you for your answer. I read the FindLIBVLC file and found three checks.

The one for the header file:
# find / -iname vlc.h

The one for libvlc:
# find / -iname libvlc.*

And the one for libvlccore:
# find / -iname libvlccore.*

These looked fine to my untrained eyes at first but the missing 
(without the version number) made me think so I looked it up and indeed, the 
package libvlccore-dev was missing.

After installing it, phonon-vlc built fine.

Thanks for the pointer. :)


Building KDE (phonon-vlc) fails

2018-12-09 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

please forgive my ignorance. It has been ages since I last built KDE from 

Using kdesrc-build, the phonon-vlc package fails on cmake with the following 
-- Checking for module 'libvlc'
--   Found libvlc, version 3.0.4
CMake Error at cmake/FindLIBVLC.cmake:106 (message):
  Could not find LibVLC

Found, but not found? Maybe it is looking for a different version?

libvlc-dev is installed on Kubuntu 18.04.

Any idea on what I am missing here?


Re: Deploy Weblate/Pootle system for translation

2017-05-04 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017 17:59:58 CEST Guo Yunhe wrote:


this discussion would be a better fit for

> However, our SVN is stopping people from contributing. Not only techniques
> but also transparency. When here are some disagreement on specific
> translation, usually those who have SVN commit permission can choose the
> option they prefer. Sometimes it is disappointing.

Just want to point out here that disputes are not better dealt with in web 
translation systems. It's like saying, in SVN, if two people disagree, just 
give them both access and the problem will go away.
Just do not solve people problems with technical solutions.

As for the rest ... this topic is coming up every once in a while, so the mail 
archive of is full of pro and con arguments. For me it's 
a matter of taste and I did not see a system yet that I like.


Re: kde on windows

2016-07-31 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am 31.07.2016 um 07:32 schrieb Doug:

> I don't know what you think you've accomplished by limiting KDE on
> Windows to just 4 files.

Please take this discussion to
There you will get better answers than here.

Also please choose your words more constructively.
For most this is a leisure time project and everything is given away for 


Re: KRandom regression + fix

2016-04-27 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Am 27.04.2016 23:45 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
El dimecres, 27 d’abril de 2016, a les 11:42:46 CEST, Frederik 
Schwarzer va


Am 27.04.2016 08:48 schrieb Johannes Huber:

> thanks for the patch. When i read "randon numbers were predictable"
> instantly
> a alarm bell rings in my head. Is this a security issue?

The docs of rand() state that you should not use it for serious 

like cryptography
and the most serious business I could see within KDE was PIN 

for Bluetooth pairing. But you can never know who is using it for what
outside of the KDE infrastructure.

Since I am neither a core developer (just maintaining a game which was
beaten by the consequences of this issue) nor a crypto guy, I cannot
really assess the severity of such a regression but my first thoughts
- why is there no unit test cathing this?

Because noone wrote one (obvious answer)

Yes, of course that's the obvious answer. :)
I asked because the answer could have been something along the lines of 
"because KRandom is old; do not use it; we have something new in 
frameworks" or so.

From my "i know nothing about random numbers", i guess it's hard to 
write a
unit test for a sequente of random numbers, you can get ten "3" in a 
row and

it's still a valid random sequence.

srand() is the same as srand(1) so it uses a fixed seed. Thus two 
initialisations produce the same sequence. Not sure though if this can 
be done in a unit test.

- should KRandom api doc pass through the note of not using it for
serious business in general?

Probably makes sense adopting what rand() says, yes. Would you propose 


Already did:
Comments about the wording welcome. :)


Re: KRandom regression + fix

2016-04-27 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Am 27.04.2016 08:48 schrieb Johannes Huber:

Hi Johannes,

KRandom saw a regression in KCoreAddon's 5.21.0 release, which impacts 

wide range of applications and use cases. Since the rand() was not
seeded, the numbers generated were predictable, which is ugly in games
and probably alarming for bluetooth pairing.

thanks for the patch. When i read "randon numbers were predictable" 

a alarm bell rings in my head. Is this a security issue?

