RE: [kicad-users] prototype PCBs

2007-10-25 Thread Robert Kondner

  I use them often. Yes, very good. 

  Also, look at for simple double sided.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of betalayout
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:34 AM
Subject: [kicad-users] prototype PCBs

Has anyone used the service before?
Excellent prices for prototypes, no minimum quantity, anything from 1 
to 6 layers - no tooling costs Fully industrial quality, ideal for 
hobbyists, small businesses etc.

Happy routing!

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RE: [kicad-users] Re: composite layers and negative plots

2007-09-21 Thread Robert Kondner


  That RS-274-X spec has more holes than Swiss Cheese.


  For example: If you start a Poly Fill and use a ARC I guess the ARC
becomes part of the the poly edge, correct?


  Doing so results in a polygon with circular voids. This is a huge area for
Interpretation Errors in gerber processors. Now add to the fact that these
polygons could be in clear or dark areas of a single layer and the multiple
layers COULD be combined. Good luck finding 2 gerber processors that render
this to the same film image.


  Chance are about 5% that you get a call from the PCB vendor. Chances are
95% that you get back a bad PCB. Worse yet the location for finding errors
in circular voids is in an internal plane. Shorts in a plane are like an
unforgivable sin, nothing can save you.


  After many years of doing PCB designs and the writing of a gerber reader
(MUCH more difficult than writing gerbers) my suggestion is Keep It Simple
(KISS Solution).


  The generation of gerbers and their resulting rendering to film must be
ABSOLUTLY PERFECT. We live and die by this level of perfection. To achieve
this level of perfection think of a gerber as a vector driven bitmap. No
Aperture Macros and no  Polygons need to apply. Even if 99% of the code in
the industry reads and processes PERFECTLY that 1% is a reason NOT to use


  We need ROCK SOLID routines for flattening a higher level structure of
shapes. The output is a set of scan lines that paints the required image.


  I write in Delphi, I can easily generate .dlls, and the resulting scan
lines could convert directly to KISS generation of gerbers. I have a simple
gerber reader that is used to read from LOTS of different apps. It took
years learning what liberties every app programmer could take with gerber
generation. Lets NOT to the same thing in DRIVING film plotters.





  We live or die with gerber generation. If we even need to talk to a fab
house about gerber processing we are dead meat.


  I would love to see a solution got this gerber generation issue.



Bob Kondner





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Geoff Harland
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 12:06 AM
To: Kicad Users
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: composite layers and negative plots


Hi Ben,


I have a copy of the RS274X specification, and this states that the G36 and
G37 commands are actually used to turn on Polygon Area Fill and turn off
Polygon Area Fill (respectively). There are other commands which can be used
to change the polarity of a Gerber file's contents (i.e. whether any
draw and stroke commands which follow are dark or clear, or
positive or negative in nature), but the G36 and G37 commands are used
in conjunction with a set of vertexes whose associated region is to be
entirely filled. The related specification specifically states:


... G36 and G37 provide a more efficient means of filling closed polygons
than stroke fill. When these codes are used, the filled area is defined
simply by its closed outline. Stroke fill is an inefficient method of
filling a polygon. ...


I haven't studied the relevant (source) code (for KiCad) in depth, but I am
still picking that the G36 and G37 commands have deliberately been used
because it is far easier to depict poured copper areas within Gerber files
by using those commands rather than by using stroked fills instead.


It probably would be possible to make changes to the relevant source code so
that users subsequently had the option of generating Gerber files using the
G36 and G37 commands (the existing way), or otherwise by using stroked
fills instead. That said, while I can't speak for any of the other
developers, my personal attitude is that I would rather spend the limited
amount of time that I have available (for improving KiCad) in implementing
various other improvements.


While that attitude might seem harsh or unreasonable, I am also of the view
that PCB manufacturers *should* be able to cope with any Gerber files whose
contents are fully compliant with the RS274X specification. If you, or
anybody else, can provide proof that any Gerber files created by KiCad are
*not* fully compliant with that specification, then I would be fully
prepared to look at the relevant source code, and make any changes which
would be necessary to make those files fully compliant. But as I don't have
unlimited time available for making improvements to KiCad, I am not of an
inclination to make any changes for the benefit of any PCB manufacturers who
are not capable of dealing with any Gerber files which they *should* be
capable of dealing with.