The docs of rand() state that you should not use it for serious business 
like cryptography
and the most serious business I could see within KDE was PIN generation 
for Bluetooth pairing. But you can never know who is using it for what 
outside of the KDE infrastructure.

Since I am neither a core developer (just maintaining a game which was 
beaten by the consequences of this issue) nor a crypto guy, I cannot 
really assess the severity of such a regression but my first thoughts 

- why is there no unit test cathing this?
- should KRandom api doc pass through the note of not using it for 
serious business in general?

That's why I CC'ed kde-core-devel.


KRandom broken?

2016-04-26 Thread Frederik Schwarzer


it seems as if KRandom is currently broken.

Given the potential impact, is there something to be done (besides 
fixing it) wrt distro packagers?


Re: Could we enable Travis-CI on our github mirrors?

2016-04-21 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

Am 21.04.2016 07:56 schrieb Teo Mrnjavac:


Can we call things as they are please? The name is "Travis CI", not
"githubCI". Travis CI is open source, a separate product and service 

happens to talk to GitHub.

I think Albert's concern is (and I agree) that the meaning of a 
potential Travis-hosted CI is shifting over time from "addition" to 
"main one". People tend to do this. Oh, this one feature here, oh, the 
easier login there ...

In general I think 3rd party services should be avoided to get an 
official status in KDE. Sourceforge suddenly started adding adware to 
all downloads. Github can do the same. Tomorrow, nezt week, next year. 
They might announce this first or they don't. The same way TravixCI 
could say, they now want money or put ads all over the place. We have no 
control over this at all. So it is better to invest some time and money 
to maintain our own infrastructure. It makes us independent from some 
management decision made by some company. Also, for an infrastructure 
inside KDE, we need people to work on it. If now people start to use 3rd 
party sevices, less people are looking at our infrastructure and it gets 
less attention. That's at least why I would vote against that kind of 
"additions" made official. If some developer wants to use something 
somewhere, I guess there is nothing to hold him back but KDE shoud 
remain as self-contained as possible. Wth all the little problems coming 
with this.


Re: KConfig - setStandardButtons() breaks Help button?

2016-03-06 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Sonntag, 6. März 2016, 12:20:38 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> El Saturday 05 March 2016, a les 08:34:27, Frederik Schwarzer va 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am struggling with using KConfigDialog. If I use it like this:
> >  KConfigDialog* dialog = new KConfigDialog(this,
> >  
> >  "settings", Settings::self());
> >  
> >  connect(dialog, ::settingsChanged,
> >  
> >  this, ::loadSettings );
> >  
> >  dialog->show();
> > 
> > the Help button works.
> > 
> > Since in my use case, some of the values in the dialog are
> > calculated and (to my understanding) cannot be handled correctly
> > by Kcfg, I want> 
> > to get rif of the "Restore Defaults" button. So I add this line:
> >  dialog->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok |
> >  
> >  QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Help);
> As a side note, there's ways in which you can make it so the
> "restore default" button does execute some code for those "tricky"
> settings (i.e. override updateWidgetsDefaults)

Hmm, updateWidgetsDefaults() is protected. Would I not have to make my 
own Dialog and inherit from KConfigDialog to overwrite that?

> > but then the Help button does not open the Help browser anymore.
> > Is that expected? Do I use KConfigDialog incorrectly? Is this just
> > broken on my system?
> > 
> > In case someone wants to see what is happening, I created a semi-
> > 
> > minimal buildable example to play with. See:
> >
> > le.git
> As Thomas says you have to recreate the connections, so basically
> connect(buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Help),
> SIGNAL(clicked()), q, SLOT(showHelp()));

This was done before during the KF5 porting but it did not open the 
correct halp page. So I removed that part and used the StardardButtons 
to make the help work. ... Leading to other problems. :)

Kigo is q bit complicated in this regard. Even now Applying settings 
with an invalid Go command is breaking the whole game until the next 
My goal would be to get rid of the "tricky" part alltogether and just 
let the standard config dialog handle everything but it's a lot of 
fiddling to find out what can be done and what can't.