Given the circumstances, my advice would be to advise the PCB manufacturer
concerned that other PCB manufacturers are capable of dealing with Gerber
files which incorporate G36 and G37 commands, so unless they are able to
prove that there are any genuine problems with the contents of any Gerber
files which you have 

RE: [kicad-users] Re: composite layers and negative plots

2007-09-21 Thread Robert Kondner

  Thank you for the comments.

  Yes, I did suggest rather radical surgery in the quest for PERFECT
GERBERS. PERFECT GERBERS is asking for a lot but that is what we need.

  The problem with using Aperture Macros is that it implies a tremendous
software task. How can KiCAD verify design rules on planes if the aperture
info in KiCAD is not EXACTLY THE SAME as the patterns in the photo plotter?
I don't think this can be done. :-( 

 Radical? Maybe but do we intend to detect and flag Cutoff or Missing
Spokes in planes? If so they we already did all the hard work with thermals
so drawing them with simple shapes should be easy. If we don't completely
error check plane rendering then KiCAD plane generation is very weak.

  To draw a thermal all we need is a center CIRCLE for the inside PAD, the
region outline drawn with arcs and lines, and spokes. Verify of spoke to
region outlines, other spokes, drills or other nets is easy. Now we have
perfect circular plane voids and full error checking without Aperture
Macros. Maybe I missed something?

  Also, the circular void as line segments issue needs a resolution. Do we
chop an arc into segments until we get some max error? Maybe .01mm? A big
pad is going to give a lot of segments. I would suggest simply using arcs.

 The ARC commands are very solid, they are pretty well defined and have been
there since -D. I can accept the idea of using ARCs to draw the outline of a
region, this will give perfect arcs limited only by the photo plotter
resolution. One could then use -X polygons to fill in the main body of the
region just as scan lines can be used. I found -X Poly operation rather
consistent though scan lines are less complex.


  Just Say No to Aperture Macros

  Outline copper regions with Lines and Arcs.

I am open to ideas.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of gharlandau
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: composite layers and negative plots

I fully agree that there are many aspects of the RS274X specification 
that leave a lot to be desired, but I'm still not convinced of the 
merits of totally forsaking the use of Aperture Macros and Polygon 

The copy of the RS274X standard which I have (an Acrobat file which I 
downloaded from a website some years ago) makes no specific reference 
to being able to use Arc commands in conjunction with Polygon 
commands, so I concur that it would be desirable to avoid using that 
combination. And I also think that it would be highly desirable to 
avoid incorporating different layers within the same Gerber file (re 
using both dark and clear polarities).

But I think that totally avoiding the use of Aperture Macros could be 
taking things too far. As long as the value of each parameter (for 
each primitive that is used within an Aperture Macro) is explicitly 
defined, and no algebraic substitutions are required in that 
regard, I would regard the usage of Aperture Macros as acceptable 
(assuming that no attempt is being made to push the limits of the 
RS274X specification at the time).

A really extreme view of Gerber files is that they should *never* 
incorporate *any* Arc commands either, least some PCB manufacturers 
not be able to cope with them. Would you advocate that as well?

I have not really looked at the source code for generating Gerber 
files so far, but when I get a chance, I will take a look and see if 
there are any aspects where improvements could be made to at least 
reduce (and preferably totally eliminate) the possibility of Gerber 
files' contents ever being misinterpreted.

In that regard, I would regard it as preferable to use an Aperture 
Macro (incorporating a type 21 / centered line primitive) to define 
an aperture for a pad having a rectangular shape on a non-orthogonal 
angle, rather than using a Polygon command, and there could well be 
various other aspects which could also be improved.

And maybe something else which should be considered at some stage is 
providing the feature of generating (sets of) ODB++ files from PCB 
files. While I am not currently an expert on such files, it is still 
my understanding that they don't suffer from the shortcomings that 
afflict Gerber files (due to the shortcomings of the RS274X 
standard). However it is also my understanding that many PCB 
manufacturers are not yet equipped to handle such files, and I gather 
that some of them haven't even heard of such files. But doubtless any 
PCB manufacturers who actually can cope with such files would still 
prefer to receive them whenever that is possible.

Geoff Harland.

Robert Kondner wrote:

   That RS-274-X spec has more holes than Swiss Cheese.
   For example: If you start a Poly Fill and use a ARC I guess the
 ARC becomes part of the the poly edge, correct?
   Doing so results in a polygon with circular voids

RE: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad EDIF to KICAD

2007-09-17 Thread Robert Kondner
Thanks, I will look into that.

Problem with a parser is you need somewhere to put the data. Some vendors of
translation products have their own format but that is just another level of

  EDIF is just an exchange syntax, you still need to understand each and
every format. 

  I have been looking at higher level structures where schematic symbol,
routing and decal pin assignment and purchasing info can all be stored. Plus
it needs to be in a structure which is easily searched and synchronized over

the web. The only useful approach I see is to read am EDIF and immediately
populate this higher level structure.

  I pretty much have that for PCB Decal and purchasing info. I now need the
schematic side of things.

  Anyone interested can contact me off line. [EMAIL PROTECTED]



-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Frank Bennett
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:01 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad EDIF to KICAD

--- In, Robert Kondner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I put a schematic with its EDIF output.

There usetobe, might still be there, in the gEDA
distribution source code, and doc, an EDIF to Sue converter:
I think I even saw the Sue schematic editor source in the public 
domain somewhere
I started an EDIF parser once but I lost interest,
an example file might be good enough to get started.
I found you can usually get pretty close without a 

Instead of dealing with EDIF you might consider a netlist
translator from OrCad to KiCAD like the one I just submitted
for PCB123 to KiCad:
Most Netlists are human readable, ASCII with a simple syntax.

One good feature of KiCad is it's open source and the whole 
database is ASCII which make the KiCad end of any translation easier.

Frank Bennett
   I have a copy of the spec, yes that is what I paid.  Come on, what
is a
 month of your time worth? That's cheap :-)
   If you can do this I will help pay for it and your time. Contact
me at:
   You might want to look at I wrote all their
internal code
 and I licensed it to them. I want to do for SCH to PCB what I did
for PCB to
 Assembly. I like the idea of KiCAD but the required features and library
 structures does not make it possible to use KiCAD.
   Do you use Delphi?
 Bob Kondner
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Bob_xyz
 Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 6:46 PM
 Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD
 --- In, Robert Kondner rkondner@ 
For a sample EDIF export an OrCAD schematic or library.
 Unfortunately, I have no access to a system running OrCAD.
You will need the EDIF 2.0.0 documents they cost a couple hundred 
 I just found the spec - OUCH, it's US$372. That's a bit more than I 
 was planning to spend on this effort. I'll have to see if I can get 
 access to a copy without buying one.
 With a few example files, though, it should be possible to figure out 
 the basics from the files themselves. The descriptions and examples 
 that I've seen indicate that EDIF is a fairly straightforward format.
 If noone in this group is able to post a few EDIF files, I'll try to 
 get someone over on the OrCADexchange Yahoo group to post some.
If you really want to do this keep in touch, I have plans on 
 doing the
  same at some point in the near future. 
 Will do.
 Regards, Bob
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RE: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

2007-09-16 Thread Robert Kondner
You can export OrCAD to EDIF, which is not only text but well documented.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bob_xyz
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 14 Sep 2007 at 14:12, stephen_alexander_1 wrote:
  Apologies if this is a resend, the original reply seems to have 
  Did you ever get a solution to this problem?
  I have an OrCAD olb file which I downloaded from ST 
  which I would like to convert for use with KiCAD.  If you managed 
  get a solution for this, I would apreciate the info.
   No, I more or less gave up.

Does OrCAD have the capability to export to text files? Or might 
there be a utility program around that could do the binary-to-ASCII 

I've never been able to make any sense of the .olb file format. If 
they can be converted to plain text, though, automated translation to 
another EDA program's format should be possible. 

Alternately, is there any documentation available that describes the 
details of the .olb file format?

Regards, Bob

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RE: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

2007-09-16 Thread Robert Kondner

  For a sample EDIF export an OrCAD schematic or library.

  You will need the EDIF 2.0.0 documents they cost a couple hundred dollars.

  If you really want to do this keep in touch, I have plans on doing the
same at some point in the near future. 