Re: KConfig - setStandardButtons() breaks Help button?

2016-03-06 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Sonntag, 6. März 2016, 12:19:14 schrieb Thomas Lübking:
> On Sonntag, 6. März 2016 12:10:36 CEST, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:
> >> The most straight forward solution is likely to hide or delete
> >> button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)
> > 
> > I would like to try this but cannot find info on how to hide a
> > standard button.
> > The KDE 4 version did not have that button either so it's at least
> > not worse than before.
> if (QPushButton *restore =
> button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)) restore->hide();

Meh, KDevelop completed to "QDialogButtonBox::Reset" which then 
compiled but crashed without the if() condifion. :)


Re: KConfig - setStandardButtons() breaks Help button?

2016-03-06 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Samstag, 5. März 2016, 10:53:18 schrieb Thomas Lübking:
> On Samstag, 5. März 2016 08:34:27 CEST, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:


> > Since in my use case, some of the values in the dialog are
> > calculated and (to my understanding) cannot be handled correctly
> > by Kcfg, I want> 
> > to get rif of the "Restore Defaults" button. So I add this line:
> >  dialog->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok |
> >  
> >  QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Help);
> > 
> > but then the Help button does not open the Help browser anymore.
> > 
> ::setStandardButtons simply forwards the call to the internal button
> ::box which nukes all button objects (incl. their slot connections)
> ::and recreates them w/ the new item list.

Ok, reading it like this, the behaviour suddenly makes sense. :)

> The most straight forward solution is likely to hide or delete
> button(QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults)

I would like to try this but cannot find info on how to hide a 
standard button.
The KDE 4 version did not have that button either so it's at least not 
worse than before.

> Rather replace the restore defaults button, resp. re-link it to your
> own calculation slot.

I will add a comment that this is better and should be considered in 
the future.

Thanks for the hints.


Re: Static code analysis - the easiest way to improve

2016-02-28 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Sonntag, 28. Februar 2016, 20:18:22 schrieb Nick Shaforostoff:
> > > Let us know in this thread if code you're interested in isn't
> > > there.> 
> > Could we have kdegames there?
> ok, i'll include them in the next build (in a week or so)

Thank you.

Re: File dialog filters

2016-02-16 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016, 18:27:23 schrieb Christian Dávid:


> I noticed that in KMyMoney the filter strings for file dialogs are
> created "by hand", e.g. i18n("C++ sources (*.cpp *.cxx *.c++);;All
> files (*)"). So each of them must be translated. Alternatively
> something like
> QMimeDatabase db;
> db.mimeTypeForName("text/x-c++src").filterString()

Just a guess but many application might not succeed in finding their 
MIME type in the db. They could provide an XML file for that, but this 
is quite a hassle compared to just writing a few characters. Also how 
can several mime types be represented? Like your example "C++ 

>From the docs: "If the MIME type database cannot be found on the 
system, as is the case on most Windows, OS X, and iOS systems, Qt will 
use its own copy of it."
While this does not sound too bad, it at least gives the impression of 
a not too well working process.

> could be used to create these string lowering the burden on the
> translators and resulting in consistent translations for all
> mimetypes.

Thank you for thinking about the translators. :)

I did not know about QMimeDatabase until now. On my system I have 930 
MIME types in the db. Just for you to compare with yours.

To me this looks like a nice way to have unified strings for file 
types and I would also like to know if there are things speaking 
against using it.