Bob Kondner  

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bob_xyz
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 5:17 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

--- In, Robert Kondner [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You can export OrCAD to EDIF, which is not only text but well 

That's terrific. If someone could post an example EDIF file or two, I'd 
like to take a crack at writing a utility to do the conversion 

I do have a different target CAD system in mind. Once the basics are in 
place, though, I wouldn't expect it to be too difficult to adapt the 
program so that it can output kikad-format files as well. I do need to 
review the kikad and EDIF formats but I'm fairly sure that this would 
be quite possible to do.

Regards, Bob

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RE: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

2007-09-16 Thread Robert Kondner

  I put a schematic with its EDIF output.

  I have a copy of the spec, yes that is what I paid.  Come on, what is a
month of your time worth? That's cheap :-)

  If you can do this I will help pay for it and your time. Contact me at:


  You might want to look at I wrote all their internal code
and I licensed it to them. I want to do for SCH to PCB what I did for PCB to
Assembly. I like the idea of KiCAD but the required features and library
structures does not make it possible to use KiCAD.

  Do you use Delphi?

Bob Kondner


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bob_xyz
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 6:46 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Orcad .OLB to KICAD

--- In, Robert Kondner [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   For a sample EDIF export an OrCAD schematic or library.

Unfortunately, I have no access to a system running OrCAD.

   You will need the EDIF 2.0.0 documents they cost a couple hundred 

I just found the spec - OUCH, it's US$372. That's a bit more than I 
was planning to spend on this effort. I'll have to see if I can get 
access to a copy without buying one.

With a few example files, though, it should be possible to figure out 
the basics from the files themselves. The descriptions and examples 
that I've seen indicate that EDIF is a fairly straightforward format.

If noone in this group is able to post a few EDIF files, I'll try to 
get someone over on the OrCADexchange Yahoo group to post some.

   If you really want to do this keep in touch, I have plans on 
doing the
 same at some point in the near future. 

Will do.

Regards, Bob

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RE: [kicad-users] Re: pcbnew 2007-07-09 crash

2007-09-09 Thread Robert Kondner

  What I do is call out the un-plated holes at a slightly different size. I
then tell the fab house All hole at xxx are non-plated.

  For example I have a lot of 0.125 files. The holes to be un-plated I make
0.126 size.  

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Pedro Martín
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Re: pcbnew 2007-07-09 crash


It is not possible with Gerbers.
We do it in 2 ways:
1. with the technical layers, pointing the holes we do not want to be
2. with a readme file expaining the same things.

Some manufacturers don't accept neither of them, example Pcbexpress.

 2. When making holes in the board that you don't want to be plated,
 What method do you use to give the board manufacturer a list of the
 holes that you don't want plated?

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RE: [kicad-users] free-ecb-at91

2007-08-07 Thread Robert Kondner
I have a Rough gerber to .pdf I wrote. It does not process CLEAR layers
and someday I need to add round endcaps.

  But, if it helps, you can download it at:

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of John Griessen
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] free-ecb-at91

Hristo Antonov wrote:
 Hi 2 all
 i have a plan to export the AT91 Linux embedded computer 
 ( to Kicad file format as main 
 embedded platform for our firm 

  The gEDA team is also working on
 this task  . ;)

But that effort is stalled at seeing a RS-274X
gerber file of the existing layout... Any one
with the free-ecb-at91 project have RS-274X
or postscript output of the board layout I can
look over to see what I could reuse in a
gschem/pcb schematic and layout?


John Griessen, a gEDA user/contributor

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RE: [kicad-users] free-ecb-at91

2007-08-01 Thread Robert Kondner
I do a lot of embedded power supply stuff and can configure battery pack.

If someone needs a battery/charger/power supply rolled into this let me

  I think a generic small processor would be useful.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] free-ecb-at91

El Miércoles 01 Agosto 2007, Hristo Antonov escribió:
 Hi 2 all
 i have a plan to export the AT91 Linux embedded computer
 ( to Kicad file format as main
 embedded platform for our firm . The project is GPL and all the
 documentation will be free . I think that this is good way for Kicad to
 grow , cause at this point Kicad is professional CAD system and blinkin
 led and battery chargers should be left in the past. If someone wants to
 help or use the project feel free to write ! I think , that in 2-3
 months we might have working board. The gEDA team is also working on
 this task  . ;)

Greeat!!! I and a couple of friends are suposed to do exactly that, with an 
additional CAN interface!!! As we are all Linux users, we decided to use 

Please, keep in touch!!