Re: Problem with KConfigGroup

2016-02-15 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
Am Montag, 15. Februar 2016, 14:20:11 schrieben Sie:
> On Monday, February 15, 2016 4:02:32 AM CET Frederik Schwarzer 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > in Klickety the Configure dialog stopped working in one specific
> > area. It's a QGroupBox with radio buttons represented as an Enum
> > in the kcfg file. Two of the radio buttons have another widget
> > right next to them.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > | o Theme|
> > | o Color [kcolorbutton] |
> > | o Image   [kurlrequester] |
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > So, as is, the Enum always says "0" and the Apply button remains
> > grayed-out.
> > If I then remove both of those extra widgets, the correct value is
> > given (0-2) and the Apply button works as expected.
> > 
> > You can find the UI file in
> >
> > plain and the last two widgets (KUrlRequester and KColorButton)
> > are the culprits.
> > 
> > Does anone have an idea why having another widget there disturbs
> > the radio buttons?
> You can diff the generated files and see what happens. Also for the
> KConfigCompiler (I think that's what you are complaining about? I
> don't see any reason KConfigGroup would be the culprit here?)

Thanks for the hint. I tried that. If I remove the two widgets, the 
changes in the build dir are as follows. For me this looks pretty much 
as I would expect it to be.

diff -ur temp_with/ui_bgselector.h temp/ui_bgselector.h
--- temp_with/ui_bgselector.h   2016-02-15 17:37:35.855052087 +0100
+++ temp/ui_bgselector.h2016-02-15 17:36:33.449802766 +0100
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
 QRadioButton *theme;
 QRadioButton *color;
 QRadioButton *image;
-KUrlRequester *kcfg_BgImage;
-KColorButton *kcfg_BgColor;
 void setupUi(QWidget *BackgroundSelector)
@@ -70,17 +68,6 @@
 gridLayout1->addWidget(image, 2, 0, 1, 1);
-kcfg_BgImage = new KUrlRequester(kcfg_BgType);
-gridLayout1->addWidget(kcfg_BgImage, 2, 1, 1, 1);
-kcfg_BgColor = new KColorButton(kcfg_BgType);
-gridLayout1->addWidget(kcfg_BgColor, 1, 1, 1, 1);
 gridLayout->addWidget(kcfg_BgType, 3, 0, 1, 1);

But then I looked at the latest KDE 4 version and it worked quite fine 
so I went through the changes since then and found that these widgets 
resided within a KButtonGroup, which was changed to a QGroupBox during 
porting (by me *coughs*) whereas it should have been changed to a 
combination of a QGroupBox and QButtonGroup according to

So currenty I am fighting with QtCreator to put in a QButtonGroup 
(harder than expected). Back to reading for now. :)


Re: Review Request 126249: Fix apidoc format

2016-01-23 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:


- Frederik Schwarzer

On Dec. 5, 2015, 8:38 a.m., Frederik Schwarzer wrote:
> ---
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> ---
> (Updated Dec. 5, 2015, 8:38 a.m.)
> Review request for kdelibs.
> Repository: kio
> Description
> ---
> A full-stop within the first sentence (short description) breaks the line 
> there. See e.g. 
> Diffs
> -
>   src/core/storedtransferjob.h 3f267c9 
>   src/core/transferjob.h 6d78793 
> Diff:
> Testing
> ---
> Thanks,
> Frederik Schwarzer

Re: Review Request 126249: Fix apidoc format

2016-01-23 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated Jan. 23, 2016, 11:20 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for kdelibs and David Faure.

Repository: kio


A full-stop within the first sentence (short description) breaks the line 
there. See e.g.


  src/core/storedtransferjob.h 3f267c9 
  src/core/transferjob.h 6d78793 




Frederik Schwarzer

Review Request 126249: Fix apidoc format

2015-12-05 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for kdelibs.

Repository: kio


A full-stop within the first sentence (short description) breaks the line 
there. See e.g.


  src/core/storedtransferjob.h 3f267c9 
  src/core/transferjob.h 6d78793 




Frederik Schwarzer

Review Request: Do not patch strings that can be combined.

2012-04-24 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for KDE Base Apps.