The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
  -- seen on the net

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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RE: [kicad-users] Re: [EE]Less Expensive PCB Layout Programs

2007-07-27 Thread Robert Kondner


  From my experience first improvement in EDA CAD would be web libraries
which include purchasing info.


  After/As I design a schematic I need to finish 3 tasks:


1.  Design the PCB
2.  Purchase the parts
3.  Assemble the PCB


  Do I want to maintain a World Class library here in my shop? No, I only
want to use it. But it needs to deal with the above 3 issues. Does the lib
need to have 100% of all my parts? Not at a projects start but after I
finish I should have 100% of the parts in my own local version of the


  I did the code for so I know the assembly business well. 


  Anyone interested in the web library thing let me know.


Bob Kondner




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tobias Gogolin
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 3:21 PM
To: Microcontroller discussion list - Public.
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: [EE]Less Expensive PCB Layout Programs


Actually I don't know how it would be seen If I was to suggest to sidetrack
this thread a bit (OK hijack it ;)

Like to the subject line 'defining the perfect EDA CAD of the future'

And I wonder how many of you know _parametric modeling_ in the mechanical
CAD world? 

So I've been thinking EDA isn't showing enough tendencies for parametric
modeling, or is it?
To get ones mind around it, lets say in a parametric environment the memory
area could be modified in depth and width  by  2 parameters which would
results in all the component and netlist changes that the program could
figure out by itself... Sounds easy no? 

OK also functional blocks should be possible to be defined, duplicated and
wired based on parameters...
Component specifications (parametric values) could be automated by Formulas
and looked up from lists of available components 

In _parametric modeling_ keyword is the capture of the design intention, and
the elimination of repetitive operations.

Is there any EDA tool that shows tendencies toward this direction?

--- Bob Axtell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A while ago, folks were talking about less expensive
 PCB layout programs. 
 Anybody remember the links? I need: up to 8 layers,
 13 x 13 max, and
 it must
 generate RS274X. Does NOT have to have or autoroute.

Sounds like KiCad would do the job - for free:

Cheerful regards,

Tobias Gogolin
cel. (646) 124 32 82
skype: moontogo
messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You develop an open source motor controller at  

RE: [kicad-users] mounting holes

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Kondner
They drill the board, run it through an electrode-less process that leaves a
VERY THIN layer of copper in the hole. Then they electroplate the entire
board with thicker copper which builds up a thicker layer of copper.

 This way ALL holes are plated through. If you need holes which ARE NOT
plated through they have to take the finished boards and re-drill the holes.

 It is always better to accept holes as plated through is you can.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris Albertson
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] mounting holes

--- Pedro Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Be careful with metallization, there are pcb providers that will
 metallize the hole.

So it can be avoided?  I thought that because of the process all
holes got plated.  I admit I don't know how they plate the holes.

How do they plate the hole?

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car
Finder tool.

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RE: [kicad-users] mounting holes

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Kondner
When the board come out of the plating process there is copper all over the
surfaces and edges. It is one big copper coated piece at that point.

  Later it is etched and trimmed off.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of John Luckey
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: [kicad-users] mounting holes

At that point there is copper foil on both sides, and the board is still
part of a larger panel. Later in the process the board is cut, or routed
from the panel.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris Albertson
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:39 PM
Subject: RE: [kicad-users] mounting holes

--- Robert Kondner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They drill the board, run it through an electrode-less process that
 leaves a
 VERY THIN layer of copper in the hole.

Why does the copper only plate out inside the holes and not on the
board's edges or on the face of the board?

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [kicad-users] Re: IPC Netlist

2007-05-31 Thread Robert Kondner
These are basic scripts for running under PADs. 

If anyone is really interested in IPC Netisits and Gerber to Netlist
processing let me know. I am writing some CAD Tools in this area.

I wrote all the tools at and I have quite a good array of
component models.

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of yajeed2000
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: IPC Netlist

I've found another useful link.

Hope it's of use to someone.

--- In, yajeed2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I don't know much about IPC netlists, but on googling around I 
 this link
 This lists a .BAS file (contained in a zip archive) that seemingly 
 converts a PADS netlist into a IPC netlist.
 It won't solve your problem now, but it might spark some ideas off
 for creating a script or conversion utility.
 --- In, apluscw apluscw@ wrote:
  I am pleased to say we are having our rather large, KiCad designed
  control board being looked at for production.
  The board house is asking for an IPC netlist. That is not an 
  option from KiCad.
  Can anyone please tell me how to get to an IPC netlist from a 
  Thank you,

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For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the
kicad-devel group at 
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RE: [kicad-users] Re: Resolution of zones

2007-05-24 Thread Robert Kondner


  When creating this kind of gerber Kicad needs to outline the poly area
with lines and arcs. PADs does this and it makes for very nice planes. Maybe
Kicad does it on the gerbers by not the screen? I don't know, I have just
started looking at these kind of software issues.


Bob Kondner



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of bartvanderlaan
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Resolution of zones


Sorry, the links did not work properly, these should:




RE: [kicad-users] BOMS and other reports

2007-05-01 Thread Robert Kondner

  I wrote a good sized application for a start up on Colorado, they do proto
type assembly and this app is used to manage BOM info and feed pick and
place equipment.


  Download BOM Builder at  (22MB)

  It might be to much of a pain for most circuit designers to use but it is
really good if you want to control all aspects of assembly. Someone needs to
setup jobs, with automated links to schematic and PCB design tools it
because very easy.

  Be sure to read the manual!

Bob Kondner

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris Bartram
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 12:46 PM
Subject: [kicad-users] BOMS and other reports

I've been using Kicad in my work for the last year, and I find that my copy
Protel gets less and less use!

One aspect of Kicad which could be usefully improved would be to add an  
option for reports which allows the generation of report data in some form
spreadsheet format. The majority of my clients require BOMs to be presented 
in this way, and I'd find the ability to write direct to an OASIS (or 
even an Excel!) spreadsheet file very useful.

Or have I missed something??

Best wishes

Chris Bartram

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Please visit for details of how to contribute your
symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the
kicad-devel group at 
Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [kicad-users] Pick Place Data

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Kondner


  I am new on the KiCAD list but I wrote all the code for Advanced Assembly
( so I know pick and place data real well. Here are some ideas on
what you really need from KiCAD, IM/HO


1.  If you can supply a rotation that's nice but they will never match
machine rotations
It took a lot of code to adjust for different CAD tools. Some spin CW others
CCW and this will vary on top vs bottom.


2.  Supply Digikey numbers if possible. If there is a question about the
part size and shape (we call that the Package) then the assembly folks can
look it up and not waste time playing phone tag with you.



3.  A Good BOM in machine readable form. Spread sheets are ok but people
type stuff into the cells and they create errors. I have seen notes about
parts in the cell with the refDes. How can code read refdes from fields with
text notes in the field.


4.  Use consistent footprint names that have some info about the part. I
even see some files where the users has ReTyped the footprint names. That
is a disaster since we process rotations based on footprint names. Re-naming
then messes up this tracking logic.



5.  Put all parts in the BOM. All Parts, even if they are not stuffed.
People do us a Favor and leave the no stuffs off the BOM. When the job
hits inspection we don't know if it was a dropped part or a no stuff. Give
the complete BOM and then provide a list of RefDes to not stuff.


6.  Keep RefDes simple. RN101  C23 are ok. +5V and J27_A are NOT ok.
Remember allthis text gets feed down into automated equipment with their own
syntax requirements. A lot of sorting is required. Keep It Simple.



7.  Be sure there is some small mark in the gerbers at the 0,0 component
reference point. Have some text in the silk or copper that identifies this


8.  Use something like a 1mm RND for fiducial points and make sure the
solder mask is backed off by 1mm. Getting mask near the fiducial makes it
visually difficult to align with. 



9.  Use a DIAMOND (square rotated by 45 degrees) as a fiducial, those
are best.


Bob Kondner



Behalf Of Mark Webster
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 9:31 AM
Subject: [kicad-users] Pick  Place Data




A quick question, does anyone know if KiCAD can produce pick  place data?
If so, what is the position based on? Is it the anchor point of the module?


Thanks in advance.