The way it is now, it created two strings, one of which does not hold anything 
to translate (just markup). This change merges them to one string with a 
placeholder which enables the translator to see the whole picture.


  konqueror/settings/konqhtml/css/kcmcss.cpp b4e5146 




Frederik Schwarzer

Re: Review Request: Display the tab title on root (/) folder properly in konqueror filemanager mode

2011-05-17 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:


Wrong indentation.
Its the paren of the outer if block.

- Frederik

On May 17, 2011, 9:18 p.m., Burkhard Lück wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated May 17, 2011, 9:18 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps, David Faure and Peter Penz.
 Konqueror in filemanager mode shows an empty tab title on browsing root (/) 
 folder. Dolphin displays the tab title on root (/) folder properly, so this 
 patch is a copy of three lines from dolphin dolphinmainwindow.cpp.
 This addresses bug 153573.
   konqueror/src/konqview.cpp 699c9d5 
 compiled and works for me

Re: Review Request: Display the tab title on root (/) folder properly in konqueror filemanager mode

2011-05-17 Thread Frederik Schwarzer

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

WRT the parenthesis ... the outermost if statement breaks before the opening 
paren, the second if statement uses paren on the same line as the statement and 
the third uses no parens at all. Might that be worth unifying?

- Frederik

On May 17, 2011, 9:18 p.m., Burkhard Lück wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated May 17, 2011, 9:18 p.m.)
 Review request for KDE Base Apps, David Faure and Peter Penz.
 Konqueror in filemanager mode shows an empty tab title on browsing root (/) 
 folder. Dolphin displays the tab title on root (/) folder properly, so this 
 patch is a copy of three lines from dolphin dolphinmainwindow.cpp.
 This addresses bug 153573.
   konqueror/src/konqview.cpp 699c9d5 
 compiled and works for me

Re: Top 15 Mailinglists with messages in moderation May 1st

2011-05-01 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
[Tom Albers - Sonntag, 1. Mai 2011 16:00:57] 
 New month, new list. If lists are unused, let me know, I will delete them. If 
 someone wants to help with moderation for any of these list, let me know as 

   19 kde-news-de

You can put me in change here. I will look into the moderation list ... but the 
list itself seems pretty dead so, let's see how it turns out. I will contact 
you, if I figured it out.


Re: April: Top 15 Mailinglists with messages in moderation

2011-04-01 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On 01/04/2011, Tom Albers wrote:

 The monthly overview of the lists with most messages in the moderation

 19 kde-news-de

This might be a candidate for a closedown. The archive ends in 2007
and there are no plans to revive something like this.

Was the admin asked for his opinion?

 Visit to unsubscribe 

Re: 4.6 branches created in git again

2011-03-22 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On 22/03/2011, Ian Monroe wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 18:13, Alex Merry wrote:
 On 21/03/11 20:17, Alexander Neundorf wrote:

 On Monday 21 March 2011, Ian Monroe wrote:

 Ben did add this block to his hook. Hooray. :)

 I'm thinking I should just go ahead and rename KDE/4.6 to 4.6 etc.

 Wasn't the conclusion more like going with the longer name, i.e. KDE/4.6

 That's what I understood from the earlier discussion...

 I get why people like the prefix in theory, since I mean that's why I
 left it there. It looks nice.

From what I understand the problem, it's not a like/dislike question
but a real problem if an application has its own version numbers and
reaches e.g. version 4.6.

 But in practice its obviously just been confusing. Even now that
 creating 4.6 is blocked, that just means its blocked and we won't
 notice when people struggle.

Can the hook not give a message pointing to some Wiki page that
explains the issue?


Re: Top 15 Mailinglists with messages in moderation

2011-03-01 Thread Frederik Schwarzer
On 01/03/2011, Harri Porten wrote:
 On Tue, 1 Mar 2011, Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:

 34 kfm-devel

 I could help with this one.

 I do keep an eye on messages held back btw. As long as there's just spam I
 don't bother logging in to clean it up. Granted, this is slightly risky so
 any help is welcome.

listadmin ftw :)
